Two against the world

Story by ThaRedPanda on SoFurry

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#1 of Two against the world

The story follows life of Nick Wilde after he finally graduates from ZPD academy. Follow as him and Judy fight against the bad and learn that the feelings they have for each other is something more powerful than just friends. They both know it. Get ready for hell of a adventure as the duo face largest case in Zootopia! M rated for violence, fluff, comedy, smut, cursing, drugs... But trust me... All of it in good taste! I am very invested writer, especially when it comes to emotion, realism and making Judy's and Nick's characters as close to the movie.

I upload these in full 5 chapter bulks to save time.

Chapter 1

'Bright Times Ahead'


The warm morning sun peeked through the dark green curtains of the quiet apartment, making its way slowly to the edge of the mahogany bed. The red-furred fox felt the warmth on his face now and slowly opened his left eye, squinting carefully. Ah, another great morning in Zootopia... or not. Damned overly bright sun...

His gaze slowly shifted towards the nightstand, his alarm clock sitting atop it as usual. Blinking a few times to clear the morning blurriness away, he could faintly make out the numbers: 07:10. The thought of flopping over onto his left side and going back to sleep crossed his mind, until it hit him all at once. He opened both eyes quickly, staring at the clock again. It all came back to him.

A small smile crept onto his muzzle as he remembered. The fox slowly rose up and lifted the blanket away. Today was the day. After waiting and training for half a year, which felt like an eternity to him, the day had finally arrived. He had to say the words aloud just to convince himself they were true.

Nick spoke, "I... I did it... I'm a Police Officer."

Nick felt a heart-warming burst of pride at his words, as the memory of the previous day's graduation came back to him in full. The emotion long forgotten to him hitting him like a truck, the image of Judy's smiling face as she pinned his badge to his chest lingering in his mind. Those stunning and enchanting lavender eyes of hers, staring at him with all the pride in the world. She had never doubted his success for a second, and he had not let her down.

Nick slowly lifted his gaze from his paws to his new, neat and clean uniform, hanging from the doorknob waiting for him to put it on. Next to the door, sitting on a small stool, was a Golden ZPD badge. 'Officer Nicholas P. Wilde' engraved on the front. The feeling was settling in as he sat on the side of his bed, smiling to himself.

He had so much to thank his dear friend for, especially for believing in him. Those shining lavender eyes, always with their joyful attitude when she was around him, always so full of life... He had never met anyone like her. He knew that he would have never been in this situation without her.

He almost felt himself get a bit emotional as he remembered his graduation day, something that would never leave his memory. Seeing his mother in the crowd... The moment he spotted her, he felt like his whole world had stopped for a moment.

After the ceremony had finished, Nick had barely managed to start a conversation with Judy before his mother practically ran through the field towards him, with barely a second to turn around and embrace her hug. The vixen had started to sob and cry tears of joy for how proud she was of her 'little hero'. After that, it only took Judy a few seconds to realize who she was. All she could do was silently watch the situation from the side, eyes glossy and a touched smile on her face. Seeing the vixen so hysteric, shaking in their embrace as Nick comforted her with a loving smile.

Judy saw that it had taken all he had not to cry along with her as he spoke in his charming, joking tone, "I told you I would make it."

After watching the reunion for a brief while, Judy started to back up, giving them some space for this moment without interruption. Wiping her eyes and sniffing a bit, she walked into the crowd, striking up conversation with some other recruits.

Just half a year prior, Nick was an infamous and known as a Pawpsicle hustler, among other daily criminal activities: Working with his friend Finnick, along with some others. He was simply a mammal with no life goals. No direction. Well, this was not something Judy thought herself, rather Nick's own words during his time at the ZPD Academy.

Now he was something he could never have dreamed. Now, he was the complete opposite.

The training itself had been absolute torture to the fox, for as lean as he was, he was not built for this endurance. He had to eat a lot daily during his training; some mammals just have these genes, but not Nick. The first few weeks had been compete hell for his body.

He had always been so clever with his hustles; the chances of being caught were slim. He never had a real opportunity to run away from the law in the city - he had not ever needed to. In other words, he was far from a sports mammal. The run from Manchas through the Rainforest during the Nighthowler Case had already proven quite a challenge for him.

A couple of months in the Academy changed that though. He actually started to enjoy physical exercise during the training, because he saw the changes to his daily life - Especially when he looked in the mirror... Six months later and his muscles were actually showing through his fur! Not a lot of course, but he was still in better shape now than he had ever been.

The size of his biceps had grown noticeably as well as the muscles in his torso... Though in order to get into a similar shape as his colleagues, he would need at least three more years of training. Regardless, he was proud of himself. All those pushups and gym sessions had done something right.

He took everything thrown at him day after day, until it came to a point where it was not so bad anymore. The fact that he someone counting on him the whole time helped... Nick wanted to believe in himself too. Judy told him he would make waves, a real difference in the force, just like her - they solved the ZPDs biggest case ever together after all. She saw real potential in him.

He may have been the only ex-conmammal the ZPD had ever had, but he had a chance to be one of the best. He had something few officers possessed; Street smarts. A cunning, crafty outlook, a different way to look at things and pursue leads, and inside knowledge of the way things went down in and around the city. Not to mention a ton of charm and a silver tongue to top it all off...

So to say nothing less, he was going to be a colorful addition to the force. Judy wanted no one else as her partner, despite Bogo's pressuring. No one realized how deep their friendship ran, they truly were best friends. As different as their personalities were, they had the time of their lives when they were around each other.

The life and times were finally changing in Zootopia. The prejudice and the walls between predator and prey grew thinner each passing day. This was the way Judy saw Zootopia. She had started something big, something unforgettable. Despite this, Nick knew deep down that prejudice was something that Judy could never completely eradicate, even if she made it her lifelong goal.

There was always going to be bad mammals no matter what. Envy, jealousy, and hatred for things they did not understand. If there were more mammals like Judy, the world would be a much better place for it. One can always dream of this perfect, Utopian Zootopia... but not all dreams come true.

Still, Judy had given something to the city that no one in its history had done for a long time. Hope. With it came idealism, and the promise of a better future. She came from the farm with a fire in her heart to make the world a better place. Even after reality and the harsh truth had smacked her down one time after another, she still did not let it get to her. She still succeeded.

She was only twenty-four years old and she already had her name written in history. A bunny that would be talked, and taught about for hundreds of years after she was gone. The craziest thing was, this was just the beginning. She had only just started, and Nick wanted to be there by her side to support her in everything she did, no matter what that might be.

Joining the ZPD was just the first step on the road he was determined to travel, no matter how rocky that road may be, as her loyal and best friend. Yeah... Nothing else...

He still remembered the hassle after the Bellwether case closed. Judy had been swamped for the following days, bombed with interviews, newspaper's questions and phone calls from her parents like there was no tomorrow. It had been out of control. When she first arrived in the city, no one cared about her. She got one mention in the papers, saying that the ZPD had recruited their first bunny officer - something most just raised an eyebrow and joked about.

Just one week later and BAM! Now she was a superstar.

The tone and attitude of mammals had been flipped upside down from Zootopia to the outer edge of the Unknown Sea... Within a single week, she had joined the list of the City's most famous and infamous; her name up there alongside important mammals like Mister Big, Mayor Lionheart, Gazelle and her own Chief Commander Bogo. Everyone knew that she was destined for greatness.

From then on all the city could do was follow along as the bunny made a huge number of arrests for the ZPD every month, sweeping the city like a tidal wave with everything she had. It was all Nick could do to read it all from the papers during his training, knowing that soon he would be there beside her, fighting against the life he used to be a part of...

Judy had been dragged to every possible interview and talk show, and sometimes Nick saw that Judy was getting tired of it, even in her first weeks after the Bellwether case. In the first week, Judy had dragged Nick everywhere with her. She wanted to make sure he got his place in the spotlight, just as much as she did. Nick could tell some of these mammals just thought she did it out of kindness, but she did not see it that way.

For her, this case had been a fifty-fifty effort with him. She kept telling everyone how Nick was going to apply to the ZPD Academy at some point, and prove he was just as talented in this line of work as she was. Nick knew she also wanted to push the idea of a fox police officer to the masses; she truly wanted everyone to believe that in Zootopia, anyone could indeed be anything.

While this had intrigued the TV stations indeed, Nick could see many of them thought it was all talk; the lingering doubt against his species was still there. All Nick could do was watch as Judy fought his case on national Television, and when it was his turn, he did his job well. Whenever it came to him to talk, he would put on his infamous fox charm. He was one silver-tongued fox after all, cracking jokes and making mammals laugh with his way of taking this all lightly.

After the first week of these nonstop interviews and shows, Nick decided enough was enough, and that it was time to put words into action. Eventually the media would calm down, Bogo would require her back on the streets, and Nick could not follow her there anymore. He was not a cop yet.

Therefore, he spoke to her one Friday night after a particularly long press conference, telling her he would not be taking part in any more interviews with her. Judy had been puzzled and concerned at first; the statement seeming so sudden, but she calmed down once Nick explained. He told her how he had already applied for the Academy. It was time. His training would begin on Monday.

Judy had been quite stunned at first, wondering if Nick was seriously about to start so soon, even though they talked about it constantly. Now the fox was saying the sooner he would get it done, the sooner he would be there with her, just as they agreed.

She had hugged Nick at this point, telling him how surprised and happy she was that this was actually happening, and that the fox was actually serious about it. Nick had felt himself tense up initially, but then started to chuckle and relax into the embrace, telling her it was only six months after all.

Judy had sworn she would visit as often as she could, though Nick assumed it was just something nice to suggest, saying it was not necessary. He knew she was going to be one very busy mammal soon, what with her work and the media's eyes following her every move... However, little did he know that Judy had more than meant it. She had already grown so fond of his teasing and humor, she was going to make as much time for him as possible, as his loyal and best friend. Yeah... Nothing else...



Monday came.

It was a bright and sunny day as he stepped inside those gates, ready for what lay ahead... or so he thought. Little did he know his inner lazy, laid-back nature was about to be destroyed, very soon. As soon as the Polar bear instructor laid her eyes on him in the back row, he knew he was fucked. He thought the order to do thirty pushups on the spot was a funny joke, until he realized it was an everyday thing. After the training began, if he were to get a dollar for every time he heard the words; "You are dead Foxtrot!" he would be roughly six hundred dollars richer by the halfway point.

The polar bear did not care in the slightest if he was the most famous fox in the city, that he had helped solve some big case, or that he was the future partner to Judy Hopps... In fact, this just made her train him even harder. He remembered falling face-first into the mud after slipping from a tall fence, the taste of dirt in his mouth.

The polar bear yelled in confusion,

"You're not arresting anyone with those muscles Wilde! When was the last time you did any cardio?!"

Nick mumbled from the mud, answering back in his famous flirtatious tone, "You know, Major Friedkin... You're one beautiful sight for sore eyes. Cardio isn't exactly my specialty but I have many other talents one as stunning as yourself would find very-"

"Shut it Wilde, on your feet and keep running!" The polar bear cut him off, failing miserably to contain her small smile. It had been a while since she had had a recruit with his attitude, not many comedians in the force.

"Please, mercy..." Nick begged, groaning as he picked himself up out of the mud. A wolf recruit ran up next to him, laughing while offering help with his paw.

The polar bear saw this and spoke, "Howlton!" gaining the attention of both mammals, "Make sure Foxtrot here passes this obstacle course, or I will make you both double it!"

"Got it, yes ma'am!" The brown wolf saluted with a determined smile. Taking his paw, he helped Nick up, the fox spitting mud out and attempting to wipe the mess off his tongue. "Let's get going, you got this!" The wolf said trying to hype Nick up, pushing him to move with a playful shove.

The wolf was only slightly taller than Nick, making him quite short by his species' standards. Even after his impromptu rest in the mud, Nick began panting again right away, feeling his body already screaming for a break after just fifteen minutes.

"This is torture dude!" Nick whined, though he was grinning despite everything.

"You're Nick Wilde, right? The mammal who solved that big case with Officer Hopps? I just came in today and everyone already talks about you!" The wolf spoke excitedly.

"Yeah, what an amazing thing to witness... the fox who dies on his first day, what a legend..." Nick said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Can we at least have naps between obstacles here? Like on actual hammocks... and maybe some soda to go?" Nick asked with grin, half-joking half-serious.

The wolf laughed loudly at that, shaking his head. "You sound just like you did on TV, maybe these next six months will be enjoyable after all..." He said with a smile. "Oliver Howlton." He announced, offering his paw to Nick after they had scaled a large rock.

"Nicholas Wilde, a pleasure... but no seriously, we do get breaks right?" Nick questioned with a grin, huffing in exhaustion as he shook the wolf's paw.

"Actually yeah, we do have one... after the rain forest stage is over - should take about half an hour still." Oliver huffed.

"I wonder if the Major would believe me if I said I left my stove on..." Nick muttered, horrified. After hearing they were not even halfway through this cursed course, doubt started to creep into his mind. Was he ready for this, physically? Was he ready mentally?

The brown wolf snickered as he clambered up a tall wooden fence, sitting atop it and handing his paw down to the struggling fox with a friendly smile.

"You know what Nick? I think we'll get along just fine. I'll make sure to help you with the vine section - the other guys told me the Cliffside is hard to reach. Don't want to break our legs on the first attempt eh? Together we can make it easily!" Oliver exclaimed enthusiastically.

"...You are kidding right?" Nick asked with wide eyes, looking at the grinning wolf as he helped him up. He had bad memories of swinging on vines with a certain bunny.

"Come on it's not so bad dude, just follow my lead!" Oliver said with a wink.

"Follow the ripped wolf guy, got it." Nick snickered, climbing down the fence with him.

"Exactly, just a little determination and you'll reach results as good as anyone else," he assured with a friendly smile.

"You know what, thanks man. A hype male is just what I need I think - keep my morale up and maybe I'll survive the first week..." Nick chuckled.

"I'm gonna do that and more, we're headed for the same department after all! It'll be an honor to say I helped someone so famous through his training," Oliver stated with a grin.

"Oh collecting credit huh? Not here just for my charm?" Nick challenged, not holding back his own smile.

Facial expression not changing in the slightest, he chuckled and responded, "You know, I think we're gonna be good friends in no time Wilde, no, I know we are." He paused briefly to get his bearings, "We're coming up on the vines soon so be prep-"

"WAAAAAH!" Nick yelped, slipping on the uneven ground. He fell down onto his back, sending mud flying everywhere.

Stopping to inspect the sudden noise, all Oliver saw as he turned around was a now very brown fox groaning and panting, laying on the floor. Rolling his eyes, all he could think was it's going to be a long six months... and I have mud in my ear.



It was Thursday. Nick had only been at the Academy for four days and he felt like death. Oliver had made sure he kept up with the other recruits, and although he had managed, his body was going through unbearable strain. While everyone else was taking part in extra self-defense courses, Nick was lying on his bed in the dark room, staring at the bunk above. Mentally though, he was active. Thinking to himself furiously,

If you sleep now, you won't have it so bad tomorrow... just, try to rest...

He wished Judy were here, just seeing her would make this torturous week feel worth it... he couldn't even have weekends off, just non-stop training all day, every day. Training on top of training... he desperately wanted to give up already. Nick immediately scolded himself for that,

No! I cannot- I WILL NOT do that to her, not after everything she's done for me. Stop being so damned lazy and just think about the goal.

Nick could not believe himself, not even a week in and he was already thinking of quitting.

He shook his head and sighed. "Might was well listen to some music..." he muttered to himself, trying in vain to distract himself from these negative thoughts. One of the worst things about this situation was he would have no chance for some true alone time for the next six months. Talk about frustration... how on Earth would he keep his frisky nature on hold for half a year?!

He badly needed that distraction at this point, something to get these thoughts out of his head. Then he remembered the book that Judy had given him before he left,

Hmm, may as well read it. he thought, reaching for his bag. He wondered... what was Judy doing right now? She was probably at home, resting or-

A sudden knock on the door interrupted his musing, causing him to do a quick double take; no one knocked, why would they? His roommates came and went freely... He looked over and saw light come through from the hallway as someone slowly opened the door, the rusty hinges creaking the whole way. A draught made its way through the gap and over to Nick, carrying with it a familiar, delicate scent. The moment his nose caught it, his eyes shot wide open.

There was a bunny standing in the doorway, scanning to room to little success, not seeing so well in the dark. Nick had no such trouble though; he could see her clear as day... Judy.

"N-Nick? Are you in here?" came her small, careful voice as she searched for the light switch.

Nick felt his heart lurch in his chest once he knew it was not his imagination playing tricks. He sat up quickly, reaching over to turn on the small reading lamp on the nightstand. Orange light filled the corner, making his already red fur particularly vibrant.

"Carrots?" Nick asked in surprise, his expression turning to genuine happiness when their gazes met, and neither could help but smile.

"Nick!" Judy yelled with joy, bounding over to him in a matter of seconds. The fox laughed in surprise, she wasted no time to hug him, pressing her cheek into his chest and closing her eyes. Nick could see her tail giving a little wiggle from the happy reunion, after only four days without seeing each other. This surprise visit washed away all of the lingering annoyance and doubt in no time at all, not a chance he was going to sleep now that she was here. The embrace continued for a short while before Judy pushed herself away, though she did not back up very far, wanting to stay close.

Nick had to ask right away, "Well look at this, it's my one and only Whiskers! To what do I owe this sudden visit?"

"I had to see with my own eyes that you had really made your way here like you promised me, partner." she replied smugly. "Had to make sure you weren't out in the streets with Finnick, you sly fox. If I hadn't found you here, my next trip would have been through Savannah Central..." she joked with half-lidded eyes, giving his snout a playful poke with her finger.

Nick shot her that charming grin of his, matching her playful tone as he placed his paw over his heart in mock offence, "The nerve! How dare Officer Toot-Toot assume such things from me? I'll have you know, that I am an upstanding citizen and a 'real articulate fella'!"

Judy laughed as he used her own words against her, shaking her head and already feeling herself completely relax around him.

"Besides, I am the best in my class here." He continued, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Judy snorted at this, and punched his arm playfully. "What, in four days? You're not as slick as you think you know..."

"I am the slickest there is," Nick spoke as if there was no competition.

Judy shook her head lightly and spoke, "Your ego is overwhelming..."

"So is the fact that my best bunny friend just shoved her face into my fur, sticky with sweat after today's drills... Your uniform will have quite an interesting smell now, could raise many hard to answer questions." Nick snickered.

For a moment, Judy just gave a puzzled smile at that, until what he had said fully registered in her brain, her eyes going wide in realization. He was indeed shirtless, and she had been so eager to hug him she had not paid it any mind. Nick laughed loudly as Judy put some distance between them, seeing her wide eyes, and the blush spreading across her face and up her ears. Instead of telling him to be quiet, she went all shy and tried not to look at him.

Trying to hide herself in her paws she started to apologize, "I-I'm so sorry Nick, I didn't notice! I didn't mean to- I mean I- I just-"

"Wow, look at your ears fluff... now that is just adorable. You don't have to be so embarrassed; I know I'm hard to resist, so I'll give it a pass. You want another hug? One time offer, Get your shirtless fox hug here, free of charge!" Nick said in his best street peddler impression, clearly enjoying far too much. Teasing her was the best thing ever - she made it so easy.

"You are such a..." Judy trailed off into a series of giggles. Nick always made her feel like a teenager with his teasing, if only he knew just how much she loved it. It took all her self-restraint to control her blush as she looked up at him again, locking their eyes together. She felt herself get shy for a second time under those handsome emerald eyes of his.

"Hey, my eyes are up here, fluff." He teased.

"But I am looking at your eyes, dumb fox!" Judy exclaimed with a smirk, resisting the urge to look down.

"Yeah, but you want to look don't ya? I can't say I blame you... I totally would as well." Nick said with a wink.

"How much ego can fit into one fox?!" Judy questioned, squirming and feeling like a giddy schoolgirl under his gaze, he was not helping her blush. She was sure he did this with every female, but if he only knew, just how it made her feel...

"A lot," Nick retorted with a huge grin, "But being self-confident is important too, you can be full of sass when you want to - I've seen it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Judy snorted as she shook her head.

"Sure you do..." Nick countered, proceeding to remind her of her carrot-pen hustles, they both knew just how crafty she could be.

Judy's blush finally calmed down as she gazed around the room, it had not been that long since she had been here herself, everything still looked the same. She took a long breath and started talking again as she looked back at him, "So... how do you like the place?"

Nick scoffed, "It's fine, I suppose... The bed could be better though," he admitted, "This is like sleeping on stone! How on Earth did you put up with this?"

Judy chuckled as she remembered all too well how the bunks felt. She gave it a test bounce with her paw, it did not even move... "You have to snatch as many blankets as you can and stack them on top, then it's much comfier," She told him from previous experience, "At the end of the hall there's a room with bed equipment in it - pillows and such... If you ask nicely, they hand stuff out if it helps you sleep." Judy finished with a wink.

"Mmm, good to know... clever bunny," Nick said as he looked down at the bed.

"I know. Asking for something nicely will get you results," Judy said with a smug smile, making Nick chuckle.

He leaned in closer to her face, and with half-lidded eyes, and that warm, flirty tone filling his voice he spoke, "Thank you Carrots, I'll be sure to remember that..."

Judy felt her eyes widen a little as her tail gave a happy wiggle. Stay calm ears, stay calm nose! Oh god... why does he have to do this? He is so annoyingly handsome, I can't...

The bunny collected herself and pushed him away playfully, letting out a small, nervous giggle at his flirt as she tried not to squirm again. Nick just kept looking at her with the same expression, trying to force her to look away.

Then she spoke, "If you're this bad now, I can only imagine how much you'll do this to all those poor vixens and wolves once we start patrolling together."

"Oh, you bet. They better watch out, my charm is going to be doubled once I'm wearing those blues," Nick chuckled mischievously.

"That is, if you pass the Academy slick..." Judy reminded.

"Yeah..." Nick murmured, his flirty expression turning more casual. He still had so much time left here before he would be out there with her, too much time...

An awkward silence settled between them for a moment, leaving Judy wondering if she had said something wrong. Nick's sudden mood change was odd. Would now be a good time to ask...? Judy felt her gaze get distracted from Nick's face to his cream-colored fur, filling almost his entire chest and stomach area, surrounded by a sea of red. She did not mean to stare, but she just could not help herself - it was not every day she saw a mammal shirtless, even less common for it to be a predator.


She looked back up at Nick's face, at some point he had noticed her staring, clearing his throat to gain her attention. "I can put my shirt on if I'm distracting you that much, Fluff," he said, feeling his attitude coming back from somber thoughts.

Judy once again felt her eyes widen, she desperately looked elsewhere, mumbling in panic, "No no no, it's okay... I'm just... uhh, I actually came here to talk about something important!" she stated, avoiding his alluring gaze.

Lifting an eyebrow, Nick gave her an interested smile before reaching for his Academy t-shirt at the other end of the bed, deciding it was time to put it back on. He did not want to make her uncomfortable around him, and being a rabbit so close to a half-naked fox must have felt odd.

Judy just watched as he slipped back into his sweaty grey t-shirt. For a second she wanted to stop him, tell him it was more than OK for her that he was in bare fur in front of her, but she was worried it might freak him out... so she stayed silent. Once the awkward moment passed, Nick gave her a reassuring smile, expecting her to explain what she meant.

Judy stared at her feet first, trying not to look awkward as she thought about how to put her thoughts into words. She then glanced up, and spoke quietly while looking him straight in the eyes, "I- I was j- just wondering if... would it be OK if I... umm... I..." Judy had a hard time trying to squeeze the words out. Come on just say it!

Nick could see this was something truly important to Judy, so he set aside his teasing grin in favor of listening quietly. The bunny tried to keep eye contact, but she was really struggling at that moment. Nick just gave a little nod, wordlessly telling her to relax and speak.

"Since we solved the case together we have... we've become quite good friends and all, I mean... That's how I feel about you and... Nick, I'm just- w- well, what I'm trying to say is that I just... wanted to know if you feel the same way? About me...?"

Nick let out a small chuckle as he realized what this was about... she was so goddamn adorable when she was flustered. "Carrots, we are really good friends. You really think that after all that we've been through, I wouldn't consider you my friend? Come now, you silly rabbit," Nick told her warmly, his paw resting on her shoulder.

Judy felt her face light up from joy, she felt as though someone had lifted a massive weight from her. She had to concentrate to stop herself from hugging him again in the instant, she really wanted to. Nick did not know it, but she did not actually have friends, not in the city at least... She had only been in Zootopia for two weeks sure, but still, the only mammal she considered her friend besides Nick was Fru Fru... and they had not gotten very close yet.

Nick, on the other paw, was probably the best friend she had ever had, though this was not saying much; she had not been very popular in her youth. She was the bullied kit who never let anyone drag her down, fighting back every time. She had been extremely lonely, admired sure, but lonely all the same. Nick did not understand just how reassuring it had been for her to hear that.

To think that at first he was just another jerk among many, hiding such an incredible, kind mammal under a mask for years. With his verbal confirmation, Nick was now her best friend, and she could not be happier. She knew she felt something else too... something she tried to push out of her mind - right now was all the mattered. The urge to hug him was unbelievable, but being unsure if he was OK with it, she fought against it; he probably had tons of friends, while he was her only true one.

Nick had been studying her expression through her thoughts, watching her with tender eyes, waiting for her to say something. He could not tell for sure what he saw in her eyes, but he knew what he said was something Judy had hoped to hear in actual words.

Feeling as though she would cry from happiness, Judy resumed talking quickly, "So, I was wondering if it would be OK if I... visited you like two or three times... each week? You know, from now on... I- if that's OK for you?" She finished her request quickly, paranoid that she sounded possessive or clingy...

Nick's eyebrow reached for the stars, confusion plastered across his face. "Wait, you don't mean... all the way till I graduate?" He asked, positive he had heard her wrong.

"Yeah... I could probably even manage to come four times a week! If it's OK I mean... I would just come by to see how my future partner is doing with his training... just for professional reasons... We could do things... I could bring cards with me or, um... snacks or something... or we could just talk - I don't even know what kind of music you listen to, or what movies you'd watch... Oh! I could give you tips about your training, and advice to help you out if I can... I don't mean to be a bother... if you don't want me to I won't but I just-"

"Judy." Nick cut off her rambling.

She felt her heart skip a beat, finally raising her flustered face from the floor to Nick. He had used her name... her real name. This was the first time she had heard him say it. She felt as though her heart had run a marathon in a matter of seconds, her tail giving a little wiggle. The moment Nick's tender eyes pierced her, she felt a kaleidoscope of butterflies explode in her stomach; she had never seen this look before, on him, or anyone else while speaking to her. She was not sure what to make of it, but she knew one thing... she could not take her eyes off him.

The emotion behind Nick's intense gaze was something he did not want her to see. It had even caught him off guard, unable to stop it; it just blew his mind that of all the things she could do after work, she wanted to spend time with him here at the Academy! Whoa whoa whoa, Wilde! Never let them see that they get to you. Don't go there now, that holds true for her as well, you already slipped up during the Gondola ride... just... calm down... and stop looking at her like that!

"Thank you." Nick suddenly let out, trying not to show just how happy he was.

Judy felt her heart rate calm down after he finally spoke, nearly letting out a sigh of relief. She did not know what just happened between them, but she felt like fainting right now. With his voice saying her name repeating in her mind, she gave a nervous smile, and chose to solve this odd and tense situation in the same way Nick would - by acting as if it was nothing.

"Just... looking out for my partner, that's all. Have to follow your progress, you know?"

"Right..." Nick said after a brief, nervous chuckle. He was very glad that Judy had lightened the mood. What on Earth has gotten into you?! That felt so strange...

Pushing his thoughts aside for now, he joined in with the new lighthearted turn the conversation took, "If you really mean it, Fluff. I can already tell that it'll be a long and boring six months if I don't have my clever bunny to help me through it."

His words made Judy smile genuinely once again. Nick continued with a shit-eating grin, "There is actually plenty of things you could help me with... here I'll make a list: First, maybe you could bribe that slaver polar bear lady to go easier on me - she seems to really enjoy torturing me. You can also smuggle some sweets in since there's a distinct lack of vending machines here... maybe even some salmon pie and some burgers? Oh, and I want my laptop too, maybe even a lava lamp for mood lighting... couple of beers to go with it as well. Actually, It'd be neat to have a minibar here, maybe suggest about me sharing one with my buddies here - since you are public hero bunny number one and everything..."

Judy snorted and started to laugh, holding her sides and shaking her head.

"No way Nick! You can dream all you want, but this place isn't supposed to be luxurious for a reason."

"Such a buzzkill," Nick snickered.

"Oh har har, just because we solved the case together doesn't make us privileged for such things." Judy grinned.

"Judy, you solved the case, not me. I was just along for the ride," Nick chuckled, shaking his head.

"No you weren't! Why do you insist on acting like you didn't help-"

"Yes, Fluff, you've made it clear to the TV stations and News that I was a major help in the investigation, I know. But let's be clear, you would have solved it anyway, with or without me." Nick stated firmly.

Judy did not believe that in the slightest, she hated that Nick really thought he had nothing to do with the case - she would never have solved it on her own.

"Nick, if you hadn't defended me in Tajunga, when Chief Bogo tried to take my badge, the case would have never been solved at all. It was your idea to look at the Traffic Cams for the van. You were the one who saved the evidence from the train car, and you saved me when I hurt my leg in the museum... So stop acting as though you did nothing to help, I probably wouldn't even be here if not for you! How can you not remember all this? It only happened just over a week ago... You deserve the credit just as much as I do Nick, so stop pretending I was the only one to do anything." Judy said quietly, anger seeping into her tone.

Nick felt his grin disappear, knowing damn well that Judy was speaking the truth. The problem was he still blamed himself for slowing down investigation, and for the things he said when they had first met. Looking back, he felt horrible; she was one of most genuine and kindest mammals he had ever met, and he had done everything he could to drag her down... He thought she was just an arrogant, small-minded, naïve carrot farmer, who actually thought she could be a police officer. Sure, she had been cute and charming in her own way... beautiful too, but all he saw was just another speciesist, dumb bunny like all the others. Now he saw her for what she truly was, and after everything, he felt like he did not deserve her friendship.

"Carrots I... it's not about that it's-"

"You saved my career and my life, Nick... you." Judy interjected before he could continue, "So I'll make it simple: Just accept we solved it together, fifty-fifty... No more, no less, right partner?" Judy finished with a happy little smile.

"Fine..." Nick resigned with a sigh, feeling rather defeated but still smiling nonetheless.

"Good. Now that we got that out of the way, I have a surprise for you!" Judy announced, skipping happily as if she could not wait to reveal something awesome.

Nick's smile widened as watched the excited bunny signal for him to wait before starting to unload her pink bag next to the bed. She had barely pulled the zipper open with her tail going nine to the dozen, when Nick could not resist any longer; She was just so damned adorable... "You know, when you're all excited like that about something... you are really cute."

Judy's happy dance stopped immediately. She slowly pulled the zipper shut in one smooth motion, knowing how wide the grin on his muzzle was at that moment. He had really just said that...

"What did you say?" Judy asked, trying to sound angry, but failing miserably with a grin of her own stuck on her face.

This only served to encourage Nick to continue with his teasing, "I was just saying, that when you bounce around like that all excited and happy... you look adorable. Fluffy, cuddly, cute and-"

His sentence was abruptly cut off when a pillow slammed into his face. Nick knew straight away that it was on, laughing like a Hyena as he continued, "Is this any way to treat the Great Almighty Hero of Zootopia, Whiskers? Tsk tsk, you what else is cute about you? You throw like a bunny! Some things will never change..."

"I swear by blueberries sake Nick-"

Nick howled even more from that, clutching his stomach, "BLUEBERRIES SAKE! I forgot your cursing too, you're the absolute cutest thing to ever walk this Earth!"

Unable to contain her laugh any longer, Judy charged at full speed to tackle the laughing fox, who was already preparing for the strike.

"You wipe that smirk off your face right now Nicholas Wilde! I'll show you cute, you scruffy, rude, mean-"

"Keep going!" Nick laughed, having the time of his life as he defended against Judy in their little wrestling match, his pulse increasing rapidly as she giggled cutely while trying smack him with the pillow.

"You are such a dumb fox!" Judy laughed, mid-swing.

"Help! Police brutality! I'm being attacked by a fluffy monster!" Nick chuckled, blocking the strikes as much as he could.

"I'll show you fluffy you no good- YIP!" Judy yelped as Nick grabbed her by her waist, stopping her pillow swings in a second.

