Rarity's Royal Ravishment under a Misbegotten Marriage to Molestia's Magnificent and Majestic Meat

Story by xolotl on SoFurry

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When Princess Celestia invites Rarity over for tea, she reveals one of her most intimate secrets to the unicorn lady, and offers her to finally fulfull her dream of marrying into royalty. Whether she wants to or not.

story by OccasionalClopfichttps://www.fimfiction.net/story/373118/1/raritys-royal-ravishment-under-a-misbegotten-marriage-to-molestias-magnificent-and-majestic-meat/chapter-1


// Chapter 1

// Story: Rarity's Royal Ravishment under a Misbegotten Marriage to Molestia's Magnificent and Majestic Meat

// by OccasionalClopfic


It was a pleasant summer day in Canterlot, one that was comfortably warm yet with no clouds in sight. Though most citizens of Equestria's capital were as busy as ever, two ponies in particular, Princess Celestia herself and the Ponyville resident Rarity, were using this chance to enjoy a nice spot of tea on one of Canterlot Castle's many balconies, exchanging stories and rumors in between sips from their cups.

Originally, Rarity had not come to town to spend time with the princess. She had only meant to pay the Canterlot Carousel, the local branch of her boutique, a visit, to see how Sassy Saddles was doing and to look after her business. But only a moment after she had arrived in Canterlot, a messenger from the princess had approached her and given her a summons to visit the castle as soon as possible.

While deep down, Rarity would have preferred to spend a little time shopping and doing some sightseeing after her visit to the boutique, it simply would not have been ladylike for her to not respond to an order from the princess to the best of her abilities. Especially since, most of the time, these kinds of summons ended with her and her friends having to save Equestria from something or another.

As such, she only spent the barest minimum of time in her Boutique, shortly questioning Sassy about what had been going since her last visit, and looking over the boutique's dresses. When everything seemed to be fine, she immediately bid her colleague goodbye, and headed for Canterlot Castle.

To her surprise, it appeared that Celestia had asked her presence for no urgent reason, as she greeted her on the balcony with warm cups of teas and a bowl full biscuits, and struck up a conversation with her as though nothing in particular had happened. It certainly was an honour to get to talk to the princess like this, and Rarity greatly enjoyed talking with a pony as intelligent and graceful as her. But she hadn't exactly expected it. Celestia, while a friend, wasn't particularly close to her, and usually seemed too busy for such idle meetings. And yet, here they were, casually exchanging gossip about Canterlot and Ponyville's going-ons, as they basked in the sunlight.

"-and then I asked her: 'Darling, surely you don't want to wear that hat tomorrow. It just isn't your colour!'"

Celestia punctuated Rarity's story with a dignified chuckle, her expression warm and friendly. "I am so glad I invited you here. I haven't enjoyed myself this much in months."

Rarity returned the smile, using her magic to dunk a biscuit in her tea. "Why, the feeling is mutual, your highness! It is a tragedy we've never had time to sit together for tea before. We should really do this more often."

"Mmm-mmm......" Celestia's response was only a short, but affirmative mumble, her eyes staring down at the mare before her rather....intently, as though thinking about something.

"Did...Did I say something wrong?" Rarity wondered, the sudden lull in their conversation taking her out of the moment. The way the princess stared at her, eyelids slightly lowered and an almost too caring smile felt strangely uncomfortable, too. Especially since the princess being much larger than herself meant that she had to look up to her face.

"Rarity." Finally, Celestia spoke again, breaking their moment of silence, though not for one moment losing that strange expression.

"Y-Yes, your h-highness?" Only now did Rarity notice how completely mesmerized she had been by the princess' gaze, how intense and absolutely captivating it had been. Not for even one second had she even considered looking away, despite of how uncomfortable it had been. There was another thing she noticed, too. Celestia's wings, at this point, were standing up ever so slightly, flaring outwards just a tiny bit.

"You must be wondering why I called you here. Truth be told, I did not just want to talk."

Rarity could only muster a false, nervous smile in return. Why had the princess not brought this up before? "You....didn't? Hah.....whatever do you need, princess?" Her voice sounded hoarse as she spoke, making her reach for her cup. Her lips and throat felt utterly dry now, making her crave for another sip of tea.

As she took it, Celestia finally dropped the bombshell. "I want you to become my wife."

Rarity choked on her tea, the shock of what had just been said causing her to lose control of herself for a moment. Coughing, she leant forward, spitting her tea onto the table. "Wh-*cough*...-what?!" was all she could get out, almost buried under her coughing and wheezing.

"You are a beautiful pony, Rarity. I desire you, and want you to become my wife."

She could not believe what she was hearing. Was this Celestia's idea of a joke? "I....your highness...surely you aren't serious!" However, the princess' expression said it all. She was serious about it. Now, Rarity finally understood why Celestia was looking at her like this. Her eyes were filled with lust, gazing at her like a stallion would at a mare in heat. And her wingboner that had been steadily growing for a while now had finally come into full bloom.

"I'm.....I'm v-very sorry, your highness. But....I'm just.....I'm afraid I don't know you that wel-" Rarity stopped dead in her tracks as she felt something pushing against her legs underneath the table. There was something under there, something large, and warm, feeling oddly fleshy as it touched her. Then, it pulsated. "Oh....oh no...."

"That will not matter, Rarity. I've enjoyed talking to you, and I can see why you and Twilight have become such wonderful friends. But I am far more interested in using you to pleasure myself than I am in your friendship."

