Rise of the Alters: Chapter 3

Story by Kazufox on SoFurry

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#4 of Rise of the Alters

Chapter 3: Wolf's New Army

The Starwolf team regrouped with the thugs waiting outside the base after landing the Wolfens in an area concealed by the trees along with one of their carriers. Only twelve of the space pirates were to go examine the base including Ralph and Ronnie. The others waited outside guarding the ships.

"Boss, the area's clear." Reported an ape soldier.

"Good, let's move in." Wolf ordered as he entered the base first. They all looked around the building finding out that it is mainly just one large room with an upper level with the railing just barley there. The walls had holes and were mostly covered in vines and showed obvious signs of rusting. The only thing that seemed intact was the main computer.

"Man, what a dump." A canine pirate spoke.

Panther walked over to the computer and wiped his finger on the side of it. "How positively filthy!" The feline exclaimed quickly shaking his paw trying to get the dust off his glove.

"Everyone, look around and see what's generating that signal." Wolf commanded. The pirates went around searching the base. A couple of minutes had past, some found some working parts while others found nothing but junk.

"Lord O'Donnell, sir. This is all the parts we found." Ronnie informed.

"What? That's not nearly enough parts to send a transmission to a phone let alone our base. Keep searching!"

"This place is a bunch of garbage." Leon commented, "But it's still had to believe that this place is still functioning."

"You're right." Wolf agreed, "Everyone, search every corner of this room. Search the walls if you have to." At that, the space pirates began searching every corner and shadow in the room. A few were on the ledge on the higher level, while some were even on the walls searching. One of the thugs, a careless ape, nearly fell off the decayed crumbling ledge, but he managed to hold on. Wolf glared at the simian for his stupidity. The others continued their search. Ralph was one of the ones at the wall on the bottom floor. He kept moving along and knocking on the wall until he heard a hollow metal sound.

"Hey, I found something." Ralph called out.

Panther went over to see what it was. The feline checked it, moving his hands around the hollowed area feeling a small hinge on each side. "Wolf, this is a door." Panther said.

"A door? Open it." Wolf said.

"You heard him." Panther said looking back at the gator, "Open it." Ralph turned and started to pull on the door trying to pry it open.

"Hey, I could use a little help here!" Ralph shouted to the other pirates. A few others soon helped but their efforts were wasted as well.

"That's enough," Wolf said raising his hand up, "we're not getting anywhere this way."

"It seems that this door is still electronically activated." Panther said as he took a closer look at the door.

"What good will it do us?" Leon questioned, "Just about everything in this place is busted."

Wolf thought about what Leon said, then he looked at the old computer. "Maybe..." Wolf thought out loud as he walked over to it and tried to use the keyboard. However, the keys didn't move, he looked under it and found a switch under the fake keyboard. Wolf presses the switch causing the door to open revealing a secret stairway. The other pirates looked on in amazement at the stairway. Some of the thugs muttering how great and brilliant Wolf was for finding the switch. Wolf's response to all of it was, "Quit gawking and get down those stairs. We don't have all day." Wolf led the others down the stairs until they reached an underground chamber with working lights, computer, everything. "So this is the base." Wolf said in astonishment.

"Amazing how all this stuff remained intact." Panther said as the group walked into the basement area.

"Wait." Leon said as he slowly pulled out his blaster, "We have company."

"Everyone, blasters." Wolf said as he pulled out his weapon. The other pirates also drew out their guns. The group then carefully searched around the looking for who or what else was in the room with them. The same careless ape soldier heard a noise and went over to the computer. He then discovered where the noise came from.

"Boss!" The ape called out, "That signals coming from the computer here."

"You fool!" Wolf yelled, "Get back here now!" However, it was too late as a large floating blue hand shot up grabbing the simian's face and smashed his head through the monitor. A masked figure then dropped from above and the floating hand pulled out leaving the ape's body where it was and floated near the figure with blood slowly dripping from the fingertips.

