Coming Under Fire

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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Written by TwistedSnakes

Anonymous Commission



"Hup two hup two! Keep in step boys!" a doberman barked gruffly at the platoon of strength thirty as two sentries opened the tall chain link fence that secured the entrance to a quiet military camp. The sun had begun to set over the hills, casting the entire camp in an orange and purple glow.

The platoon slowed down and jogged in place in front of the doberman. "Alright, training cut!" he commanded. "Good job soldiers. That's it for today," he nodded at the panting soldiers. Darkening sky, one could barely make out the green tank top with the military insignia on the left, green camouflage-coloured cargo pants, and black boots that the soldiers were wearing.

"You guys will head to the mess hall for dinner, and dismiss yourselves from there, own time own target," he instructed. "I'll see you guys in the parade square at seven sharp. Move!"

"Yes sir!" the troops shouted back at him as they jogged to the cookhouse.

"You! Private Henry." the doberman pointed at one of the soldiers as he jogged by.

"Yes captain Bryce?" the fox jogged over.

"Go turn on the parade square floodlights," he instructed. "It's getting dark out."

"Yes sir!" the fox complied and bounded off to find the light switches as Bryce strolled into the cookhouse to get his dinner. There was no sign of the other soldiers, who had already hungrily ran for their dinner.

Henry found the electrical box with the sign "Switch Box" hanging above it. Apart from the metal latch that kept the box closed, the rest of the plastic box was covered with a thick layer of grime and dust. Gingerly pinching the latch with two fingers and trying to get as little dirt over himself as possible, he unfastened the latch and opened the box.

Spider webs were hanging from the hinged corner of the electrical box, and Henry shot a look of disgust. "Ugh," he muttered under his breath. He looked at the grid of switches lining the back of the box, all of which unlabelled. This was the first time he was looking inside this box, and he had no idea which switch was connected to the floodlights he was supposed to turn on. "Crap," he blurted to himself.

Camp 279E was situated in the middle of a cluster of hills straddling the border between the states of Pulsir and Fuligan, an hour's drive away from the nearest town. Their deserted location was why the camp didn't get visitors apart from the weekly supplies truck and the occasional lost travellers.

Bryce scoffed in amusement. Lost travellers. Two of them just came to their gates in the past week, claiming that they were looking for a non-existent "Sunnyville Resorts". He had to take them in for questioning and background checks to make sure they weren't spies from another nation.

Bryce let them go after confirming that they were Fuliganian citizens who had a booking at a Sunnyside Resorts two hours away from the camp. He got them a ride on a military jeep, sending the confused tourists to the resort without an explanation, only with the instruction that they weren't to breathe a word of this location to anyone.

He snorted again. It wasn't like this location was doing anything top secret. Well, they had a bunch of scientists on site working on a classified project, but if it really was that sensitive they'd be developing it in the government's central research labs. The scientists didn't care too much for the security classification either, testing the energy weapon they were developing by blasting rocks in the desert in full view of the troops.

All of a sudden, the air outside the was bathed in a white glow. "Dammit Henry," Bryce muttered under his breath as he put down his fork and got up from his seat. The other troops turned their heads to watch their commander as he stormed to the door of the cookhouse.

The doberman flung the double doors of the cookhouse open. Outside, the seven searchlights mounted on the roofs of various buildings within the camp were turned on, shining seven bright beams into the air, illuminating the clouds in the night sky.

"You bumbling cock!" he screamed at the fox. "Turn off the damned searchlights! Do you want the whole of Pulsir to fucking know where we are?"

"Sorry sir!" a nervous voice squeaked from across the parade square and the entire camp was plunged into darkness.

"Goddamnit dick-sucking Henry!" Bryce screamed across the parade square.

Hidden above the clouds in the night sky, a large figure was gliding through the clear air with his tail dragging a trail lightly through the top of the clouds, flapping his broad wings gracefully every few seconds for a gentle lift.

His serene flight was interrupted as a beam of light burst through the clouds and shone in his face, reflecting against his reddish orange scales. He roared in surprise and anger at the sudden glare and flapped away from the beam.

The wyvern circled the beam, staring angrily down at the patch of clouds where the light was shining through. The beam faded away, leaving the silhouette of the creature flapping his wings in the dark. He gave out another guttural roar and dived into the clouds.

He burst out from below the clouds in a trail of vapour and scanned the ground below. The hilly landscape below was covered in a blanket of darkness. No sign of the culprits that caused the offending beam. He grunted angrily, continuing his search for his transgressors.