The young mare quickly understood. The thing pressing against her under the table was a penis. Celestia's penis. She had heard the rumors about the princesses, and the occasional old legend. About how Alicorns did not just combine the greatest traits of unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies, but also those of both male and female ponies. About how the princesses had penises like all stallions did, hidden underneath their silky-soft fur when flaccid. And about how how their cocks, just like all of their features, were much stronger and greater than in normal ponies. By what she was feeling right now, those stories had all been true.

Even though she could only feel it, it was enough to tell that Celestia's cock was absolutely massive. Rarity had slept with big stallions before, but this dwarfed them all. It seemed to be nearly as wide and long as the musclebound legs of the biggest pony she knew, Big McIntosh. Was Celestia expecting her to pleasure.......that?

Her eyes already glancing to the balcony's exit, Rarity excused herself. "I'm afraid I'm not interested your highness. While I am flattered by your advances, this is all a bi-" A bout of laughter from the Princess interrupted her objections, making her particularely uncomfortable because of how gentle and adoring it sounded. Like the laughter of a parent seeing their child's first drawing.

"It's a bit sudden, yes, I know. That is how all of my wives reacted at first! Don't worry, before too long you will adore sucking my cock whenever I order you to. First, I'll have to break you in, of course. But when we're done you won't be able to live without me inside of you."

Rarity sat there in shock, shaking heavily. It all seemed so surreal to her, so impossible. She wished from the bottom of her heart that this was all just some bad dream. But it wasn't. Right now, the most powerful alicorn in the world and ruler of Equestria was ordering her to become her wife-......no, her slave! And if she did not agree, Celestia would simply take her!

The white-furred unicorn felt as though she would faint for a moment. Then, she glanced to her side, towards the interior of the castle. Right now, Celestia's massive package was lodged under the table. If she ran now, perhaps she would be able to lose her amidst the castle's labyrinthine halls. Rarity was not nearly as fast as some of her friends, but it was the best shot she had.

Not even taking another look at Celestia, she jumped off her chair, in the process missing the fact that this action did not seem to surprise the princess at all. In fact, she simply kept on smiling, calmly taking another sip of her tea. Meanwhile, Rarity was already rushing down the castle's corridors, her heart beating like crazy. "Wait....What way did I even take here?" The realisation that she had no idea how to escape hit her like a brick, nearly causing her to stumble over her own hooves. "Eek!....No, I cannot give up! There has to be a way out of here!" She ran like mad, choosing corridors and hallways entirely at random, praying that the next one would contain something she recognized.

However, the only thing she ran into was a regiment of Celestia's royal guard. The panicked mare had just rounded a corner when her head smacked into the cuirass of a rather large pegasus stallion, flanked on both sides by two ponies of similar stature. Before she even had recovered from the impact, the three had surrounded her, leaving her with no way to go.

Seeing her escape having met a premature end, Rarity began to feel tears forming at the corners of her eyes as she stared up at the figures surrounding her. "Please, you must let me go!" she pleaded, her voice already cracking. "C-Celestia...she has gone mad! She...*sob....s-she wants me to b-become her sex slave!" Under tears, she begged the guards to let her go, but their faces showed not a shred of sympathy.

"We've been ordered to capture you and take you to the Princess' bedroom." One of them finally interrupted her, grabbing her by the hoof and dragging her roughly off the ground, causing Rarity to give a short, pained yelp. "N-no! Unhoof me, you ruffians! Please, don't take me back to her!" Still, her words were falling on deaf ears. Not stopping for even a second to let the frightened mare get ahold of herself, they pushed her right back down the path she had come from. When they marched towards a door that was now suspiciously leaning open despite being closed when Rarity had ran past it earlier, she knew that this was where her hopes of escaping would be crushed.

The guards, uncouth as ever, shoved her into the chamber, making her lose her balance and landing on her feet. The impact made her sob even more, and reduced her once perfect mane to a scruffy mess. Through tear-filled eyes, she looked at the predicament she had found herself in.

This had to be Celestia's bedroom. It was a large, purple chamber, decorated with masterfully crafted cloud motifs. Along its walls, there stood a few lonely chairs and tables, and right across from where Rarity had entered, was a large fireplace, crackling with a low flame that steeped the room in a warm light.

And right in the middle of it all, there she was. Atop a large pink bed with golden seams sat Celestia, slowly stroking her hoof along the side of her now fully displayed erection. It was as massive as Rarity thought it to be earlier. Stretching along the entirety of the princess' stomach, its head almost reached its proud owner's neck, and its girth was enough that at first glance one could indeed confuse it for a fifth leg. For a single, terrible moment, Rarity found herself marveling at the idea that Celestia would just move her head forward a little bit to be able to suck herself off, before banishing the thought from her mind.

"We've captured your new wife, your highness!" bellowed out the soldiers behind her.

"You've done well, my little ponies. If you wish, you may watch me break her in."

The three guards looked at each other in surprise, not quite sure what to make of the situation. But then, the one who had led them so far simply shrugged, leading to one of the others slamming the room's door shut behind them. They did indeed want to watch. Between her sobs, Rarity could only get out one single question. "W-...w-....whyyyy meeee?"

Not losing her kind smile for even one second, nor stopping to play with her cock, Celestia began to cast a spell, magical energy crackling around her horn. All around the room, small squares of magical energy appeared, shining brightly in various colours that slowly turned into images.