"What is that thing?" Panther asked.

"How should I know?" Leon snapped.

"Quiet down." Wolf ordered trying to get a good look at the being in front of them. As far as he could tell, all the masked figure was wearing was a white and purple uniform with black boots. The lupine couldn't tell weather or not whose side it belonged to, Venomian or Cornerian, possible a free lancer. The hand then made a fist showing it was about to strike again. "Open fire!" Wolf yelled, not giving it a chance to attack. The pirates fired on the masked fighter but the floating hand blocked the shots giving the figure the chance to move out of the way.

"Whoa! Our shots didn't even phase it." The dog pirate exclaimed.

"Wolf, that thing is an alter." Leon informed.

"I know. Aim for the thing's controller but watch out for that hand." Wolf instructed, "Now keep firing!" Wolf and the others fired a barrage of lasers at the masked figure while it jumps around dodging the shots and using its alter as a shield. The pirate leader was becoming annoyed as how he and the others weren't able to hit the actual controller itself yet.

Panther carefully watched the figure's movements and fired a shot at its foot causing it to fall flat on it face. "How embarrassing." The feline gloated.

As the masked figure tried to get up, Wolf shot it in the knee. "You're not going anywhere." Wolf taunted. The masked alter user sent the hand flying towards Wolf. Wolf rolls out of the way and shoots the figure in the left shoulder. The impact of the hit caused the hand to change its course and grabbed Ronnie at the waist and pinned him to the wall. The rabbit gasped for air struggling to break free.

"Hang on Ronnie!" Ralph called out. The gator tried to pull the hand off but its grip was too tight. Two other pirates went over and tried helping and even used their blasters but that failed to do much damage.

The figure tried to get up but was then knocked back down to the ground after Leon shot it in the back. The other thugs open fire hitting its arms and legs until they completely blew off the left arm and right leg. The figure shrieked in pain.

"Hold your fire!" Wolf ordered as he walked over to the deformed fighter. "It's pretty obvious that you don't have enough brains to act on your own. So tell me who sent you." The masked fighter, instead on answering, reached out to attack. Wolf swiftly kicked the figure in the head knocking it over. When it turned back, Wolf had his blaster aimed at its head. "I don't have time for games!" Wolf scowled, "Tell me what I want to know!" The masked figure only tried to go after Wolf again but Wolf didn't hesitate in pulling the trigger and finally put an end to the unknown assailant as it fell onto its back. Ronnie was soon released from the hand alter's grasp as it disintegrated into thin air. Suddenly, the mask cracked and fell off of the figure. Wolf took a closer look at the attacker and saw that it was a male cat with light gray fur all over his body. "Could this thing be..."

"Wolf, you might want to take a look at this." Leon said as he looked into the next room. Wolf went over to see what Leon was talking about and what he saw made his eye open wide in shock. There were rows and rows of stasis pods containing more of the masked alters and there were different species varying from young to middle aged, tall or short, fur or scales.

After Ralph helped up the rabbit, Ralph saw the room and what was inside. "Wh-what the hell is this place?" The gator asked hoping to get some kind of answer.

"L-lord O'Donnell s-sir." One of the soldiers stammered, "Sh-shoudn't we be get outta here?" Wolf didn't respond. "Boss?"

"Coward." Panther called the soldier, "Show some backbone. And you call yourself a soldier? Pathetic."

"What now Wolf?" Leon asked.

"I'm going in to take a closer look." Wolf answered, "If these...things are what I think they are. Then we just found Andross' secret stash." Wolf entered into the room then suddenly, the floor below him flashed white but quickly faded away. Wolf seemed alright, until he then heard the hissing sound of gas being released from the pods one by one and slowly backed out of the room. Ralph and the other space pirates were petrified as they saw more masked figures, dressed in Venomian uniforms this time, walking out towards them. Some of the soldiers were so scared that a few ran out while the others were shaking in fear.

"Oh God, it's all over! We're all dead!" A monkey pirate screamed.

