A Visit By a Dire Wolf: Day 3

Story by Ash Cinder on SoFurry

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#3 of A Visit by a Dire Wolf

Finally! The next chapter of this thrilling saga is out, and it's the new longest story I've ever uploaded yet! I don't care if this series doesn't really get that many views compared to my other stories, it's been such a wonderful experience turning this real week in my life into a story! Also, not to toot my own horn, but this story might have the hottest sex scene I've ever written! Maybe it's just cause it's based on a real experience, but I enjoyed writing and rereading the scene in question so much. I put so much unbridled passion into it. I really hope you guys like it.

So, Ash begins reflecting on the night he had with Sekke and Eric. He ended up learning a lot about himself from that and seems to be going through a bit of a delayed coming of age from the experience. He also begins letting Eric talk him into doing things like skipping work and staying away from home for days on end. Ash is becoming a bit torn, he's enjoying all the time he's spending with Eric and Sekke, but he knows he shouldn't neglect his responsibilities, but the free spirited dire wolf is just so charming...

Eric the dire wolf belongs to FA: open_mind1

Sekke the jackal belongs to FA: SekkeAnubis

A Visit By a Dire Wolf: Day 3

By: Ash Cinder

I didn't sleep much that night. Part of that was due to me not being able to sleep well in unfamiliar room, but the other part was due to me sharing the bed with two other people! I'd never done this before. Never had a naked man sleeping next to me while holding me close to his body. It was a strange, but good feeling. Heh, even though I was tired, I almost didn't want to sleep because I liked the feeling of the older dire wolf holding me so close to his chest while he slept. Sekke was on the other side of him, doing the same to him, her black arms wrapped around him, if the TV wasn't on, I probably wouldn't have been able to see her in the dark.

I probably should have tried harder to fall asleep, but I was too busy savoring this moment, this whole night was such a strange and wonderful experience. I'd never been so intimate with anyone like that before. My relationship with my boyfriend Jamie was long distance so we'd never gotten to even kiss yet so much as be intimate in bed like I was doing with Eric and Sekke.

There was no way I was going to sleep so I just kept watching the TV that we left on. I just sat there and watched the late-night programing on the screen, though I wasn't really paying attention to it. I was mostly just laying there lost in thought. This was probably the first time I'd really gone out late with friends and really enjoyed myself.

It had only been about a month since I graduated college. When I was still there I never did anything like this. I was the "good student", devoted all of my time to school. If I ever went out, it was usually just to see a movie or something with my girlfriend I had until we broke up the year we graduated. Other than that I never went out to clubs, or bars, or a hotel room and did... what we all did. Never called my parents to tell them I was staying the night downtown. This honestly kind of made me feel even more independent.

In that moment, I think I finally realized I was an adult now. I know, crazy, took me like 7 years, but I finally realized, I could make my own decisions like this. I didn't need to ask my parents' permission to do this sort of thing. Though, I still felt bad... I hoped they wouldn't be worried about me...

Soon though morning came and the three of us woke up, or rather the two of them, since I ended up watching TV, lost in thought all night.

"Morning, my young lovelies," Eric said.

He turned his each to each side of us and gave us both a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning," Sekke said, looking over at the both of us.

"Who's up for some breakfast?" Eric asked, getting out of bed and choosing which clothes to wear.

"Me." Both me and Sekke said at the same time.

Eric chuckled at this.

"Any suggestions?"

"How about IHOP?" Sekke asked.

"Sounds good to me," I said. "Heh, I remember when some nice felines paid for my breakfast there a few days before I graduated."

"IHOP it is then." Eric said, putting on a polo shirt.

When we got into the car, I pulled out my phone and tried to turn it on to see if I had any messages, but it didn't turn on. Then I remembered, I usually plug my phone in to charge overnight, but I didn't bring my charger with me! My phone was dead!

"Shit!" I said.

"What is it?" Eric asked.

"My phone's dead, and my mom wanted me to text her in the morning."

"Don't worry, we were going to swing by Walmart after breakfast to get me a new swim suit for when we go swimming later, we can get you a charger there." Sekke reassured.

"Alright, but let's not take too long, I don't want my mom to worry."

"How old are you, again?" Eric teased. "24 was it?"

"I know, I just... I don't like making them worry." I admitted.

Eric just gave me a playful look in the rearview mirror.

I rolled my eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that," I said.

"Like what?" He asked.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"Just watch the road," Sekke said.

"Alright," He said, looking away from the mirror.

We both kept driving to the IHOP and listened to the radio, singing a long occasionally. It was fun having someone to sing along with in the car. Usually I just did it by myself whenever I drove anywhere.

Once we got to the pancake house we sat down at a booth and ordered our food and chatted more about what was in store today.

"So, I know I shouldn't be happy about this, but thanks for convincing me to skip work today. After the rough day I had yesterday, I could use a break," I said, taking a drink of orange juice.

"Yeah, fuck that job." Sekke said.

"Honestly, the job itself wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for her," I admitted.

"Well, you don't have to think about her at all today," Eric said, "just relax with us today."

"Yeah, I know," I said, "I just wish I could get out of that job permanently."

"You said you applied somewhere else, right?" Sekke asked.

"Yeah, but I haven't heard back from them since the interview, so that probably means I'm not getting it, just like with every job I keep applying for." I moped.

"Well, you gotta keep applying," Eric said, "You can use me as a reference, if you want."


"Of course!"

After a while the server brought out our breakfast and I greedily dug into my blueberry pancakes. Sekke got some kind of cupcake-flavored pancakes with frosting and sprinkles and Eric got an omelet. This was a nice breakfast, I normally just sat alone in my parents' kitchen eating a poptart for breakfast on the weekdays, so this was a nice change of pace.

We all finished out breakfast pretty quickly, which I was thankful for since I really wanted to get a phone charger so I could text my mom. She was probably worried sick when she couldn't reach me.

We all got back in the car and drove off to the Walmart by Sekke's house. On the way there we listened to The Thunder Rolls only it was a version I'd never heard before. I always knew the original Garth Brooks version, but this one was by a group called All That Remains.

