For Every Door that Closes -- Six

Story by Reserved Rodent on SoFurry

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#6 of For Every Door That Closes

_As expected (by me, at least), small print.

First, the characters, locations, and events in this story are fictional creations of Reserved Rodent. Names of locations and entities from the real world might be referenced in this work. If so, it's just to grant realism to the background and should in no way be considered accurate representations of these places, events, things, or people in real life. Any other resemblances found within this work to other works are accidental and coincidental. In whole and part, original characters in this work belong to Reserved Rodent. This work was written with the intention of posting it and surrounding chapters on If you must take it and post it elsewhere, at least leave it fully intact, including these warnings to give credit (or blame) where it is due.

Second, while this chapter is fairly clean, there are a few things that some might consider as mature material. Personally, I think the arguing and reference to bathrooms in this part is tame compared to most days at a kindergarten. But, I also know different folks have different levels of sensitivity. So, if you've stumbled into this sixth chapter without awareness of such vaguely mature kindergarten level topics, be aware that both arguing and asking where the bathroom is do appear in this work. If you need a hall pass to go to your locker to avoid this material, you are excused.

Despite having not reached any of it yet, future chapters are going to occasionally step farther away from spotlessly clean to various levels of naughtiness. I do not foresee delving into extremes, but there will be various adult level activities, including M/F and M/M. I will make sure to tag such adult segments correctly, so make sure you pay attention, because they will also have warnings in this italics stuff at the front. All this is mentioned here so you don't get surprised (not that I expect you will be if you're browsing this site or have read all the previous intro italics.)_

For Every Door that Closes

by Reserved Rodent


After three hours of waiting, I was slightly wiser, a little calmer, and more confused.

Over half an hour had been spent examining my original spots; those I had when waking up on this new world with my new, furry rodent shape. When talking with Gregr earlier, I had felt that I was missing something big about those spots. Rather than pulling some great revelation from the depths of my mind, all that my efforts had discovered was that those spots grew out of moles I had. Sure, the moles were in the same location on my humanoid rat form as they had been when I was just human, but this fact just was not what I would call an earth moving realization. Nor was it the thought that had been sitting unformed in the back of my brain.

No, that mental itch had belonged to the fact that I was seeing perfectly without my glasses. My working assumption on this new twist was that when the women of this tribe healed me, whatever they did changed me even more. Not only had their healing given me the hyena style spots on my shoulders, but they must have also fixed my near vision.

This change, though probably for the best if I remained on this new world, bothered me. Yeah, the glasses would not be replaceable here and were a pain. But since middle school, I had grown up with wearing glasses; they were a part of who I had been. I couldn't understand why losing the need for glasses disturbed me as much, if not more than gaining the fur, tail, and other changes had, yet it did.

Of course, I had no idea where anything I had been carrying was right now, except for the underwear I was still wearing. I had looked around the hut a little, which was all it took, really. The structure was really just the supports and walls. A single archway with fabric hanging across it was the only way in and out, so I didn't feel like I was in a cell, but I did have to wonder why they had left me in such a simple place alone.

True, it had been nice to see Gregr when I woke up, but he had been so upset, blaming himself for so much. However, no one had shown up since he had fallen asleep. With how quiet things were, it almost felt as if we were the only two around. There were plenty of recent scents that suggested multiple other hyena folk had been in and out multiple times over the past few days, but hours had to have passed with no one to check up on myself or the pup. With all of the trouble that had gone into saving me, something felt off about hours having passed with no one checking in on me.

The time waiting for dawn or someone to come to the hut seemed to drag. But reflecting on what had happened and what I needed to do now brought some calm to my thoughts as well. Until I got more information, and maybe not even then, the changes my body had gone through were out of my ability to control, so I wouldn't worry about them.

Gregr, however, I remained worried about. But I had also realized that beating the snot out of Fangr as soon as I meet him today - for I fully intended to do that still - might make things worse for both of the kid and myself. While my college anthropology teacher would be very upset with me hoping to make sure I brought about a solid change to Gregr's situation even if it required reworking the entire culture of this tribe, I wanted to make sure that the pup benefitted long term from my actions.

So I needed to ask some questions and get a feel for if the problem required me to merely bloody one hyena or if I would need to rework the way the entire tribe thought about their children. Thus, while able to be more calm in my plans on approaching the problem, I still got more than a little excited as I started to hear the outside world waking up.

Things started slowly, a few male voices greeting each other. The noise level grew, as did the light coming around the edges of the fabric in the entryway. I really wanted to go out and start the day myself, but refused to leave the kid alone. I hadn't left him to explore when things were quiet; I refused to bail on him now.

