Prisoiners of Team Shadow Chapter 2

Story by Luna-Lynx on SoFurry

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#2 of The Prisoners of Team Shadow

When Dan finally woke, he was still in bed. The florescent lights of the prison block were on full blast, almost like they were trying to simulate morning. He groaned, pained. His skin was still burning slightly, like he had a bad sunburn over his whole body, and he felt like he'd puke his guts out at any moment. To add to it, he had a splitting headache that was going through his entire skull. He shuddered and rolled onto his side, finding Jim already awake and preoccupied with the mirror over the sink. "Jim..." His voice was hoarse and gravelly from his exhaustive experience. "What's wrong...? Still sick too...?"

Jim shook his head, his fingers jammed in his mouth. Dan sat up, staring at his friend closer, trying to focus his woozy eyes. Even under the dirt caking Jim's body, he could tell his arms were starting to turn a sickly blue color. "Jim..!?" He tried to get up but his legs just wouldn't let him. His guts just felt like they were going to drop out of his body and crawl away... "Jim what's wrong with you..?"

"Well, for s'ar'ers..." Jim slurred, his mouth still occupied by his fingers. "I've 'een losin' teeff" Jim turned around and held up one of his missing teeth. Dan looked closer, finding the entire sink full of them. Jim took his hands away from his mouth, revealing them to be replaced with a mouth full of jagged, conical teeth. "But I got new ones it looks like..."

Dan couldn't help but stare at his friends new set of sharp carnivore's teeth. Jim's face looked strange as well, almost like his skull wasn't quite fitting his head anymore. "Jim... I..." Dan was cut off when Jim pointed at him as well.

"You don't look like you're doin' too well either man..." Jim noted, still pointing. This prompted Dan to examine himself too. He checked his arms, finding blotches of similar discoloration as well. He panicked a little and jumped to his feet, only to stumble forward as he found his legs just wouldn't support his weight properly. Jim helped him up, getting him to the mirror. Dan's heart sank, finding that his headache was being caused by similar deformations in his skull. His ears were starting to lengthen as well. "What the fuck is happening to us...?" Jim asked, slumping to a seat with his friend.

Dan was silent, trying to calm himself. "... When they sent you through the teleporter, they mentioned something about a Crocanaw... I didn't know what it meant but... now it's pretty damn obvious they're messing with our bodies somehow, and I'd bet it involves pokemon..." Jim nodded, looking over his slowly changing body. They both had to admit, it reminded them of Crocanaw.

A voice suddenly called from across the cellblock. "Daniel! Jimmy!" It was George's voice, prompting the two to look over. Jim got up and went to the bars facing his commander's cell. Everyone's cell was so far away they had to shout for their allies to hear them.

"Sir! How is everyone?" Jim asked, looking around. There were a lot of cells but only some of them were occupied. In fact, they could only see six of the twelve POWs.

"Not so good. Everyone's changing, including you it looks like. You, Dan, Bayer, Joel, Damian and me too." George explained. Joel was just resting on his bed, alone in his cell, cradling his head in his hands. Damian and Bayer were sharing a cell too, but neither of them had any apparent changes save for some minor skin discolorations.

"What do we do, sir..?" Damian asked, sheepishly. George thought for a moment.

"Well, all we can do is stay strong... We can't do much except try to give 'em hell. Just don't tell them anything they might wanna know." He spoke in his booming voice, trying to give his men some confidence. "We're all gonna need to rely on each other, alright? We watched our squad mate's backs when we were on the field. As far as I'm concerned, this is no different. We're still soldiers.

Damian smiled and saluted him. "Yes sir! Heheheh..." He smiled a little, sitting back down afterwards.

Bayer just crossed his arms a little, agitated. "Whatever... I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather die than just wind up as a guinea pig for those freaks to poke and prod at." Everyone just ignored him, not finding his attitude much helpful. Joel as usual, just kept silent. The understandably quiet men chatted quietly amongst themselves for about an hour before breakfast was served to them.

