Double and Nothing

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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Written by TwistedSnakes

Commissioned by Zephyrius


Zephyrius opened the gold-trimmed door to his cedar closet with a little more vigour than he normally would, hastily picking out a set of robes before slamming the door shut.

The black jackal quickly let his work robes fall to the floor before slipping into the fresh set of robes. Unlike the strong hues of his work robes, these ones were pastel shades of purple and gold. Its material was light and silky as if meant for the bedroom attire of royalty.

He could barely contain his excitement as he scrambled out of the slave chambers and into the corridors of the fortress of Commander Kyrie. While "fortress" was its technical term, it was merely a formality to acknowledge that it was the dwelling place of a high-ranking military officer.

Zephyrius' eager sprint led him to the central lobby of the fortress where a sandstone fountain stood, surrounded by bushes and short trees that grew from plots of fertile soil built into the ground. From the central fountain extended four channels, forming artificial rivers that led down the various corridors of the fortress. The jackal turned down the middle channel into the north wing of the extensive building.

His pace slowed down to a brisk walk as he approached the end of the long corridor where tall double doors reached up to the high ceiling. The door was made of impenetrable steel, reinforced with magic that laid in its runic inscriptions that ran around its gold-trimmed borders.

The jackal smoothened his robes before reaching for the silver doorknob that hung from the jaws of a crafted feline head. He knocked it sharply twice before stepping back. The enchanted doors opened up for him, revealing the sleeping chambers of Kyrie. The massive room was made out of pale yellow stone, adorned with subtle inscriptions and murals that seemed to fade in and out with the light.

From the ceiling hung a giant chandelier made of various sizes of gold rings inlaid with glowing crystals. Each ring hung separate from the rest, held together by enchantments as they floated in the air, rotating around each other in a choreographed dance of light and shadow. At the end of the room was a large bed lined with thick, silk sheets, dyed red with the pigment of alkanet roots. Translucent pale-pink curtains hung from the wooden frame of the bed.

But the grandeur of the room was not what caught his eyes. Instead, his attention was turned to a cream-white lioness standing in the middle of the room. Her sky-blue silk robes clung close to her body, contrasting the yellow room as they revealed her slender curves.

"Master Kyrie," the jackal bowed as he approached her, caressing his bare feet against the fuzzy pelt of the large, circular carpet in the middle of the room. His heart was beating from anticipation. It's been so long.

"Zephyrius," she acknowledged. Seconds of silence hung between them, comfortable except for the inner impatience of the jackal.

"So," Kyrie finally broke the silence, "Why do you think I called you here today?"

"My six months in chastity is up, Master," came the meek reply.

"That is correct," the lioness smiled and Zephyrius could feel the air of confidence around her through her assured eyes and lightly curled lips. "And what does that mean?" she asked almost teasingly.

"I get my reward, Master?" Zephyrius asked hesitantly as if asking for reprieve from his long endurance of celibacy was taboo, almost blasphemous.

"And that would be?" Kyrie seemed unfazed at the question.

"One day of release," the jackal responded. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest. Would she deny him his long-awaited freedom? It wasn't out of the question. After all, rewards were but a privilege; one that could be bestowed with a single breath and taken away just as easily.

"That is correct," the lioness' voice broke through his swarming thoughts.

The jackal let out a breath of relief he didn't notice he was holding in. This was it. He was going to be released!

"But," she reminded the excited slave, "After you've had your fun, it's another six months of being locked up. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master," Zephyrius consented. The sun was almost overhead so he had a few short hours before his chastity cage would be locked in place another half of the solar celestial cycle. While he yearned for more, he would adhere to his Master's allowances and make the most of it.

"Strip," Kyrie commanded.

As if already anticipating her instructions, the jackal unravelled the layers of robes that he was wearing, folding them up in a pile that could just barely be counted as neat before laying them on the floor on the outer edge of the carpet. He stood back up to face Kyrie, wearing only his golden earrings, a purple collar, and the main attraction: a metal chastity device. A silver ring wrapped behind his two eager balls, securing the rest of the cage in place. The cage's tip was shaped in the likeness of a lioness, wrapping her open jaws around the peaking tip of Zephyrius' member. There was no sight of a lock to secure the device in place but it was held in place by runic inscriptions that lined the length of the length of the cage, faded away as their six-month period of sealing ended.