His mark appeared in soft blinking of lights on a cluster of low-rise buildings, surrounded by a tall metal fence topped with rolls of barbed wire. The wyvern flashed a stern glare at the buildings, lowered his head and swooped down upon its unsuspecting targets.

In the camp's cookhouse, Bryce felt the ground shake beneath his feet and an orange glow outside. "What the flying fuck?" he swore, stomping angrily to the cookhouse doors again to see what the next fuss was about. He opened the double doors and a wave of heat blasted in his face. His eyes were met with the sight of a wyvern towering over the camp.

The staff bunks were glowing red, its roof covered with a layer of lava, spreading over the building and setting everything on fire. "Shit," Bryce stammered as his face turned white. "Sound the alarm!" he turned and shouted at the stunned troops.

A sharp, piercing siren echoed through the camp. "Ben!" he barked at his sergeant. "Go get the scientists and evacuate the team."

"Yes sir!" the bear complied, running out the cookhouse, avoiding the wyvern's gaze as he ran into the burning bunks to gather the scientists.

The wyvern raised its large wings in the air, threw his head backwards and roared in Bryce's direction. The wyvern raised his majestic wings into the air, threw back its head and roared. At the wyvern's crotch level, Bryce could see a pink, fleshy organ the size of three men standing on each other's shoulders pointed outwards with spiked barbs running down the shaft and a sharp, tapered head at the top. Hanging below the knotted member were two large globes wrapped in a thick layer of leathery skin, each large enough to engulf a full-grown fur, dangling in the wind as the wyvern stormed around.

The wyvern flapped his wings in time as he thrust his hips through the air as his erect dick came into view, roaring in pleasure as it spewed molten lava out of his urethra into the middle of the parade square. The lava cum landed in a pool on the tarmac ground and spread outwards, setting the ground on the edges of the puddle on fire. The wyvern grinned as it watched the resultant destruction.

"Aww shit," Bryce cursed. "Skylar! Go set up the eastern turret. Isaac! Draw ammo from the store, eastern turret. Levi! Ammo. Northern turret. Henry, you follow me," he spat out the last sentence viciously at the fox, who shrugged nervously before following behind.

Apart from the weekly maintenance that took up half of their Fridays, the ground-mounted turrets didn't get much attention. It wasn't like the quiet camp had any reason to use the glorified machine guns.

Bryce heaved the canvas sheet and set off a huge cloud of desert sand that the wind blew on the canvas over the past few days. Henry coughed out the breath of sand and dust that he took in, gagging and pawing at his irritated muzzle. Bryce ignored the grit that stung in his eyes as he unlocked the lock that secured the firing mechanism in place.

The corgi named Levi bounded over to them with two metal boxes. He sat the two boxes down and unlatched the lid, revealing long chains ammunition belt of machine gun bullets. Bryce set up the metal cover behind the barrel of the machine gun, set the chain of bullets in the mechanism before closing the cover.

Bryce cocked the machine gun and one bullet entered the firing chamber. He turned the barrel of the gun to face the wyvern, flicked the safety switch and gently squeezed the trigger. The machine gun recoiled in response to the spray of bullets that shot out from the front, sending the butt of the gun pressing into the soft flesh between his shoulder blade and pecs.

The spray of bullets found its way to the wyvern's back. There was a sprinkle of metal as the bullets flattened themselves against the wyvern's impenetrable scales. The wyvern Bryce muttered more vulgarities under his breath as he cocked the gun, sending the last shell casing from the first belt flying off the side.

The doberman relied entirely on instinct as he loaded the next belt into the gun. The last time he touched a machine gun like this was at least a year ago in his weapons training, where he had to use various models of rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers and the heavy MATADOR for several weeks. He had a particular affinity for this machine gun, however, as he had to spend four entire days in training for this weapon alone.

Another round of bullets shot out from the barrel and shattered themselves against the hard shell. "Ugh, got any ideas Henry?" he nodded towards the fox as he kept his focus on the wyvern.

"Uhh, can we shoot for the eyes?" Henry replied uncertainly.

"Mmm," the doberman nodded again as he turned the gun and focused on the wyvern's head. The bullets hit the beast on his face, narrowly missing the eyes. The wyvern roared and charged at the turret. It raised its head and spread its wings again, thrusting its hips in the air, howling in bliss.

