Flip the Script

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#9 of Writing Practice

This is another writing prompt from the furry writing group in which I take part on Telegram.

(Interested in joining us? You can find it here: https://t.me/joinchat/CPoeZhclggenrOEh0yYwvg )

The focus of this prompt is to do a short story of "about 1000 words" that involves an action sequence starting near the beginning and ending near the end-- a full short story of action!

And here we go!

Flip the Script comidacomida copyright 2019

Bryce loomed over the Squirrel standing in front of him; offering his most intimidating grin, the Bear cracked his knuckles as he took a step toward her. "Don't worry... I'll go easy on ya, Sam."

He and Samantha had been dating for a few weeks and the few times he brought up his status as a martial artist she seemed interested; it had taken some convincing, but she'd finally agreed to come by and see where he took his lessons. A little more convincing later and he had her out on the mat. He wasn't going to hurt her-- he just wanted a chance to impress her. She looked up at him, her puffy tail drooping slightly as he eyes went big. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

He laughed. "Relax... I'm not gonna hurt ya... and besides, the floor is padded so it's--"

Bryce took another step forward and reached out to grab his girlfriend's shoulder; he didn't want to scare her too much, so a quick body-throw would help ease her into things. As he shifted his weight forward, however, his fingers closed on empty air. Samantha 's shoulder turned to the side so that she was facing his outstretched arm and her slender fingers closed around his wrist; with a quick yank from the Squirrel, the Bear was put off balance and sent stumbling forward several steps.

Spinning around, he laughed. "Heh... careful... I might decide to ramp things up a bit."

She giggled in response "You don't have to show off to impress me, Bryce... I like you already."

For his second attempt, Bryce instead reached forward with both of his paws, grabbing either piece of cloth at the front of the loaner martial arts uniform he'd borrowed for her from the school; it was a size too large for her, providing an excellent surface on which to grip... or so he'd thought. Once his fingers closed around the fabric he stepped forward but, a moment later, the Squirrel had used both of her cupped paws like a bouncing wrecking ball, hitting either of his wrists and popping his grip free... but Sam didn't stop there.

Rather than pulling away, the Squirrel stepped forward, her body sliding up against his as her hip pushed against his thigh and, with a quick bump of her pelvis, he was sent off balance and toppled sideways. Landing on the floor with a thump, Bryce's face grew hot in embarrassment; it got even worse when he heard several of his fellow students chuckle at him. The Bear was an intermediate level martial artist and he was being shown up by his date, a Squirrel barely half his size!

Quickly regaining his composure, the Bear laughed along with them despite himself since he didn't want to be seen as a bad sport. "Yeah... yeah... very funny. Okay Sam... I guess I've gone easy enough. You ready to REALLY see me do my thing?"

Turning around to square off against her again, Bryce was surprised to see that she was already right up close! The Squirrel stepped past him, the edge of her bare foot rising up the back of his calf until it wedged along the back of his knee, at which point she flicked against, causing his leg to fold. Even as he was falling, the Bear wind milled his arms; one of them was intercepted by Samantha's paw. Once she had a hold of his limb she pulled him downward so he was further off balance and her hip bumped into his butt. Before he knew it, Bryce's world was turned upside down as he was flipped into the air, over Sam's body, and landed on his back with a loud whump.

He lay there, staring at the ceiling as he fought to keep the room from spinning. His vision was soon taken up by the face of a smiling Squirrel as she sat down on his chest, speaking up to the room. "And that, gentlemen, is how you take down a larger assailant."

The instructor for the day spoke up to the class. "Students, please show your appreciation for Master Samantha's demonstration today."

Amidst the classes cheers and jeers the Bear let out a breath in reflection and shame. Bryce hadn't known that Sam was a second degree black belt, or he would have taken her question at the beginning more seriously. He finally decided it was time to address it, mumbling just loud enough that she could hear. "No... this definitely WASN'T a good idea."

Chuckling, the tiny Squirrel girl got off his abdomen, tapping him on the shoulder twice before helping him up. "It's alright, Bryce... I think you've shown me enough for today."

His face burned with embarrassment as he mumbled out a non-committal response formed into two simple words "Yeah, sure."

Sam giggled good naturedly before winking at him. "Yeah... so why don't we go back to my place?" The Bear was honestly surprised. "Really?"

Her petite paw slapped him on the ass as she walked past him back toward the lockers, tail swaying counterpoint to her shapely hips. "Sure... but don't expect me to go easy on you."