Once we got to Walmart, we headed over to the clothing section to start looking for swimsuits. I wasn't really looking for anything, I had a swimsuit at home already. We browsed around the clothing section, Sekke looked at the swimsuits and some of the dresses while Eric looked at some of the more touristy shirts. Eric wanted to get one to commemorate his trip to Texas.

He pulled one up that I really liked. It was a red shirt with a longhorn skull with a cowboy hat on it along with the words "San Antonio: Wild Ride" written on it. He showed it to me proudly, giving me a cheeky grin.

"You'd totally rock that shirt," I told him.

"You think so?" He asked, smirking at me.

"Hell yeah!"

"Let's show Sekke," He said.

We stood outside the changing rooms waiting for her to come out. When she did she was wearing a nice black dress she picked out, with some floral patterns on it.

"Looking good!" I complimented.

"Look what we found." Eric said proudly, showing her the shirt.

Sekke just gave us a look that said "Really?" and we both just gave her silly grins.

"I think it'd look good on him," I said.

"I'm gonna get it!" Eric said excitedly.

"Alright," Sekke said with a giggle, "but if anyone asks, I don't know either of you."

Me and Eric both laughed while the three of us made our way over to the check out. I swiped a phone charger off a nearby shelf and we paid for our stuff and headed back to the car.

Once I got my phone plugged into the car's outlet, I immediately turned it on to see I had 2 unread messages from my mom, all telling me I was supposed to text her when I got up and she wanted to know when I was coming home.

I groaned and proceeded to text her that I was fine, that my phone ran out of battery and that I was about to get to my car and head home. I didn't have to wait long for a reply.

"Okay, are you going to come home right after work?" She asked.

"Maybe, I kind of want to hang out more with my friends. One of them is only in town until the end of the week." I texted.

"Could you at least not stay the night tonight. I just... I worry, I don't know these people remember?"

"They're good people," I told her, "I'm sorry for making you worry. I... I promise I won't stay the night tonight, I'll try and be home by 1:00, 1:30 at the latest."

"Okay, have fun." She said.

I let out a long sigh. I conveniently left out the part about me skipping work today to go swimming and hang out more with my friends.

"Was she mad?" Eric asked, glancing over at me.

"I don't think so, she was just worried. It's not really like me to do something like that, stay over at someone's place after a night on the town... or really having a night out on the town at all."

"She just needs to accept that you're an adult now and you can make your own decisions. You're responsible, always been a good kid, right?"

"Yeah, I have it's just... I'm her only pup, always have been. So, she's kind of been really protective of me my whole life. Guess she hasn't really grown out of it as I've grown up."

"Maybe talk to her about it?" He suggested.

"I probably will... not sure when though, I want to make the most out of my time while you're still in town."

"I know hun, but nothing will ever change if you don't communicate," He pointed out. "I'm not saying tell her this week or anything, but definitely tell her soon after I leave."


We pulled into the parking lot next to my car. I was happy that it didn't get towed away, I was always paranoid about that since I'd only recently gotten it a month ago.

"See you in a little while for swimming," Sekke said.

"Alright, can't wait!"

I got into my car and decided to call into work right then before I forgot later, calling the main offices and telling them that I was going to have to miss work because I got a stomach bug at a restaurant. Once that was done, I headed home.

I was still sad that Sona had to miss the nice dinner and everything, though I doubt she would have been interested in getting involved in what ended up happening between the three of us at the hotel, seeing as she was engaged.

I arrived home to an empty driveway, mom and dad had already gone to work. I headed in and immediately stumbled into my room and flopped on the bed. I plugged in my phone to my computer to charge and immediately started texting Jamie to tell them what happened last night.

"Morning," I texted.

"Hey!" They replied a few seconds later.

"So, I might have had a bit of... "fun" with Eric and his friend," I texted, adding a little smirking emoji so Jamie would know what I meant.

"Oh?" They replied back with their own smirking emoji.

"Yup, we made out, Eric and Sekke bit me a few times, stuff like that."

"Hehe, sounds fun."

"You don't mind right. Eric was a little nervous about doing anything with me cause he didn't want you to get jealous."

"Nah, of course not, I trust Eric."

"Just wanted to make sure."

"You three have all the fun you want." Jamie replied with a little kissing emoji.

"Thanks foxy! Anyway, I didn't sleep much last night because of all the fun we had, I'm going to take a little nap now. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

I set my alarm to wake me up at 2:00 PM so that I could try and be there at 3:00 and fell asleep within seconds.

My alarm went off after a few hours of sleep and I felt much better than I was running on a total of zero hours just a little while ago. I got up and grabbed my swimming trunks and a change of clothes out of my drawers and my iPhone charger before getting in my car and heading off to the hotel.

I was so glad I decided to skip work today. I knew I shouldn't have, but after the day I had yesterday, I needed a day off, and no one would know. Wasn't like I was cutting school or anything.

After about 25 minutes of driving into the city, I parked over in the hotel parking lot and stepped out of the car with my stuff.

"I'm here," I texted Eric's phone as I stepped out of my car and walked to the hotel.

A few seconds later he texted back.

"Alright! We're already at the pool, come over to the back, the water's nice."

I smiled and walked into the hotel and past the lobby over to the pool, already in my swim trunks. They waved me over when I came out the door into the pool area.

"Hey! What took you?" Eric asked.

"Took a nap before I came over."

"Why didn't you just come over here and take a nap with us at the hotel?" Sekke asked.

"Well, I didn't want to drive tired, and I was already at home, laying on my bed, so y'know..."

Sekke giggled a bit.

"Just get in the water already." She said, splashing a bit of it at me.

I quickly pulled off my shirt and hat and put them on a lawn chair.

"If you insist."

I ran over to the deep end and did a cannonball into the water. Once I surfaced Eric and Sekke made their way towards me.

"So, how long have you guys been out here?" I asked.

"Just a couple of minutes," Sekke answered.

"Oh good, so I guess that means I didn't nap too late."

"Nope, you're right on time." Eric said.

"How's your chest?" I asked Sekke.

"It's fine, we got me some water-safe bandages before we got in the pool. Still a little sore, but it's not too bad."

"That's good," I said before turning to Eric. "And how's your back?" I asked with a bit of a smirk.

"Wonderful." Eric said, his grey tail wagging in the water.