"Run!" Bryce shouted as he jumped off the concrete platform that the turret was mounted on, onto the sandy ground below. Henry followed suit and pressed himself against the platform trying to hide. "You idiot!" the doberman scolded the fox and pulled him away from the platform as a burst of lava melted the turret and gushed over the edge of the platform, splashing over the place where Henry was trying to hide.

The wyvern stopped his advancement on the trio as a burst of fire from the other turret distracted him. "Ugh, come with me you two," Bryce groaned and ran off into the office building with Henry and Levi following behind.

Skylar grunted as she loaded another belt of ammunition into the gun. The wyvern was advancing on her as she aimed for the wyvern's eyes. The spray didn't seem to cause the monster to react apart from its twitching eyelid as it blinked to clear its eye of the metal cartridges.

The beast was almost upon them, getting ready to shoot a burst of lava at the turret. "Fuck!" she grunted and squeezed the trigger harder in desperation. Gunfire came from the left as troops shot their rifles as the wyvern, distracting him from his current target. Skylar sighed in relief and continued firing.

The gun was supposed to be firing in bursts of thirty or so rounds before a few seconds of cooling down, but she was desperate. The barrel of the gun was already heating up from her continuous firing and she needed to change it soon.

She grabbed the handle of the barrel and gasped in pain as the heat burnt her palm. "Argh!" she gasped in pain. She tore a strip of cloth and wrapped it around her hand as she twisted the barrel free and dropped it in the pile of expended cartridges. A fresh barrel was put in place, and she resumed her firing.

"Isaac. More bullets. Pronto," she ordered.

"Yes sergeant!" the badger nodded and ran off to the armoury.

"What do you mean you can't fucking send backup, sir?" Bryce screamed into the corded phone, catching himself as he added the last word as a sign of respect.

"I am sending backup Bryce," the voice calmly responded to him. "But our aircraft are deployed to air patrol over the Obersos state, and ground support won't come for another three hours or so."

A loud and raspy roar came in from the glass windows, vibrating the glass and threatening to shatter it. Still holding the phone, Bryce turned and glared angrily at the wyvern.

"That's the same damn thing as not sending backup! What are they going to do? Come here and clean up the ashes?" Bryce screamed back into the receiver.

"Well Bryce you're just going to have to deal with it until back-" there was a smash as the receiver was slammed back into its cradle.

"Bahh," the doberman furrowed his brow, deep in thought. How about the energy beam? Could he work it without the help of the scientists?

"Levi, maintain comms with me. Go update me on ground status," he threw the corgi a walkie-talkie, picking up a matching one for himself. "Henry come with me," he beckoned, and the three of them ran out of the room.

After much trouble, Bryce and Henry managed to shift a huge flood light-shaped device up the stairs to the roof of the research labs. Levi had helped organized the troops on the ground floor, distracting the wyvern as they alternated the firing between the groups and the remaining turret. Levi had also helped time the distractions, turning the wyvern towards the outside of the camp before it excitedly shot its molten cum harmlessly into the desert.

Bryce could see the wyvern clearly from the roof. His arms were muscular, and a thick layer of scaly leathery skin was stretched taut across all its bony fingers to form his wide wingspan. His torso was round and burly, the skin tightly hugging the muscles beneath as it connected up to its thick neck.

On his strong feet, the wyvern stomped towards the group of soldiers currently firing at him, swinging its knobbed and spiky tail behind him. Bryce grunted. Mighty as this beast was, he would have to take it down with only thirty soldiers and weapons that could do no damage to him.

This energy beam would be their only hope. He looked at Henry, who had already plugged the machine into the nearby power socket. A green screen on the back of the device lit up, and Henry tapped a few buttons. A soft hum filled the air as the device charged itself up.

"We're good to go, sir!" Henry called out to Bryce, who was staring blankly at the carnage below.

Bryce shook his head as he snapped out of his trance. He stood behind the device and pushed it to the edge of the roof, aimed at the wyvern, and tapped a button on the panel. A burst of orangey-white illuminated the air as it shot a column of heat and power at the wyvern's back.

The doberman moved the beam across the wyvern's back as the energy beam faded out. There was a streak of seared scales where the beam burnt the scales, but apart from that, the wyvern was unharmed.

"Cunt-licking piece of shit!" Bryce screamed at nobody in particular, kicking the device in frustration. The camp was under attack by a crazy fire-jizzing wyvern, invulnerable to all their firepower and the weaponized energy beam they were developing, and there was nothing he could do to stop it from burning their camp down.

