RoKo! Chapter two: Bad beginnings

Story by Panzergranate on SoFurry

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At least when things go to hell, raccoons will never judge you. Only haunt your waking nightmares with their tiny, tiny hands.

I was... Awake, at three in the morning. And I wanted to be asleep. I looked at the clock, and my sleep addled brain noticed something sticking out in front of my face, right where my nose should be. I also began to realize that I was laying on something big. And it wasn't my blanket. This new sensory information forced my mind to tic over a few seconds faster.

I decided that it was time to get up, as I rolled off to the side of my bed not against the wall, I started noticing more and more stuff wrong. I felt a little ill, and too heavy in some places, but too light in others. As I swung my legs off my bed I felt something very wrong, my feet took a little too long to hit the floor. not much, just a half second, but it was still enough to cause me more alarm. As I stood up, however I stumbled, and fell face first to the floor. Pain erupted across my upper chest and face, which I now noticed stuck too far out in both departments.

"Alrig-" I had started to say, but snapped my mouth shut immediately. That was not my voice! Okay, wondering later, information now! So I got up, shakily to my feet, and stumbled to the bathroom. The distance is only a few feet, but right now it felt like crossing the alps during a blizzard. My skin was burning, and my body was rubbing in ways I didn't approve of. I felt hot, unbearably so, but I finally made it! And saw something that shook me to the core.

The face of a monster stared at me through the mirror, it's features highlighted by the dim bathroom nightlight. Pale, almost Snow White fur covered the face of a wolf. It's eyes stared at mine, it blinked when I did, and it waited for me to make the first move. But, slowly I realized that it was not a creature from my nightmares, but it was far worse. That was my face. I made the mistake of letting my eyes drift downwards, only to have their vision cut off by two large breasts.

My head snapped back up to look at my face again, and I realized with a little relief that my face only partially resembled my worst fear, my eyes were a bit bigger, and displayed the same intelligence as a humans, but that was not at all comforting at the moment. Back down my eyes went. And I discovered that my situation was far worse than I originally thought. All traces of my old body were gone, encased in that blasted White fur, all my weight shifted, and ended up in areas that I rather it weren't. My thighs had doubled in size, and my butt had become what the Internet would call thicc. My waist line was the best I had been my entire life. Not that that's a good comfort mind you. There were far bigger issues at hand here.

I had surveyed most of my current situation, but there was one last hurdle to jump. I looked down the front of my underwear... not a penis in sight, that was the final straw, I slumped down on the floor and began to cry. And not the 'ooh our movie character is having an emotional moment' kind of tears, we are talking twin rivers here. As I sat there, bawling my eyes out I didn't notice the sunlight begin to slip through the bathrooms ventalation window.

I don't know how long I sat there, but my mind kept rolling around this echo chamber of, 'what' 'why' how! All questions I had no answers for, all questions I didn't want to think about. Not that I'd never seen a vagina before mind you. Being over twenty one and not living under a rock tends to have that kind of effect. But there is a big difference between having a woman's equipment, and seeing it on you.

At some point I drug myself out of the emotional pit. And finally saw that the sun was up. "Eh? When did that happen?" Ouch, still wasn't used to that new voice, I almost slipped back down the pit, but then I saw my hands... My hands. They were, weird. Covered in fur, but with volar pads on the finger tips and Palm. They matched the pattern of my feet.

But I still stood up, and tried to walk, only to trip and fall into the doorway. "Ouch" okay... Baby steps, just need to... get up, and walk! But eventually, I was able stumble to my bedroom and find a shirt that fit over my cleavage. After that I wandered into the kitchen. My entire house looked so foreign, so wrong. Must have been my height, I had noticed I was at least two inches shorter than when I went to bed last night.

And I was not having a good time, not wanting to go back to my room I adjourned to the couch to try and figure out what had exactly happened. Drugs? No, there wasn't anything that existed in the world that could have this effect. Magic? Unfucking likely, magic isn't real. Everyone knows that... right? Bah! Magic is nonsense. What else? Well, there was my job interview, but that can't be, because then the HR lady should have been effected as well.

Wait... There was that barrel of water, but that was water. Water doesn't turn you into a furry... Oh, shit. I just realized I've been turned into a furry. This opens up brand new complications. Like, how am I going to get to work? Wait, it's the weekend, which means I have 48 hours to find a solution. Great. I was, and rightfully I may add, having an existential crisis. Yesterday, I could tell you for a fact, that I was Anderson Westbrook. Now? I wasn't so sure... and I wanted ice cream.

As I sat there, pondering my situation. I heard knocking at the door. "FUCK!" I shouted, I forgot that he was coming over today! We were gonna play battlefield 1 and everything! Jake couldn't see me like this! What would he say? What would he think? What would he do? He'd been my only friend at the manufacturing plant. At least the only one who had an actual personality. But I'd forgot about today! I had to hide!

Just a few minutes earlier

As I drove into my new friends driveway, I was a little nervous. This was the first time I had convinced him to let someone come over to his house. Poor dude was super lonely, all he did was work, sulk around the office, and as far as I knew, I was the only person who talked to him. But I had really hit a note with him after I figured out he not only he had a degree in history, but if there was something you needed to know about anything from the Great Depression, to the end of the Cold War he'd know it.

xBox in hand, and resolve built up. I walked up the steps, and knocked on his door. The effect was almost immediate, but not in the way I expected. I heard a muffled woman's voice shout fuck from the other side, along with the sound of claws scratching up hardwood floor. Trust me, I have cats. And I know that sound anywhere. His girlfriend must have scared his cat. But oddly I don't think he ever mentioned either of them.