"Not too sore?"

"Nope, how about you?" He asked before quickly reaching out and giving one of my nipples a little pinch, making me blush and look around to make sure no one saw.

"Not too much, though I think these bite marks will be there for a few days."

I wiggled the more he teased my nipples.

"So, that was your first time being bitten?" He asked.

"Sure was, and you two did a great job."

"Last night was fun," Sekke said.

"Yes, it was," Eric said with a happy sigh.

He moved in between me and Sekke and put an arm around each of us.

"And it's only just begun," He said. "We've still got 5 days left."

"So, what else are we gonna do today besides swimming?" I asked.

"I thought we could get lunch after we dry off and then play a few rounds of Exploding Kittens in the hotel room." Sekke suggested.

"Exploding Kittens?" I asked. "I've never played that."

"It's fun," Eric said, "we really need a third person to play it."

"Then I guess I'm the third person." I said.

"You got it," He said with a grin.

Suddenly I felt my nipple being pinched again and I started to squirm. I looked down to see that his paw had drifted a little lower and sneakily grabbed my nipple.

"You doing that to him to compensate for the fact that you can't do it to mine?" Sekke asked with a smirk.

"Maybe..." Eric answered, squeezing my nipple tighter making me gasp.

"Oh, stop teasing him, save it for the hotel room," she said, playfully splashing him.

"Oh alright," he said, letting go of it.

I let out a giggle and rubbed it. Heh, that wolf, I mean sure he could be a bit flirty with me during our interactions online, but wow I wasn't expecting him to be so forward in person. Not that I minded of course.

We continued playing around in the pool together for about an hour, getting into splash fights, getting out and jumping back into the water, the usual pool stuff. After an hour, we started to get hungry and debated what to get for lunch.

"What are you guys hungry for?" I asked. "I'm up for anything."

"I think there's a Wing Stop not too far from here," Sekke suggested.

"Yeah, I could go for some wings," I agreed.

"Shall we go get dressed then?" Eric asked.

"Well, we're not going to get lunch in our wet swimsuits." Sekke said as we got out of the pool.

Once we were out of the pool, I looked over at Sekke and noticed her tattoos she had on her thigh and chest. I hadn't really noticed them before, in the dim hotel room last night, not really facing her most of the time, but in the daylight I got a better look at them. They were both the same symbol, a yellow Ankh, like the ones used in ancient Egypt, with seven yellow dots circling it.

"I love your tattoos," I complemented her.

"Thanks, I really want to get another."

"I'd love one too," Ash said.

"What if we all got one?" Eric asked, putting an arm around each of us.

"Like, matching tattoos?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Eric said, his wagging tail thumping the back of both our butts.

"That'd be pretty cool," Sekke said.

"Hm, where would we get it?" I asked.

"We can talk about that later, after we eat." Eric said.

We both walked into his room and started changing. I was just about to take my trunks off when my phone rang, it was a number I didn't recognize.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you?" It was Janet's voice.

Shit, there's just no escaping this harpy in my life, is there? I thought to myself.

"Are you coming today or what?"

"Oh, hey Janet," I turned my head slowly to Eric and Sekke and gave them a sly smirk, "I called in sick, got a bad stomach bug last night from a new restaurant. Guess I forgot to text Rachel to let everyone know. My bad, but you know, been going to and from the toilet all day today," I said with a bit of a smirk.

"You don't sound sick!" She said. "God, that's just like you, you forget to do everything, even texting--"

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to let you go, Janet," I interrupted, pulling the phone away from my ear. "Yeah, I'm about to throw up again, yeah, bleh, bleh!" I said unconvincingly before hanging up on her.

I turned back to my two friends.

"Bitch." I said, rolling my eyes.

They both let out laughs they'd been holding in during that phone call, I had to say, it did feel good to just dismiss Janet like that, even though I knew I was really going to get an earful from her tomorrow.

"Now that that's taken care of, let's order lunch." I said.

Eric called up the wing place and ordered what we wanted while me and Sekke put our clothes back on.

"How about we make a beer run while our wings are cooking?" Eric asked.

"Sure thing!" I said, putting on my shoes.

"Yeah, we gotta have drinks with our wings," Sekke agreed.

Eric looked up a convenience store that was on the way to Wing Stop and we went out to his car.

"So, plan on staying over again?" Eric asked, looking back at me in the rearview mirror.

"I don't think so, unfortunately," I confessed. "I don't want to make my parents worry, my mom wants me to come home tonight."

Eric gave me a bit of a disapproving look.

"Don't give me that look," I scolded him. "I want to, but... my parents haven't seen me in like, what, 2 or 3 days?"

"You're how old?" He teased.

"It's not about that!" I said, a bit louder than I intended. I sighed. "I've never done anything like this before; stayed over downtown, gone to bars, I've always been the responsible straight-arrow kid, not going to parties, not really staying out late, my parents aren't used to this yet..."

There was an awkward silence in the car.

"If he doesn't want to stay, he doesn't have to stay," Sekke finally spoke.

"Alright..." Eric accepted as we pulled into the parking lot of the convenience store.

We went in and got our various drinks of choice. Eric insisted he pay for them, despite our protests. I hoped he wasn't going to go into debt from this trip, I knew he had a real job, making more than $15 an hour, but it's not like he was rich. Once the stuff was paid for, we walked back to the car.

"You know you could have let us pay for the drinks," Sekke scolded him. "You've been paying for everything the past few days."

"I can't help it, hanging out with you guys makes me feel like I'm getting away with something." He replied.

I instantly burst out laughing when he said that.

"What'd he just say?" Sekke asked, looking back at us.

"Nothing," Eric said, trying to look innocent.

"Bullshit," I added.

"You wanna tell me, or is Ash going to?" She asked Eric as we climbed in the car.

He just gave her his usual goofy smile as he started the car.

"He said hanging out with us made him feel like he's getting away with something." I said for him.

She looked over at him with a mildly annoyed look.

"Why do we put up with you?" She asked.

"Cause you love me," He answered.

"It's true," I said.

"Yeah," She agreed, laughing.