Dan munched on his sandwich, a little disappointed that it was the same meal as last time, but then again, it beat army rations and gruel any day. He bit down again but quickly pulled the sandwich away from his mouth when he felt something come loose. Like Jim, his own teeth had started to come out. But in his mouth, one side in particular was pushing all his teeth out. He couldn't help but sigh, waiting to see what kind of teeth came in to replace them.

Jim was just focused on trying to eat without biting his own tongue off with his new Crocanaw teeth. His focus was obviously broken when George's voice rose to a shout. "Alright, you son of a bitch, what did you do to my men!?" He demanded. Everyone looked up from their food to see what was going on. Jason was standing in front of George's cell, staring at him.

"Well first I wanted to comment on that you all look rather well-"

"Can the bullshit! What the fuck did you do!?" George interrupted the man, making Jason's expression sour.

"Well," he started, crossly, "All of you listen up, because this will be the only time this will be explained. The teleportation experiment was a success. As it normally is. Organic and inorganic matter transferred from one place to another. Handy isn't it? But we've known it to be working for a while now."

"So what was the point-" Joel began to speak but Jason shushed him.

"Let me finish. I'm gracing you with explaining ANYTHING, so don't be rude. As I was saying, the teleporter works but it has limited applications, as anyone going for the ride winds up very ill for several days afterwards. Teleportation Sickness we call it. And we've not figured out how to fix it yet. Though that's not our department."

George interrupted him again, "So what IS your department?" He asked.

Jason smiled a little. "We're the marketing department if you will... All of the weapons and pokemon you were carrying with you, we reuse or sell." Damian looked upset by the thought of his beloved pokemon being taken away from him but he kept quiet. "We're also slavers... We try to get some monetary compensation for the prisoners we manage to capture."

The soldiers all looked at each other and then back at him disgusted but letting him continue. Jim was about to speak but Dan motioned for him to remain silent.

"Human captives don't really have much of a market value however... no country these days takes human slaves. Pokemorphs, however, are another story. So, we figure, why waste the opportunity? The DNA extract from the pokemon we use is expensive, but selling the results back is quite profitable. Management liked this idea, and thus, we acquired one of the two prototype teleportation sets."

Jim finally broke his silence. "How the hell did you DO this to us? What's gonna happen to us!?" He asked, not bothering to mask his full blown rage.

Jason turned to him and continued, "The incident with Bill's teleportation system showed that different DNA strands can, when in an unstable form, be spliced... I'm no geneticist, nor am I a physicist. In fact, the scientists that worked on these things didn't think it was possible at first. We don't pretend to understand the phenomena but it works VERY well, as you all are starting to see." Everyone looked around, uncomfortably. Not only were they prisoners, but they were mutating and possibly had a future of slavery in front of them. Dan just sneered, his mind already trying to think of something to do.

"Soldiers as slaves?" George asked, mockingly.

Jason just smiled at him, making the wide smile under George's mustache fall. "Within another two days, your bodies will have adapted and finished changing, settling into your new figures. And yes, soldiers as slaves. It's much better than simply KILLING you. No profit in that after all. But don't worry, we have our ways. That's not my job though. Right now, I just want to make sure all of you mature properly. And by the looks of things, I'd say I needn't worry much."

With that Jason started walking off, leaving the guards to their duties. "Wait! I ain't done talking to you!" Jim called. The other soldiers called after him but he left without even seeming to acknowledge them. Dan sighed and slumped in his seat, continuing to eat, along with the rest of his comrades. Mealtime went by without much more incident, except for that George's teeth started falling out as well, about which he wasn't too shy about voicing his disapproval. The guards never talked to them the entire time, nor did any of them even respond to the soldiers' requests or questions.

