YCH Story Ideas

Story by solstice_fennat on SoFurry

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Listed here are the various YCH 'templates' I have available.

If you'd like one, PM me for cost.

YCH Narrative Studies

The following are basic ideas for my YCH commissions. I'll update this 'story' and repost as new ideas are suggested.

You can have your character or self in stories featuring these creatures as you want. The only rules being that a ) no minor characters, 18+ only b ) no scat/vomit. Some of the creatures are quite brutal, so yeah, have fun!

Rix Solstice

To : Kaedis

From : Rix Vallex

Kaedis, in these files you will find descriptions of some very interesting creatures I have discovered, many of which I have specimens or even full habitats for. Please procure test subjects for me as you can. I'm sure of the trillions of individuals in our galaxy, you could find a number of genuine volunteers. Granted, dubious consent is permissible, and as a last resort, you may... take on less willing participants for my observations.

I've also included a few profiles of some individuals you should be aware of who may be able to direct you to potential 'volunteers'.

Subject #1 - Mummerfly (Urlain's Dragonfly, Urfly,Whorebug)

Size - 24-36 inches

Danger Rating - Yellow

Life span - 2-3 years

Home - Proxima Tares V (Urlain)

Example Story :

These creatures are opportunistic, monogendered insects that use suitable mammals and reptiles as hosts for rather large clutches of eggs. The creature emits a powerful aphrodesiac mist that confuses its prey, lands on them and then ensures they cannot move with a powerful venom. After filling their victims with eggs in as many orfices as possible, they depart.

The host's ordeal is far from over at this point, as temporary biological changes wrought by the creatures induces a powerful artificial heat that attracts males of _any_suitable species to help 'feed' the eggs within by mating, and occasionally urinating.

You may wonder why, exactly, these are only rated a Yellow. Well, Kaedis, their young do not hatch and consume. After three weeks of almost unending rutting, the heat wears off and the eggs hatch. The larvae then crawl forth in a rather bizarre and upsetting 'birth'. In fact, the host will largely remain unscathed by the breeding, if quite traumatized (sapients are much more so than ferals).

Native creatures aren't hostile to the ur-fly, or the host for their eggs. In fact, it was once observed in the wild that the local fauna will copulate with the host in turn, and not fight, even in the case of natural enemies.

Subject #2 - Vex Spiders

Size - Female - 54 inches (with legs) 32 inches (body only) Male - 30 inches / 20 inches

Danger Rating - Black

Life Span - Approx 6 years

Home - Sigma Chi VI (Gresit)

Vex Spiders. Nasty things. They make their homes in deep forest, and display a predatory intelligence that is quite striking. They make their home in the deep forests of Gresit, existing in colonies of twenty to thirty spiders, with only twenty percent of them being females. There's a great deal of sexual dimorphism, with the females being significantly larger than the males. Males are killed in the process of copulation.

Occasionally some foolish researcher will want to observe them in their natural habitat, and invariably it does not end well. The ones that are captured, webbed and simply drained dry are the lucky ones. The unlucky ones are bound tightly, and as with the ur-fly, they are filled with dozens of eggs. Male or female, it doesn't matter. Upon packing as many as possible within the host, their orfices are sealed tight with a very hard plug of webbing. The host is then covered in more webbing to keep them from moving, and left hanging in the web.

Gestation period is only about a day at most. The eggs all will hatch within a minute of each other, and ... well, they start to eat. And fight. And bite. And soon, well... imagine being consumed from within. Of the dozens of eggs, maybe only three will survive. The host never does. It is certainly not a pleasant way to go. So if you are crazy enough to actually approach one of their colonies, please do take care, Kaedis? Just because I have the money to spend on revivifying you, I don't like doing so.

Subject #3 - Kresh

Size - 96-132 inches (queen and demiqueen) 60-72 inches (warrior) 24 inches (worker + artisan)

Danger Rating - Green to Red

Life Span - 10-200+ years (caste dependent)

Home - Narovar III (homeworld) multiple outlying colonies

The Kresh. Well then. Depending on which nest-hives you find, you're either in for quite the pleasant experience, or a very short lifespan. If you're lucky. One of the few sapient subjects on this list, the Kresh fought a few bitter wars with the Alliance, before eventually joining us as a protectorate.

Worker Kresh have only rudimentary intelligence. Warriors are the most common of Kresh to be found exploring the galaxy, along with one or two artisans (highly intelligent, by the way). All but a few are female in nature, though as with a typical ant or wasp nest, they're sterile. Each hive or nest is ruled by a queen, and depending on size of the nest, they will have a number of fertile demiqueens beneath them. Every few years a clutch of males is needed to inseminate the queens. Curiously enough, after mating, the males will transition to female naturally within a few months.

