Jeremy 099; Not So Cold Blooded

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Jeremy receives a special request at The Thirteenth Floor.

He was surprised at the knock that preceded Jenna's entering. Jeremy had only returned from escorting out his last client and was starting to turn his studio over. He stood with the used bedsheets in his arms and watched the cougar close the door behind herself. It was Friday night and he was finished with his appointments except for tidying up his studio.

"We have one of our repeat clients in tonight." She said. The cougar paused and looked at Jeremy appraisingly. "Her request may seen a bit unusual at first but it's not really out of the ordinary. Since you haven't done anything like what she's asking, I don't want you to feel obligated in accepting."

Jeremy stood with the used sheets still in his arms wondering at the cougar's hesitation. "Just what is the request?"

She smirked, "She wants to be serviced by two dominants at a time. You'd be working with Jake. His room is already prepared."

Looking at the sheets for a moment he dropped them back on his bed. "Sounds interesting. I'm up for it."

"Get yourself cleaned up then meet Jake in reception as soon as you can." Jenna said and turned to go.

Jeremy rushed through cleaning all signs of his previous client from his fur and practically ran through the hallways to the door. Stepping into the reception room he saw Jake sitting with a lizard. As he approached Jeremy said "I apologize for the delay."

Stopping next to the female as Jake stood Jeremy appraised the lizard. She had an overall light greenish blue background with spots of a deeper green tint. The pattern of spots reminded Jeremy of leopards but the overall appearance was much more exotic on this female. The tiny scales on her head eventually faded to a cream color under her jaw. He imagined they continued down her chest and belly and was eager to find out.

"Miss, allow me to introduce Jeremy Dawn." Jake said as he straightened his shirt after standing. "Jeremy, Miss Felicity Corsenth."

Jeremy had not known anyone could have her coloration. Almost all of the lizards he'd known in Chile were of brown or tan coloration. He wondered where she hailed from in relation to other lizards.

The female was slender at first glance but looking closer he realized the deception. She looked lean but Jeremy was familiar enough around lizards to know that once she stood she'd be taller than him. He was genuinely smiling. He'd not shared a client before but he also had never taken on a lizard before. His heart was already beating faster at the prospect. He held his paw out the same time as Jake and watched as the female took both their offered paws.

"Gentlemales, I'm looking forward to this." Jeremy couldn't detect the slightest hint of the expected sibilance in her speech.

"As are we." Jake answered. As she pulled herself from the couch.

She indeed stood taller than both Jake and Jeremy. Her build was slight but also hinted at a muscular power from the shifting muscles under her gleaming scales. She didn't appear to have an extra pound of fat on her and yet she also managed to exude an aura of femininity. As she walked between the two males Jeremy caught her scent. A mix of sand and wood smell, he guessed mesquite. He was already stirring.

Jake's studio was much like his, Jeremy only glanced around a second before returning his attention to the female. Jake closed the door with his free hand and said "Here we are Miss Corsenth. How shall we begin tonight?"

"Well Jake, since I've had you before, I think I'd like to start with this lovely weasel first." She replied as she turned and put both hands on Jeremy's shoulders. He was a bit surprised at her forwardness. The usual routine started with a full body massage.

To Jake she continued "You can take me from behind while I see what this mammal is made of. Sound good?" she finished, to Jeremy it didn't sound as though she expected any answer other than compliance.

Felicity gently pushed him backward as Jake began unbuttoning his slacks. Jeremy saw him look past her shoulder and nod with an encouraging expression on his face. He clearly understood what the female expected and stepped back knowing he would largely be an observer for a time. He unbuttoned his own slacks and watched Miss Corsenth lean down and sniff at him as he did. Pushing down his pants Jeremy stood again and saw Jake had one paw on her back while the other was lifting her thick tail out of the way.

Jeremy caught a glimpse of the wolf's member as he positioned himself behind the lizard. Jake's cock was huge, even longer and thicker than Jeremy's. He was certainly much thicker at his base where his knot bulged to double his shaft's thickness. Jeremy had the thought that it was no wonder after seeing the wolf his brother didn't react to him any more. Jake took her without the slightest hesitation. Stuffing his full length into the lizard in a single thrust.

She grunted once at the large wolf's entry. Her mouth stayed open slightly giving Jeremy a glimpse of her many teeth. They were small but appeared needle sharp. Her tongue slid out and slowly licked his hardening shaft. Her tongue was far longer than his, easily a foot long and much more dextrous. Her tongue was as wide as his but perhaps less than half as thick. She wrapped her tongue around him and squeezed as she pulled herself down his shaft. It was an incredible sensation.

Jeremy put a paw on the back of her head as she wrapped her ribbon thin tongue over him again. He began stroking the top of her head as her tongue played over him. It was like getting a cock massage by a thin wet snake. She'd slowly slide up along his shaft all the way to his base and then quickly twine herself around him. Once her tongue was fully deployed she'd then slowly retract and milk him even as she gently squeezed with her lengthy muscle.

