Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter one

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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The story of Jackson Jackie Wilde, Nick and Judy's son, and the first major clash between the Island nation of K'zin

and Zootopia. This is Chapter one.

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan

Rated M+

(c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and Alex Gray, Sheath and Knife by Harmarist (Artist ownership) The K'zin by Lary Niven.

Forword notes by the author

Once again, another Zootopia fan fiction that plays off of William Borba's controversial 2017 on-line comic book where Judy Hopps becomes unexpectedly pregnant by Nick Wilde and chooses to abort the pregnancy. (spoiler) the decision destroys Nick and Judy's relationship and Borba goes on to make Judy a lesbian in his next comic. Borba can live with what he's sewn; I chose to make something better based off his thought provoking controversy.

To set the time line for this fan fic, Borba's first comic happens five years after the Zootopia "Savage" case and 270 years after the founding of Zootopia itself as a society of Predator and Prey living together in a diverse climate system and a mutually beneficial society with all the technical toys and modernity of 2019...

Except....airplanes. Somehow the mammals were able to get satellites and rockets into space but they didn't bother to work out the whole Wright Brothers thing. Score one for the birds.

Question: Why are there no birds in the Zootopia film?

There are other countries within the Zootopia-verse which the inhabitants of Zootopia travel too by ship for vacations and conduct sea borne commerce with. All of them fellow mammals of course. And then there's K'Zin.

The K'zinti of Larry Niven and Star Trek.


Author Larry Niven's Kzinti (Ka-zin-tee) show up physically in Star Trek only twice in the 50 years of the collective series and both are in the 1974 Saturday morning Animated Star Trek series in the episode "The Slaver Weapon" and in the character of the Enterprise's Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant M'Res, a female Kzinti. In Star Trek, the Kzinti...a race of fierce predatory space tigers ..fight four wars with Earth, losing all four because while being absolutely fierce and aggressive....the Kzinti are not exactly smart. Niven chronicles these wars in his books "Man/K'zin Wars I to IV.

It was during one of these wars that the Kzinti captured a Japanese scientist whom they plan to offer to their spiritual leader.....as dinner. Only this Japanese man explains the history of his country to this "Highest of K'Zin"and the whole planet becomes a society of "Japan-o-philes". Within 50 years the K'zinti model their society after the Japan of the Warring States Era with the High K'Zin becoming the Emperor. One K'Zin family becoming the Tykos or Supreme Warlords and the Kzin society being ruled over by a governing counsel or Bata-fuku. The national K'Zinti religion becomes Militarist Bushido, the way of the Samurai becomes the martial spirit of warfare and the Kzinti almost succeed in invading Earth during wars III and IV. You have essentially the Pacific War of World War II....in outer space with crazed ten foot tall Kamikaze cats.

The Kzinti of Zootopia-verse

For this fan fiction. K'zin is an island nation. Of course it looks like Japan with two smaller islands K'Kure in the South and K'Kaido in the North and the main island of K'zin where a majority of the K'Zinti live. And like Larry Niven's Kzinti, these are also ten foot tall tigers.

Like ancient Japan under the rule of the Shoguns, K'Zin is a closed off nation fiercely private and fiercely protective of its' society and culture; so much so that commerce with other nations is only done on an artificial island off the K'Zin coastline. No foreign mammal is allowed beyond that island and the tales of what happened to those who tried are pretty gruesome from sadistic torture to the smell of cooking flesh.

The Zootopia K'Zin society

K'Zin society in the Zootopia-verse mirrors Japan around the eve of World War II. The High K'Zin is the God Emperor. There is a parliamentary system of government with a Prime Minister, An Imperial counsel and a ruling Diet or House of Representatives. The whole society mirrors that period in Japan's history.

Unlike Larry Niven's K'Zinti, where the females are depicted as stupid animals fit only for sex and breeding litters of kittens, The Zootopia K'Zin females are the "intel-crats", the intellectuals and brain trusts of the society. They are savvy and shrewd in business, run the households, governmental structures and corporations like clock work, operate and maintain the national budget and hold the majority of the science, clerical, business, government administration and engineering jobs. One of the popular slogans among K'Zinti females when it comes to the males is....

"you may be the one with the breeding balls and claws out in the field my love but at home, you mind your manors, your sex drive and leave the tools and money alone."

Kzinti males are the back breakers, the laborers, the heavy lifters, the mechanics and the warriors of the society as well as the enforcers. The police in K'Zin are known as the Kempi Tai and they are brutal, especially to the unlucky foreigner mammal that gets beyond the protective shelter of the off shore commerce island. Very few if any come back or are given back to their home nations.....alive. It is even rumored that once...the Kempi Tai did return the uneaten torso of a poor victim to his country's representative with a note pinned to the rump...

"Very tasty....do you have more of these?"

For the most part, the Kzinti, though fierce, have never shown themselves to be worldly aggressive or prone to venturing forth to conquer other nations...that anyone knows of....though they do have a capable Navy and Fleet Marine Corps that could do just that. The Kzinti by appearance....seem to desire isolation and aloofness over confrontation and contact but that's not been easy where Zootopia is concerned.