He flipped her directly under him so that he was on all fours over her small figure, pressing both her wrists gently into the mattress so she could no longer swing at him. It took her a moment to realize Nick was on top of her, keeping her in a hold that was nearly impossible to get out of... The fox swished his tail in victory with a chuckle, looking at the stunned bunny beneath him. Judy felt the blush from earlier creep back onto her face, cheeks and ears running hot. Nick's face was so close to hers now, the musky scent of fox filling her nose. It was so strong...

Nick spoke while keeping her arms pinned, careful not to hurt her, "Hmm... Fox got your tongue, or do you feel a bit helpless there, Carrots? What type of hero police officer loses to a shifty fox like me? Not part of your skill set huh?"

Judy was trying her best not to blush, but failing horribly, with nowhere else to look except into his glowing green eyes. The situation was so awkward, but still so exciting at the same time. It took Judy completely off guard, struggling with what to do or say: It was Nick's usual teasing, same as always, but the proximity coupled with the look he was giving her... Not to mention how compromising the position was - them being so close like this, it was all play but if someone were to walk in and witness it, this scene would look far too intimate for a prey and a predator to have.

Another odd feeling reared its head as well, overpowering her as her tail started to wiggle. It was something primal she had only felt a couple of times in her life, she had let it pass before... but now the feeling was rampaging inside her, like a devilish tingle dancing across her nerves. Judy was speechless, why did she not want to break free from this hold? If anyone else had done this to her, she would have fought back, but at this moment, she did not want to...

They had both been quiet for a time now, just looking at each other. Nick still held that victory smile on his muzzle, thinking this was still part of the game and that she was just thinking about some trick to play... but there was no trick. She suddenly felt fear. Not fear of the situation, rather how she felt about being in it. It was not normal to have these feelings... not for a predator... What even was she feeling? What was all this? She felt as though she was going crazy.

"Now she is wondering... what can she do? I'm eager to see," Nick dared with a wicked smile, wondering what she was thinking.

Startled out of her trance by his words, she shot him a challenging grin as she got her head back in the game, "Five seconds."

"...What? You're gonna escape in five seconds?"

"Yep," Judy stated smugly.

"And how exactly do you plan on doing-" Nick started, but before he could finish he heard the sound of metal clanking against metal, followed by a twin ratchet sound from behind him.

"Pawcuffed," Judy answered simply.

"Wait... what?!" Nick asked in confusion, turning around to inspect the noise, now noticing a new cold sensation around his ankle.

Using the distraction as Nick turned around, Judy took the opportunity to quickly squirm out from under Nick's paws and hop off the bed. Now it was Judy's turn to return the smug smile, watching as nick stared at his leg, currently locked to the metal bar of his bunk. Nick turned to her with his jaw hanging open, asking incredulously "Carrots... did you just do that with only your feet?!"

"Not so bad for a dumb, helpless bunny huh? That should teach you to behave. I think I'll leave you right there, teaches you to call me cute," Judy stated smugly, standing in her hustler pose.

Nick could not help but laugh in surprise, "Well that was pretty impressive, Fluff, you're gonna have to teach me that one at some point... seriously"

"Hmm... we'll see. But if I un-cuff you, will you promise to apologize for calling me cute?" Judy asked, trying to sound serious, but Nick had that smirk on his face yet again...

"You ask too much, cute bunny..."

"You are so annoying," Judy groaned, smiling despite herself.

"I know, but you are far too kind to leave me here like this," Nick grinned.

Judy walked over with a sigh, pulling out the key to the pawcuffs. "You do understand that other bunnies might not attack with only a pillow if the say the c-word?" She giggled and shook her head.

"Ooo, scary!" Nick Snickered.

"You are horrible..." Judy muttered.

"What can I say? It's my nature." Nick grinned.

"Your nature is to humiliate and make fun of me?" Judy chided with a half-smile as she opened the cuffs. There was a sudden quietness in the room. Judy had expected more teasing and jokes, but Nick was not speaking anymore. She finally finished with the cuffs, and was about to say something when Nick grabbed her paws gently with his own, making her fur spark up. She almost jumped from the touch, it seemingly coming from nowhere. She lifted her gaze quickly to look at Nick, and saw him watching her again with that same indescribable look, causing her heart to melt and her breathing to hitch.

He spoke straight away with a very serious tone, "Judy, I would never try to bully you - if that's what you mean... I could never do that to you. I was just joking around. Do not think even for a second that I would mean anything bad, or try to humiliate you by saying you're cute, adorable or anything else... I meant it all in good fun; I meant them as compliments... you ever thought of it like that?" Nick asked, his serious face turning friendlier once again.

Judy did not know how to answer. Her tail started to wiggle and her blush grew as she soaked in what he said. He's holding my paw... He just told you that you were cute, but in an attractive way... He meant it as a compliment...

Judy was just about to speak up when Nick suddenly changed his tone once again, breaking this tender, serious atmosphere, "So... you said you had a surprise for this tired fox?"

These abrupt mood changes and emotions had caught her off guard; she had to concentrate to pull herself back to the present. Then she remembered, "Oh right! Wait till you see what I have!" Judy beamed, moving back over to her pink bag again. Reaching inside, her paw came back out with two small, yellow cards.

She practically hopped her way back to his bed and handed one of the cards over to Nick, plus the attached note, and then waited for his reaction as he started to read it aloud, "From Gazelle to two heroes of Zootopia, I hereby grant you VIP Passes to 'The Garden' for Friday's 10pm Concert. The attached passes grant access to the backstage areas, and reserve front row space for the show."

Judy squealed like a giddy schoolgirl and started to jump around the room, unable to contain her excitement. "How awesome is this, Nick?! Even Chief Bogo will be there with Clawhauser! I have waited for so long to go to one of her concerts, and it is finally happening!"

Nick chuckled at her antics, scratching his ear nervously, he looked at the note and pass in his paw as he spoke, "Am I excited? Yes. Yes I am... for you. You forget that I am fairly occupied tomorrow... physical torture, lots of it. So..."

Judy had expected this and had already put her plan into motion, "Well, I would be lying if I said I didn't have a little chat with the higher powers... something about giving you a day off..." Judy said, her mischievous smile only growing with Nicks reply.

"It seems the honorable hero is abusing her reputation after all... Sly bunny..."

"Oh shush, I am not, Slick. There's a difference between asking nicely and blackmailing, remember?" Judy retorted.

"Right..." Nick chuckled, "Um... Carrots?"


"I'll be there, count on it... and, thank you."

The smile immediately returned to Judy's face, washing away the hopeful look with a wave of relief, "You're welcome, Nick."

The room became silent again, both mammals content to simply smile at each other. The silence was broken however, when Judy's phone buzzed... Taking the phone from her pocket, letting out a groan after she had read the message, "Nick, I have to go... My parents are finally coming to visit, which means I have a rough few days ahead. They're on the train right now - I have to meet them at the station." She finished with a very noticeable eye roll.

Nick felt a sudden pang of sadness hearing she had to leave, even though he knew he would see her again tomorrow... there was no way around it; he was addicted to her company.

Nick then spoke with a large smirk, belying his feelings of sadness, "Well you better get going then... Can't leave your parents hanging, some big predator might eat them after all."

"That is not funny, Nick," Judy said, giggling despite her words.

"Have you told them how I savagely tried to eat their precious daughter at the museum?" Nick asked with a sly grin.

"No, and I don't intend to. They would freak out, and Dad would probably start a fox hunt..."

"Hmm, I can imagine... Cute little balls of fluff, chasing me with pitchforks and torches, wagging their little tails..."

Judy was struggling to breath at this point, she was laughing so hard, as Nick wiggled his eyebrows at her, "Dumb fox!" She managed to squeeze out between her fits of laughter.

"I think I'd make quite a handsome rug for your family..." Nick grinned.

"That is awful!"

They both continued to laugh for a while, both calming down and watching the other. Just as the silence came back to the room, Judy let out a content sigh and spoke with an apologizing tone, "Well... I had better get going then. I'll see you at the concert tomorrow... Don't be late," she teased.

"Don't worry Carrots, I'll be there if you are," Nick assured.

Picking up her bag, Judy started to make her way back over to the door. Once it was opened she heard Nick clear his throat as if he was about to say something. She turned around to see Nick perched on the side of his bed, looking at her intently. He spoke in a deep, sincere voice that sent a little shiver through her, "Judy... thank you for visiting like this, it was nice to see you again."

Seeing him look at her like that made her heart beat like a war drum, the urge to run over and hug him came back stronger than ever, but she pushed that down, thinking he probably would not want to... Instead, she opted for replying shyly, "It was nice to see you too, Nick..."

"Have a fun evening," Nick said gently.

"I- You too..." replied somewhat solemnly - wanting to stay here longer. She would be most happy staying here with him for hours, but unfortunately, her parents were on their way.

Nick then answered with a slight chuckle, "Yeah, right... I bet they wake us up for a midnight run or something..."

"You'll get used to it," Judy giggled.

"Wait... are you saying they actually might do that?!" Nick asked, looking genuinely horrified now.

"Bye now..." Judy said with a huge grin, walking out the door.

Nick continued in a panic, "No wait, seriously Carrots, will they ever wake us up in the mid-"

Cutting him off midsentence, she shouted back from the hallway, "See you at the concert, Nick!"

"But..." Nick tried to continue as he reached the door, but then sighed in resignation, accepting his fate. "Friday it is, Carrots." He called after her.

She turned around, walking backwards for a moment, and they shared one last smile with each other. They both felt as though they should say something, but neither knew what to say... Judy turned back around with a wave, before rounding a corner on her way to the Barrack's main entrance.

Nick listened as her steps echoed down the hall before slowly fading away. He closed the door, the room suddenly very quiet. He walked back over to his bunk, before promptly falling over backwards onto it. He immediately regretted his decision, wincing in slight pain as he hit the rock-solid mattress.

For a while, he just stared up at the top bunk, deep in thought. He spoke to himself with determination, "You will do this for her. A little cardio won't kill you, Wilde. It'll all be worth it in six months, you'll be the first ever fox police officer... You can do it, she believes in you."

In his mind, it was settled. He would not let Judy down.

He rolled onto his side to turn off the reading lamp on the desk, before laying back down and trying to go to sleep, suddenly feeling drained. It was not long before he fell asleep, a loving smile spreading across his muzzle as he whispered quietly into the darkness, "Judith..."



Nick was still sitting on the edge of his bed, going through these sweet memories in his head. The feelings he had confused him back then, but now they were clear as day. He had tried throughout the last six months to convince himself otherwise, but he could not; the more he denied it, the more he told himself that it was just his imagination... the more he realized it was true.

Visit by visit, the feelings got stronger. She had come to visit just as much as she said, and he considered the time he had spent with her a blessing. They had talked about many things and shared so much... they both knew so much more about one another after now. Both of them had waited for his training to finish, watching the days chip away like excited kits waiting for their birthday. They were both eager for the big day to come, so they could start working together properly, but fighting crime beside her was not the only goal he had anymore. Now, there was something more personal, there was no escaping the truth in his heart any longer.

He loved her.

He was madly in love with her, something that he wanted to make sure she would never find out. A secret would stay with him forever. He knew that the moment she found someone, he would be hurt beyond measure instead of feeling happy for her, and it made him sick... Nevertheless, it was only a matter of time before someone as amazing as her found someone.

All he could do now was accept it. He was in love with a bunny. I'm a twist of nature - a freak... but I have to live with it... I've never felt like this for anyone, I know it's wrong; she's prey for god's sake! Which is why she can never know.

He would soon meet her in uniform once again, only this time he would be dressed in one too. You have waited for this for so long, you're about to work with the mammal you love... no pressure...

Nick's phone buzzing awoke him from his reverie. How long had he sat here like this? Picking up his phone, he blanched a little when he saw the time - he had been daydreaming for over twenty minutes...

The message that had brought him back to the present was from Judy: "Nick, you better not be sleeping. The Chief will kill you if you're late for your first day on the force..."

Nick chuckled and typed back, "Don't worry I'm on my way. It just takes a long time to look at myself in the mirror - I do look quite good in this uniform." It was only a white lie, one which would probably end up being the truth in a few minutes either way...

Judy's reply came back almost instantly, "Pfft, figures... Just get yourself over here. I can't wait to get started on our first day together! I'm so excited, this is gonna be awesome! I'm so proud of you, Nick."

"Don't worry Carrots, I'll be there soon. Just wait till you see this uniform!"

The message sent, Nick pressed the home button and stared at his screensaver. It was a selfie with Judy beside him at the Academy, both looking as happy as ever. He stared at Judy's smiling face a felt his heart melt as he spoke quietly, "I love you." With a sigh, he turned his phone's screen off. He got up, and walked over to the door to put his uniform on.

Nick grabbed his keys and adjusted his tie in front of the mirror, observing his badge as it glinted sunlight into his eyes. The badge looked damn good on him. So did the rest of the uniform... He knew he was going to gather looks on this walk.

Walking from his bedroom, he grabbed his aviators and hung them in his chest pocket as he made his way to his front door. Once he reached it, he stood quiet there for a moment, taking a deep breath. He mentally prepared himself to walk through that door, and out into the streets of Savannah as a fully-fledged cop for the first time.

"Here goes... Ready to make the world a better place," He chuckled, spinning his keys around on his finger. He opened the door and stepped outside, locking it behind him before walking down the hall, whistling happily the entire time.

Here I come world, ready or not. Officer Nicholas Piberius Wilde, at your service.

Chapter Management

Chapter 2: What a day


First day of work.

Chapter Text

Chapter 2

"What a day"

Nick was standing on the stairs leading to the front doors of the Zpd, breathing deeply and closing his eyes as he inhaled the fresh air. The sun shined against his new and clean uniform,

warming his fur as he just collected his mind to this moment. This is it. My first day at work. Actual legal and honest one. And out of all the insane things; the city's most respected profession.

And most incredible of them all, her. She was inside right now, waiting for him to arrive any second now.

Nick had been indeed gathering lot of eyes on this short walk, among very proud ones even. Some had started to whisper to each other, some had even taken a picture.

All he had done was smiling back with that charming look of his, not stopping his walk for a second. He had to admit, those two vixens that had just passed him as he crossed the road,

looked like they were ready to ask him into bed with them. He had lived long enough to be very observing on body language. He knew that this uniform mixed with his already good looks was going to be a female magnet.

Unfortunately for them, Nick wasn't actually interested. The old him would have been thrilled, but not one female made him feel what he felt around Judy Hopps. All these years and I fell in love with a bunny.

Not vixen, wolf, or even a dog of some breed. I fell in love with a bunny. He had not even considered bunnies attractive before her. Well, she was one of her kind after all.

He had not paid attention to her looks that much when they first met but now she was the most beautiful mammal in his eyes. Everything about her was perfection to him.

Nick sighed once again and prepared himself mentally to walk inside and embrace for whatever was waiting for him. He really hoped that he would find her fast once inside.

He didn't show it, but he was nervous. He was about to walk inside the place he had avoided for a long time of his life. He had only been inside there once before. And that memory was far from pleasant one.

Okay Wilde. Get ready. The more you linger, the harder it gets to walk inside. Just the final step and you have won. You are a Zpd cop, ready to get in the field. With her.

"Hooookay... Here we go," Nick whispered quietly and started to walk.

The slide doors opened up as the fox entered the ZPD hall. The area was on full speed with officers making their way from place to place, making it look like everyone was in a hurry.

Going to meetings, stocking files, transferring evidence, having a break or just simply running up the stairs to the destined floors.

His presence at this same hall after all these months felt so odd. And the moment he got inside, he gathered looks. A lot of them. It was hard to tell if they were negative or not,

but one thing was sure. It was a bit awkward for him. These looks were not actually same kind that he had gotten outside. No. These were something else.

The sound of conversations around the place made the hall feel even more crowded than it already was. Many of these mammals showed a smiling to face to him, eyes shining with interest.

But he had no clue what they were actually talking about him. Nick then heard two wolf's near the vending machine, talking rather loudly to each other as they gazed at him.

"Check that out, Desmond! That's the first fox officer! The one that solved the big case with Judy! Did he really pass the academy!? I thought it was all just rumors!"

"Yeah, Nick Wilde is his name. I heard from Oliver that he passed with pretty score. Said that he's the funniest guy he has ever met."

"Really? Holwton said that? That's great! The more comedians, the more pleasant work hours. Bogo is gonna be pissed though."

"He gets pissed about everything," the other wolf said and rolled his eyes.

"True. I am glad that I am not on the upper level with Hopps, Delgato and others. Bogo is not the mammal for jokes. I am happy to be just a casual rank cop and not on the elite."

"Yeah, because patrolling and being lazy is more of your style ain't it, Hans?"

"Whatever. Just saying. I hope this Wilde guy can handle himself with big boys and gals. Wait till they take this fox to Blue Lagoon. Bogo's boys are crazy."

"Except for Hopps. She doesn't drink," the other wolf reminded.

"Yeah... Bogo is probably relieved that he finally got a partner for Hopps. She has been patrolling on her own all this time. I mean she still leads these big busts with boys from time to time but still.

Glad that she got someone finally there to watch her back."

"Has she been waiting this Wilde dude the whole time to be her partner?"

"Yeah. Go figure. He must be very trustworthy if she waited through his whole training."

"... The bunny and the fox... Huh... I don't see why not. But it is funny though."

"Hell yeah it is. Let's see if he can keep up with her."

"Going to be interesting times around here it seems."

"Yeah well, I don't see them getting any Bellwether like case in the horizon soon."

Nick did not know if to be offended or taken by these kinds of conversations, since he could hear it from couple of other mammals on the way too. But he listened very carefully. So Oliver had put a good word out for him?

At least he had another friend in the force besides Judy. It was awesome that his best friend from the academy was in here too. He didn't see him but he probably would soon enough. Now... Where is Judy?

The amounts of crowd made him feel still a bit uneasy and nervous the more he walk'd forward, but he still didn't let it bother.

But if only these mammals knew the things he had done before this. They must have had some kind of guesses. And he knew that legal activity was not the most voted opinion.

Paying taxes back to the city from his salary would be a circus for his life. He really hoped Judy had not discussed about these things with anyone.

He just had to trust her on this one. But if she did tell, it would make his life quite difficult. And well, needless to say he would be angry.

The time was almost eight as he took a look at his watch. He raised his gaze from his wrist and then he saw it. There she was. A large smile hit him after he was sure that he saw right.

Judy was standing on the reception counter, talking with another officer, who appeared to be a... Large looking cheetah. Wow. Okay. Seems like interesting fella.

Now, time to give her the surprise. His grin widened as he came closer

to the bunny and stood now two feet behind her, trying to hear the conversation. Wonder what it's about.

"I'm sure that he will be here any moment now, Ben! I am so excited that I could explode! You should have seen him at the graduation party yesterday! It was so great!" Judy explained with excited tone.

Nick tried not to chuckle as Judy's tail was wiggling happily as she was talking. The cheetah raised his warmly smiling face from Judy's level and saw Nick behind her.

"Oh my... Well would you look at that! I have a good bet that the fox you might be talking about is very close," Benjamin said with friendly tone, gazing at the newcomer with interest.

Judy turned around like a lightning and felt her breathing stop for a moment.

She ended up staring at the proud looking fox in his neat and clean uniform, his golden badge shining from the lights.

There he stood with his flirty grin and half lidded eyes, staring at her and clearly enjoying the reaction.

For a moment she could not believe he was really here, after all this waiting. She felt like she could actually explode. Nick chuckled warmly and spoke,

"You can breathe, carrots."

Judy still looked so amazed that she could not speak. After a second her face lighted up into joyful smile as she finally spoke, putting her whole soul to the sentence like she had waited for this moment for a long time.

"Ready to make a world a better place, partner?" She ask'd happily, saluting him with her paw.

"Am I ready? Yes. Yes I am." Nick chuckled warmly for Judy's over enthusiasm, feeling his heart warm for making her so happy about being finally here.

Ben couldn't handle himself anymore and he squealed.

"Daaaaawwww, that is so cuuuuute!" Benjamin said and leaned his hands on the desk, looking at the two like he was about to witness some romantic movie that had only begun.

"BEN! What have I told you about the word?!" Judy growled with frustrated tone, sounding a bit annoyed. Ben didn't look like he was sorry at all.

Nick laughed way more than he should and got frustrated look from Judy as well, but she could still not hold a small smile herself. Just great. She wanted to sound professional and official but all these two saw was cuteness.

"Look's like I'm not the only one to get away with that without getting killed. A rare talent! We have not been introduced yet. Nicholas Wilde. Pleasure to meet you."

Nick gave his paw and Cheetah answered to it warmly over his desk.

"Benjamin Clawhouser! Judy here has already told quite a lot about you for a half a year now. No matter how rough day she had, one little question about how is her fox friend doing in the academy and she turned into a schoolgirl,"

Benjamin said with grin.

"No I didn't!" Judy claimed, feeling her ears starting to burn.

"Is that so?" Nick grinned and winked his eye to the bunny.

"He is lying! Don't listen to him, Nick!" Judy mumbled, knowing that this was just beginning.

"Mmmh, the denial... Guess what else, Nick? Just as you walked trough those doors's she could not stop about telling how HANDSOME you were in your uniform at the gradua-"

"Benjiiiiii!" Judy waved her paws to signal Ben to stop. He had promised not to tell him. Her ears were now starting to burn like volcano,

and all she could do was to cover her face with her paws, not even wanting to see Nick's expression. Benjamin had done it now. He even continued with his grin on,

"And just so you know, she showed pictures and everything just now."

"Caaaarroots, is this true?" Nick asked with his voice full of flirt, knowing damn well how red she must have been right now behind those paws.

But if she only knew how happy it made him to actually know that Judy thought him as handsome mammal. I mean, he knew that he was damn good looking,

but he had never actually heard it from Judy.

"Kill me now..." Judy muttered as she was covering her face with her ears now. She just wanted to sink into a hole.

Benjamin was enjoying this show was too much. But he then suddenly looked at Nick with flirting look as well and spoke while looking at him from head to toes.

"I do have to give it to her, she is indeed onto something here... That uniform really does suit you...

It's not like we have handsome males here already but now we have even more eye candy to look at. Judy I have to admit that you have better taste than I imagined."

"Shut uuuuup," Judy groaned behind her paws, smiling a little bit.

Now it was Nick's turn to blush a little bit as the cheetah looked at him like candy. Seriously, If he would get a dollar every time that some guys gave that look too.

Bad for them that he was straight as an arrow. Nick was always frisky by his nature and far from homophobic, but the way Benjamin looked at him made him quite uncomfortable.

Suddenly the cheetah laughed and held his stomach. Nick didn't first know what to think about it, but the Benjamin chuckled and spoke with warm tone.

"I'm just messing with ya, Nick. I am not here to steal Judy's new catch. I am engaged."

Judy mumbled through her fingers, not even feeling her face anymore because of the blush.


"Lies," Benjamin said with wicked tone as he grinned to the bunny.

Nick now chuckled and relaxed as he looked at the flustered bunny again. He was about to talk when suddenly Benjamin spoke again,

"By the way.. You two should get going. The Bullpen count is starting any minute now.

Would not be a good sign to be late from that." Benjamin reminded and gave a side look at the upper floors.

Judy finally took her paws away from her face, begging that she was not red anymore. But Nick's expression told otherwise.

She just dodged that teasing look and started to run away, signaling Nick to run with her with a little paw wave.

"Nick, let's get going! We can't be late! Bogo will flip!"

"Will be right behind you," Nick nodded with wicked smile, starting to follow her to the elevator. Many of the officers watched at him as he walked slowly behind her.

Nick didn't say anything but just casually walked towards the elevators, finally reaching the bunny.

Benjamin was still following them both with his gaze as he saw Nick talking something to Judy in the elevators,

seeing her trying to tap the elevator button faster and trying to calm her burning ears.

"Oh. My. Goodness... I ship them so much!" the cheetah squealed like last day on earth.

The elevator doors closed up, leaving the two in the silenced little box. Nick was still grinning and giving her that side look of his, making her want to escape.

She hadn't thought that their first day would start like this. The fox was going to use what he had just heard as ammunition for a long time. She knew him too well.

They both stood a mere feet away from each other as the elevator stood still. Judy had finally managed to calm down her blush and her burning ears. All she had to do was to not look at him.

She hopped up, pressing number four buttons repeatedly. The moment the elevator started to slowly move, Nick spoke right away with the tone that made Judy almost squirm.

"... I told you that I would look good in my uniform. I told you."

"... Whatever..." Judy mumbled, wanting him to just shut up before she would blush again.

"You are planning to keep that picture, aren't you? Can I see it?" Nick said with grin.

"There is no picture." Judy claimed, trying to sound convincing.

"Uh huh." Nick teased, knowing damn well that it was a lie.

"Quiet." Judy said, feeling herself even smile a bit.

"I am not judging you, carrots. You want more pictures?"

Judy snorted and shook her head. She could not hold a shy smile as she gazed away from him still.

"Just... Just don't let it boost your already big ego, slick."

"Oh but it most definitely will boost it!.. I mean... Coming for someone pretty as yourself, means that I am not just lying to myself," Nick chuckled.

Then the silence came. Both of their eyes opened up. Nick mentally questioned that had he just said that aloud?


He hoped that Judy had not noted what he said very clearly. But she most definitely had. That furious blush was back in a moment but Nick was not there to witness it.

He was busy looking anywhere but her at the moment. Judy looked at him with her mouth open, her lavender eyes shining from disbelief at that moment. He had just called her pretty.

And he hadn't joked about it. No one else had ever called her pretty, not like he just did. Judy felt her heart race fast as she now looked away from him, staring at the floor.

The moment elevator doors opened, both still just stood there with wide eyes still, wondering what to say. Did they even need to say anything? Maybe Nick had just said the wrong word instead of what he meant to say.

Yeah. He was probably now wondering how he was supposed to say something else.

It didn't last though when Nick cleared his throat rather louder than he meant to.

"Shall we get going?" He asked with hesitant tone, walking out of the elevator and giving her a little questioning nod.

"Y-yeah!" She said, shaking her head and just deleting everything she had just heard in that elevator. He had not meant it. He thinks you are cute, like everyone else. Not pretty. He said it by accident.

"Soooo umm, That Benjamin guy seems nice!" Nick said loudly and awkwardly, trying to clear the air after the awkward episode.

"Oh yeah, Ben is really nice guy... He always cheers up everyone's day."

"He is gay, isn't he?" Nick chuckled.

"Wow, what gave you that out, detective Wilde?" Judy teased with grin.

"Just a hunch," Nick chuckled.

"Not used to get flirted by males, huh?" Judy giggled.

"Actually I am. No one can resist this goodness. It's just odd to see gay cop," Nick said with genuine tone.

"You have lot of friends that are gay?" Judy asked with genuine interest.

"Nope. Well I do have very close friend of mine name Mike. But he is Bi."

"Oh. You two good friends?"

"Very good friends. Rolled around with me, Finnick, and one guy called Ben. But last time I saw Mike was one day before I first met you.

So... It was a long time ago. He didn't even visit me in the academy. Neither did Ben... Finnick did.. Couple of times."

"... Sounds like they mean much to you," Judy said with understanding voice, studying his expression. For a moment she swore that she saw glimpse of sadness.

"They do... I have known all of them since I was ten."

"Why... Why did they not visit you while you were in the academy?" Judy asked carefully.

"... I can pretty much guess," Nick said and sighed. It didn't take long for Judy to understand.

Of course criminals wanted to stay away from police as much as possible.

They finally now reached the door. They both stood in front of it, both gazing at each other.

Nick gave a little swallow and tried to not look nervous. He was about to meet his future co workers after all.

Judy saw this and gave a comforting smile to the fox. Nick gave one back and gazed at the door again.

Goodbye old life. New one, here I come.

"You ready partner?" Judy suddenly ask'd a bit warily.

Nick sighed for a moment and gave that warm smile of his to her, knowing damn well that he could do it when she was with him.

She was one hell of a motivation to have on his side. He knew that he could do this.

"... I am fully trained for this occasion, whiskers." Nick saluted with his charming grin, giving her formal posture like she had in the lobby.

Judy gave a little giggle, looking proud of him as she spoke.

"Good... Let's go and meet everyone, slick. I somehow have a feeling that you are going to like it in here," Judy assured with small grin.




Judy opened the door and Nick felt like he had entered completely new world... A familiar even, in part. It reminded him of elementary school room, since he never even finished high school.

He had dodged that road after his incident with the junior scouts, not feeling comfortable around unknown kits of his age anymore. Needless to say that the trauma staid.

Maybe within good time, he would had gotten over that fear and started the school system again. Until Finnick came to the picture, along with Ben and Mike later. They flipped his life to a whole new direction.

They became four most famous hustlers in Savannah central together, already making more than their parents at the age of twelve. Needless to say, Nick's mother blamed his friends for everything what her kit became.

At least Ben and Finnick. Mike she liked, since he reminded her so much about Nick.

She even tried to talk with everyone's parents as well, but it seemed like they couldn't control the path their kits had chosen either. Mike's mother and father were the most understanding from the bunch,

talking about how they tried to do everything they could, having constant arguments in the table with their kit. But he would just not go to school no matter what. They were in same situation as her.

Ben's parents on the other paw had pretty much disowned him, as cruel as it sounded. She could hear that they were hurt but they just told that trying to change Ben was for nothing.

Ben had six brothers after all, and they all had bright future ahead of them, unlike their brother.

And Finnick's mom.. Well... Let's just say that she was actually proud of her son, because now she could pay the rent and buy lot of things for them. She actually supported her son's habit. You can imagine the phone calls between the two.

She made it perfectly clear for Nick that she never wanted them to visit Nick at home. Mike could sometime, but not often. She loved Nick over everything in this world, but to see that despite how much she tried to get him back to school, Nick told no.

He was enjoying his new lifestyle way too much. She could never bring her loved son to the police... So she just had to watch it all happen. Year after year. They still were very close, despite what Nick did while others of his age

were in school. But it didn't make Nick or his friends any dumber. He was in numbers business after all. He had to study lot of things. He read lot of books too. Just the things that he thought that he needed. Just like his friends.

But back to the present time.´

The crowded room with loud conversations, laughing and roaring. It was like he had just entered a testosterone cave. There was literally a female elephant paw wrestling with a rhino.

What have I arrived into? It was quite confusing, because Nick expected it to be way more... Quiet. Professional. And well... Boring. But this didn't look boring. At all.

No one had even noticed him or Judy yet. He didn't even get to walk two steps forward, when a familiar voice spoke to him in the back row, just next to the door they had just came from.

"Nick, you made it dude!"

The red fox knew the voice already and saw Oliver, sitting right next to where he stood. Oliver had been on a conversation with some other officers before him, so now they all gazed at whoever Oliver had welcomed.

The mammal's attention was now completely on him, like they had been waiting to see the first fox cop in fur for a whole day. Nick smiled right away, giving Oliver a fist bump as he chuckled.

"Well isn't it my hype male Howlton. You weren't kidding when you told that we would arrive to same destination!"

"I know right! I was just talking with these guys about you."

"Huh. Let me guess, you were about to tell about all the screw ups on the obstacle courses?"

"And when you fell asleep at the lunch break," Olive snickered.

"Or when I had to double my tundra obstacle run in the middle of the night for-"

"For sneaking in the announcement booth and singing a love song for Major called my loved slaver, yeah!" The wolf laughed, making the others around him laugh too as the fox grinned.

Oliver continued,

"Seriously, me and Wilde had a blast in the academy."

"Well as pleasant as torturing can be," Nick chuckled, rolling his eyes.

Nick was going to keep this conversation going, until he heard Judy give a little yell to him.

"Nick! On your seat! Chief will be here any moment now!" She commanded with friendly smile.

The fox gave apologizing chuckle to his wolf friend and started to quickly jog towards his seat.

Everyone in the room looked at him now with sudden interest after realizing his presence.

Bunny cop had been just something the thought as a joke when Judy first came, no one taking her very seriously.

But after more than proving herself, she had become incredibly popular by everyone in the station,

more so by mammals in this very room. She had become like a sister to everyone. Sister that always had the top grades from the family,

who always did everything she could to be the best. And to see that the mammal she had waited this whole time as her partner was now in this very room,

was something that everyone were eager to see. First fox cop that this department had ever witnessed. Or any other district's department for that matter.

Nick felt all the eyes on him as he stood next to the seat Judy sat on, giving him puzzled smile, since all the other seats were taken.

"This is the only spare chair here so we are going to have to share," Judy said and tapped the spot next to her.

"Well isn't that generous of you, fluff." He winked and gave a little chuckle.

Nick hopped to Judy's seat and the bunny scooted a bit to the side, giving the fox his needed space.

"Nick, who did you talk to?" Judy asked with sudden interest.

"A guy named Oliver. We graduated together and it seems he made his way to the same station as I did. We got really well together at the ZPD academy.

Only cop friend I have here besides you," Nick said with smile.

