The Core: Kiss and Make Up

Story by Rosenade on SoFurry

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#3 of The Core

Commission for someone on FA: Enjoy :3

Seated on the wooden bench in front of his locker, Kevin Cowan worked the combination lock and tugged on it, opening it up and digging through the contents. The Lucario was fresh out of the shower after a refreshing after-work workout, and he was covered by the white terry cloth towel wrapped around his waist (although in the Core's locker room, modesty was never a high priority). He took a swig from the massive water bottle he carried about in the gym, lifted his arms to spray his pits with deodorant, and hummed absentmindedly along to whatever tune was blasting through his airpods.

Kevin wasn't thinking about much in particular at that moment. He was thinking about whether he should order Chinese or Thai for dinner that night, and if he ordered Thai whether or not to get an extra order of chicken satay for his boyfriend Danny. He was thinking about when he should get tickets to see his sister Peg in The Magic Flute at the Boston Opera House. He was thinking about getting a job in one of the primary campaigns for the open congressional seat that was about to come up next cycle, and if he did whether or not his boss would be OK with that (or whether or not she would continue to micromanage and worry about everything as she always did). Pointedly, he did not worry about getting pushed around by a couple of Catholic school fuckheads.

This wouldn't have been happening were it not for Alistair and Joseph. Those two domineering Poke-daddies had gotten their hands on Connor and Liam Kerrigan, who were a pair of Zangoose twins who had made Kevin's life miserable ever since he was in grade school. After vigorous spanking, wrestling holds, facesitting and smothering, Kevin hadn't seen hide nor hair of the lunkheaded jocks who had spent so much time tormenting him. His life had steadily improved ever since he met the older men (who had just departed on a week-long business trip to Norway), and the fact that the Kerrigan twins were neutralized? Well, that was just icing on the cake.

Kevin had just taken out his phone and was scrolling through notifications (texts from Danny, a reminder to get a new pair of shoes, approximately 35 different emails from his neurotic boss and equally neurotic coworkers) when he felt a familiar presence behind him. He didn't see them, he didn't turn his head, but the Lucario felt them there; and indeed, he would have felt them there even if he couldn't already sense them through his Aura. He thought about just ignoring them until they went away, but he had tried that in the past and got a couple of rough titty-twisters for his troubles. He sighed, took his airpods out, and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, turning around to face the Kerrigan twins.

"What do you want?"

Connor and Liam Kerrigan stood side by side, looking almost exactly as they always did. They still had that stocky musclegut build, they still had towels wrapped around their waists, Connor still wore a small golden cross on a thin chain around his neck. The major difference was the expression on their faces. Usually, that defaulted to a cocky douchebag sneer, but this...was that guilt Kevin saw?

"Uh..." Connor spoke up, grimacing. "Hi, Kevin."

"We wanted to talk to you about something. Uh, if that's alright." Liam reached a hand up to scratch behind his ear, a faint blush coming across his face. Now that was new-Kevin had never seen either of the twins blush, not even when they were giving sullen apologies in the principal's office back in school. Kevin rolled his eyes.

"You can cut the bashful act, you two. I know you didn't change that quick."

"No no no, that's the thing!" Liam said. "We were hiding from you for a while., y'know." Another blush, darker this time; Kevin was beginning to savor them.

"Yeah, I know. And now you wanna give me a fake apology so you can get me to-"

"We're not trying to get you to do anything, man." Connor took a deep breath, hanging his head. "The truth is, we're sorry."

Kevin was prepared to dismiss that out of hand, but there was a disarming sincerity to Connor's apology that took the Lucario by surprise. For better or for worse, the Zangoose twins were honest; they were terrible liars, and while they sometimes affected a laughably phony buddy-buddy attitude with Kevin just to get on his nerves they could never convincingly fake real emotions. Kevin tilted his head.

"You are?"

"We are," Liam said, nodding. "Me and Connor went home after..." He paused, before skipping over the dirty, salacious details of the afternoon that they all remembered so well. "After that, and we talked things over. We started to realize that the way we behaved was, um. Unacceptable. That we were immature, callow, uh, puerile..."