We picked up our wings and headed back to the hotel to enjoy them. I opened up my box, which contained teriyaki wings and immediately started to chow down, not realizing until then that I was so hungry. Sekke did the same, while Eric stood at the foot of the bed for a second.

"Well, I don't want to get any sauce on my shirt..."

Then he did the most Eric thing, and took off his polo shirt, laying down on his side and eating from his box. I giggled looking at the shirtless dire wolf munching on his wings while me and Sekke just sat there, still fully clothed.

I looked over at his back, I could still see the marks Sekke had left, she'd pulled off some of his fur when she scratched him. It was pretty impressive work she did.

"Your back looks nice," I commented.

His tail wagged happily as he looked over at Sekke.

"She did a wonderful job, didn't she?" He said with a happy sigh.

"I think they might actually scar," Sekke said, examining his back.

"Just gives me something to remember you by," He said, stroking her leg with his paw. "Think you can give me a few more."

Sekke just flipped her black hair and happily showed him her claws. Eric's body shuddered and he let out an excited gasp.

"Lay down," She ordered.

Eric did as she commanded, laying face down so that his back was on full display. She gently probed his back with her claws, teasing him a little and making him twitch with anticipation.

Then she stuck her claws into his lower back and raked them up his spine. He let out a loud yell, almost sounding like a roar, which I quickly tried to muffle with one of the pillows like I'd done last night.


His back arched up as Sekke brought her other paw down on his back and dragged her claws across it with a devious grin. I struggled to keep the pillow held over his head firmly, which proved difficult with his large body bucking and writhing on the bed.


I grinned over at Sekke before I put my leg down on top of the pillow and gave Eric some scratches of my own, making him howl.

"He's a real sucker for pain, isn't he?" I asked.

"And I'm a sucker for dishing it out," she replied, flashing her claws at me.

I shuddered a bit, noticing they had a bit of Eric's blood on them. I looked down and we could see the deep gashes she left, I could see that they were indeed bleeding under his fur. The jackal smiled and examined his back, admiring her work.

"Damn, if those one's from last night aren't going to scar, these definitely will," she boasted.

"Yeah, you got him real good!" I agreed. "Should I go get some ice like we had last night?"

"Yeah, go ask the bar in the lobby for some," she instructed.

I ran out into the lobby and asked the bartender for the ice.

"Everything going okay in there?" He asked as he scooped ice into the bucket. "Someone walking by your room said they thought they heard someone yelling pretty loud."

"Ah," I said, guess the pillow could only work so well, "yeah, our friend stubbed his toe pretty bad on the stool, he's okay though."

"Alright," he said, handing me the bucket, "be more careful where you guys step."


I ran back to the room with the ice. Eric was still sprawled out on the bed when I came in. I gave some ice to Sekke and I took another cube and we began rubbing them all over Eric's back. He let out a relaxed sigh, letting us nurture the wounds we'd caused him. His back twitched while we soothed it, his tail swaying gently behind him.

Once he thought we were done, he slowly pushed himself up, looking like he'd just run a marathon. Then he laid down on the bed, his wet back against the mattress.

"Hey, careful," Sekke warned him, "don't get any blood on the sheets."

I laid down next to him, on his left side and decided to take my shirt off too, wanting to cuddle a little with the dire wolf.

"Boy, you sure do love getting clawed," I teased, "maybe one day during your trip me and Sekke will have to tie you up and give you an extra long scratching session?"

Then Eric turned to me on the bed and just stared at me, still looking a bit dazed.

"What?" I asked.

No answer.

"You okay?" I asked, patting his belly. "We didn't overdo it, did we?"

He slowly reached out his paws and ran them down my body, making me shiver with delight. But then I noticed something, he was growling, I looked back at him to see his dazed expression had been replaced with a more devious looking one. One that looked at me with hunger. Suddenly he let out an even louder growl and grabbed my body firmly, quickly rolling his on top of mine before I knew what was happening, and pinning me to the bed!

I let out a yelp, his sudden show of dominance taking me by surprise, but also majorly turning me on, my erection igniting in my shorts. I looked up at him, our snouts literally centimeters from each other, I couldn't move away even if I wanted to because his paws continued to hold me there firmly.

Sekke chuckled, taking her shirt off and moving to my right side.

"We gonna tag team him like me and Ash did to you?"

Without even turning to look at her, Eric said, "Leave us goddess... the coywolf is mine..."

Sekke looked at him, just as surprised as me at his sudden change in behavior.

"Uh, cool... I guess I'll just go sit on the floor over here and wait for you two to finish..." She said, awkwardly shuffling off the bed.

I looked up timidly at Eric. I never knew he could get like this in bed.

"What's the big dire wolf gonna do to me?"

"Let's get these off first!" He said, his voice still having a hint of a growl in it.

He grabbed ahold of my shorts and pulled them off my legs as quickly as he could. I was honestly surprised, but relieved that he didn't just tear them from my body. Then he took off my underwear, slipping them off, doing so all the while not giving me any wiggle room to try and get out from under him. Then he took his own off as well so that we were now as naked as we were the night before.

Once we were both nude, he turned his attention back to me. He put his paw at the center of my chest before gently dragging his claws down it. I whimpered, for a second, I thought he was going to give me a taste of what me and Sekke did to him. But then he quickly turned us both over so that now he was laying with his back on the bed, with me on top of him, my erect member resting against his furry belly, with his pointing straight up against my back.

I wasn't pinned down anymore, though he kept a firm hold on me with his paws, making sure I couldn't go anywhere. He gave me a fanged grin as he looked up at me. He moved one of his paws on my back and pulled me into a kiss, thrusting his tongue past my teeth and deep into my mouth.

My eyes rolled back in my head as I let the suddenly dommy dire wolf take control, greedily moving his tongue all around my mouth. While we kissed, he put both his paws on my back and gently dragged his claws down it, making me moan. Once he got to my lower back, he rested his paws against my behind and gave both my cheeks a firm squeeze. I moaned and wagged my tail.

He then gave me a quick, but firm slap on my left cheek, making me yelp and thrust my hips forward. My cock rubbed against him when I did that, his belly fur felt so nice against it. I started slowly dry humping him, moving my hips forward and back.

"Yeah, that's it." He moaned.