"Well, that's pretty cool! See? Cop's might not be so boring as you thought, huh?" Judy smiled.

"Hmmm, we shall see." He grinned.

Suddenly the door opened up, someone practically breaking it against the wall. A large buffalo that Nick had only seen couple times in his life,

walked to the podium i front of the room. He already looked a bit frustrated as he walked in, but it seemed like his everyday behavior to everyone else.

Bogo practically roared as he spoke.

"Alright! Alright! Enough! SHUT IT!" He commanded loudly.

Everyone sat down and went quiet at that moment. The buffalo began right away,

"Weee have seven new recruits with us this morning, including our first fox." Bogo said and showed his hoof to Nick's way.

Everyone looked at Nick with interested smiles but then Bogo continued.

"Who cares."

Everyone in the room gave a little smile for that, knowing damn well that Bogo didn't give a shit.

But he was still glad that Judy now finally after all this waiting had an actual partner.

Nick took the opportunity right away to crack a little joke. So he really was as grumpy as he was when they first met. Dealing with mammals like him was his specialty.

This type of guy needs a little breaking on ice. Nick shot right away with smug smile,

"HAH! You should have your own line of inspirational greeting cards sir!"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, WILDE!" Bogo roared at that moment. The moment Bogo gazed at Nick's smug smile, he knew. This was going to be rocky and annoying relationship.

Little did he know what lay ahead of this department's future after getting him under his roof. He had welcomed a rascal rebel. And somehow he knew it already, only by looking at that annoyingly smirking face.

Everyone in the room snickered right away, and even Judy had hard time to contain her laugh as she gave amused side look at him. Maybe his time here would not be so awkward after all, Nick thought.

Maybe he really was going to fit right in like Judy said. Looked like a damn good start at least for now. Just relax and be your funny and charming self and don't stress.

You are too smooth for stress anyway.

There was no actual time to get to know his new comrades in law, because the name count started right away. Nick didn't know why, but he actually had expected Bogo to at least address that they really had a fox in

the force now, but it seemed like he actually didn't care. Grumpy uncle. That is who he strikes me as. Oh well, Judy did say that she got the same treatment on her first day too, so he didn't know why he expected anything else.

After assigning missions for the most mammals in the room, their names came up eventually.

Nick could not hold is excitement with Judy, as they waited for their first official task together.

"Hopps. Wilde... Parking duty. Dismissed," the buffalo finished.

Seriously? Nick and Judy both thought simultaneously and it was showing on their face.

He had to be kidding. What a hype killer. More to Judy than Nick even.

"Just kidding!"

Bogo said with light and comedic voice and continued with serious look again.

"We have reports of a street racer terrorizing up Savannah central. Find him. Shut it down."

The relief hit them both as they realized that Bogo just wanted to mess around to see their reaction.

That surprised Nick mostly, because he had not expected such a joke from the mammal he had announced as humor hater in his mind.

SO he does have sense of humor after all. Huh. So... A street racer. This might be good.

Bogo signaled them both to leave and continued on giving assignments to the rest of the mammals in the room.

The fox and the bunny hopped off from their seat and started making their way out of the room, Nick following Judy's lead.

They both were waiting as the door was clear from all the larger mammals before entering outside.

The moment the door closed behind them, Judy spoke.

"Nick this is going to be so awesome! I am definitely driving!" Judy squealed.

"It's my first day at work and I have to ride a shotgun? Greedy bunny!" Nick chuckled.

"Comes as a privilege of being in the force longer."

She shot with smug smile, giving a playful shove to his side.

"Unfair! Want's to drive," Nick pleaded with kit like voice,

begging with his eyes.

"Don't be such a kit. I'll let you drive at some day," Judy said, shaking her head and grinned.

"I'm pretty sure that you might crash our car," Nick stated bluntly.

"What tell's you that?" Judy ask'd with grin and raised her eyebrow.

Nick wiggled his eyebrows as he looked at her and spoke,

"You can't keep your eye's on the road due to the handsome-"

"Shut it!"

Nick chuckled as they reached the elevator and Judy now hopped to press the parking garage level button. As the doors closed,

Nick sighed and spoke,

"Soooo, a street racer huh? How do we proceed with these carrots?" Nick asked with genuine smile.

"... Nick, don't tell me that you cheated at the academy.

There are classes for these things, you should know the law... You know what we have to do right?"

Judy asked carefully, giving a bit doubting smirk at her partner.

"I do, but I won't tell," Nick said with wide grin.

"Nick... Don't tell me you actually cheated?"

Judy looked at Nick, half concerned and half joking.

Nick snickered and then placed his paw over his heart as he spoke,

"Tsk tsk. You wound me. How did I get such a cruel and mean partner? Do I strike you as a sly mammal that would cheat in a test?"

Nick asked with wide grin, enjoying this way too much.

Judy didn't even answer as she looked at him with half lidded eyes and grin that screamed: "Do I even need to answer that?"

The silence continued for a while as they stared each others with grins.

Nick lost his cool first, laughing a bit as Judy giggled too, collecting his breath and explaining as best as he could.

"This is how we do it. We give him a ticket for breaking the speed limit and a fine. I mean that is what we should normally do. But I have better idea.

We could always just let him off with a warning. Imagine this by putting yourself in his position. You have just bought a brand new sports car after saving money for it for such a long time. Rewarding huh?

The smell of a new car, something to take your girlfriend for a ride with and just show her how freaking bad-ass you are by driving over two hundred over the limit.

You are surely going to make mammals look like, wow... I wish I had a car like that. In the middle of this ride of your life, you notice something blue. Oh no! What is that!

It's the police! Ah, instead of having such an awesome day, I end up getting a ride for the station and have to pay all these fines and be like: Ohnonono sir, I promise I'll behave. I will never have fun again.

See? Doesn't sound so fun now, does it?"

Judy was speechless for a moment, her mouth hanging and she then suddenly started to laugh,

"Don't tell me that is your actual opinion about what we do here!? Ruin fun!?"

"The thought crossed my mind..." Nick grinned and gave a little wink.

"I have waited for this kind of partner for all this time... I am seriously regretting it now..." Judy muttered with smile shaking her head.

"Don't. We are going to have a ball together," Nick chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm sure we will! Thank the heavens that I am the one who leads.

You sound like you just want to give them high five from putting the whole traffic in danger..." Judy muttered, wondering already how colorful day they had ahead.

"Maybe. But hey, I promise to be the grumpy and over professional cop, if I get to drive!" Nick suggested with hopeful smile.

"You are definitely not driving today!" Judy laughed, showing the playful fox away.

They were not even in the field or out of the building for that matter, but Judy knew one thing.

She already loved this. Now she could be around her best friend every day, and she was already feeling so

happy as she imagined what kind of future adventures they would have with each other.

The elevator doors finally opened up to the hall full of police vehicles.

The hall was huge. There was small gab's in the concrete walls, enough for even Nick to go through.

So the place had a lot of natural light. Nick could see some hippo officer sip coffee as he leaned to nearby

vehicle, talking with a polar bear officer. They both chuckled to something until they saw Judy.

They smiled right away as the two walked past them, greeting the bunny.

"Morning, Judy!" Higgins and Andersen cheered.

"Morning boys!" Judy said happily.

As they passed, Nick felt the gazed hit his back, looking at him with interest.

He expected some sort of introductions, but it seemed like they were in a hurry.

Well, he would get to know everybody when the time was right.

"Z-240. That is ours. They have adjusted the seats just right for us. I know you are going to like it. It's right over there, behind those three other cars. The big one," Judy stated proudly.

Nick just followed Judy where she led him to, wondering what they had in their use. Once Judy stopped and presented the vehicle in their use to Nick with her both paws, Nick's jaw dropped.

For a moment Nick couldn't say anything, just looking at the ranger sport model vehicle, marveling how intimidating it looked.

It was clear that this was probably the best Zpd had to offer for its officers. This thing could take a rhino charge without even moving a lot.

Nick finally felt a kit like and excited smile spread on his face as he spoke in awe.

"Carrots, this looks expensive as hell!"

"Language, Nick.." Judy reminded but still smiled proudly.

"This must rise like from zero to a hundred in like... Five to six seconds?! Who on earth did you hammer down to get this car for us?"

"Nick, it's called hard labor, promotions and good behavior. A couple of months, and you will get there as well.

For now, you just have to be my eyes on the road and watch as Hopps leads," Judy stated with smug smile, full of sass.

Nick could not hold his snickering as he spoke,

"I told you that you have are very overconfident when you want to."

"Maybe..." Judy agreed with shy tone, knowing damn well that it was true.

"I am sticking it into you," Nick stated with smirk.

"You better get in that car now, slick." Judy stated with smug grin.

"It's almost like universe is trying to tell us something here-"

"Quiet," Judy giggled, feeling the blush hitting her again from his flirting and opened the door from the driver's side.

"You are cute when you are sassy-"

"I will hit you," Judy muttered with grin.

"I bet I drive better than you-"

"Yeah right!"

They both were finally in the car, both sitting on their seats. Nick turned to look at the smiling bunny with warm smile as well, wondering why the car was not moving.

Judy sat there, looking at him with those stunning lavender eyes of hers, wondering if to say something to him. She then slowly leaned in towards the steering wheel,

putting the keys inside the ignition. She then turned to look back at him and spoke,

"Nick... I am really happy that you are finally here with me... It still feels so unreal... We have talked about this moment for such a long time and... It's just..."

"Carrots... I am really happy to be here too. More than you know," Nick said with genuine smile.

Judy was quiet for a moment, feeling the warm and comforting silence inside the car as they just looked at each other. Till the moment where Judy started to blush a bit from the lingering intense gaze they had.

She then cleared her throat, starting the car with loud roar of engine and chuckled as she looked away, trying to calm her mind down. Bad thoughts again, Judy. Stop acting weird.

"Well, how about we get this started then? We have a street racer to catch! Let's go partner!" She said with excited cheer in her tone.

"You are the boss," Nick winked.

"I know... Not let's go and make Zootopia proud," She stated, staring to back up.

"Got it, fluff!" Nick chuckled, just enjoying her cute enthusiasm as they prepared their first day in the force together.

It's go time. This is it.

Two against the world.



The sun was bright and warm all over the beautiful streets of Zootopia, making it look like another wonderful day among others.

All kind's of mammals of different species ran or walked on the streets, some on their way to work and others just having a day off,

some unemployed or on a vacation, or up to no good just like some fox once was. So many different lives, personalities, and stories behind every heart.

Tourism seemed to be shining as well. Must be because the music festivals were making their way to Savannah

central square shortly. One week to the annual dance competition. Means one hell of a light show. It was held every spring in Zootopia, making the mammals from all the districts to gather around in Savannah central

and celebrate the amazing event, full of music and joy. It would continue through whole night, making everyone exhausted from dancing. Music is always something that brought mammals together. Nick was no different.

Nick took a side peek of the bunny driving next to him. Hmmmm. Nick wondered would she like dancing? He was not really open or bragger type about it, but he was REALLY good dancer.

He had taken part to this yearly party almost every time it was being held. He would spin the females all around the place in his neat suit, while his friends were just drunk and clapping from the side with their paws.

Nick had many passions in his life that he didn't share. Music, food, dancing, movies and well... Love making. But what could he say? Foxes were frisky by nature, he was no exception. But it had been forever since he had

been in bed with everyone. Two years actually. His reputation as a rascal who was only after mating instead of long term relationships was well known among vixens around Savannah central. But his friends were worse when it came to that.

Much worse. But still... He missed those times. And besides... Somehow he felt like that frisky part of his soul had been buried long ago. He didn't feel like wanting to be with any vixen anymore. Not one female made him feel

like the felt for the one that was sitting behind the wheel right now.

Would it be weird to ask her out to dance in the event next week? It would definitely be brave step to show her that I actually like her more than... Dammit.

She would not probably want to go with a fox. They were best friends. That was good enough for him. Perfect. Great. Can live it...

Who am I lying to? Why did everything have to come to this? Now I will see her every day. It will get worse. It will be only matter of time before I might slip.

Just look at her... She is so beautiful. I don't want any vixen in this world. Nor wolf. I want her. The most pathetic thing about all this is that she doesn't feel the same.

You are her best friend. Why do I have to be like this... Why do I want so much more..

All those times that she visited the academy... She never missed even one visit. I would wait for her to come, just staring at the clock after hard day of training...

Just waiting for her to knock on that door again. And she was always there. Sometimes we just played cards, talked about things we liked, the time we would finally be partners in law,

movies, music, training, or sometimes just walking around the place and talking with other recruits. Whatever we did when I was around her, I was happy. And visit by visit I fell in love with her even more.

The moments when she was sad and I would comfort her, or the moments when she had hard day at work and I would just listen quietly... Or when she would be so happy about solving some case and tell excitedly how she

had kicked some violent robbers butt... She was just so perfect in his eyes. We never argued about anything. I would annoy her with teasing sometimes, yeah... But it was never anything serious.

But now instead of seeing her four times a week... I would now see her every day.

This is what we wanted... But how can I be so selfish and have these thoughts about her...

She would be creeped out beyond measure if she knew these feelings I have for her.

But how on earth does she not have a boyfriend yet!? Just look at her... Wilde.. You are crossing that area again.

Don't look at her... Don't..

Her stunning and enchanting lavender eye's.


Her joyful and bright smile.

Her pure golden heart.

Her cute laugh.

The way she tapped her foot when she was frustrated or angry...

When her ears drooped when she was sad, or feeling anxious...

The way she was so shy and innocent when flirted, blushing by her ears and cheeks...

Her puffy and adorable little tail that she wiggled when she was happy or excited...

Her... Stunning curves and legs...

Time out.

... Her round and perfect butt-


"NICK?!" Judy asked rather loudly, confusion in her voice.

"Whatwhatwhat?! Who?" Nick woke from his thoughts and look'd at Judy with a bit panic in him. Did she just read my mind?! SHE TOTALLY DID-...

Wait, no one can do that you dumb ass. Thank the heavens.

"Sweet pancakes Nick, you have been zoning out without answering to me for a long time now. You made me scared for a while there..." She said with concern and smiled a bit worriedly.

"Oh I'm sorry, whiskers... Had some things in my mind. Lot's to process," Nick chuckled, making her sure that he was okay.

"You were smiling from ear to ear like a goof. What on earth is going on in that fox head of yours?"

Judy giggled with puzzled look, turning her eyes back on the road.

"I must have just thought about something... Very nice. You got my full attention now. What did you ask me?"

Smooth Wilde. Really smooth. Sly fox my ass..

They arrived on the corner of Baker street, scanning around with no sight of the racer.

Judy frowned as she kept on tapping her fingers against the steering wheel in frustration.

"Aaanyyy minute now," Judy convinced herself.

Nick fixed his fur as he looked at the top mirror, grinning as he teased,

"He's gone home for sure."

"Na-ah. I have a feeling that we are going to bump into him very soon," Judy assured with challenging grin.

"The super bunny that can predict the future... That will be useful," Nick chuckled.

"Har har. Let's just park over there for a bit. Right on that alley. We have a pretty good view from there."

"You are the boss," Nick said casually, shrugging his shoulders and just looking at her calmly.

Judy slowly parked their car next to white tiled large building. On the other side of the street was a bank.

She kept the engine running and relaxed a bit, still having the determined look as she waited for the racer to show up.

Nick took a long and satisfying stretch, snapping his bones rather loudly. Judy winced from that and shook her head.

Nick tapped the glove compartment with his fingers in rhythm, giving small side looks at her, just marveling the beauty of the mammal he was in love with.

She looked so focused, ready for action at any second. Nick kept looking at her with dreamy smile without her even noticing, just wondering how it would be like to kiss her.

A thought that had been in his mind was more than it was healthy. Nick suddenly sighed and spoke,

"Mmmmmhh, carrots."

"Yeah?" Judy asked, not taking her gaze off from the streets.

"Ten bucks on that he's gone home already." He shot in challenge.

"... Nick, that is gambling..." Judy scolded with smirk, still watching the road.

"Someone is not so sure of herself after all. Awww... I have feeling that she is just afraid of losing

to a shifty fox like me. Ain't you? You totally are.."

Judy gave annoyed side look on Nick's way, seeing the fox stare at her with smug smile. He knew that she was always up to challenge. She thought for a while and spoke.

"Fine. It has been only two hours. Our shift end's at five. The odds are on me," She stated smugly.

"... Who would cruise with his car for seven hours?" Nick asked casually, making her doubt her decision.

"I don't know, but I just know that we will get him."

"Fair enough."

There was silence in the car for a moment as they kept looking at the road together.

Suddenly Nick could see something arrive in front of the bank. It was not a car, but two mammals.

At that moment he rubbed his eyes, looking again. His face lighted up at that second to wide smile.

No way. Nick spoke with happy tone,

"Hey whiskers, I have a feeling too."

"About what?" She asked, raising her eyebrow in confusion.



"Wait here, I'll be back in a minute, partner! Just wait a moment!"

Without explanation, Nick open'd his side of the door and ran across the road, disappearing from her sight after a moment.

"Sweet cheese and crackers, what on earth?!" Judy yelled but still decided to stay in the car, looking after him in

confusion. What was going on? What had he seen? Well... He told me to be staying in the car... But he better be quick, whatever it was.



"Get your Popsicle's! All for sale! Just for two dollars!"

Nick grinned as he saw Finnick, with another con-man next to him.

Nick recognized Ben right away, a rather short brown bear. Only the golden retriever dog, Mike, was missing. Probably doing some other hustle somewhere else.

But it was so heartwarming to see two of his childhood friends together. Still close as ever, doing their everyday work.

Both of them did not even notice as Nick stood next to them right now. They were both discussing together about something, when Nick cleared his throat loudly.

"Well those Popsicle's sure do seem tasty. I wonder how they were made. I heard it takes couple of simple steps and jumbo pop. But what do I know?"

Both of them turned their heads to his way in a second and Finnick's jaw dropped. He could not believe who was standing next to him with his uniform on, looking at them with wicked smile.

Nick could have sworn that Ben was about to make a run for it, looking like he was witnessing something absurd and impossible. He just chuckled as Finnick opened his mouth after a moment.

"Nick fucking Wilde, I can't believe my damn eye's! You really graduated?!" His deep voice roared, a confused smile forming on his face.

"Damn right I did. You visited me like two months ago at the academy, you should have known." Nick chuckled.

"Yeah but I was sure that you were just planning some grand hustle or trying to steal some shit...

Or I don't know... But it seems like you really did hit your head at something!" Finnick laughed nervously, wondering what to do. Nick was an actual cop, and he could arrest them both on the spot.

"Gee, thanks buddy." Nick chuckled and turned his gaze to nervous Ben, who was giving this concerned side look at Finnick all the time.

"Ben relax, I'm not here to throw anyone in jail! Sheesh, dude. I have known you two since I was ten... You really think that I would lock up two of my best friends? Nah.

Not unless you want to tell about your way of making money to my partners carrot pen. But it's not a good idea, don't do it." Nick chuckled.

Both of the mammals felt their nervous mood calm down and they both gave a little exhale, turning down the idea of running.

If Nick even knew how surprised the two were about the fact that he was not going to take any action against them.

For a moment they even looked embarrassed for thinking about Nick being a traitor.

"Nick, for a moment you gave us a heart attack," Ben said, relaxing and giving relieved smile.

"No kidding?" Nick grinned.

"So whatchu here for then?" Finnick asked.

"I just saw you two and... Well I just wanted to come to say hello... It's not like it's been very short time since we saw each other..." Nick said, feeling a bit awkward now.

But it was nothing compared to what they looked like now. All of them knew exactly why they had not seen each other. But is still hurt Nick quite a lot, even if he didn't say it.

The two of the mammals didn't really figure out what to say, just feeling like two assholes for not keeping in touch after Nick took a new turn of life.

"Look Nick we uhhh..." Finnick tried to squeeze something out but Nick knew clearly that if they would start having this conversation right on the spot, it would take a day.

And he was at work. So just lighten up and do what you came here to actually do. Nick then just waved it off, acting like it was okay and spoke after chuckle.

"Stop being like that you two. I'm just here to buy a Popsicle for me and my friend at the car. You might remember fuzz? Fin?" Nick asked with smile.

Finnick looked more than relieved that they did not start this conversation and snickered as he spoke.

"Heyheyhey, So you did partner up with Hopps, didn't you? I have seen you both on television so many times. I knew you had a thing for her! You sick bastard,

what would your mother say if she knew that you have it hot for a pray and on top a damn bunny? Tsk Tsk, some wicked hustling right there Nicky boy. You ain't slick-"

"Fin, what are you even talking about?" Nick laughed, trying to act like he was taking it as a joke, but felt a bit of panic and annoyance.

Finnick laughed like a hyena, knowing how to annoy Nick easily. But he didn't even know that Nick was not very comfortable with this subject.

"I know you want to tap that bunny, you totally do!" Finnick laughed.

Even Ben couldn't hold his laugh, making Nick look them both with bored expression and annoyance.

"Fin, buddy. You are confusing me with someone else. We are just partners, just like you and Ben here. No need to be an asshole."

"You keep telling yourself that. I have to admit it to ya, pretty slick plan. You went through the academy just to get in those famous pants-"

"Finnick." Nick stated, getting actually annoyed but he knew that Finnick was just joking around like always. Finnick always roasted everyone in their group.

"I do have to admit that for a bunny she has a stunning looking a-"

"You know I might just arrest you two after all," Nick stated seriously, clearing his posture and giving a smug grin.

Ben looked like he pissed on himself, signaling Finnick to stop his goofing with panicked side look.

Finnick knew that Nick was just annoyed and chuckled as he spoke.

"Ok, fine... Stop being such a bad sport. How about this. I will give you and her these Popsicle's.

Just for old time's sake. Don't bother paying. Consider it as a bribe for being a good look the other way cop." He laughed.

"Gee thanks buddy, I just saved four almighty dollars. You two get a grip with the sales, I know it's hard to replace me.

My charm is what made the money, you were just the taxi service. And Ben was just slowing us down," He shot back smugly.

"Pffft." Finnick and Ben both laughed, both happy that Nick hadn't actually changed at all. Finnick smiled and gave Nick a Popsicle on both of his paws.

Nick started chuckled as he took them, starting to walk away as he spoke over his shoulder.

"Cya two around! You might want to get off this street though. My partner might get some cop ideas after seeing what I have. She will realize where I got them from. Just a tip."

"Thanks... Cya around Nick!" They both yelled back happily. Even as awkward and short this reunion was, it was still pleasant surprise.

Nick had only managed to walk a couple of feet until Finnick yelled something to him.

"You know, in my day's we did not practice foreplay with Popsicle's!" Finnick laughed one last time.

"Quite advice from someone who used to dress up in small elephant suit! That must be warm up with the females!" Nick shot back, making Ben roar from laugh and holding his stomach.

Finnick's jaw was dropped for a moment and after a while he hit the laughing bear in the stomach in annoyance.



The moment the slyly smiling fox entered the car, Judy started to yell to him with her arms in the air.

"Where on earth did you just ran off, Nick?! You were gone like five minutes without even telling me where you went!

You can't run off just like that while we are on patrol! Besides, what if the street racer did actually-"

"Here. Take this and calm down, whiskers." Nick stated happily.

Judy ended up staring a pink Popsicle in front of her nose, feeling it radiating coolness against her fur.

"Less worrying. More eating. Don't let it melt," Nick chuckled.

Judy slowly took the Popsicle in her paw and gave Nick a questioning look.

"Where did you get these?" She asked in confusion.

"From Finnick," Nick stated casually, giving a long lick on his Popsicle.

"... You are kidding, right?" She asked slowly, signaling that she was about to pay a little visit at the other side of the street.

"They are just Popsicle's, fluff. Stop being such a super cop. Or you want to pull them into adventure with the power of carrot pen too?

And here I thought I was a special case... Now you hurt my feewingss..." Nick stated sadly with teasing grin.

Despite being a bit angry, Judy could not hold a giggle after that, hating herself for being so easily swayed by his funny nature.

He just knew how to handle everything with humor, no matter how frustrated she was. Judy stopped giggling as she shook her head and spoke.

"You are such a kit sometimes, I swear. Please tell me that you even told them to leave?"

"I did. Pretty sure that they won't though." He said.

"What? Why?!" Judy asked, the frustration coming back again.

"I doubt they are worried about someone cute as you arresting them," Nick teased, giving a small wink to her.

Judy gave angry look and started the engine right away with determined look.

"I'll show them cute! You too-"

"Carrot's. I'm just messing with ya! Look, there they are. See?" Nick chuckled, showing his paw on the other side of the street.

Judy saw as the two mammals waved their way with their paws with nervous smiles, just dodging the law because of Nick.

"I'm still really tempted to arrest them, just because of that stupid grin on your face. Stop it." She commanded, looking at the two like a target.

"It would be awesome to see you chasing Ben the bear with your handcuffs. He would BEARLY escape. Get it?!"

"Of for the love of..." Judy face pawed herself but could not hold the laugh again. This fox sometimes...

Nick was wiping the tear from the corner of his eye after he was done laughing.

"That was one of the worst puns I have ever heard," she tried to convince but still laughed.

"Okay wait, I got this one. Mountains are not only funny. They are Hill areas! Got that one? Like Hilarious?"

"I might just change a partner. That one was even worse," Judy giggled, banging her head against the steering wheel.

"Na-ah, I'm too good at this." Nick said and wiggled his eyebrows to her.

"Let's just focus on getting that street racer caught. I wills till win this bet," Judy muttered, pressing the gas pedal.

"Yeah, right." Nick chuckled smugly, putting his feet on the dashboard.

"Off! Shoo!" Judy hissed with scolding tone, pushing Nick's legs away and making him snicker as he showed his tongue out to her.

"I am seriously working with adult kit right now," Judy muttered with grin.

"Your Popsicle is melting, carrots." Nick pointed out.

"Oh blueberries!" Judy cursed and started to lick it fast while driving.

"That was so cu-"




Nick was just starting to eat his own Popsicle, while Judy finished her's extra fast, since she was driving.

The fox had quite a laugh when Judy got brain freeze from eating her treat too fast.

They had now driven another couple of minutes with no sign of the racer. He knew that he was going to win their little bet.

Nick started talking after he licked his Popsicle with grin.

"So, are all rabbit's bad drivers.. Or it's just you?"

Judy smirked and stepped on brake's fast, making Nick almost hit his head to the dashing board.

Nick rose up in confusion with his Popsicle glued on his face, wondering what had just happened.

"Oops. Sorry." Judy said in smug tone with grin as Nick ripped the Popsicle out of his face.

"Hehe, sly bunny." Nick admitted with chuckle and saw that Judy was quite pleased with herself just now. She really knew how to play this game as well.

"Dumb fox."

"You know you love me," Nick slurred soothingly, leaning closer to her face.

"... Do I know that?" Judy asked herself while thinking, answering after a moment with smile,

"Yes. Yes I do."

Typical Nick. But If only he knew how that joke of theirs made her feel every time.


Suddenly out of nowhere a car drove right past them with at least fifty miles over the speed limit!

Nick and Judy looked at each other for a quick moment and they both knew it was go time. There goes that bet. Oh well.

Nick flipped his aviators on and Judy press'd the gas pedal on the floor, starting the pursuit after Nick flipped the sirens on.

"Sweet ten bucks," She said smugly.

"Just a lucky bunny," Nick muttered with small annoyance fo defeat.

"Sore loser," Judy teased.

It did not take long for the car that they were chasing to realize that this joyride was about to end.

After one block, the car pulled over and Judy did the same.

They both stepped out of the car and arrived next to the racer.

As they reached their way next to the driver's side door, Judy spoke up right away with formal tone.

"Sir, you were going a hundred and fifteen miles per hour, I hope you have a good explanation."

The window opened and Judy was staring startled sloth on the driver's seat. It was Flash! Judy went in complete lockdown.

How... What?!

When Nick arrived to the spot, he couldn't hold smile after seeing one of his old buddies on his new ride.

Nick took his aviators off and spoke,

"Flash Flash, a hundred yard dash!" He stated happily.

"... Niiiiiiick," Flash answered with smile.

"You have bought a new car, Flash boy! This one has style! Good for you!" Nick beamed as his gaze adventured in the details of the vehicle.

".. Thank.. You.. Nick.. That's.. How.. I.. Roll."

Judy woke from her confused state and cleared her throat

after still processing that it was indeed Flash who was driving the car.

"Flash, what on earth were you thinking while driving like that?! Animals could get hurt!"

"Whiskers, Flash is ex street racer legend, he has not been on any accident and he's been driving since he was sixteen," Nick explained proudly.

".. There.. Was.. That.. One.. Acci-"

"Best not the mention that, Flash!" Nick cut him off fast.

Judy sighed and looked at both of them in annoyance.

"Unbelievable. Flash, it does not matter if you are professional driver, you can't drive like that."

"I.. Just.. Had.. To.. Give.. It.. A.. Spin."

"See? Don't worry, buddy. We understand!" He said happily.

"Nick! That is serious!" She scolded in frustration.

"You see, it really isn't, Judy. Flash here does not have criminal register. He is upstanding citizen. He worked hard for this car and wanted to have fun.

He did not mean harm to anyone. Since this is his first criminal act, letting him go off with a warning is normal procedure. Right?"

Judy was quiet for a moment and sighed under Nick's smiling gaze.

"... Fine. But no more cruising like that Flash, or next time it will be bigger issue. Understood?"

".. Yes.. Officer.. Hopps.. My.. Apologies."

"Good. Glad we have common understanding. Off you go," she said.

Nick smiled for Judy's formalities and leaned in to whisper to Flash so that Judy could definitely hear him.

"There is this cool new racetrack that they are building in the Rain forest district, you could take a spin th-"

"Nick, for the love of-"


ROGER'S CAFE / 14:00


Judy and Nick sat on their table, having a lunch break in nearby cafe. Nick's favorite, right next to his building. Nick's eyes wondered around the place,

watching mammals speaking to each other on the tables, filling the small place with life.

He had already finished his food and waited Judy to finish her's. Nick sipped his coffee and stared out of the window, gazing around the place and smiling as some recognized him. Especially the females.

Nick could only give these small signals back with his expression as two wolf sisters whispered to each other while looking at him like candy. Judy saw this but didn't say anything.

Since they sat on the corner sofas of the place, they had pretty good view outside from the modern styled and open like restaurant.

Judy was doing something on her phone and ate her carrot and onion salad the same time, clearly very focused on whatever she was reading.

But Nick didn't know that it was only distraction to not look at him.

The waitress, a rather pretty looking leopard lady came with cheery attitude next to their table, taking out a small notepad and pen.

"Heyyy you two, everything good here? Would you like to order anything else?"

Judy raised her eye's from the phone and smiled.

"No thanks, I'm good. My appreciation to the chef for the salad. It tastes really wonderful."

"I'll make sure he hears. Nothing but the best for the celebrities in here!" She said with genuine admiration.

"How about you, handsome? Anything else you would like?" The leopard ask'd and gave admiring and a bit non subtle look at him.

Nick did not realize that Judy's ears perked up a bit from that, paying lot of attention to the way she spoke to him.

"Hmmmmm, I could think for a couple of sweet things... More coffee would be great. Thank you," Nick played along with the flirt and smiled.

"Will be right up... Officer Wilde."

The waitress giggled and made her way to the other customers, giving lingering gaze at his way still.

Suddenly Judy spoke quietly while still focused on her phone.

"I hate when they do that."

Nick look'd a bit confused and then smirked with half lidded eyes.

"Carrots, don't tell me you got jealous."

Judy almost choked on her onion.

But after clearing her throat she gave a shy look to him.

"I was talking about the salad," she muttered.

"... Salad?... Hmmm what's wrong with it?" He grinned, thinking that it was just an excuse after getting busted.

"Nothing... It's the complete opposite."

Nick look'd a bit confused and interested now, making Judy explain herself as she sighed.

"Every time I dine here, they give me more onions, carrots and like.. More everything than they give to others.

Plus they always treat me like I'm special and everything. It feels type of wrong. I do not deserve different treatment than other mammals.

Everyone is equal. I know they mean good and all but it makes me feel awkward."

Nick suddenly chuckled and spoke with warm tone,

"Carrots, it's called admiration and gratitude for doing great things for the city. You are the reason she doesn't have to fear getting robbed in the alleys.

It doesn't sound very wrong to me."

"Still, I wish they wouldn't do that..."

Nick was quiet for a while as he looked at the sad looking bunny and spoke with the tone that made her fur shiver, out of nowhere.

"Sometimes it seems that you just have hard time accepting things you deserve.

You deserve to be treated well, no matter if you want it or not. You are worth it and more, Judy."

