Silver Nights - Chapter 7

Story by Fatchaos on SoFurry

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**Silver Nights - Chapter 7

-=Burning Cradle=-**

Her father, Klamath, was gone. Merei was gone. What was left? Algra sat alone at the edge of a lake, her legs soaked in the water. She was looking at her own reflection. Dragonic head. Long, silver hair with two long purple "ponytails" of sorts. Four horns. Finned ears. Demonic eyes with red irises and pointy pupils. Blackish, purple toned scales with slightly more grayish ones in the middle. Wings on the back with talons. A tail with barbs on it. She kept staring her image, thinking. She looked sad. What could she do? Where would she go? For days, she had been flying at a random direction, without a designation. She glanced at her own image one last time. She kind of hated it. And loved it. The water near her legs begun to boil. Her mind was filled with hatred towards the men. Earthym Order. They would give her no place to be in. They had murdered her father & her friend. She would be hunted. The water was steaming from the lake where Algra was sitting. It felt kind of good, but she rose up, jumped and started flying again. For a week more, she just flew.

During that flight, she could see many people. Most ignored her as they didn't see her as she was flying pretty high. Those who did see her looked in awe and horror. A few bandits she had killed just for the fun of it. Even without weapons, it was easy. And she wanted to taste some blood again. And why not? She took the few coins they had, and their swords. One day, she saw something she did not expect. A half-dragon flying the opposite direction as she was. Algra was left hovering mid-air as the unmistakeably she-half-dragon passed by her, not even looking. She was covered in black scales, green in the middle, her hair was spiky red, she had six horns, 4 of them being smaller than the two primary ones and she was covered in a well-crafter armor with golden trims in it. She had only her left side protected like a full-plate armor would have, but left her right side nearly completely exposed. Her finned tail was flailing around, and the spaded tip had a neat, big ruby in it. She was carrying a long halberd / spear / scythe hybrid with her. She ignored Algra and flew past. Algra hesitated, but finally shouted:

  • "Um, hey, you! "

The dragoness stopped, and turned around.

  • "What? "

Her voice was slightly irritated, but soothingly calm.

  • "Uh, who are you? "

The dragoness eyes looked bored, apathetic.

  • "Lavianora. Or, like some like to call, Dark Venom Mistress. Sometimes they replace the 'dark' with 'black'. I honestly don't care. "

Algra was puzzled.

  • "How can you fly around like that? I mean, Earthym Order is around and all...? "

Lavianora laughed loudly. Who is this young lady? She has been living under a rock!

  • "They know better than to interfere with me and my mission. Though sometimes I wish they did. Just to remind them whose inferior. "

  • "Mission? "

  • "I am a mercenary for hire. A good way to get your living. And the Black Viper Mercenaries give you a place to sleep and shelter for a small cut from your payment. They look after their own. Say. You look like a formidable young girl. Go check it out. West of here. Viper pub, just follow the road. "

Algra wasn't sure what to make of that. But it did sound like a plan, considering her situation.

  • "Thanks, Lavianora! "

  • "Whatever. Don't get used to it. I only spoke to you because I have never seen you before. Now pardon me... I have death to spread. "

Lavianora spun in the air back to the direction she was originally heading and disappeared. Algra hovered still for a while, wondering. She then decided that perhaps checking the place out wouldn't hurt, could be interesting.

And interesting it proved to be. It wasn't hard to find, the signs pointed where it was, and for a pub, it was quite huge. Once she entered the pub, she could see a lot of interesting people. Some were undoubtedly mercenaries, and the others the ones looking to employ one. Or two. Algra's presence made the pub go silent. Not everyday something like she walks in, though they were quite used at Lavianora. Algra cautiously stepped in. Everyone was looking at her. She was not sure what to do or who to speak to. But something in her made her fear and caution switch to boldness and anger. She was partly a demon, after all. What did SHE have to fear?

  • "What the hell are you all staring at?! "

Her voice, though very feminine, made it clear that she didn't like being stared at, so everyone quickly began minding their own business again, if not glancing at Algra every now and then. Black Viper Officer, a man who gives mercenaries their contracts, payments and handles all other "boring" and "official" stuff, knew when he saw potential, so he boldly approached Algra.

  • "Evening, lady. "

Algra took a long look at the man. He seemed to be dressed a little bit more sophisticated than the rest. And his hair was actually tidy. Not that she was in the place to say, her clothes were casual and dirty. And they had swordcuts in them. Not to mention her hair was a mess.

  • "What do you want? "

The officer chuckled.

  • "To hire you. You have potential. That's why you are here, right? To join the Black Vipers? "

  • "I've considered it, yeah. "

  • "Well, as far as I can tell, we would be overjoyed to have you join. Such... powerful individuals like yourself are quite rare, really. "

Algra enjoyed the compliment.

  • "Thank you. Well... I have nothing better planned, so hell, why not? Sing me up. "

  • "Excellent! Now, let me show you how the contract payment and all that other boring crap works... "

He wasn't lying. Most of it was boring, but the basics were simple. For a contract, she would get 60% of the payment. 40% for the Black Vipers. In return, they offered her a place to sleep in peace, arrange and deliver contracts and provide other services, like purchasing weaponry and armor and other essential supplies. As for Algra, the officer gave her a simple suit of studded leather armor (after searching & modifying a little, as regular armor didn't quite fit her) and a longsword in trade for all her coins and the swords she had collected from the bandits. It wasn't much, but everyone began at the bottom.