"Liam, Liam, bro, hold up," Connor said, interrupting his twin brother. He smiled an apologetic little smile at Kevin. "Sorry, he looked in a thesaurus to find other words for 'immature'." He cleared his throat. "Look, Kev. We ain't smooth talkers. We know that. We were just a couple of stupid assholes acting like we never left high school, and we didn't know that 'til your dads knocked some sense into us." The Zangoose cleared his throat again. "I mean, I know they ain't actually your dads, but-"

"Yeah, I got what you meant," Kevin said, nodding. Well, wasn't this a pleasant surprise? The big lugs apologizing to him, and it seemed like they really meant it, too! "Apology accepted."

"Nah," Liam said, shaking his head. "We still haven't made it right. We gotta do something to make it up for you. We'd feel like pricks if we didn't."

"Oh?" Kevin cocked his head. "What would you do?"

Liam blushed again (despite the apology, Kevin still got a rush of excitement from that sight). He looked one way, then the next, before leaning over to whisper into Kevin's ear. The Lucario's eyes went wide, and grew wider the longer Liam whispered.

A big, eager grin spread across Kevin's face.

"Well? Let's go."

Kevin wasn't entirely sure whose bedroom the twins took him to. Based on what he knew of Connor and Liam, it could have belonged to either of them; like them, the room was large, loud and oddly juvenile. The walls were painted a light shade of blue, and it looked like it had been that shade of blue since before the twins were born. There was a gaming system, a beanbag chair, assorted Red Sox and Patriots memorabilia, several posters for movies like The Departed and Boondock Saints, and a Game of Thrones poster that had the Stark insignia with "Winter is Coming" written beneath it. Kevin couldn't help but smile at the irony of these two thinking they'd be Starks.

Of course, he wasn't brought over to their place just to look at their rooms.

The Zangoose twins sat on the big bed side by side, their backs pressed against the headboard and their arms resting on top of it. They had stripped down to nothing but their jocks, which today were matching shades of red that were close in color to the zigzag markings that went up and down their bodies. Their thick, stocky bodies were on full display-soft bellies, firm pecs, tree-trunk arms and legs. It was a sight that made Kevin's mouth water, even after all of the bullying he had to put up with through the years. He, too, stripped down to his jock, climbing into bed with them and grinning.

"Let's see what I've got to work with..."

He first turned his attention to Connor, the stocky Zangoose looking at Kevin with an odd mix of lust and nerves in his eyes-something that he had never seen before, and which the Lucario found oddly titillating. When Kevin reached his hands up, he saw Connor flinch, just a little bit-not the panicked flinch of a kicked puppy, but the flinch of someone who was in a new situation and was still trying to figure out how it worked.

"Just relax, Connor," the Lucario murmured. "It's gonna be fun for you..."

With that, Kevin's hands rested on Connor's thick chest, rubbing gently over the soft, almost flabby pecs of the Zangoose. His fingers, playful with a soft touch, sunk into the yielding flesh of Connor's moobs, Kevin's thumbs circling patiently around the sensitive pink nipples that capped each. Connor took in a quick little inhalation of breath, squirming just a little from the feeling, before settling into place, leaning his head back and giving a pleasured little moan-sigh.


"That's it, Connor," Kevin said, his voice quiet and soothing. "It feels good, doesn't it?" He rubbed his hands up and down, working his fingers in circles before giving those nipples a playful little pinch. The startled squeak it elicited form the Zangoose jock made Kevin giggle, and it just made him want to loop Liam into the fun. It wouldn't be fair to leave him out, after all!

As one hand continued to play with Connor's left nipple, Kevin's other hand reached up to play with Liam's right tit. He was gentle, of course; he wasn't like his daddies, who showed what they were capable of when they taught these twins a lesson in humility. He was content just to play with those beautiful bodies.