As with others on my list, these delightful creatures use mammals and reptiles as hosts for their young. Though the process is not fatal, the hosts are very literally unable to ever leave the hive. The process of impregnating a host causes permanent physiological changes in the host, one that will leave them unable to function outside of a hive. Indeed, hosts are permanently sealed into birthing chambers, their bodies repurposed to produce a nutrient-rich jelly for the larvae to feed on upon being birthed. A rather drastic side effect is an unending arousal from which one will never have release.

The Kresh are interesting in that they were non-sapient on their homeworld until explorers found them. A few unfortunate souls found themselves the guests of a hive. It seems that the intelligence and some basic knowledge of the host transfers to the larvae. Suddenly the Kresh were sentients, and they only thought to expand their boundaries outward. In the span of four generations, they were kidnapping and attacking, dependent on using sentients to further their expansion.

You can see how this would lead to war. Eventually they were stopped, and treaties were signed. Mind you, it's not wise to go ANYWHERE you're not supposed to in the systems around Narovar. Part of the treaties says that anyone trespassing on their territory can be taken without permission. The Alliance offers condemned prisoners the option of 'serving a hive', and it's written in the treaty that invididuals can sell themselves to the hive for breeding, with payment sent to their families. The terminally ill sometimes choose this, as one can live indefinitely as a host... though one's mind is broken quite quickly when trapped with squirming young inside, and unending climax without release. Forever. And ever. This, Kaedis, I could not revivify you from.

Subject #4


Size - Varies by age

Danger Rating - Green to Yellow

Home - Risha IV

Example Story -http://www.furaffinity.net/view/25998077/

Despite their name, the leechvine, despite the name, does not feed on blood. Instead, it feeds on other juices, such as urine, milk, prostatic fluid and semen. The vines are all part of one organism, and depending on how hungry they are... well... it'll either grab you, feed you drugs that will encourage overproduction of pre and semen, and drain you until you're nearly dehydrated, leaving you alone afterwards... or it'll keep you for days, even weeks. Depending on the particular nutrients it needs, it may induce lacation or feed copious amounts of fluid in order to induce urination. In some cases there will even be vines that penetrate places not normally penetrated in order to harvest directly from the source. In very rare cases, a sticky amberlike sap is produced and the victim will become a permanent fixture. This is incredibly rare however. Don't push your luck though, Kaedis.

If the subject is incredibly unlucky, and the vines have seeds to spread, the plant WILL deposit seeds in the bowel and in the case of herms or females, the womb. The drugs the plant will then feed to them induce them to wander and 'lay' the seeds as they go. Often, the host won't remember the wandering, only remembering when the seeds are 'planted'. These seeds NEVER sprout inside the host.

So... Green to Yellow. Even if someone IS permanently attached to it, they can be extricated with not TOO much traumatization.

Subject #5

The Desert Flower

Size - Large

Danger Rating - Black

Home - Barandis III (underdeveloped world)

Example Story (by Nesetalis) -

Originally discovered by Nesetalis, the Desert Flower is a rather nasty thing. Should you find yourself approaching it, wear proper protective gear. This thing propagates itself similarly to a Leechvine, but in a much more brutal and unpleasant way. Nesetalis wrote a story of one girl, Chanae, that ran afoul of one.

Desert Flower is a bit of a misnomer. It can be found in a number of biomes, though they are most common in arid regions. The fruit that it bears has some amazing curative properties, and is highly valued by the natives, who seem to be mostly humans. Don't ask me how. Maybe the Dragons did it.

It's a sad fact that the plant bears fruit when it's at its most dangerous. Suffice it to say, the thorns have some rather potent paralytics. If you find that you've been stuck by one at the wrong time.. well, you'll be in for something rather unpleasant. Once incapacitated, the plant forces the fruit into whatever lower orfice it can and the pressure pushes the encased seeds into the helpless victim. At that point, unless they get medical attention within hours, they are quite doomed.

After the seeds are implanted, the juices that now plaster the victim's nethers will attract animals from all over, who will 'water' those seeds rather willingly. Eventually those seeds sprout, and integrate into the victim's body, sprouting from their belly. It is not certain if the victim dies in the end, or if they simply become the living core of the plant, stuck in a horrific, painful haze of sexual arousal.

Perhaps you could secure a test subject for me, to... study what it does?