The wyvern thrust his hips into the air in another round of orgasm as a burst of lava turned the cookhouse into a glowing puddle of slag on the ground. "Bahh!" he cursed again. The camp might not be salvageable, but he could at least save his men. He pushed the button on the walkie-talkie.

"Levi! It's hopeless," he gasped in exasperation. "We can't hold back the beast." There was a bestial shriek of pain coming from the ground floor. "We got to evacuate the camp."

"Sir!" the corgi barked back at him. "We found a way to hurt the dragon!"

"It's a wyvern you twit," Bryce scolded, before staring at the walkie-talkie in surprise. "Wait, what? How?"

"It's the balls, sir. Sergeant Skylar hit its balls and it looks hurt now," came the reply.

"Huh. Who would've known," the doberman mused. His mind got to work as he thought of a plan.

Levi ran over to one of the group of five which he had assigned to distract the wyvern. "Get rope," he ordered.

"Wait, why?" the confused reindeer tilted his head at him.

"Captain Bryce has a plan. Now go!" he shouted and shoved the reindeer in the direction of the storeroom.

"How much rope?" the reindeer shouted back at him as he got into a running sprint.

"Yes!" the corgi barked back.

Bryce watched the platoon organize themselves on the ground below. There were now three groups of soldiers running around, taking turns between them to shoot the wyvern in the face, guiding him in a huge loop that weaved around the buildings, outside the camp and back again. The turret was also covering for them, distracting the wyvern whenever he got too close to the troops.

Henry was also controlling the energy beam, cutting the wyvern off whenever he tried to stray from the path. Bryce felt hopeful. If this worked, perhaps their camp would survive to see another day. Or at least, what's left of it.

Some soldiers came running out in pairs, with each pair holding the ends of a single length of rope. With the lengths of rope, they held the rope taut across the alley between two buildings. A group of soldiers were coming down the alley, stepping backwards as they fired upwards at the wyvern that towered high above them.

The firing soldiers climbed through the ropes as the wyvern came storming down the alley, kicking aside the fallen rubbish dumpsters and crates that were flush against the walls. He charged out of the alley, tangling his feet over the ropes that the soldiers were holding.

It stumbled across the parade square, pulling the soldiers along for the ride as they shouted in surprise.

"Don't stop! Follow the plan! Circle its feet!" the corgi below was shouting. The soldiers complied, looping the rope around the wyvern's feet and pulling them together. The wyvern howled as the ropes were tugged, pulling out its feet under it.

He fell backwards, landing on its back with a sickening impact of bone against tarmac. The soldiers threw more ropes over the wyvern's wings, looping them around the thrashing wyvern and securing the wyvern to the ground, his genitals in full view of Bryce and Henry.

"We're ready sir!" a voice came through the walkie-talkie.

"Roger that," Bryce acknowledged, nodding at Henry. Henry nodded back and fired the beam at the wyvern. The energy was focused on the wyvern's hanging balls, searing its way across his balls. The wyvern screamed in pain as his scrotum was burnt with the fiery heat. The epidermis of the skin was completely burnt off where the beam had touched his balls, leaving scorched skin on the borders around the freshly-seared wound. The flesh under the wound was raw and wet as pus seeped through yellow patches on the moist, red tissue.

The world around Bryce dimmed as the energy beam ran out of energy and returned to charging itself up again. Henry tapped the screen impatiently as the loading bar inched its way slowly across the screen.

"Fire into the wound!" the doberman screamed into the walkie-talkie. "Fire into the wound!" he repeated, realizing that he didn't press the button the first time.

"Yes sir!" the corgi barked back.

The remaining turret crackled into life, hailing fragments of steel and lead deep into the pulsing flesh. The beast shrieked in pain, thrashing even harder against the rope restraints that bound it to the ground. The corgi was barking orders across the parade square, joining the troops as they secured the wyvern with more ropes, bundling its fingered wings together.

The pus and blood burst from the spray of metal slugs as they sank into the flesh, lodging themselves in the holes they dug out of the flesh. "The beam is ready sir!" came the fox behind Bryce.

"Hold fire and back off! Beam incoming," the doberman yelled again.

The clouds in the night sky glowed again, reflecting the glare from the beam and illuminating the camp beneath them. The beam cut at the base of the wyvern's dick, moving down towards the open wound and cutting deeper into the wound. A mixture of lava and blood seeped through the gash as the protective inner lining of the testes were sliced open.