Judy almost dropped her fork from her paws after hearing that. She looked up at him and saw that he was now focusing on his coffee, looking a bit nervous for some reason. Judy felt her heart race again

as the gentle voice of his lingered in her mind. She wanted him to look at her back so much right now. Every time he used her real name, she knew that the moment was special. Every time he used that tone

that made her fur shiver, it came from the bottom of his heart. It was his way of comforting or giving her genuine compliment, but to her it was always deeper than that. She didn't know if it felt like that for Nick,

but to her it sounded so romantic, making the butterflies fly in her stomach. No one had ever made her feel that feeling but him. And all he had to do was to use her real name.

"Here is your coffee Officer Wilde, I made it just perfectly hot for you," the leopard lady said with frisky tone, arriving to the scene and looking at Nick with admiration and lust in her eyes.

"I bet you did, girl." Nick answered warmly and winked to the leopard and got a wink back. He knew that if he would ask her to "visit" him at the washingroom of the restaurant, she would come like a lightning.

Nick could smell that she was in heat. But Nick had no smallest intention in his heart for such things. Only one he cared about was Judy. And he was far from thinking about only getting into her pants. He loved her heart.

To call her his girlfriend would be most amazing thing in his life. That was all he wanted.

Judy's ears drooped a bit after this point and she look'd at Nick as he sipped his coffee.

She hated herself for actually being like this about him. Him saying things like that to her and then flirting with the waitress like that the next second.

She was really jealous, she knew it deep inside and it made her feel sick of herself. She did not have any right to feel jealousy, since Nick did not like her like that.

Sometimes she thought that maybe there could have been at least something? Anything? All these signals that he gave her time to time as they were together, made her crazy. Most annoying was that Nick definitely was incredibly handsome,

there was no denying that. That is why she always had to bite her tongue when all these girls gave him the look like they wanted to eat him. She just had to swallow it up, even as painful as it was.

"Fluff? You alright?"

"Yeah," she answered, sounding accidentally very sad and smiled fast to cover it up.

Nick raised a brow to that.

"You sure?"

"Mhm," Judy nodded.

"Well good. We better get along with the patrolling. So far I like this job," Nick chuckled.

"You just wait till we get to the action, slick..." Judy stated with smile and followed Nick to the car after they paid the bill.

Chapter Management

Chapter 3: True police work


On true action for the first time since night howler case. Enjoy!

Chapter Text

Chapter 3

"True police work"

Ah, another great day in Zootopia. What could be better than this. Nick found himself once again from the familiar hall, ready for another day of work. Just like yesterday, there was many interested eyes still on him. But he paid them was less attention to them now, since he was finally getting to know the officers around the place. Well... One at least. Him and Judy had been talking with Benjamin Clawhouser for the whole morning since they got in, and within fifteen minutes Nick had already seen that he was going to get along with the cheetah just fine. Nick was in the middle of riddle telling for the two, making both mammals around him glow in frustration as they tried to figure out the answer.

"Is it ummmm... Flower?" The cheetah asked after thinking for a moment.

"Na-ah spottie," Nick answered with wide grin, full of satisfaction for being so good at this. Only his second day in the force and he had already given Clawhouser a nickname.

Judy was trying to figure out the answer, while tapping her feet on the floor in frustration. This was one puzzling question.

"Say the riddle one more time," Judy demanded, clearly wanting to solve this one. Nick could not hold a small smile as the bunny was tapping her foot on the floor.

Nick chuckled smugly and spoke again.

"I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?" Nick finished and felt like he had already won the game. They were never going to win this one.

Benjamin's face look'd like he had solved the riddle after couple of seconds. He was about to talk but then he closed his muzzle again, knowing that he might had been wrong.

Nick was enjoying this way too much and it was showing.

Suddenly Judy woke up from her mind wrestle and her eyes shined with determination.

"It's a candle!"

Nick's smug grin fell down in a second, making him gaze at the bunny with stunned look.

"... Dammit," he muttered.

"I'm too good at this! Admit it, slick!" Judy smiled and got approving smile in return.

"Indeed, clever bunny. But dumb most of the time," Nick teased with evil grin.

"Hey!" Judy giggle and gave a playful shove, making the fox take one step to the side and chuckle.

"Next time I'm going to cheat with my phone, and look for the answers there. I did not solve a single riddle and Judy knew them all," Benjamin muttered with bummered tone.

The cheetah started to open another box of donuts, his mood lightening up instantly. During Nick's six months in the academy, Benjamin had lost some weight too. Now instead of eating the whole box, he shared as much as he could before eating the last one himself. It took lot of determination but in time he had gotten used to it. Nick suddenly spoke after realizing something.

"But then I would have to call you cheating cheetah. But it would rhyme!" The fox chuckled.

Judy and Benjamin both shook their head for the bad joke and Judy suddenly spoke.

"Can I have one of those too, Ben?" She said, pointing at the donuts box.

"Try the white chocolate one," Ben suggested with smile.

"Great, now she is going to be sugar drunk bunny for the rest of the day. And she always feels like one all the time already," Nick grinned.

"Whatever," Judy smiled and took a small bite from the donut.

"Can I have bite?" Nick asked with grin, leaning in.

"No, take your own!" Judy giggled.

"I want yours," Nick said with flirting voice, leaning closer to her.

Judy started to laugh and felt her ears burn just a bit as Nick chuckled playfully, trying to harass her for the donut.

"Niiiick, get your own! You are so not biting my donut!" Judy giggled loudly, pushing Nick's face away.

"Come on, just one. Treat the fox," Nick snickered, trying to reach the donut with his paw and making Judy giggle even more and scream for help as Nick got only more excited. They didn't even know how many were watching the two now.

"Shoo! You dumb fox, don't you even think about tickling me!"

"What if I am?! I will do anything to get bite out of that donut!" Nick laughed with evil and flirting tone.

"Nick, stop!" Judy giggled, squealing as the fox tried to reach for the donut.

"I could keep watching this forever," Benjamin suddenly said with dreamy smile, looking at the two with the widest smile ever.

Nick and Judy both turned to look at the cheetah at that moment, seeing him enjoy this show with all kinds of ideas in his head.

"Awwww, don't let me stop you! Keep going please!"

Nick gave a little awkward chuckle as he straightened his tie and watched around himself, realizing that everyone were looking. But mostly just smiling, interested about never seeing Judy like that around anyone. The fox took some distance from the bunny, after realizing he had his paws all over her. That must have looked a bit too intimate for two officers to have while on work. Awkward. Judy felt herself blush a bit as she realized that many were watching them both right now, giving awkward smile to everyone. After that most just chuckled and kept talking with each other regularly, still giving interested looks at their ways. Judy understood it still, because everyone were probably still wondering Nick and his nature. Not one officer besides Oliver had talked with Nick yet. And normally everyone paid little attention to newcomers, since it happened a lot but Nick was special case. Most were just surprised that Judy was so comfortable of being teased like that by her new partner. And so physically, you might add. After this awkward moment, Judy just cleared her throat and acted like nothing had just happened, mumbling something quietly to Clawhouser.

"I uhh... Another riddle?" Judy suggested with awkward chuckle, feeling embarrassed under Ben's lingering gaze. The cheetah spoke,

"The day you two kiss, my life will be complete."

"Ben!" Judy hissed in embarrassment, trying to make him tone down his voice as she turned red.

Nick just laughed and took a donut of his own from the box, starting to munch it and playing relaxed despite what Ben had said. Just act like you were not bothered by that. Act slick like always. Because if only Benjamin knew how much Nick wanted to kiss her... But she will never know. Nick started eating his donut and zoned out as he was watching Judy talk with Benjamin about something. Clearly trying to change the conversation to calm down her blush and it seemed like Benjamin had given up with his teasing, gladly for both. It was still odd for Nick that Benjamin clearly nothing against the idea of prey and predator being together... If only everyone shared Benjamin's mindset, Nick would maybe have more courage to ask her out.... Or even tell about his feelings for that matter. ... Just look at her. I could just stare at her forever and never get bored at the sight. One day... Just one day I might slip, even if I promised myself to never let her even doubt it... But just looking at her makes me feel so peaceful...

"Nick, is everything okay?" Judy suddenly asked, raising her eyebrow to the dreamily smiling fox.

"Mhhm, completely fine!" Nick suddenly let out in a bit of scare. You really need to stop the constant daydreaming.

"Is there something on my face? You have the look. I swear if some of my breakfast.." She started to mumble in panic.

"There is nothing on your face, whiskers. I just zoned out a bit. I was wondering that shouldn't we head to... You know. Upstairs already?"

Ah, smooth moves. Good fox.

Judy's eye's rose in panic after Nick mentioned the bullpen count. She look'd at her phone quickly and started to hassle Nick towards the elevators.

"Oh sweet cheese and crackers, Nick! We have two minutes left! Let's go!" She kept hassling him and they started to both walk away from the reception desk.

"Cya, Ben!" Both yelled over their shoulder and left the smiling cheetah, who give a little wave to them and continued eating his donuts.

After the elevator ride they finally entered the bullpen that was once again on full chaos. Nick could It took only about couple of seconds for the gazes take their attention to them. Nick felt the awkward feeling once again on the low, making him just wonder if he should try to talk with other officers. The bunny was already on her seat, not noticing that Nick hadn't walked with her. But then he realized that Chief Bogo would be in here any minute now. He started to slowly walk after Judy when suddenly he heard his name called from behind.

"Wilde, can I have a second?" Oliver's voice asked, making his ears twitch.

Nick turned around and saw the somewhat mischievously smiling brown wolf, who nodded him to come over. Nick gave a small friendly smile as he walked over to his friend, wondering what that expression of Oliver's held inside.

"What's up dude?"

"Nothing much. Hey uhh... These guys here say that we are supposed to go some place called Blue Lagoon with them next week. And they really would like you come. I'm gonna go at least. You okay coming?"

"Blue lagoon?" Nick repeated, not quite understanding what he meant.

"It's a cop bar that is just three blocks from here. Almost everyone here visits the place once a week for a little late night partying. They do it usually on Fridays. So I think they have planned something for us on next week. At least so i was told. The guys wondered that it would be nice to have all the new recruits on spirits. Getting to know each other and all. But my bet is that they are interested to see what type of new recruits they have. By new I mean me and you. But they are mostly interested about you since you are superstar number two and alls." He snickered.

"I... I guess I could come." Nick said in unsure tone. The idea had caught him a bit off guard. Drinking with cops? This feels weird... Maybe I should take that back. Too much pressure.... Wait you are master of social skills, what are you afraid of?... Meh, maybe next time. I got things to do any-

"HE'S COMING GUYS!" Oliver yelled and half of the room roared on their direction in cheer, starting to chatter with each other with even more loudly. Great. Just great. After that, Oliver just gave a little tap on his back and went back on his seat.

Nick turned his gaze to Judy, who was smiling widely, like she knew what was coming for Nick. She had been paying attention to his and Oliver's conversation then.

"Please tell me that you will be there for me carrots." He asked half joking but also half serious.

"Oh what's that? Big old fox is scared to socialize among cops. What a shame."

Judy was smiling an evil smile as she stared the spooked Nick.

"It's just drinks at the bar and such. Why are you so nervous Nick? Scared of a little bonding?" She assured but clearly knew something he didn't about this bar trip.

"Carrots. I only know Oliver. I rarely drink. I rarely go to bars. I might had even hustled their families. They will find out. They will beat me up and tie me in the chair and make me tell everything I know-"

"Pffft, relax Nick it will be fine. You are police now. Stop thinking like a hustler. That is not you anymore.... Well mostly. But they are your new brothers and sisters in their own way now, if you let them. In ZPD we are a family. It might be feel a bit odd but you will see that everyone in this room is very special in their own way. Just give it a chance."

"... Judy.. Please..." Nick begged like a kit, ignoring everything she just said. All he wanted was Judy to be there to save him from being eaten alive.

"Fine. I will not drink though. Not after what happened last time while i was there." She said casually.

".... What happened last time you were there?" Nick asked with interest.

Judy gave a little unsure smile first and then started to speak awkwardly.

"It was like two weeks ago. I got a bit drunk and some other bunny tried to take advantage of it. You know how rare bunnies are in the city anyway. So this some unknown buck that was friend of one of the officers here. He was nice first but after couple of drinks he had his paws all on me. He grabbed my butt like a pervert and told me the things he would do to me if i went with him to his home." Judy said with poker face.

Nick's mouth was open and his eyes were full of fire. He tried to hide his sudden anger as best as he could, but deep down the felt like he was going to find and beat up whoever did that to her. It took all he had to keep his anger away from his tone and sound like it had been a funny story.

"What.. What did you do?"

"I went with him. Wanted to see how it would go." She said casually, testing an ice little bit.

For a moment Nick look'd like someone had hit him with a rock until Judy started to giggle uncontrollably and held her stomach.

Nick's startled look turned to snarky smile. She had hustled him good with this one. But what she did not know was that Nick felt like someone had hit him with bag of relief just now but he didn't show it.

"You should had seen your face..." She still laughed.

"Fine you got me." He chuckled.

"I don't even understand how you expected any of that to be true even for a second. If some buck tried to do any of that to me, he would be in hospital or in jail." She said smugly.

Nick chuckled and spoke again.

"So what did really happen at the bar last time then?"

"I just drank a bit too much. I'm not much of a drinker myself."

"Oh what a surprise, I would have never thought." He teased and got an eye roll from the smiling bunny.

"Whatever. The point is that I had the worst headache ever. Like really bad one. Next morning I felt so bad that I had to call in sick. Everyone joked around about it for the next week." She smiled as she remembered that time.

"Well, we just have to take it easy then." Nick said casually.

The small silence fell between them and Nick felt himself soaking into his thoughts again.

What had that emotion inside him just been? The joke that Judy had made was still lingering in his mind. He had not felt that angry for a long time. Even the idea of someone talking to her like an item and touching her like that... It made his blood boil a bit. What is wrong with me?

Just as he was about to ask something from Judy, the door to the bullpen slammed open and the familiar voice made his leading presence known right away.


Nick practically jumped in his seat as Bogo roared at his podium, making everyone go quiet as graveyard in a second. He took his time to scan the room with his gaze and gave a small satisfied smile before speaking.

"Assignments for the day! Delgato, Fangmeyer, patrolling. Higgins, Wolford, robbery at the bike store at the rain forest district. Manchez, Hills, patrolling, Howlton-"

As Bogo kept going with the names, Nick suddenly grinned and whispered to the bunny next to him.

"I hope we patrol Tundra town. There is this really nice burger place-"

"Shh." Judy smiled and after a moment their names came up.

Hopps, Wilde... I have something special for you two that might raise interest. You shall join me at the office for more information. Everyone else, there is a protest at the Savannah central, you will work as necessary security. That's everything. For the day. Make the ZPD proud as always."

Everyone cleared out from the room one after one, the sounds of conversations starting once again but disappearing after everyone had left the room. Only Judy and Nick were left, standing in front of the buffalo who gazed them with serious look.

"Follow me you two." Bogo bluntly stated and waited at the door for the two to follow his lead.

They turned left and made their way till the end of the hall, where Bogo opened the door for them and made his way to sit down behind his desk. As the fox arrived to the door with the bunny, he started to pay attention to his surroundings. Quite a neat looking office. But maybe a little dark with the lights. Judy was already making her way to the seat as Nick's gaze still wondered around the room. Very blunt and professional. Just as he could have imagined from the buffalo. There was bookcases everywhere and couple of plastic plants but besides that, there was not much to note in the dark room. In front of Bogo's large wooden desk there was two chairs waiting for them. Judy was already sitting on the chair, and after a slow walking, Nick made his way to the other seat.

Bogo sighed after reading some report file on his hooves, turning his gaze for the two after reading it for a moment. Judy only look'd excited about the task, whatever it was going to be. This all seemed pretty serious and tense for some reason. Nick did feel a bit nervous, especially about the way Bogo was looking at him in particular. Had he done something wrong?

After a moment the buffalo spoke to Judy, sounding casual and friendly as he could.

"Hopps. How did your partner do for his first day? I was so busy yesterday that i forgot to ask."

"He did quite well. It was a pretty peaceful day overall." She said with smile.

"That was my intent. A light task for the first day. You apprehended the street racer."

He said casually, giving a smile to the bunny but then his face turned into a little bit of frustration as he gazed at the fox before he continued.

"I just feel need to clarify uummm.... Something about the report that Wilde signed yesterday about the street racer."

Nick suddenly grinned widely as he now knew what this was all about. Judy look'd a little puzzled as she gazed at the mischievous looking fox and spoke.

"Did he not write something correctly? I'm pretty sure that everyone makes minor mistakes on their first case report. Is it a spelling error or something?" Judy asked in confusion.

Bogo just sighed and spoke after a moment.

"It is written here that "We successfully captured the street racer at the Savannah Central 11:00. The driver was identified as.."

Bogo stop'd reading and raised his eye's from the report file and look'd at smiling Nick now with scolding look. He kept reading.

"Flash 'THE HUNDRED YARD DASH", the commonly known street racer living in Zootopia. Penalty. "We let him go off with a warning, but you should have seen the car. WPR-500 With incredibly nice tint jobs. It was even this years model. Anyway, my partner promised to make sure that next time would be more serious encounter to the victim. Flash said that he completely understood. Common understanding is wonderful thing. Also, officer Hopps can be very convincing when she goes all "serious cop" mode of hers. It's kind of cute in its own way. Case closed? Yes. Yes it is."

Bogo finished and sighed again.

Nick turned his gaze to Judy, who was staring at him back with her look that screamed. "Nick WHY?!"

Bogo was rubbing his eye and muttered something before talking again.

"Officer Wilde. This is not how you write a case report."

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not very good at describing every details. Just the ones that matter. I tried my best with it. I'm sure that I learn how to write them better in time." He grinned widely, making Bogo look a bit angry this time.

"I really do hope so Wilde, or even better, Hopps might be better candidate for writing them in the future. Spares me from headaches." Bogo said in passive aggressive tone.

"Whatever you prefer boss. I am here to serve. Or in this case Judy is." He snickered.

Even with this annoying situation, Judy could not hold a small laugh because of the attitude of this fox. Nick always knew how to make her laugh. Even in the worst possible timings.

"You are impossible Nick." She said.

"You know you love me." Nick said in is flirty voice.

"Whatever." She muttered.

"Are you two done?" Bogo sighed heavily and wanted to slam his head against the desk.

"Yes, sorry Chief, won't happen again." Judy apologized with a bit embarrassed tone.

Bogo turned to Nick.

"Yes. Yes i am." He smiled, making Bogo's eyebrow twitch from annoyance.

"Good. Now Hopps. Next one is stakeout job. We have Intel about high valued target. Jack Garlow."

"Really?" Judy asked suddenly, now being way more interested about the task right away. Bogo nodded and continued.

"The panther is rumored to make some kind of transaction deal somewhere around the bar called "Bernie's" at this evening in Tundra town."

"Garlow has not been seen for a long time. Is it true that he escaped Higgins and Wolford a month back?" Judy ask'd.

"Indeed he is. I hope you have more luck than they had. He is slippery one. Also, known to be dangerous. The informer told that whatever the deal concerns, it's really big. There might be even bigger players involved in this. Your mission is to tail him from the club and arrest him when it is possible. Tranquilizers are required for this job without a doubt. Use physical force also if necessary. Jack is also wanted for allegedly having high crime connections, and two assaults. So it is likely that he is going to resist the arrest. Just a formal guess. The location of the bar is near the entrance leading back to Savannah central from Tundra town. So it's not a long ride. I'll make sure that some of our officers patrol that area just in case if things get really bad and you need backup."

Judy nodded with serious expression and Bogo continued after giving careful look at Nick who had been just listening the whole conversation.

"Here is when we come to officer Wilde." He said.

"What about him?" Judy asked.

"The question is, is your partner ready for this kind of mission? He proved his skills during the Bellwether case and you have given nothing but praise to his name all these months and told that he is doing well at the academy. I trust your judgment in this completely Hopps, so I would like to know your honest opinion. Is he truly ready for mission like this, so soon after joining officially to the force? Trust me, this is no picnic trip." He told seriously.

"I.." Judy turned her gaze to Nick, who stared back with smile that gave her all the proud assuring she needed.

"Yes. I trust that he can do this." Judy said with official tone in her voice.

Nick felt his smile growing from her trust in him. Besides, it was kind of exciting to see how the real action was going to be. Besides, he would have the best cop in the force with him all the time. Of course he was maybe a bit worried since this all was indeed happening way sooner than he expected, but right now he just had to be brave and prove that he belonged here.

"Good. Keep me updated on Officer Wilde's process from now on. Off you two. You are going to have to spend quite a lot of time on the stakeout, since we don't have specific time of suspects arrival. So prepare to spend your night on this. I am counting on you two. Now go get some rest to your homes and some sleep while you still can. You both have long night ahead of yourselves." Bogo finished proudly and signaled them to dismiss with a small nod.

They both nodded and made their way out of the room quickly, shutting the door behind them. Once the door closed, Judy spoke like a spike of power had hit her just now.

"I am sure that we get him! This is your chance to show some of those sly cop skills of yours." She grinned.

"I'm pretty sure that when i have someone intimidating as you with me, those guy's will surrender right away. Fluffy kung-fu bunny making them surrender just from the sight of her." He teased.

Judy rolled her eyes as he saw Nick smile to his own sarcasm.

"You should try learning martial arts. They are mostly the only reason I am not getting beaten." Judy smiled.

"Too lazy for that. I just try to use my foxy charm and stun them to death with my sexiness." Nick smirked.

"Har har Nick. By the way, you might not be completely wrong about what you said. They will be easy catch. I have feeling about it. I did not earn my reputation among criminals by being lazy." Judy grinned smugly, making Nick laugh from surprising attitude.

"Wooohooo, ego burst from whiskers! I will save this to rare moment's memory box!"

"You will laugh now slick but just follow my lead when we get in action." She reminded.

"Will do, my sassy partner." Nick chuckled.

"You better take this seriously."

"I am. What makes you doubt me? I will be right behind that wiggling tail when you attack beat their butts." Nick said and tried to hold his grin.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Why did you have to embarrass yourself with the report?"


"You wrote that case report like an idiot on purpose. It was not funny. Don't do it again." She suddenly scolded.

"It was a bit funny. You laughed. Besides, you really are cute when you are all seri-"

"I will change partner, I swear." She muttered but could not hold her smile as Nick kept going with his goofy attitude right now. This was going to be a long day. Judy just hoped that everything would go right with this one.

_______________________________________________ AT THE STAKEOUT / ALLEY NEAR THE BERNIE'S / SIX AT EVENING. __________________________________________________________________

Nick and Judy were sitting in their stakeout ride, both observing Bernie's front doors with eyes on full focus of anything suspicious. The place was pretty crowded even from the outside. Nick knew the area quite too well from his younger days. It was not the best part of the town, that was for sure. Judy look'd way too comfortable with the situation, like she was eager to already arrest someone any moment now. I guess it was normal to feel a bit nervous, Nick thought. It was his second day in the force and he was already in the field doing an actual stakeout, run and catch job. Maybe even shoot. He wanted to believe that he was ready for this. The rabbit had vouched for him, so he had to take this one seriously. He really did want to make Judy proud.

The snow was raining quite a lot on the alley, making their stakeout van all covered in snow. Was pretty good camouflage. Nick drank some of his coffee and stared at the mammals in front of the bar, going on about their business. They were chatting and laughing quite loudly, but that was because most of them were wobbling from their drinks. It was six at evening and some of them were already completely drunk. At least the sights were not getting boring any time soon. Quite entertaining to follow actually. But Judy on the other paw look'd like she wanted to already do something right now. She was getting anxious. A bit angry even, as she kept gazing at the show in front of them.

"Is there something wrong carrots?" He asked.

"Those two bears just smashed their beer glasses on the ground. Public trashing. They do not even have the slightest intent of cleaning it. Not single one. Jerks. Mammals may step on all that shattered glass and get really hurt. Also, that skunk just started fighting with his friend. Assault. And everyone around them are cheering. Unbelievable. And don't get me started on that tig-"

"Is this your first time seeing the nightlife of a local bar fluff? This is not even bad." Nick laughed with amusement from her innocent and frustrated attitude towards the ongoing show.

"I want to arrest at least half of these dummies." She muttered in annoyance.

"Well that is something you should not do. You would blow our cover."

"I know and it annoys me. Just look at that guy! Why on earth would he-"

"Whiskers. You are going to kill yourself with stress if you keep looking at them with such a negative attitude. It's just a typical bar night in Zootopia. Let them have a little fun." He said casually.

".... Fun." Judy turned her gaze to Nick aggressively slowly.

Nick grinned and waved his paw at the ongoing action that was happening at the moment.

"I mean that guy just did a backflip completely drunk and then threw up on the ground right after! That was one of the funniest things i have ever seen!" He laughed.

"Well I am glad that at least one overgrown kit is enjoying this." She said in a bit of disgust and winced as she saw the raccoon still throwing up on the ground with his friends laughing and pointing at him with.

"Come ooooon whiskers, chill out. Let me help you get your mind out of all that. Let's talk about something fun. Oh, right. I was about to ask that when and if we see this... Jack Garlow arrive to the bar, how will we proceed? I mean I know the textbook way of doing things but knowing your super cop skills and experience, you must have everything already planned. So details. Teach your student sensei." He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

Judy's sour mood turned to smile now and she began explaining her plan after taking a deep breath first.

"Considering that Jack escaped last time, it means that he always has company with him. There is no way that he outran Wolford without help. He is one of our fastest runners in the force. In the report of the last times encounter with Jack, it reads that he had an escape ride waiting for him about two blocks away from the deal point. Mammals that have escape ride's, tend to use them more than once. Garlow and some mammals were doing business on the alleyway when they ran to confront them with tranquilizers. The problem is that he had about two bodyguards with him, so it became a brawl pretty quick. Garlow got away by running to whoever was waiting him with his ride, escaping our two officers but also leaving the hired muscle behind. But the thing is, you rarely get any valuable information out of bodyguards, because they want to keep their reputation up, and no one rarely tells any details or names to them anyway. It means that we have to act fast and in the best case, get tip's about their escape ride's whereabouts."

Judy took a breath and continued.

"My best bet is that he is meeting someone at the bar. They walk out of the back door after they are done talking. After that they find the local alley like last time, away from curious eyes and start doing the transactions and deals, whatever they are. We follow them and wait for the right moment while hiding at any spot we see as best at the moment. We keep out of sight until it's time to act and arrest every single one of them right on the spot. The Best way is to tell them to get on the ground but that always seems goes out of the question. Trust me. They always start running or fighting. Once they do that, we kick their butt's, handcuff them and secure all their illegal possessions. Easy peasy, done and done."

Judy stared at Nick who was watching her with his mouth wide open, clearly very impressed.

"Aaaaand how many times have you done cases like this again?"

"About ten." She said smugly.

"Ok, I will definitely follow your lead fluff." He admitted now.

"Ummm Nick..." She suddenly spoke quietly.


"I know you can do this." She said warmly with proud smile.

Nick smiled back to her and reached for his shades.

"Don't worry carrots. I'll back you up if things get-"

Nick put on his shades and grinned to the rabbit.

"Frosty." He finished.

".... Nick seriously?" Judy rolled her eye's but could not help but to laugh to that one.

"Get it? Because we are in Tundra t-"

"Yes i understood Nick." She laughed.

"I got another one-"

"Don't." She commanded.

It had been quite a long night. They had already waited for two hours in the car. There was no sight of Jack. Nick was just rubbing his paws together and took another sip of his coffee. Judy was just alert as ever, looking around the bar non stop. The more the night progressed, the wilder the action got at front of the bar, as it usually always did. Nick really had to talk Judy out of arresting so many mammals from front of the Bernie's, that it got amusing. About three fights, absolute thrashing everywhere, urinating in every corner and disturbing the peace with constant yelling to almost anyone walking by. But this happened to be the most wild area in Tundra town after all. It was time to take Judy's attention to somewhere else again, just for her sake. Nick cleared his throat after taking his gaze out of his phone screen.

"Do they usually consider giving cases like these for new recruits, or is it just me? Don't get me wrong, this is exciting but it just did not seem like normal task to give for someone who just joined the force day ago." Nick finally admitted.

"Oh ummm... Well as you know already, I have told Bogo on detail how we solved the night howler case after all. I also told about your great progress in the academy, and since you also have skills that all of the cops may not posses, Bogo was eager to see if you are ready for field work like this as soon as possible. It's time for you to start earning your reputation Nick, I truly do believe you might become one of the best."

She said proudly and smiled to the fox.

Nick smiled back and stared at her with that melting flirty gaze of his again.

"I possess skills that many cops do not? Enlighten me carrots."

"Well... They told me that you were quite fast runner in the academy. I actually came to follow you running the track couple of times. I was at the academy to give speeches for the new recruits and I sometimes saw you on the obstacle tracks. I was quite impressed."

She said happily but her smile turned into puzzled look when Nick gave a little snicker and spoke quietly.

"So you are admitting stalking me while I ran on the track all sweaty and sometimes without a shirt. Yoouuu naughty bunny.."

Judy's cheeks and ears turned red as she took her gaze out of his alluring eyes, starting to mumble awkwardly.

"No. I was watching your progress. In professional matter."

"Mmmhm." Nick hummed with flirting tone.

"Also you know how to talk to animals and make solutions that might have different outcomes... Like with Flash and such..."

"Keep going..." Nick spoke warmly and moved his face always a bit closer to her.

"You are enjoying this aren't you?" She mumbled.

"Come on... It was getting good. Don't stop now." He chuckled.

"You are horrible."

"That is hardly a trait that would qualify as a police skill. What else?"

Judy could not hold her giggle anymore. This fox always drove her insane with his funny personality.

"Fine. You also know things considering crime side. It might come in handy since... Well.. You have done these kinds of things too. You know?" She said with smile.

"Mmmmhh.... Wait what?" Nick took a bit time to understand and he leaned back. Judy look'd at his way and saw that Nick look'd a bit.. Angry?

"Carrots. What did you mean?" He ask'd a bit seriously.

"I uhh... Meant that... You really did not just do illegal Popsicle business. You must have done something else too..."

She said a bit carefully.

"What makes you think that?" He raised his eyebrow.


".... Have you been talking to someone?" He suddenly asked.

The silence and the avoiding and a bit scared eyes confirmed that he had been right.

"Who has told you these things?" Nick ask'd a bit more calmly.

Judy looked a bit embarrassed and clearly wanted to change subject.

"It's nothing Nick, let's talk about something else, okay?"

"... Judy." He said with serious tone, making her look even more spooked for a moment.

He used her name. She knew that when he did that, he was serious about something. Oh sweet cheese and crackers.

"..... Mister big." She suddenly answered quietly.

Nick's jaw dropped and for a moment he look'd really scared. He stuttered a bit before looking at Judy with a bit concerned look.

"Wh-why have you been talking with him? Judy, he is someone you don't want to get involved with!"

"Nick. I am a grandmother to her granddaughter. I visit her every month. Me and Fru Fru are really close. Mister Big is not as bad as you might think. I have talked quite lot with him and he has even helped me with some cases. This is his territory anyway. He was the one who informed us about Jack. Well... He called Bogo about two weeks back.. And told that if we do not catch this Garlow guy soon and put him behind bars, he will find him and ice him himself. Whatever he did to mister Big, it was bad. We can only guess. I have seen him couple of times in Big's mansion. So they were connected somehow. But we never talked. Who knows what he did to insult Mr Big? I can only guess... So Bogo convinced him that something like that was not going to happen and that we were going to make sure that we catch him."

This did not answer Nick's question but he had to ask.

"Carrots. What is ZPD's view on this? Do they know that mister Big help's you and ZPD with cases?"

".... Only Chief and I deal with him. No one else knows."

"And he allows it? He allows you to take help from one of the biggest crime bosses in Zootopia, who even threatens to ice civilians through phone?"

"Nick... He is not a bad mammal. He really isn't." She said quietly.

HE TRIED TO ICE US." Nick accidentally almost yelled.

Judy look'd a bit sad now. She knew deep down that it was true. But Nick just had not seen what kind of person Big was when he was not doing business.

"I know Nick. But what can I do? I know we should eventually go after him and his operation's. But... Things work better now than they ever have. Even Bogo trusts him... In some sense. I don't know if he really has forgiven the thing you did for him, like he said he would.... Still, I'm like family to him now. I have tried to fish out details about what kind of crime's his family have been doing but for all I know, It's mostly about... Smuggling electronics, printing fake money. Dealing lot of car's without taxes and some of them are probably stolen. It's bad. I know that. I know that it's illegal but... It does not truly hurt anyone. It does not break apart families or destroy life's. Those are most concerning things to the ZPD. It is all crime, I know. And as much as I would like to obey the law in this... It does not work that way. He might do these things but he is not a bad person. And he is way too smart to do mistakes. Like you. You may have been on the other side of the law most of your life but... I trust you too Nick. You are my best friend. I just... Can you please forgive me?" She pleaded with her amethyst eyes from the quiet fox.

