The Living Incubator

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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#1 of The Living Incubator

Written by TwistedSnakes

Commissioned by Eddyboy1805


Cobra adjusted his bandana as he stepped out of the employee break room. He was a lab assistant in a top-secret research laboratory where scientists studied paranormal monsters that the government have somehow managed to keep away from the public's prying eyes. Despite his name, he was a black wolf-dragon hybrid that was affectionately termed a "wolgon". His head and body were largely canine, but the wings on his back and horns on his head gave away his draconic genetics.

He slid his latex laboratory gloves on and got ready to get back to work. His team was assigned to study a black, gooey monster that had started to fill the chamber that they had confined it to. They had worked out that it reproduced through the black eggs that it laid through its many tentacles, although they had not yet successfully managed to hatch one. Perhaps today will be the day they figure it out.

"Come here, Cobra," the team's lead scientist waved him over as he entered the main laboratory, "I need you for something."

"Sure, what's up?" the wolgon bounded over.

"I left my lab notes in the testing chamber, could you help me get it?" he pointed to one of the open doors at the side, "I'm kinda busy studying this sample."

"No problem!" Cobra responded eagerly and strode into the testing chamber, only to find it empty, "Huh? I don't see it-"

The door suddenly shut behind him and a green gas filled the room.

"Uh, guys?" he said nervously as he looked through the glass observation panel that separated the main laboratory from the testing room, "What's going on?"

The rest of the team was watching but they made no moves to open the door or to stop the gas. In fact, they seemed to have been prepared for this moment.

"Hey!" he shouted, beginning to panic, "What are you guys doing?"

A whiff of the gas entered his nose and he recognized it immediately as a knockout gas. Cobra hastily held his breath but it was too late. His vision was spinning as he pounded on the glass. But nobody was coming to help him.

And everything went black.

Cobra woke up to a bright light around him. The source of the illumination was a surgical light system above him, shining on his body bound to an operating table by metal cuffs built into the table. He was stripped of his lab coat and bandanas, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed.

He nervously looked around to find himself in an operating theatre with masked surgeons around him. Among them, he spied the lead scientist for the team.

"H-hey, Mr Ardos, what's going on? Why am I here?" he pleaded for answers.

"We've discovered the means by which Specimen X02-49 reproduces," the lizard responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"That's good-," he started but immediately interrupted himself, "Wait, but why am I here?"

"You'll be the substrate for X02-49's reproduction process," the lizard replied flatly, "I'll oversee the procedure once you've been processed." At that, he turned around to leave the operating theatre before Cobra could protest.

As if on cue, the surgeons came up to his restrained body and loomed threateningly over him.

"Wait! Stop!" Cobra protested as he struggled against the unyielding restraints, "I didn't consent to this! You can't do this to me!"

But they could. A needle pierced his left arm and the wolgon could feel a cold liquid flow into his veins. His struggles went limp and his head turned to one side so that he was looking at his right arm. Despite him losing control of his body, his mind was still fully conscious and aware, allowing him to watch as the surgeons had their way with him. Each of them wielded an odd-looking device with a handle at one end, and a circular saw blade at the other.

Were they going to...

Sure enough, there was the sound of sharp, whirring sounds as the bone saws came to life, ready to sever flesh and bone.

"No! Wait!" he wanted to scream. To protest. But he couldn't do anything but watch as the scientist on his right brought the device closer to his arm. Cobra wanted to close his eyes but even that mercy was not granted to him. Instead, there was a splash of blood as the saw was pressed into where his arm connected to his shoulder, tearing into his fur and skin as it dug into his flesh. The wolgon could only feel a light pressure as the saw cut into him, but the anaesthesia made sure that he couldn't feel pain. He could feel the same pressure on his other shoulder and at the top of his thighs.

They were cutting into his limbs!

Then there was a jittery vibration that shot through his body as the individual saws found their way to his bones, cutting through them like a knife through thick butter. And then there was nothing. Cobra could see that the surgeon on his right was cutting through the last of his flesh and muscles, letting blood flow profusely through his open wound. Then a metal plate was covered with surgical glue and pressed against the wound, stemming the flow of blood.

Another device with two metal probes was brought to the wolgon's shoulder and turned on. Sparks jumped between the two prongs as it was pressed against his shoulder where flesh touched metal. It melted the metal, sealing it against his flesh to cauterize the wound. He could feel the same happen to his other three limbs, leaving him helpless on the operating table.

The absence of the whirring saws left the room in a deafening silence. The shock of losing four limbs hit Cobra like a wave, numbing him to all other thoughts. This had to be a dream. It HAD to be. There could be no other reason. Surely this couldn't be happening. Right?

"Turn him over," one of the surgeons said and Cobra could feel multiple hands go under his body. On the count of three, he was flipped over so that his chest was on the table, exposing his back. Then the sound of the saws came up again. This time, his wings and tail were next to go, crudely recompensed with metal plates in their place.