Whether the concealing of his manhood served as a remnant of his dignity or stripped of his remaining pride was up to anyone's interpretation, but to the jackal, it was an honour to give up his pleasure for the sake of his Master's own.

"Kneel," the lioness ordered.

Zephyrius knelt in the middle of the carpet and looked up expectantly at Kyrie. She stepped towards Zephyrius and joined him on the rug. With gentle but purposeful movements her hands stroked the jackal's body, one going over his shoulder and caressing his back while the other one fondled his caged cock.

The jackal shuddered, feeling Kyrie's hands over his body. With his dick in its metal encasement, he could only imagine her touch against his sensitive skin. Patience. He had to exercise patience.

Pulling herself close, Kyrie leaned her chin on Zephyrius' shoulder. Her lips whispered some incantations and the runes on the chastity cage disappeared. The ring and the shaft of the cage came apart and the lioness' hands slowly guided it off the jackal's trembling cock. It slid off, pulling a trail of sticky pre with it as it revealed Zephyrius' fully-erect shaft as if presenting itself to Kyrie.

The jackal purred contentedly as he nuzzled against his Master's cheek. The freedom from his cage was a huge relief. He hadn't noticed how tense his body was until then as he let his body relax and his shoulders fall.

Kyrie smiled as she pulled away from the embrace and pulled out a golden silk sash from her robes. She stretched it tight and held it at eye level before wrapping it around the jackal's head as a blindfold. Her hands looped it behind the back, pulling it tight as her fingers knotted the ends together securely.

"Comfortable?" she asked as she ran her hands down Zephyrius' chest.

The jackal nodded. The deprivation of his sight served to heighten his other senses. He could hear Kyrie's heavy breathing in front of him, her warm and delicate breaths joining her fingers as they traced the outline of his pecs. Her individual digits moved in an intricate choreography as they danced their way down to Zephyrius' abs, rising and falling with the mountains and valleys of his sculpted torso.

His reverie was briefly interrupted by a click around his neck as something was secured to his collar. The additional weight was a familiar sensation: one of a leash that Kyrie would sometimes lead him around with. But his thoughts soon led back to the lioness' fingers tracing the head of his twitching cock. A soft moan escaped his lips as his sensitive flesh felt physical touch for the first time in six months, made even more intense with the blinding of his sight.

Zephyrius felt the lioness hand grasp his shaft, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Ngnn," the jackal could barely hold himself back from thrusting his hips into his Master's hands. Instead, he reigned in his carnal desires and settled for squirming uneasily in his kneeling position.

"Master Kyrie," the feminine voice of another person pierced through their trances like a dagger through silk.

The jackal could hear Kyrie get up in front of him.

"I do not wish to be disturbed," her sharp voice snapped.

"But, but-" came the stammers of the other person he could not see.

"What is it, slave?"

"It's an emergency. The Pharaoh wishes to see you," the voice of the slave tried to remain composed as she explained.

There was a moment of hesitation and Zephyrius could feel Kyrie's gaze turn to him.

"Fine. Tell Pharaoh that I'll be with him in twenty minutes," she ordered.

The sound of scuttling feet followed the slave out of the room. Kyrie knelt down beside the jackal.

"Stay here," the lioness' command filled his ears as she knelt down and tugged on his leash. He could feel his collar moving as if she were securing the other end of the leash to something else. Zephyrius nodded. It wasn't like he had a choice.

Kyrie got up and her footsteps towards the door. There was a pause.

"And don't dirty the carpet," she added before her footsteps led out of the room.

The large doors closed shut with a deep booming sound, leaving him in the room, silent but alive with the pulsing aura of magic from the surrounding runes.

Time seemed to pass slowly. There was nothing but his thoughts to accompany him in the darkness of his blindfold. He tried to shift his legs to ease his uncomfortable kneeling position but the short leash didn't give him enough slack to stand up.

He was wasting away his limited freedom. Thoughts of "helping himself off" flashed through his mind but he restrained himself. His pleasure was meant for Kyrie and Kyrie alone.

The sound of the opening doors finally broke through the silence.

"Kyrie?" he thought.

But the footsteps that approached were heavier than Kyrie's.

That was not Kyrie.

As if to confirm his suspicions, a deep and gruff voice called out, "Look what we have here." There was a hint of eager malice in his voice that filled Zephyrius with a sense of dread.