"You are a rare beauty, Rarity. From the first time I've laid eyes upon you, and had a chance to touch your luscious fur, I wanted you."

Rarity gasped, though her shock was not directed at what Celestia was saying. No, what truly horrified her were the pictures that were now beginning to form all around the room. They were not just still images. They were recordings of her, engaging in all manner of lewd acts. Some of them showed her alone, quietly masturbating in her room, sometimes just by running her spit-covered hoof over her clit, sometimes by penetrating herself with a toy or conjured penis. Others showed her on nights of passion with various stallions, the loud and raunchy scenes displayed in eerie silence.

"I...can't believe it.....She was watching me all this time?!"

Though Rarity felt like passing out, Celestia continued to explain. "Just how I've been watching my dear student Twilight on her journey to become an alicorn, I've kept an eye on you. Though I wanted you, I needed to see the extent of your abilities and the quality of your flesh first. You are not the first wife I have taken, Rarity, and I only take the best." The princess' eyes were wandering around the room, her cheerfully pleasuring herself as she watched the target of her obsession. By this point, the guard stallions too had become erect, though none of them touched themselves yet as they were waiting for the main attraction to begin. "I came to the sight of your beautiful face and pussy so often. What I've seen in the last years has surpassed even my highest expectations. You are a slut amongst sluts, and a lover among lovers. And now, the time has come to fulfill your destiny."

With a 'zip', all the images blinked out of existence, as Celestia stood up off her bed. Slowly, as if savoring the moment, she strutted towards her prey, her massive member gently bobbing up and down. Rarity pressed her legs together as hard as she could and covered her face, not willing to just let this madpony have her way with her. Once again, her efforts were in vain, as Celestia simply called upon her magic. Within a moment, Rarity was completely covered in her magical aura, which began to pull and tuck at the innocent mare, dragging her off the floor as she cried in terror. The magic parted her legs, completely exposing her plump, pink pussy and tight butthole to the guards behind her. And finally, it lifted her head, forcing her to directly look her captor in the eyes. Celestia face was only inches from her own now.

"Please! When Twilight finds out about this-"

"By then you will be my willing cockwhore. You'll happily take my cock right in front of her. Maybe I'll even invite her to join me in fucking you."

And just like that, without warning, the princess pressed her lips against hers, locking her in a long, sloppy kiss. Her tongue, aided by the magic controlling Rarity's body, forced itself into the unicorn's mouth. Rarity felt herself gagging, desperately pushing her own tongue against this slimy, wriggling intruder to push it back out again as tears ran down her cheeks. But the alicorn was far more skilled than she was, easily wrapping around her tongue and tasting it all over, as though caressing it. A few muffled moans even escaped Celestia's throat, making Rarity realize that she was enjoying her resistance.

Even worse, Rarity could not help herself but admit that Celestia knew how to kiss. The way her tongue teased her own, the way it playfully danced around in her mouth, mixing their juices in one big, sloppy slosh. It disgusted her, made the refined lady in her want to puke, and yet strangely aroused her at the same time.

Finally, Celestia broke the kiss, slowly and sensually withdrawing her tongue from the young mare's muzzle, as if attempting to lick up as much saliva as she could before she left. Indeed, as she leaned back, a long strand of spit connected their lips, proof of what had just transpired. Rarity stood dazed, her mind addled by a slight lack of oxygen. How long had Celestia been holding that kiss for?

"Your mouth is so sweet." the alicorn whispered.

Slowly, her thoughts started to become coherent again. Disgusted by what had just happened, she wanted to spit out the contents of her mouth, but the pressure of the alicorn magic kept it shut. With nowhere else to go for the mixture of saliva that was increasingly building up with each second, it began to slide down Rarity's throat, who involuntarily began swallowing it. Her face scrunched up at the mere idea of it, every inch of her body rebelling against it but powerless to stop it. The princess merely watched, a satisfied grin on her face.

Meanwhile, the guard had moved towards Rarity's sides, perhaps hoping to get a good look at her face after this display. To her ever increasing horror, she noticed that they had already seated themselves on the room's floor, stroking their dicks to the spectacle before them, each in his own tempo.

When Rarity had swallowed the vile mixture of drool, her mouth was finally allowed to open again, and she took several wild, manic breaths. "You....you monster!" she shouted. "How could you make a lady swallow something like that?! That was absolutely revolting!"

"And yet you liked it."

Rarity was momentarily silenced, caught off-guard by the princess having noticed her admiration. "I-I did nothing of the sort! A lady would never-"

Celestia chuckled, bemused by her victim's vehement denial. "-enjoy the technique of a pony who has had thousands of years to train her tongue? I've reduced weaker-minded mares to clay between my hooves with nothing more than a kiss."

She leaned in a little closer, whispering right into the unicorn's ear. "Besides, I've seen you swallow the jizz of nine different stallions. Once you warm up to me, I imagine you'll enjoy my kisses just as much."

Rarity went pale as she was reminded of this dreadful fact, her heart sinking. Suddenly, something wet and slimy slid up her ear. Celestia had just licked the ear she had spoken into. The sensation made Rarity shriek, quietly and pathetically, as a shudder ran through her body. But the only thing her terror did arouse the watching guardponies, who gave distracted nods of approval. Two of them even hoof-bumped.