He was turned back onto his back, leaving him to stare numbly at the ceiling. Unable to move. Unable to struggle. Unable to cry. He was now a limbless body on an operating table and there was nothing he could do about it.

The operation was complete.

Cobra had no idea how much time had passed before he came to again. All he remembered was a traumatizing operation, veiled by a murky haze that dulled his senses. Then he was cleaned up with an unceremonious spray of cleaning agent and left to stare at the ceiling for who knows how long. Did he fall asleep? Or was he so in shock that he couldn't think anymore?

Either way, though, his mind was clearer now. Metal chains were connected to steel rings which were in turn connected to the metal plates where his arms once were, hanging him from a square frame on a robotic mount. He was in a white, empty chamber with a door in front of him.

With nothing else to do, Cobra tried to work out what was going on. The scientist had mentioned that he was to be some sort of "reproductive substrate" for the weird gooey, creature that they were studying. What could it mean? And why him?

The answer to the second question was one that the wolgon would not have found satisfactory even if he knew: he was an unlucky and unwilling participant who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The first question, however, would soon be answered as the robotic mount started moving forward, bringing the suspended wolgon towards the door.

As he approached the door, it opened up to reveal a chamber that was lined with a black-purple goo. That was where they kept Specimen X02-49 and he was being brought straight to it.

"No," he gasped in a raspy voice. "No," he said, louder this time as he found his voice again, "Someone, please help me! You can't do this!"

From behind the one-way glass windows to the specimen chamber, Cobra's team of scientists were watching him as he was offered up to the latex-like, gooey monster. The frame was fully brought into the room and the door was closed behind him. There was no escape.

Slimy tentacles came towards him, some rising from the ground while others descended from the ceiling.

"Help! Please! I don't want to die!" he whimpered, struggling and writhing in his suspended pose, succeeding only in swinging himself back and forth in his prison. The tentacles ignored his protests, wrapping themselves around his limbless body. Their prodding tips felt their way around his body, caressing and stroking across his chest, moving down towards his abdomen.

"Hnfft..." he groaned. The creature was exploring every inch of his body, and that included a particularly adventurous tentacle which had begun stroking his nethers. Cobra didn't want to admit it but the creature had found out how to stimulate him against his will. The tendril wrapped around his sheath, stroking the flesh inside through its furry exterior with its pulsating squeezes.

But he had to fight back! He wasn't about to be aroused by a monster! Another tentacle wrapped around the top of his balls, giving them a gentle tug downwards before letting them slip out of its grasp as it gave them a gentle squeeze.

"A-ah!" Cobra gasped. His sensitive privates had not received that kind of attention in so long, much less something as sensual as this! His member was already stiffening, coming out of his sheath to stand at full length.

In the meantime, another tentacle had found his tight tailhole and had begun to circle its entrance with its tip. Its slippery latex smeared across his pucker, lubricating it for what was about to happen next. Without warning, the tentacle pushed past his sphincter and into his insides where it began exploring his internal muscles.

"Gahh, help-mfft!" his cries were silenced as another rubbery tentacle pushed into his mouth, effectively gagging him. But it refused to stop there: instead, it shoved itself down his throat as it filled out his gullet. Cobra choked on the invading tendril as he struggled to breathe. His instincts made him clamp his jaw onto the tentacle but it only succeeded in coating the insides of his mouth with more latex-like substances. Only when the wolgon could feel the tentacle in his stomach did it stop pushing deeper in.

Cobra was now stuck in an uncomfortable position, hanging by his arm stumps with two tentacles in him: one up his tailhole and another down his throat. His troubles were not over as the creature begun its next phase. Cobra could feel the tentacle in his mouth suddenly widen as if something round and solid was being pushed through it. The object was forced down his throat and his gullet where it was released into his stomach.

The wolgon could feel another similar object pressing against his tailhole. He winced in pain as the tentacle forced it in, spreading his entrance wider than he was comfortable with before it swallowed up the tapering end of the object where it was deposited into his insides.

"Specimen X02-49 is now depositing its eggs within you," the lead scientist's voice announced over the PA system, answering Cobra's unasked question, "Rest assured we will be observing the entire process."

Cobra wasn't at all assured. Instead, more rubbery eggs were forced down his throat and up his ass. His behind was slowly being filled up, with the latex eggs nudging against his prostate as it spread him open. His belly was likewise stuffed with a seemingly endless supply of monster spawn, making his stomach bulge out with the curves of individual eggs as they pressed against his stomach linings.

"Mfft!" he whimpered, both in pain from the unloading of the eggs within him, and from the pleasure of his prostate stimulation. His agony subsided as the tentacles finally stopped, slipping out of his mouth and tailhole and leaving him to hang by his chains, although not before stuffing his tailhole with a rubber plug with a wide base that prevented him from expelling it. The additional weight of all the eggs was taking a toll on his arm stumps and he winced from the strain.