For a while, Algra had no contracts, but the officer had spread a word that they now had a powerful mercenary ideal for... group disposal. And soon she had her first contract. Simple job. Deal with a marauder gang holed in some old ruins. So she went there, and killed them to the last man and woman. And she liked it. There was something in violence. It made her... tick. The pain she endured. The rapture of flowing blood, the taste of it. She liked it all. Before long, she got more and more contracts, and she efficiently and mercilessly fulfilled them all. Even better, if the place was of no interest to the contractor, she set it on fire just for fun. Her payment was soon increased to 80% of the contract and she soon got a nickname like most of the other mercenaries as well. Algra "The Black Butterfly" was hers. The name came from the Earthym Black Butterfly, or Dread butterfly. A rare butterfly that drinks blood from carcasses. Usually found in battlefields after the battle, drinking blood from the corpses. Beautiful, but all black and sinister. She actually liked that name. And since she had the coin now, she tattooed a black butterfly on her left breast. Why there? It seemed like a good idea. And she got more coin than she wanted. She wasn't sure what to do with all it. Then she recalled twilight steel. Merei had taught her about it, and taught her to forge it. It was expensive, but extremely sturdy, durable and light. The alloy was expensive because first of all, the 'twilight' mineral that needed to be added to steel was quite rare, not to mention it radiated heat pretty much, making it hard to handle. And second of all, it required immense heat to be able to merge with steel. But once the alloy was complete, it was fairly easy to forge, and it was a smith's dream metal: Light, durable, easy to forge and beautiful. Provided you had a furnace hot enough. The name came from the fact that it is darker than regular steel, yet it shines beautifully. So, Algra bought herself some twilight steel. It came cheaper as she didn't need but the metal itself, not pre-forged into anything. Even still, it was extremely expensive, so she had to use all her coins she had so far. She wanted to forge herself, naturally. And after asking, the Black Vipers agreed to let her use their own forge near the pub. It was a simple looking forge, but the equipment was top quality and the furnace was huge. So, she began her work. Clangs of metal could be heard from morning to twilight as Algra pound the metal to shape. She was determined to make something unique. Naturally, the constant sound of forging gathered her an audience, who watched as the metal slowly took it's shape. Algra spoke to no one and kept working. No one dared to interrupt her. Her work started to look a lot like a sword. A big one. One could think that once the blade was finally forged into shape, it would be done. But no. Algra wasn't satisfied yet. She carved runes in it, forming a shape of rose in the middle of the blade, and a few more runes at the edge that didn't quite resemble anything, but gave it a more intimidating look. She wanted to add colors to it, and what would be better than crimson? And finally, the blade was finished. A giant sword with viciously curved edges, finished with crimson runes. Satisfied with the result, she named her sword. Crimson Rose. Beautiful. She swung the blade in the air a couple of times. For a man, it would be too heavy to even lift, twilight steel or not. But for Algra. A tool of destruction. It was clear the blade was not designed for accuracy, duels or anything else sophisticated. It was made for one thing: Cut through anything and everything. But Algra didn't rest yet. Putting her masterpiece aside, she started forging again. For she had more metal for a different purpose. Again, for days, the sound of forging filled the air from dawn till dusk. Algra was tired, her hand aching for a rest, but she would see this work of art done. Piece after piece, her second masterpiece was coming to fruition. Sparks flew across the air as she kept pounding the metal, forcing it in shape. For regular men, it would take months to do what she did in weeks. As easy as twilight steel is to forge into shape, it needs constant heat. And that Algra could deliver, even without a furnace. And she didn't need tongs to handle the metal. The glowing heat made her hands just enjoy the immensely hot temperature. The armor she was making, she had to reforge it a lot, to make it fit her perfectly. Placing the holes for her shoulderspikes and spikes on her thighs proved to be most challenging. They had to be just correct. But eventually, she was bound to succeed. And she was overjoyed when she did. The armor now fit perfectly and it was comfortable (as much as a plate-armor could be) for her. She finished the armor up like she did the sword: Crimson trimming and runes. Utterly exhausted, she tried the finished armor on. Something in it made her tick. It felt wonderful. The cool metal against her scales. She grabbed her new sword, and walked into The Viper bar. In the doorway, she was. A demi-demon dragoness, in a full-platemail, accompanied with a sword almost as long as she was. The platemail covered her legs and arms nearly completely, the only parts exposed was her stomach and some of her cleavage (much to many man's delight). Even her head had some sort of platemail, covering the top and the sides of her snout. She was all sweaty, dirty, her hair looked like a fireball had exploded next to her, but she looked happy. The dark metal shone in the lantern light, as did Algra's red eyes. She smirked, exposing her row of fangs. She laughed.

  • "Finally, I am complete! "

Cold shivers went through everybody as Algra sat down to her regular place. The Black Butterfly had now truly hatched from it's pod.

Fulfilling her new contracts, Algra was more feared than anyone else. She was brutal, she was vicious, she was intimidating. Sometimes, hearing that The Black Butterfly had been hired to deal with the situation was enough to make the other side surrender instantly. A lot pushed their luck, though, and that only ended in the way expected: Bloody. Algra soon became one with the top mercenaries. Shriek; The Ravager. He was rather simple minded, but he was a beast with his double axes and throwing axes. Known as an enforcer of sorts. And Algra was delighted he had rather formidable stamina outside battles as well. But other than that, he was boring... and dumb as a rock. Hallan; The Knifemaster excelled, as his name suggests, with dual knives and throwing a lot of them. One of the top assassins for hire. Algra never got to sleep with him, though, he had the odd mentality or religion of sorts, preventing him from enjoying some of the cranial pleasures. Like eating red meat. Even Algra found him a bit creepy. Worshiping death, cutting himself... twisted stuff like that. Then there was Lavianora; The Dark Venom Mistress. She handled assassinations as well, but her missions were nearly suicidal. Yet she never died. She was kind of a sad figure, really. Intimidating, yes, but always alone in the corner, her eyes fixed into emptiness. Random admirers who did not know her, soon learned that her giving you a kiss was a very bad thing. The kiss was nearly deadly. It left the victim coughing for hours, puking. Lavianora always chuckled at that, saying that she could have just killed them. But she never did. So naturally, no one tried to talk to her anymore, aside from contractors. Algra didn't pay much attention to her, why would she? Algra; The Black Butterfly, however, was known to be much, much more friendly. If you seemed worthy enough, chances are talking to her and offering a few drinks would let you experience something a bit more exotic that night. And Algra did like it. It was like fulfilling a need her body ached for. And seducing men was easy for her. She looked intimidating, yes, but all she really needed to do is look at them in the eyes and speak. It seduced them. She didn't exactly know how, or care, had to be part of her demon heritage. Her life was now filled with four things: Killing, coin, alcohol and sex. She knew nothing else, or cared to know. Deep inside, she knew she was growing numb, but she couldn't help it. She blocked her sad memories and lived with the moment.

Eventually, a rather mysterious man appeared in the scenes of the Black Viper Mercenaries. Cael was his name, he had no past, no history at all. He told no one anything. No one knew where he had come from. All they knew was that his eyes were shrouded by a headband, he was a beast with a crossbow and superior in sword-fights. So it was clear he was far from blind. His flawless performance at his assassinations soon rose his ranks up amongst the mercenaries, earned their respect and eventually he was nicknamed as well. The Truesight. Ironic, considering no one knew if he had eyes or not, or if he actually had sight of any kind. He usually sat in a corner just like Lavianora, except that he actually did something. He played a lute. Algra thought his tunes were beautiful. Sometimes, he sang. His voice was angelic. Clear, soothing. the songs were about love, loss and suffering, usually. It made Algra feel rather sad and she was lost in the memories of her father and Merei whenever she heard Cael sing. It almost made her cry. The feelings she had buried so deep, and all it took was a simple song to bring them back up. She was genuinely interested in Cael, but any attempt to approach him was turned down nearly instantly. Cael was cold, distant, and didn't like talking with anyone. And one day, a noble woman approached him, spoke with him a while. It was no regular conversation, either, as Cael expression changed to surprised to enraged, and finally smiling. Then he and the lady left, never to be seen again. Algra missed his songs. The feelings she had recovered from them lingered on her mind. It made her think about her life. Here she was. The Black Butterfly. Killing, drinking and having casual sex. Now it all seemed so pointless. Eventually, she reduced the number of contracts she took, quit drinking nearly completely and didn't offer her body for anyone anymore. In a way, she was turning like Lavianora, sitting in the corner, thinking, watching. Exploring her memories, she remembered her father, Klamath. She could nearly see him, his smile, his laughter. His final words. Those, she remembered so clearly she could hear them. "I'm so sorry, Algra. Daddy loves you. "

It made a tear form in her eye. She hadn't cried for a long time. She could also recall Merei, and his last words. "I have no regrets. " He never finished that sentence, but Algra knew. It made another tear form. The few she had hold dear had been taken from her, with violence, right in front of her eyes. She hated it. She so hated it. Now she was strong enough to protect anyone. But she had no one to protect. All she could dream of was a sweet revenge to the ones who had caused all this: Earthym Order. But here she was. In this damned pub, sitting in the corner.