After hearing nothing for about ten seconds, I decided to make my presence known again. "Hello?" Nothing... "It's me? Jacob?" Mm. I tried the door, and found it was unlocked. Shuffling the bag on my shoulder again, I entered the house. I hoped he was okay with this. Looking around, I found that the entire living room, was in a state of disarray. That's when I connected the dots. Unlocked door, strange voices, check. And a room that looked ransacked? yup, his place was being broken into. No question about it.

"Hey!" I shouted into the kitchen, where the most noise was coming from. "I've got my phone! I'll call the police!" Jeeze, it sounded like someone was trying to hide in the cabinets in there. Looking around I grabbed a fancy looking sword from a display stand and approached the kitchen proper.


My head and shoulders were in ground level cabinets under my sink. But half of me was still hanging out clear as day. This day is a disaster.

"Hey-wha?" I heard who was presumably Jake from behind me.

Seconds before

I jumped through the doorway brandishing the showy katana. "Hey-wha?" I shouted. What I saw, confused me. Instead of what I thought I would see, namely a thief. What I saw, was rather some kind of bipedal fox, which was obviously a wolf. As I stood there, the realization hit me... This was, an anthropomorphic wolf. I'd heard of this before, but never actually seen it. I think it was called... A fur suit? Bah, it didn't matter, I wanted answers. In the meantime, the wolf lady had slunk farther under the sink. Pots and pans littered the floor.

"Okay, spit it out. Who are you! What are you doing here!" I waited. And it got super quiet. I heard sniffling... Was she crying? "Hey" nothing. "Are you crying?" Still nothing.

"Just go"

"Wait... You can talk?" She whimpered back an answer "Yes, just go away" "I'm not leaving until you tell me what you're doing in my coworkers apartment."

"I live here... Please don't call the cops" what the hell was she talking about? "What do you mean?" There was something fishy going on. "Who even are you?" I waved the katana around "I want answers!"

There was a tense few seconds of silence and then she spoke. "It's me... Andy, you weren't supposed to see me like this." And I almost didn't hear it but I could have sworn she said nobody was. "I don't believe you, tell me something that only the real Andy Westbrook would know" this was a gamble, because I was banking on this mystery furry not knowing that I hadn't actually talked to him much before. It wasn't long before she spoke again "You only stated talking to me a few weeks ago, and you and I were going to break my internet playing battlefield."

"Okay, yeah I believe it's you. But what are you doing dressed as a furry? you struck me as weird man. But In a history nerd kind of way. But not a furry, you wanna come on out from under the sink and we'll talk about it?" I didn't have to wait long for my answer. "I don't wanna come out from under the sink, just leave me be."

"Just talk to me dude, you can't be a hermit for the rest of your life." Andy's voice came drifting out from under the cabinets. "Watch me... and I'm not a furry." At this point I was fairly certain that no threat was posed to my life at this moment. So I started digging through his fridge, still brandishing that katana mind you. What? Katanas are cool. "We both know that isn't true. Now, wanna explained why I caught you fur suiting around the house? I waited for an answer, and it wasn't long before the tear filled answer came spilling out.

"I-I don't know! I just woke up like this! I got got up yesterday, I went to work, I did that job interview, and then I came home and filed my taxes! I don't know what happened, when I got up this morning I looked like this." The tears were really coming fast now. I may not have seen him... Her? But the cabinets were gonna start flooding if he wasn't careful. "I can't go outside! I can't look at myself in the mirror! I don't know what to do!

He was getting hysterical by this point, and the shouting was getting louder. "Woah! Calm down, you need to cool it! Now, slow down. Come out from under there, and I'll see what I can do.

There was far less space under the cabinets than I had originally thought. My legs were tucked up against my chest, and they were starting to cramp. My head was forced between my legs due to the low stance of the countertop, it smelled really bad, due to the cleaning solutions that were stored here. Jacob had been talking to me, and I was only half listening. He wanted me to come out, probably so he could laugh at me. What did he think? He couldn't see me as a person anymore.

I was stuck as a wolf, an anthro wolf. And I didn't know why, I wanted to go back to being normal, I wanted to have my life back. It wasn't even a day yet, but it felt like weeks at this point. But Jake had gotten me to calm down a bit after the deluge of information I spouted at him. My tears had mostly subsided, and I guess I needed to get out from under the sink. "Alright, I'm gonna come out. But you need to promise not to laugh." "I will make no such promises." I huffed, and gave my retort. "Either you promise not to laugh, or I spend the rest of my days under the sink."

"Alright" he said. "I promise not to laugh." So I began the arduous process of extracting myself from under the sink. It took more effort than I'd like to admit, there was a lot of squishing. But I was half way out, just my head and upper body. Hiding under here was a mistake.

I looked at Jacob. He was barely holding back his laughter, he had My ice cream in one hand and my katana in the other. "You need some help there?" I thought about it. "no, just get me a shirt."

"Okay" he said. And thankfully left. I had fully extricated myself from the cabinetry by this point, tail wrapped around my body, and ears laid back. I have those, forgot to mention them earlier. Seemed like bigger things were going on at that time. Jake came back a little bit later, one of my fatigue jackets in one hand, and my pint of ice cream in the other. "Here, I thought this would fit you a little better." I gave a none committal mhm, and let him keep going.

He said something again, and I gave another grunt, but I gave a sharp Yip! After I felt him rub my ears, after smacking his hand away, I said "what the hell man?!" To which he retorted, 'you said I could dipshit' I finished buttoning up the shirt, and stalked off into my living room. Angry that I hadn't even listened to what jake was saying. "im gonna take a nap. And when I wake up, I want to be human again."

I flopped down on my couch, and laid there... Unblinking... And unable to even feel emotionally drained. I wasn't feeling much of anything at the time I guess. But, I had more stuff to deal with later