Meanwhile, Celestia began to slowly circle her prey, strutting her smooth, toned flank right past Rarity's face. The fashionista gulped heavily, knowing what was coming next. To her surprise, she noticed that Celestia had eased the grip of her magic, allowing her at least move her head. Then again, perhaps she had only done this to ensure Rarity saw what was about to happen to her.

As Celestia arrived behind Rarity, she gave her ass a quick slap, her hoof digging into the supple plot and causing yet another yelp from the distressed mare. Then, she knelt down, bringing her face close to Rarity's pussy, swollen and overflowing with juice. "You are already so wet." She ran her hoof across the lips before her, giving them a short rub and teasing them open. "That's good. It means I can start fucking you right away."

Suddenly, the princess rose again, taking a few steps forward to position herself above Rarity. "No....Oh please, no.....She's mounting me!"

Utilising the fact that her body was much bigger, Celestia moved herself onto Rarity, pushing her down just a little. Her massive shaft rested snugly between the mare's buttcheeks, continuing along her back. Even had she not been able to see it, Rarity would have known it was there. It was hot, as if burning with an inner flame, and throbbing with heavy shudders. Warm precum dripped from its head onto her back in a steady stream. Even from afar, her nose picked up its strong, salty musk, more powerful and virile than any stallion she had ever known.

"Please....please don't get any of that in my mane! I'll never get it out!" was all she could think of, weirdly enough. Her mind seemed to desperately search some form of familiarity to distract her from this horrible situation.

Then, finally, it happened. Celestia pulled back, her dick withdrawing from Rarity's back, every inch of flesh sliding through her cheeks. She actually had to take a step back to truly get off the unicorn, such was the massive length of her shaft. Once she was, though, she slightly lowered herself, aiming her rock-hard, throbbing cock directly at Rarity's winking cunt.

ยด"I'll do anything you want! Just don't fuck me!"

With all her massive alicorn strength, Celestia rammed herself into Rarity.

As the massive, flared glans went in, Rarity gave a gasp of both pain and pleasure. The folds of her vagina were violently pushed aside, stretching to make room for the massive penis that invaded them. She was well-trained, and had taken some big stallions and toys before, but this was beyond even her considerable experience. Every inch of muscle, every nerve on her walls was touched. Never before had anypony filled her like this.

Celestia pulled back a little, before giving another powerful thrust, working herself even deeper into Rarity. Her grunts were completely drowned out by a loud, primal moan that escaped Rarity's throat. The young unicorn could not believe what had just happened, tears running down her muzzle as she clenched her eyes shut. "Wh-why?! Why are you enjoying this, Rarity? Why-"

Her musings were interrupted as Celestia once again began to move, slowly beginning a soft, rhythmic pumping of her hips. It felt weak, almost teasing inside of Rarity's aching pussy, gently stroking and stimulating its walls. Each and every stroke went in slightly deeper, the alicorn seemingly wanting to explore every nook and crevice on her way in.

"You're enjoying it because it's so goooood...." Rarity could not help herself. She had never been filled like this before, never been so fully stimulated in her life. Though tears were still running down her face, and some part of her mind was desperately clinging onto her unwillingness to be abused, right now the wonderful sensation shooting through her loins washed away everything else. A small smile formed on her face for just a moment, one that did not go unnoticed by Princess Celestia.

The princess, beaming with satisfaction, sped up her movements, increasing the friction she caused within Rarity's cunt, and making the obscene sounds of their fucking echo through the room. She pushed herself forward, ever deeper, each thrust more powerful and vigorous than the last. Her soon-to-be wife was now panting heavily, barely able to contain herself. The needy, hungry moans she gave whenever Celestia pumped inside were enough to inform everypony of what she was thinking right now.

Then, Celestia ran out of space. With one of her strong thrusts, her dick suddenly hit against the wall of Rarity's womb, signifying that she had completely filled out the pussy of the mare before her. Her cock, that utterly stretched it apart, was barely even half-way in. Meanwhile, a shock ran through the unicorn's entire body. She was full. Completely and utterly full. She could feel everything, each and every last part of her own pussy, stretched to its utmost limits. And not just that, Celestia's cock was pushing against a spot that had never been touched before, one she didn't even know could be touched. There was nothing she could even compare this to. As the wave of pleasure she got from this washed over her, she screamed, her voice full of ecstasy and desire for more.

And more was what Celestia gave her. Again and again, she rammed her cock to the hilt, smashing into Rarity's cervix again and again. Her movements were rough, unrelenting, fucking her mare's pussy raw. The tears of terror on Rarity's face had long since turned into ones of joy, all her thoughts replaced with the sheer length that was going inside of her. This pounding, as hard and relentless as it was, continued only for a bit, before the otherwise so ladylike mare found herself tensing up, the incredible sensation finally pushing her over the edge. Her pussy clenched even tighter around Celestia's throbbing erection, and her knees grew so weak she would have fallen if not for the alicorn's magic holding her. Her eyes rolled upwards, and she moaned with pleasure.

"Oh Celestia, yes!"

Her body was wracked with a mind-blowing orgasm. Everything but the sheer joy she felt faded from her mind, as she uncontrollably squirted marecum over Celestia's dick and large, swinging balls. Her juices sprayed like a fountain for several seconds, before slowing down, trickling onto the ground for quite a while longer. Even after the moment had faded, she was still basking in the afterglow, just enjoying the feeling of Celestia rock-hard erection stretching out her vagina to its limits.