"Shut up!!" Wolf barked at the soldier. Right at that moment, one of the masked fighters summoned the red hand alter and grabbed the cowardly soldier who was then pinned to the wall with the hand holding him by his throat. The other pirates pulled out their blasters and were ready to shoot. "Hold you fire!" Wolf commanded, then more masked creatures formed the floating hands and covered the blasters even crushing some of them. Wolf and the others carefully watched the masked alters as they just stood across from them silently watching, not even moving an inch. Minutes passed by as things remained at a stand still and even though the room was cooled, sweat was dripping from most of the space pirates still there.

"Now what do we do Wolf?" Leon asked in a whisper, "It's obvious that if we try to run they'll just hunt us down. We can't just stand here forever!"

"He's right. What now?" Wolf thought to himself. He then remembered how the first masked figure acted. "What if these things are..." He then started to walk over to them.

"Wolf, what are you doing!?" Leon called out.

"If I'm right then we've got nothing to worry about." Wolf replied turning towards the refined alters. "Tell me, who put you in those pods." The only response he got was a bunch of muffled voices that didn't sound like words but more like a screeching metallic noise. "So, you can't talk but you are listening." Wolf then thought to himself, "Listening...these things are too brainless to do anything on their own."

"Well Wolf? How shall we deal with this one?" Panther asked.

"I'll handle this. I'm going to find out something." Wolf said after he took a few more steps toward the masked group. He looked over to the soldier still on the wall. "Let go of that soldier." Wolf said pointing to the scared simian. The hand soon released its grasp dropping the monkey and he crawled over into the corner still quivering in fear.

"Huh?" Leon gasped in surprise.

"How did he-" Panther started to ask.

"Drop the blasters." Wolf told the refined alters. The hands then drops the guns to the floor and the pirates hurried to pick them up and aim it towards the group. "Easy men. Don't shoot until I tell you to." Wolf then looked through the group and looked at a figure the seemed to be a dog. "You. Pick up that coward over there in the corner." The hand alter controlled by the canine grabs the monkey by the leg and pulls him into the air. The others watch in amazement as the screaming soldier gets lifted several feet off the ground.

"Wolf, how are you making him do that?" Leon asked.

"I just told it what to do and it listened."

"Let me try then." Panther said, "Drop that monkey." The red hand alter still had a firm hold. "I gave you an order now drop him."

"Let me try. Put him down now!" Leon ordered. "Why doesn't it respond?"

"Because they only listen to me." Wolf said, "Drop the monkey." The hand alter drops the pirate sending him falling flat on the ground but still conscious. "It's just as I thought. These things have no mind of their own and need someone else to control them."

"But why are they only listening to you?" Panther asked.

"Maybe that light might have something to do with it." Leon guessed.

"You may be right. You cowards, go check that room." Wolf said pointing to the pirates. The group checked the next room and made an interesting discovery.

"Boss! This thing in here looks like some kind of weird looking machine." One of the reptilian soldiers reported.

"Ah, it must be some sort of scanner device. It all makes sense now." Panther concluded, "After all, it explains why those things are listening to Wolf since he was the only one who passed through when it activated."

"I see but what about that other one?" Leon wondered, "If Wolf was the only reason these things were activated then why was the one that attacked us different? Even its alter was different."

"It could've been one of the Cornerian military's experiments." Wolf said.

"Cornerian? But why would they do something like that?"

"The same exact reason as Andross. To gain more power. That one must've been told to guard this place until those dogs show up."

"Yes, and they probably activated the transmitter while checking through the computer." Panther added.

"Then that means we don't have much time before they come back with reinforcements." Leon said.

"We're not going to let them take this place so easily. There's still more information we can get from here."

"But Wolf, the computer is destroyed. What could we possibly find useful?" Panther pondered.

"I'm just a little curious about these alter users. Something in their sleep chamber must have some sort of valuable information. And who knows, we might even find more of them."