The Zootopia / K'zin border bump: "It's all about the fish baby."

K'Zin and Zootopia are separated by the ocean off the Tundra Town and Sahara Square coast line by a distance of 300 nautical miles. Both K'Zin and Zootopia fish the waters of the Tundra Straits and have so together in some relative peace until 80 years before the Zootopia Savage scare. Zootopia fishes the waters because the fish serve as the main meat product for all of Zootopia's predator species. The K'Zin fish the same waters because...fish is tasty and Kzinti love fish. So it was that one day a Zootopian fishing trawler "The Lucky Catch" ran afoul of a K'Zin fishing trawler "The Trader's Claw" To be blunt....The pig running "The Lucky Catch" shot his mouth off when he shouldn't have. Fourty eight hours later..."The Lucky Catch" was found on a beach in Sahara Square...the crew had been dismembered and the pig captain run through with a spit and roasted. The Kzinti left an ominous warning note...

"We claim a boundary of 150 miles from our land into the sea. Trespassers will be killed.....and or eaten. Don't tempt us."

The Zootopian government decided to send a delegation to K'Zin in hopes of promoting good faith relations and negotiating an amicable treaty of respect for shared fishing rights in the Tundra Straits. As the delegation's ship crossed the K'Zin boundary line under a flag of truce and making peace offerings by radio and signal flags, it was fired upon by a K'Zin warship....and sunk. To further make their point clear...the Kzinti radioed the Zootopian government, a live audio broadcast of the suffering and devouring of the only survivor of the sinking of the diplomatic vessel, a female Gazelle, as she was disemboweled alive. The Kzinti made a special point to describe how tasty her entrails were.

It was then that the Zootopian Government officials looked around and quickly realized...."We need a Navy or....we might need a ton of cooking sauce."

The Birth of the Modern Navy of Zootopia

Until the incident known as the "Lucky Catch dilemma" Zootopia didn't have much in the way of a military, save police patrol craft. That all changed when a crotchety old yak and long time sailor named Alfred Thayer Mayhoof wrote a long single page article in Zootopia's major newspaper "The hoof and Paw Chronicler" that unless Zootopia fashioned for itself a first class navy, it might just become a "first class plate of finger food" on the Kzinti dinner table...

"The issue is one of national survival. Zootopia lives from the sea, the bulk of our food, our trade with other nations and our lines of communications with friends we have cultivated over our national life are all at the mercy of an adversary who's cruelty is undeniably evident and his penchant for violence, and without doubt, his inevitable salivation for the jewel that is our dear Zootopia can no longer be passed off as dismissive whimsy. Conflict with these barbarians is an inevitable and inescapable fact of time. For our cubs and kittens, our loved ones and our dear land there is only one course we must take with collective resolve. To survive....we need a Navy. To be secure....we need Marines."

After long debate, the Zootopian government passed into law the National Defense Authorization Act. Which called for the creation of a Zootopian Navy and a Zootopian Fleet Marine Force. Their operational charter strictly specified them as "Defensive Forces only"....charged with maintenance of the peace, defense of friendly commerce and swift decisive action should there be acts of war or piracy on the seas which threatened the sea lanes of commerce, communication and national subsistence. Alfred Thayer Mayhoof Became both the first Defense Secretary of Zootopia as well as the head of the Navy and Marine Corps formulation committees who would spend the next 30 years putting together the organizational and operational "Bibles" of the Zootopian Sea Services. Meanwhile, sporadic confrontations between Zootopia and K'Zin continued; mostly confined to "Bumping" incidents where K'zin fishing boats and sometimes their naval patrol boats would ram Zootopian fishing vessels on purpose. The first demonstrations by early Zootopia destroyers (all "gun ships" based on the U.S. Fletcher class destroyers) quieted the incidents until they started up again with ever growing frequency by the time young Jackson Wilde entered Naval Recruit Training Command at Camp Mayhoof in Savanna Central.

The Modern Zootopian Navy

The Zootopian Navy of this fan fiction consists of ten heavy Destroyers of the Zootopia class. Four ships designed for fleet Marine operations. Four supply, fuel and Ammunition ships and numerous small patrol boats. Like the K'Zin, there are no submarines and no combat aircraft in either fleet but there are armed un-mammal'd airborne, surface and sub-surface drones.

The back bone heavy weights of the Zootopian Navy are the ten Zootopia class destroyers which pack a serious punch. Each destroyer is armed with two single barreled 8 inch gun turrets, one six barreled 20mm gatling gun, four quad Boefer 40mm gun mounts, a vertical missile launcher and a box torpedo launcher on the stern of the ship as well as various medium and small caliber arms like crew served 50 caliber "Ma Deuces" and assault rifles. The Zootopia are the latest in high tech naval design built by the Tun Taven Iron Works shipyard in Tundra Town.

Each destroyer is designed to accommodate mammals as small as mice to as large as Rhinos and each mammal on board fits their function on the ship by their size and species where they can benefit the ship's capabilities. Mice perform intricate electronics repairs while Tigers, Lions, wolves and other large animals handle heavy equipment, weapons and the functions needed to keep these warships functioning when the grass "Turns south from turd stink" as many describe their thoughts about possibly going to war with an enemy few have ever seen pictures of.