As the day wore on more mutations were becoming evident. Jim and Dan both started losing their hair rapidly, until both of them were left completely bald all over their bodies. Jim's mouth had also started deforming into a short snout. Dan meanwhile, finally obtained his new set of teeth, his old ones completely discarded. He instantly found the very large canine tooth on the right side of his head bothersome, and the teal blotches in his skin finally made his gene splicing partner evident: A Nidorina. Though, he had to be thankful that he could walk again, though with a very awkward gait for some reason.

No one was voicing the problems of their mutations anymore, instead just keeping to themselves. The only ones Dan could keep track of anymore was himself and Jim, and he wasn't about to pry into what was going on with everyone else. He was, however, thankful that his comrades couldn't hear him unless he shouted, which is exactly what he did after coming across another distressing discovery. The several liters of apple juice finally worked its way out of his body and he had to relieve himself, finding that his dick had started dissolving into his body.

Jim was startled when he heard his friend's yelp of shock, "Dan!? You okay!?"

Dan shakily relieved himself before pulling his pants up to hide his deformed anatomy, "I.. I'm fine... I..." Jim just walked over, trying to check up on him before it dawned on him.

"Oh no... Your... your equipment..?" Jim hesitantly asked, scratching at the blue scales cropping up on his body.

Jim nodded after a moment of distraught thinking. "... Yeah.... I... I'm... I mean...." He stuttered, genuinely ashamed for the first time in a long, long while, ever since his awkward highschool years.

"Your voice too, man..." Jim noted.

"Wait what?" Dan stopped, hearing the higher-pitched tone to his own voice. His heart sank even more. They were going to steal his manhood too? Did they even know that Nidorina DNA was going to change his gender too? He thought of that for a moment before he grew angry again, realizing that they wouldn't have cared anyhow. Dan had never considered himself sexist, but the thought of losing his masculinity made his guts churn even more with despair. He was one of the toughest soldiers on the squad... The only guy that was stronger than him was George.

Daniel just sat on his bed, dejectedly. He hugged himself around the waist a bit, finding it already taking on a slight curve. "Jim... What do we do...?" He asked, a little desperately.

"I don't know man... Just... sit tight, okay? We'll figure things out... I'm here for ya, like you are for me, right?" He pat his friend on the back, trying to cheer him up. Dan half-smiled.

".... Yeah." He finally responded, nodding. He was glad to have some kind of support though this.

"We've been through worse together, man. You Joel and I." Jim continued.

"No we haven't." Dan corrected, "But... We've been through a lot together..."

"Hehehe, remember when your dad got that big tree house? And then Joel got stuck up there for like, a day?" Jim asked, chuckling.

Dan laughed, still a little disturbed by the higher timbre of his voice. But that memory was a fond one. "Yeah... that's what happens when you get a kid afraid of heights in a damn tree house. He never was too bright, huh? Hahaha." Jim chuckled to himself gleefully.

"No kidding! We had to actually go up and tie a rope to him, then push him out the door. Good thing you were heavier than him or else he might'a broken something besides his pride, hahahaha!" They two friends both laughed, their spirits finally rising a significant amount. They both started recalling some fond stories of their childhood, spending at the very least a few hours chatting. The guard came around and delivered their supper, which consisted of the exact same turkey sandwich, chips, and juice.

Dan finished downing his meal, finally starting to show his fatigue during that time. Jim's new maw allowed him to gulp down his food rather quickly, which actually kind of entertained him. He saw his friend slowing though. "Hey man. You should get some rest... " Jim said. Daniel just looked at him and sighed.

Dan just spoke quietly, "I really don't want to right now..."

"Afraid'a what you might find, huh..?" Jim asked. Dan glanced down, annoyed at the comment a little. "Look Dan, I understand... But if you don't sleep you'll still change anyhow. You'll just have to sit through it and watch."

Dan sighed and hung his head, "You're right... I just..."

"Just go to bed, dude... I'm actually fixing to turn in too. I'm exhausted." Jim said, clambering up into the top bunk. Dan sighed and lay down, staring at the bottom of the bunk above him. His hand wandered to his crotch again, finding it nearly blank save for a large bump where his cock used to be. He shivered, obviously upset by the fact. He felt the difference of his weight, his muscles having reduced themselves to almost half their normal mass. He just threw the sheets on his bed over himself, and despite being so upset, he eventually drifted to sleep.