Sitting alone again, declining offers for a drink that she would have usually accepted without a question, Algra gazed outside the window. She sighed and stroked her hair. It was like silk. Someone came in the bar. Algra was too deep in her thoughts to look. But she heard the footsteps closing in towards her. She still didn't turn her head. She heard someone sit on her table. Algra didn't turn her head.

  • "Scram. Not interested. "

  • "I dare think otherwise, Algra. "

That voice. Algra turned her head, and there he was. Cael, The Truesight. His apparel had changed drastically. He had a fine light plate on, fixed with blue silk clothing on top, with a emblem of a silver color dragon in the middle. His headband was also blue now, and his hair was a bit more cared for than before. Otherwise, his gear was the same: Wide-bladed blade strapped on his chest, and a longsword, finished with a crossbow and quiver of bolts strapped to his back. He was smiling.

  • "Cael! You're back. "

  • "Indeed, Algra. "

Algra fixed her stance, leaning on her chair and placed her legs on the table.

  • "May I ask what brings you back here now, all of the sudden? "

  • "Work. Not for the Black Vipers, though. "

  • "Hmmh. Really. I hope it's not about me. "

  • "Well, it actually is. But rest assured, this is no assassination. I know better than to approach you in a sword fight. You'd cleave me in half. "

Algra chuckled. Then her face turned serious.

  • "Of the two years you were here, you never spoke to anyone. Not even me. And now here you are, talking to me. Tell me, Cael, what do you want? "

Cael took his lute out. Algra was astonished. He still had the same lute! Cael played a few strings.

  • "I came to hire you. "

Algra wasn't sure what to say. She was distracted by Cael's melody.

  • "By the same individual who hired me. I can safely say you wouldn't regret it. "

  • "Hmmmmm... What's the idea? "

Cael stopped playing.

  • "Fairly simple. You come with me, and meet her in person. She's too busy to come herself, so she sent me. "

  • "Must be a rather powerful lady. "

Cael looked at Algra. Algra could feel his gaze behind his headband.

  • "You have no idea. "

Algra was a little doubtful, but saw her chance here. A change in her way of life would only be good, she was so fed up with this pointless way of living.

  • "Deal. BUT! One condition! "

Cael lift his eyebrow.

  • "What would that be, Algra? "

Algra smiled.

  • "Play me a song first. And sing. "

Cael was surprised, but did as she asked. Playing a song he had written for Laureen so long ago when she still was in this world. It was about love. And loss. Algra listened, letting the melody and Cael's voice dance inside her head. She had so wanted to hear this again. Finally, Cael sang the end of the song, playing the last notes and letting their sound slowly fade.

  • "... our days forever... Gone... "

Algra smiled happily for the first time in two years.

  • "Thank you, Cael. "

Cael smiled back and rose up, putting his lute back in it's place on his back.

  • "I'm glad you liked it. It's a very important song to me. But... come. We have a long way to walk. "

  • "Just hold on till I tell the officer. "

Algra approached the officer, and just bluntly grunted:

  • "I quit. "

The officers mouth was left open, and many of the mercenaries shouted in confusion, asking what is she doing. Algra glared at them all and exposed her fangs.

  • "Is there a problem?! "

Her voice was very less feminine when she said that, nearly growling. Everyone sat back down and kept quiet. Cael smiled. He kinda wished he had had such a flashy exit back in his day.

  • "My coins. I withdraw them all. NOW. "

The officer nodded in agreement and gave Algra a pouch full of coins.

  • "If there's ONE coin missing, I will come back and burn this whole place to the ground and turn you into ashes. Clear? "

The officer nodded his head up and down wildly. For the first time in his life, he actually wished he had not miscounted. Cael and Algra left the pub that remained silent long after. Algra laughed loudly when they were outside.

  • "I don't even know how much I was supposed to have. His face! Priceless! "

Cael couldn't help but chuckle as well. Her laughter was rather infectious. And it was the first time he had heard her actually laugh. The two disappeared in the road, heading east.

Algra kind of hoped she could fly, but since Cael lacked wings, she was forced to walk. Not that it was bad, she could talk with Cael. He seemed to be rather nice, and after asking, he had told Algra the story behind him. His military career, days as the Earthym Dragonlsayer, how he failed, got his "eyes" , that he showed to Algra briefly. Algra thought they were sinister, but in the way, still beautiful. Like topazes in darkness. And finally, his loss on Laureen and Tras, and joining the Black Viper Mercenaries. After that, he told a bit about the Storm Covenant. But he did not reveal anything about Venzyriel. Instead, he teased Algra a little.

  • "You know, Gelorah, he's a half-dragon. Nearly the same as you. He's quite nice, has a nice sense of humor in a way, and always there for support. And he's a lousy drinker. You two could fit together. "

Algra blushed just a little. The thought did rather sound interesting, though. A half-dragon.

  • "But you'll meet him soon enough. But... What about you? Lady Venzyriel knows a great deal about you already, but she has kept me a little shrouded on some details. "

  • "Hmm. Well, not sure where to begin, but... "

Algra described her childhood as the best she could. She spared no words of praise and longing for her father and for Merei. Cael felt pity. Her story was sad. To think such an emotion filled history was behind someone as intimidating as her.

  • "I'm sorry to hear that. You must have felt horrible. "

Algra looked down, but then smiled.

  • "Thank you. This was the first time I got to tell anyone. And you know loss yourself. It... feels good to be able to tell someone about this. "

Algra started crying. The feelings she had kept inside herself were just too much to handle when she told them to someone all of the sudden. Cael hesitated, but placed his hand on her shoulder.

  • "It's alright. We all cry at loss. I did. Not anymore... though. I can't. "

  • "Can't? "

Algra sniffed and wiped the tears off. Cael looked down.

  • "These eyes. I can't cry anymore. When I feel like crying, nothing happens. My eyes are pleading for tears, but none ever form. "

Algra felt pity for him, to say at least. Algra faintly smiled, and placed her hand on Cael's shoulder.

  • "But hey, we are strong now. "

Cael smiled back, faking it.

  • "Indeed. Strong. "

After traveling for a week or so, they finally reached the fort. Algra had kept her human form on, but now Cael said it was not mandatory at all. Algra was delighted. Her human form was nice, no complaints, but it hid her true self. She didn't want to hide in another form. She looked at the walls. The walls, and the towers on them, had been heavily renovated, quite recently. A few guards stood on the top of the walls and in the few towers. They had similar armor to Cael's, if not a little more modest. They watched Algra closely. Cael shouted:

  • "Open the gates! "

Guard replied.