The Modern Zootopian Fleet Marine Force (The ZFMF)

The Zootopian Marines are almost exclusively wolves, among them is Gunny Sargent Chancellor "Chancy" Hyke who is the uncle of Harmarist characters William and Alex Gray who live in the Rain Forest district. The wolves close pack mentality and aggressive fierceness as well as their physical stamina and endurance made them ideal as Marines. Their recruit training command is at Camp Quanaco in Savanna Central and they're based out of two Marine Fleet Command Centers in Tundra Town and Sahara Square. The Zootopian Marines have the same heavy and light combat equipment as the Modern U.S. Marines.

The modern Kzinti Navy and Fleet Marines?

Not much is known about the K'zin Navy or its' Marines because there's been almost no real long endurance contact with them save the few times Zootopian fishing boats came home with holes and dents from being rammed or crews getting shot.

What is known, is that the Kzinti Navy is called "The Kido Buntai" and the Marines are called "The Rheko Sentai" and from descriptions, the warships and troops appear formidable. Their destroyers match the Zootopia class in size and comparable armaments.

Jackson Wilde and things grow more aggressive and confrontational

In the fiction story as Jackson Wilde is growing up in Zootopia, things are becoming more problematic between Zootopia and K'Zin. The Kzinti are showing less tolerance for Zootopia's fishing fleets and showing more boldness in sailing their warships closer to the Zootopian homeland. At one point when Jackson is ten years old, he and his parents watch three Kzinti destroyers sail off the coast of Sahara Square in an obvious "We dare you" demonstration. Back in K'Zin, there has been a clearly obvious change in the leadership structure and mentality which is bringing to fruition for the citizens of Zootopia the warnings Albert Mayhoof spoke of 80 years earlier. The K'Zin were starting to flex their muscles and daring Zootopia come and knock the chip off their shoulder.

Chapter 1 Chance given

Five years after the Savage scare... Judy Hopps' apartment

Nick still has his head turned when the punch connected with his cheek and sent him wildly flopping over his feet. She had put everything into it, a surge of power from those athletic legs sprang her upwards and added impact to a fist of rage that connected and threw the fox over into a collision with the coffee table...

Nick didn't know what hit him. His head hit hard against the lip of the table causing a bloody gash to open up. He was stunned, he couldn't tell through the haze of his hurting head but from the torrent of her words...Judy was pissed.

Then the realization that she'd assaulted him made rage give way to fright. "Nick? Nick! I'm.....I'm sorry.....I'm sorry....." She said as she tried to help him to his feet only to get pushed away. He had to go, he had to get out then and there or he was going to lose it. He stumbled through the apartment with Judy right behind him....

"Nick? Nick don't go! Please? Please I'm sorry!" She cried out. Nick turned around, gently pushed her off and walked out of the apartment slowly closing the door...

It might have been just fifteen minutes but it felt like an eternity between them until Nick came back through the door holding his shirt to his bruised and cut head...

Judy just stood there looking away from him. She wasn't pissed, she just looked tired and upset.....and frightened. The nose twitch was saying everything...

"That's what I get for being a dumb ass." Nick said with a slight smile. "I deserved that."

Judy jumped at his chest and hugged him. "No you didn't! I....nick?"

"Sheesh carrots....I'm a real dumb ass, I admit it. You'd think I'd know you better than to say such crap about you." Nick winced as she reached for the shirt...

"Sit down and let me bandage that?" Judy asked as she pulled Nick to the couch and tried to go for her first aid kit when he snatched her wrist...

"Nick? You're still bleeding, that could be real bad, let me wrap it and call the doctor?" Judy worried.

"Oh yeah...." Nick replied. "A "domestic" will look real good on your evaluation for "El T" (lieutenant) no, I'll go on my own but I have to get what I need to say...out first. Ouch! I didn't think you could punch that hard."

Nick held Judy by her paws. "And next time? Nail the nose, It hurts more."

He then took a deep breath... "Carrots? Do you trust me?"

Judy replied...."Nick? Let's not...."

Nick repeated. "Carrots? Do.....you.....trust.....me?"

Judy closed her eyes. "I've trusted you with my life for five years now in the field. I don't see how...."

"Shhhhh...." Nick shooshed quietly...."Just....give me a chance please?" Nick asked. "We never expected this to happen when we made love to each other and.....and Judy....I.....I love you. The thought of having a child with you is the most wonderful thing that could have happened to us. You....you are the most amazing mammal in the whole city. Who'd ever thought a bunny would achieve so much in so short a time? You've been a light for who knows how many mammals, especially all the small ones. Judy? You got Dawn Bellweather out of prison and gave her justice against that complete "tail wipe" Lionheart; That took a lot of courage to trust someone who tried to wrong you but you gave Dawn a new chance at a good life. everyone loves you. I love you because damn it.....you saved me from a worthless life hustling for scraps on the damn street. Why not pass that light down and give our child the same chance to do great things?"