"Who's there?" the jackal asked apprehensively.

The response to his question came as a disconcerting chuckle. Zephyrius' hands hurriedly reached for his face to pull off the blindfold.

"Take that blindfold off and I'll make sure you regret it," the intruder threatened. The coldness in his voice paralyzed the jackal with fear.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Zephyrius asked.

"Me? I'm just someone who wants to have a little fun," the other person smirked, "And it seems my prayers are answered."

"I'm not- yip!" the jackal was interrupted as a hand roughly squeezed his mouth shut, holding it still despite his struggles. The person jerked Zephyrius' maw towards him, forcing the jackal to half-crawl, half-stumble towards him as he proceeded to wrap his other arm around the struggling slave.

"Let me go!" the jackal protested as he writhed free of the hand on his muzzle, "I'm not your plaything!"

"Then why are you dressed like one?" the intruder sneered, "Anyway you're a little noisy. Let's fix that..."

A rough hand held the back of Zephyrius' head while the other was forced between his teeth, prying his maw open. He could smell the scent of the intruder's hand in front of his nose: the musky smell of a lion in heat.

A cold metal device was shoved between his jaws, keeping them open as straps were secured around the back of his head.

"Garr?" he gasped as his tongue prodded the obstruction in his mouth. It was made out of a circular ring that was lodged behind his teeth, cutting into his gums as he tried to close his maw around it.

"That should shut you up," the intruder commented.

The jackal didn't appreciate it. Instead, he started struggling, breaking free from the lion's grasp as he tried to crawl away. Suddenly, the stinging fall of the whip struck his back, causing him to stop in his tracks as he gasped in pain.

Another crack of the whip caused the leather whip to snap against his back again, crisscrossing the streak raw skin left by the first whipping.

"Ngarr!" he whimpered as he crumpled on the carpet. The stinging pain was causing a burning sensation across his entire back as if his body was on fire. "Prhh," he pleaded. What was going on?

The lion took no notice of the jackal's plight. Instead, he grabbed Zephyrius' wrists and bound them together with thick rope so that his two forearms were restrained together. He then shoved the jackal to the ground where he fell with a thud on the carpet with his face in the fur. He groaned in pain, muffled by the gag in his mouth and the soft fur in his face.

The lion wasn't about to stop there. Grabbing Zephyrius' ankles, he pulled the jackal towards him and propped his butt up, presenting it to the lion. Zephyrius whimpered helplessly, frozen in his pose by a combination of physical fatigue and emotional fear.

Suddenly, a warm and wet sensation assaulted his pucker, feeling his sides with its rough surface. The lion was rimming him! The jackal struggled but to no avail; the lion had dug his claws into his thighs, holding his hips in place and exposing his vulnerable tailhole.

"Yhh!" he squealed as the tongue pressed firmly against the entrance of his pucker, pushing its saliva-lubricated tip through the opening. He could feel the lion explore his insides, leaving his makeshift lubricant everywhere as it pressed against his internal muscles.

With the uninvited invasion in his behind, the jackal could not help but blush. While he didn't want to be sexually assaulted in this way, he couldn't deny that he was getting turned on with the anal stimulation he was receiving.

He could feel one of the of the lion's hands release his hips. Where it was going was soon answered as a strong grasp wrapped around his sensitive balls. The lion gave them a soft squeeze that sent shivers down the jackal's spine. The fingers slowly pinched, pushing his testicles back and forth between the narrow gap formed between his index finger and thumb. The pain and pleasure were too much for him but there was nothing he could do about it.

He gave the tongue in his rear a squeeze with his muscles and whimpered as the tongue pushed back. His own tongue was hanging out of his panting mouth. He felt ashamed from the possibility that Kyrie could walk in right now and see him in his pathetic state...

Kyrie! Where was she?

His throbbing manhood hung between his legs, leaking pre in desperation to shoot the load he could barely hold in. He needed to save himself for Kyrie. But the constant tongue-fucking he was receiving combined with the firm ball-massage he was getting made it hard to control himself.

The lion withdrew his tongue from the jackal's tailhole, leaving in its wake copious amounts of natural lube. A clawed finger took its place, wriggling its way into him, eliciting a sound that was a mix of a moan and a whimper. The finger slowly slid in and out of him, pressing against the edges of his tight tailhole and he squeezed his pucker in return.