  • "Open the gates! "

The two large doors moved aside. Cael smiled.

  • "Shall we? "

Algra nodded, and they walked to the courtyard. The courtyard was rather large, going slightly uphill. It had a well near the middle. There were three main buildings, it seems. The one attached to the wall on the west side was huge enough, probably the barracks. It had a training yard next to it, with a couple of soldiers sparring with each other and against some dummies. Near the barracks, there was a building under construction, nearly finished. It looked like a stable. On the east, there was a workshop & storage building. Algra was rather delighted to see a well-kept forge in there. Someone was currently using it to repair a sword. Then, there was a large building built inside the cliff. It had large double doors in the front, and a smaller one beside it. Algra could see groups of soldiers walking in front of the building in formation, training. Once they saw Cael, they all faced him and saluted briefly.

  • "At ease. We have a visitor, so keep the men on a leash, sergeant. "

  • "Will do, Captain. "

Algra had no idea about military ranks, but realized the shoulderguards gave the rank away. Cael had three clean lines on them, stating his captain status. Finally, they walked inside from the inner door. Algra had to crouch a little so her wings wouldn't get stuck on the door frame. The main hall looked rather nice. Two row of pillars on both sides, with stairs leading to 2nd floor on both sides as well. Then there was another set of large doors ahead. It was ajar. A faint voice could be heard from within. Cael moved closer to the doors, Algra following. The few soldiers that were inside followed Algra with their eyes. Algra could now make out that the voice coming within was a woman's voice. Pure, calm. It was telling a story. Sounded a bit like a child's story, to be honest. Finally, Cael positioned himself at the huge double doors, inviting Algra to go through. Algra was eager to see the lady inside. So, she stepped in. She was expecting a powerful mage of sorts, or just a very ambitious and rich noble. But what she saw was something she did not expect. And the sight nearly made her fall on her back. She missed a couple of heartbeats. Inside, was a silver dragon. She was rather huge, easily over-sizing her and everyone else. And remarkably, there were children sitting in a half-circle in front of the dragon. And it was reading a book to the kids! The dragon had unmistakeably a smile on her. It closed the book it was holding in her huge talon and looked at Algra. Then it looked back to at the children. She had a caring expression, as hard as it was to spot.

  • "I'm sorry, children, but I have a visitor I must attend to. I will read you another story tomorrow. "

All of the children rose up and said at almost exact same time:

  • "Thank you for the story, Lady Venzyriel. "

Venzyriel chuckled and the kids walked to the doors Algra was standing on. Algra was confused, but stepped away to let the children slip by the doors. They all looked at Algra. One asked:

  • "Are you a dragon too, miss? "

Algra was still too shocked to answer. Cael huffed.

  • "Get going, now, your mother is already waiting. "

  • "Alright, Mr.Cael. But she looked cute. "

That made Algra blush. The children were now all out from the great hall Lady Venzyriel was lying in. She looked at Algra.

  • "Come here, Algra. I've been eager to see you. "

Algra swallowed and looked around. The hall was rather beautiful. Much like the 1st hall, but more decorated, and lots of bookcases. There were a lot of chairs and tables as well. Looked a bit like a library, or a study. And there was a throne in the end of the hall. It was empty. Algra slowly walked to Venzyriel, Cael walking to one of the benches and sitting on it. Venzyriel rose up and sat. Every move she made made the ground shook a tiny bit. For the first time, Algra felt she was not the most powerful being in the same room. Venzyriel looked at Algra who now had stopped a couple of meters away. Veznyriel chuckled. Algra seemed nervous.

  • "Come closer, dear. You have nothing to fear. "

Still, in a way, she was afraid. She walked closer to the dragon, who now pulled her head down on Algra's level.

  • "Welcome, Algra, The Black Butterfly. I hope the walk here wasn't too exhausting? "

Algra hesitated, but was able to talk at last. Her mouth felt dry.

  • "Thank... you. No, it wasn't exhausting. And Cael kept me company. "

Venzyriel huffed, pleased. Cael smiled.

  • "I believe Cael told you a great deal about my Covenant, did he not? "

  • "Yes, he did. But I was hoping you could shed more light to that part. "

  • "Aaah, yes. I will. You see... I am looking for talent. Powerful individuals to aid me. And you, if anyone, are fitting in my ranks. I have heard a great deal about you. And learned a great deal about you. "

  • "Thank you. I have to say, I am rather... interested. But I do suppose you have something to offer? "

  • "Oh yes. Coin. But that is not all. For I believe you do not want money. "

Algra lift her thin eyebrow up. Venzyriel smiled.

  • "Klamath, it was, correct? Your father? "

Algra gasped. Venzyriel stopped smiling. She had a very mysterious look on her.

  • "I know much, Algra. The way he died. "

Algra found it hard to speak after the sudden shock.

  • "Did you know him? "

Venzyriel huffed.

  • "Not well. We crossed paths once or twice. For a warlock... he was a good man in a way. "

Algra exposed her fangs.

  • "In a way!? He was my father! He deserved better! He was murde- "

  • "AND that is why I can offer you revenge. "

Venzyriel cut in with a very intimidating voice. First, Algra just stood silently. The words floated in her mind. Revenge.

  • "Revenge...? "

Venzyriel huffed, smiling a bit.

  • "Yes. Revenge. On the ones responsible for your father's murder. "

Somehow, that sounded so good to Algra. She had been living in sorrow ever since, her faint dreams of revenge slowly slipping away from her mind. But now, she was being offered a second chance.

  • "Are you, Lady Venzyriel, offering me the head of Mederik, KING of Earthym? "

Venzyriel smiled.

  • "Yes. We all share the same goal, do we not? Overcome Earthym Order and rise from this oppression. And punish those who stand against us. "

Algra thought it sounded reasonable. And here seemed much better than in the mercenary guild.

  • "I only ask one thing in return from you, Algra. "

Algra looked at Venzyriel, right in the eyes.

  • "And what could that be, Lady Venzyriel? "

Venzyriel pulled her head closer to Algra's, nearly making their snouts touch.

  • "Loyalty. "

For a while, everything was silent. Cael awaited in anticipation for Algra's reply, as did Venzyriel. Finally, Algra stepped back, pulled her sword out, making Cael ready his in an instant. But then, Cael already knew what Algra would do. Algra gently struck her sword on the floor in front of her, with her both hands on the hilt, and kneed down.

  • "Then my sword is at your disposal, Lady Venzyriel. "

Venzyriel looked pleased.

  • "Rise. You do need not to bow me. "

Algra lift herself up and put her sword on her back again, between her wings. She was determined this was a good choice. If not the best after she had lost Merei as well. She smiled a bit. Venzyriel looked at Cael.