Judy replied...."Nick?"

"I know....I know...." Nick replied. "I know....I understand all your worries and I was such a complete bastard to even dare suggest you'd do some horrible thing to our baby, but Judy? Judy? I'm begging you...I'm asking you...I'm pleading to you to let our baby have a chance. I swear to you that the first sign that things won't work out and your life is in danger? I'll be right there with you, holding your paw, crying with you and mourning with you for what we'll lose. If you're afraid I'll "fox out" and haul tail....I won't. I haven't in five years and I never will because..."

Nick wrapped his arms around Judy and sobbed..."Judy? I love you. Please? Give him or her a chance?"

Judy sat silent for a moment...then gently licked Nick's nose."Oh gawd Nick. My parents are going to be so upset at this....I mean....how could we afford...how.....I want to but....."

Nick kissed her gently. "Do you trust me?"

"I hit you Nick....I am so...." Judy sobbed back.

"Shhhhh....shhhhh...." Nick replied. "Carrots? Do you trust me?"

Judy nodded as he wiped her eyes and snuggled against her. "It's going to work out Judy. After all? I'm a fox. I'm a shifty, scheming, sly, untrustworthy, scamming bushy tailed bastard. Who....might just need to really go to the doctor now because I feel queezy and I'm about to...."

Nick quickly reached for a trash basket and threw up. "I....may have a concussion." He said before he crashed to the floor and passed out.

And Jackson always wondered where his nick name "Knuckles" came from.

The next evening.... The house of Don Lanzoni Big aka "Mister Big"

Nick drove up to the chain and opened his car window as Raymond the polar bear stooped down to put his snoot through the door...."What's yer deal Nick?"

"Sheesh Raymond? What the hell did you eat?" Nick said as he winced.

"None ya business." Raymond growled. "What's yer business?"

"I wish to have an audience with the Shrew Father and his daughter Fru Fru. Are they occupied? It's very important." Nick asked.

Raymond walked to the gate phone, stood talking for a moment and came back to undo the chain...

"Come on in." Raymond said. "Of course, you understand the usual procedures?"

Nick snickered. "Can I at least get a good kiss fist before the foreplay?"

Raymond offered a threatening shaking paw...."Don't make me maul you fox?"

After a bit of unpleasantness in the foyer of the house. Nick followed another of Mister Big's Polar Bear henchmen, Kevin, into the Don's study as music played softly in the background...

"Who's that?" Nick asked Kevin. "She's got nice pipes."

"That's Caroline Hendershrew." (Caroline Henderson) Kevin replied. "The Don got her an audience with Zack Zephyrhills from RCA Vulpine records."

"Is there anything he doesn't have his paws in?" Nick asked.

"Do you prefer the ice pit or the polar play house? Cop?" Kevin snickered as he gestured Nick before the ornate desk.

Moments later, Tall Pauley came into the study from the other door, always having to duck the frame and stoop a little because of his massive size. Perhaps his size equaled his position as Mister Big's "Capo" and "consignee". Nick watched as Pauley dropped his massive paws on the desk and allowed Mister Big and his daughter Fru Fru to walk off...

Instinctively....Nick slowly leaned forwards, careful to touch the tips of his maw lips to the Don's out stretched paw to kiss the ring. He had to be extremely delicate because all the bears were instantly ready to rip any mammal apart for the slightest mistake.

Fru Fru wiggled her fingers at Nick and smiled. "Hi! How's Judy?" She asked buoyantly. Nick only smiled back for it was a great offense to speak to another member of "La Familia" before the Don spoke first.

Mister Big gestured with a paw. "Nicholas? To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today upon my house?"

Nick clasped his paws together..."Don Lanzoni? I come before you this day because Judy Hopps is pregnant with my child."

Fru Fru gasped and then squealed with excitement. "Ahrrr you kiddin me?! Jue-dee is pregnant! Oh my Gawd! Why didn't she call me?"

Nick smiled. "Obviously....she's a little busy. I'm sure she was going to let you know eventually Donna Fru Fru." He turned back to Mister Big. "Don Lanzoni? Myself and Judy would be so honored if you....if you would be the Godfather to our child?"

Mister big clapped his small paws together and his face became buoyant. "Bring your snoot here you lug!"

Nick leaned forwards and Mister Big kissed him twice..."This is an occasion of great joy!" The old Shrew said as he gestured to Tall Pauley. "Pauley! Bring the finest champagne! We toast to the happiness upon you and the wife ay Nicky?"

Nick didn't appear so festive.

"Nick?" Mister Big asked. "Why you makin with the frowny face?"

"Because Don Lanzoni. Our meager police salary makes things for us a little difficult. This could become a very dicey pregnancy for Judy and I want to make sure she will be taken care of."

Mister Big waved a finger. "You come to my house fearful of how I may react to this news of one who is a dear friend of my daughter and the Godmother of my granddaughter who blesses my house with joy. I would expect the one who loves her to be more bolder. However....fear nothing Nicholas. She will have the finest doctor in all Zootopia. The cheating slug owes me a favor."

