The Deadman

Story by Kingkazon on SoFurry

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"The Deadman" is a poetical piece I wrote years ago was my first attempt of bringing that spine chilling feel into my poetical works. Throughout the years, this has become a favourite among my readers and hopefully it will continue to inspire and entertain.

May it be told that he shall come when the bell tolls.

You will hear the church bells speak like never before.

With every word they speak, they tell of a warning.

The first toll is that he has risen.

The second cry is that he is coming.

The third and final toll is that he is near.

The bell's voice grows silent and thunder will soon follow the silence.

Lightning will be seen in the dark hellish sky.

You shall be consumed by fear when the storm comes.

But in the mist of the confusion that will swarm your mind; you will hear that of a song of sorrow and death.

Before you could think any other thought, you will meet the risen.

You will meet the apprentice of Death, the one who follows the darkness, and he will stand before you.

When he does, you will soon rest in peace.