  • "Ah, we need to inform Gelorah. Where might he be, Cael? "

  • "Hmmh. Probably pulling training to his Dragon Knights, as usual. Shall I get him? "

  • "No need. I will call him. "

Venzyriel did nothing, but her expression showed Algra that she had already called him somehow. And soon, Algra could hear a door opening from the 2nd floor. The moment she looked up behind her, a figure was standing on the railing on the 2nd floor walkway, and jumped down. He did a somersault at the peak of his jump, and spread his wings, landing him softly to the ground. Cael mumbled: "Show-off..." . Then, the man started walking towards Venzyriel.

  • "You called, Mi'lady? "

  • "Indeed I did, Gelorah. "

Algra looked at Gelorah as he walked towards Venzyriel and her. He was about over two meters tall, very well built, even though a formidable steel full-plate was covering most of his body. He had silver scales much like Venzyriel, his eyes were yellow, but he did not have pointy pupils. His hair was azure, remarkably, and he had a smallish beard under his snout. On his waist, a beautiful hilt of a sword could be seen, the sword resting in it's rather wide sheath. It had to be Queen's Tear Cael told her about on their walk here. Algra had never seen another half-dragon or dragonkin beside Lavianora, and Algra found Gelorah rather... impressive. Algra had always found men appealing, but this was something a lot different. Gelorah walked past Algra to Venzyriel, but did briefly make eye contact with Algra. Gelorah wasn't sure what to think. Red irises... pointy pupils. Sinister. Yet somehow appealing. Cute. Gelorah kneel down. Venzyriel looked a bit uncomfortable.

  • "You do not need to knee down to me, Gelorah. "

  • "As you wish, Mi'lady. I assume this is about Algra? "

Gelorah rose up, keeping his eyes fixed on Venzyriel.

  • "Indeed. I think Algra is a very formidable asset to our Storm Covenant. I heard she's quite a capable smith, so we will introduce her to the workshop tomorrow. But, I also want you to... evaluate her. "

Gelorah turned towards Algra and walked to her. Upon reaching her, he offered his hand for a shake.

  • "Gelorah. Pleased to meet you. "

Algra offered her hand for a shake, smiling faintly.

  • "Algra. The pleasure is all mine. "

Even at that point, Gelorah started feeling uncomfortable looking at her. He found it hard to focus. She was giving a scent he had not experienced before. It was strong. Intoxicating, nearly. Gelorah focused. She looked like a formidable fighter, yes. Apparently twilight steel forged armor, and sword. A huge sword. Silk-like hair. Black scales, mostly, except on the front, and a rather nice black butterfly tattoo on her right breast, as well. However, Gelorah snapped as he realized he had briefly looked at Algra very inappropriately. So, he backed down and turned away, faintly blushing. Getting grip of his self-discipline again, he turned to Venzyriel.

  • "She seems to be a good fighter. I will test her tomorrow with my knights. "

Venzyriel nodded in approval. Algra wasn't sure what to think right now. She was going to be tested, yes, but she wasn't nervous because of that. Gelorah was something very different she had not experienced before. And they way he looked in general. Cael stood up and stretched his arms.

  • "Let me show you your room, Algra. We are not housing you in the barracks, so I have a good room ready for you upstairs. "

Well, Algra had to agree she was rather tired and could use a little rest.

  • "Lead the way. "

Cael and Algra left Gelorah and Venzyriel in the inner sanctum. Venzyriel looked at Gelorah. His eyes were fixed on Algra until she disappeared. Venzyriel chuckled.

  • "Do you like her? "

  • "W-what? No. I mean. Mi'lady. I don't know. We'll see tomorrow once she's tested. "

  • "That's not what I meant. "

Gelorah knew that, but didn't reply. Instead, he sat on the throne and started thinking about tomorrow. Venzyriel chuckled.

Cael opened a sturdy wooden door at the 2nd floor, inviting Algra in. Algra stepped in, and was rather pleased. It was quite modest, but cozy. A nice bed with a rather thick mattress, a window out with nice, red curtains on it, two closets, a trunk beside the bed, cupboard next to the bed and two chairs and a small table. Hell, this was the best room she had seen in years.

  • "Thank you. It's very cozy. "

  • "I thought you'd like it. Believe me, I was very happy with mine when I switched from the Black Viper's rooms. These actually give you some space to breathe. "

Algra huffed in agreement, and sat on the bed. It was soft.

  • "Thanks again. "

  • "You're welcome. If you need something, my room is the 1st on the left. Gelorah's is the 1st to the right. Venzyriel is mostly found in her study, or inner sanctum. Oh yeah, and if she's in her treasury beyond her study, do not enter unless she gives permission. If she's touchy about something, it is her treasury. She holds it very dear, and only me and Gelorah have been permitted to go there without any notice. "

  • "Thanks for the heads-up. Well... I think I should try to get used to the room. "

Cael nodded.

  • "I'll send someone to bring you some dinner in just a while. We'll leave you at peace then. You have a hard day ahead of you, rest assured. "

Algra nodded, and as Cael closed the door, Algra threw herself on the bed. So comfortable! She quickly took her armor off and placed her sword leaning on a wall near the bed. She never really had many clothes, so she was relieved to see the closet had some in it. Most probably Cael had figured she'd need more clothes. Most were red, a few were blue, and they pretty much consisted of rather nicely crafted tunics, dresses, skirts and shirts. She tried a few on and was determined red was her color. She tried a red dress on. It was rather nice, but didn't fit her at the moment, thanks to her spikes. So she cut it a little bit, exposing her thighs from the sides. Now it was comfortable. Perhaps a tailor could fix it better for her later. She tried a few shirts on, but her spikes on the shoulder made it rather difficult. So, she settled with a piece of dress that left her arms completely exposed, and left quite a lot of cleavage shrouded as well. It didn't reach her bellybutton, either. She was satisfied. It was nice on her, and it looked good. She heard a knock on the door.

  • "Come in. "

A soldier opened the door and stepped in with a tray that had a rather inviting dinner on it: A pitcher full of something, two pieces of ribs, couple of radishes and two huge potatoes. Frankly, it had been a long time since Algra had eaten something proper. The soldier placed the tray on the table and turned away to the door. Slowly. Algra did enjoy the attention she was getting. Finally, the soldier disappeared and closed the door behind him. Algra devoured the food in near-instant and drank the the pitcher empty. It had milk in it, remarkably. Fed and satisfied, she lay on her bed, watching outside from the window. It was already twilight. For a while, she just looked outside, thinking about tomorrow. Eventually, she fell asleep.

Algra woke up as she heard a knock on the door.

  • "Wake up. "

Algra took a deep breath and yawned, exposing all her fangs in the progress.