Since there had been no adult here since I awoke, I could not discount the possibility that Gregr was here without permission. More importantly, I refused to allow the possibility that Fangr would find him without me around to make sure he did not get hit again.

The shrill, obviously feminine, screaming that started somewhere in the distance did get me to move over to stand near the entrance. Looking back over my shoulder at the still sleeping pup kept me from getting too aggravated by the approaching noise, but the fact that the male voices I had been hearing had grown softer or silent had me worried.

The screaming stopped no further than twenty feet from the entrance, it sounded like. That was close enough that the shrill voice was mostly understandable. Unfortunately, it was also near enough to bother Gregr. When I heard him lightly growl and roll over in the center of the hut, pulling some of the furs over his head, I decided to act.

I slipped past the hanging fabric in the archway to the screaming complaint, "It's not fair to punish me because I refused to waste my time doing something she had no right to ask me to do!"

The sun had yet to appear over the thick trees that ringed the village, but the sky suggested it had already broken the horizon. The hut I had been in had several neighbors scattered in sight, but the clearing size and noise level hinted that these half dozen or so were not the entirety of the village.

The screaming hyena was not one of those I recognized from my dream, which was a relief, as I would hate to have owed my recovery even partially to such a rude, selfish individual. Her base fur color leaned more towards the yellow side of tan, but more striking about her looks was the brilliant emerald of her eyes. Unfortunately, neither the beauty of her eyes or curves gentled my gut reaction to thinking she had an ugly personality. I disliked making such snap decisions about folks, but it still happened most of the time.

The elder she was yelling at stood less than a step away from her. I recognized Gran Lisa's gray fur and markings from my vision. Noticing her disdain and growing impatience for the other was also simple for me. But she also looked like she was planning on being patient and letting the younger female wear herself out before responding.

The few males I saw scattered around the eight or so huts within vision appeared to be doing their best to get ready for the coming day while staying within range of the upcoming storm. I'm not sure if some new instinct, like the way I could easily classify scents now, but I quickly looked over all of the observers even though it was the argument that I wanted to quiet before it woke up Gregr.

Directly across the small clearing between my shelter and its nearest neighbors, two older males with a slight green tint to their dark brown fur were pretending to take great interest in a carved wooden toy that a young, red-furred pup was showing off. Their gazes were actually focused on the two females.

To my left, I caught sight of another red furred villager who I would bet was the kid's father. He took note of me about the same time I glanced his way. His eyes turned cold as they took me in. I had no idea what his problem with me could be, but he obviously had one. Just what I needed, more trouble.

The black with light grey spots and stripes was the first of the hyena folk I saw with a fur pattern that I'd not expect to see on earth hyenas. He looked sharp, which was no mean feat since he was also taking a piss into a white clay pot sitting beside the entrance of a hut. With a grin, he gave me a nod before looking unabashedly at the screaming female.

Past the two females, I saw three males of various shades of tan and brown stepping out of one of the shelters to my right. One of them gave a yawn while another was rubbing at his eyes. They all appeared to be just waking up, but certainly interested in what had caused all the shouting.

Almost everyone seemed interested in if the younger female would get put in her place, but most tried to be sly about their interest.

Normally, I'd also enjoy watching Gran Lisa discipline the young lady, but Gregr had, to my knowledge, less than half a night's sleep.

Clearing my throat brought the elder Hyena's attention with a flick of her ear my direction. The younger female sputtered to a stop as the target of her ranting turned to face me with a smile. Knowing that if I hoped to have any chance of wielding a second of control, I needed to quickly fill the quiet moment.

"Good morning, Gran Lisa," I said with my standard inside speaking voice, "I hope you do not think me rude, and accept my apologies if I overstep my place as a guest here. Is it absolutely necessary for your friend to speak so loudly with you right next to her?"

The part I was most proud of with my little speech was the fact I kept from bursting out laughing when the gray hyena elder raised an eyebrow at me halfway through.

"Good morning, Randy." Her happy grin was warm and welcoming as she stepped forward to give me a hug. The gesture felt so genuine, I had no trouble comfortably returning the tight squeeze. "I regret that you had to awake to this problem, but it brings me great joy to see you up and well."

She stepped back, keeping a grip on my shoulders, and gave me a quick look over. Her smile grew as she gave a slight nod. Before either of us could say anything more, the other female stepped up, grabbing her elder's arm. "Hey!" the frustrated hyena hollered, louder, somehow, than before. "See, he's up and -"

Everything in the village, including the rude screaming hyena, came to an abrupt, silent stop. Not figuratively, but literally. My eyes were the only thing I felt safe moving. What I could see of this village was just as quiet and still.