It wasn't right for him to do this but his pent-up libido demanded otherwise. He slowly began to shift his hips back and forth, fucking himself against the extended digit. Anything to relieve himself of the tension that had built up over the past six months.

"You really are a horny little fucker, aren't you," the lion scoffed.

"Nffh!" Zephyrius protested. He wasn't usually so desperate. But the six months of abstinence had taken their toll on him, reducing his mental capacity to nothing more than a fuck toy.

"Gotta loosen your ass out," the lion ignored his protests, "Get you to be a little more useful."

A second digit joined the first, spreading him open as he continued to fuck himself against the lion's hand. Then a third one forced its way in, causing a short gasp of pain. The three fingers spread inside him, forcing his tailhole wider.

He was getting raped. Raped by an unknown lion in Kyrie's fortress, no less.

"Mrrft!" Zephyrius whimpered. The lion had wrapped his other hand around the top of his balls, tugging it away from his body and stretching him out. The jackal slowed his humping, trying to lower his hips down to ease the tension in his balls but the lion's fingers in his ass forced him back up again.

"Up, slave. Endure the pain," the lion grinned, giving the jackal's pup makers a jerk that made them ache like there was no tomorrow.

The lion suddenly let go of his balls and slapped his hand against them, sending a huge surge of pain through the jackal's body as he clenched his pucker tightly around the fingers in his ass.

"Hghh!" he yelped through the gag, squirming in pain but there was no escape: the lion had spread his fingers so wide within him that he couldn't pull himself free. His ass had been painfully stretched to the point of soreness.

The lion withdrew his fingers from Zephyrius' hole, leaving it a considerably larger hole than it was before. The jackal could hear the lion panting and the scent of the feline in heat was even stronger than before. Surely he wasn't going to-

"Get ready, slave," came the warning as the tapered end of the lion's fleshy manhood was pushed into his rump, slowly sliding in and out of his sore and sensitive hole.

The jackal gasped and whimpered again, this time more from embarrassment than from the pain. He had been used in the ass countless times in the past, each time under Kyrie's consent as she let her guests, from royalty to business partners, use him to their heart's content. And each time he took the cock as if it was an expression of servitude to his Master. But this was different; she did not permit this, but yet he was allowing himself to be fucked like that.

The cock was thrust in and out faster and faster, spreading the lion's saliva everywhere between his butt cheeks. Their moans filled the room as the lion slammed his manhood against the inner flesh of the jackal, rubbing its soft barbs against the slave's ass.

Despite desperately wanting to cum, Zephyrius controlled himself. He had abstained for six months to give himself up to Kyrie and he wasn't about to splurge it on his unknown partner in this forced-fucking.

The lion, however, wasn't holding back. With a loud roar, he hilted the jackal and pumped his seed into the waiting tailhole.

Zephyrius felt the warm seed spread inside him. It was only cum but it felt dirty within him. He tensed his cheeks as he attempted to expel the lion's cream.

"Keep it in, slave," the lion reprimanded.

"Nghh whh!" the jackal protested.

"No, no, I insist. You look hungry," the lion grinned, "Here, let me help."

A rubber object was nudged into his gaping tailhole and Zephyrius shifted his ass as he tried to accommodate the new intruder. The lion was plugging him with a dildo that was bigger and longer than anything he had taken before and the stretching was incredibly uncomfortable.

The tapered tip of the canine dildo poked against what felt like the jackal's limit. His entrance felt like the widened base of the dildo and he sighed in relief.

But the lion wasn't stopping there; instead, Zephyrius could feel the lubricant help ease the rounded bottom of the dildo into him. There was a pop and the tip of the dildo poked against his sensitive spots within him.

He had just been knotted by an oversized rubber phallus!

He stopped squirming, trying to keep his hips still to prevent the shifting plug from nudging against his sore insides.

Zephyrius heard the lion move over to his front, caressing the cheeks of his gagged mouth as he let out muffled whimpers pleadingly.

"Hush boy," the lion scolded him, "Quit your whining and clean this up."

The jackal's leash was yanked forward, making him stumble into a tuft of fur that surrounded a shaft of skin. The scent of the lion's overwhelming musk mixed with the smell of cum only served to confirm his position at the lion's crotch.

"Ngnn..." Zephyrius pleaded as he tried to pull away but the lion held fast to his leash.

There was no escaping this.