"Well, we'd better hurry before the Cornerian ships arrive." Leon said.

"We won't be going anywhere, not yet. We'll set up the transfer gateway back above." Wolf said turning back to his soldiers, "Well? What are you fools waiting for? Go set up the gateway now!" The pirates began to hurry up the stairs to set up the gateway device and inform the others about what was going on.

"You're really going through with this?" Panther asked.

"If it's a fight they want, then it's a fight they'll get."

"This gives us the perfect opportunity to see what our new recruits can do." Leon said with a mischievous grin.

"And speaking of which I have a mission for them." Said Wolf walking over to the group of masked soldiers, "Your first assignment is to bring back all of those cowards than ran out earlier. And bring them back, alive." The refined alters creatures then dashed out of the room up the stairs to complete their objective.

"You really want them alive?" Leon questioned.

"They aren't getting off so easy. I want everyone to know what happens to deserters."

The Great Fox continues flying through space on its was to Fortuna with Bill's squad of Katinan troops there with the large ship. It wasn't long until the planet came into view and close up. Bill's ship and the other fighter planes began to slow down their speed. "Well Fox, this is as far as we can go." Bill said over the radio, "Call if you guys need any help."

"Thanks Bill, but we can handle things from here." Fox replied.

"Alright, take care Fox." Bill said, "All ships, pull back." The Katinan fighters stopped and soon turned back letting the Great Fox continue its voyage to Fortuna. As the ship neared the planet, it slowly came to a halt.

"Okay everyone, this is as far as we can go. The rest of the way we'll be taking the Arwings." Fox informed, "We'll be able to slip past the weapons detection but they could activate it at anytime so be on guard."

"No sweat Fox, this mission will be over in no time." Falco said with his usual cocky attitude.

"Yeah, let's show them what we've got!" Said an eager Kazufox.

"No, you stay here." Fox said.

"What? But why?"

"This mission is far too dangerous for you."

"Hey, I can handle myself. So I'm going."

"No, you're staying."


"My decision is final. Besides, we someone to look after the ship."

"Looks like he got you there kid." Falco scoffed, "I'll try remembering to bring you a souvenir."

"Yeah, sure." Kazufox said disappointingly as he left the bridge.

"I hope he'll be okay here." Krystal wondered with concern.

"Don't worry, he'll be safer here." Said Fox, "Slippy, do you have the coordinates?"

"Got'em. I wasn't able to pinpoint where the base is exactly but I was able to find the general area it's in." Slippy informed.

"Great, now that we know where they are, let's go." Falco said.

"Right, Starfox team. Let's move out!"

Leon walks down the stairway to the hidden area of the lost Venomian base. He finds the large room empty except for Panther with his fingers in his ears. "Hey Panther!" Leon called out.

Panther looks up and pulls his fingers out. "It's about time you finished."

"Where's Wolf?"

Panther points to the room where the refined alters were found sleeping. Leon walks over and sees Wolf looking at of the stasis pods. The room was mostly empty since most of the pods were taken removed. Leon just stands at the doorway watching. "Several of those pods are loaded up on the carrier." Leon informed.

"Good. Tell me Leon, how many were there?" Wolf asked.

"There were about seventy but forty are on the carriers."

"Not that, I meant the deserters."

"Oh, there were three, but one of them found the guts to come back."

"What happened to that one?"

"He's still alive."

Wolf then glances over at Leon before he continues working at the pod. "You actually let him live? That's a bit too kind of you Leon."

"Don't worry, I didn't let him get away so easily." The lizard said with an evil grin, "He won't be so lucky next time. But the others do know first hand at what happens to deserters."

"Yeah, but there's still one person I'd really want to get my hands on."

"That kid?"

"Yes..." Wolf growled, then the two heard footsteps running down the stairs. It was the canine pirate that was with them earlier, he ran over to the doorway out of breath.

"Boss, we've got company!"

"How many?" Wolf asked.