Nick was a bit taken aback with all this information and saw that Judy was desperately waiting for some kind of reply. He could never be truly angry to her. He had once been and it was the emotion he did not want to feel against her ever again. The fox sighed deeply and spoke.

"Fair enough Whiskers. I did not know all this. I'm sorry. But... You still did not answer my question."


"What did mister Big tell you about ME?"

"Oh.. Umm... I might have asked out of curiosity that.. Well since he knew most of the criminal activities and names around Zootopia, I ask'd if he knew more about... You. He told me that you were usually a low profile hustler. He told me that you were quite a big name in the Savannah's streets with Finnick and someone called Ben and Mike. He said that when you were twenty you and your crew made quite a lot of money by doing hustles. You were all famous for many years and stuff... He told me that it was mostly clever con's and selling stolen goods... Stuff like that.."

Nick was face pawing himself as he was listening Judy go on with the things Big had told her.

"You should have never known these things." He finally said quietly.

"Nick. I do not judge you" Look at yourself and see where you are now. None of that matters anymore. Not to me. You are twenty eight year's old. There is so much good that you can still do. Others might see a sly and criminal fox but to me and for the ZPD you are a promising police officer, who has live'd umm... Colorful life? That's all." She said with honest tone.

Nick raised his head from his paw and look'd at Judy and the annoyed expression slowly turned to smile.

"... You really are good with the moral speeches, aren't you fluff?"

"... Thanks." Judy said and smiled with relief, knowing that she had not made Nick angry. That was the thing that mattered to her the most.

"So... You really are comfortable around suave and sly ex criminal fox like me?" Nick was on that attitude again.

"Whatever slick." Judy giggled.

"You know you love-"

"Jack." She suddenly blurted out.

"What?" Nick asked in confusion.

"Jack Garlow. I see him right now." Judy said, her cop mode turning on in a second.

Nick turned his gaze to the front of the bar like lightning and saw a panther approach Bernie's on a grey winter coat, with two unknown mammals on his both sides. Clearly his security. It was a bit dark so it was hard to make out who the two other mammals were. After a while of observing and seeing their tails, they knew that they were both dogs. The other dog was grey of fur and the other had kind of golden and yellowish one. The one with the golden fur was carrying some kind of suitcase in his paw. It was hard to see facial features from so far. Judy took the radio off her belt and pressed the button quickly.

"This is officer Hopps to the headquarters, I have visual on Jack Garlow. I repeat, I have visual on the suspect. Do I have permission to proceed with standard protocol?"

Judy took her claw off the button and after a while Clawhouser's voice answered.

"Officer Hopps, you are clear to engage the suspect, proceed with caution, over."

"Will do, Hopps out."

Judy placed the mic on her belt and look'd at stunned Nick.

"... That was so cool. Just like in the movies." He said with admiring smile.

"I know. You ready to go get the bad guys slick?" She smiled.

"Don't worry, you could call my nerves.... Ice cold."

"Stop it." Judy laughed as they exited the van and embraced the cold night air.

________________________________________ NEAR THE BACKDOOR OF THE BERNIE'S / 22:00 _______________________________________________

The fox and the bunny both stayed out of the sight behind the giant dumpster, occasionally peeking over to see if there was anyone leaving from behind the bar. They had stay'd for there a sweet moment already. After a while Nick whispered.

"Carrots, how are you so sure that they use the backdoor?"

"They always do. It's like they never think outside of the box... It's always the backdoor. Every time." Judy said, her tone completely sure about herself.

"If you say so. We have been here for like fifteen minutes already, I'm just saying that it would be really awkward if they-"

"Shhh! I hear something." She whispered.

They both hid behind the dumpster and tried to hear the conversation. That started right away as the back door opened up from the bar. Unknown voice spoke with cocky tone.

"Boss. You sure that we can trust Levron? If he plays dirty, I'll make sure he get's the knife."

Deep and raspy voice spoke next. It sounded like combination of too many cigars and whiskey.

"You will do no such thing. I know Steve. He is like right hand of Mister Jones."

".... You mean James?" The first voice asked in confusion.

"He goes by many names. I call him mister Jones. I don't even think either of those are his real names. It's a play on words. You know that Jones or whoever he is, does not tolerate dirty deals when it comes to business. That is his reputation. If he put his right paw to handle the deal, he is serious about this."

The mammal talking had to be Jack Garlow. Since he sounded like he was leading this operation.

"If you say so boss." The other voice agreed.

"Mister Garlow, if i may ask... What are we dealing with them? This suitcase is so light." unknown curious voice spoke.

Nick's ears perked up and he turned his gaze to Judy, who just was writing down all the conversations and names she had heard on the notepad. He was about to whisper but he had to be sure. Was his imagination dancing around or something?

Nick was about to say that identified the voice but could not believe it to be true. They kept listening.

"It should not concern you, Mike. The less you know the better. Okay pup?" Garlow said with calming tone. It was almost caring, far from treating this guy as his lackey. It was almost intimate.

Nick's ears perked up again. Now he was completely sure of it.

He whispered to Judy as quietly as he could as he saw Judy write the name "Mike?" on the notepad.

"I know one of them." He suddenly said, finding it hard to believe himself.

"... Who?" She asked quietly.

".. Mike... He is the dog with the golden fur. The guy who was part of my crew. His name is Mike Rollins. He was... Still is one of my best friends. I have not seen him in half a year but.... I had no idea he was involved in things like this..." Nick looked genuinely very concerned that Mike was among mammals like these. It was really hard to believe. He still knew Mike well. They had been friends since they were little kit's. This was going to be awkward. There had to explanation to all this.

Judy took a peek of the three and hid just as quickly. After a while she spoke with compassionate voice.

"We have to arrest him too Nick. I know it might be hard, but if he is involved in something big, it needs to happen."

"... I know." Nick said and took a peek quickly.

"What on earth have you gotten mixed up with?" Nick muttered as he saw his kithood friend with the two.

Suddenly the phone of one of the three rang and it was answered immediately. The call was very quick but quiet, so they could not make any sense of it. After about ten seconds the cocky tone was heard. The grey dog was talking again.

"I got call from Roger. The getaway driver is waiting for us just in case next to Evergreen club two blocks away." The dog said.

"Good, even though i doubt we need it. Let's go. Stay close Briggs. Just in case." Garlow said.

Judy started to immediately write the address down on the paper. No escape ride for these guys. And also other bodyguards last name was Briggs. That was something to go on.

Nick heard that they began to walk away from the bar and peeked over slowly. All three were walking away and disappeared behind the next corner on the left.

"Let's go!" Judy motioned Nick to follow as they ran their back's against the corner and Judy peeked to see the street.

They were not in the hurry it seemed. If only they knew the place where the deal was going to happen, they could be there to surprise them completely. They maybe were going to have to do this the hard way. But that usually meant lot of chasing. All three were walking about seven meters away from them, making their way rather slowly forward the street.

Judy took her radio from her belt and spoke.

"Officer Hopps to headquarters, I am on silent pursuit with officer Wilde. The suspects have a getaway car waiting them next to Evergreen club, two blocks away from our location. I require assistance in that location from any nearby units, ready to roll in on my mark, over."

Nick was just silently admiring Judy in her super cop state. She really knew what she was doing.

"Assistance will be provided, over and out." Benjamin answered through the mic.

"Let's get going. Remember Nick, just like when we found the missing mammals. Silent as a shadow."

"If I remember correctly, we started the alarm-"

"Details." Judy snorted and smiled.

They were both hiding behind the cars as they approached the trio. Slowly and silently, there were picking up the distance. The big blue van was covering them as Nick slowly peeked and saw all three standing near the bus stop. Why on earth were they just standing there? Jack was telling something for the two but Judy and Nick were on the other side of the street, so hearing the conversation was impossible from this distance. Nick could see that Judy was getting a bit frustrated as she tapped her feet lightly on the pavement. Nick quietly spoke.

"Carrots, what do you think they are tal-"

Nick stopped mid sentence and saw that no one was next to him anymore. Where on earth did she go?! The fox peaked again at the bus stop and his heart skipped as he saw Judy on the other side of the street, behind yellow sportscar. She was listening the conversation merely three meters away from the whole bunch. If they catch her scent, she is screwed...

After a while, Judy made sure that she was not seen and crossed the road back to Nick's side from ten meters away from Garlow and his crew. She panted a bit as she arrived next to Nick and spoke right away.

"I'm sorry Nick but I had to know what they talked about."

"Next time just inform me that you will do something like that, you almost gave me heart attack fluff." Nick said half seriously and half joking.

"Sorry Nick... I did find out why they are standing at the bus stop though. The deal is supposed to happen on that alley next to them. See that one?" She pointed at the alley.

Nick took a look carefully and saw big alley only small walk away from the bus stop. It did seem like a perfect place to make a deal.

"The thing is, Jack said that the guy he called "Steve" will arrive to the alley in five minutes. They are very precise with the timestamps, I give them that."

"Good work fluff. So it's five minutes to action. Got it." Nick said and tried to steel his nerves.

"Yeah. Only if we had better point to look at what is going on. We need element of surprise and this is the best distance we can do without risk of alerting them..." Judy muttered.

Nick pondered the words and peeked again and laid his eye's on the alley. He scanned the area as best as he could. Two trash cans. No windows. Broken lamp on the wall. Enough space for a lot of mammals. Dirty. Trash all around, sewer hole. Only two ways to escape. Other leading back to Bernie's side street... Wait..... The sewer!

"Carrots, I have an idea." He grinned.

"... I'm all ears." Judy sounded interested.

"I know you are, they are very tall ears." He chuckled.

"Niiiiick, stop it, just tell me." She hissed.

"The sewer lid. If we circle around and come from the other side of the alley, we can hide in there. It's a perfect hiding place if we plan an ambush. They would never see it coming."

"... Nick... That is genius! Great thinking partner!" Judy proudly stated with smile.

"At this rate they should promote me." He said smugly.

"Now you are overdoing it. We have to be fast now! We have only three minutes left! We have to circle around the whole block very fast!"

______________________________ THE ALLEY _____________________

They were both hanging from the metal ladder, inside a dim lighted hole. Judy was occasionally peeking out carefully, to see if the deal was already going down. The sewer stank quite a lot. So much that Nick complained about it by whispering all the time.

"Uuughhh." He said in disgust.

"Any minute now Nick. Be ready." She said.

"It stinks."

"Stop being such a kit, it's not that bad."

"It will glue to my fur and won't ever leave." He muttered.

"This was your idea slick, stop complaining." She smiled.

There was a silent moment between them but after a while, a mischievous smile formed on his muzzle as he realized his view at the moment. It would have been quite arousing in different circumstances. He was just few ladders steps away from her beautiful round butt. Nick tried not to look but it was really hard, as his inner male was fighting back. He cleared his throat and felt his ears burn a bit as he spoke with flirty tone.

"I do have one awesome perk though."

"What's that?" She asked quietly, still focusing on what was going on the alley.

"I have the most... Stunning and.... Frisky view from here..."

Judy took a moment without any reaction, being a bit confused. But after giving a quick puzzled look at widely grinning Nick, she understood and her face turned red pretty quickly.

"Sweet cheese and crackers, NICK!"

"... I'm just saying that right there... Is going to make some buck really happy some day-"

"SHUT UP! Don't stare at my butt you pervert!" Judy hissed while her ears turned red.

"Just saying..." He snickered as the embarrassed bunny felt a thousand times more awkward now in her current position.

"Ugh! It almost sounds like you planned this on purpose..." She muttered.

There came a moment of silence and Judy immediately turned her gaze to look at widely grinning Nick under her with half lidded eyes looking back at hers. IT WAS TRUE!

"Not one vixen I have seen had what I see right n-"


"SHhhhhhH! Carrots! I can hear a car. You should peek and see what's going on. Focus now." He snickered.

Judy gave a murdering look at the fox and look'd back up.

"I swear I will kick you later you dumb fox..." Judy muttered as she peek'd out.

The deal was on it seemed. Judy was three meters away from the ongoing deal. She had perfect view.

Jack was standing on her right side with both dogs beside him. On the right side Judy could see a... Bunny? The buck was dressed on stylish black suit with red tie. There was no other option. This had to be Steve. But a bunny? That came as a bit of surprise to her. He was a bit handsome in his own way. It took moment for Judy to see that he had two Elk's with him for protection too. This might get hairy...

Judy closed the lid as slowly as she could and looked at Nick.

"It's showtime. There is six of them. We can take them. Shoot if you have to and use the full stun mode. You get one shot and it takes twenty seconds for your gun to have full volts again. This is it. You ready?" She asked with serious tone.

Now Nick's smile vanished and he gave serious nod and spoke.

"Let's get them partner."

Judy slowly peek'd out and saw Steve Levron open the case and showing what it held. Judy saw that there was incredible amount of money inside the case. She was certain that she had seen enough and she moved the lid off fast and jumped out of the sewer, pulling her tranquilizer out and pointing at the crowd front of her.

All of the six turned their surprised gaze at the bunny right away.


Nick hopped out of the sewer, pointing his gun at the crowd just like Judy.

"OH NO FREAKING WAY, IT'S HOPPS! EVERYONE DO AS SHE SAYS OR WE ARE FUCKED! " The other elk yelled, voice full of fear.

"You were not kidding about the reputation after all..." Nick said quietly and smirked.

"Wait what the hell?! NICK?!" Mike ask'd with his voice full of disbelief as he stared at the fox in the eyes.

Nick's expression went a bit sour but he tried to stay professional and he did not answer.

"Everyone just get on the ground! We can do this easy or the har-"

"Screw that. Let's see if you really are as good as they say Hopps. I choose the hard way. Roy." Jack snapped his fingers as a signal.

"My pleasure." Roy said and took knife to his both paws from his coat. A very long ones you might add. Nick's face had hint of sudden fear in it but on Judy it was only frustration.

Jack grabbed the suitcase from Mike's paw and yelled Steve to follow him.

"I got car for us mister Levron, let's get out of here! Briggs, contact me when you are done!" Garlow yelled.

The rabbit gave a quick odd look at Judy and started running with the jaguar, escaping from the scene.

"Always the hard way" Judy muttered and rolled her eyes.

Nick and Judy quickly blasted their guns at the same time. Judy tried to aim at Garlow but she shot down the other elk who threw himself in front of the impact. Nick shot his shock towards Briggs, to knock out the most dangerous looking mammal at the moment, but the Rottweiler was faster. He grabbed the closest trash can lid he found and blocked the shot. What he did not realize was the fact that the shock bounced on Mike, stunning the dog on the spot. Briggs peeked behind his trashcan lid and gave a confused look at the dog on the ground. Seriously? Just great.

"Just my fucking luck... Sorry Mike." He muttered and threw the lid away, looking at the scared looking fox in the eye.

Nick started to press the handle from the gun, pointing it at Roy but the gun beeb's, signaling that it had fifteen seconds for another full charge. O oh.

Only the other elk and Roy were left. But they acted quickly.

Roy's eyes were filled with blood lust and challenge as he smiled to the fox, knowing they had their guns empty of charge at the moment.

"The fox is mine. You take the rabbit." Roy stated coldly and gave a little intimidating swing with his butterfly knifes as he approached the fox slowly.

Nick was very nervous. He did pass the training courses of fighting against an armed animal, but it was against someone who did not have lot of experience with knifes. And this dog clearly knew how to use them. The hunger he had in his eye's as he approached, spinning the butterfly knifes in his hands like expert. This was going to hurt.


Suddenly he threw another one straight at Nick's way on full speed. Nick barely dodged it as reflex, making a small cut on his cheek and sinking into the lamp post behind him.

"Nick!" Judy yelped with scared look but the huge relief came to her as he saw that he was alright. But she did not have time to worry about her partner right at the moment, as the elk stormed against her.

"Let's give that another shot, won't we officer?" Roy stated as he still approached and pulled another knife from his side coat. How many knives does this guy carry?!

"Oh boy." Nick stated as Roy leaped to attack him.

The elk ran straight towards Judy on full force. Judy expected this and jumped out of the way just in time. The bodyguard hit his head on the brick wall and slowly turned around, being even more angry now than he was. He tried to take a swing at her with his fist but Judy dodged and took distance with quick hop, gaining her posture, knowing that she had this one under control. The elk trusted on raw force and not on the accuracy. Judy exhaled and gave a smug smile as she settled in some kind of martial art styled posture.

"I already told you. We can do this the easy or the hard way." Judy calmly stated.

The elk now roared with mocking laugh as he stormed towards her again.

"You little pathetic carrot eating cocky little-" The elk yelled as he made a powerful kick aimed at Judy.

She quickly dodged the kick by professionally leaning to the side with calm nerves and made a full forced leg swipe through the ground at the elk, as much as power she had in her rabbit leg. The impact hit the elks nerve spot on his leg, making him yell in pain as he fell down on his back and hit his head on the ground. That must have hurt. But he gave her no choice. He fell unconscious immediately. Judy hopped from the ground, pleased with the outcome. Now only the dog to deal with... OH NO NICK!

As Roy jumped Nick, in middle of Judy's fight happening with the elk on the side, the fox leaned back from the knife swing, only few inches away from his nose. The other swing came right after even faster, aiming at his stomach. He was either very lucky, or the dog was just toying with him, as if just showing what he could do but not really trying to kill him. This is something he was not trained against. This dog fought way too deadly and fast. Nick quickly grabbed the nearby trashcan lid and used it as a shield. He blocked hit after hit in complete panic and moved back after each swipe. Suddenly Nick felt something behind his feet. He felt his heart skip a beat as he slipped from the beer can on the ground, completely losing his balance. He fell on the ground with loud thud and felt the impact take the air out of him, making him wince in sudden pain. Roy just laughed and took a sweet time for full jump.

Nick raised the damaged lid in defense and suddenly saw the knife came through it, like the metal was just butter. He felt his brain screaming for him to use this in his advantage as the knife was still stuck through the lid. This was Nick's moment. He acted out of the reflex and gave a lid a spin, with knife still through it, making it fly next to them and same time disarming the dog from his weapon. Nick took the moment of confusion from Roy to his advantage and kicked him with both of his feet straight to Roy's face. The dog backed away in pain and whimpered as hr look'd at Nick with murderous look while his nose was bleeding. He had given him quite a kick. Probably broke his nose even. Nick reached for his gun and pointed at the dog as he ran towards him with rage.

"You are going to become my stab sack for that one you fucking-"


Small lighting projectile hit Roy in his side and he fell front of Nick like a stone, his fur fuzzing up from the electricity. It took moment for Nick to understand what had happened.

He stared at Judy who was pointing at the fallen dog with her tranquilizer, with cocky smile on. Nick was still in bit of heat of adrenaline and he spoke, panting in shock.

"Carrots... You saved my life! Again!"

"I'm sure you had it under control. You had your gun charge ready. Besides, that is what we do at the ZWOWOWO Wait Nick! Garlow!" Judy realized suddenly in panic and took her radio out.

Judy motioned Nick to start running with her after Jack and Steve right away. Nick collected himself from the ground and they exited the alley and ran towards the Evergreen club on full speed. The criminals had quite a head start.

Judy spoke to radio as they ran fast side by side on the street.

"Judy to headquarters! Two suspects approaching the escape mobile on foot! All units on full alert! Block their escape and use tranquilizers if you have to! They started running about one minute ago so they are there any moment now! Also, we have four unconscious suspects on the Bernie street five, send the nearby units to collect them as fast as possible!"

"Understood, telling units to move in straight on sight when they arrive to the car. We also have Officer Wolford and Higgins near the area, I inform them to pick up the suspects. Over and out. Be careful Judy." Clawhouser answered with a bit worried tone.

"Everything is okay Ben. Hopps out." Judy answered and pulled the radio back to her waist.

"Well this is going well!" Nick huffed breath as they ran their way towards their destination.

__________________________________________________ FRONT OF THE EVERGREEN CLUB / TUNDRA TOWN / 22:45 _________________________________________________________

Nick and Judy arrived to the scene and saw that the place was swarming with police all over. They could see all the civilians taking photos of the scene, whatever it was. As they arrived to the car, the mammals started to scream and yell in awe and snap pictures of Nick and Judy making them wince a bit from the sudden flashing lights. Judy couldn't care less about them right now.

"Get them out of here please?" Judy ask'd from the officer son the scene, making them act right away.

The police ordered everyone to go back inside the club and let the police continue their work in peace. Judy and Nick saw panther and the buck on the ground, both in cuffs and panther ranting like last day on earth, yelling everywhere around him in rage. Next to the two, stood Oliver and Grizoli. Nick smiled as he approached the wolf and spoke.

"Well how about that buddy. You got them." He huffed as he was still collecting his breath.

"These two put on hell of a fight. The panther here gave Roger a black eye while he was cuffing him. All he's being yelling forever is how he is going to get us all killed for this. Such a sunshine this one. Right dude?" Oliver smirked as he eyed the panther on the ground.

"Fuck you all!" Jack roared.

"That is quite enough of you Garlow. Don't make us Tranq you." Judy stated.

"Burn in hell!"

"The manners. That is not how you talk to a lady." Nick smiled.

"You are dead fox. You are all dead!"

"Shut up idiot and get in the car." Grizoli said and lifted the panther from the ground and stuffed him in the back of the police vehicle.

The buck had not said a single thing as he laid on the ground.

"Well at least this one is not as loud as the other." Oliver chuckled.

Suddenly He spoke.


Everyone looked at the buck and Judy had puzzled look on her.

"Yeah?" Judy asked.

"You have no idea what you have involved in. I guess it was only a matter of time." The buck spoke with serious tone but gave a flirting smile after a while.

"Enlighten me then." Judy smiled.

The buck stared at her and spoke no more.

"Hopps." Grizoli spoke. His voice was full of dread.

Everyone turned to look at Grizoli. He Was showing the opened suitcase to the officers.

The suitcase was full of nighthowler flowers. Stacked top on top neatly in plastic bags.

Chapter Management

Chapter 4: Quite a catch


Now.... This is a sticky one.

Chapter Text

Chapter 4 "Quite a catch"

___________________ ZPD STATION/ 23:30 ___________________________

"Hmmmm, I wonder how much Gazelle's concert tickets would cost if I preorder-"

The chubby cheetah was cut in the middle of his muttering as he raised his gaze from his phone to the main entrance, as he heard lot of yelling from that direction.

Benjamin Clawhouser started as the slide doors opened and unleashed a complete chaos inside the hall. The first thing he saw was officer Grizoli, holding a panther in a long coat by handcuffs. The panther was yelling insults as loud as he could, and they echoed in the hall like in orchestra stadium. Behind him followed Officer Oliver Howlton, escorting calm looking rabbit in a clean suit. He was walking around looking like he was without worry in the world. After them came an angry looking black dog, held by two officers, both clearly a bit scared of the unpredictable rottweiler. He did look quite aggressive at the moment but didn't resist. His nose was also bleeding a little bit. Behind them came proudly smiling Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, escorting two elks and one a bit scared looking Golden retriever. They made their way like a train past his desk, heading to the cell area.

As Judy and Nick came last, Clawhouser spoke from behind his desk.

"Quite a catch. It's rare to see six mammals in cuffs at once. I'll inform Bogo that you guys succeeded." Benjamin smiled.

"You do that, Ben. Hey can we get tape for the Jack the sunshine here? His yelling is getting on our ears."

Nick chuckled as the panther yelled once again.

"Wait till I get out of here you sorry shits! I will find your families! Let's see how tough you all are when I'm not in cuffs!"

"This guy is nuts. He doesn't seem to understand that death threats are not the best idea to yell, if you plan getting out of this situation." Nick said after getting a bit annoyed by his non stop yelling.

"Iv'e seen worse." Judy stated calmly and sighed but was also annoyed.

Suddenly the golden retriever spoke in front of them.

"Mister Garlow is not a bad mammal! He just has short temper!"

"Yeah, I can see." Benjamin said as he was pretty sure that Garlow just tried to bite Grizoli.

Mike spoke again after turning his gaze at Nick.

"How could you do this to me man?! I thought we were friends, Nick!" Mike whined front of them, sounding betrayed by one of his best friends.

"We are good friends, Mike! I'm doing my job dude! The bigger question is that when did you start to do things including deal night howlers? You know that it's the last substance predators should get involved in. I know that we haven't seen each other in a long time, but selling night howlers? What the hell Mike? Does Finnick or Ben know? You know they would freak out, right?" Nick ask'd in genuine worry.

It was ood for Judy to follow this show from the side. She hadn't met any of Nick's friends besides Finnick. This dog was far from being as aggressive and tough guy as the small sand fox was. The way of Nick's worry was also something quite big. He had clearly known this dog from young age.

"No, and they don't need to! Finnick is going to beat me up!" Mike shot with a bit scared tone.

"... We are going to have a long talk, Mike. I knew you did dumb things time to time, but this? Like seriously?" Nick sighed with disappointed tone and shook his head.

"Screw you Nick, there is lot of money in it when I work with papi-I MEAN MISTER GARLOW! I didn't know that we were dealing night howlers! But so what if we did?! Bellwether is behind bars and no one wants to repeat her actions! You know this!" He spoke like they were the crazy ones. This defense was noted easily by the fox, Nick knowing that he didn't believe his words himself. Nick then asked with confused tone.

"Why did you just call mister Garlow-"

"Forget alright! Just... I really need to get out of this, Nicholas!" The golden retriever whined, begging for this fox.

Nick just gave dumbfounded look at his kithood friend and spoke.

"You know I can't let you go! We have to get you a lawyer." Nick said with apologizing tone, knowing that Judy was clearly watching from the side how he was handling this situation. It was not everyday you would arrest someone close to you.

"No lawyers! I can't afford one! I needed the money! Nothing bad was going to come out of those damn flowers!" Mike claimed.

"How can you know it for sure Mike? There might be still some who share her view on things. No one buys night howlers, JUST BECAUSE. I doubt that whoever they were supposed to be bought to, was thinking of doing anything good with them. Come on Mike, you are smarter than this..."

Mike looked at Nick with a bit of hesitation and then sighed.

"Maybe but... I would have made so much money from that deal that I could had bought better treatment to my brother! You know his condition! I needed this Nick and now I am fucked!"

Mike's ears fell as he yelled in desperate and sad tone, feeling like everything was over. Nick felt sympathy for his friend since he knew his situation. Mike's brother had a bad bone fractures. The doctors had told him years ago that they did all they could to help him, but the treatment cost Mike lot of his hustling money over the years. Mike's brother had fallen down at the stairs a couple years back. It made his leg's almost paralyzed with several fractures, so he had to use a wheelchair at age of fourteen. The doctors told that with help of physical therapy, his brother would maybe even walk again, but the treatment and the surgeries would cost too much. Even with his way of making money. The most crucial thing was, he couldn't pay any of it in big advances or sums. He had never done honest work. At some point the questions about the money would come, starting a police investigation on Mike. So in other words, he was fucked. He had almost million in cash but no way to use that money on things like helping his brother.

Judy had no idea what the two were talking about, but knew that whatever it was, the subject was sore. Nick was quiet for a while and stared his crushed friend who had his gaze at his own feet.

"I'm sorry Mike, I really am. But dealing night howlers is not the way. That stuff gets mammals killed."

"..... I know." he quietly said.

"Look, I'm pretty new here but I'm doing best I can to help you through this. I promise." Nick spoke sincerely and tapped Mike's shoulder.

"...." Mike didn't answer but gave a small nod to his friend.

"Come on buddy, let's go. The most important thing is that you cooperate as best as you can right now." Nick assured.

Mike did not answer but continued his way to the cell area, with rest of his partners in crime already behind bars in small cells. This was the first time he was ever going to be in a cell. It was quite odd to see Mike behind bars. It just didn't fit into his image. Nick gave sad look at Mike's way, knowing how useless his promises might have been. Mike's situation looked really bad.

"Nick." Judy suddenly spoke.

"... Yeah?" Nick answered, still gazing his friend as he was talked by officer Grizoli to hand over his paws so he could take cuffs off.

"He seems like a good mammal. He really does. If he tells us what he knows and helps to clear things out, he might not get such a bad conclusion to his sentence. He might survive this with good chances." Judy smiled to him with hopeful attitude.

"... With what he just got caught up with?" Nick asked and raised an eyebrow.

".. Even with that. It's a far shot, but it all depends on what he has for us. He is your friend. So I want to help. I won't make big promises, but you know I'm Bogo's favorite. That already helps your friend more than you know." Judy said with sincere smile.

"... I... Thanks, whiskers." Nick said with a bit taken aback look. This bunny right here...

"That's what best friends are for. Do you think he really won't need a lawyer like he said?" Judy asked then carefully, feeling glimpse of warm look from Nick make her squirm a bit for some reason.

"I hope so for his sake but I doubt he will. The guys he is mixed up with right now, seem like a sort that would not let you go on with your life if you spill everything out about their operations. But I could be wrong. This Jack guy is most important one for us to handle to get that information out. Wouldn't you agree, fluff?" Nick asked with smile.

"Wait till you see me interrogating mammals." Judy said with smug smile.

"Krhm. Wilde. Hopps." They both heard the strong and low toned voice speak.

Both turned around and saw Bogo standing there, looking at them both with neutral expression.

"I would like an update about your situation. In my office you two. Now."

Both nodded and without lingering, both following Bogo to the elevators.

____________________________ BOGO'S OFFICE ________________________________

Nick and Judy sat in silence as Bogo was talking to his desk radio.

"Officer Grizoli, asking permission to silence mister Garlow with piece of tape."

"What? That is kind of harsh request." Bogo stated bluntly.

"Muzzle?" Grizoli suggested.

"Maybe. On a scale from one to ten, how aggressive is he?"

They could suddenly all hear the jaguar scream from the background.

"All of you fucking unfairly fighting bunch of cowards will get hit with a knife when I get out of here!"

"..... Okay permission to use the tape." Bogo stated with bored expression, understanding the request now.

"Thank you, Chief." Grizoli added before turning his radio off.

Bogo now turned his gaze for the two and said nothing. He eyed Nick and then Judy. Out of nowhere his face lit up with small smile.

"Outstanding police work from both of you. You captured not only mister Garlow but also five more criminals in one night. In my standards that is quite a catch. You both have made the ZPD proud."

"Glad to be of service chief!" Judy saluted with smile and posture, trying not to squirm from being proud of herself and Nick even more. Nick didn't know how to exactly feel about this. He just kept thinking about Mike.

Bogo smiled with somewhat proud expression. Judy always acted formal and never bragged with her achievements to him, that's why she was Bogo's favorite. Fox was harder to read, smiling but looking a bit out of the situation.

"At ease, Hopps. You have made ZPD proud once again and you can be sure that this will go to your reputation record as one of the biggest arrests in ZPD history."

Judy could not do anything but smile for the compliment. Nick was happy to see Judy praised like that. She did incredible job at leading him on the field. They did make very good team together. It did not even bother him that there was no mention of his part until Judy spoke. She cleared her throat, showing her paws theater like to show Nick's accomplishment.

"Thank you Chief, but I have to say that Nick also did just as good as I did! He helped on several details that led to arrest. He figured out that sewer was best hiding place to use as ambush point, and he was right. Our element of surprise was key to the perfect arrest. He also successfully tranquilized one of the targets and took care of the dangerous rottweiler that attacked him. He did incredibly well for his first actual stake out." Judy beamed in excitement, praising her partner as best as she could as her tail wiggled a bit. Judy could not hold her excitement anymore. She gave friendly hit on Nick's shoulder, almost bouncing on her chair.

"I told that we were going to be amazing team together!" Judy said with joyful tone, trying to control herself. She gave a bit embarrassed look at smiling Bogo, making her slowly mutter something as she sat on her seat.

"Ouch." Nick added with chuckle, rubbing his arm.

"Sorry." Judy laughed awkwardly, knowing she just couldn't hold all this happiness inside her. She knew that they were going to be best cop team in the city. It was just so clear.

Nick said nothing but smiled to Bogo with half lidded eyes. One thing did bother him though. He could have not MAYBE bested the dog without Judy. It would have been much longer brawl if Judy had not interfered. He had been really scared during the fight, knowing that it was mostly luck that was on his side. But Nick decided just for now to let it be. Talk about this with her later. You know you have to.

It looked like Bogo struggled a bit to smile to his way since the fox clearly enjoyed the situation way too much. But he knew that Judy was no liar. She would not make these things up. Bogo was very impressed for sure but Nick's smugly grinning face just made it hard to give compliments. He already knew that this fox was going to be pain in ass. After a moment he finally spoke.

