School Daze: The Story

Story by Novus Mutt on SoFurry

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These are School Daze.

Dukie's side:

It was as if time was moving in slow motion. I watched his slender body move with the magnificent flow the Colorado River once had. I watched his perked but lowered tail touch the floor, piling on top of itself and uncoiling as his defined leg mucles contracted to lift his torso. He raised his arms showing his perfectly defined chest and stomach muscles.

I had to udjust myself so that no one saw the increasing bulge in my pants as I made my way across the floor to the handsome fox I'd been eyeing for the past half hour. I made my way across the dance floor in the only manner suited for crossing such a labyrinth; dancing. When I made my cut through the flowing crowd of furs, I stood in front of the fox and shouted my greeting so as to cut through the loud music.

He hesitatingly replied, and continued his sentuous dance. I introduced myself as Dukie, to which he gave no reply. The loud, fast-paced song ended as quickly as it had began, and a slower song began to fade-in, filling the gym with a romantic aura. Everyone paired with their respectful partners, until only the fox and I were left. I once again introduced myself, to which he gave his name: Nuxy. I asked him if he wanted to dance. He told me he was straight.

"Please, would you dance with me?" I asked once more.

"No way, everyone will think I'm gay." he replied with an annoyed tone.


"Well, I don't want everyone to think I'm gay."

"What's wrong with being gay?" I crossed my arms, and glared at him with one eyebrow raised.

He hesitated, "Well, n-nothing. I didn't mean anything by it."

"If nothing's wrong with it, then dance with me." I held out my right hand toward him.

He hesitated, but took my hand and pulled me closer to him. We moved in time with the music, ignoring the other furs who stopped their dance to stare at us, looking shocked. I felt comfortable in his arms. The muscles of his torso pressed lightly against my own. I'd become completely oblivious to the rest of the world. I could only hear his breathing, hardly so, as my heart was racing so quickly I could hear it pounding in my ears. I'd only just met him and I felt as if I'd known him all my life. I wrapped my arms around his chest. He was considerably taller than me, so my head rested comfortably on his shoulder. I was so deep into this moment I hadn't realised the song had ended a minute and a half ago. I slowly came back into consciousness, hearing Nuxy's voice which had softened since his introduction,

"Dukie. The song's over. You can let go now."

I snapped my arms to my side and jumped back, blushing a deep red. The furs around us began to burst out in what seemed like planned laughter, as if they'd known someone would do something stupid. Feeling totally embarrassed, I began tearing up, so I buried my face in my paws and ran to the bathroom, pushing the furs in the crowd out of my way.

Nuxy's side:

The dance was amazing. I could feel the song pulsing through my body. I was moving and dancing and really enjoying myself. All of a sudden, there's this random folf guy standing infront of me. He told me hi, so I said it back and just kept dancing.

The song ended, and a slow song started up. The folf told me his name was Dukie, so I told him mine. Then he asked me to dance. I looked around and saw that all the girls were taken. I was just going to sit this one out, so I told him no, and that I was straight, but he just kept insisting that I dance. He eventually guilted me into it. So, I took his hand, pulled him to me, and started to dance. In the short time the song was playing, I started to feel really wierd. But, it was a good kind of wierd. Was I falling for this guy?

He wrapped his arms tightly around me, almost knocking the wind out of me, but we kept dancing. When the song ended his head was laying on my left shoulder, and he was still clung to me. I tried to snap him out of it, and get him to open his eyes. I-I wanted to see them again. About a minute and a half after the song had ended, he finally started to wake up. He snapped his arms away and blushed so hard. It was kind of cute... But, then he ran away for no reason. I chased after him to the bathroom. When I got there, I opened the door, and heard him crying. I walked up to the metal stall door and gave a light knock, only to be replied to by a shout for me to go away. I told him it was me, and his crying suddenly stopped with a sniffle.

The stall door opened, and I saw his tear soaked face just below mine. He lunged at me and wrapped his arms around my chest, crying his eyes out, soaking my fur. I looked down at him and asked him what was wrong.

He told me that everyone was laughing at him. No one was laughing, which is what I told him. He shook his head in disbelief and insisted the other furs were laughing, which I quickly dismissed, further insisting that they were not, which he believed. After ten minutes of talking, I convinced him to go back out to the dance floor.

When we reached the floor, another slow song was playing. When I heard the slow pace, I offered my hand to the folf, and asked if he would like to dance, to which he immediately replied, with large eyes, by taking my hand and pulling into my arms, which wrapped around his waist. He rested his arms on my shoulders. He looked up, into my eyes, and our noses touched. At that exact moment, I knew, I liked this folf. I thought I was straight, but this petite little folf brought out the true me. I stared into his bright blue eyes, and saw everything about him. In only a moment, I'd learned a lifetime. This little folf, was the one fur I knew I had to be with. I wondered what the future would hold for us, but for now, I only wanted to stay in this moment. Forever.

Tamen articulus, vos mos perceptum a saeculorum.

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