Pale Gravy (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#126 of Short Stories

A rabbit cooks, and a fox dreads spices.

~ The fox's ears remained dutifully perked, listening with interest both to the squirrel's recollections of the day's travel plans, and the rabbit's kitchen matters.

~ "Yeah, I think we should be able to get to the campgrounds before nightfall, if the bridge isn't under construction anymore.", agreeing with the current route.

~ The fox could smell the biscuits as they were finalized in the oven, and silently cursed the omnipresence of pepper. She'd never had a taste for it, always having to dodge such spices in potlucks such as this.

~ In the kitchen, the sounds of skillet scraping confused the fox, though most of her attentions were dedicated to her agreement with the squirrel's understanding of road rules.

~ "Yeah, driver controls the radio."

~ A platter of biscuits cooling on the table, the sight of the bowl of gravy brought alarm and amazement to the fox's eyes as the rabbit laid it down.

~ Destined for plate and biscuit, this gravy was entirely without pepper. Starkly amazed, the fox realized, "Oh! You.. didn't use a mix!"

~ The rabbit grinned, nodding in unspoken agreement.