He reluctantly stuck out his tongue and gingerly brushed its tip against what he could only imagine was the shaft of the lion, glistening with the leftover seed.

The sweet taste of the lion's nectar spread in his mouth, leaving a salty aftertaste with it. He licked it up in hesitant strokes, trying to contain his disgust.

"More energy, boy," the lion growled, "I want to see you eager to clean it all up."

Zephyrius sped up his licking, leaving his saliva all over the feline's soft-barbed cock. This, however, was not enough to satisfy the lion.

The lion leaned over the jackal's kneeling body and pressed his fingers on the base of the plug, massaging it into the stretched tailhole.

"Hgn!" Zephyrius yapped in pain as the shaft within him shifted and pressed against his insides.

"Are you going to do your job properly or must I teach you another lesson?"

The jackal's whines softened and he lapped up the residual cum on the lion's erect member. The prospect of pain was a strong motivator and the desperate slave was more than willing to be pulled along for the ride.

The lion moaned loudly as Zephyrius hungrily slurped up the mess. Before long, the lion's hard member was cleaned up, left slick with the jackal's saliva.

"Well, don't mind if I do," the lion panted as he grabbed the slave with one hand on either side of his head. The jackal was jerked forward, bringing the lion's shaft further into his mouth. The tip of the feline cock poked the back of his throat, causing him to gag.

"Take it all in, boy," the lion commanded.

Zephyrius tried to calm himself down and relax his throat. He had taken shafts bigger than this. But the lack of preparation and the stress of getting raped in his Master's bedroom took him by surprise, making him too panicky to keep his composure. The gag made it impossible for him to resist the lion's invasion. Instead, he could only hold back his gagging, reducing them to uncontrollable shivers and helpless whimpers.

The lion's cock continued to abuse his mouth and his throat, causing the jackal to whine in time with each thrust of his hips. His gasps must've been music to the lion's ears for he had started to moan in unison.

The thrusts got faster and faster, leading up to the inevitable; the lion flooded his maw with more warm fluids. Some of it washed down Zephyrius' throat and he instinctively tightened his throat, refusing to swallow any more.

His abuser, however, had other ideas. He grabbed the jackal's chin and forcefully tilted his head upwards, channelling the seed to the back of his throat where it pooled.

"I want you to drink it all up, slave," the lion ordered, emphasizing the last word as if to remind the jackal of his helpless position.

He slapped his dick across the top of Zephyrius' snout, splattering residual cum all over the jackal.

"You look cute like that," the feline purred, "Did anyone tell you that?" His hands caressed the jackal's face, smearing the sticky fluids all over before rubbing the rest of it into the slave's hair.

"All dirty and sticky. A position fit for slaves like you," the lion gloated.

He gave Zephyrius a kiss on the tip of the jackal's open maw, wrapping his lips around the slave's nose and gently sucking. The jackal could feel the lion's tongue explore his muzzle enthusiastically, leaving sloppy spit all over his fur.

Zephyrius pulled his head away, breaking free of the kiss. There was the sound of amused scoffing and a hand to his chin forced him back into another kiss.

"Mgnn..." he reluctantly accepted his position, smelling the warm breath of the lion over his nose.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps entered the room, coming to a halt as the two new visitors were greeted with the sight of the two animals engaging in passionate, one-sided intercourse.


But no. One of the visitors spoke up.

"S-sorry for disturbing you, sir," gasped the visitor that Zephyrius could not see. It was the voice of Sadhek, another servant of the fortress.

It wasn't Kyrie, but then again salvation came in many forms and he wasn't about to be picky. He hurriedly pulled free of the kiss and turned toward the direction of the voice. Using the elbows of his bound arms he tried to scramble forward. The leash, however, was jerked back so he couldn't leave the perimeter of the carpet. He wasn't going to be defeated so easily.

"Hrrrp! Lftt mhh ghh!" he shouted, hoping that Sadhek could understand his muffled words.

"Haha, you two carry on," the lion smiled at them, "Don't mind us."

"Thank you, sir," the other servant, Ma'at, replied. Zephyrius could hear both of them stifling their giggles as they turned to exit the room.

"Hgnnn!" he pleaded after them but they had already left. There went his chance of escape.

"Nice try, but you're all mine now," the lion pulled him back into a kneeling position, "Get used to it, puppy."