"Didn't that feel good, my little slave?"

Unable to speak, Rarity just weakly nodded her head. This had been wonderful. Fantastic. Far better than any silly stallion. Why had she feared becoming the princess' wife?

Then, her eyes fell onto the guardponies, vigorously fapping away at the display before them. "Yeah, keep jerking yourselves off. You could never compare to her.......You could never......what?.." Suddenly, Rarity realized what she had been thinking to herself. She had completely surrendered herself to this abuse, to the will of this tyrant. She hadn't even cared that there were three other ponies in the room, pleasuring themselves to her moaning like a wild animal. Just then, one of them came, her orgasm having aroused him too much. In several short, but strong spurts, he shot his jizz onto the ground, leaving a rather large stain where had aimed. A chill ran down her spine, and her cheeks blushed red.

"What....what have I done?" she whispered to herself. "How could a lady behave like that?" Clenching her eyes shut, she wanted to sink into the ground and disappear. The shame had hit her like a truck, and she did not know how to deal with it any longer.

Celestia, meanwhile, finally withdrew from her pussy, pulling out the dick that had only halfway fitted inside. It went out with a loud 'POP', leaving the mare's cunt gaping wide open. "Your highness." Rarity pleaded, clinging onto the only bit of hope she still saw for herself. "Please, just let me go. I'm too small to even fit you. I believe that your cock can reduce me from a refined lady to a hungry whore. But...but I won't be able to please you. Just let me go, p-please. I...I don't want....I don't want to be like that again..." By this point, she was close to crying again, self-loathing and disgust at her situation weighing heavily on her back.

"Oh Rarity...." Celestia began, the kindness in her voice sickeningly sweet. "No normal pony's pussy could ever take me. None of my other wives were able to do it at first, either. With my magic, I'll be able to fix that in time, but right now I just wanted to show you how good it can feel."

"But...but I do not want to feel-"

"Shh..." Celestia shut her up. She leaned downwards, sitting on her hind-legs, her face now looking directly at Rarity's firm, beautiful plot. "Of course you do. Besides, I haven't got to come yet. A lady wouldn't want her partner to be unsatisfied, would she?" She gave it a tender kiss, causing Rarity to gulp hard. Then, she opened her mouth, stretching out her tongue and slowly running it up and down the puckered asshole before her. The mare it belonged to shuddered as once again she felt that wriggly, slimy thing touching her, in an even more intimate place than before.

"Anal? You're insane. There's no way your cock is ever going to fit inside my ass."

Celestia paid her words no heed, however, continuing to lick her victim's butt. After a few more seconds of teasing its outside, her tongue began to work its way inside, turning and slithering all about. The sensation caused Rarity to convulse and spasm, and she desperately wished that the alicorn magic would just stop holding her in place. Having that thing moving around in her asshole was just about the most disgusting thing she had ever felt, worse than getting covered in mud at Sweet Apple Acres, worse than even that earlier kiss she had with the princess. It was like some sort of fast, flexible snail was creeping about inside of her, and she just wanted it to get out. But Celestia held this new, perverted kiss for several minutes, her tongue exploring every fold it could reach, eating out the unicorn's asshole like a pussy, leaving a thick trail of saliva everywhere. Only once everything had been full and truly coated in her spit, did she retreat from Rarity's ass. Not that it helped much, as having all that spit stuck in her backside was nearly as disgusting as having that tongue wriggling about inside of her.

"Mmmm....You're completely clean back here, Rarity. Somepony's taking good care of their hygiene..."

This time, it was Rarity who did not provide an answer, but this stemmed more from the strange sensation in her butt distracting her than it did from true defiance. The princess, meanwhile, just ignored her partner's silence, standing up again to align her cock with slippery and loosened, but still very much tight plot. She rested its tip against the entrance to her bowels, calling to mind a tree-trunk next to a straw. Feeling the warm, throbbing piece of meat nudging against her, Rarity's eyes widened.

"D-Don't do it, your highness! I can't handle it! You'll break me apart!"

"Didn't you listen? That's what I've been trying to accomplish all this time."

Then she pushed forward. This time, it wasn't at all like when she entered her victim's pussy. There was no one, swift motion, no quick pushing aside of the folds. There was no momentary jolt of pain, followed by sudden pleasure. No, this time, Celestia pushed slowly, her large, flared dick pressing against Rarity's far too tight asshoole with all its power, struggling to even begin to get in. The unicorn felt the pressure building in her flank as she desperately clenched her sphincter shut, doing all to deny the intruder entrance. She panicked, looking around the room for anything that could have helped her, but all she saw were the horny faces of three guardsponies, who were too busy jerking off to her misery to care. There was no sympathy on their faces. "They've probably already written me off as Celestia's toy. Just some piece of meat she's going to use for whatever she wants." Even the one who had shot his load earlier had gotten hard again in time for the main attraction, eager to make the most of the situation for himself. No, there was no help to be found there.

And just as Rarity realised this, was when she began to feel the pain. Aided by Celestia's full strength, and just barely lubricated by the remaining saliva and the constant trickle of precum that emerged from its head, the alicorn's cock had begun to push through the entrance. Its thick, girthy head parted her outermost walls, a slow and agonising progress as her asshole was still as tight as ever, and fought the battering ram of a cock every step of the way. Rarity felt a hot, fiery burn flare up in her backside, and she whimpered in pain. Celestia too grunted, the effort clearly written on her face.

