The Adventures of Vyxsin the Vixen- Birthday

Story by Coutzy on SoFurry

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#1 of The Adventures of Vyxsin the Vixen

Yay! New story! And this one has girls in it!

Usual disclaimers. Go away if you want to and/or are required by law to go away. I don't care where you go, you just can't stay here.

So this story is more of a set-up chapter than anything else. The main goal of this one was to introduce the world to Vyxsin the Vixen.

I'd also REALLY appreciate a proofreader for this and the next few installments of this series (Yes, I've decided to make it a series.) Let me know if you can help out!

Vyxsin is copyright to me. Kent, Kelly and Christy are just names I like and since they arent that heavily described I guess I can't really claim them.

The Adventures of Vyxsin the Vixen


"Happy Birthday, Vyxsin!" Was the first thing the pink vixen heard as she opened the door. Today, Vyxsin was 18. Old enough to drink, drive on her own and all the other fun stuff. Her friends Kent, the tall, black-furred fox and Kelly and Christy, the sister ferrets, Kelly with chocolate brown fur and Christy with arctic white fur, had all come to celebrate with her.

"Thanks guys" Vyxsin said as she hugged her three guests individually. "It was really great of you to come on such short notice."

"We haven't seen you in ages" Said Kent, who was the first inside "We wouldn't miss this for the world."

"How did you get the time off work?" Christy continued, the second to step across the threshold.

"Yeah" Kelly added "Aren't they usually really strict with your shifts?"

"Usually" Vyxsin replied "But I just explained what was going on, and I asked them to consider the fact that I'd been working there for almost 3 years, 2 as a full time."

"You took a sick day, didn't you?" Kent said.

"Uh-huh" Vyxsin nodded "But it's Friday, so as long as I'm 'better' by Monday, they won't ask for a Doctors certificate."

"Why are you still at that job?" Kelly asked "It sounds like it sucks."

"You know it's only until I can get into an event management course" Said Vyxsin "Once that happens, I'm out of that shitty diner. But enough about that, I didn't invite you here so we could discuss my job."

"That's right; you invited us here so you could get your presents!" Christy yelled as the three pulled Vyxsin through the hall into her bedroom, which was really her parents converted basement.

Vyxsin was in an unfortunate position. She dropped out of school at the age of sixteen, and went into waitressing to earn some money. Her bright pink fur meant she could only get a job at a cheap local diner, where everybody knowing your name is probably a bad thing. Her boss was a bitch in every sense of the word, meaning she hardly ever got to see her friends, and as a result most of them had simply drifted away. But not Kent, Kelly and Christy. Vyxsin liked being optimistic, so she had decided that the trio were her true closest friends, so she had invited them over to celebrate with her.

It was this unfortunate position that had forced her to use her own money to buy her first alcohol earlier that afternoon, the scenario which was now running through her head.

"Hi, how can I help you today?"

"Umm... Hi... I'll just have a four pack of the pink ones over there."

"You mean these?"

"Yeah, those"

"Sure thing, pink drinks for a pink lady. Do you have ID with you today?"

"Yeah, here it is"

"Oh wow, pink is your natural color"

"Yeah... Genetic defect. I like it. It's unique."

"I guess you're right, ok that'll be seventeen ninety nine."

"So anyway, Vyxsin" Said Kent, bringing Vyxsin back to the present "I know you've been saving for a laptop so you can keep in touch with us, so I got you a gift card at Cal's Computer City." Kent presented a small, plain box, which Vyxsin opened, revealing a gift card to the value of fifty dollars.

"Oh thanks Kent!" Vyxsin squealed as she pulled him in for a bone crushing hug. "This is awesome; I'll be able to get it tomorrow now!"

"That's kind of what I was hoping for" Said Christy as she presented her gift, wrapped in simple neon blue paper.

"Oh thank you Christy" Said Vyxsin as she peeled it back, showing the cover of a CD for a sound editing program. "This is great!"

"I know how much you love music" Christy replied "And I thought it was about time that the world got to hear your songs."

"Oh, Christy!" Said Vyxsin, hugging her friend "You're the best!"

"My turn! My turn!" Said Kelly, as she presented her long, thin package

"What is this?" Vyxsin asked.

"Well, seeing as Kent and Christy both got you nice gifts, I was tasked with the obligatory gag gift." Kelly Replied "Enjoy your new BOB."

"BOB?" Vyxsin said quizzically

"Battery Operated Boyfriend" Kelly said simply.

Vyxsin opened the box cautiously, her trepidation well warranted as she found a bright pink, 9 inch vibrator inside. "It matches your fur" Kelly said "You have no idea how hard it was to find one the right colour."

"Um... Thanks, I guess" Said Vyxsin "It's nice to know you went to a lot of effort to find the right one, at least."

Vyxsin put her gifts away, and the foursome went to the lounge to eat, drink and reminisce. Vyxsin was the last of her group to turn 18, and everybody else had stories to tell her about the nightclub scene.

"You have to let us take you out some time Vyx" Said Kelly "You'll love the club scene, trust me."

"Yeah, someone like you would really appreciate it" Said Christy "A lot of the people who do the whole club thing dye their fur bright colours, you'd be a hit."

"Yeah, maybe" Said Vyxsin "Clubbing isn't really my thing, you know."

"You've gotta let us take you at least once" Said Kent "Then you can make up your mind."


All too soon, it was time for Vyxsin's friends to go home. They said their final goodbyes for the day, Kent promising to come by tomorrow and help her set up her laptop, and Vyxsin retired to her room for the night.

Tossing and turning under her covers, Vyxsin couldn't sleep. She turned again and the vibrator caught her eye, the neon pink almost glowing in the dark room.

"I guess it couldn't hurt" Vyxsin said to herself as she reached for it, before guiding it slowly down her form.

She took a detour when she reached her mounds, running the buzzing toy across both her nipples, making them hard, before reaching further south to tease her slit. She ran the head across her nether lips several times, building the anticipation for what was to come. She began to slowly insert the toy, letting a soft moan escape her lips before she heard Pink's "So What?" emanating from beside her.

"Damn phone" Vyxsin sighed as she switched off her new toy and answered it "Hello?"

"Hi Vyxsin!" Kent's voice came from the speaker "Just wanted to say Happy Birthday again!"

"Thanks Kent" Vyxsin replied "But I'm trying to sleep"

"Oh, right. Sorry" Said Kent "Good night!"

"Good night, Kent." Vyxsin hung up the phone, before looking back to her pink rod. She sighed, tossed the vibrator aside and rolled over to sleep.


Go ahead and let me know what you think, if you are so inclined.