The man-turned Pokemorph slept soundly, until finally the smell of food finally brought him to his senses. When he opened his eyes he found his tray of food sitting on the floor right near his bed, with Jim chomping away at his own food. Dan was a little startled by Jim's appearance that morning. He was a little hunched now, with a long, red frill running down his head and neck. His arms were thicker and a tad longer than they once were, his fingers now tipped with long claws. His head was fully warped now, looking more like a Feraligator than a Crocanaw. Finally, Jim had a short tail protruding from his hips, and he'd apparently chewed a hole in his pants to make room for it.

Dan suddenly realized his own clothes were starting to bug him. He squirmed a bit, feeling like his spine had elongated, and much to his dismay, it had. He felt his face, realizing that it had twisted into an almost exact replica of what a Nidorina's would have felt like. His fingernails had been replaced by short claws, and by the looks of his hands, all of his skin was now the soft teal color it was intended to be. He gasped, realizing his other dilemmatic change. His hands dripped instantly down to his crotch, and stopped, finding it completely smooth. His stomach sank as his hands drifted lower, finding exactly what he was afraid of. A jolt ran up his spine as his claw grazed the entrance to his sensitive new orifice. He couldn't help but gasp a little, feeling the sensations emanating from his perfect new cunt.

Dan jolted up, his hands instantly grabbing at his own chest. At first he didn't find anything, but he could feel the very beginnings of budding new breasts under his shirt. Jim heard his friend and turned around, and instantly saw the look of horror in his eyes. "Dan!?" He asked, concerned, his voice now much deeper and gravely than it used to be. He was a bit startled by his voice too, but he was more concerned for his comrade.

"I... My..." He squeaked in a high pitched voice that cemented his new gender. Her eyes were as big as saucers when she heard it.

"Oh man..." Jim said, a saddened for his new female friend. "Dan I'm... I'm sorry dude..." He knew this was gonna happen, but it didn't lessen the impact of it all. Dan's hands ran across her body, feeling her new feminine muscles. She was much more lithe and thin than she had pictured herself, almost as if it her own body was mocking her. She shakily got to her feet, finding her toes replaced with three short claws. Her stomach sank more, unable to even say anything. She also found her sheet sticking to her back, several spikes now protruding from her shoulders and spine. She just ripped the sheet off her body in frustration before burying her face in her now-delicate hands.

Jim just looked at his distraught friend. "... Your meal's right there, buddy..." He pointed out.

"I'm not really hungry..." She said, trying to get used to her new voice. She shivered again, feeling her new tail cramped in her pants. She reached back with her claws, and tore a hole big enough to let it escape without showing any of her rear either. She sighed, shivering a bit still feeling the weird and alien sensations running up from her crotch.

Jim looked like he was about to argue but he let it go. "Alright..." He looked down, finishing his own meal. Dan just hugged herself a little, her large ears folding down against her head like a scolded cat.

"... Do... do you think they can reverse this...? If we get home...?" Dan asked, looking up, hopefully.

"... Maybe... but honestly I don't know. Sorry, Dan..." Jim responded. She looked down, fighting the urge to tear up. She didn't though, retaining her composure despite the bizarre new hormones coursing through her veins.

"I'm gonna kill him..." She said, quietly. "If I get my hands on him I'll..."

"You ain't gonna get that chance if you starve to death." Jim stated, smirking a bit. She just sighed, picking up the tray and finally starting to eat. "He'll get his, Dan. I swear it. I've got your back the whole way."

She just looked up at him, before looking back down at her food. "Thanks, Jim..." She said, quietly. She only kept eating, keeping rather quiet. Her mind was just filled with a mixture of anger and panic, unsure of what to do. She'd just have to wait and find out what she COULD do, she thought. She just downed her breakfast, somberly.