"Nnnnh-haaaaah!" Connor made another soft, surprised, pleasured little noise as Kevin leaned his head in, pressing his lips against that nipple and beginning to kiss and suckle at it while his free hand played with the chest of Connor's twin brother. The Lucario's lips were as deft and as teasing as his fingers-each tiny nibble and eager slurp just made Connor's toes curl. He pressed against the back of Kevin's head, holding him in place against him, giving happy coos and groans and whines of bliss and need as he was toyed with so skillfully.

Liam, meanwhile, wasn't about to let his brother hog all the attention. "C'mon," he said, tugging on Kevin's arm and glaring at his twin. "Let me have him next."

"Gimme one more minute, OK?" Connor said, testy, before going back into that satisfied state of bliss as his nipples continued to be manipulated with the deft hand of a virtuoso.

"Yeah, and you're gonna keep 'one minute'-ing me until you've had him for an hour," Liam said. Connor had done that too many times with the gaming console as a kid for Liam to let it go. "C'mon, give him to me." He reached down, prying Kevin off of Connor's tit. The other Zangoose gasped and pulled him back.

"Asshole! Give him here."

"No way! You've had him long enough."

"Fuck you too, Liam! I was born first, you know. I can call dibs!"

"Oh, you were twelve minutes before me, you-"

A sharp whistle from Kevin's lips silenced the Kerrigan twins, and the two of them watched as he crawled out from between them. With that odd, inscrutable little grin of his, he made himself open for the two of them.

"Still got some aggression to work through, huh?"

Kevin giggled, lightly.

"Well, have at me."

The Zangooses had treated Kevin rough before, of course; that was part of the reason why they were in this situation to begin with. But the difference there was that, in the locker rooms of Catholic schools and private universities, Kevin wasn't welcoming that sort of behavior. (And for good reason-however rough they were as adults, they were much worse when they were younger, as any of their fraternity hazing subjects could attest to.) But that was then, and this was gloriously, dazzlingly now.

Liam was currently straddling Kevin's face, the hot, sweaty bulge of his jockstrap positioned right over the Lucario's nose as he ground and humped and wiggled in place. The muscled flab that padded the Zangoose's frame jiggled as he moved, but he didn't seem to notice-he was more than happy just to play with Kevin and give him a taste of that old time Kerrigan medicine, and for once it would be consensual. The Lucario just groaned around his face full, with pleasure this time around, his hands resting on Liam's thighs as he hungrily snorted up that salty ball-sweat.

Connor, meanwhile, had sat himself down on Kevin's lap, the firm form of the Zangoose pinning the skinnier Lucario down to the mattress and keeping him still as both he and his brother had his fun. He leaned his head back, wobbling his hips to and fro as the former school bully gave his past victim an eager lap dance. (And he was pretty good at it, too, Kevin noticed-maybe he had practice? Nah, that couldn't be...)

"Y'like that, don't you, little guy?" Liam said, affectionately, his hand coming down to hold Kevin's head in place. He kept rocking back and forth, dragging his fat bulge up and down Kevin's face. The scent was strong enough to make the Lucario's nose tingle from the sharp, eye-watering scent, but Kevin had acquired a taste for this sort of scent under the attention of his daddies. Every so often, Liam would move his hips up further, letting Kevin get a whiff of his slick, sweaty taint, which made the Lucario jolt and groan from the pleasure of it. He couldn't quite answer Liam's question, but rest assured that he liked it very much.

Connor, on the other hand, was getting to be a bit much; he was undeniably effective at grinding on Kevin's lap, but he was moving with a confidence and (more pressing at the moment) a speed that was hard to take for much longer than small doses. He was a sturdy, athletic former offensive lineman, after all; it wasn't like a tiny little stripper grinding her bony ass on someone's crotch. Liam felt the taps on his thighs and lifted up, grinning down at Kevin.

"What's up?"

Kevin gasped after being given fresh air, taking a couple of deep breaths before responding. "C-can Connor slow down?"

"Well, I dunno," Liam said. The Zangoose looked over his shoulder at his twin brother, who had paused in his grinding in order to listen. "Can you slow down, Connor?"

"Nope!" he said, cheerfully. "But I can move."