With each second, each forced inch, the pain Rarity felt grew more intense, her ass getting stretched out just as much as her pussy had earlier. She felt as though she would just be torn open any second now, ended by the princess' massive shaft. Then, something gave, and she felt her butthole closing around something, trapping something gigantic inside of her. Celestia's tip had finally made it in. In that short moment, her pain peaked, and the mare cried out with an ear-shattering scream. The pain ceased a bit after this first enormous effort, but still her ass was being stretched far beyond its limits.

"AAAH! Please! Take it out! It hurts! Oh, Celestia, it hurts! TAKE IT OUT!"

"Just endure it for now."

Unhindered by the unicorn's screams, the alicorn began to make shallow, slow thrusts into the unicorn, using them to carefully work her dick in deeper. For Rarity, this just meant more pain, as she was being stretched out far beyond any reasonable limit and she felt the massive rod of maremeat scraping and rubbing against all of her most sensitive spots, again and again. She shivered, the tears having begun to flow again, bursting forth like a river this time. And all the while, there was a huge alicorn on her back, determined to use her like some cheap toy, and three guardponies watching her, jerking off to her misery. It made the young mare despair, making her pain seem even worse than it already was.

Meanwhile, Celestia was pushing ever further, working her way into Rarity's deepest bowel to burry her cock as deep as possible. After ten long, long minutes, she had finally passed the halfway point of her penis, and a tired, but happy smile began to form on her face. "Almost....there...." Already, a small bulge was forming underneath Rarity's skin, a sign that she was getting stretched way past the breaking point. The young mare caught only a glimpse of it, before quickly looking away, terror filling her heart at the mere sight of how much Celestia was ruining her. Edged on by her screams of terror and pain, Celestia went on with her task, unrelenting.

Over time, the bulge in Rarity's belly grew, and she felt her entire body being filled up. The pain was still intense, but she was slowly getting used to it, learning to relax her muscles as much as she could and just let the tyrant fuck her. It was a strange sensation, the whole situation being unlike any she had ever been in before. Here she was, her whole body wracked with pain, her insides getting stretched and distorted in ways they never were supposed to. And yet, if she wanted to avoid it hurting even more, she had to give in, loosen up to allow her abuser to move even further, and give Celestia what she wanted. She had to willingly mold herself around Celestia's cock, cater to whims of the monster that had taken her, the monster who had made her cum to so easily before, the monster between whose hooves she had been like silly putty.

Never before had Rarity felt so utterly, perfectly dominated. It was as though she really was no more than Celestia's toy, to be used in whatever way the princess wanted to. The thought disgusted, but also intrigued her. By that point, the alicorn's penis was nearly fully inside of her, stretching her out almost fully. Only one last obstacle remained before it could hilt: its medial ring. Swollen and thick as it was, it had a girth even wider than the head, presenting the absolutely widest part of Celestia's cock. Again, Celestia struggled, humping this final obstacle against Rarity's entrance again and again, grunting harshly and loudly, in the hope of finally breaking through. Her victim was feeling a burn again, similar to the one she felt when this anal intrusion had started, but this time around it was not quite as bad. After all, by now she was getting used to all the stretching going on.

"I wonder if I'll even be able to walk after this. The princess is going to stretch out my ass permanently, that's for sure."

Even her screams were slowly but surely dying down, both because the cock had stopped hurting quite as bad and because she was simply running out of energy to scream. She simply let herself slump forward, leaving the alicorn magic alone to hold her upwards, and panting shallowly as she was penetrated.

With Rarity's resistances now broken down, Celestia managed to push herself in fully. To Rarity's surprise, it did not even hurt all that bad. The ring just popped in, lodging itself inside of her, before swiftly being followed by the rest of the throbbing, rock-hard cock. She felt the princess' stomach against her flank, and her massive hanging balls slapping against her gaping, wet pussy. It was all in, filling her out so utterly that no space inside her body felt empty. The bulge was visible over her entire stomach, all the way up to her chest and even on parts of her back. There was nothing she could feel other than the cock, nothing she could even think about. In a way, it almost made her proud.

"I've...I've taken it all....I can't believe it..."

She glanced up at the guardponies, smiling weakly despite herself, glad to just be alive right now. They gaze they returned to her was one of surprise, even admiration. Two of them had entirely stopped masturbating, too baffled by how the mare smiled despite the fact that she was so stretched out she should have gone unconscious. "A lady.....urgh...wouldn't want to ....uff....leave her partner unsatisfied." she mindlessly repeated the words Celestia had spoken to her earlier, causing the stallions to look at each other, shrug, and continue pleasuring themselves.

Meanwhile, the princess herself gave a little chuckle, before leaning forward to whisper into Rarity's ear. "See? What did I tell you?" She too sounded somewhat out of breath, yet proud.

The alicorn stood in place for a moment, just gently rotating her hips a little to dig out a little more room inside of Rarity, who reacted by reflexively clenching up on the cock wriggling around inside of her. By this point her muscles were too stretched out to give much of a push, but they still managed to return a semblance of tightness to her innards. In response, Celestia gave an approving grunt, and rubbed her muzzle against Rarity's neck. Though she could barely feel it, the unicorn was oddly happy about the gesture.

