Public Enemy

Story by firefox_b on SoFurry

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Public Enemy

by ff_b

Clyde the raccoon in life sported a pinstriped suit, and a diamond earring. He had lustrous dark hair just like his mother, and sported a jailhouse tattoo of his long-lost brother. From the beginning, Clyde appeared destined for a bad end...he was, after all, a raccoon. With a rap sheet as long as your arm, Clyde wound up in prison to no one's surprise...where else would he go? He was a bad, bad raccoon...

He was not to be there for long, however. Clyde broke out of jail, and got a gun...killed a man, on the run. Now he's Public Enemy Number One...back in jail, without bail, a 'coon without redemption and without a future faced the death sentence for his sins, which were many. They said that Clyde showed no remorse when he was sentenced to the Chair, and on the day when he faced Ole Sparky, even seemed to be enjoying himself! Some witnesses say that he died with a smile on his face.

"Behold the effects of electricity on the furry body!," declared Clyde before he got that fatal jolt, and when they pronounced him dead, the body was claimed for medical research by some strange-looking doctor who had experienced some success making cybernetic chickens from roadkill that he had harvested. A raccoon was a step up for this mad scientist, who was known to further experiment upon his chickens by making them watch countless hours of questionable television programming.

Well, Clyde or the thing which had once been Clyde the raccoon had his surviving natural eye and an implanted bionic one propped open, and he was forced to watch days and weeks of horrendous fare such as 10,000 Ways to Die, Ultimate Warrior, and reruns of such classics as Gilligan's Island. This seemed to further warp and give new ideas to the already criminally-inclined and surgically-implanted raccoon, who one day managed to escape from his restraints and bash his questionable benefactor's head through a bank of television screens. The biomechanical raccoon-thing was then unleashed anew upon the world, attending tea party conventions which further enhanced in him a growing sense of free-floating anger against authority with a glistening edge of paranoia added.

Clyde wandered the land, filled with festering rage against the establishment. As his unnatural biomechanical body traveled tirelessly, he encountered other restless spirits, animals killed by hunters and those slaughtered by vehicles on the roadways of the nation. He united with them and became their leader, a flesh-machine who bridged the gap between this world and that of the animal spirits. Daily they would grow in number, and wait in terrible impatience for the coming revolution...

...for then they knew that the great wolf Fenrir would be released at last from deep within the earth to slay Odin at the Battle of Ragnarok, and the furry would inherit the earth in the New Age to come...