  • "I'd let you sleep for longer, but Gelorah wanted to get this done quickly. "

Algra rubbed her eyes and lift herself up to sit on the bed. The voice was Cael's. Algra did her best to reply:

  • "Yeaaah, I'm coming! "

  • "Suit up on your gear and come to the courtyard. We will be waiting. "

Algra heard as Cael walked away, so she started putting her armor on. Shame, she really liked the new clothes. After a while, she had managed to get her armor back on, so she took her sword, swung it in the air and placed it on her back. Then, hastily, she walked to the courtyard. Once she got through the door leading outside, she saw a huge group of soldiers gathered around, waiting. She walked forward and soon spotted Gelorah and Cael. Beside them were a couple of more high-ranked soldiers with decorated armors as well, much like Cael's. Gelorah approached Algra and huffed.

  • "Finally. Slept well? "

Algra playfully yawned.

  • "Like a kitten. "

  • "Good. Because now you will be tested. The test is simple. You will fight my Dragon Knights, a veteran group of skillful soldiers I have hand-picked. It will be one on one, and we will evaluate your combat skills with Cael here. The circle you fight in is there. You will fight with wooden swords, and the first one to score 5 hits is the winner. Stepping outside of the ring makes the opponent score one point. You cannot cheat, or fool us. Cael misses nothing. And, you ONLY use the swords. No magic, nothing. Just the swords. "

Algra laughed and slammed her sword to the ground.

  • "Sounds too easy. Give me a sword and my first opponent. "

Algra grinned, but stopped as she saw her sword. It was... rather small to her taste. Gelorah chuckled in amusement. Before Algra had the chance to say anything, one of the Dragon Knights already stepped in the circle and pointed his wooden sword at Algra.

  • "Shall we dance? "

Algra was a bit dumbstruck still, much thanks to her "tiny" sword, but she stepped in the ring.

  • "On my mark. "

Cael placed his hand up, and then dropped it down and shouted:

  • "Fight! "

Unfortunately for Algra, she had no experience in duels, or how to use a small sword like this efficiently. The Dragon Knight easily scored a point as Algra couldn't keep up with his fast strikes. And the Dragon Knights scored another point, and a third. Seemed like Algra couldn't do anything against him. The Dragon Knight chuckled.

  • "I expected more from The Black Butterfly...! "

Algra showed sings of frustration as she bit her fangs together. But before she said anything, Gelorah shouted:

  • "Bring her a bigger sword! "

  • "How big? "

  • "The huge one. "

Algra glanced at Gelorah. He was smiling.

And before Algra knew it, a soldier carried a huge wooden, cleaver-like sword to her. About the same size as her own sword, if not a little smaller. Algra threw the useless sword from her hand to the ground and took the bigger one with joy. Algra turned and stared at the Dragon Knight. He now had a bit more serious look. Algra grinned. Cael shouted "Fight!" again, and now Algra was in her element. Her fast, brutal swings didn't give the knight any chance to move closer, and eventually when he tried to move closer and block Algra's strike, it shattered his sword and hit him on the side, knocking him on the ground. Algra just laughed as the knight tried to catch his breath, the blow winding him completely. It was clear he couldn't fight anymore, so Algra was declared the winner. Algra spun the sword over her head and invitingly said:

  • "Who's next? I'll be gentle."

One by one, the Dragon Knights had to submit to her sheer strength and how fast she could swing a heavy sword like that. Not a single one scored any more hits on Algra as she slowly defeated them all. Eventually, she had defeat all her opponents. All but one. Algra chuckled, still playfully swinging her sword around, as Gelorah stepped in the ring. He was grinning as he took a little bigger sword than a regular wooden one himself and glanced at Algra. His wooden sword was double bladed. Gelorah fixed his eyes on Algra. Not once before had he felt such anticipation to fight someone in evaluation purposes. This felt very special.

  • "I am your last opponent. You have already proven your skills, but I wish to see if you can fight against someone like me. Are you ready, Algra? Once the fight begins, I wont hold back. "

Algra looked at her new opponent. This was ought to be interesting. She could feel tension inside her, not only because of this fight, either.

  • "Ready. Try not to fall too quickly. "

Gelorah chuckled and took his stance. It was rather posh, his back straight, if not leaning a bit to the back. As soon as Cael shouted "Fight!", his stance changed in a split-second as he lent forward and lunged at Algra. Algra was surprised by the sheer speed and only barely managed to dodge. Even still, it was too late as Gelorah immediately delivered another strike that hit Algra in the side before she could block it. Gelorah just smiled when Algra looked at him in slight awe. The second round Algra was more ready for sudden lunges, but Gelorah took his time walking around her. Algra did the same, keeping him on her front. Suddenly, Gelorah jumped and tried a helm-splitter strike. Algra could block that, and tried to deliver a quick swing, but Gelorah already jumped back, and leaped again for another helm-splitter. Algra barely had the time to block it, and this time, she had no time to react as Gelorah moved his sword away from her block and struck it on her side. Gelorah was still smiling a little and it started to piss Algra off. And excite. Round three, they circled each other again. In the distance, a shout could be heard:

  • "Quickly! Gelorah is fighting The Black Butterfly! You're missing it! "

Eventually, Algra lunged this time, using her reach to keep Gelorah at bay. Gelorah could dodge most of her swings, and block the ones he couldn't dodge. He was forced on defense as Algra kept swinging. But, as a very experienced swordsman, he eventually saw Algra leave herself open for a split second, and it was enough for Gelorah to stab her. Gelorah wasn't smiling anymore, because he was panting. Algra grunted in slight frustration. Round four, Algra immediately charged Gelorah. Gelorah smirked, thinking frustration had gotten her. He was surprised Algra cleaved her sword very fast and very low, Gelorah jumping over her sword in just the right time. But before he knew it, Algra had already spun around for another strike, and Gelorah was forced to block it. And it nearly broke his guard, the sheer power of the hit was enormous. His feet dug on the ground from the impact, and he did his best to try to counter any other strike. And Algra did deliver another strike, or a flurry of strikes to be exact. She spun around, cleaving the air 360 degrees from her, her sword circling around her faster than she was spinning herself, not giving any chance for strikes to come through. Gelorah had to back down, but was at the edge of the ring. Knowing that, Algra charged and swung her sword as hard as she could. Gelorah blocked it successfully, if not barely, but the impact made him stagger a bit and move outside the ring. Cael shouted:

  • "Score for Algra! "

The crowd was getting excited. Gelorah was actually getting a challenge!

Round five, and the match turned out to be a vicious exchange of fast blows. Gelorah could hit faster and more accurately, but his strikes lacked the power to match Algra's, so every time their blades made contact, Gelorah lost his focus. Eventually, they both swung at each other's sides. Cael shouted:

  • "Score for Algra! She was the first to hit. "

Gelorah couldn't believe he had already lost two points. Then again, magic was prohibited from the match, so he couldn't use a lightning shield he would normally use or blink behind her. But then again, Algra couldn't use her fire abilities in the match, either. The match was determined by pure skill in combat. While Gelorah came to the conclusion Algra wasn't very disciplined with her swordplay, she didn't lack experience in it. Round six, Gelorah leading 3 to 2. The round began with a furious exchange of blows again, but climaxed on a contest of might as their swords locked together. Both grinned as they tried to overpower one another, the swords making a crackling sound under the sheer pressure. The round was on a standstill as both were determined to overpower the other. Their snouts nearly pressed together as they glared at each other, exposing their fangs. Suddenly, Algra opened her mouth just a little, and licked Gelorah's snout with her forked tongue. Gelorah's eyes grew wide. He was so dumbstruck by this he lost his focus nearly completely, and Algra broke through and poked him gently with her sword, nearly brushing against him. Algra chuckled as she backed down for the next match. Gelorah's face turned red. How could he fall for that?! Cael just laughed, and declared a point for Algra.