Mister Big then snapped his small fingers. "Raymond?" He said as he called Raymond close and whispered into his ear then gestured the polar bear away, Mister Big turned back to Nick. "I give you something for the wife and the child. And don't worry about paying it back. But you will be indebted to perform a service for me at some point when I call you."

Nick held his paws out..."Don Lanzoni? I don't know what to say to you for your great kindness to this lowly mammal. But I must clarify to you that.....well... Judy and I? We're not married."

Mister Big appeared to frown a little. "Well....you're "going" to be married."

Nick replied. "Umm....Don Lanzoni? There are some small...."

"Nick?!" Mister Big snapped. "You're "going" to be married or....you will be .....on ice!"

Nick reacted by tucking his tail, pulling up a foot and expecting the polar bears to descend upon him! Till Mister Big and the bears chuckled....

"Did you think I would ice the father of my God child? Come on Nicky!" Mister Big said with a gesture. "Now enough of this you bushy tailed lug. We will drink to the joyous occasion to come. And you must perform this one service for me ay? You must allow my daughter to give Judy a proper baby shower."

"How could I refuse?" Nick joked. "You'll ice me or give me to these guys for a chew toy."

Tall Pauley snorted. "You wouldn't make a neck wrap you skinny stick."

All the bears, Mister Big, Fru Fru and Nick held glasses of champagne as Mister Big toasted...

"To Nicholas and Judy. If the child be a Bambina? May she grace your home with love and beauty. If he be a Bambino? May he be a masculine child and bring your home honor. Salu-tay!"

"Salu-tay!" The bears replied as all sipped the glasses together.

Ten days later.... Downtown medical clinic

Judy sat on the examination bed wearing a white gown while Nick held her paw nervously. Bunny gestation was so quick, even for just one baby let along a litter? Judy's baby bump was getting prominent and now she was on paid maternity leave because every officer in "First Prinky" had donated parts of their own saved leave to supplement Judy's for the remainder of her pregnancy. She and Nick were left speechless when they walked into the bull pen and got "showered" with gifts.

Now Doctor Kelly Buckett, the doctor to whom was indebted to Don Lanzoni came into the room with the results of the medical exam...

"Well....the very good news is that the baby will soon reach the maximum size for birth and you should be able to carry it. You know how pliant female rabbits can be with multiple births?"

"There's.....more than one?" Judy asked.

"Oh no....just one. This is your first time?" Buckett asked. "The only thing about the pregnancy however is the delivery. It will have to be by "C-Section" but we don't expect any complications to come from that."

Buckett touched Judy's nose...."From this point on Miss Adventure? Consider yourself grounded. No strenuous activity. Continue on the diet we planned for you and no crazy cravings...stay off the fats and sugars. Now? Do you want to know the sex of the new born?"

Nick waved a paw...."I prefer the surprise so....this is where I leave. She'd like to know because of the shopping and all that."

Evening... Judy's Apartment.

Nick came out of the bathroom, slipped onto the bed naked and placed his ear to the puffy balloon that was Judy's extended stomach. After a little bit...he looked as if he was going to cry...Instead he licked over the bump and kissed it tenderly before kissing his wife...."this is so amazing." The fox said softly. "You?....You are so amazing."

Judy looked at him as if she was full of dread...."Sigh....my family is going to flip out. You really want to go see them in person?"

Nick rolled onto his back. "If you just call Stuart and Bonnie and say.."Hey Mom and Dad, guess what! Nick got me super pregnant!" They are going to get in their truck and come screaming up here and that's not safe. I will go to Bunny Borough and tell the family."

Judy threw an arm over her eyes..."Oh for Fritz's sake....Nick? They will flip out and beat the snot out of you...you know my family are super adherent to their faith, they're very conservative...."

"And I'm a filthy, devil spawned Hombrah....yeah, I know the edicts of El-ahrairah well, I've read them. You know the scriptures are actually more "bunny bashing" than anything? They're all morality tomes to remind bunnies not to be stupid with what they have and the whole "Hombrah thing" was a creation of Frith along with the dogs, the wolves, the badgers and the weasels when our ancestors were running around tearing throats out to "control" the population which let me remind you? The "prophet" let get out of hand to begin with....not a smart bunny. Times have changed Judy."

Judy sighed..."The edicts also speak of family integrity, marriage and species purity....well I blitz'd all those, welcome to bunny hell Judy."

"Yup." Nick replied. "Doomed to be humped by a bushy tailed bastard who's an agent of the devil. Score on the old hat trick Judy!"

Judy shoulder punched him. "I should go with you! At least I could bear the brunt of their anger for you?"

"You....are going to do what the doctor said!" Nick replied pointing a finger in Judy's face. "No excessive movement and no stress. Fru Fru and Raymond are coming over to spend time with you so don't give them any trouble. I don't want to come back and find my wife a pancake because Raymond sat his fat ass on you for not listening."

Judy reached out for Nick's tail...."Please?" She begged. She loved his well preened plume.

"Do you love me or my tail?" Nick snickered as he flopped his butt around and covered her with the soft and wonderfully groomed fox plumage...