"Impressive, Officer Wilde. I'll be sure to mention your name in the reports too. Keep this up and you will make ZPD proud just like Hopps. You can trust that the news will hear about your promising start in the force because of this. Keep it up."

"Chief, you are you trying to make me blush? Because it is working." He said and wiggled his eyebrows.

Judy tried to contain her giggle as Nick clearly loved annoying chief with the situation.

".... Is this what I have to handle for the rest of my career?" Bogo asked in annoyance as he laid his eyes on Judy. It seemed like Nick's attitude was giving him headache once again.

"Don't worry Chief, you will learn to love me like she does. I'm real articulate fella!"

Nick said and winked to Judy, imitating her attitude when she first met him. Judy rolled her eyes and saw that Chief's annoyance just raised every second just by listening at him.

The buffalo placed his hoof on his nose and closed his eyes, trying to control his annoyance as fox kept smugly looking at him. Suddenly Nick spoke, gathering his breath.

"Aaaand since I did such a good job, can I get one of those cool cars that Judy has one day? Nonono wait, I got it!!!"

Nick said, waving his paws and never sounding so excited in his life. Like kit whose eyes burned from best idea ever.

Both Bogo and Judy looked at Nick with wide eyes, wondering what he was on about.

"I want, not one.. But two tranquilizers! like in that super cop movie! You guys should be able to get them for me. I would look so badass. Besides, the reloading time is not only frustrating, but dangerous. Foxes like me get their ass kicked. Unless, I get two guns. Then I could be like ZAAPHH! Just shoot bad guys down with my high volt laser. When they think I'm reloading, I can be like: Booooys, who is the sexy fox who brought two guns in a fist fight. Hallelujah and bite the dust boys." Nick said, laying back on his chair and expecting agreement of that sounding coolest thing ever.

Bogo sighed and kept face palming himself. Judy shook her head and giggled, Nick not understanding why they didn't see it as best idea ever even from practical and professional view. Bogo quietly spoke to Judy.

"I really want to fire him."

"I know." Judy giggled.

"He makes my brains hurt."

"Sorry Chief, he is like this to everyone. You will get used to him." Judy chuckled and looked at childish Nick with adoring smile.

Nick just laid his paws in akimbo and muttered.

"My idea was genius."

"Sorry, special agent Wilde." Judy laughed, wanting to hug the fox so much as she earned a small satisfied smile out of him.

"I take my headache pills out of your pay, Hopps. It was your idea to hire him." Bogo muttered.

"Fair enough. He acts like a kit but he is an extremely promising cop." Judy said with honest tone.

As much as Bogo hated it, he had to admit that she was right. This fox was going to do great things for the department.

"That we can agree on. The fox clown can stay. But remember, Wilde. This is not a circus. You are here to help this city and save lives." Bogo said with serious tone.

"I will be sure to write about this wonderful day in my pink diary." Nick winked at Bogo, making the buffalo look at him in annoyance as his jaw fell a bit. It took all that Judy had to not burst into laugh.

Bogo talked after a while with the attitude that begged them to leave his office.

"You have both done outstanding work for one night. You can both leave home. We will interrogate these mammals through the night and see if we can get anyone to explain, why on earth they were dealing such a dangerous and banned substance. Whatever this is, it's big. If there is any chance that they are linked to Bellwether or any more of the night howlers, we must get to the bottom of it. If none of them have talked before morning, it is your turn to try. For now you are both free to take your well earned rest. Arrive at the station around ten. Report straight to Clawhouser as you arrive."

Bogo motioned both to be on their way. Judy suddenly started to talk with persuasive tone.

"We could interrogate them already right now if you want-"

"Hopps. Home. Rest." Bogo said warmly with almost fatherly tone, knowing that Judy wanted to get to bottom of this just like him.

Judy knew that there was no point to protest and hopped off from her chair.

Judy and Nick made their way to the door. After Judy was gone Nick still lingered on the door, wanting to say something to Bogo still. He raised his claw up to speak with large smile, turning around. Only to face a murdering look from Bogo and he knew that there was limit when it came to annoying his chief. He winked at the annoyed buffalo and exited the room.

Right after the door closed, Judy spoke.


"Hmmm?" Nick hummed with smile.

"We have to celebrate this!" She hopped in the air and playfully punched Nick's arm. Again.

"Oowwww... I almost get beat up by mammals in the streets and now I have to fear my coworker too?" Nick asked with chuckle.

"You are just going to handle a bit of bunny affection if you want to survive." Judy chuckled, leading the way to elevators.

"Bunny affection huh? Cute."

Judy stopped, knowing damn well what she heard as Nick bit his lip with goofy grin and walked past like he had not said anything.

"Mister. What was the word I heard?" She asked with growing grin as well.

"Those bunny ears are rusty. I said it's getting late and the fox is hungry." Nick chuckled.

"Uhhhuh. Thought so... Still, we have to celebrate what we did tonight!" Judy yelled with enthusiasm.

"Is that so? What are we celebrating?" Nick asked with mischievous smile, as he once again followed the over excited bunny wiggled her tail furiously, like she was about to burst from that question.

"Nick are you serious?! Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that we just caught six mammals on your second day on the force! SECOND DAY! Also, we confiscated suitcase full of night howlers, one suitcase full of illegal and fake money! Also, we worked together like a real team! It's hard to believe that this is all real but it is! And we were like super team together, just like when we caught Bellwether! I knew that you had it in you! What is not worth to celebrate, partner?!" Judy squealed with joyful tone, hopping in the air and wanting to dance.

Judy wagged her tail as she hopped around. Nick could not help but to give a small laugh from her parade and spoke with self surprised tone as he really thought about it. It was just hard not to look at her with something that made him want to hit himself again. She just looked so... So damn beautiful. She is so full of life and those damn eyes... FOCUS NOW.

"Well when you say it like that... Does it sound awesome? Yes. Yes it does."

"I know! So what do you suggest, slick? Your choice. Anything you want!" She said happily.

"Hmmmm..." Nick wondered... I wonder how much she would freak out if I asked for a kiss? But that kind of celebration suggestion would earn him a slap in the face. Nick rubbed his muzzle for a while before putting on that trademark grin on again.

"Something romantic...?" He said with flirting tone.

Judy felt her body freeze and her stomach turning a bit as she looked at Nick right away. She felt her tail wiggle nervously as she wondered if she heard right. Judging by that face she did. It didn't help the sudden burning she felt in her ears as she struggled with her words. She tried to open her mouth as Nick's grin widened.

"Wh- what do you m-" She tried to speak. She felt her heart beat so fast and her nose wiggle as Nick leaned down a bit to her lever, looking at her with mischevious face, their noses almost touching.

"Carrots... Pizza." Nick chuckled, seeing Judy react to his sudden attitude with a bit odd reaction. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"I... What?" Judy then asked in confusion, her ears not burning anymore.

"I was thinking about ordering pizza and kicking it back at your place? Even as great as this day was, I don't feel like overdoing it with celebrations."

"Oh, okay that sounds... Nice." Judy smiled and tried to hide her disappointment as best as she could. For a moment she thought that Nick was asking... Well... She didn't know what but her stomach had butterflies still all over. Just hopeful thinking as always. You are such a freak, Judy... You know it's not normal to feel like this for predator. Thank heavens he... Doesn't know how I feel. Seven months I have known you, Nicholas... You are just so... So kind and sweet inside... If he knew how he makes me feel when I'm around him... How much I wish I was... Someone more.. Important to him... Sweet cheese and crackers he is annoyingly handsome when he smiles like that. Okay, look away now, Judith... Handle your emotions.

"Fluff, you alright? What's going on in that bunny mind of yours?" Nick asked.

"I'm wondering if this is just another attempt to make me watch another horror movie with you." She suddenly said, changing the subject to get out of her dreamy and bothering thoughts about this fox.

"You wound me carrots. Besides, I'm not feeling like watching movie tonight. All I want is to spend quality time with my dumb bunny." He said with warm voice.

Judy gave a little awkward smile back as her imagination was running wild again when she thought about "quality time".

"Whatever, slick. But I will be the one deciding the toppings on our pizza. Carrots in barbecue it is." Judy then said with smile.

"Ew." Nick winced.



"Can we umm... Can we uhh..." She tried to find the words, wondering how this was going to sound for Nick.

The fox raised his eyebrow to that, asking with teasing and warm slur.

"Whaaaat is the bunny thinking? Does she think she could handle a horror movie after all?"

"... C-can we go to your place to celebrate?" She suddenly asked with shy tone, not able to look him in the eyes.

Nick felt like his brain froze for a moment from the sudden request. He thought that she was joking but she then continued.

"I really.. Okay, I'm honest with you, Nicholas. I hate spending time in my apartment, it's so small. And you know how my neighbors can be. I've just... I've never seen your place. I have known you over half a year now and.. It would be nice to umm.. I mean only if you are okay with it..." She muttered and look'd away as she rubbed her shoulder with her other paw.

Suddenly Nick spoke with a little surprised tone in his voice.

"You. Want to see my place? A-are you sure?" Nick asked with hesitation. He did not care about the mess that was in his apartment but he was more concerned that inviting Judy in to his apartment felt a bit... Odd. Like some kind of next level step on their friendship. If Judy really did wanna see it, then why not? She is not there kiss you, Wilde. You are sick in the head. She is clearly asking as a friend. Stop imagining things that are not there...

"If it's no trouble..." Judy pleaded and looked at him with hopeful glimmer.

Nick smiled warmly to her and spoke. He could not say no to those beautiful eyes of her's.

"Okay, carrots. You can come."

"R-REALLY?!" Judy asked with excited voice, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Well... Why not? I live only two blocks away so it's a short trip. The place is not on top-notch though."

"I don't mind at all! Thank you so much, Nick. I'll be a good guest, I swear!" Judy smiled, clearly just very happy that the fox was okay with this. Nick could not help but to chuckle at that, wondering how this night was going to go.

___________________________ NICK WILDE'S APARTMENT __________________________________

Nick opened the door to his apartment and motioned Judy to walk into his humble home. The fox could only follow with interested smile as the excited bunny scanned the apartment with careful look, her tail wiggling occasionally as she kept walking forward with small steps. Nick's place was about five times larger than her's. It was quite overwhelming change of space. SO much more.. Breathable. The bunny's eyes wandered around the retro looking apartment, what appeared to be in a bit of a mess. Not really too bad but noticeable. But it belonged to a male who lived alone so, no judgment. There was dirty clothes stacked on top of his living room couch and pizza boxes laid on the ground around the floor. The first thing that hit Judy's eye was that the apartment was full of posters about many kinds of bands. Some she even recognized. And the place even had a small neon sign top of the tv. The letter's wrote: "Fox house" with red lights. Judy grinned as she saw Nick jump in the air and fall down on the giant corner sofa, that took way too much space in the apartment. How he had even gotten that thing of a sofa through the door, was beyond her. She could see that the ceiling fan was a bit broken, and spanned only on half speed. Next to her there was a closet room, full of those shirts that he always used, but in many other colors than green. He even had all his ties neatly in a row on many hangars.

Nick sat up and kept looking at the bunny who still had not said a thing as she just kept looking around.

"Sooooo." Nick began and took Judy's attention to him.

"What do you think?" He ask'd with half lidded eyes.

Judy giggled a bit and spoke.

"It screams word NICK WILDE all over it."

"Mmmmm, so it must be a good thing then?" Nick grinned.

"I'm not sure. This look's like apartment of a college student. The one that is partying all the time. Reminds me of one of my brothers dorm room. All you need is a lava lamp, too much smell of cologne, club music and.. Well, naughty pictures." Judy mumbled, drifting away with the last one. Nick grinned at that and chuckled.

"I have to remember to buy all of those then. So you say that this apartment is screaming my touch everywhere huh?" He asked.

"Yeah, kinda." She laughed and kept looking at the posters on the wall. Who on earth is Wake Dogg? He looked like a pimp.

"So it's not a bad thing then. Case closed." Nick snickered, laying back on the couch and looking at the bunny with half lidded eyes as she strolled trough the place, looking so damn cute with all her interest.

"Is that neon light seriously needed though? Fox house. Really?" Judy asked with bored expression.

"Oh that one just gives a bit of a groove to the place. I stole it once. Thought it looked cool." Nick said non enchantly.

Now Judy was staring at him with a bit of an angry look, not knowing if he was joking or not. Probably not.

"Joking, carrots." Nick suddenly said and gave a little chuckle.

"Mhhhm." Judy grinned back and knew it was a lie. She made her way to the sofa and hopped next to sitting Nick carefully, feeling a bit flustered of the way Nick was looking at her the whole time.

"Why do you need a sofa this large just for yourself?" She asked in confusion, feeling how soft and jumpy it was.

"I like to live like a king."

Judy snorted and eyed the room again.

"Is it everything you expected?"

"Hmmm. Not really. I expected more mess and less of those horrible shirts." She teased while showing her tongue to him.

"Ouch. What a rude guest." Nick said with smile.

"I'm just honest."

"You savage of a bunny. My shirts are not horrible." He said and plaid hurt.

"You looked like you crawled out of Sahara square tropics with those." She said, rolling her eyes and chuckling.

"You know I might just take back my invitation." He teased with grin.

"Yeah, right." Judy giggled as Nick rolled on his stomach and gave her a flirty look. Judy felt her expression change again, feeling that look making her body shiver and not in the bad way. Nick swished his tail a bit as he spoke.

"What makes you think that I won't use lethal force on a cute little bunnies that insult handsome foxes like me?"

Judy grinned to his challenge and leaned closer.

"You are very lucky you know? In bunny burrow you would get beaten up by a mob by playing around with that word like it's nothing."

"They would not lay a paw on me. Half of your sisters would just want all this goodness." Nick made jump motion with his eyebrows and Judy could not hold her laugh anymore.

"You are so full of yourself you know that?" She laughed, tapping her foot.

"Or I could just lay a box full of carrots on the ground as a lure and they would all just forget everything." He said casually.

"You are such a dumb fox!" Judy held her stomach as she look'd Nick, who staring at her back with that idiotic smile.

"You know you love me." He said warmly.

There it is again. Don't kiss him. Just act like... That didn't just hurt you a bit, Judy. Don't make this weird. He doesn't mean any of it the way you want.

Judy punched Nick in his arm, earning a small yelp from the fox.

"Do I know that?... Yes. Yes I do." She said quietly.

"Police brutality speaks against your words, fluff."

"You deserved it. Besides, I'm going to order that pizza now. I'm starving. How about you?"

Nick had completely forgotten that they had planned to order food. He was starving too but he was having such a good time with the bunny that he did not care about food, and food happened to be his great passion. Among many things.

Judy took her phone out and started to scroll trough possible places to order from. Nick just stared as Judy was sitting in yoga pose on his couch, concentrating on her ordering. Every time she was still like that, Nick just enjoyed watching her do anything at all. He could do this just because she was too busy to notice. He wondered if he looked like a creep sometimes but she was hard not to stare. Come on Wilde, she is in your apartment. This is your moment. Just a small compliment should not change anything. Or maybe it would. Just tell her that she is... Incredibly beautiful mammal....

Would she really get freaked out? What do you mean, of course she would be freaked out. They were just best friends. That's all he could ask for. But he felt like dying sometimes because he knew that he wanted more. But she was a pray. There had never been a predator and prey relationship. Ever. At least he had never heard of one, and he had lived in this city his whole life. It was not even something that would come up in conversations at any point. That's how taboo it was. It was not normal to feel this way. He knew it. The fact that some predators already had mixed kit's together was discussed too much already in bad light. Prey and Predator together would raise noise that would shake the city. Not in the good way either.

Besides... she already seemed awkward when you accidentally said the thing about her in the elevator. .... I can't handle that smile of her's. Her giggle and laugh. Her cheeks. Her ears. Her eyes... Just.. Everything about her is warming to me. If only she knew how much I would want to kiss her. How would it even feel? Could it even be possible? And... What on earth is wrong with me? She is more attractive than any vixen I've been with in my life. It does not make any sense at all.

She could not be against inter species relationships, could she? I mean if they really did exist after all? I know they really don't but.. Nick come on, she is one of the most pure hearted mammals that have walked this earth, I doubt she would be against some mammals doing it, if there was some. Besides this is like fifth thousand time that you have thought about this. Day after day you go through these same thoughts. Just for once, do it. Just be brave and say it to her. You can do it, Wilde. Say that she's beautiful. Not cute, not adorable. Just say that she is most beautiful mammal you know. DO IT!

"Judy you are really be-"

"Do you want double toppings or normal ones? There is also more sauce and then there is-" Judy kept going with the options and Nick felt like he had been just slapped. He didn't get enough time to finish and Judy was so into making perfect order.

She had not heard him in her thoughts. Just my luck. Great. Nick what is stopping you from saying it to her again? She is listening now isn't she? .... Coward.

"Nick. Hellloooo? Earth calls daydreaming fox." Judy smiled and snapped her fingers.

"Oh um, yeah, sure. Add it."

"... Add what?" She asked in confusion.

"You can choose, fluff. I trust your judgment." Nick said.

Judy looked at him with a bit confused look and continued on tapping the phone.

"Oookay.. There! Sent. It should be here in like half an hour or so. Can't have a celebration without good food can't we?"

She smiled and put the phone on the table.

"Carrots, ummm... I understand that we celebrate but there are couple of things in my mind that kind of put me off the mood."

Nick suddenly turned a bit serious and Judy did not seem to understand at all. He knew that he was driving himself crazy with thoughts about her so the best thing to do for now was to talk about something else. Something that had been bothering him the whole day. About why she lied to Bogo, was something that still lingered in his mind.

"What do you mean, slick? Do I once again have to go step by step what we did-"

"Fluff, once Finnick and Ben find out that I arrested Mike, they are going to flip. I feel like kind of jerk. They think that I have betrayed them or something..."

"... Nick. He was dealing night howlers." Judy said with serious tone.

"Without him knowing." He added.

"Do you really believe that?" Judy asked with warm tone.

Nick pondered the question for a while. ... Mike was a good mammal but... Sometimes he was a little bit... Dumb. Maybe a way too harsh way to put it... Mike was more like the mammal who never thought things through on a long run.

"I... I don't know anymore." He said genuinely.

Judy gave compassionate smile and sighed.

"None of this is your fault so stop blaming yourself. We can still help your friend." She assured.

"I guess... But enough about Mike. We can get to that tomorrow.... I did have another thing. A small question that i would like to be answered to with honesty."

"Shoot." Judy smiled. She just wanted to change Nick's sudden mood for the better.

"Why... Why did you tell chief that I took care of that crazy dog with knifes? Because I didn't. I screwed up the situation on that part like... Completely. You know I did. I even told you that you saved my life on the spot. He even threw a knife at me and I was lucky enough that it missed me by so close. It might had not killed me no, but it could have taken my eye. I am not blaming you Judy, don't think that. But why did you lie about my actions?"

Judy's nose twitched as she was trying to find answer. This seemed like something that Judy had feared that he might ask.

"I..." She struggled and looked down.

"Judy.." Nick began, almost accidentally laying his paw on her cheek.

"Ok I might had... Exaggerated things a bit, Nick... But it's because I want the chief to really think highly of you, as he should! Besides this is what partners do! Besides, you fought back, Nick! You even broke his nose! You had your gun pointed at him and you had your charge ready. It might had felt like you were losing at the moment but you had it under control. You would have tranquilized him before he would have reached you. I just did it to be sure. So what I said to Bogo was only half a lie, right?" She spoke with a bit of panicked tone.

Nick did not answer and rubbed the back of his neck with his ears going a bit down. Maybe she was right, maybe she was not. It all happened so fast that thinking it back now, he was not sure about how things went. But one thing was sure. He had been scared at that moment. Truly scared for his own life.

"And what comes to the guy who threw a knife at you, I will make sure that he will be in big trouble. He attempted to seriously wound you. Maybe even kill you. Once Bogo hears, he will make sure that he will never touch another knife again. He might get over ten years even." Judy assured, feeling anger for the dog of trying to harm her fo-.. This fox and friend of hers.

Nick still did not answer.

"Nick, I was really scared when I saw what almost happened to you. I don't mean to sound harsh now but... That won't be last time that we have situation like that. I've had several brawls like that. When you take this job it.... It comes with mammals that are like him. Anything like that could happen all the time. But we have each others backs. Partners, right?"

"I know whiskers... I know. Partners." Nick said with almost whisper.

"I do believe that we can make difference in this city. All of us. But as I do this job day after day, I start to realize that there is so much more work than I had hoped, especially when mammals like the ones we captured today, still exist and roam in our city."

"Carrots, you have already made this city half safer than it was." He said with genuine tone. It was not even a joke. Because of Judy and the new wind of pride and needed dedication and attitude she had given for the zpd, had made streets half more safe than they were before her.

After a moment of quietness, Judy spoke carefully.

"Nick... Are we okay?"

Nick smiled for Judy warmly and winked. He knew the risk that this job involved. Encountering life threatening situation like this so soon in his career just felt kind of wake up call of some kind. It had just spooked him more than he realized. One day talking with his friends and talking with Flash about over speed. Then getting almost stabbed the next day. It had just made him a bit alarmed. He could be without other eye right now, because of some freaking maniac. Nick really did hope that the dog had not done similar introductions to any other mammals. There had been only two murders in Zootopia this year, so death by someone else's paw was taken VERY seriously in this city. If city would had found out that the dog tried to possibly kill officer of the law, it would strike quite a lot of fear in Zootopia, to think that mammals like him existed. Violence was always in the city, but when it involved attempt to kill, using anything sharp or blunt... Or just being a maniac, Just like Bellwether, who was ready to take Judy's life by using night howlers on him... Those mammals made their picture of perfect Zootopia have it's lingering fears.

"Okay, enough about talking about these grim thoughts, carrots. We had to celebrate and I'm killing the mood." Nick chuckled.

"You are not killing the mood Nick. Things like these have to be talked about. You know you can always talk to me whatever it is in your mind." Judy smiled warmly.

Anything huh?

"Hey, whiskers." Nick asked warmly.

"Y-yeah?" Judy ask'd. He was talking to her again with that voice that made her heart melt.

"I do have a question that I would like to ask from you..."

Ask her out.

"Y-yeah?" Judy blushed a bit as Nick leaned closer.

Do it!

"... Did you order crickets to my half of the pizza?"


Judy's ear burn disappeared again and she shaked her head. Her imagination was once again expecting something completely else.

"You really did not pay any attention did you?"

"Hmmmm, I'm not sure."

"I ordered cheese pizza with barbecue carrots and broccoli."

"... Now I'm just thinking that you might be plotting to kill me yourself or turning me into a rabbit..."

That earned Nick a pillow straight in the face.

____________________ ZPD STATION / 10:00 ____________________________

After reporting to Clawhouser's desk at the morning, Nick and Judy entered the interrogation hallway. Nick had not seen this area of the building before, and it looked just like in the movies. Just a long hall and about five doors with window next to each one. Bogo was standing next to door the door, talking with some officer. Nick and Judy followed the convo from the side, until suddenly someone came in. Oliver had arrived with notepad on his paws, writing something down and biting the end of the pencil in thought.

Nick's face lighted up to grin as he saw his brown wolf friend, waking him up.

"What's up, dude? Missed the meal, or you just like the taste of wood?"

Oliver's eyes woke up, the brown wolf taking the pen out of between his fangs, blushing as he mumbled.

"I did miss my meal, yes. Morning, Nick." Oliver said with smile, giving his paw out to give fist bump. Nick answered it and chuckled back.

"Morning, dude."

"Morning, officer Hopps." Oliver said, looking at Judy now with respectful tone, trying not to look more admiring as he was. This bunny was a legend to him, he just tried not to fanboy too much since Nick acted so cool around her.

"Morning, Oliver." Judy said with happy tone back to the handsome wolf.

"Officer Howlton. Shall we begin?" Bogo suddenly asked from the brown wolf, finishing his discussion earlier officer.

The brown wolf cleared his throat, starting to read and feeling a bit nervous as his chief looked at his newest officer with interest. It was his job to follow how well his new workers fit in after all.

"We did make some progress last night. The two elks in here confessed that they had just been hired the same time for a muscle to protect this Steve guy. They knew very little and there was no criminal record on neither of them. Both are just official club bouncers. They still attempted to assault an officer no less but there is no point on keeping them here as interrogated since they clearly know nothing. Jury will see to their sentence from here on."

Everyone nodded at that as the brown wolf then continued.

Oliver flipped his notes and started walking down the hall, all the three behind his tail.

"We did not have much luck with the rest of the four others as much. These mammals have either stayed silent or on mister Garlow's case, Yell insults."

Oliver arrived to room number one and started explaining the details about the mammals.

"Jack W Garlow, known as high profiled mobster. Age thirty-five. First mark on his criminal records are two assaults. These happened a year ago. Since then it seems that he has been working on his own, and is rumored to be dealing stolen tranquilizers, stolen cars and evidently... Night howlers. On top, he has given about over hundred death threats to every police in this building, so it's not looking good for his future. Nevertheless, he won't talk about his operations. All he says is that we can shove our questions to umm... You know. When we try to interrogate him. You two have fun with that one."

"Ahh the aggressive and dangerous. What is there not to love?" Nick asked with grin.

"I know right?"

Oliver snorted with smile and walked on with everyone behind him, as he was moving to the next mammal. He began briefing.

"This bunny right here is profiled as Steve Levron. Age thirty. This guy... Is a complete mystery to us. There are no records of him at all in our register. Also, there seems to be almost nothing that would lead him to higher crime lords or activity. That or he's very cautious. He has lot of business cards and building on his name. In other words, he is very rich mammal. It does not just make sense for someone like him to do deals like this... Other than that, he only asks for more coffee time to time and adjusts his tie. He seems very calm about the situation, considering that he is about to be charged for trying to buy and market night howlers. He said that his lawyers will be here any hour now. From what I make of his attitude, it almost looks like... I dunno.. Like he is going to get away with this or something." Oliver said.

"Pfft. That is the last thing that will happen." Bogo grunted as they moved to next room.

Nick tried to keep his expression solid but felt a bit creeps as they were about to meet the rottweiler that almost stabbed him. But when he saw the rottweiler sit on his chair, looking like he was about to die to boredom any moment now, it looked quite odd to see him like that. He was dressed on his black leather jacket and black beanie. The dog was adjusting it all the time to different positions on his head. He was scraping something on the metal table with his claw. He was doing circle and x game over and over. Just when Oliver was about to talk, the dog suddenly banged his head once to the table, yelling from behind the glass.


Oliver cleared his throat after giving amused smile as all three waited the info with serious looks.

"Now this guy right here is far from careful as one can be. We have quite a file about him. Roy Briggs. Also known as... "Slash" Roy. Age twenty-seven. In his record we have five assaults. Was charged for two attempted murders but was bailed because of the lack of evidence. The first time he was under aged and the next time, the victim was too scared to testify against him. We have his address, credit card, files and we even have his paw prints and everything. He ain't really saying anything to us, he just begs us to ummm..."

Oliver turned his gaze to everyone and Bogo spoke.

"Just spit it out, what does this scum want?"

"... He wants a bottle of whiskey and playing cards with someone, chief. Poker to be exact. He also wants a knife. He said he promised not to swing it at anyone if he gets it."

Judy shook her head from this, Oliver giving her the look of agreement. Colorful case this dog. Nick didn't know what to think about him.

Bogo looked at the dog and sighed.

"Denied. Keep going with the info."

"Right, umm. We tried to find all the possible info about the parents. It seems that they.. Both died in the car accident when he was very young... Sad case. Ended up in the orphanage and escaped in the age of fifteen. Did not go to school much either after his folks passed. Has a history of violence at young age and petty thefts. Is known to be very deadly when it comes to knives. It reads here that every single assault or attempted murder he has been involved in, there is use of a knife in it almost every time. Also, he is very popular among hire able bodyguards among criminals."

"Well I'll be darned. How has this kind of a guy gotten away from ZPD's radar with things like that? Shouldn't he be in jail?" Nick asked in wonder. He did feel a bit bad for the guy for losing his parents in young age though. No one should go through that. So he did feel sympathy, as he gazed at the rottweiler, who was groaning from boredom and kept writing something with his claw on his metal table.

"He should, but most of the assaults that we know of were committed before he was eighteen. So there was no option of sending him in jail. He has stayed out of things like that after that... Or he has just become more careful. I guess more careful. Might have even killed someone for all we know. I umm... I think should mention something rather.. Disturbing. You are going to want to hear this, dude."

Oliver said and looked at Nick, wanting to see his reaction.

Everyone waited for him to continue.

"It is written here that we cleaned him out of all his knives, there was umm... Twelve of them."

Everyone raised their eyebrows and quickly took a look of the dog in the room before looking Oliver again.

"Twelve?!" Nick ask'd a bit louder than he intended to.

"... Yeah.. He really likes his knives." Oliver said in disturbed tone.

"Why would he carry that many?" Judy asked like the thought was insane.

"Lets... Continue to the last one." Bogo suggested and signaled them to keep going till the end of the hallway.

They continued till they reached the end and Oliver pointed his pen to the another dog inside the room.

"This guy here is Mike Rollins. Age twenty-six. This is quite an odd case. The profile really does not add up, considering his company. This guy has no criminal record of any kind, besides of a few parking tickets. We have his parents contact numbers and they have been informed that their son has been arrested. He also ummmm.. Personally requested to see Nichol-.. Officer Wilde here for some reason." Oliver quickly fixed with small blush.

Bogo and Judy turned their eyes on him as the chief clearly demanded some kind of explanation.

"Yeah I ummm... Know him. He is one of my best friends. I assure you, I had no idea that he was involved in something like this. I haven't seem him since I joined the ZPD academy."

Bogo said nothing and just eyed him for a while until he sighed.

"Well if you know this mammal, you better try to make him talk for his sake."

"I will try my best chief, you have my word." Nick said and looked at his friend.

Bogo look'd a bit confused when Nick did not annoy him with some kind of comeback or joke. He had expected at least something. Nick just clearly cared about this dog. He cleared his throat and spoke after moment of silence.

"Well, Hopps and Wilde you have quite a lot of work ahead of you. I'll leave you to it. I'll expect results."

Bogo finished and walked his way out of the hallway. He closed the door and the metallic sound echoed for a moment in a long hall.

There came a quiet moment after Oliver spoke.

"I will be watching the situation from the outside and make sure everything is recorded. It is your choice that who you two want to start with. That alright man? Or do you two need me inside?" Oliver asked with smile.

"We got this, Oliver." Judy said with smile, tapping his uniform with friendly suggestion.

Oliver was about to faint a bit from being spoken by this famous bunny like he was her friend or something. No wonder Nick liked her outside of work as well. Oliver just nodded and gave goofy smile back from that.

Nick then took a look at Judy, almost like asking her lead. She smiled back and eyed the rooms.

"Slick, may I suggest that we try the rottweiler first? Briggs? He probably won't tell anything anyway, so we can just get it out of the way. Also, I really want to yell at him." Judy said with frustrated expression, looking at Roy's way.

Nick sighed and nodded.

"Fine, let's see if we get him to talk. Let's go."


Judy opened the door and entered the room with Nick beside her. Rottweiler did not even lift his gaze and kept on writing something on the table. He had expected for Oliver to do some normal check in again.

"Row row row ya boat all way down the stream... Do you, do you, do you have, a bottle of whiskey for meee?" He sang with bored tone.

Judy began with bored tone, taking control of the situation right away.

"No, we don't. Drinking is not allowed here. And Mister Briggs, we are more than glad to make you pay us for a new table if you want. How do you even play cross and circle with yourself?" Judy asked in confusion and hopped on the chair and Nick sat on his.

Roy slowly raised his gaze and when he realized the officers sitting front of him, a large smile came on his face. Celebrities. Awesome.

"Mmmmmmm, well isn't it sewer cop number one and number two. Quite a unique plan, I do give that. I like the imagination. Which one of you two planned that one?" He chuckled.

"I came up with that one." Nick added with grin. It seemed like this guy had at least some kind of sense of humor, so he wanted to try the ice a bit.

The dog chuckled again and leaned back on his chair, making himself comfortable. Judy gave a bit annoyed look at Roy the moment he laid his feet on the table, but didn't say anything.

"I figured as much. Foxes can be smart like that. Nice idea to use a trash can lid as shield too. Very impressive. You are probably the only one who has survived my little slashing and dashing without scratch." He said with a bit of passive aggressive tone.

Nick knew how to play this game too. Besides, here he could not get physical.

"Felt like good idea at the moment. You really know how to use those knives."

Now the rottweiler leaned in and gave a large grin and laughed a bit in surprise.

"Why thank you kindly. It is always nice to have feedback from my art work. Practicing three hours everyday can be quite rewarding." He said smugly.