He pulled me forward again, holding me close to his chest with his strong arms while I kept humping his belly. My head rested over his shoulder and he took advantage of this, turning and sinking his teeth right into my right shoulder.

I gasped and moaned, the bite was much harder than any of the ones he'd given me last night, almost on par with Sekke's. I started humping him faster, my orgasm fast approaching. Just as I thought I was about to finish, he pulled his mouth off my shoulder and pushed me up to face him.

"Don't you cum," I heard him growl in a warning tone, "Don't you dare cum yet..."

I shivered when he said that, stopping my thrusting against his belly and letting my building orgasm subside. I looked down and watched him move one of his paws and grab onto my member, giving it a squeeze. I gasped and instinctively thrust into his paw.

"Go ahead now, pup," he told me.

I resumed my humping, continuing to thrust into his paw while he kept a firm grip on it. I panted, my orgasm beginning to return already, but I was worried he'd tell me not to cum again, I didn't want to shoot off now without the older canine's permission. I kept thrusting, but tried to slow down a bit, not wanting to shoot off until he wanted me to.

"C-Can I cum now?" I asked.

"Yes, do it, shoot all over me!" He exclaimed.

With a few more thrusts I let out a howl as I shot streams of cum all over Eric's chest and belly. A bit of it landed in his open muzzle, making me giggle.

Once my cock stopped throbbing, Eric closed his mouth and looked up at me, rubbing my right butt cheek with his paw.

"Damn, you've got some range with that thing!"

I blushed and rubbed his wet chest fur.

"And I never knew you could get so dominate."

"Occasionally I do," He said, looking around the bed. "Where'd the goddess go?"

"Uh, you kind of told Sekke to take five when you pinned me to the bed." I told him.

"I-I did?"

I looked behind me, expecting to see her sitting on one of the chairs by the table or something, but she was nowhere in sight.

"Wait, did she walk out of the room?" I asked.

Uh oh, I thought, I hope we didn't make her feel left out... My worry was quickly erased by seeing a familiar pair of black pointy ears rising up at the foot of the bed. The top of Sekke's head became visible and I saw here familiar yellow eyes looking back at us.

"Oh good, you guys are done now," she said, climbing back up on the bed.

"Sorry we kicked you off the bed," I apologized, climbing off of Eric and laying to his left.

"Nah, it's okay," She insisted, "you two were just having fun."

She laid over on Eric's right side and he hugged us both against him with each arm.

"Well, you can have fun too," I said.

"Really, it's fine, there's still the rest of the week."

I still detected a hint of disappointment in her voice. I felt bad, we'd definitely have to do something sexy with the three of us one day during Eric's visit to make it up to her.

Eric pulled her close and gave her a kiss.

"Sorry, my lady," He said, "I guess I wanted to give Ash a little taste of the time alone we had together during the beginning of the week."

"Alright, you should probably take me home now, I told my dad I'd be back by 11:00," Sekke said, getting her clothes back on.

"Of course," Eric said.

"I told my mom I'd be back by 1:00 or 1:30, so I guess I'll stay a little longer while you take Sekke back." I said.

"Too bad we didn't get to play Exploding Kittens," Sekke said.

"Let's play it tomorrow or Thursday." I said, slipping my pants on.

"Definitely," Eric agreed, "you'll like it Ash, it's a lot of fun."

"Certainly has an interesting title."

"Alright, I'm ready," Sekke said, grabbing her handbag.

"Bye," I said, getting up real quick and giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"See you tomorrow Ash," She said, smiling at me.

"Totally." I replied, getting back on the bed.

"I'll be back in a few." Eric said.

They both left the room, leaving me alone to my own devices. I decided to grab my box of now-cold wings and eat more of them while I thought about what might happen when Eric came back. He and I would be all alone.

I was now starting to regret telling my mom that I wouldn't be staying the night. I checked my phone and saw a message from her from 7 minutes ago, asking me if I was still coming home.

I really had to think about it now. The thought of spending the night, sharing the bed alone with my older friend filled me with a lot of excitement. I could always text mom and say I drank a lot today... though that's the same lie I used the night before. Plus, if I stayed out tonight, especially after telling her I'd try to be home by 1:30, she'd really start to worry. I couldn't do that to her.

I replied to her text saying "I'm still going to try and be home by at least 1:30, sorry for it being so late, but I'm just having a lot of fun with my friends and don't want to leave yet."

A few seconds later I got her response.

"Alright," she texted, "text me when you're about to leave. Love you."

"Love you too." I texted back.

I groaned, so annoyed that I was going to pass up getting to sleep with Eric alone tonight. I guess I would have to make our time count when he got back from taking Sekke home.

I waited a few more minutes, hoping that Eric would arrive before I had to go home. Right when I thought he was going to take way longer than I thought, I heard the door open and looked up to see Eric coming in.

"Got Sekke home okay?" I asked.

"Sure did." He said, putting his keys down on the table.

"Didn't let her dad see you?" I smirked.

"Stayed hidden."

"Well, I guess I'm still gonna be here for another hour and thirty minutes, what are we gonna do?" I asked in an innocent tone.

He smirked at me and walked over to the bed.

"So," He said, taking off his shirt and pants, "what I'm gonna do is just lay here and let you do whatever you want." He laid down on the bed, arms and legs sprawled out like that famous Da Vinci anatomy picture, letting out a happy sigh. "Explore to your heart's content."

I blushed at seeing him offering himself up like that. I slid off my shorts and underwear before crawling on top of the larger canine's body, eliciting a giggle from him. I started running my fingers though his fluffy chest fur, circling my index fingers around his nipples.

I leaned forward and licked the side of his neck, taking a deep breath through my nose, inhaling his manly scent. God, it was so intoxicating, it's indescribable, so warm and fatherly, but with a hint of dominance. I licked his neck more, slowly inching my way up to his muzzle, kissing the side of it as I got closer to his lips.

I pushed myself up to get one more look into those captivating eyes of his before I leaned back down and locked muzzles with him. I moaned into his mouth and caressed the back of his head with my paws, running my fingers through his fur.

There was something so forbidden about this that I loved, being alone with someone old enough to be my father, making out with him, naked on a bed, pushed up against each other. It was so strange, but so hot at the same time. I felt him wrap his strong arms around me and grope my ass making my tail wag with delight.

