Chapter Two

Story by Warrior Wolf on SoFurry

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Again, any form of criticism is welcomed!

"You guys will make a great couple"

I almost forgot Ryan, or anyone for the matter, was there. I lost track of everything around me as Troy kept me in his warm embrace. We let go and looked at each other, and he nodded in agreement.

"I always knew you two would end up together one way or another" Zac said, struggling to put together the tent he and Ryan would be sharing. I watched as he got himself tangled in rope, and almost fell over trying to get untangled.

"You know, if we don't want to get drenched tonight, we should probably put up our tent, too" Troy said.

"Well sure, if you want to kill that rocking mood we just had going" I mumbled.

"I don't want to, but I also don't wanna get soaked tonight. Hey, the quicker we finish this, the quicker we can make smores"

I instantly looked up at him and ran past him and grabbed the tent, and began pulling things out left and right. Smores are my favorite snack of all time, and Troy makes me the best ones; Burnt and crispy on the outside, and soft and gooey on the inside.

"I knew that would get you moving" Troy laughed. I laughed at myself, finding it odd that I'd move so quickly for food. "God, if your mom found out, you'd be fat as hell" Ryan and Zac had a good laugh at that until I reminded them the same would go for them.

"Here, Troy, grab the rope. But don't end up like Zac, because I ain't a Boy Scout. I can't untie knots very well." By this time Ryan was howling with laughter, and Zac, still tangled, tried to knock him over but instead tripped and fell flat on his face. I chuckled, and reached for the rope.

After an hour of trying to read instructions in what we thought was Korean, Troy, Ryan and I got our tent to stay up while Zac was gathering masses of firewood.

"Dude we're not spending the winter here, only the weekend!" I exclaimed, seeing the pile of wood in the fire pit.

"You might want to stand back...I just poured like a gallon of gas on this..."

"I want to light the match!" I yelled.

"Did you have to yell? In my ear?" Ryan asked, wincing a bit.

"Yes, I did. We're outside. Therefore, I'm allowed to use my outdoor voice." I spoke up a bit, and then grabbed the matches from Zac. I tore one out and struck it against the side. When I saw the flickering flame, I tossed the match on the gasoline-soaked wood and yelled "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

I waited, and waited, but nothing happened. "Yo Zac, you sure you poured on gas? Cuz nothings happening..."

"Yeah man I poured on gas. I'm positive."

"Well then why is noth-"

I wasn't even able to finish the sentence when a fireball erupted, sending me stumbling backwards, knocking over Zac. For a moment we were all quiet, and burst out laughing.

"Okay dude, now pass me those marshmallows." Ryan called from the underbrush.

"Man, what in the world could you possibly be doing in there?" Zac asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm finding a damn stick for the marshmallow!" He replied

I tossed one to everyone, and put mine deep into the fire. I watched with hunger in my eyes as it turned mocha brown before becoming black and crispy. I looked across the flames to see Troy looking at me with the same look in his eyes.

"What is that look for?"

"I just can't wait for later on tonight. Just you and me, beneath the stars"

I must admit, he really gets to the point when he speaks, doesn't he?

As the sun sunk deeper behind the mountains and the moon took center stage, we filled on smores like there was no tomorrow, while laughing at blunders and mishaps we've had over the years.

"You remember in eighth grade how you spent a month on that art project, and the day it was due you dropped it in a puddle, and all the paint washed away?" I asked, nudging Ryan in the ribs.

"What about the time you tripped in the lunch room and you spilled your lunch right onto the superintendant?"

"Touché" I laughed. I faked a shiver and got up and sat next to Troy.

"Isn't it a bit cool tonight?"

"Why are you cold?"


"Why didn't you say so?" He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I snuggled up against his chest, and the sweet scent of his flooded my nostrils.

"God you smell so sexy right now" I inhaled another deep breath, wanting the smell to stay a memory forever.

"Well, why don't we go take care of that?" He stretched and got up, pulling me towards our tent.

"Oh uhm sure!" I blushed, and waved goodnight to Zac and Ryan, who snickered and waved back.

Sorry if it seems a bit lacking...ive been putting alot of work into the next chapter, which is where things get very yiffy. Hope to have it up by the end of the week, and hope you like it!