"We spotted three ships in the distance."

"Only three?" Leon asked.

"Yes sir."

"I'm guessing it's McCloud's team."

"Have everyone get to their ships. Take them down." Wolf ordered.

"Yes sir!" The pirate said before running back upstairs.

"You know that McCloud is here too." Leon said.

"And I bet that he's going to try and find this place. But we'll see how well he does against our new toys."

"You mean those alters?"

"Exactly." Wolf said exiting the stasis room and walks by Leon, "And Leon, wipe your hands. You're still dripping with blood." The lizard only grinned.

Fox had landed his Arwing in a small clearing. He jumps out of his ship and looks around his surroundings. There were trees and plants growing almost everywhere, the birds were singing and he could here the sound of a waterfall in the distance. The humidity in the area he was in wasn't as bad as other areas on the planet. He looks up into the clear blue sky and sees the other three Arwings flying overhead.

"Okay guys, I'm counting on you for support." Fox said into his wrist communicator.

"Don't worry about us. Just watch yourself down there." Falco responded.

"Are you sure you're not going to use the Landmaster?" Slippy asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure that the enemy already know that we're here and if I take the Landmaster then they'll know where to look for me."

"Fox, be careful down there." Krystal said in a sincere tone.

"Don't worry. I'll be alright." Fox answered as he started walking into the jungle. He was almost out of the clearing when he heard the sound of banging metal. He draws his blaster and looks around to find where the source of the sound was coming from. Fox soon realized that it was coming from his Arwing so he walked back over to the ship.

Falco had noticed that Fox was heading back. "Hey Fox, what's the hold up?"

"I'm not sure. There's something...oh no." Fox said with a shocked expression. "ROB, is Kazufox there with you?"

"Negative." The robot responded.

"Is he in his room or anywhere on the ship?"

"Negative, no life signs detected onboard.

Fox frowned when he hear that and slowly reached over to the cargo hatch. When he opened the hatch, Kazufox came rolling out gasping for air.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Kazufox said while coughing.

Fox grabbed the younger vulpine's jacket and pulled him to his feet. "What are you doing here!?" Fox asked impatiently. "I told you to stay on the ship!"

"I'm here to help you out."

"You would've been if you stayed on the ship. You're still in no condition to do anything. And this is too dangerous for you."

"What's wrong Fox?" Krystal's voice asked over the communicator.

"I have our guest with me."

"What!? Are you serious?" Falco asked in a disbelieving tone.

"In the cargo hatch."

"What should we do?" Slippy asked, "It's not like we can just take him back to the ship."

"We'll just have to continue the mission as planned." Fox said, "And we're going to have a long talk when we get back. So just stay here until then."

"But you're going to need me if you plan on getting through here."

"You know how to get to the base?"

"Yeah...yeah! I was taken captive here." Kazufox lied, "It was this place I made my escape from Starwolf."

"Alright, you can tag along. But if we get into any trouble, head back straight to the Arwing, understand?"

"No problem." The younger fox grinned.

"What was that fool thinking!? He's just gonna get in the way!" Falco said angrily.

"He must have his reasons." Krystal suggested.

"Yeah, to run back to Wolf."


"What? I'm just saying that-" The bird was interrupted when he noticed something on his radar.

"We've got enemy ship, dead ahead!" Slippy exclaimed.

"Alright, let's take'em all out!" Falco said enthusiastically. He then fired up the boosters and flies straight into the group of pirates. Slippy and Krystal did the same.

On the ground below, Kazufox wonders aimlessly through the dense jungle with Fox following close behind. Kazufox pushes aside tree branches and vines as they walk through tall grass all the way up to their thighs.

"How much farther is it?" Fox asked. He didn't get an answer. "Hey, are you sure you know where you're going?"

"Huh? Yeah, over this way."

The two continued walking until they find a clearing filled with tall grass. The two foxes travel into the field while in the skies above, the others were shooting down the enemy space pirates. Fox started slowing down until he stopped. Kazufox continued walking and was soon across the clearing.