The lava burnt the wyvern and he screamed a high-pitched cry as he rocked his hips in horny arousal, sending another burst of lava across another building as troops ran away to avoid the incoming magma. Lava gushed out from the genital wound, cooling down and hardening around it in an igneous scab.

"Damn that fucking bastard," Bryce swore at the wyvern. The camp was only a few more spews of molten cum away from making their battle meaningless. He had to make use of the advantage they had gained in the past fifteen minutes.

"Levi!" he barked into the walkie-talkie.

"Yes, sir?"

"Remember the MATADOR we have in the armoury? Bring it out."

"Sir, it's only a training equipment. The warhead is only a dummy and won't explode."

"I know that," Bryce retorted. "Bring it out and follow my instructions."

Levi let the troops carry on with their distraction. The wyvern was subjected to series of an energy beam burning across a new section of its sensitive genitals followed by sprays of bullets coming all around, with each cycle adding to the mass of molten steel embedded in his balls.

In the meantime, he pulled out the training MATADOR. The original weapon of which the training equipment was modelled off of was a bazooka that would launch an explosive warhead that could pierce through concrete walls and armoured tanks before exploding and killing the people within in a ball of fire.

However, this training equipment wasn't as efficient: it could only fire a sizable plastic projectile with the reloadable explosive charge in the back of the MATADOR. It would have to do though. He slung the heavy cylinder across his back and ran back to the parade square, facing the head of the wyvern.

Levi had to work fast. The wyvern would soon be shooting another shower of lava in his direction. He barked instructions at the soldiers to take cover before kneeling down on one knee and mounting the MATADOR on his right shoulder.

The wyvern was thrusting his hips. The volcanic eruption was about to happen soon. Despite his anxiety, Levi steeled himself and aimed the weapon at the urethral slit of the wyvern's dick. He clicked the safety lever and fired, sending a cylinder hurtling towards the dick, shooting down the wyvern's urethra.

The wyvern roared in pain as the spinning projectile tore off the inner linings of his cock. However, as he attempted to shoot his lava, the plastic cylinder lodged within his urethra. The pressure of trying to shoot the cum overwhelmed the weakened linings of his genitals.

His genitals swelled as he tried to force the lava out. Cracks appeared across the rocky surface of his balls where the lava had solidified and orange magma glowed from below, threatening to escape.

The pressure was building up, and something has got to give. The igneous rock split and time seemed to slow down as his balls expanded. Bits of rocks were flying off the rocky scab as the entire solid casing flung itself away from the wyvern's body.

The wyvern thrashed around from the pressure building up in his privates. His struggles caused a small crack to split open and tear through the weakened skin, separating the flesh as it curled up to the sides, revealing a sphere of lava in the middle where each testes used to be. The pressure and momentum shot the remains into the air in a mixture of flesh, blood and lava.

The red elements splashed apart as gravity pulled them down, and the burning lava spewed all over the wyvern, burning him all over his body. The magma was eating into the wyvern's scales, dissolving the layers of keratin away. The lava on his dick seared the sensitive member, dissolving the glans away and leaving burnt skin the the tip of the penis. The pain sent the wyvern into a frenzy as he struggled to get the molten fluids off him.

The top level of his flesh burnt away. Portions of the flesh where the lava exposed were covered in pus and blistering skin, with some of the blisters popping as the heat boiled the fluids in them. The remainder of the cock was also covered with swollen welts, each one bursting as a drop of stray lava melted into the skin. The skin around the exposed portion of the inner urethra was spreading outwards over the tip of the dick, coming away as the magma vapourized the skin. In other places where the lava continued to eat away at him, the lava began expose his bones.

The lava continued to burn and dissolve the wyvern's body as the skeleton of his arms, legs and ribcage showed through the flesh. The last of his member had been burst and dissolved in the magma, leaving behind a black stump with a plastic projectile lodged deep in the base of where the member once stood, destroyed by the lava it once spewed out in glory. The wyvern thrashed and writhed around with the last of his energy, slowing down as he succumbed to his fatal injuries. There was a low growl as the last of his breath escaped his maw.

As the orange glow dimmed as the magma cooled, another glow faded in as the sun rose over the hills, illuminating the draconic corpse and the burning remains of the camp.

"Put out the fires, then you all can go to sleep," Bryce sighed into the walkie-talkie. "The fucking backup can clean this shit up when they come."

~ End ~