The Lies of an Attention Whore (Orginal Lyrics)

Story by zfleming10 on SoFurry

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Not a day goes by,

with out you faking.

A constant lie,

with the desire so addicting.

Such a desperate need,

to be in the spotlight.

A habit of greed,

that morally isn't right.

I sit here and watch you, the whore,

always seeking attention and more

Claiming to be a victim of a lie,

Never stopping till you die.

(The lies of an attention whore...)

You create a false pretense,

and fool many with your innocence

Believing your own lies that you create

which leaves me with only one feeling towards you: HATE

I sit here and watch you, the whore,

always seeking attention and more

Claiming to be a victim of a lie,

Never stopping till you die.

(The lies of an attention whore...)

I was a fool to believe you were raped,

your sob story for the press, cleverly faked.

I see through the fucking mask full of innocence,

and shatter it to expose your evilness.

Nevermore will I be a fool.

Nevermore will I be your tool.

For I see your true intention and your addiction

As both lead you to a situation, in which you face only damnation.

Nothing but a whore.

Nothing but a liar.

Nothing but a whore.


I sit here and watch you, the whore,

always seeking attention and more

Claiming to be a victim of a lie

Never stopping till you die.

The lies.....of a attention whore

Copyrighted to me 4/26/10