"Ngnn!" the plug in his ass sent waves of pain and pleasure through the jackal as the lion tugged on its base. The lion twisted the plug back and forth as he inched the knot out of the jackal's hole but the sphincter had relaxed, closing around the narrow neck of the dildo.

"Mffm!" Zephyrius whined in agony, not daring to struggle lest the plug inflicted more pain on him.

There was a pop as the knot finally escaped his pucker, leaving a gaping hole still soaked in cum. A hole which the lion did not hesitate to restuff with his virile manhood, thrusting in and out with renewed vigour.

The jackal could barely contain himself too; the scent of the horny lion was also driving his own libido mad. He moved his hips back and forth in rhythm with the lion's, tensing his sphincter muscles as he took in the entirety of the lion's shaft. The cum from before only served to lubricate the stretched and abuse hole that used to be his tight tailhole.

"Gah! F-fuck..." the lion gasped. All rational thought had left his mind, leaving behind a primal instinct to fuck the hell out of the ass in front of him.

The same could've been said for Zephyrius. Six months. Six whole months. If he had to go, he had to go. His muffled moans reflected his aroused state as he fucked himself silly on the lion's massive cock. He could've sworn he could see stars despite the blindfold.

The jackal could also feel the tension and pressure in his crotch. He was going to cum! The lion, however, must've noticed his thrusts. A hand firmly grabbed the base of his shaft, squeezing it like a cockring and preventing him from cumming.

At the same time, the lion shot the entirety of his seed into the squirming jackal, filling his rear with the warm and sticky fluids once again.

"Gnrr..." the lion moaned, slowly pulling out his softening member and wiping the residual cum all over the jackal's butt cheeks. "Now kneel."

Zephyrius grunted as he remained on the carpet, tired from the ordeal but still horny like a bitch in heat. That was soon rectified as his leash was yanked upwards, forcing him into a kneeling position anyway.

He could sense the lion standing over him as the feline shoved his cock into his mouth again.

Was the lion still going strong?

Zephyrius whimpered. He could barely take any more.

Suddenly, a splash of piss entered his mouth, filling it with a salty and bitter taste. Some of it went down his throat, making him want to gag in disgust. He instinctively tensed his throat, letting the urine pool at the back of his mouth.

"Swallow it pup," the gruff voice of the lion ordered.

Zephyrius didn't respond, instead focusing his breaths through his nose as his blocked mouth made it hard to breathe.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in-

His intake was cut off as the lion cupped his nose with his hand.

"Maybe this will change your mind."

The jackal struggled but the lion's grasp was stronger. He was fighting for air. Just one breath. He might as well take it in. Just this once. He opened his throat and gulped the piss down.

"Gahh! Ack!" he coughed as some of the piss entered his windpipe in his haste to breathe. He panted heavily, taking in the air that now tasted sweet in the absence of the lion's fluids.

Without warning, the lion let out another shot of salty piss into his mouth. The jackal hurriedly held his breath again, determined not to give in this time. He would hold out for as long as he could, passing out if need be, so long as he could show the lion he could overcome his weaknesses and not give in.

But his oxygen was running out. He steeled his mind, trying not to focus on his lungs. The burning sensation within them. Trying to get out. The pain in his chest. Yearning for just one breath.

He tried to take a breath from the nose but there was absolutely no give. Just one. The pool of piss in his mouth didn't seem so bad in comparison to a painful journey towards blacking out. But he needed to hold out. Mind over matter. Surely he was mentally strong enough to overcome his survival instincts that his ancestors had learnt over thousands of years.

Before he knew it, his throat betrayed him and he gulped down the mixture of the lion's piss and his own saliva.

"Huff...huff...huff..." he panted, hanging his head in shame. The lion pulled out of the jackal's maw, leaving the jackal kneeling on the carpet.

"Hold still," he ordered.

Suddenly, a stream of piss hit him in his cum-stained face. Zephyrius squirmed, trying to turn away from the lion's fluids but the lion held fast to his leash, not giving him any form of escape.

The strong smell of piss filled his nose as the rest of the stream wet his fur, spilling all over his body and soaking his skin. The scent of the lion masked his, marking him the lion's property.

"You're mine," the lion sneered.

"Nfft," the jackal protested.

"You're nothing but a sex toy," he held the jackal's chin to look up at him.

"Ghgnn," Zephyrius could see nothing through the blindfold.