Round seven, 3 to 3. Gelorah was still blushing a little bit, and Algra used that to her advantage. She smiled and said softly:

  • "You taste good. "

Gelorah blushed even more, but tried to look serious, keeping his stance firmly.

Algra chuckled and moved froward, then got ready to strike. She didn't have the time as Gelorah leaped for another helm-splitter strike, Algra moved to block it, but Gelorah used his wings to fly over her, landing quickly behind her and stabbing her without turning himself on the back before she could turn. Algra had to admit, that was a cool move. But she was determined she could distract him more, so she rubbed her tail on his leg "accidentally" before they moved away for round eight. Gelorah had never blushed so much in his life. Or felt like this.

Algra couldn't lose a single point now or she would lose. They both circled each other again, before Algra did her move. She jumped, and did a somersault in the air, with her sword doing neat circle in the air with her. Gelorah could dodge the powerful strike that Algra delivered when she landed, but nearly fell victim to her following strike as she suddenly just slammed her sword at him nearly instantly when she had hit the ground. She kept pounding Gelorah's defense, determined to break trough. And she was getting trough, as she suddenly fell on her knees and slammed her sword on Gelorah's feet, knocking him down just before he could move his sword low enough to block. Algra huffed and moved to Gelorah and offered her hand to lift him up. Gelorah refused her hand and stood up in a flash. Final round, the next to score a point would win. The crowd was silent once the two in the circle started circling around each other again. Both were panting heavily, their arms exhausted by the constant strikes and blocks. Finally, they started striking at each other. Splints of wood flew as the wooden blades were starting to give in. Eventually, their strikes became slower thanks to exhaustion. But neither didn't falter, both were determined to win. Finally, Gelorah determined to move in for the win, and started using his last bits of strength to slam his sword vertically on Algra, forcing her to block. As she did, Gelorah charged onto her, knocking her down. Even then, she didn't give in as she blocked the strikes Gelorah tried to deliver after jumping on her. Algra's blade locked in between the two blades of Gelorah's sword, and it was a contest of might again. But considering the advantage Gelorah had, he could slowly push his sword closer to Algra's shoulder. No matter how Algra tried, she couldn't stop it. But she held Gelorah's sword away for long. Finally, the blade made contact with Algra's shoulderguard. Cael shouted the match was over, Gelorah winning with 5 to 4. Gelorah pulled his sword out and glanced at Algra below him. Seeing her panting under him made him feel very, very uncomfortable. Algra wasn't sad about the loss, not at all. Gelorah was amazing fighter for sure. And this whole situation was so stimulating! She wouldn't resist for a second if... but this was no place for such things. But now, she was determined that Gelorah was something very special. Finally, Gelorah stood up and offered his hand for Algra. Unlike Gelorah, Algra accepted it and Gelorah pulled her up. She brushed against Gelorah and smiled.

  • "Sorry. Lost my footing. "

Gelorah tried to smile back but it was hard. The feelings inside him were unexplainable. He had never felt like this before, not once.

  • "It's... alright. Good fight. You are a very potent fighter. "

  • "As are you! I am impressed. "

Finally, Algra, after glancing at Gelorah's eyes for a couple of more seconds, and vice versa, moved away from each other. Cael smiled and ordered the crowd to spread out and get back to their duties. He then glanced at Gelorah.

  • "Well, well, well. That was a fight to behold! Even I had slight trouble keeping track on all the strikes you two made. And frankly, I should have disqualified you, Gelorah, for body-slamming on Algra in the end, but... "

Gelorah glanced at Algra. He offered his hand.

  • "Then we might as well call it a tie? "

Algra chuckled and shook Gelorah's hand.

  • "Agreed. "

Cael smiled in approval.

  • "Well, I think you two need to clean yourselves up a bit. As for Algra, take your time, I'll come for you later so I can show you that workshop of ours a little better. "

Algra smiled, and pulled her own sword from the ground she had struck it in before.

  • "I'm looking forward to that! "

With that, the three dispersed. Algra walked in her room, took her armor off and placed her sword against the wall. She didn't bother to dress up just yet, she jumped on the bed and sighed. What a fight, indeed. Her muscles were aching a bit, she had been pushed to her limits with Gelorah. She couldn't believe how stimulating that fight had been, she was more excited than ever. Such strength. And the looks were so appealing to her. Her hand slowly sneaked onto her thigh, and closer to her crotch. But she sighed and stopped. This wasn't the time and she had to dress up. With another sigh, she rose up from her bed and walked to her closet. Slowly, she dressed up and looked outside the window. What a pretty day.

Gelorah was in his room now, having taken off his armor and dressed up more appropriately. He sighed as he looked outside the window. His mind was blurry. His muscles were aching. His stomach felt like there were birds in it. What made him feel like this? And he couldn't get his mind over Algra. Something in her made him feel... uncomfortable. But not in a bad way. On the contrary, it made him feel good. But why? What was so special in her? Then, there was a knock on the door.

  • "Come in. "

Cael and Venzyriel, in her bipedal form entered. Venzyriel was smiling as usual.

  • "So, how was the evaluation? "

Gelorah huffed.

  • "Better than I expected, Mi'lady. She is an excellent fighter. One of a kind. "

  • "Good. Your thoughts, Cael? "

Cael smirked.

  • "I agree with Gelorah, Mi'lady. She is a very, very potent fighter. "

Venzyriel huffed in approval.

  • "Then, she will serve as a Battlemaster. "

Gelorah nodded.

  • "Agreed. She is probably on her best when she has room to fight without having to fear about harming her allies. "

Cael nodded in approval. Venzyriel walked to the window and looked outside, spotting the workshop.

  • "I assume you will see how good a smith she is? "

Cael leaned on the wall and flexed his shoulders.

  • "Yes. I heard she is quite potent, so we will see how good she is in the evening, after dinner. "

  • "Good. Let me know once you have made up your mind. In the meantime, I am at my study. "

  • "As you wish, Mi'lady. "

Venzyriel started walking towards her inner sanctum. She was pleased by the day for now, Algra seemed to be a valuable asset to her Storm Covenant, indeed. She was slightly troubled by the scent Gelorah was leaving, though. But she supposed it was only natural, Gelorah had been, after all, quite refrained from women, mostly because he was a half-dragon. But Algra was also a half-dragon, if not a semi-demon at the same time, but nevertheless. Venzyriel chuckled at the idea. She would not interfere, whatever might develop.