"Y-yeah, that sounds good," Kevin said, before blinking as Liam stood up and moved aside. "Hey, what're you-MMMMMF!"

As it turned out, the only thing more overwhelming than an overzealous jock grinding and bouncing up and down on your lap is an overzealous jock grinding and bouncing up and down on your face. It was a good half-hour before Kevin got air outside of Connor's bare, sweaty ass crack, but as he was being relentlessly ridden by the Zangoose Kevin's own bulge was rock-hard and not subsiding in the least.

As Liam picked him up and held him in his thick, beefy arms, Kevin realized that he had never been held so close by the big Zangoose in such a manner. They had been physically close to each other before (much to the former Riolu's chagrin), but never in such an intimate, warm way like this. Of course, when it came to the Kerrigans, "warmth" was a relative thing; that might have been why Kevin didn't mind when he was picked up and given a good, hard squeeze by the erstwhile bully.

"Oh, fuuuuuuuck," Kevin groaned out, the Lucario arching his back as he felt the forearms of the Zangoose clench down and squeeze against his back. Kevin kicked his legs a bit as he was hoisted into the air by Liam, wrapping his arms around the Zangoose's shoulders and hanging on for dear life as he was given a ruthless bearhug. Liam just grit his teeth and chuckled, giving another hard cinch that made Kevin moan.

"Oooh, yeah, Connor, I think he likes it when we do this..." He grunted and squeezed down again, eliciting another choked groan from the Lucario that he bounced up and down in his arms. "Dontcha, Kevin? C'mon, don't be shy..."

Kevin wasn't being shy; not when he moaning and grinding his bulge against the domineering Zangoose's belly, practically humping it as he squirmed from this treatment. As much of an asshole as the Kerrigan twins had been in the past, it was a great feeling to surrender to their power now that it was clear that it was just good fun. Another cinch made him throw his head back, giving an undignified little squeal.

"Huh? You're tryin' to say somethin', little guy?" Liam leaned in closer, a smirk spread across his face. "C'mon, go ahead. Tell ol' Liam what you want."

Kevin looked up at Liam, and his eyes gleamed. "Harder," he grunted, through the airtight bearhug that was enveloping him and pressing him against that barrel chest. "C'mon, harder, motherfucker!"

Liam laughed, looking at his brother with delight. "Oh, he wants it harder now, huh?" he said. "Man, you've changed, little guy..." He looked back at Kevin, smiling. "Well, I ain't gonna deny you that..." And with that, he squeezed down so tight that Kevin didn't even make any noise; he just threw his head back, mouth open, gasping and wheezing for air, the bulge in his underwear getting firmer and firmer...

"Hey, Liam, lemme get a shot at him, will ya?"

Liam rolled his eyes. "Fuckin' pain in the ass. We were gettin' into it, y'know."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't hog him, alright?"

Liam reluctantly handed Kevin over like he was a favorite ball on the playground, and the lust-drunk Lucario looked up teasingly at Connor.

"Don't hold back, OK? I don't want you to be a pussy for this..."

That was all the prompting that Connor needed to grit his teeth and bear down, the Lucario barely getting a moment's rest before the bearhug locked back in and kept him in place against the twin. God, but this was a fun night...

The Kerrigan twins had sat on Kevin's face before; they had spanked him before; they had shoved him into the sweatiest crevices of their bodies before; they had done any number of physical, suggestive things to him. But they had never actually fucked him, although he sometimes had an inkling that they wanted to. Well, if they did, they were certainly taking advantage of the opportunity as it arose.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!" Kevin panted and gasped as he was held in the arms of Connor Kerrigan, the Zangoose's thick arms wrapped tight around his midsection as he gave the Lucario a thorough standing-fuck. He had seen their cocks before, and he knew that they were both blessed in that department, but he wasn't prepared for just how good it felt to get his tight ass spread open by one of those hefty, uncut dicks, that he had ogled in locker rooms for so long before.