"For me to abuse."

A moment of silence hung between them.

"I will bring you back with me to serve in my household," the lion declared to Zephyrius' alarm.

The jackal whimpered helplessly. Kyrie would come and save him, right?

His leash on his collar was released and the ropes to his arms were untied. But before he could escape, his own silky robes were wrapped around him, immobilizing him in a tight bundle. His gag was also unfastened, giving him some time to relax his jaw before another length of silk looped around his muzzle and held it close. The blindfold was loosened and for a second the bright crystals of the chandelier blinded him before the rest of his robes bundled him up into a squirming cocoon.

He could feel himself lifted off the ground and tossed over the lion's shoulder. He could feel the lion's footsteps as he was carried across the room. Then the sound of the opening door.

Where was the lion carrying him to? Was he getting kidnapped?

He struggled in vain, trying to escape. He could hear other people walking by them.

Could they tell he was in trouble?

Would one of them stop the lion?

But not one of them stopped the lion to find out more. Each one walked by nonchalantly, refusing to get their hands dirty with the deeds of others. The lion brought him out a doorway and he was greeted by the ambient sounds of the world outside the fortress. If he was going to escape, he should do it before the lion could bring him too far.

Zephyrius' whimpers could be barely be heard outside of the bundle of robes he was in and his struggles got him nowhere fast. He was just about to give up when the lion suddenly tossed his body forward. His heart lurched in his chest in the short freefall before his body hit the water.

Was the lion trying to drown him? His robes soaked up the water as he sunk beneath the surface. He held his breath as he tried to wriggle in his cocoon, pushing the fabric out of the way. The layers floated off him and the jackal quickly swam to the surface.

There was a splash as he panted for air. His eyes adjusted to the brightness of the outside and he saw that he was in the artificial oasis of Kyrie's fortress.

"Caelan!" he gasped as he recognized the cream-white lion who had already made himself comfortable at the edge of the pool, "It's you."

The lion gave him a curious smirk. "I thought you'd have figured it out by now."

The panting jackal made his way over to the lion and joined him on the smooth rock that functioned as a seat. "I-I was panicking, alright?"

"Sure, sure," the lion rubbed the jackal's head, calming the flustered slave down.

Zephyrius blushed in embarrassment, feeling stupid from his baseless panics. The lion wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close until he was leaning on the feline's shoulder. Caelan's other hand stroked his chest, moving over to his nipples as he slowly gave them a squeeze.

The jackal let out a small gasp of pleasure, nuzzling against the lion's neck as the clear waters of the pool washed away the physical gunk from his fur and the mental stress from his mind. Zephyrius closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The sound of a familiar, warm, and comforting voice woke him up. His heart beat excitedly as he turned around to look into the face of his Master Kyrie.

"I see that you two have had some fun," the lioness smiled cordially.

Caelan and Zephyrius got out of the pool and bowed to her, wetting the ground with the water that dripped off their drenched fur.

In the meantime, Kyrie procured the lioness chastity device from her robes. "I assume the release was much welcome?" she asked as she hooked the ring behind the jackal's balls.

Zephyrius opened his mouth to protest but the lion cut in, "Oh yes, he came so much, I think he's ready for the next six months."


"Very well," Kyrie interrupted the jackal's objection as she chanted incantations of ancient magic. Runes appeared on the chastity cage, once again binding it in place.

"B-but I haven't had came yet, Master!" he gasped before he could stop himself.

"Oh?" Kyrie raised an eyebrow, "Well, too bad then. The magic is timed. Looks like you'll have to make do for another six months then."


"Put your robes on and come with me," Kyrie cut him off with her command, "I have more business to attend to."

The jackal hastily put on the purple and gold robes that were folded on a flat boulder. While he really wanted to cum, the prospect of his Master's wrath was not something he would like to trifle with. Even then, the seal on his chastity cage wasn't coming off anytime soon. He whimpered silently in his mind. His libido would be his own problem to deal with.

Kyrie had already turned around and made her way back into the palace. He bolted after the lioness, once again ready to serve her.

Noticing the jackal by her side, she sighed.

"The meeting with Pharaoh was...trying, to say the least. I have to meet up with the other generals to discuss our military strategies before the sun is down, so I could do with less trouble for the rest of today," she sighed again.

"And I hope you two didn't dirty my carpet."

~ End ~