Over and over again she wrapped and milked his cock. He was getting close to cumming in minutes at her performance. He was pleased at himself as Jake softly howled as he came in the lizard first. Jeremy was disappointed that she hadn't yet finished him when she stopped and stood.

"Yes, I think I'm going to like this one." She said staring into Jeremy's eyes. It seemed a simple statement of fact, she held so little inflection in her voice.

Jake again took the lead and moved the lizard to the bed. Jeremy was a bit apprehensive at the possibility of having to give the lizard oral with Jake's semen in her. The wolf positioned Miss Corsenth and with a subtle hand gesture indicated Jeremy should take his place on the bed over the female. As he climbed on the bed Jake began cleaning his own seed from the female.

Jeremy straddled the lizard and watched as she showed just how flexible she was. He was on her lower chest and yet she was able to lift her head enough to resume her performance on his cock. The brief respite had given him enough time to recover from his closeness. She still had him on the brink again in minutes. His paws, with nothing else to do continued caressing her head and neck.

He watched fascinated at the power and versatility of her tongue. As good with his own tongue he thought he'd become he was but a novice compared to her. He was going to have to do his utmost to compare when the time came. She still hadn't taken him into her tooth filled maw when he came.

Her tongue surprised him again as she lapped up all of him without having to cover him with her mouth. When he was finished and cleaned by her tongue she looked up and commented. "I think Jake should be ready now, please switch with him."

Jeremy leaned down and gave the lizard a light kiss before getting up. His smile was not returned by her as he moved to take his position between her legs. Jake took the position on her chest he'd just left. Jeremy started slow, licking along her sensitive lips as he took t he opportunity to look her over.

Her belly was indeed a soft cream color. The scales small and glinting as though moist but felt dry to the touch. One of his paws stroked along her firm stomach muscles. With the other paw he explored her thick tail. It was so exotic to feel her soft scales, yet he focused on her femininity. He was a bit surprised to find the female didn't have a clitoris. Her dryness also extended to her depths. While the female wasn't arid, she still produced much less lubricant than mammals. Her taste was just as exotic. An odd mixture reminiscent of bananas and cashews with a strong hint of coffee that added a bitter undertone.

His tongue explored the first few inches of her entrance and found only smoothness. He pulled back a second, shifting his position to cover for examining the female visually. He returned to her and pushed his tongue in to four inches delving deeper to begin his search for her sweet spot. Again he was a bit stymied at the lack of clues in her response. He recalled that while she had been working on him she'd hardly reacted to the forcefulness of Jake's fucking her.

Jeremy looked up along the lizard from his position between her legs but could't see anything but the wolf's back and tail wagging. Jake was clearly close to orgasming again. Speeding up his technique he pushed seven inches of his tongue in and finally found some clues in her structure. His tongue tip explored the female, curious at his findings he tried visually imagining what he was feeling.

It seemed as though her tunnel branched off in two separate avenues. Even as he explored deeper he felt her shut down on one and allow him to enter the other. It was an even more impressive display of muscle control than her tongue.

Pushing into the one tunnel he was allowed entry, Jeremy delved deeper. She was beginning to respond. She thrusted up at him as his tongue reached his limit. He felt the hint of something at the very tip of his tongue. He pushed his muzzle into her to discover whatever she was hiding in her depths. He could feel her inner muscles pulling him deeper even as he explored. Her muscle control was amazing. He could't wait to get his cock into her.

She was pushing up against him harder now. He was close to the success he desired. He pushed his muzzle deeper careful not to push too quickly, he'd rather not have his jaws clamped together in her tightness and bite his own tongue. He felt her clawed hands take hold of his head and looked up. Jake had finished and gotten off the female. She was staring at him with an unobstructed view. Her expression while slightly predatory was also one of intense focus.

Together Jeremy and Miss Corsenth pushed the weasel's muzzle deeper. His tongue reached what he could only guess was her clit. Desperate for release he pushed and tickled the protrusion mercilessly. He was rewarded with a flood of her bitter sweet juice. Unable to lap her excretions up from that depth his tongue simply swam in her excess even as he continued playing at her deep clit. In response she pushed his muzzle as far as it could go. He couldn't breath buried so deep into her. He saw only the blurred closeup of her flesh less than an inch from his eyes. Her strength was stunning. He wouldn't be able to pull himself out until she allowed it.

She finally allowed Jeremy to pull his muzzle out enough to breath again. Drawing a deep breath through his nostrils he stayed at her cleft and was now able to begin lapping her excess up. He cleaned her for several minutes, her depths were so inundated. As he worked she directed Jake to begin on her feet. She was watching him with interest as he cleaned her depths. She certainly was unusual. She had hardly made a sound even as she came and hardly spoke other than to give direction. Even now she simply watched Jeremy without a sound.