"Mmmm, your ass is so cute," He growled, "it just fits so perfectly in my paw!"

He grabbed it tighter and I moaned, grinding my cock against his belly while I buried my muzzle in his neck and gave it a small bite. He chuckled and did the same to my shoulder. I moaned loudly and we both held our bites for a few seconds before letting go.

He smiled up at me and stroked my cheek.

"And you're sure Jamie's okay with this?" He asked.

"Yeah, I texted them this morning," I said, "they're just fine with it."

I smiled down at him before starting to move down his body, wanting to explore some more. I stopped at his nipples, reaching out and giving one of them a pinch. He looked down, giving me a smirk. I pinched harder making his body twitch.

"Try biting them," he suggested.

I looked up at him questioningly.

"You'd like that?"

"As long as you don't do it too hard, why don't you let me demonstrate on you?"

"Uh, sure..." I said nervously.

I moved off his body and laid down next to him. He scooted down a bit so that his head was level with my chest. He brought his muzzle closer and gave one of my nipples a lick with his tongue, making me gasp. My nipple went erect and Eric let out a giggle. Then he gently grasped it with his front teeth and bit down slightly.

I gasped again at the sensation it caused. It hurt slightly as he squeezed the sensitive flesh with his teeth, but it was also extremely pleasurable. I felt him squeeze my other nipple with his paw, making my body squirm and moan with delight. He kept the bite held down for a while, letting me take in the feeling it was causing and see how to do it right. After a minute or so he let go of both my nipples and gave me a smile.

"Mmmm, I couldn't do that with Sekke since she got hers pierced the first day," He said, giving me a wink.

I giggled at that.

"Liked how that felt?"

"Mmhm..." I nodded my head.

He laid back down on his back.

"Then try it on me."

I got back on top of him and gave his left nipple some licks, he gently pet my head indicating to me that I was doing good. I pushed my lips against it and sucked on it a little, using my other paw to rub his furry chest. He breathed nice and easy while I sucked on it. Once I got enough suction going, I bit down on it and squeezed.

"Nnngh!" I heard him gasp, slightly gripping the back of my neck.

I giggled and squeezed it a bit harder with my teeth, his body twitched, and he let out a pleasured growl, stroking the grey fur on the back of my neck. When I released it, he let out a breath it sounded like he'd been holding the whole time.

"How was that?" I asked.

"You did pretty good."

"Great," I said, before giving him a smirk, "but there's one thing I've wanted to try all day most of all..."

I moved down between his legs, his member was already half out of his sheath. I stared at it with a grin, practically drooling at the half-emerged red rocket before me. I stuck out my tongue and gave it a slow lick.

This was my first time tasting someone's member, it tasted about what I expected, a bit salty and of course musky, but it was a good flavor.

Eric moaned as I gave his member more licks, slowly coaxing it out of its hiding place. Once it was out, I decided to grab the long shaft with my paw and jerk it slowly.

"Mmmm, have you given oral before?" He asked.


"Alright, well why don't we do the same thing we did with the nipple biting, bring that nice rocket of yours over here." He said with a toothy grin.

"You want to do the 69 position?" I asked, my face getting flushed again.

"Sure, just lay down on your side."

I did as he asked, laying down on my left side, while he did the same across from me. I looked down at him, grabbing my already erect cock and bringing his mouth toward it, then he stopped. He looked at it for a second, looking like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Damn, I never got a good look at what you were packing last night," He gave me an impressed look as he held my private organ in his paw.

"You mean it's big?" I asked.

"I'd say you won the genetic lottery with this bad boy," He gave it a squeeze.

"Wow," I moaned, "I never really paid much attention to my size down there, figured I was probably average."

"This is definitely above average." Eric said, bringing his muzzle toward it again.

He licked the tip with his tongue, flicking it against my urethra.

"Unnnghhh!" I moaned.

I'd never felt someone's moist mouth on my most private area like that. It was such a strange, a bit overwhelming sensation. My body began to tremble as he moved a step further, taking my cock completely into his maw and moving it forward and back.

"Oh! Oh my!" I whined, completely forgetting about the cock I was holding in my paw.

Eric noticed my reaction and took his muzzle off my cock for a second.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah, it's just... I've never had that done to me before." I said.

"Hm, have you never done anything like this before?" He asked.

"Nope." I admitted.

"So, you're a virgin?" He said with a warm smile.

"Was it not obvious?" I asked with a giggle.

"Wait, are you saying I'm your first?"

He looked at me with an excited smirk.

I nodded my head.

"Well, I'm happy," he stopped for a second to get another taste of my cock, making me moan again, "to be the one," He sucked the head, my body shuddering, "to guide you through your first sexual experience."

"It's all a little strange," I said, panting a little, "but I'm definitely enjoying it."

"So, there are many ways of stimulating someone's member orally," He said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"There was the tongue flicking, as I did to you first. But there's also the sucking action."

He turned back to my cock and suckled it in his mouth, making me gasp and blush even more.

"And of course, the movement of the head."

He took my cock into his muzzle and started moving his head up and down on it, making me toss my own head back in ecstasy. God, he really knew how to please a man. I wondered how many partners he'd had in his lifetime so far.

"Also, as you pleasure your partner, be sure to hold onto the balls, they'll let you know when your partner is getting close to orgasm."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"When you feel them recede, that means your partner is about to cum, that way you won't get taken by surprise."

"Thanks for the pointers." I said, still panting heavily from the feeling of his mouth on my cock.

"Now go ahead and give it a try on me." He said, getting back to the position he was in before.

I got back into position and took the tip of his member in my mouth, flicking my tongue against his urethra like he did to me. Both his legs moved around a bit and I heard him take in a deep breath. I wrapped my paw around his knot while I pushed my head down more on his cock, moving my tongue around it.

I slurped and got his cock nice and wet while the old dire wolf gasped and moaned. It felt good to pleasure someone like this even if it wasn't my boyfriend. I knew Jamie wouldn't mind me doing this with Eric, in fact Jamie would probably ask for all the nitty gritty details.