"God, I didn't know you were so fucking tight," Connor groaned, the Zangoose's grip shifting to a tight full nelson as he kept ramming his dick in and out of the Lucario's hole. "Fucking hell, you're so hot, too..." Connor was gritting his teeth from the sound of his speech-it would be time for him to come, soon.

"Awww, what's the matter?" Kevin said, still not totally tamed by these big-dick twins. "Never had someone like-nnnnnf!-someone like me before?" The Lucario laughed as he teased Connor, before he gave a high-pitched cry as Connor began to really kick into overdrive.

It was clear from the pace, and from how rough he was treating Kevin, that Connor wanted to come as soon as possible. He wasn't interested in slow, careful lovemaking, but pure hungry fucking-and knowing that made Kevin even hungrier to come himself.

In one of those coincidences that you'll start to see more and more if you fuck often, Connor's cock began to pulse and twitch in Kevin's hole just as Kevin's began to throb from the anal attention-and the two of them rode it out to a hot, steamy, simultaneous orgasm. When every drop of spunk was shot from the heads of their cocks and into Kevin, or into the air, the two of them flopped onto the bed, panting and starry-eyed with lust and fatigue and...and something else.

Kevin didn't want to think about what, exactly, that "something else" really was. He had made his peace with the Kerrigans, and best case scenario they would be reliable fuckbuddies. That was all-nothing more, nothing less. And yet, in the way Liam stared at him, expectantly, waiting for him to recover and go for another round, Kevin found it infuriating and charming in equal parts.

"Oh, alright," he said, as though making a grand concession, before rolling onto his stomach and showing his thick bubbly rump to the other twin.

Liam climbed onto the bed, thick body jiggling slightly as he moved, and got into position behind Kevin. "Hope you're ready for all this," he breathed, moving his hand up and down his dick and keeping it hard for where it was about to go. Kevin's hole, recently freed, was pulsing and twitching in anticipation as the head of Liam's cock prodded against it, and the Lucario bit his lip as he waited. Liam took his time to sink it in, deciding to tease Kevin a little bit and making him wait for it until...


Kevin arched his back like a cat, leaning his head backwards and giving a loud, lustful groan as Liam's dick sunk deeper and deeper into his soft, warm, velvety hole. The Zangoose seemed to be quite comfortable in this position, reaching his hand forward to brace against the back of Kevin's head as his mighty hips began to pump. They slapped against the Lucario's ass cheeks as they thrust, the Zangoose's thick, plump balls smacking against Kevin's own as the skinny bottom was so thoroughly railed.

"C'mon!" Kevin said, looking over his shoulder with a leering grin on his face. "Is that all you got, big guy? Let me feel you fuck me!" There was something about the twins that brought out this bossy, bratty side of him, not that Liam and Connor minded-they were happy to fuck him all the same. The Lucario gave a pleasured little whine as he lowered his head, resting it on his forearms and lifting his butt up as he was fucked.

Liam was quieter than Connor was, at least when he was fucking Kevin; he seemed laser-focused on the task at hand, sinking his fat cock in and out of the Lucario's hole, grunting and panting as he rode his ass as hard and as fast as he could until finally-

"I'm close," Liam breathed. "I'm close."

"Don't cum yet," Kevin ordered, panting heavily, his eyes rolling back. "Don't cum 'til I say. Alright?" This took Liam by surprise, but he obeyed anyway. It was fucking hard, waiting until he was told to cum when he had such a lovely hole to fuck, and yet he held back as best he could.

"Mmmmm, almost, baby," Kevin said, purring from the attention before a particularly invigorating thrust sent him twitching and moaning. "Oh! You ready, Liam?"

"Yes yes yes fucking yes," Liam panted.

"You wanna cum?"

"Fuck yes. C'mon, let me..."

"Cum," Kevin said, finishing his sentence. And with that, Liam did-the Zangoose let out a horny, hungry groan as he came to a shuddering climax, practically going starry-eyed from the ecstatic pleasure of finishing in Kevin's tight asshole. As the two of them flopped to the side, a silly little grin came to Kevin's face, a little drunk, a little hot, a little happy.

He could get used to this. Yeah, he could definitely get used to this.