Offers Considered (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#119 of Short Stories

A poodle considers backing out of a deal.

~ The poodle ducked into the raucous noise and bustle that was the strip club, patrons shuffling about in the dull symphony of colors of light. His attention swept the room, snagging on the ferret who was stepping up onto the stage wearing what looked to be a number of wrapped scarves, before settling on the rabbit who was leaning against the wall next to the buffet.

~ Linda waved to the poodle, calling out, "Hey! You made it! Come on over, they've got tiny burrito things!" The rabbit's face bearing a wide smile as friendly as the club's offerings.

~ Nathan slunk over to the rabbit, rather anxiously admitting when he got over to the buffet, "Hey man, we need to talk about those cores I've got for you..."

~ The rabbit's smile did not waver, ignoring the statement as he volunteered, "They've even got potato dumplings.", motioning to the tray with some tongs, "Don't see potato often on a space station this far out from a central ring, eh?"

~ The poodle reluctantly started to pile tiny burritos onto the plate that Linda provided him, inquiring, "Why the hell are we meeting in a damned strip club?..."

~ This inquiry did not go nearly as ignored, "Ah. No-one thinks it strange when a club like this has countermeasures against recording devices, eh?", Linda's smile becoming a grin as he led Nathan over to their table. The rabbit having amassed a pile of potato dumplings for himself.

~ Once they were both seated, the poodle again volunteered his notions, "Really, man. Whatever world you plan to crack in half, I don't plan to be involved in it."

~ Looking up from his dumplings, Linda met the poodle's anxious expression with a smile that was sweet like trichloroethylene. "Oh? We're discussing plans, are we?"

~ Linda waved a fork in the air idly as he continued, "Well, I plan to give you a lot of money, for me to get what I want, and for both of us to be happy." His gaze settled into Nathan's eyes as his smile became a scowl. "If you'd prefer a compromise, I suppose I could settle for me getting what I want, and me being happy."

~ In the moment of silence that hung with the implied threat, Nathan glanced about anxiously. "Hey man, there's a bunch of everyone around to see if anything happens to me..."

~ The rabbit's head canted to the side, "You know, I own this place, right?"

~ Nathan was more confident with this particular observation, "Doesn't mean you own all the customers."

~ Linda waved an arm across the room, and with the passing of the moment Nathan found himself in a club that was empty except for the jackalope across the table from him, the bouncer who was lingering at the door, a rather disinterested badger tending the bar, and a dancer up on stage who had put on a pair of surgical gloves and was currently installing a fresh blade into a bone saw.

~ Nathan did not have a reply.

~ The jackalope called out to the bartender, "Hey, Sal. I think our guest would like a cocktail. Make it a couple of cold feet.", still glaring into Nathan's silence, "Crushed ice."

~ The poodle was busy making an inventory of which options were available to him that involved keeping his limbs attached.

~ Linda volunteered, "I like doing business, remember? So, how about tomorrow morning you wake up and find yourself very wealthy. I wake up and find myself pleased. And we both will have the luxury of contemplating our career paths.", sliding the datapad across the table. The signature line at the bottom glimmered with an approachable white, "So, you gonna sign over to release your cargo to my ship?"