Then, Celestia began to pull back a little, far enough for her medial ring to come close to Rarity's asshole again. A shiver ran down the mare's spine as she realised that this round of fucking had only just begun, while the alicorn wordlessly hilted herself again. She pulled out a little, before slamming forward, again and again, shallowly thrusting inside of her victim who felt every inch, every vein of her cock distorting her own body. The princess' movements, like back when she had fucked Rarity's cunt, slowly increased in speed and intensity, plunging further in and out with every passing second.

Just like on the way in, Celestia momentarily got stuck on her ring, before one particularly powerful tug pulled her dick outside far enough. A gasp escaped the former fashionista's mouth, followed by another as the princess pushed the ring right back in. Rarity began to pant heavily, the sensation of her formerly tight pucker being broken beyond all repair by Celestia continuously shooting through it with the girthiest part of her dick bringing some life back into her. "Oh!....Ah...Hah!....Oh Celestia....."

Celestia's assault continued, until she was almost entirely pulling her cock out of Rarity before slamming it back in, and her movements were growing as fast and rough as her earlier pounding of the mare's cunt, which had become wet again even as her balls slapped heavily against it. For Rarity, this rough spanking was the only thing she noticed beyond the dick inside of her. Every time it was removed, her body suddenly felt so empty, as though it had been an essential part of her, and every time it was pushed back in, it sent ripples through her, stimulating each and every muscle. Yes, she wanted it inside of her, filling her to the brim! She wanted this rough fucking that removed all other thoughts from her mind! Now that the pain had passed, this was just as enjoyable to her as getting her pussy fucked, perhaps even more so. After all, anal sex had the added satisfaction of allowing her to take all of Celestia, despite being a much smaller pony than the princess.

Her gasps and pants were turning back into moans now, along with the occasional whispered "...yes..." or "...fuck...me.....". By this point, she had lost all sense of time, many more minutes passing as she was getting fucked into this stupefied state. And then, it happened.

Celestia slowed down, leant forward, and whispered five words Rarity was aching to hear into her ear. "I'm about to cum, Rarity."

"Yes....please...." Was the only answer the mare could get out, but it seemed to be enough for the princess. Immediately, she resumed with the hard pounding she was dishing out earlier, speeding up to a pace she had never reached before. Rarity noticed the gigantic cock going in and out of her twitching, shaking violently as if in preparation for something.

The princess bit hard into Rarity's ear as she came. The unicorn felt the warm, gooey jizz flowing into her by bucketloads, Celestia not ceasing her pumping for even one second. Her insides were being flooded,, filling up within seconds and stretching out her belly even further than before. With nowhere else to go, the jizz spread out Rarity's buttcheeks, allowing itself just enough room to run down her thighs in thick, sticky rivers. On the other side of the mare, she felt something rapidly travelling up her throat, too much and too fast for her to keep down. Before she knew it, the princess' seed erupted into her mouth, assaulting her senses of smell and taste. It was thick, salty, and more virile than any sperm she had ever tasted before, causing her eyes to twitch as her mind was completely overloaded. Instinctively, she tried to gobble it back down, using her tongue to keep the delicious and potent cum inside of her, but failed to keep it from trickling down her mouth in a small waterfall.

The sensation of overflowing with cum, as she was being ravaged stronger than ever by Celestia, finally drove Rarity over the edge. She came, hard, shooting her marecum all over her and Celestia's crotch, mixing it with her rapist's spunk. The world went black before her eyes, and she squirted the hardest she ever had in her life. And as she did, the mare finally slipped off into unconsciousness, her ordeal having become too much for her.

Before too long, Rarity awoke to a feeling of emptiness in her guts, a strange cold that suddenly settled in within her, and something warm and fuzzy against her face. Opening her eyes, looking around in a panic, she noticed that she no longer was being held by Celestia's magic and currently laying on the ground. And just as she suspected, the princess had pulled out of her, leaving behind an asshole that gaped as wide as her cunt, spitting out jizz in a slow, stringy stream. It was still warm, so she hadn't been out for too long, but of course wasn't comparable to the musky heat of the alicorn's cock itself. Strangely enough, there also seemed to be a thin trickle of cum coming from her vagina, even though the princess had never cum there.

"Wait, where is she?" Rarity thought to herself, licking the last remains of cum off her lips. A quick look around the room found her, and only her. The guardponies were gone, the only memento of them being several jizz-stains in the room's carpet. "I think that's theirs, at least. The princess came soooo much." Celestia was sitting much like she had when Rarity entered, her genitalia on full display, though this time her cock was flaccid and covered in a thick mixture of their juices.

"Finally, you're up. I allowed my guards to use you a little while you were out. Don't worry, you already had my dick, so I assure you that you didn't miss too much. They just made sure to block up your entrances and kept my cum in you for a little while longer. I didn't want you to miss the feeling of having it slowly drip out of you for the first time."

Rarity attempted to stand, to walk towards the princess, but found that she couldn't. Her legs were too shaky, her flank stretched out too wide for her to get up. Instead, she then crawled towards her, which also proved difficult, but not impossible.

"You'll get the feeling in your legs back in a couple of days. And if not, I can always use my magic to heal you."

The mare seemingly ignored her, just crawling relentlessly towards the bed, dropping back down only when she had reached its side. She rolled onto her back, causing more sperm to get pressed out of her, which made her give a short moan of arousal. Her eyes, once the moment of pleasure had passed, looked upwards, staring right at Celestia's cock and her eyes behind it.