"Something's not right." Fox thought to himself drawing his blaster. Suddenly, a group of masked fighters appeared out of nowhere surrounding Fox and formed red floating hands. Fox saw that they were wearing the old Venomian uniforms from the Lylatian Wars. He realized that the only way he was going to get out of there was to blast his way out. "Kazufox, I'll distract them. When I give the signal..."Fox soon found out that he was all by himself and that Kazufox was nowhere to be seen, "Great..." Fox hid his blaster in the tall grass and started to charge it up. As soon as he started, one of the red hands flew straight at Fox. He jumped out of the way and noticed more of the floating hands coming towards him. He ducked under one and sidestepped to avoid another. Fox jumped onto one of the hands then jumped off firing a fully charged shot at one of the hands sending it flying into one of the masked soldiers and the hand being controlled by it soon fell to the ground. "I see, I've got to knock these guys out to stop those things." Fox said to himself while firing his blaster. As he fired at a group of the soldiers, a large yellow shield materialized and absorbed the shots. Fox soon found the masked soldier controlling the shield and turned to fire at it. Before he could turn all the way, Fox felt a tight grip on his foot. He realized that the hands above ground were just a distraction while some were hiding in the grass. Fox tried to shoot off the one on his leg but then another grabbed his other leg then one got his waist. Fox fired a charged shot getting rid of the one on his waist but then one grabbed his right arm and then another on his blaster only to crush the weapon. Fox was running out of options so he tried to contact his team, "Falco! Slippy! Krystal! Anyone!" That was all Fox was able to say before one of the hands grabbed his throat cutting off his air circulation.

"Fox what is it? Come in Fox! Fox?" Said Falco's voice the communicator. Then one of the hands ripped off the device and crushed it and another held onto Fox's left arm. Fox struggled to free himself but was unable break their grasp. He felt himself lifted into the air as he was then carried off before passing out.

Kazufox wasn't too far away still searching for the base. He then heard Fox yell out and went back to find him. When he found the clearing he saw a device on the top of the grass. He went to pick it up and found out that it was Fox's wrist communicator. "Oh no, Fox." He said to himself. Kazufox then saw a pathway and figured that's the direction Fox was taken to and followed it.

Falco chased behind a group of three ships which then split up and flew in different directions. Falco still followed one of the ships and fired a charged shot. The ship exploded on contact. "Can anyone see Fox?" Falco asked.

"The trees are too thick. I lost his signal after we lost contact with him." Slippy answered.

"Dammit! What about you Krystal?" Falco then noticed that Krystal's Arwing was taking damage, "Krystal!" Falco fired on the ships tailing her causing them to scatter. "Hey, are you okay in there?"

"I'm sensing powerful thought patterns but it feels...empty." Krystal responded.

"Empty? How's that possible?" Slippy asked.

"I'm not sure but-" Krystal then gasped, "Fox is down there with them!"

"They're probably taking him to their base."

"Krystal, tell me which way they went and I'll go get Fox myself." Falco said.

"They're...I...I can't sense them."

"What do you mean?"

"Their thought patterns, it just...disappeared."

"Fox..." Slippy said worriedly.

"So colonel, is that how you feel?" Asked General Pepper over the monitor.

"Yes sir general. I honestly believe that Starfox is harboring a dangerous criminal." Summers answered.

"Do you have any evidence?"

"I have some eyewitnesses that could identify the criminal."

"I know Starfox and they wouldn't willingly help out some dangerous outlaw if they knew who it was."

"Even so, they are still helping him."

"And you plan to go after them?"

"If they refuse to hand the boy over then I'll have to take them into custody."

"If you plan on going after them, then why are you telling me?"

"I know how Starfox reports directly to you and I want to make my actions perfectly clear so there won't be any misunderstandings."