"Mmmmm....." Judy sounded as she cuddled and snuggled...."You're in second place."

Nick smiled and slowly petted Judy on her head..."What manor of execution should I chose? Shotgun to the face? Hanging rope? Burning on a stake or by spit? Oh....being mauled to death by flat teeth!....that would be a slow satisfying end to a Hombrah to appease the children of El-ahrairah!"

"Don't be silly." Judy snickered. "The preferred method of Hombrah execution is to cut the tail off which would cause instant heart failure. It's more "Mam-maine" She started to tear up and hugged Nick's tail tightly...."I love you."

"That's the emotional swing kicking in again." Nick chuckled. "Do you want the meat cleaver for the "pissed of at me" surge?"

"Mmmmm...." Judy was too occupied with snuggling the fluffy tail to care.

Two days later The Hopps Family Warren house Bunny Borough Evening

Nick followed Bonny through the door of the bunny house designed to look like a typical country hill and entered into a large vaulted ceiling world of loud screaming, a lot of chattering, at least a hundred different sounds of music and bunnies of every size and age flocking around tables eating or crowded in front of televisions or standing around with their smart phones texting like crazy. It was a form of controlled chaos wrapped around visual insanity and already his paws were smarting from a constant stream of bunnies grabbing him for a greeting paw shake...."Hi Nick!" "Yo Nick!" "Sup Nicky!" on and on they came in a never ending stream...

Nick leaned into Bonnie..."How do you deal with all this?"

"They learn pretty quick to pitch in." Bonnie said as she pointed to one toddler bunny in diapers carrying a handful of plates as he waddled past. "The house runs like clock work trust me."

Stewart walked up and shook Nick's paw. "Finally you come to see our house. I kept telling Judy to bring you by so we could meet you."

"I think she was waiting for the right time." Nick replied. "Guess this is as best a time as we'll get. She couldn't come because she's.....well she's tied up right now which is why I wanted to come and tell the whole family about it."

Bonnie worried. "It's not something bad is it?" She said.

"I sure hope not." Nick replied as he waved his arms around. "Hello?! Hi?! Can I get everyone's attention?" Nick turned to Bonnie and Stu. "You two should sit down for this."

All the bunnies settled down and surrounded the main seating floor as Nick clasped his paws. "Hi. This is the first time I've come to where Judy grew up and I just have to say.....wow....I'm an only child and I'm thinking..."How can you remember all the names?"

Nick turned to Stu and Bonnie..."Stewart? Bonnie? The reason why Judy didn't come with me is.....(deep breath)......because she is.....pregnant."

What ever sounds were being made in the house....ceased. Nick wasn't letting the words hang on purpose. The sudden silence made him think he was dead. Some of the obviously older bunnies were not looking too enthused. The next words were equal to the first atomic bomb going off....

"Because she is.....pregnant....with my child." Nick said. The continued silence and the sudden shocked look on Stu and Bonnie's faces made him shiver.

"WHAT?!" A solitary bunny yelled out from one of the tables. It was old grandfather Hopps, the family patriarch who was older than the dirt of Zootopia and whom many joked had ran with Prince El-ahrairah as his "Capo" in his "Owslah" (security police/mafia). Grandpa was very hard of hearing so one of Judy's older brothers yelled in his ear...

"He said Judy's pregnant with his child!"

"Trudy's not ignorant! She's the smartest bunny in the family! How dare that filthy Hombrah insult her!" Grandpa yelled out shaking his fist.

"No Grandpa!" The other bunny yelled louder. "Judy's pregnant and he's the father!"

"No! I don't want a Peppermint stick! Don't bother!" Grandpa replied.

Now the whole house of bunnies screamed at the old rabbit...."NO GRAND DAD! JUDY'S PREGNANT AND NICK'S THE FATHER!"

"WHAT?!!" The old bunny suddenly understood the words and rose up slamming a fist against the table. "THAT DIRTY, FILTHY HOMBRAH IMPREGNATED MY GRAND DAUGHTER! KILL THAT WICKED DEVIL!"

The orderly house suddenly became a chaos of flying things, screaming bunnies and not a few of them looking for things to use as weapons! Stewart stomped in front of Nick and screamed out to his brood....

"ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU SIT!" The big father rabbit screamed out. Without another word...Stu snatched Nick by an arm and jerked him into a trot behind him towards the front door with Bonnie chasing after them...

"Stewart! Stewart, what are you doing?" Bonnie asked in a panic. Her husband turned around and raised a paw....

"We....Nick and I....are going to have a discussion." Stu said with a paw wave as he pushed Nick out of the house and closed the door behind him.

1 hour later.... The family barn

Nick and Stewart lay on a big pile of freshly mowed hay on their backs with Stewart offering Nick another cup full of the family's "Old Thunder Carrot Sour Mash Whiskey"

The stuff had quite a late kick. The two mammals were plastered off their humps...

"Another one Nick?" Stewart asked.

Nick tried to focus on the glass to grab it and smiled as he took it..."This stuff..."hic".....this stuff....mmmm....I am so hammered." Nick looked at Stu with his maw gaped open. "Stewart? Stewart...I am so sorry....so sorry....is this? Is this "hic"....where you shoot me in the head?"