He stared back, watching for any clues to her desire. She was impenetrable. Her face never changed until he finished and rose from her. Her gaze locked on his cock. He'd been hard and ready for some time. She nodded and said "Yes, you're good and ready. That's well, take me again."

Jeremy positioned himself and slowly slid into her. He decided to take her in the opposite fashion Jake had. He stopped with five inches in and withdrew halfway. Back in to perhaps six inches he began a rhythm that slowly pushed more of him into her. The lizard again simply stared at Jeremy holding eye contact the entire time. If not for her return thrusting he would have though the female was not responding to him. He felt himself come up against where she branched off into twin tunnels.

She finally smiled. Neither of her entrances was opening. Jeremy knew with the control she'd been displaying she expected something from him. He stared at her looking desperately for the slightest clue. With Jake still working on her feet her entire upper body was free. She was leaning back on the bed with her elbows at her sides propping herself up to watch Jeremy's performance. Without an external clit to employ his cock chevrons on her was left with nothing.

She'd seemed pleased at his previous performance in her depths. His tongue was no match for hers and yet he had been able to bring her to orgasm. She was still closed off internally and only stared back at him. He had a sudden idea of what she wanted but having seen her teeth was more than a bit daunted.

He leaned in toward the female anyway. Shifting his hands further up either side of the female to support his weight Jeremy closed the distance to her mouth. His kiss was tentative at first. He felt her lips part and her tongue slowly explore his lips. He reached out with his tongue and played along her teeth carefully. They did feel sharp, but Jeremy guessed as long as she moved slowly he'd be safe from any debilitating injury.

He probed deeper even as he continued thrusting into her with his cock. Her mouth was just as dry as her femininity. Moist but without the excess saliva of mammals. Jeremy realized belatedly he should have been able to taste either Jake's or his own spunk but only faintly detected what seemed to him maple sugar. He snorted at the oddness.

Continuing his thrusting against the female's closed entry's Jeremy positioned his tongue to start sliding along the roof of the lizard's mouth. He felt her tongue slide past his and begin to explore him. They were eye to eye and she slid deep into him and probed at the back of his throat. His eyes widened as she forced her way down, sliding past his esophagus and continuing deeper. He thrusted harder at her in return, his increased force his way of demanding entry.

Her tongue down his throat while preventing his breathing for the moment felt oddly erotic. She withdrew after a long five seconds letting him breath. At the same time one of her deep tunnel entrances opened to him. He plowed deep, thrusting his entire length into the lizard and developed a rapid rhythm.

She again thrust her tongue down his throat. Prepared for her second entry Jeremy was able to savor the strange feeling of her tongue flexing within his trachea. There was a bit of pain and the discomfort of not being able to breath while she was lodged within him but it was slightly overwhelmed by the rest of the oddly sensual experience. He wondered if the feel of the lizard's tongue down his throat was anything like what female's felt as a male penetrated them.

That thought had him cumming two seconds later. With his lungs burning he thrust hard and shallow as he filled her. Her tongue pulled out of him, by the speed of her withdrawal and her counter-thrusting Jeremy guessed she was having her own orgasm. Still locked eye to eye he could't detect the slightest change in her demeanor other than the narrow slivers of her slitted pupils. As he finished she leaned back to lay on the mattress and finally looked away from Jeremy.

He felt a tap on his shoulder even as he pulled out of the lizard. Jake whispered "Let's go. She'll sleep for a few hours now. She always does after having sex."

Jeremy nodded his understanding as he followed the wolf from his room. Only after the door closed did he realize they were both sans clothes. Jake turned and as he started leading the way to the laundry said "Nice performance kid, it's not too often she's satisfied this quickly."

"Is she always that silent?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, I guess it's a lizard thing. The only clues she gives are from her eyes."

"I guess I only caught onto that at the end." He admitted as they entered the laundry. It was empty but several of the machines were running. Jake pulled out what were basically scrubs and handed a set to Jeremy. He'd never had to use them before and said so to the wolf.

"Really? Well, all lizards are like Felicity. She'll sleep curled up on my bed for hours and simply leave when she's ready. From what I understand it, her metabolism crashes after that much excitement. A throwback to the early days of their ancestry."

"Males too?"

"The males are even worse. They take almost half a day to recover. We actually have a room reserved just for them."

Jake stood from pulling his scrub pants on and eyed Jeremy. "I wondered about you. Guess its true what they say about your tongue." He said with a grin.

Jeremy felt his ears fold down in response.

"Don't feel embarrassed, I'm a bit envious." The wolf said almost laughing at Jeremy's reaction.

"Well, that's okay, you've got a cock even I'm envious of." Jeremy replied, watching as the wolf smirked in return.