I jerked his cock slowly while I blew him, being careful of my teeth as I worked my mouth. He looked down at me through half open eyes, signaling clearly to me that I was doing a fine job. I could see him starting to rest his head against his pillow, starting to relax. He probably thought I was going to try to suck him off until he orgasmed, but I had something else in mind that I wanted to try.

Once his cock had a nice coating of my saliva, I climbed back up on top of him and lowered my ass so that the tip of his member was poking my entrance. I looked down at him and giggled as his head lifted back up with a surprised look on his face.

"Wasn't expecting you to try this..."

"Well, you said you were gonna lay there and let me do what I want." I said with a wink.

"I did, didn't I?" He smiled, rubbing my hip with his paw.

I wiggled my ass against his cock.

"Alright, well if you really want to try riding it, make sure you take your time. Lower yourself on it slowly, and then just sit there and let yourself get used to it."

"Alright..." I said, with a bit of a nervous tone.

"And try to relax, you're going to want to naturally tense up when you feel the initial penetration, but just breathe easy and take it slow."


"And I know you might be pretty eager, but don't try and take the knot... not yet." He warned.

"I won't, don't worry."

I took a deep breath as I slowly started to push my lower half down. I felt the tip of his cock start to enter my tailhole making me instinctively tense up, but I remembered what Eric said, and tried to get myself to relax, taking deep breaths as I slowly felt it go past the tip.

Eric let out some moans himself, holding my hips and rubbing them softly while I continued to lower myself onto his shaft.

"That's it pup," He said, "nice and slow."

I panted heavily, my paws resting on the dire wolf's chest. He moved one of his paws to my arm and gently stroked my fur.

I let out a triumphant moan as I felt the base of his knot resting against my ass, signaling that I'd taken as much as I could.

"Well, I'll be damned," Eric said, patting my hip, "you did it."

"I guess I did," I said, not fully believing it myself.

"Alright, well let's just let you get used to the size, but while we wait..."

He stroked my arm more and gently pulled me down so that I was laying against his chest, he wrapped his strong arms around me and nuzzled the top of my head. I let out slow, deep breaths, feeling my virgin hole get accustomed to his caninehood. He gently stroked the fur of my back and let his chest slowly rise and fall, creating a nice soothing movement where my head lay. I looked up at him and he looked down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I let out a giggle and kissed him back. He looked back at me with bedroom eyes, letting out a sexy growl before kissing me more passionately. I moaned and happily opened my mouth, inviting his tongue into it, which he gladly accepted, sliding it into my mouth. I probed his mouth back with my tongue, while my own erect member rubbed against his belly.

I savored this moment, my body laying against his larger one, our tongues dueling with each other, his puppy maker buried inside me. It was like a dream come true being with this wolf. He broke the kiss and stared into my eyes.

"How's it feel?" He asked, rubbing the top of my head.

"Ngh, good..." I moaned. "Very filling."

He chuckled.

"You wanna try taking this old wolf for a ride?" He asked with a wink.

I nodded my head and pushed myself up off his chest, sitting upright on his cock again.

"What you want to do now is start working your hips up and down on it, but not too much, so it doesn't slip out," He said, putting his paws on my hips. "I'll be here to help you."


"And like I said before, just take it nice and slow."

I looked down and took a deep breath before slowly raising my hips up, feeling Eric's member sliding out of my ass. Once I got close to his tip slipping out, I felt him start to gently push down on me, signaling to me to lower myself again. I let out a whine as I slid back down on his member.

"Just like that," He sighed.

I panted slowly as I began to ride that big shaft of his, with his paws still resting on my hips, guiding me along. I moved my paws up and down through his chest fur, wagging my tail slowly as I carefully maneuvered myself.

"Mmmm, you're such a sexy dire wolf daddy," I moaned, smiling down at him.

He let out a deep growl and gave my hips a squeeze in response.

"You're doing really well, does it hurt at all?" He asked.

"Not really," I said.

It was a good thing he gave me the advice he did, I had a feeling if I had gone in with the gusto my brain had been feeling before we started, I probably would have hurt myself. I began to work my hips a little faster, hearing his cock start to make wet noises every time I moved. Eric was clearly enjoying all this, panting with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. It made me giggle to see the old dire wolf like that, he was so goofy, but in an adorable way.

"Ah, god you're a tight one!" He moaned, starting to grip my hips more firmly.

"Well, I'm not surprised," I said, "this is my first time, remember?"

He gave my hip a playful smack.

I pushed down on his chest, while I rode his cock at a nice steady pace. It was true, I'd never done anything like this before, I could barely contain myself, riding this large, older male like this. I looked down at my own cock to see it leaking pre from the amount of pleasure I was feeling.

"Well, I'd say you're doing pretty well for a first timer," He said.


"But, let me give you a hand."

I let out a bit of a yelp as he quickly removed his right paw from my hip and grabbed my cock. He gave me a sexy smirk and started stroking it. It was still so strange feeling someone else touching my member like that. I was only used to my own paw when I was all alone, nothing intimate like this.

"Well, don't stop, pup, keep going!" He encouraged.

I hadn't even realized I'd stopped riding him. I began working my hips even faster, worried he might have started losing the build up I'd been working him towards. He kept stroking my knotted member while I rode him.

"Mmmm, imagine squirting all the contents of those balls of yours on me." He said with a smile.

Fuck, he really knew the right things to say. The thought of giving him a nice coating of coywolf seed made the fur on my spine stand on end.

"You like the sound of that?" He asked with a smirk.

"Mmhmm..." I said with a hint of a high-pitched whimper in my voice.

"Then keep going." He said, gripping one of my ass cheeks tightly with his other paw.

I really started riding him now, going at as fast a pace as I was comfortable with, pushing down on his chest with my paws while he jerked me off.

"That's it! That's it!" He cheered, "Go! Go!"

"You getting closer, dire wolf daddy?" I asked.

He chuckled.

"I'm almost there, how about you?"

"Mmhmm..." I moaned.

I was really twerking on his cock now, I slammed down on the base of his knot each time only to push right back up again.

"Oh god!" I moaned. "Oh god!"

"That's it! Keep it up!" He growled.

Then with one last push, I buried his cock inside me and came hard all over his chest and belly! Jets of white coywolf seed stuck all in his fur, some of it even shooting far enough to land on his face.