Stewart took a good gulp of his own glass. "Nick? You filthy rotten Hombrah. Have I ever told you bout my daughter Judie? My Jew Jew? My Jude the Dude? "hic"....Jewwww deeeee....is a try'r. She tries everything. "hic"....hey? That would make a good song....try everything."

"Sal-ready is...."hic"" Nick replied as he suddenly found Stewart attached to his tail. "Wha? Wha-ziz-it with my tail and bunnies? Wha bout "hic" Judy?"

"Huh? Oh yeah....." Stewart replied as he sat up. "See....my Judy? Shesssszaaaa try'r....she tries everything and she doesn't listen to me for dirt. I tried telling her she couldn't be a cop? She became a cop. If I told her she couldn't bag a fox? She went and baged one. If I told her she couldn't have a baby with a fox? She's gonna have a baby because Nick? She's a damn good try'r!"

Stewart hung onto Nick's shoulders as he stood up and swayed..."Nick? Yer a filthy rotten dirty Hombrah....hic.....wow....I really am drunk.....hic.... But Nicky? I loved you from the first time Judy told me about you. Yer not an ordinary Hombrah....yer a special Hombrah. Just like Gideon Gray....that rich filthy bastard...hic....but I love him because he's turned out so big, so plushy and so sweet.....hic....so not all you foxes are scoundrels....

"Coming from you?" Nick said as he hugged Stewart...."That means a lot.... Come here.....hic.......you wonderful wabbit..."

Nick kissed Stewart on the lips.....a long time.....a little too long..... and flopped back laughing himself silly. "That? Is an indication? "hic" that I'm really messed up!"

"Don't tell Bonnie!" Stewart snorted. "She'll kill us both. Judy must love you because......damn it! Yerrrrrrrrr....quite a kisser."

Stewart looked at his bottle of Whiskey and sighed...."Ugh....all gone. And now? And now.....I.......hic......I uh........mmmmmm....I'm gonna pass out. Welcome to the family Nicky....you flea bitten, slick talking but gutsy as all get out Hombrah bastard...."

Stewart flopped onto Nick's tail and snuggled it as Nick tried to stay sitting up. "I.....I gotah.....gotah get back to Judy.....Dad......" Nick smiled and tried to lick whatever was left in his glass....."Then again? Hic....she can take of her self...."

Nick flopped back onto the hay and passed out.

Delivery Day Ramhorn General Hospital Downtown Zootopia

Nick leaned over to Benjamin Clawhauser as he was watching a Gazelle music video on "Zoo Tube"....

"What time is it Ben?" Nick asked.

"Exactly one minute since last time you asked." Benjamin replied. "You should be in the delivery room with her shouldn't you?"

Nick shook his head..."I....wouldn't do well watching a "C Section" He said as he stood up and paced again for like the 50th time or so. Officers of the "First Prinky" (1st Police Precinct) dropped by during their rounds to pop eyes and wiggle paw fingers, so too did Chief Bogo for a bit. Besides Nick in the waiting room there was Bonnie and Stewart, Fru Fru Lanzoni and Kevin from the Don, Benji Clawhauser and Francine (The Elephant) who never missed a department birth as the designated Ombudsman.

Nick turned to Bonnie...."Did you two feel like this with your first one?" He asked.

Bonnie shrugged...."I don't even remember the hundreth one. Look...it's part of the job description Nick. Mom rolls them out of the factory and Dad bites his claws down to nothing...but wait till it's born Nick. You're first one will be something you'll feel the most proud of."

Nick's face changed to being a little reflective and he waved a paw as he slowly walked for the room door....."Give me a moment?" His voice cracked with a tinge of upsetness.

Bonnie looked at her husband and went after Nick, finding him in an empty examination room with his face in his paws balling...

"Oh honey...." Bonnie said as she walked up..."Nick? Nick what's wrong?"

"My mom...." Nick replied with crying snorts..."She didn't get to see this! She didn't get to see that I'd finally done good with myself! She'll never see the baby!"

Bonnie slowly pulled the crying fox into her arms and kissed him..."Oh I think she knows...if you were anything less? My Judy would would have ditched you a long time back. There there.....Oh Fritz...Nick, Judy would call you such a puss right now...shhhhhh....."

Bonnie cupped Nick's muzzle in her paws...."My my....Gideon Gray was the same way when he apologized for all his youthful foolishness. I'm very sure that your mother is as proud of you now as the day you stood all chested out in your scout uniform."

"Judy told you about that?" Nick asked.

"What else made you so resilient." Bonnie said as she petted Nick's head. "It's not the troubles in life that define us Nick...it's our fights and victories. Not all my older children have smooth lives, but they're not quitters. Nor are you." Bonnie nuzzled Nick's nose with affection. "Welcome to our family Nick Wilde....my loving Son in Law."

Nick's maw quivered and he wrapped his arms around Bonnie..."Being part of a family or a pack....means everything to me."