"What do you think about becoming my bride now?" the princess asked, resulting in a weak, but eager nod from Rarity.

"...You are amazing....your highness....I love....your cock..."

"Do you want me to have another go at you?"

"R-right now?" Rarity was surprised. How long had she been out for? Celestia was already ready for a second round?

"Of course. We could have done it sooner, but, well, you were off into dreamland. I wonder what Luna thought, seeing you like that." Celestia chuckled shortly, while Rarity felt her pussy grew a little wet again at the thought of the princess' sister watching her, perhaps stroking a cock that was just as large as her sibling's.

"Oh, yes! Please!"

"Excellent. But first, we have to seal our marriage with a kiss, don't you think?"

"A kiss?" the young unicorn asked. Hadn't she already kissed the princess earlier?

"Not with our mouths again, of course. You need to kiss my cock. Clean it, and make it hard again for our second fuck."

Now this was something Rarity understood in her new state of mind. With slow, lumbering movements, she propped herself up against the bed, using all the remaining strength left in her body to lift herself up high enough to face the princess' shaft. It took quite a lot of effort, but eventually she managed to manoeuvre herself into position, kneeling on her hind legs with her belly pressed against the bed, pushing and kneading the cum out of her asshole. The sensation almost made Rarity cum again on the spot, despite her not even being touched at the moment. Her face was right across Celestia's massive dick, the tool with which she had been fucked into a new mare, now in a tragically flaccid state.

She leant forward towards its tip, and pressed her mouth directly on its urethra. Her tongue swirled around a little, licking it clean of delicious, musky juices that felt almost like an aphrodisiac to her. Then, she began to suck on it, eager to drink every last remaining drop of her jizz she could get. Celestia put a hoof onto her head, slowly stroking through her mane that had once been refined, but now was a filthy, roughed-up mess, much like the mare it belonged to.

A small spurt of cum entered her mouth, causing her to lean back and savor for a moment. As she did so, the alicorn's cock started to grow before her, her actions and the show she was putting on already having their effect. Eager for more, she leant further downwards, putting her muzzle right between the princess' massive, having balls, licking them clean of their juices, before making her way upwards.

She spent almost half an hour like this, running her tongue over Celestia's cock again and again, covering each and every inch of it in her saliva, attempting to remove all traces of her earlier sex from it. It had long since became hard as rock again, happily throbbing in anticipation for what would come next, while a burning desire had quickly built up in the mare's crotch. "Come on! When are we going to fuck again?! I want it! I need it!" And just when she felt as though she could not take it anymore, as though she would go crazy without the princess' dick inside of her, Celestia gently pulled her away.

She looked down on her beloved wife, pride clear in her eyes. "You have done so well. Let's have some more fun, shall we?"

With that, her horn began to glow, and Rarity felt the familiar sensation of her body being propped up by Alicorn magic. Now, she would experience the most wonderful feeling in the world again.

For the rest of the day, and the coming night, Celestia and Rarity fucked like wild animals, not even stopping anymore when Rarity lost consciousness again. The princess would cum inside of her newly broken slave time after time, and every time she did Rarity made sure to clean her up. Over time, the mare even began to take in the alicorn's cock, giving it as good of a blowjob as she could given its size. This eventually led to Celestia just laying her down and ramming it down her throat, which she proceeded to fuck like just another hole. During it all, the alicorn never seemed to run out of stamina, nor did her jizz become any less thick or virile, while Rarity's holes were aching, and her entire body felt sore. Not that she minded, because the pleasure overwrote it all. By the time their mating ended the next morning, she was so thoroughly exhausted she immediately fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

From that day on, Rarity stayed at Canterlot castle. While she was allowed to walk wherever she wanted within its confines, and was even allowed to leave during certain hours of the day, she rarely ever did, much preferring to impale herself on her mistress' cock. Whether other ponies, whoever they might have been, were or were not watching at the time didn't matter to her. To some degree, she even enjoyed their judgemental, sometimes even jealous stares, as the shame she felt drove her to orgasm even faster. Before too long it was known all throughout Equestria that Rarity, former national hero and fashion icon, had married the princess and was now living as nothing more than her personal sex slave. But she didn't care that her good name and status had been smashed to pieces, as getting fucked by Celestia was all that mattered to her anymore. Sometimes, the princess would even invite her sister, who turned out to be just as hung as her, to take out the stress of daily politics on her together. Rarity treasured those moments, as the only thing better than an alicorn's cock were two alicorns' cocks.

Of course, her friends found out about her new status before too long, and often visited her in the palace. While they initially confessed concern about her new situation, once Rarity showed them how happy she was, gleefully allowing the princess to fuck her in front of all of them, they hesitantly came to terms with her new status. Neither her nor Celestia told them how their 'wedding' had taken place, and that the princess had simply raped her wife into submission. It seemed pointless to worry them with such details. This way, Rarity got to keep her friends, while Celestia got to keep her beloved student.

Soon, perhaps, the princess would even make good on her promise and invite Twilight to have a go at the former fashionista. Her wife had noticed the princess of friendship sporting a semi as she watched her friend getting fucked, and by the looks of it, it was just the right alicorn size.

Yes. Soon, there would be another alicorn, filling her holes to the brim. With any luck, she would not have to go empty a single second of the day. With thoughts like these, Rarity gleefully gave herself to her new life.

A new life as Celestia's cumbucket.