Beelzemon my princess x reader

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry

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#2 of mini story

you were at a ball that a friend dragged you to, it wasn't your style to go to a ball or party you didn't like crowds, everywhere you look people are dressing and fancy dresses and wearing masks you couldn't tell what they look like underneath their masks

"Here where this"

Your friend said handing you a beautiful a gold and purple and blue mask, you put on your mask cuz you stayed on the sidelines watching everyone dance and have a good time you just plainly sat in the corner with one thing on your mind and that was to leave. You put down the drink you had in your hand as you were getting ready to head to the exit but you ran into someone

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention..."

You start as you looked up and saw a gentleman taller than you he had on a leather outfit and wore a purple mask you saw the color of his eyes making your heart flutter by the sight of him he gave you a smile

"Sorry I didn't mean to run into you"

"No, it's my fault"

"Well then as an apology would you care to dance? "

he asked as he extended a hand to you

"I don't know how to dance "

"That's okay neither do I, we can both learn "

He said taking your head gently I'm leaving you to the dance floor he held you gently as you to sway to the music of the beautiful Melody, and before you know it you guys were doing the waltz it was like being in a fantasy, you were so lost in this guys eyes you couldn't look away . the only thing that brings you back to reality was the music stopping as everyone clapped

"thank you for the wonderful dance my princess, I hope we meet again"

he said kissing your hand and left before you could call out him you lost him in the crowd. its been a month and you wish to see the man with the green eyes again.

Back at home, your friend screamed with happiness when you told her what happened at the ball she couldn't believe that you actually kissed him, you found out that he was practically known All around Japan and that a lot of girls wish today them

"Is it really that important?"

"of course, he's important! You clearly are the luckiest girl in the whole entire world and you really don't know it. if any of the other girls knew exactly that you of all of them were talking to him and even got a kiss.... See you in the hospital"

"But why would someone like him be here for?"

"Who cares why he's here and who cares how you met, Clearly you're into him. And he likes you correct?"

She asked making your cheeks heat up, you knew that you didn't like him but now you got this information you're starting to think that maybe you made a mistake, you didn't want a fight to break out because you were with someone that famous. but then you thought that if he was really that famous why would he want to waste any time on someone like you

"I can't wait for your guy's wedding"

"Will you stop saying that! I barely even know him to let alone I can't even get a couple of minutes to talk to him before he even decides to run off"

"Well, if you want we can start looking for him together"

"but you said he's a very famous person so how on Earth are we supposed to find him let alone know where he lives I'm pretty sure it's like it a top-secret place"

You said now leaving, maybe it was a good idea to not see him again, your friend told you not to worry by the next day you were dragged out of school buy her and took a bus to the next town over as she leads you up to a fancy mansion.

"What?! He lived right here and I had no idea?"

"Shocking right but cool. Come on let's go and see him"

"We can't just walk in like it's nothing"

"Your right we can't that's why we're going to call"

Your friend said pressing on the intercom near the gate. A minute later you guys were not able to get in because your friend and whoever that was talking to her called her a peasant

The only option you guys had left was to wait until another party happened. The week later you mostly spent your time hoping that he hasn't forgotten you and that you really felt like you wanted to see him again. You ran up a lot of things about Beelzemon and soon find yourself falling in love with him. you decided to do some grocery shopping one fine morning to clear your head and Lord behold you knocked into someone when exiting the store and you were really shocked to see that it was him

"We should really stop running into each other like this"

He said with a smile that made your cheeks heat up

"I can see that you're surprised to see me for I am very happy to see you"


"for one thing, I wasn't notified when visitors came to my house yesterday and when I got word it was you and another girl I've been trying to find where you live I was just lucky to spot you "

He said taking your hand and giving it a kiss

"And I will also like to apologize for how rude my bodyguard was"

"No need everything is fine and I understand"

You said shyly as he smiled, he wanted to talk to you more and pretty much convinced you to go out with him. So that night he took you to a fancy restaurant are you guys practically had a good time with each other he was very romantic and other than learning about him and getting to know him a little bit more you WERE actually falling in love with him

It's been a month now and you guys are inseparable. sure when you are drag to normal events such as parties you get glares from other girls because of their jealous of you and Beelzemon relationship. Even when you got your very first car you found out that it has been ransacked and destroyed, you didn't want to tell your boyfriend about it because you didn't think it was such a big deal, mo money did find out let's just say things didn't go as well for the person that actually did it, your friend was jumping with joy not only that you were with the hottest guy but also she was with a boyfriend as well but she was mostly happy for you

On some of your dates, it would be midnight where he would show you the world on top of the tallest building or you guys will go the different places to see the world. you felt really happy with him

Everything was going great until the news was giving and an alarm where the earth was actually connected to the digital world and strange monsters with crossing over to come to your world, it was a huge mess and even though you worried about Beelzemon you know he was a strong guy and he can take care of himself.(skip to another year later) let's cut to the Chase and say You're Expecting and he has finally proposed who you. (Happy Days Are Here Again!) you guys get married and have two kids, you work with him to stop the corruption of the human world and digital world colliding for years to come

The end