Algra was eventually summoned to the workshop by Cael and she was more than eagerly walking towards the it. Gelorah wasn't there, at least yet. The forge had what Algra could ever wish for: It was well-kept, tidy, had all the tools she needed in top-condition, the furnace was big, there were barrels filled with water and of course, a few crates of steel bars, rods and whatnot ready to be used. Cael leaned on a wall near the furnace.

  • "This is our forge. Unfortunately, we never really had an able smith. One of Gelorah's Dragon Knights used to be an apprentice, and while I do not wish to mock his work in any way, I am certain there are better smiths than him. But he was able to repair our gear when needed. But what I've heard, is that you, Algra, know how to use a smith's hammer. "

Algra didn't have her armor on this time, forging can be exhausting so only an idiot would do it with an armor on. She took an leather apron from the wall and tied it around her. Smiths are not supposed to look good, she knew.

  • "Well, Cael... tell me what to do, and I will make it happen. "

  • "Hmm. Just do a sword. Any kind will do. It tells a lot about a smith when you see how he, or she, does basic work. And I can let a couple of my men lit the furnace for you. "

Algra laughed and walked to the furnace.

  • "Won't be necessary. "

She slammed her palm on the coal in the furnace, and in that instant, fires erupted and set the furnace alight.

  • "Or never mind, then. "

Algra dug the crates for appropriate materials and began her work. The sounds of her hammer could be soon heard in the courtyard. Cael noted how happy Algra looked when she was forging. She was undoubtedly enjoying it. Eventually, Algra finished the basic broadsword by adding leather straps to the hilt for a better grip. She swung the sword in the air for a couple of times, and gave it to Cael. Cael took a look at the sword. It was rather magnificent. Flawless, and balanced. He could not believe she was able to do it so quickly without reducing any of the quality.

  • "Algra. This is amazing. You are very gifted. "

Algra smiled at the compliment. Merei was brought back to her mind.

  • "I learned from a master. "

Cael put the sword on a rack near the anvil and glanced at Algra for a while.

  • "You have my full recommendations to be permitted to smith here whenever you wish, if you want to. Tell Mormick, our quartermaster that I gave you permission if he asks. He's a nice man, keeps records on all our equipment, so I think you will get to know him pretty well eventually. "

Algra smiled a bit more widely.

  • "I'd like that. Thanks. And I will. I think I will stay here for a while... I kind of missed forging. "

  • "Of course. Knock yourself out. "

Cael waved to Algra and left. Algra shouted at him before he disappeared.

  • "Also! Tell Venzyriel and Gelorah I can also forge twilight steel! "

Cael chuckled. He already knew that.

The pounding of metal echoed in the courtyard and twilight slowly descended, but the forging didn't cease. Algra enjoyed the work very much, indeed. The sparks flying as she struck the glowing hot metal. The fires dancing in the furnace, illuminating the whole forge. It was a place she felt happy in. She even ignored the meal that had been brought to her. She just wanted to forge for now. Gelorah hesitated as he watched Algra work. She was really focusing, so he didn't really want to disturb her. But before Gelorah decided what to do, Algra spotted him. He was just standing there, watching her. Algra flexed her arms a bit and sighed.

  • "Gelorah. "

Gelorah actually wasn't sure what to say.

  • "Uh, hi. I wanted to check your work personally. "

Algra smiled and put the hammer aside, leaving the glowing piece of metal on the anvil. She pointed at the weapon rack.

  • "All done by me. "

Gelorah looked at the selection of a few swords, maces and one axe.

  • "All done by you? Today? "

Algra huffed happily.

  • "You're fast. They look very good. Did Cael see them already? "

  • "Well, he was determined after my first sword that I suit the smith's position here. "

Gelorah nodded in agreement, looking at the freshly forged weapons. Algra looked at Gelorah's sword.

  • "Queen's Tear, correct? "

Gelorah took his sword out and looked at it.

  • "Cael told you, hmm? Yes. It's a magnificent piece of work. "

  • "Can I take a look? "

Gelorah handed the sword to Algra.

  • "Of course. "

Algra took the sword. It was truly magnificent. Perfectly balanced. The double blades were still razor sharp, the azure runes made it even more beautiful. It had a amethyst on the hilt, it really added up. And the sword was made of twilight steel, nevertheless. She swung the sword a couple of times. So light! Only a few marks and cuts were on the sharp edges, showing sings of use. She handed the sword back to Gelorah, who sheathed it.

  • "That is the most beautiful sword I have ever seen. A work of ART. Hey, if you want to, I can fix the little cuts on it tomorrow. "

Gelorah smiled.

  • "That would be nice. I would appreciate it. "

Algra smiled back.

  • "Well, that's what I do. Hey, I am finishing up after this sword I am working on for today, so could you hand me it from the anvil, I need to heat it up again. "

  • "Of course. "

Gelorah walked to the anvil and grabbed the unfinished sword. At that second Algra realized the blade was still very hot. Before she could shout: "Stop", Gelorah already roared and quickly pulled his hand away. Algra was used in Merei sometimes burning himself, so she grabbed a barrel full of water with one hand and slammed it near Gelorah.

  • "Sorry! Quickly! Put your hand in the water! "

Gelorah dipped his hand in the barrel and grunted. Algra looked at him.

  • "I'm so sorry! I don't feel heat in a harmful way myself, so I forgot the blade was still hot. Did it burn badly? "

Gelorah grunted again, and lifted his arm from the barrel. It didn't seem to have burned that badly.

  • "It's alright. I just didn't expect that, so it burned my entire palm. "

Algra took his hand and looked at it. She knew exactly what was a bad burn and what was just a minor burn. Though Gelorah had small scales on his hand, she could tell it wasn't badly burnt, just a little by the surface. She lift her head up and noticed Gelorah was looking directly at her eyes. She smiled a bit.

  • "It's... not badly burnt, just a little. "

For a while, their eyes stared at each other. Algra was looking at pure, topaz-like eyes with a round pupil, while Gelorah was looking at red, nearly glowing eyes with pointy pupils. Gelorah found them pretty. Even prettier than Venzyriels.

Gelorah finally coughed a bit and looked elsewhere.

  • "I'm alright. I'd better stay clear from the forge, I might get on your way. "

Algra squeezed his hand a bit.

  • "Not at all. Tell you what. Come here tomorrow. I could use some company here, it might get a little lonely forging at times... "

Gelorah blushed a bit and glanced back at Algra. Even with the dirty apron, she looked so... beautiful.

  • "I, uhhh... sure. Why not. "

Algra smiled. Gelorah smiled back, but then turned around, Algra releasing his arm at last.

  • "But I really must go now. I'll see you tomorrow. "

Algra huffed happily and turned back to his furnace.

  • "Yes. See you then. "

Gelorah slowly walked away. He reached the gates to the main building and walked to his room. It was nearly hard to breathe. By all means, it felt uncomfortable in every way right now. But he was so happy about it. He entered his room, sighed a little, and slowly closed the door shut. A couple of more clangs could be heard from the forge, before silence finally descended.