"You will take your paw off me, Gria." The chill from the gray hyena's tone broke the stillness of the village.

The younger woman pulled her hand back but also straightened her shoulders and stood so she could look down her muzzle at the shorter grey hyena. She had a strong spine, I had to give her that. What a shame it was attached to someone acting so spoiled.

"I meant no disrespect, Lisa," she sneered, proving her words false. At least she wasn't screaming. "But obviously this strange being needed no one to watch over him. He's not my responsibility anyway. Make Mira serve a week scrubbing pots and making food, not me."

"Just because nothing did happen does not mean that nothing could have happened," Gran Lisa said calmly. "Two weeks punishment."

"Why are you being so unfair? I shouldn't have to look after this stranger!"

"Three weeks. Let Kara know that you will be taking her lessons again from the beginning, starting after you have finished this punishment."

"That's not -"

"Fair?" Gran Lisa finished for Gria. The older Hyena seemed saddened by this argument as she continued, releasing my arms to turn and face the other female again. "You are up to four weeks punishment now."

I could tell that neither was about to stop, yet I needed Gran Lisa's full attention so I could figure out what to do for Gregr. As an argumentative, selfish young lady being disrespectful to her elder, Gria was getting extra work, not a beating. While that did not guarantee that physical punishment was frowned upon for boys, it gave me hope.

But my patience had gotten bored and left during the three hours I had just spent waiting.

"Gria, do you like scrubbing pots?" I asked.

Her thoughts almost visibly derailed at my sudden question. "What?"

"I am, as you pointed out, a stranger here. But I can tell the longer you stand here arguing, the bigger that number is going to get. Also the more of the tribe who will be up and wander over to watch you dig yourself deeper into that hole you've started. And finally, though I hesitate to bring this up, the longer I have to wait until I can ask where the bathroom is."

"What?" Gria asked again.

"I know. Why even bring that third one up? But you have to realize, I've been asleep for a few days, so the situation is much more important to me than on a typical morning. I mean, normally I'd be a lot more interested in how much trouble you wanted to get into or how many folks you could manage to embarrass yourself in front of, but..." I gave a shrug and grinned.

Her eyes narrowed as she let out a deep growl. "You dare insult one of the females of this tribe, stranger?"

I shook my head, "Look around," I said softly, not wanting it to carry as far as the onlookers. "I'm not the one doing that. I'm the one trying to give you a chance to make a dramatic exit before you end up on dish cleaning duty until you die."

Gria glared at me.

I glanced around to see who all stood nearby watching. I kept an eye on her, of course, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't making more than her angry with me.

"Angry red" was no longer in sight, and neither was the younger red furred villager. Hopefully that wasn't a bad thing. The tan crew behind on the other side of the women from me had grown by two more hyena folks with grayer fur, and one with an almost green tone. All of them were trying not to snicker, it appeared. I couldn't be positive, but it seemed like the two older males that had been near the kid were actually ignoring the scene unfolding between Gran Lisa, Gria and myself. Or perhaps they were placing bets. I had no idea.

Black with silver markings had finished his morning donation to the pot and gave me another grin with a wink before returning his gaze to Gria. I really needed to get a better feel for the rules around these people before I dig myself a big, embarrassing hole of my own.

Not including those who were in the group with the tan males, there were nine new folks watching. All of them appeared to be young adults and very interested in my conversation. A couple of them gave quick grins at me when they noticed my gaze pass over them.

Other than Gria and Gran Lisa, there were no females in sight. While it was impossible for me to tell how many tribe members could still be inside the huts, there were still several individuals unaccounted for. Still, whatever happened here would likely be common knowledge to everyone in less than an hour. I couldn't think that the tribe was too large.

My attention shot back to the angry yellowish tan female as she took a step up to me and poked a claw at my chest. It was hard enough to make a sold thump, but she was not trying to cause actual damage, so I just looked back at her.

"You," she growled, emerald eyes sparkling, "are a disrespectful freak. Don't get too comfortable here. It won't take this tribe long to realize you are nothing but trouble."

Before I could even decide if I needed to make a response to her comment, Gria turned around and stalked off, snapping at the group of males that had formed around the original tan trio when they failed to move out of her way quickly enough.

I barely noticed them scampering away from her, though. All of my attention was on her left shoulder blade. Clear as the newborn day, a black spot rested just over the back of the wrap that covered her breasts. She was family to Gregr.