"Well, maybe you should make it to hour four. You missed. Kinda poor shot." Nick said with cocky tone.¨

Instead of getting angry, the dog was quiet for two seconds, then breaking into almost psychotic laugh and leaned in to look at Nick with interested gaze.

"Ohhooooo... I like that attitude. Yeah, I will make it four hours. I admit, I missed bad alright. Don't worry officer..." He eyed his badge quickly and finished.

"Wilde... Haha, famous Nicholas Wilde... I'll make sure I aim better next time. Honest." He said with determined tone and raised his paws in the air.

Nick took the challenge of this behavior, smiling back.

"You do that, Roy. Your name is quite cute for a tough guy like you, by the way."

The expression changed a bit on Roy now.

Nick could see that for a moment from Roy's eye that there was idea of jumping over the table and maybe punching him, but it was going down. He just bit his underlip while having wide grin, clearly liking Nick's attack of words. It was refreshing.

"Heheee, I like you fox. You have nice vibe around you, officer Wilde. I wonder if you would smile like this if we would be on that alley again without this bunny." Roy grinned.

"Knives are not allowed then." Nick added.

"... Fair. We have to take a rematch some time. Let's see if I don't fuck you up." Roy chuckled, measuring this fox with his gaze.

Nick was about to continue something back until Judy came between the absurd conversation.

"Okay, mister Briggs! I have had enough of this! You tell me everything you know about the deal and who Jack Garlow works for!"

Roy first flinched and roared with laugh, making Judy's eye twitch.

"Oooohohoh boy, she is full of fire isn't she?! Where did that come from. Oh, dumb me. This is everything I should had expected from the hero of Zootopia. Is she always this straightforward, officer Wilde?"

"You better do as she says, you don't want to see her angry." He said with genuine voice, a bit taken aback from Judy's sudden fired up mode himself as well.

"I might want to. She's making me kind of freaky. Besides, she is taking this way too seriously. Let me tell you, if you were a rottweiler like me, I would treat you like a good little bit-"

If sight could murder, Judy had one now. It was enough to make Roy stop before finishing, Nick also looking at the rottweiler with warning look. He didn't like Judy being talked like that in any manner.

"Listen to me you idiot. I will make sure that you will go to jail for the rest of your life! You attempted to kill my partner, an officer of the law! You have any idea how serious that is?! And also you are dealing night howlers?! You are worst of the worst! Do you have any idea how much death and chaos those things might cause?! No! You have never run away from a savage animal! I swear... Let's see how you crack your dirty jokes inside a padded cell! And I can promise that sharpest thing you can reach there is plastic fork for your poor meals. When you talk to me, you talk with respect. Are we clear?!" Judy asked with serious tone, demanding respect.

Nick almost dropped his jaw as she stared angry Judy, standing on her chair, her paws as fist. Even Roy stared at Judy a bit wide eyed. There was no hint of smile on him anymore. Now there was just a serious tone and measure of gazes as this rottweiler knew that Judy's attitude demanded to be taken seriously, even as opposite she looked.

"I did not know that Jack was dealing that shit. I know what it does and I was the one cheering when Bellwether got arrested. I might like stabbing assholes but I have a moral too. I would have never gotten involved if I knew that he was dealing those things. I am just a bodyguard! I do not ask questions, I protect, stand and stab if I need to. That's it!"

Nick and Judy both said nothing and stared the dog, who looked a while to be in a bit of anger but collected himself. Everything he had said had sounded genuinely true, for some odd reason. He really seemed to despise Jack for involving him into anything that had something to do with those flowers. He was still going to face attempted murder but the fact that he did not know about night howlers made sense. It would be weird for predators to be involved with something that almost destroyed their place in society half a year ago. That did not explain mister Garlow though, but he seemed nuts anyway. Even more than Roy.

Judy placed her paws on her hips and spoke.

"You must know something. Anything at all." She demanded.

Roy leaned back on his chair and smiled again.

"I know many things, officer Hopps." Roy assured with smile.

"Do you know where Jack got his night howlers?" Nick asked.

"Look. If I start giving possible names on the table, I would break the code and get maybe even get killed. I really would not like to kill anyone." Roy said with serious tone.

"So you just decided to start a change of heart from my partner huh?" Judy asked in disgust.

Roy then raised and eyebrow to that, going a bit silent. He then looked at Nick and spoke.

"I was not going to kill him."

"Yeah, you were just going to carve a little Z in my forehead, right?" Nick asked with bored expression.

"I have never killed anyone. I wasn't going to start from you either." Roy claimed with annoyed look.

"You can tell that to the judge." Judy said with disbelief, not believing this dog at all.

"Fuck you."

"You want to repeat that one?" Judy asked right away, looking at Roy with murdering look.

Roy stared back at Judy, then looking at Nick and talking to him.

"You lived in these streets just like me, Wilde. Yeah I remember you know. Big name around the block for many years. Didn't you roll with Mike back in the day? He must feel a bit betrayed. I mean fuck, my sister bought stolen tv from you when you were like twenty or something. You broke the code the most wicked way. You went to fucking police academy. You joined them."

"There is no us or them Roy. We are making Zootopia a better place. No matter how tough guy you want to look, you know that it's true. Ever since ZPD got back on its feet, the crime rate has decreased over fifty percent. This city is in better state than it has ever been. Things like Bellwether case can't happen again. You know this. Just tell us what you know and we can maybe even shorten your sentence. Help us out here." Nick said, getting serious.

"I am not disrespecting the po po or their profession, I am saying that you are fucking disgrace for the hustlers. I wonder how many of your friends you have snitched since joining." Roy claimed, looking at Nick.

"NONE." Nick said, the claim actually making him a bit angry.

"So you say. Just know that your early life is never going to take you back if you change your mind." Roy whistled.

"Why would I want to hustle popsicles or anything anymore?" Nick asked in annoyance.

"Once a hustler, always a hustler." Roy said with knowing look.

Nick was silent for a while, knowing that it was true. The part of him still had that need and want inside the do hustles.

Judy looked at Nick with studying gaze, wondering what he was thinking right now. He had changed. He was not the same anymore. He was a police now.

"Roy, just tell us what you know. We will protect you." Nick said, sighing.

"No. Even if what you say is true, nothing can protect me or my sister when they find out I snitched. If you really think that... Let's say as example, mister big found out I have told all his operations to the police, you think couple of cops on my sister's door will make difference? If you do, you are both fools. I will serve my sentence like a male. Screw the alternatives." Roy said, showing them middle finger.

Judy and Nick did not know how to answer. They both knew that what he said made sense in some level. Nick knew exactly what mammals like mister big were capable of if they wanted. But Judy did not like mister big talked about like that. In her eyes, he was a good person.

"You really should consider the options here, Roy." Judy started.

"I have. I won't say shit. Try your luck with Jack. Maybe he will tell you everything you need to know. Hell, if you let me in his room right now I can give him a black eye for dealing night howlers. Wait, more than that, I will beat him up royally. Deal?"

"Thanks for your help, mister Briggs... Enjoy jail." Judy sighed in disappointment and signaled Nick to leave with her.

Nick and Judy took off from their chairs and walked to the door. Still, Judy turned around to say something before closing the door behind her.

"You will be moved to Sahara square station from here. There you will wait your trial and final sentence. ...You can still cooperate Briggs. Make it easier." She said with genuine tone, but the disgust remaining in her look.

Roy leaned in from his chair and put on maniac looking smile and spoke warmly.

"I'll pass on that one, officer Hopps. I do enjoy traveling. Sahara square sounds nice. Warm sands and all. Maybe I even have better luck stashing something sharp with me while I'm in there. Was nice meeting you, Wilde and Hopps."

Roy said with actual genuine tone and looked back at the table, starting to continue his bored games.

Judy gave annoyed head shake and look on him, Nick not saying anything either. This interview didn't go well.

They both closed the door and left without answering.


"We tried, whiskers. How about we do Mike fast? I think he has waited long enough. I really want to check on him." Nick said the moment he closed the door behind him.

Judy nodded and followed Nick to the last door of the hall. Nick opened the door and smiled as Mike quickly lifted his eye's from the table.

"Dude! Where the hell have you been?! I swear these have been the worst hours of my life!" The golden retriever yelled in frustration.

"Ease up, Mike. I'm here now. Let's just settle down." Nick said with smile, very happy about much better mammal to interrogate.

Judy and Nick sat on their chairs and took a comfortable position before starting.

"Look, Nick. I can't tell you anything. They will kill me if I do."

"Let's just take kit steps here buddy. Let's start with the beginning. How on earth did you start working with a guy like Jack anyway? What did you tell Fin and Ben about your new job?"

"Look, I told them that I have stable job now and that I don't want to hustle anymore. They were sad but said they understood. They would freak out if I told I worked for Jack freaking Garlow. But there was so much money in it that I couldn't say no. You know I would do anything to make my brother walk again. He needs this. I am doing everything I can to make that happen. I never had to beat anyone up, he mostly just needs my expertise on counting money, collection information about mammals, and I buying his cigars, work as his driver and all those things. I am not bad mammal Nick, you have to believe me!"

The dog was in a bit of a panic again and it was showing.

"Hey hey Mike, take it easy. I believe you. I have known you since I was a kit. I know you don't like violence. I do have several questions I want to be answered and you have to answer to them as best as you can. That is how we can begin, okay?"

"Dude, it really depends on the questions. I can't give names." He said carefully.

"I'm afraid you have to give us something here, Mister Rollins. We have called your parents already." Judy spoke for the first time.

Mike's eyes widened in terror and his jaw dropped.


"Heyheyhey Mike, settle down!" Nick pleaded.

"Oh hell to the fuck no, I am so dead, Nick! My folks think I stopped doing my runs with you and the boys! They think I work as a car salesman at Tundra town! I am so screwed! If they find out I work for the mobsters, I will be disowned! Why did you call them?!"

Mike was on verge of almost crying. Even Nick panicked a bit. Judy felt really bad for Mike too, even if she did not know him personally, she saw that he was far from bad mammal. Just desperate one.

"Your parents are not going to disown you Mike! Calm down! We don't have to tell them the details! We can make something up!"

"NICK! We can't do such thing!" Judy looked at Nick with confusion.

Suddenly Mike took Judy's paw, making her almost jump a bit as he started whimpering.

"Officer Hopps I beg you, just make something up! Just say that I stole something or I crashed someones car or anything! Just... Don't tell that I work for the mob... It will destroy them!"

Judy look'd sad as the dog look'd at her eyes, begging her to not tell the truth to his parents.

"I... Listen mister Rollins, I don't have to go to details with them. I can talk with Bogo and I... We can try work something out. But you have to cooperate if we are to do that. You have to tell us something important."

She assured with calming voice.

Mike gasped for air and tried to collect himself as best as he could.

"Buddy just tell us what you know. Start from the beginning. Take all the time you need."

Mike took a moment and looked at the table. He felt a bit defeated. He was going to have to tell all he knew. Jack would be outraged. He thought things through but talking to the police was his only option. Other road was way darker.

"I... I was hanging around the bar called Orson's about half a year ago. Around the time you joined the academy. I met Jack that day. He was drinking whiskey at the corner. We started randomly talking to each other about things. He seemed very rich. Out of nowhere he said that he liked my attitude on life and such. I'm not sure what he meant but he was always good to me. He took me in and offered me work. I ask'd what kind of work did he mean. He told he was working for... Mister Big. I was alarmed first of course, since everyone around the city knew him. I had never met him in person but Finnick told me that he had tried to ice you during your investigation about night howlers case. Even Weaselton told me that he was going to ice him once too, when I was buying dvd from him. That already told me that I should stay away from someone like him."

Mike now raised his gaze and saw that the two were still following his story very carefully. He kept going after a while.

"Jack told me that there was no need to worry. I took his word even if I as scared. He introduced me to his boss, Mister Big the next day. He was very... Unique personality. Very professional. But I guess.. You two knew that already. Jack vouched for me and told him that I was good mammal to work with. Mister Big suddenly told that he knew me. He knew me as your friend. He told me that your best friend, Judy Hopps, was godmother to her daughters child. It was hard to believe since you were umm.. You know... Police?" Mike said carefully.

"Long story." Judy added with small smile and pleaded him to continue.

"Right uhm. Nevertheless, he welcomed me to his operations and ordered to me work as Jack's right paw on his jobs. It went smoothly for about five months. I made a lot of money. Not enough but.. A lot. I even told mister big about my parents and that they thought I was working as car's salesman. Jack offered an idea to talk to owner of local car shop with a bit of.. Persuasion.. And call from Mister Big himself. The owner acted as employer and I, as his boss when my folks came to see that i wasn't lying about having honest job. They were so proud of me. My brother was too. Even Finnick and Ben believed me when they visited the place."

After a while Nick ask'd something.

"You said that everything was okay for five months. What happened?"

"I... I think there happened something odd between him and Mister Big. Jack started to drink more and got more angry all the time. I really don't know what happened. He told that he would not allow me to see Mister Big or talk to him. He said that from now on, I was only working for him. I did not know what to think but he always treated me like I was his... I mean we.. Ummm... We are kinda are umm.. Close."

Mike did not finish and a small faint blush on him told Judy right away what he meant, making her eyes wide.

"... Oh... That must had... Complicated things.." Judy said quietly, looking at Nick. The fox did not even know what to say to that one.

It seemed a lot could happen in five months. Nick knew that Mike was bi-sexual but fooling around with dangerous mobster...

"Mike... You are saying that you are together with this Garlow guy?"

"... He loves me.... I know that I love him too." Mike whispered quietly, looking down at the table.

Judy tried not to daww at that but gave faint smile, wondering what to think about Jack right now. Nick looked a bit disturbed. He could have gone into this stage with any guy but with someone this dangerous?

After awkward silence Mike cleared his throat and continued.

"So I did as I was told. Night before you two arrested me, he told me that there was great deal happening the next day with someone called Steve Levron. He told that the deal was his ticket out of whatever trouble he was in, and told me that this would be the last deal he would ever make. He told that I would get one hundred thousand with Roy after the deal. I... Look I have no idea where he might had gotten those flowers, or anything else. This is all I know. I swear it."

Judy looked at Nick.

"This.... This is lot of information that we can use mister Rollins. Thank you for your cooperation. I'll see what i can do with concerning your parents. You have my word." Judy said warmly and gave assuring smile.

Mike silently nodded and Nick smiled to him too.

"Don't worry buddy. Things are not looking bad as they seem. You helped us a lot. Chief will agree, I'm sure."

After a moment Mike spoke.

"All I wonder is that... What Jack will do to me when he knows I told you all this... I feel like I have betrayed him but... I have been worried about him lately.. I just hope that he..."

"He does not need to know that you told anything. And if he finds out, remember that ZPD can protect you. Besides, if he... Has feelings for you, he will understand." Judy assured him.

It seemed to ease him up a little.

"So... Judy and I are going to grab a coffee and then we move to Jack. We bring some for you on our way back, okay Mike?"

"... Okay." He said. You could still feel a bit fear in his tone because of things that were going to happen.

They exited the room and Nick spoke up.

"Well that went better than I imag-"

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!" Bogo roared out of nowhere.

Judy and Nick practically jumped as they saw Bogo roaring on the hall.

In front of Bogo, stood about four antelopes in blue suits. Clearly the lawyers, no mistake in that.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT HE IS FREE?!" Bogo yelled in anger, as Steve stood there with wide and innocent smile on his face.

"What on earth...?" Judy and Nick blurted out at the same time as they started walking towards the group.

Chapter Management

Chapter 5: Game of law


Things are getting heated... Also literally .

Chapter Text

Chapter 5 "Game of law" ................

"What is going on, chief?" Judy asked straight away as they arrived in middle of the banter.

"Officer Hopps, am I correct?" One of the antelopes questioned, pointing pen in her way.

"Yes?" Judy asked formally.

"On what grounds is our client being held in interrogation room like a criminal?"

This question made Judy and Nick look completely stunned and Bogo seemed to only get angrier by these questions.

Judy took a small breath and began with the obvious, trying not to sound annoyed.

"Well, I would assume it had something to do with him trying to buy night howlers in illegal drug trade? We caught mister Levron right in the middle of the deal."

None of the lawyers said anything. One of the antelope's cleared his throat before he spoke.

"You see, did our client here have the substance you spoke of, in his possession at that moment?"

"... I.. No but-" Judy mumbled. Levron didn't get as far as making the actual trade. But it was clear it would have happened minutes later if they just waited. The tension was too much, they couldn't have waited.

"So if I get this right, you arrested him WITHOUT him having the dangerous flowers?"

"...Yes, but-"

"So you arrested him, handcuffed him, violently shoved him in the police car and kept him locked here over the whole night, just because he was minding his own business and taking his money to the bank? Is this how it went down, Officer Hopps"

Nick and Judy looked at the lawyers like idiots and Bogo was ready to let the steam out again.

"TO THE BANK?! What kind of mammal walks in middle of the night, a million dollars in his suitcase, through high crime rate neighborhood, taking his money to the bank?! This is most outrage-"

"Officer Bogo, I understand that it may have seemed unnormal for our client to do, but I assure you, Mister Levron here was taking his money for his deposit in Tundra town. He says that he did not know any of the mammals that are in these rooms next to us. You have no witnesses of seeing him doing these kinds of-"

Bogo snapped, not even letting himself hear another second.


"Do you have camera footage?" One of the antelopes suddenly interrupted, looking Judy's way.

"... No." Judy added but could not believe what the lawyers were saying. This had to be most bold attempt to escape the law that she had ever heard.

"Mhm. Figured as much. So you have two witnesses, both overly aggressive police officers."

"Me? Over aggressive? Yeeeeahhh no." Nick said, rolling his eyes to this accusement. He was the one who had to change his underwear after almost becoming stab sack.

"As known, Mister Levronhad escorters through this part of the city for reason. We saw their state. One of them had severe head trauma. That is clear picture of unneeded violence."

"Sir, with all due respect, I did that in self defense." Judy defended with a bit sorry look on her face.

"I'm sure you did, Officer Hopps. So much of police brutality can be claimed as'self defense'."

The moment Bogo saw they way she was addressed, he was getting tired of their shit again.

"Do you even know who you are addressing right now? This is officer Judy Hopps. She is known to be most honorable cop around Zootopia. How can you think that she did her job wrong-"

"Yes yes, who would not know the mighty hero of the mammals, savior of predators and such. Good work on a Bellwether case officer. You did such a great service to your city, didn't you?"

Bogo froze and even Nick saw how much it took the antelope to hide his disgust. Judy did not even know what to say to that. She felt herself be in loss of words at this moment. Nicholas felt the rage strike him as the antelopes gave a look to Judy that screamed word "betrayal" all over. They were clearly bitter about Judy and her actions as a prey. It was so horrible to see some prey still see predators in bad light after everything this city went through after the species storm. Judy could at this moment see that no matter how hard she worked to destroy prejudice, there was always some who thought she was betrayer of prey. It made Nick sick from his stomach. Always when she was getting put down, his code of 'never letting them see that they get to you', was harder to follow. He could take insults and throw sly ones back. But she was his weakness. He worshiped who she was, and every time time someone said or even looked at her badly, he tried not to hit the mammal or lose his cool with words. Because he was his best friend... And because... For the first time in his life he was in love.

Bogo was done. He controlled his voice and started to speak in such intimidatingly calm voice that it even scared Nick.

"Now you four listen to me... I think I'm starting to get a glimpse of bigger picture here. You maybe know how to play dirty with the game of law here but it won't take out the facts that your client was showing his money from his suitcase, ready to buy the night howlers from the suspects. If you think that he is getting away with this, i assure you, that is the last thing that will happen."

"So showing your money to someone is a crime now?" One of the antelopes asked, trying not to sound scared.

Bogo was ready to burst until Nick suddenly came in between, trying to keep his cool as well with sly attitude and small smile.

"Listen, none of us are too blind to see what you... Well all of you gentle mammals are trying to do here." Nick added with sarcastic tone, making Judy and Bogo follow his turn from the side. Nick continued with same sass.

"It is clever and bold attempt, I admit that. Sloppy, but bold. Now, I don't know what kind of mobster connections mister Levron has, or how much money he is paying for you to do this, but you know that this won't work on a long scale. If you really are trying to use excuse of him about just randomly showing his money on the alley to another mammal, who is same time showing him the night howlers, you know that even judge is not that... Well, optimistic as you charmers are. Two witnesses is all that you need to testify against your client. There is Me, the handsome fox. Aaaand, officer Hopps. Now considering her reputation among the law tooo the court rooms of Zootopia, you know that you won't win this. It is a waste of time and your reputation as lawyers. Which by judging your attitude must be just magnificent." Nick ended with passive aggressive tone.

Nick had that self impressed smile on himself as he saw all the antelopes go quiet. The quietness settled in the hallway for a moment and antelopes were looking to be in bit of a loss of comebacks. They really didn't like him now. Bogo said nothing but gave quick proud look to the fox. He really had his way with words and body language. Even Judy was impressed by Nick's words. He really knew how to hustle. Judy got reminded once again that Nick's way of talking mammals around circles was unique talent to have in his current profession. He was going to be famous and loved in no time.

They could not see that one of the antelopes quickly tapped something with his phone, after giving questioning look to his colleagues. One of the lawyers spoke.

"Officer Wilde, is it?

"It appears you can read badges. Impressive. Might hire you sometime, if I'm need of a lawyer." Nick winked with sarcastic voice. Judy tried not to smile.

Antelope gave really annoyed look to the smiling fox, making fun of him and his co workers as best as he could.

"Very funny, officer Wilde. I wonder how funny this situation will seem to you in next ten seconds?"

"... Come again?" Nick asked and Bogo and Judy looked just as confused.

Right after seven seconds of awkward silence, Bogo's work cell rang in his pocket.

He took a look at the antelopes who were all smiling and slowly reached out of for his phone.

His eye's widened in confusion as he saw the caller. It was Mayor Lionheart.

"I uhh... I have to take this." Bogo mumbled in confusion.

Bogo answered the call and after that Judy and Nick could only watch the situation.

"Yes... Yes, mister Levron is... WHAT?! Mayor, he is suspected of-... How on earth did you kn- I... With all due respect he was-... NONONO Mister mayor listen, we did not know he was your assistant!... Sir, are you completely sure that we-... It's just that evidence speaks against him, by the law we had to investigate the situation!"

Nick and Judy took a look at the smiling antelopes and completely confused Bogo. They could hear the mayor yell like volcano from the other end. It did not sound good. Nick could already see what was going on here with Judy. They were not dumb. Levron had high contacts. They just lost.

"I... Understood mister mayor... Yes... I will make sure it won't happen again... Yes... I just think that it's... I will make sure he is released."

Nick and Judy gave each other a concerned look as Bogo hanged the phone and gave disgusted and angry gaze to the lawyers.

"I see how this is. You might have succeeded on saving your client but I might have a feeling that much larger investigation will be opened if my hunch is right. You can be sure of that."

"Don't worry, chief. Sometimes in the game of law you either win or lose. It's just so that the good guys won today." One of the lawyers said with smug smile.

The fox and rabbit could see the fire burn in Bogo's eyes as he spoke quietly.

"Take your client and get out."

The lawyers opened the door to the room and spoke from the door.

"Let's go, mister Levron, your limo is waiting outside."

"Wonderful." Steve said like they had been just on time.

Judy raised her gaze to Bogo and spoke.

"Chief, why are we-"

Bogo waved his hoof in the air to signal Judy to be quiet for now.

The chubby male rabbit came out with dignified look as he straightened his tie and gave a flirting smile to Judy.

"Officer Hopps. I hope we meet again under better circumstances than this... I will make sure to treat a fine lady the way she deserves.."

Judy gave a bit confused look at that, talking back.

"Uhhh.. Excuse me?"

"I must say, you are really beautiful up close. I'm just saying that the next time we meet, I can show you a good time darling." Steve said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I'm... Going to pass on that." Judy said after a while, feeling a bit of unpleasant shivers. He might have been cute looking buck by bunny standards but he creep'd her out.

"Hmmm we'll see. I can be very persuasive." He winked to Judy.

No one saw that Nick's eyebrow twitched a little as he was loosing his cool. He wanted to stroke the flirting bunny like a rag doll. Don't talk to her or look at her like that. It was so clear that the bunny wanted only one thing from Judy. It made Nick boil from rage.

"Mister Levron, we better keep going." One of the antelopes spoke.

"Oh yes indeed. Was nice to know you all. The coffee was decent."

The rabbit gave himself a satisfied smile as all five exited the room, leaving nothing but silence in the hallway. The silence went on for a long while between the three. All of them wondered what to say or do.

Then after a while Judy spoke carefully.

"Chief.. What just happened?"

After a while Bogo for the two.

"Whatever we got mixed up now... Is something big. Mayor just threatened how he is going to fire half of our department and that the bunny was taking his money to the bank FOR HIM. It does not make sense at all. Not one bit. I don't like it. I smell blackmails, bribes, mobsters, politics and someone wants night howlers. I should had known that even if Lionheart was innocent of night howlers case, he has always been doubted to be an honest mayor. But.. Whatever the combination here is... All I know that it won't be good."

"... So... Where do we start, Chief?" Judy asked after a while.

Bogo sighed deeply.

"Right now our only lead is mister Garlow. Whatever you two can get out of him, will be important for the investigation that we are about to start. But that will be something for tomorrow. He is still so unstable and aggressive that we can't talk with him."

"Chief... Has he been asking about Mik-... Mr Rollins at any point?" Nick asked suddenly.

"... How did you know?" Bogo asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, the reason why he must be a bit riled up is because he is uhhh..." Nick was trying to come up with most eloquent way to say it.

"Officer Wilde, just say what you are meaning to say here." Bogo sighed, not really caring about the topic.

"He is together with Mike. Like kissy kissy together." Nick said with smirk after a while.

Bogo went a bit wide eyed from that, looking at Judy after a while. Judy just nodded, making it known to her chief that it was true.

"... Well. What do you want me to do about it?" Bogo grunted after a while.

"Well, since they can't see each-other or talk, just by telling him that Mike is okay and released soon would ease his mind." Nick said with smile.

"... Which is not true and he is going to jail." Bogo said with confused expression.

"Umm, Chief... If I may... Mister Rollins was helping out us a lot just now. He told everything he knew. A LOT of valuable information." Judy said with proud smile, knowing they did this one right.

"That... Is good to hear. Good job, officer Hopps... Wilde." Bogo finished, seeing Nick give that annoying smirk at his way. He didn't want to say it aloud but he was really impressed of how well they worked together.

"Only thing he requested was that... Well, you should talk about that with him later. The request is not big." Judy assured with smile.

"... I trust your judgement on that, Hopps.... Fine, we will talk with Garlow and tell he is going to be fine. MAYBE. But back to this bigger situation. We still have quite a lot time on our hands if we are to begin with something this big. We need preparations. As much as I know you two are eager to investigate this case, we still have other police work to attend to. You two will patrol on the Sahara square for the rest of the day." Bogo finished, making sure it's settled.

Judy looked like that she wanted to protest and speak to Garlow immediately to get this over with but saw that it would be waste of time as Bogo gave her the look.

"Go on you two. I need my officers on the streets today. All of them. Besides, you should be still making your partner here learn how to adjust to normal days of a cop." Bogo reminded with almost fatherly tone.

Judy didn't say anything to that, knowing that maybe she was pushing. Her inner detective wanted bigger things to handle than normal patrolling, but Nick was on the other side of the idea. He wanted calm and nice ride with Judith. He wanted something relaxing so he could just watch her and listen to her voice all day. And look proud in his finally earned uniform.

Nick motioned Judy to follow him, not giving Judy any time to argue back with Bogo. She gave surprised yelp as Nick scooted and shoved her gently towards the door, Nick chuckling and talking.

"Boss's orders. Move bunny."

Judy gave small laugh at that, squirming out of Nick's reach. Just as they were about to open the door, Bogo spoke.

"Officer Hopps, officer Wilde. The detail here is that Mayor Lionheart was not angry. He was scared. That is how I know that something dirty is going on here. If we are about to open this investigation, i must know that you two are ready to take something this big on your hands. You two solved the largest case in history of Zootopia. Are you ready to solve another one that might be just as big, if we are right?"

Nick and Judy gave look to each other. Judy spoke right away with determined voice, ready for whatever was ahead.

"I'm in, chief. Whatever happens."

After Bogo gave proud nod, expecting nothing less, they both gave a questioning look to Nick now who gave them considering expression. This was quite a big mission after all. The tension was on peak, since he didn't have to actually take part in it, since he was just a trainee and fresh officer. Until Nick gave a wide grin of his.

"If carrots is going, then I'm going."

Judy resisted the urge to hug this fox after that charming smirk and wink pointed at her way, Bogo grunting in agreement.


The sun was warm and bright on the clear blue sky as they entered the completely new area through the tunnel. Nick rolled his side of the window open and smelled the fresh and warm air and smiled as he looked other mammals around the streets going on about their daily business. Judy was driving with somewhat troubled expression, wondering the case that they might have to start soon. Her inner detective was trying to gather the information together slowly and wondering if Garlow really could tell them something important about the events, or just stay silent like Roy.

Nick waved back to a bunch of kids that jumped up and down on the street waving their way as they passed by them, after the youngsters realized who the two drivers were. They looked like they had just seen super heroes. It seemed like Judy was used to this but Nick enjoyed greatly over the warm smiles and proud looks that they got as they moved forward the streets. He had not gotten used to this sudden respect and admiration that he had never gotten in his formal life. It felt good in so many ways, that he was making society to look all foxes in different light now. In Zootopia anyone could be anything. When Judy had shoved this idea to his head, he had just seen naive country bunny. Now it felt more real. The gazes and smiles that he got on his wave were respectful, proud, surprised and all from the middle. It was clear for Nick that he loved this attention. It felt so... Earned. So different. Like he had finally done something good in his life.

During just half a year he felt his pessimistic view of the world take a hit after hit, because of his partner next to him. I wonder what she is so concentrated to right now.. Wait, of course her inner super cop is wondering the upcoming case once again. Let's see if i can distract her a bit. Just listening to her voice makes this life seem more bright than it already is.

"Hey carrots, wanna hear a riddle?" Nick asked with smirk.

"Huh?" She woke up from her thoughts.

"I asked if you wanna hear a riddle?" Nick repeated.

"Uuuuhh okay? Bring it." Judy said, focusing on her partner again.

"What is fluffy, gray, daydreaming and cute at the same time aaaand also bad at driving?"

Judy was quiet for a moment, rolling her eyes and giggle as it hit her. This fox sometimes.

"Very funny, Nick."

"When do I get to drive carrots?"

"I will know when the time is right."

"Mean bunny." Nick whined like a kit, begging with pleading look.

"Whining fox." Judy giggled to fox's cuteness.

"OOOkay. How about this? IF I make Garlow spill everything he knows tomorrow, will I get to drive?"

Judy thought for a while and gave mischievous smile.

"Deal." She said like it's settled.

"Prepare to be shotgun in the future then." Nick said with satisfied smile, laying his aviators on and raising his feet on the desk board.

"Feet off the desk, officer Wilde." Judy giggled, still scolding him.

"Make me." Nick said with flirty grin, not moving an inch.

"You are such a kit. Be glad I am driving." Judy warned with mischievous smile.

"You are such a kiiit, be glaad I am driiiving." Nick said, intimidating Judy and making her sound like cutest thing ever, trying to act with authority.

Judy gave wide smile and spoke with playful voice.

"Fox is behaving very badly."

"You know you love me." Nick said with flirty tone.

"Not with this attitude, bullying fox." Judy giggled.

"Fine. Just for you." Nick said, taking his feet off the desk.

"Thank you, mister slick." Judy thanked, shaking her head for this kit.

"I am still doubting to let you drive." Judy smiled, loving the banter with this lovable fox.

"I bet. But you are mammal of your word. You swore through carrots honor that you will let me -"

"Carrots honor?" Judy asked with mischievous smile, laughing in the between and not handling that stupid and enjoying smirk right now.

"Is this what I have to handle the whole days now?" Judy asked with snort, but actually loving this more than anything. Just talking with him playfully, after driving all alone on patrols this whole half a year.

"Mhhhhm. You are getting full fox meter daily from now on." Nick said like it's a fact.

"Whatever." Judy giggled and continued driving.

They drove around the historical museum and kept going to make a turn from the next block. The short silence had been going on for a while, Nick just trying not to get caught of staring at her through his shades with side look. She is so beautiful. Then after a while Judy spoke.

"I just... I can't get it out of my head that we just let that guy go."

Nick sighed and smiled.

"This is how it goes sometimes fluff. The lawyers might have been dirty to the core and annoying but they had a point. The game of law is nasty battleground. But they did screw up badly though."