Just then...Ben Clawhauser poked his head through the door. "How long are you going to keep the Doctor standing in the delivery room? We're on pins and needles in there!"

Nick and Bonnie walked into the waiting room where Doctor Kelly Buckett was waiting...

"Finally....the father shows up! You have a son Nick! Congratulations!"

The room went crazy and right on cue, Fru Fru screamed out....

"Saluta la nascita del glorioso bambino!"

And the sound of Tarantella filled the waiting room as two more big polar bears came through the door with Shrews hanging all over them as they carried a big celebration cake into the room and champagne bottles popped as everyone started dancing around the floor! Nick leaned on Buckett as those in the room danced about blowing sound makers and twirling hand towels about..."And my wife?" Nick asked the big Elk.

"Judy's just fine!" Buckett replied. "She's in recovery and will probably sleep the next four or so hours...which I suggest you try to do the same in this craziness!" Buckett yelped. Nick felt a pull on his tail and saw Fru Fru gesturing on the floor...

"Balla con me Padre del bambino!"

(music) HEY! (music) HEY! (music) HEY! (music) HEY! (Clapping to the Music)

The floor cleared quick to the sides as Nick did sort of a funny skipping and hopping jig around Fru Fru with his arms stretched out to the sides...

(music) HEY! (music) HEY! (music) HEY! (music) HEY! (Clapping to the Music)

Benjamin Clawhauser stepped up as Nick continued to dance. "You going to see the baby?"

"I'll wait till I see Judy!" Nick replied as he continued to dance. "Benji?! Tag in so I can go get some sleep!"

As nick passed by Raymond, Kevin and Luchino; each Polar Bear passed him a gift card with store cards in them....

"Get used to diaper duty there Nick." Kevin snickered. "Trust me....wear a face shield and gloves."

"Thanks guys." Nick replied as he waved the gift cards. "And please return my wife's and my heart felt gratitude and thoughts of affection to Don Lanzoni?"

Five hours after Delivery Ramhorn General Hospital Downtown Zootopia

Nick came through the door of the hospital bed room with paw fulls of flowers, bunny treats and little gifts...

"Hi?" He said softly as he placed them on a dresser and walked up to kiss and snuggle his wife..."How are you Carrots?"

"Tired." She replied as she touched Nick's snoot. "Tired by ok. It went fine. Did you see the baby?"

"Your parents got to see him before they left. I think it's best we both see him together." Nick shook his head to try and hide the tears that were starting to well up..."My silly fur keeps poking my eyes." He said as he snorted.

"Yeah right." Judy snickered. "You foxes are so emotional."

Nick kissed Judy's paw..."Your mother's such a wonderful bunny...I only wish my Mom could see the baby. When he's old enough, I'll tell you both all about my mom."

Just then...the room door opened and Nurse "Dixy Dic Dic" came in with the baby wrapped in a blue blanket. "Look who's here to see you proud parents!"

Nick stood up as Dixy walked up and placed the baby in his arms. The first reaction of Nick's face was priceless and Dixy quickly got a shot of it on her own smart phone...

"Judy? Look at him." Nick said as he passed their baby into her arms.." Oh... my gawd Judy....he's.....he's adorable."

Judy looked at her son and sniffled. "What an interesting patchwork of colors? And? The red head tuft? Where did the red fur come from?"

"I think that came from my Grandfather." Nick said. "My mother's father. Shocking I didn't have that kind of fur." Nick pulled the blanket back to show the baby's head...

"He's got your ears." Nick said as he felt one of the bunny ears with his paw fingers. "And your face too I think."

Judy ticked the baby's lips with her paw finger..."He has your eyes Nick."

Nick pulled on one of the little feet and played with it..."He's got some serious legs...my gawd this kid is going to be a sprinter."

Nick walked over to the other side of the bed and climbed on as Judy tickled and played with their child with a sort of cat toy. "He's got fox paws for sure nick." Judy said as she tickled the baby's stomach. "It's going to be a challenge raising a hybrid baby." She said.

"Since when did Judy Hopps run from any challenges?" Nick said.

"What's the name going to be Nick? We didn't decide yet." Judy asked.

"Jackson Stewart Wilde" Nick said smiling. "Jackson, for my Grandfather. Stewart for your father. I think it fits him unless you have another idea? Or? We could just call him "fluidity" until one comes along?"

Judy chuckled..."Ah....no.....Jackson Stewart Wilde is just great." She said as she kissed Jackson on the cheek. "Jackie" for short fits the bunny profile doesn't it?"

Nick cocked his head. "What do we call him? A Fox-bunny? Funny? Bun-fox? Rab-boxy? Boxular Funny?

"How about.....our son?" Judy said as she snuggled Jackson tenderly. "Our son...Nick...who's gonna make the world a better place because he comes from a good legacy family."

"Chip off the old block." Nick said as he snuggled his wife. "Thank you my darling for having faith in me...and for giving our baby a chance to be some one."

Judy smiled and kissed Nick on the head. "Get used to late nights and smelly diapers dad."

"I fully accept the risk." Nick replied as he soon fell asleep hugging his little family."

End of Chapter 1