Cobra's breathing was heavy and laboured as he tried to recover. Between the experience of amputation and now this, he could not decide which was more traumatic. To his relief, however, the door opened behind him and the frame was taken out of the room.

Waiting for him in the next room was the lizard. His face showed no hint of emotion, neither sorrow nor pity for the suffering wolgon. Instead, he brought Cobra into another room with an oval-looking chamber: a storage pod meant to fit a single person inside. The wolgon was lowered into it and the chains were released, leaving him helplessly squirming inside.

The lizard pulled two tubes that led out of the wall of the pod. One of them was secured around his erect cock and the other was pushed into his mouth and held in place with a harness. He turned the machine on and it began pleasuring Cobra's dick with a gentle massage and warm strokes. A soft sucking started, slowly trying to milk his arousal.

"This machine will milk you of your seed," the lizard explained, "After which it'll feed you your own seed for nutrition."

Sure enough, having been sufficiently pushed to the edge from the earlier stimulation, both anal and penile, Cobra came into the tube. It proceeded to suck it up, leaving not a drop on his throbbing member. There were a few seconds of silence before his spunk was unceremoniously pumped into his mouth. He could taste his own sweet and salty nectar as it was forced down his throat.

Satisfied that it worked, the lizard pressed another button on the side of the pod. A dome-shaped lid was lowered over the pod, encasing Cobra within its metal insides. There was the sound of slurping liquid as the pod was filled up with a thick, viscous liquid that rose above the wolgon's body, submerging him entirely in the fluid.

Perfect for incubation.

The time for the eggs to hatch soon arrived, marked by the opening of Cobra's storage pod, which was followed by him being dumped on a raised table in the middle of an observation room. The fluids were washed off his fur, leaving him lying limply on the table. Without his limbs, there was no hope of him escaping. All he could do was stay where he was and hope for the best.

He stared at the ceiling blankly. There was nothing to do but wait. But soon enough, the eggs began to hatch. Perhaps "hatching" wasn't the right word: instead, it felt more like a bursting as their shells split open, releasing a rubbery goo inside his stomach and ass. However, as more and more eggs burst, the latex began to spread up his throat and out his tailhole. It spread over his fur, slowly coating his helpless body with a layer of latex.

"Mfft!" Cobra cried out from under the thick layer of rubber, squirming as he tried in vain to escape the advancing goo. But there was no turning back. It bonded to his fur, forming a skin-tight suit over his limbless body. Before he knew it, he was a rubber object struggling on the table.

Suddenly, his struggles were immediately stopped as if the latex suit had taken over his body. In fact, it seemed to be overriding his actions: no matter how much he tried to twist and turn, he found himself unable to overcome the suit's resistance. While this would have been interesting to study as a scientist, Cobra didn't find his predicament at all intriguing. Instead, he was highly distressed by his current situation.

Was the latex suit a living creature? It made sense because the lizard had mentioned his body was meant to help the original specimen breed. But did that mean his body now a puppet for the new latex creature? That wasn't right! It wasn't fair!

But there was nothing he could do. Over the next few months, his body would be subjected to more and more tests. Tests on electrical conductivity, pain tolerance, and other torturous procedures would be performed on him. And as each of them was carried out, Cobra could only watch helplessly through his eyes like a passenger in a body that wasn't his.

And there would be no relief.

"It's done," Ardos announced to the team of scientists, who proceeded to break out in applause. The past few months had been tiring for the whole lot of them as they tried to study the new creature that had taken over the wolgon's body. They had learnt a lot, enough to justify to their superiors that the funding had all been worth it. Perhaps the creature's various physical properties could be put to various commercial uses or even weaponized for the military. Either way, though, they would need more testing.

Cobra's body was placed in a glass chamber. Once it was closed around him, a chemical concoction sprayed from the ceiling. It must have been purposely chosen because the latex creature seemed to hate it. It slid off the wolgon's body, pooling on the floor. A valve in the ground opened, sucking it up and storing it into a containment cylinder. A confused-looking Cobra was left in the empty chamber, panting.

He was finally free.

Ardos opened the chamber, standing over the limbless wolgon. "We'd like to thank you for your help in the research," the lizard nodded blankly, "Your contributions have been invaluable to the huge amount of progress we have made."

"D-does that mean we're done?" Cobra looked at him hopefully. Even if he didn't get his limbs back, at least the taste of freedom would be a sweet reprieve.

"Done?" the lizard's lips turned into an evil grin, "Young man, we're far from done."

Two more scientists picked Cobra up and carried him back to a familiar metal frame, hanging him by chains connected to his arm stumps. The frame was wheeled over to a door which opened up to a room lined with black-purple goo.

"No! No! Wait!" Cobra struggled and pleaded. He had just tasted freedom for a moment, only to have it cruelly taken away like that, "Please! I'll do anything! Anything other than this!"

But his cries fell on deaf ears. After all, what was the sacrifice of one for the progress of many?

The lizard seemed to think it was worth it, "Let's begin trial two."

~ End ~