"... How?" Judy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We had them so cornered with our questions that we drove them nervous. It seems that they have some kind of hold over the mayor or at least someone they know does. They could not play their way out by talking so they used that card. But in itself it was a victory. They made us know that Mayor is either being bribed or blackmailed. That opened us a whole new tip in our investigation. The fact that whoever we are dealing with, has some incredibly serious power in politics. If we had not bombed the lawyers with questions, we would have never known that they have mayor involved somehow in this. It was a win-win situation in its own way."

Judy smiled after a while as Nick finished and turned his eyes to meet hers, wiggling his eyebrows to him and taking his shades down a bit.

"You... Are a clever fox."

"Very clever. Smart. Handsome. Skilled. I can continue with the list all day." Nick chuckled.

Judy laughed a bit and turned her eyes back on the road. After a while Nick began again.

"But enough of thinking about the case and all this serious stuff for now. You worry too much. Let's talk about something light."

"Ummmm..." Judy smiled, trying to figure something out. She talked.

"What kind of light?"

"How goes things with your family?" Nick asked after a while.

Judy looked a bit taken back with this sudden and odd question from the fox. He rarely asked about her family or stuff. They talked very little about each-others parents and families.

"Oh umm. We are doing well. They keep in touch always once a week. Worrying about me as always." Judy rolled her eyes.

"As they should. Your job is dangerous." Nick told casually.

"Tell me about it."

"When was the last time you saw them?"

"About two months ago maybe? But I have not visited home in five months. They really do wish that I would come more often. But it's always such a circus show. They always want to to stay for whole week."

"You totally should. They must be very proud of you." Nick gave a genuine smile.

"They are... I really do miss them, even though time to time they can be... Well.. Frustrating."

"... What do you mean? They can't be that bad?" Nick asked with chuckle.

"They just... I don't know, it's just this one stupid thing. It's nothing." Judy suddenly said, not wanting to actually talk about it. She tried not to feel her ears burn a bit.

"I do not mean to pester but it seems more than nothing considering your ears are glowing a bit." Nick said knowingly.

Judy sometimes hated but also loved that Nick could see trough her so easily. And usually it applied to him too. But mostly it was because her body language was so easy to read. She sighed and spoke with a bit embarrassed voice.

Nick was taking a sip of his coffee and gave Judy time to speak.

"They umm... Keep pressuring me to uh... Find a boyfriend and start consider building a family and make lot of kits."

It took all Nick had to not spill his coffee out and he ended up choking in it. His eyes went wide as the burning drink started to sore his throat, the fox coughing loudly as he covered his mouth with his sleeve.

"Sweet cheese and crackers, Nick! Are you alright?! Do I need to pull over!?" Judy yelled in sudden scare as Nick held his throat and signaled Judy to not to worry with his paw.

He coughed a bit still and after a good while he cleared his throat totally, taking deep breath.

"I umm. Everything is fine fluff, don't worry. We must have hit a bump on the road or something. Sorry."

"Oh!.. I... I didn't notice any bump, but... I'll try to drive more careful." Judy said and still kept concerned look on her friend.

"So uhh... How is that going... For you?" Nick carefully asked, trying not to sound weird.

"What is going?"

"It umm.. Finding a boyfriend?" Nick asked, trying to act like the idea didn't bother him. He wanted to hit himself for emotions that started to build up to him as he thought about some buck touching her in any way. He felt like such a creep for feeling like that this bunny was his, when the truth was far from it.

Judy blushed a bit and spoke quietly.

"I haven't really given time to it... I enjoy doing my work and I just... It just does not feel something I need right now. In middle of all this. I love my work and I want to make the best of it. I mean I'm twenty-four, what's the hurry right? There is time. A lot of it. So the only thing that drives everything worse is that my mom and dad keep on spreading the word to their neighbors that I'm looking for some buck to date with. It's annoying since they call their sons that live in Zootopia and I just get random messages time to time with pictures and friend requests in social media from some bucks that I met in high school."

Nick tried his best to keep straight face as he listened.

"Some more discreet than others. A month back some of them showed up to my apartment and started fighting about who should I start dating with." Judy groaned as she memorized. She then went even more awkward.

"Then umm... Some... Some bucks they... They are just total perverts. Don't mind it." Judy said, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"... What do you mean by that?" Nick asked with a bit more protective tone than meant.

Judy gave wide eyed look at his reaction, going a bit quiet.

Nick cleared his throat after he realized that he had cared about the subject a bit more than he should and corrected himself a bit.

"I mean... They haven't umm... Tried anything crazy, right?" Nick mumbled awkwardly.

"... No. But it's just... Bunnies think a lot of things different. Naughty things and... All that stuff.. Is casual for bunnies. So they have literally been as bold as... Just presenting themselves like... I can be the father of your kits and stuff like that." Judy finished with awkward blush, mumbling by herself. If there was anyone shy about sex and naughty things, it was her. And without a doubt, she sometimes wondered if Nick noticed or picked out the most obvious and clear fact about her. She was a virgin. Nick pretty much did see it in her and the way she handled talking about these things, losing her voice and blushing to death were dead giveaways about her. Nick cleared his throat, trying not think about buck hunting season in his mind for them not being even ashamed of telling what they wanted. He hated that. Because all that mattered for Nick was her heart. She deserved someone that would love her more than anyt-... Sigh... Why can't I be a bunny...

"So... What did you do about... Those cases?" Nick asked carefully.

"I don't answer to them. I... It's just so odd... To hear things like that... When none of them was.. Interested to even talking with me when I was in high school." Judy said quietly with sad voice.

Nick looked at Judy with wide eyes. Studying by that expression, Nick could see that those times... Didn't seem the most brightest ones for her. He saw that the subject was sensitive one, so he didn't push. He then changed the subject, trying to smile a bit.

"So... About those bucks that showed to your apartment and fought. What did you do about it?"

"I arrested them all and took them to station for assaults." Judy smiled suddenly with smug look.

Nick's eyes widened and he bursted into laugh and held his stomach.

"Judy, you are sometimes such a bad-ass you know that?!"

"Do I know that?... Yes. Yes I do." Judy grinned smugly.

Then after a while of silence Nick felt he had to say something he meant. He was glad that Judy would not probably see his ears redden a little bit.

"Still I do hope it.. You know. Works out." Nick said after a while, trying to maintain neutral expression as he finished.

"Huh?" Judy asked in confusion.

He swallowed a bit and spoke.

"You finding someone. You deserve to be happy, carrots. You will make someone very happy someday." Nick swallowed again and tried not to look at Judy's way. He stared out of the window, acting like the idea of her being with someone didn't sting him in the heart. He hated herself for feeling this. It was her life. He should be happy for her. She deserves to be happy. You can't give her that.

Judy stared Nick with her mouth open and her nose twitching a bit from this compliment. It was the way he spoke to her again. The emotional voice, wavering from his normal tone and sounding just like that tone he had on gondola ride they shared half a year ago. Every single time that tone came up again, she felt her heart beat so fast. It was the tone that Judy could feel having nothing but honesty in it. Nick was staring out of the window and Judy wondered what to answer. But if only he knew that only one that Judy wanted was him. Not any buck. She wanted this fox in her life. She wanted to kiss him so much. She could tell him now. She whispered after a while, wondering if Nick even heard her.

"..Thank you, Nicholas."

The fox felt shivers from the way she quietly said his whole name, making him turn to her. Judy could feel her heart melt as Nick looked at her with his tender eyes and spoke softly back, holding with everything he had not to sound like he wanted to ask her out.

"You are welcome, Judith."

The butterflies exploded in her stomach as his eyes pierced her like that. She felt like parking the car right away and furiously kiss him. Just grab him by his tie and kiss him all over. But she had no guts to do something like that. She would probably freak him out for rest of his life. He would change the partner and never look at her the same way again.

After the eye contact was getting a bit tense they turned their gaze back to road and a bit awkward silence took the car. Judy was still working on calming down her ears running hot. Then she thought about breaking a silence with simple question. She was genuinely interested. She wondered if she was on too deep waters but it did not hurt to try.

"Nick ummm sooooo... How about you?" Judy asked carefully.

"What about me?" Nick asked, feeling his emotional mood go down and going back to his normal self.

"What is your situation with the... Uhhh.. Vixens?" Judy tried keep jealousy out of her body language.

Nick started to chuckle and gave amused look to her.

"Why does the officer want to know?" Nick asked with smirk, feeling way more comfortable about this one.

"Hey come on, I told you! It's only fair for you to do the same." Judy laughed.

"Is it now?" Nick teased and got comfortable in his seat.

"I am going to be grumpy at you if you don't act by carrots honor." Judy giggled.

"Okayy okaayy, fluff. Well to be true I ummm... Haven't dated anyone in a looong time."

"That's... Quite hard to believe considering that every time we have lunch, the waitress flirts with you." Judy had hard time on keeping her jealousy hidden once again.

"We have gone to only one restaurant, whiskers." Nick reminded with smile.

"I... Yeah.. But.. I..." Judy mumbled, trying not to blush as Nick saw that it had been stuck in her mind for some reason.

"It's part of their job whiskers, to get bigger tips."

"You know that's not true when it comes to you." Judy snorted.

"Yeah who am I kidding right? Most handsome mammal that ever lived."

"Most modest too." Judy giggled. But there was no denying it. Nick's looks were really pleasing for her eyes. As they were to many. Him and Oliver were easily most attractive officers under Zpd's roof.

"That's how I roll." Nick stated like an action movie hero and flipped the aviators on again.

Judy laughed and shake'd her head.

"Now come on seriously, how does that not work? You must have been with many vixens around your time?"

Judy could not see that Nick started to feel like drifting out of this subject but still answered.

"Well I did, fluff... But when it comes to actual long relationships... I haven't been good with those. In the end it was all my fault. You know the typical case. They want future, honestly working fatherly type. I could not offer that to them. I was just a rascal."

"More rascal than now?" Judy teased in disbelief, actually wanting to know way more of his past.

Nick chuckled and lightened up a bit.

"Yeeaah way more rascal than now. I did have quite a lot of games with vixens around those days but they never led anywhere. When it comes to foxes, especially females, they want something that can guarantee a future. Living a life where you can get arrested or end up in jail if you are sloppy, is not good example for your kits."

"... But you could offer someone a good future now. Since you are now a police officer, famous one too. I would suspect many girls would be interested."

Nick just gave her a questioning look and smiled as she saw her blush and turn her eyes back on the road.

"Maybe, carrots. But for now I'm just trying to focus on keeping my partner alive in middle of these dangerous times. I like being single." Nick chuckled, giving small teasing rub between her ears with his paw.

Judy laughed as Nick was giving him one of those idiotic smiles of his again.

"It's kind of opposite actually, the roles of keeping the other alive. I am doing that to you." Judy said smugly.

"... Okay I won't argue with that." Nick chuckled and then remembered.

"Although, I did save you at the museu-WHOOOOOOOA!" Nick screamed, hitting his head to the panel almost from sudden break.

Judy had hit the brakes as she had spotted something.

Nick felt his head spin and his eyes go wide.

"Carrots, I know you like doing that to me. But someday I'm going to crack my teeth against-"

"Nick, prepare for chase!" Judy said, already ready to get out of the car.

"WHAT WHO WHERE WHEN?!" Nick yelled in confusion.


Judy backed up and took a look at the alley on their left. They saw two figures far on the alleyway, fighting. To be specific, they saw a male zebra who was apparently trying to rob someone. They could see as female lynx was trying to hold her purse with everything she had. She was screaming desperately for help and Judy only had to give a quick look to Nick to let him know it was go time. Nick smiled and knew that this was his moment to show Judy that he got this.

"Let's get him partner!" Nick yelped as they shoved the doors open.

The zebra was already trying to take a swing of the struggling lynx. He was quite buff. It didn't matter that she was a predator, she was way too light framed to defend herself. Judy and Nick ran side by side towards the fight and were only about five meters away until zebra turned his gaze to them, hearing their quick steps. His eyes widened in terror as he saw who the bunny was. There was no other bunny cop in the city, and the moment he recognized her, the look on his face clearly struggled to decide if to just give up or run.

"OH SHIT!" He yelled in desperation.

"ZPD, STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!" Judy yelled formally, Nick giving the look to the zebra to just stay there.

The zebra let go of the lynx's purse and started to run like hell itself was reaching his tail. He was going to try his luck. As he kept running out of the alleyway he knocked down one of the trashcans down to win himself some time, only to look back in fear as Nick and Judy jumped over the trashcan without any hint of struggling with the obstacle.

Nick huffed as they kept running and yelled quickly to the rabbit next to him, trying to keep up with her. She was such a fast runner.

"Do they ever consider NOT running?!" Nick asked with smile.

"Nope!" Judy laughed and they kept running down the street, already reaching the mammal.

In distance Nick could hear some kits cheering for them again as they reached a garden park area in the Sahara central. Even kits knew what was going on here.

The zebra ran through the park, earning confused looks from the mammals as he ran for his life. Just after a moment everyone knew why, as they saw two officers running behind him and ordering him to stop. The zebra knew that they were reaching him every moment and he would soon be caught if he did not figure something out and fast. This was the worst thing, to know that when it came to her, his chances were so low. He did know who Nick was too, and having two super stars chase you gave quite a lot of pressure.

He took a turn to the next alley he saw and kept running straight. It took him a moment to realize that there was only one way out, and it was one door that was at the end of the alley. A backdoor of some restaurant maybe. He could see some old bear keeping it open with a rock, and taking out the trash to the nearby trash-bin. He was clearly tired, not even aware of his surroundings and just doing his work with lazy eyes.

"Get out of the way!" The zebra yelled aggressively and shoved the bear down on his way inside the building.

The bear yelled in confusion, grunting from pain as his butt hit the concrete, his back also hitting the trashcan.

Judy and Nick were only at the start of the alley and saw as the door had just been used, some bear rubbing his back in pain on the concrete.

Nick then got it. He knew this area. He knew this city like his own pockets. He was going to be smart with this. He suddenly yelled to Judy and slowed down.

"Carrots, I'm going to take a shortcut! I got this!" Nick said and turned around. He gave a wink to her over his shoulder, running back from where they came from without letting her even argue back.

"WHAT?!" Judy turned around to yell as she reached the backdoor.

"TRUST ME!" Nick yelled and disappeared behind the corner.

"What on earth..." Judy muttered as she kept up with the chase.

She entered the room that appeared to be kitchen area of some kind, full of workers. She could see that half of them were shoved on the floor, clearly having no idea what had just happened. When everyone saw Judy standing there, clearly puzzled about in which direction the zebra had gone, all the mammals pointed the third door on their left with small circle window.

"The zepra went that way, officer Hopps!" One beaver yelled and Judy started to sprint to the pointed direction.

"Thanks!" Was all she answered as she hopped over the tables and shoved the door open.

Now she was in the dining area, full of mammals staring at her in confusion. She saw the zebra now, running in the middle of the large restaurant, shoving one waiter down from his way, making him break a champagne bottle. Such chaos and things to pay for once arrested. Hurting civilians in attempt to escape. Some mammals just didn't thin things through enough.

"MOVE!" The zebra yelled angrily as he kept hopping over the tables and dodging and shoving mammals, trying to desperately reach the large front doors.

Judy sprinted now on full speed, using the same route that zebra had. The perk that she had that zebra didn't, was that she was quite small and did not need to shove anyone from her way. She cursed quietly as the zebra reached the front doors and embraced the streets of Sahara square once again.

"For blueberries sake, where are you Nick?!" Judy wondered in annoyance until she saw what happened through the glass.

It took her completely by surprise to see it.

Nick came from the right side of the zebra, jumping and tackling him down on full force, making him fall against the ground. The guy ended up screaming in pain as Nick sat on top of him, making sure that he was not going to escape anywhere no longer.

Judy reached the doors and huffed as she stopped in front of them, wondering if that seriously had just happened.

Nick took his handcuffs out and turned the cursing mammal around to put them on him. He felt satisfied smile and somewhat apologizing expression come to him. He knew violence was part of police work but he didn't like violence. Never did. Also, if there was definition of a poor fighter, he would be one. He had just and just passed the self defense course on the academy with Oliver's help. That damn wolf was always there to help his fox butt out of things he struggled with. Sometimes he wondered if there was a reason behind it but maybe Oliver really just wanted to be friends with him. It was just rare to him to get new friends who were cops. Oliver was his first cop friend besides Judy after all. The zebra still whimpered in pain and muttered something that they could not make sense of.

Judy smiled proudly to Nick as he locked the zebra with his cuffs and raised up from top of him, catching his breath.

"I.. Told.. You.. Could... Trust me." Nick huffed between the words.

"How on earth did you know where he would come out from?" Judy asked excitedly.

"Well let's just call that a lucky hunch." Nick said with smug smile.

"Impressive!" Judy laughed and they both turned their gaze to the mammal on the ground as he groaned.

"You asshole... You probably broke my ribs with that tackle..."

"Yeeaah, sorry buddy. Didn't want to do that." Nick said with chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.

"Fuck you, Wilde!" The zebra said, making Nick look at him in annoyance.

Judy gave angry look to the mammal and spoke with frustrated voice.

"You shoved like ten animals down on your way out of here! They might have hurt themselves just as bad or worse, so stop whining! You are coming with us to the zpd. Hope it was worth it."

"Whatever." The zebra muttered and spoke no more.

"Carrots, we better take this guy to Sahara department station and keep going with the patrol. What do you think?" He smiled as he lifted the zebra up as gently as he could from the ground, earning a groan from him.

"Yeah, I call them in and let them know we are dropping him off."

Suddenly the zebra spoke with kind of offended tone as they were walking their way back to the vehicle.

"Did this fox just call you carrots? That is spiciest insult if I've ever heard one."

Nick chuckled behind the zebra in amusement, giving Judy a look. Judy just snorted, knowing that their friendship was a bit too complicated to explain for civilian.

"Whatever." She muttered with smile.

_ PYRAMID MALL / 14: 00 _

The pyramid mall was one of the most famous spots known in Zootopia in general. It was one of the biggest projects when Zootopia was only halfway to what it is today. The great pyramid shaped roof made from glass, where you could see large crowds of mammals do their shopping middle of palm trees and small parks. In its own way, the place was almost like a small city. There must have been about a hundred different stores in the place itself, if you don't even count restaurants and cafes among them. The jewel of the Sahara square.

The air must have been at least like plus thirty degrees that day. Nick could feel himself sweat a bit under his uniform but did not really mind since he liked the heat.

Judy parked their vehicle near the giant entrance doors, parking on a police vehicle spots. They had even made real parking spots for officers in duty. Nick took a sip of his coffee as they stopped and the fox got concerned look from Judy as she turned off the engine.

"Nick, that's your third coffee today. That stuff is not good for you on a long run." Judy said in concern.

"What can I say? I like coffee." Nick said like it was nothing.

"So are you telling me that you are going to get fourth coffee when we go inside?" Judy asked, her tone warning about it being good idea.

"Na ah. I just want to eat big pile of food for now. I kind of forgot to eat breakfast this morning." Nick said with genuine tone.

"Taking so much time admiring yourself in the mirror can do that huh?" Judy teased.

Nick laughed and ruffled the fur between her ears and sipped his coffee.

"I am quite a sight in my boxers, yes." Nick laughed, teasing Judy by knowing she was way more shy that she tried to act.

Judy di blush a bit, going quiet from the mental image. She then just waved it off and mumbled something quietly.

Judy was about to open her door but stopped and sighed with smile.

"You are going to be lingered from your meal though. We are probably going to have to take a longer break."

"... Why?" Nick asked, raising eyebrow to that.

Judy giggled.

"You said you like the attention and fame didn't you? Well... We are about to make a lunch break in one of the most crowded areas in Zootopia. I've gotten used to this by now but every time you try to take your lunch here, instead of the small cafe's, you can feel a bit... Overwhelmed.

Nick raised an eyebrow and after a while he thought he understood what she meant.

"Oh... Well all long as i get my food I'm fine." he grinned.

They opened their doors and the bright sun embraced their fur with glimmer as they stepped on the hot asphalt. The fox and the rabbit slowly walked towards the slide doors. The cold breeze welcomed them as they entered the fully crowded hall, full of plastic trees, slide-stairs, smell of different foods and the sounds of laughter and conversation all over the place.

Nick had visited the place couple of times year's ago but did not remember it being this big at all. Judy seemed to know the area better than him, so he just followed her lead as she spoke.

"Let's dine at Reilly's. It has quite a lot of predator options on the menu, since I can't turn you into a vegetarian."

"You don't know what you are missing fluff. If you ever tried a fish stake and maybe a juicy bug burger, you might like it more than all those vegetables you are eating all the time."

"I doubt that. It would feel unnatural for prey to eat things you do." Judy said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Where is your sense of adventure? Come on whiskers, I'll buy you a burger." Nick chuckled.

"Over my dead body." Judy smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Your loss. Sheesh, all this talk about food is making me crazy. How much longer for the Reilly's?"

"Stop being a kit, it's just over the-" Judy stopped in middle of talk as she saw group of kits approach them.

"Officer Judy!" The kids roared and circled around the bunny, laughing and hopping all around.

Nick took about few seconds to realize that they were surrounded by kits all over.

Judy chuckled as she ruffled up the fur of small cheetah brothers.

Nick could only warmly smile to the scene in front of him.

The group of eight small mammals looked at Judy with shine in their eyes from admiration. This must have not been the first time Judy had met them, since she knew their names too.

"Alex, no I didn't kick butt today." Judy giggled and ruffled the head of some young male Labrador.

Suddenly Nick could feel a small touch in his tail and he looked behind him.

There was three small foxes and pair of little tigers too, staring at him with their mouths open.

Nick was a bit startled first but removed his aviators and gave a small smile.

"How's it hanging youngsters?"

One of the foxes spoke.

"Are you the guy that helped officer Judy to save the mammals?"

Nick chuckled and leaned down.

"Well yes, yes I am. But she did most of the work though. I was just a sidekick fox."

"Thank you for helping her mister." One of the fox kits said.

"Well, you are welcome boys." Nick chuckled with warm tone.

Bunch of them smiled and Nick could not see that behind him was approaching the group of eight, eyes full of wonder.

"Hey officer Nick!" Nick heard a greeting behind him and turned around.

Nick almost jumped a bit as he realized that he was surrounded by kits all over. Like totally this time. He gazed at Judy who had satisfied smile on her as she followed the situation, enjoying it so much. She was mostly interested to see how Nick was around kits. He looked so cute being all overwhelmed but still smiling and not stressing about it at all.

"Well hello there kits." Nick chuckled.

"Officer Judy told us that you took down a bad guy today!"

"Did she now? Well I admit, it was hard but I was fast. You see, Officer Judy here was chasing-"

Judy zoned out and smiled as she followed Nick vividly explaining his story about the zebra to the kits. They all laughed and wowed in amazement as Nick imitated the arrest. She knew right away that the kits liked him. He was now placing his aviators on one of the cheetahs and knelt down to their level to explain something about his badge. He look'd like he was enjoying himself quite a lot as one of the kits wanted to take a selfie with him. Suddenly after a while Judy walked over to the crowd and spoke.

"Okay okay boys, this fox has not eaten whole day so I'm going to have to feed it."

"Awwwwww." All the kits said sadly and one of them handed the aviators back to Nick and waved after them as they kept going for Reilly's.

Nick and Judy waved back to kits and kept going forward past the stores. He had self surprised smile on his face as he was walking in his thoughts, thinking about what had just happened. He would had never thought that kits would admire him about anything.

Then after a while Judy spoke.

"You handle kits well."

"I do?" Nick asked, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah. Which is good since you are going to see lot more of that in the future if we keep coming to malls. Once I had to talk with mammals for half an hour before I could grab a salad. Didn't mind though. The kits are easy to talk with. The adults on the other hand can be frustrating time to time..."

"More proposals?" The fox snickered.

"Don't get me started on those."

"Hey by the way, carrots."


"I told some of them to call you with your undercover name from now on. Super secret agent code name."

Judy gave a confused look and Nick gave a wide grin.

"From now on you are officer toot-toot." Nick smiled evilly.

Judy face pawed herself and punched the laughing Nick in his hand.

"Police brutality in public areas, tsk tsk. This will damage your image." Nick laughed.

"I might damage something else soon." Judy laughed, taking that as challenge.

"Fox will behave." Nick chuckled as they finally entered the Reilly's.


Nick took a bite of his burger and sipped some of his soda as he was reading something on his phone. Judy was calmly eating her salad and stared outside of the window, following the events that filled the mall.

She had stopped eating her salad and saw as happy couples walked paw in paw, smiling to each other lovingly and occasionally giving a kiss to the cheek. She smiled as she saw families together in harmony, laughing and enjoying life to the fullest. The detail was that the couples were all the same species. She then looked at Nick, wondering... Just wondering how mammals would take to it if they... She felt her smile slowly disappear and gazed the salad on the table and then Nick, who was now chuckling to something he was watching from his phone. Judy started to zone out again and felt sadness make it's way to her mood again. It was starting to become uncomfortable habit while she was watching Nick without him knowing.

She did not know why she felt like this but she could not help it. She had spoken the truth about her parent's wishes. They indeed wanted her to find someone in her life, but to her, that someone was sitting right in front of her. Had for a long time. He drove her crazy occasionally yes, but not in the bad way. She could just stare his handsome features and his gentle eyes, wondering how life would be if he felt the same.

She did not care if he was a fox. She did not care if they would be judged for so brutally breaking one of the most taboo subjects in Zootopia. She did not care if it would shake her reputation, or get her in trouble with the media. He made her happier than anyone else. Around him she felt like a schoolgirl. He could make her laugh so easily. He would do these silly things to lighten up her mood, no matter how bad it was. When she had a bad day at work and visited him at the academy, he was always ready to listen. The way he spoke to her when he was serious about something. The warm tender tone that he used to calm her down or compliment her.

Day after day this same subject buzzed around her head and she felt like it was breaking her apart. She did not want to ruin what they had by being selfish and just telling him all of this.

The risk was too high. If he said no, they could never see each other the same way again. It would make things awkward, and he would probably ask for different a partner in the force. That would break her. She had once in her life felt Nick being truly mad at her and it was one of the most depressing feelings she ever had.

But she knew that she could not keep this as a secret forever. There was no way around it. The love that she felt for him hurt a bit more every day. She knew it was love. It couldn't be anything else. Being such a fearless police officer, always fighting against the danger with head on, but being so emotional and shy from the inside. It was frustrating combination.

"Theeere theeere you bunnies, soo emotional." Nick's comforting voice echoed in her mind as she tried to collect herself and act normal again. She put on her smile and started to eat her salad once more, trying to shake these sad thoughts out of her head.

"Is everything alright whiskers?"

"Hm? Yeah I'm fine."

"Your ears tell different." Nick said knowingly.

"Don't mind it, it's nothing. Is the food good as they say?" Judy tried to desperately change the subject.

Nick seemed like asking again about whatever was making her sad but he let it slide for now. He smiled casually as he took one fried potato in his mouth.

"It's really good. You were right. No praise for nothing. You really should have some." Nick winked.

"I'll still pass." Judy smiled and gaze outside of the window again until Nick started to hand out his meal.

"I know you would love it."

"I am so not eating your burger."

"Just a little bit." Nick teased and tried to shove it her way.

"Ewwww Nick stop!" Judy giggled as the smirking fox pulled back his burger and kept eating it.

"You need to be open minded." Nick teased.

"Dumb fox."

"Scared bunny." Nick snickered and got a head shake from Judy.

"Just finish that up so the bad guys have something to run from again."

"I'm going to have to take rain check on that one. Digesting is something to take seriously. I suggest we take at least an hour long lunch nap at the car before even thinking about running."

"In your dreams, Nick." Judy laughed, seeing that Nick was trying to actually mean it.


Judy watched a small tv in her apartment, following some kind of action movie that she found boring half of the time. She should be asleep by now. She knew this, but could not get her mind around it. Her gaze followed the movie with bored expression and she hopped from the small chair, making her way to the mini fridge. She really should get a bigger place. She could more than afford way bigger apartment that even Nick had, but saw no real use for one. She wondered how it would be like to live with Nick. To make him breakfast in the morning and something like that.

The idea made her smile as she took out a box of carrots from her fridge and put them in the microwave, like she had almost every day for the half of year. She should talk about these sleeping problems to the doctor or something. Some med's might help her sleep better. Tomorrow they would have a whole another day to deal with and maybe even case so big, that it might take weeks even to solve. Well... Even that might be wishful thinking. But they were amazing duo with Nick. All they had now was Garlow, and knowing what kind of mammal he was, tomorrow would be full of headache.

Judy finally turned off the tv and hopped on her bed, pulling the blanket on top of her. This was quite a chilly night, so she needed to take another blanket on top, just to make sure that she would not catch the cold. She closed her eyes and tried to shove herself in the dream but couldn't. She let out a small groan and started wondering something that might make her sleep better.

Think about something calming. Fields or family farm or... Home. I really want to visit home." Judy thought with sad expression.

Only if they just would stop shoving her to date bucks. It's just... None of those bunnies she dated... They were nothing compared to that one fox.

The fox who would make her laugh all the time. The fox who made her giddy as school girl with his flirting. The fox that comforted her like no one else when she was sad. The fox who always listened when she wanted to talk...

She hated herself because she knew what was about to happen. She felt it in her heart again. She didn't know how many times now... She had lost count. She felt so dirty about it. The feeling of that tingle. That... Uncontrolled heart beat. That hazy feeling she got. THe butterflies in her stomach when she even thought about him. His voice. His eyes. Even... Even his intriguing foxy scent.

"No." her mind told her strictly. Don't... Just don't.

"You need to sleep."


She started to imagine his voice in her head again and the chills went down her back as she pictured Nick whisper in her ear quietly.

"Judith... Your fur is so warm..."

She tried to fight against the feel but it was overwhelming her again.

"I want to touch your tail..." Nick's voice said, making Judy shiver warmly and hearing her heart beat loudly.

Judy imagined him giving a small nibble on her ear and feeling her warm breath against her neck.

"You like this.. Don't you?" She imagined Nick's voice saying.

Judy felt as her eyelids went down, the feeling too strong to deny anymore. She needed this. Again. She couldn't stop it. Nick...

Her right paw slowly started to move from her waist.

She imagined feeling him giving a gentle and frisky small bite on her neck, seeing those sexy and dangerous teeth. Making her feel so... Scared but... Still so safe. She imagined Nick continuing giving small kisses on her neck, and moving down her chest kiss by kiss.

"Hhaahh..." She let out as small exhale, starting to slowly rub her other breast, feeling the shivers of small pleasure, wondering how Nick would touch her. How he would touch her very small and round breasts, Judy letting him do anything he wanted. Her inner bunny nature woke up just by thinking his presence and his voice.

"Mmffh.." Judy whimpered as her tiny paw was slowly reaching towards her white panties.

In her mind the fox stopped at the same spot where her paw was and raised his gaze to give a questioning look, like asking for permission. So respectable. So gentle and loving. She felt like a creep, imagining him being in love with her and handling her like a girlfriend. But it just... Stimulated her mind... The want in her heart so much. Her dream. She wanted him.

She felt herself blushing from embarrassment as she imagined those gentle emerald eyes stare at her in wild hunger. Judy quietly nodded and pictured him gently nibbling the edge of her panties with his teeth, teasing to take them down.

Even if he wasn't there, she tried all in her imagination to picture it so.

Her mind felt all clouded and fuzzy as she rubbed now the edge of her panties, almost touching her private area through the fabric.

Then she imagined Nick just gently pulling her panties down, looking at her still in the eyes. She thought how Nick's warm breath would feel against her small, delicate, over sensitive and virgin pussy. wondering how the tiny line between her legs would wait for any kind of contact, making her shiver again and her tail wiggle. She was so preserved and untouched down there that she was showing any vulva or labia. Mostly because of starting to masturbate the first time in age of twenty-four. She had started to do it the first time about weeks after Nick got into zpd academy. Every time she came home after visiting him, she would end up doing this and thinking about him.

She wanted to know and feel so much... How his tongue would feel if it would slowly make a contact.

Judy reached for the pinkish area in her body, reaching to touch the tiny slit, already a bit wet from knowing what was about to begin.

"MMaahaanh!" Judy let out with loud moan, biting her finger and looking down as her paw rested on her private spot, waiting for the repeated touch.

Her heart raced like a war drum. She started to make soft whimpers and digged the claws of her left paw to the bed while moving her finger just a little, making her ears burn from the intimate stimulation, wondering how Nick would be the one touching her like this.

"Nick... Aahhnn!.. MMhhh!.." She kept whimpering cutely, burying her face into her pillow as she started to masturbate slowly and feeling her finger get already wet from strings of her arousal. She was so damn sensitive.

And it was clear that there went all hope for sleeping this night. Again.