Subject 6 - The Sex Lizard AKA Urgewyrm

Danger Level - Green Location : Multiple inhabited planets Originally discovered by Ruaidri ( www.furaffinity.net/user/ruaidri)

Example Pictures -

Ah, Kaedis, you remember running into one of these, don't you? It was on Canis Prime. It was wonderful to see your usual prim and proper self reduced to a moaning puddle of lust.

Fascinating little things. They seem to be carnivorous little lizards from one of the draconic offshoots. They seem to have some small level of intelligence, almost something the level of a house cat. What makes them fun is that they have some psychic receptor and emission properties that make their interactions with sapient beings quite... interesting. They're not dangerous in the least, as long as you don't mind losing all sense of modesty and sexual restraint.

As far as has been determined, they are sensitive to the brainwaves and psychic energies that come from extreme arousal and sexual release. The one who originally found them has been quoted as 'we're like catnip to them', and they can spend HOURS and even days simply feeding off those psychic energies. Upon coming in contact with a sapient, they latch on to them and emit some sort of psychic impulse or possibly a chemical substance that will make the one affected lose all inhibition and restraint. Of course you know this already, Kaedis. All YOU wanted to do was pet an adorable little draco-lizard you found. Next thing you knew you were in the middle of a coffee shop, naked, rutting with anyone who would help you. Your mind was just MUSH, Kaedis, and it was adorable.

I don't think the adorable little things even know what they're making their victims do. They simply love absorbing the psychic energies, and their bodies have evolved to ensure that they can get those energies much more effectively.

Subject #7

Lyrken Beetle

Location- Ephemere IV

Danger Level ?Red

Example Story - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30690373/

These lovely beetles share much in common with the Kresh, in that they prefer to take mammals as incubators. In a pinch, they can use their own kind, but as it's physically more traumatic and they survive only a few clutches, they at some point in their evolutionary history started taking on mammals as hosts for their larva-eggs. Mammalian hosts 'live' much longer than their normal lifespan in the care of these beetles. The story of a snow leopard that sacrificed himself to a nest can be found here. It's quite curiously written from the first person.

Please do take care in studying these creatures, Kaedis. I may be able to rescue your mind, but after a few months in the nest, you wouldn't have much of a mind left.

The following four are actual individuals that interest me a great deal. Not exactly subjects for examination, they are of interest regardless. Please make contact. Carefully, Kaedis. Very carefully.

Subject #8 - Misha Salantir

Race : Fox

Gender : Female (?)

Specialty : Latex

Example Story -http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21095034/

Misha owns a rather popular club called Purgatory on Antares VI. It caters to extreme fetishists, and the staff are all latex sex dolls of some variety, used by the patrons for some of their most extreme desires.

It's an open secret that those dolls are actually living creatures encased in a latex shell. Ostensibly all of them entered her employ of their own volition, but rumour says that there are a few there that were... rather forcibly conscripted into her service. It's not certain what method she employs to claim her employees, but suffice it to say that it is either high-level magic or technology.

Be a dear and go propose to her a partnership in which I can provide her more dolls in return for... well, ask what she'd give.

Subject #9 - Transformation Labs

Head : Sean Morrie

Race : Human - Equine

Location : Sol III

Yes, yes, I know. Sol III. They're still a bit backward there, and a bit xenophobic at times. Even your race was like that, Kaedis, and now they're part of the Eden Council. Regardless, I have come across an interesting corporation there. Or laboratory. I'm rather unsure of their origins, really. Suffice it to say that they make good money off of the sexual byproducts of humans mixed with the genetics of one of our myriad races. I would guess that the original lab was run by one of the Galactic Federation's scientists, but that it got out of hand and became what it is now.

Honestly, their... motives are less important than the fact that they're outright proving that Sol III is the Origin World, where the great Dragons took us from and seeded us across the galaxy tens of thousands of years ago, giving us sapience. There's a reason Sol III is a discouraged planet, and that we try not to interact much. There's too much scientific and religious significance to the planet. Investigate them for me, will you? Maybe we can offer Mr Morrie other subjects of our own for their hybridizations.

Subjects #10 and #11

Neris and Challie

Race - Caracal twins

Location - Any number of fetish clubs and parties.

Ahh, these ones I put here just for you, Kaedis. Neris and Challie are two of the most prolific, responsible and experienced dominants I've ever met. Though they are brother and sister, they rarely, if ever, have any sexual contact with each other. Their interests are simply so aligned and they are so close that they will often find a plaything to share. Sometimes those playthings pay for their time, sometimes they discover a play partner on their own. Don't worry, they're discreet, and if you only feel desire for one or the other, you can feel free to make that clear.

Though, given your proclivities, my dear, I've already made them aware of you... and they would very much like to meet you.