"That's my boy! C'mere!" He said.

He pulled me down so that I locked muzzles with him again, kissing me with such passion that I almost didn't realize what was happening behind me. I felt a warmth enter my tailhole and realized he'd just cum too! Once I realized that, I wrapped my arms around him and leaned further into the kiss.

We both moaned into each other's mouths as both our cocks pulsed, continuing our orgasms. My tail wagged wildly behind me while I continued to feel his thick dire wolf seed shooting into me, a little bit leaking out. I wiggled my ass on his wet cock and he gave it a nice firm grope while we continued to kiss.

God, if my parents only knew I was hooking up with someone twice my age, I didn't know what they'd do. This was so taboo, so forbidden, but it felt so right.

I rubbed my tongue up against his while he held the kissed. He held me tenderly and rubbed his paws down my back. I felt up his fluffy chest as our two orgasms slowly died down to a crawl before finally coming to an end, my belly fur sticking to his, my cum acting like glue.

We both broke the kiss and just stared deeply into each other's eyes. He stroked my cheek with his paw, making me blush. I still can't believe the two of us had just done this.

"So, that was your first time?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah..." I said.

"Will you never forget it?" He smirked.

"Definitely won't." I said proudly.

Suddenly he grabbed my hips and quickly turned me over so that I was now lying on my back, with him on top of me, making me let out a yelp, his cock still inside my tailhole.

"You'd better not, or maybe I'll give you more bites."

He bared his teeth and playfully bit my ear, making me giggle.

"Maybe I'd like that."

I gave him another kiss.

"You know, that shirt you bought today was the perfect choice, cause you are c_ertainly_ a 'wild ride'." I said with a smirk.

He gave a very deep chuckle and gave my neck a kiss, or maybe it was a bite, I couldn't tell, but it felt so good. I hugged him close while he kept giving it to me, whatever he was doing, it was a wonderful mixture of pleasure and pain. Once I thought I was gonna get another hard on so soon after sex, he stopped and pulled away. Looking down at me with his usual warm smile and bedroom eyes.

He stared deeply into my eyes and stroked my cheek before letting out a bit of a sad sigh.

"But I'm afraid you must go..."

I felt him move his hips back, letting his cock slowly slip out of my tailhole.

I looked over at the clock to see it was already almost 1:00 AM! I slowly turned my head to look back at him. In that moment, I so desperately wished that I had an ability to stop time around us, so we could make this night last as long as we wanted. But I knew that was impossible.

"Yeah..." I sighed sadly.

"You don't have to," He said, stroking my face.

"I know..." I said. "But I should, I haven't been home in like 2 days. Plus, I feel like they'll start to suspect what I'm doing, if I stay a second night in a row."

"Just tell them you had a little too much to drink," He suggested.

"Sorry daddy dire wolf," I said, "I already used that excuse last night."

I gently nudged him over on his side and gave him one last kiss before getting up off the bed to start putting my clothes back on.

"You're just gonna leave me all alone in here, with your cum all over me?" He said with a fake sad tone, giving me a big grin.

"You say that like it's not totally hot." I shot back, pulling on my shorts.

"Hehe, you got me there." He said.

I watched him scoop some of it off his chest with his finger and then lick it off satisfyingly. I let out a moan and almost dropped my pants back down when I watched him do that. God, he was so sexy.

I put my shirt and shoes on and then made sure I had everything I brought with me to take home, especially my phone charger.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I told him.

"Until next time, little coywolf."

I walked over to his bed and bent down, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, making him let out a long happy sigh.

"Goodnight," I said.

"Good... night..." He sighed, as if he was already drifting off into a happy slumber.

I shut off the lights in his room and stepped into the hallway heading off to my car. I pulled out my phone and began texting my mom.

"Heading home now, should be there by 1:30." I typed, pressing send.

Once I got in my car, I took a deep breath and realized my heart was still beating pretty hard, it was like I was coming down from one of the best highs of my life. That was fucking amazing, what happened back there.

I started the car and began my journey home. Everything that had happened this week so far had not been what I was expecting when Eric messaged me that he would be in town a week ago. I figured we'd just be going out a lot everyday and having fun, which yes we'd been doing a lot of that, but I never anticipated we'd be having this kind of fun as well!

God, that dire wolf was such a charmer, knew all the right things to say, all the right buttons to push on my body, and had such a genuinely sweet personality. I was happy that he was the one I could have my first time with, I'd learned so much in the span of about an hour and a half from him.

I wish I could have taken off work the next day too, but meh responsibilities and all that crap. Plus, I would probably stay home tomorrow just to put my parents' minds at ease. I had to admit, I did feel a little bad, for my mom specifically, I knew my dad was probably alright with this and knew I was an adult now, but to my mom I was still her little pup, fresh out of college. Plus, it was not like me to do this, stay out in the city overnight, so I couldn't blame her for worrying a little. Yeah, I thought, I'll probably just stay home for one day to, if nothing else, explain that the friends I'm hanging with are good people, and I just want to spend as much time as I can with them before one has to go back home at the end of the week.

Soon I pulled onto my street and parked by the curb.

Once I got home and got ready for bed something caught my eye in the mirror, the spot around my neck where Eric had buried his face into at the very last part of the night. The fur was a bit matted and upon further inspection I saw quite the noticeable hickey underneath it! Damn, he sure gave me something to remember him by! I laughed to myself. I took a picture of it and sent it to him so he'd have something funny to wake up to tomorrow.

As I got ready for bed, I started to feel bad knowing I'd have to break it to Sekke and Eric tomorrow that I couldn't stay with them, I wondered if I could think of something to do the day after to make up for it. Then something caught my eye. I looked over to my bookshelf to see a small plastic bag I stashed away in there a few days ago.

Sona had taken me to a burlesque show and I'd won a little gift bag with 5 coupons for a local adult store called The Sexology Institute. That's it! I thought. Maybe we could go there the day after tomorrow, that could be fun, might find some interesting stuff too.

I got into bed and fell asleep, happy that I'd remembered those coupons. I couldn't wait to see the two of them again.

My Patreon Editors

Michael E. Dunlop