There was a brief pause. "Colonel, if this is about-"

"I thank you for your time general. I will inform you on all the details. Over and out." The wolf said before ending communications. He exited the room with a few soldiers including Greyson, standing outside the wolf's office ready.

"Well colonel? What's our next move?" The feline lieutenant asked.

"Gather up some soldiers. We're going to Fortuna."

"Wake up pup." Said a low deep voice.

Fox started to regain consciousness. His sight was still a bit hazy but as far as he could tell he found himself inside an old building. He noticed a gray blurry image walking toward him. "Wolf?"

"It's about time you woke up." Wolf said.

Fox then realized that he was in the hidden base. He tried to move but saw that two armored pirate guards were restraining his arms.

"Don't worry, you won't be here too long."

Fox stopped his struggling and looked around. He noticed the group of masked soldiers all lined up and standing at attention. "I see you've found a group to hang out with. Who's are they?"

"That's none of your concern."

"Tell me! Who is it that you're working for!?" Fox blurted out, "Is it Andross? Is he still alive? Who?"

Wolf soon got sick of listening and punched Fox in his stomach. "I don't know where you get off demanding anything!" Yelled Wolf, "And I don't work for anyone, got that? But I do have some questions for you to answer. Starting with this, how did you find out about this base?"

"Huh?" Fox coughed out.

"How were those dogs able to find this place? This place wasn't on any of the Venomian records or even any map. So how?"

"We figured there was a base here because of a device." Fox coughed.

"What device?"

"It has the ability to manipulate the surface of Solar and use it as a weapon. Thought you might...know where it is." Fox said coughing some more.

"If that's what you've been searching for then you're wasting your time. There is no such device, otherwise we would've destroyed you before you even arrived on the planet."

Fox was shocked when he heard that. "But it was protecting a Venomian battleship. Who else would be able to have access to one besides you?"

"Like I told you there's no device like that here or anywhere."

"I don't believe it. If it's not here then where?" Fox thought to himself.

"But now I've got another question to ask you." Wolf said, "Where's the kid?"

"What kid?"

Wolf strikes Fox in the face. "Don't act like you don't know! That fox brat was picked up by you and your team."

"You don't know that for sure."

"Oh, but I do." Wolf smirked, "You see McCloud, I always keep track of my things. And the Wolfen that he stole? We traced it back to your ship. Now where is he?"

"I still don't know who you're talking about."

Wolf's face went serious and even showing a bit of anger and frustration, "Listen pup, it's no use lying, I already know."

"I guess...you're right." Fox said with a weak laugh, "But I still won't tell you."

Wolf punches Fox again in the face almost knocking him down. "I'm not in the mood time to play games. Now hand over that little traitor now or else!"


"Oh, you mean he didn't tell you? He used to work for me." Explained Wolf, "That is until he damaged one of my bases and stole one of the Wolfens! And I bet that all you've done was pamper him, am I right?"

"He...he said that you captured him and was holding him prisoner!"

"He said that? Ha! What a joke. He was the one who wanted to work for me. In fact, he stowed away on one of my ships just to ask me personally. I bet he never even told you what he really is."

"What are you talking about? He's just a kid."

"This is just too much. You are just so damn pathetic it's embarrassing. Look over at those soldiers. They are called alter users because of their powers, and the boy is one also."

Fox just looked away. "But...why are you telling me this?"

"Because it's the truth." Wolf answered, "Something you never would've found out because you're so damn soft. And now that you know he's deceived not just me, but you too as well, will you tell me where he is? Or how about this, I'll even let you and your team leave here alive and you have to do is tell me where the boy is."

For a moment, Fox paused looking down at the ground, but soon breathed out his answer boldly and firmly, "No."

"What did you say?"

"I won't betray him Wolf. Even if everything you've said about him is true, I still won't tell you!"

Wolf punches Fox in the stomach. Fox had nearly collapsed but was being held up by the two guards. "You're such a fool! Fine, if you're not going to tell me then," Wolf said pulling out a knife, "I'll kill you."