A Snow Leopard Among the Stars

Story by TwoHeadedTigress on SoFurry

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Hey guys! Been a little while since I posted over here! Clancy688 commissioned this beast of a story from me last week, and I'm glad I've finally managed to complete it! I'm quite happy with the result but I certainly didn't expect it to get quite so long. Still, it's a nice change to pace to write some science fiction after my other stories, which are all largely fantasy.

Thanks for the read!

Hyperdrives were finicky at best, and downright unreliable at worst. The technology was new, and improving every day, but it still had a long way to go. It interacted strangely with intense gravitational fields, which meant that black holes could play havoc with their accuracy. A lesson Gary had just learned the hard way.

"We are very far off," Gary said through tight lips, looking out the cockpit at the empty space around them.

"Very far off," Casey agreed, looking at the monitors in front of him.

"What do the preliminary results show?"

Casey looked defeated more than anything else. "Nothing. Actually nothing. The computer is just spinning. I have no idea where we are."

Gary grunted. "How do you miss a black hole?" he finally said. "They're-"

"Invisible?" Casey suggested, a hint of humor in his voice.

"I was going to say massive," Gary grunted.

Silence hung between them for a couple moments, souring with every second.

"I can't even begin to describe how upset I am," Gary continued, his voice quiet and controlled. "And I don't even want to know how much time we wasted."

"Give the computer some time," Casey chided. "It's calculating where we are."

"It doesn't take that long," Gary said sharply.

"It does when it needs to build an entire 3D representation of the space for light years around us and compare that to-"

Gary's sigh cut him off. He did know it took that long, and Casey knew that he knew. There was no point in continuing.

The two men had known each other for the past seventy years now. The _Longwinded Throw_wasn't a generational ship like previous models, and instead incorporated cryostasis technology. Cellular alteration of the body done through nanite technology had allowed the many occupants of the ship to be frozen without the water is their body turning to ice and rupturing their cells. It meant the other seven hundred and thirty-two people aboard would experience the several decade long journey as a simple nap.

Gary and Casey however, were two senior crewmen charged with keeping the ship working while the others slept. Kept alive and young by the same nanites that allowed the others to be frozen in cryostasis, the journey had been a long time for them. A lifetime.

Now, the reality that it might not even be half over due to a missed black hole was starting to sink in.

"It was probably closer to the destination," Casey said reassuringly, "it's easier to miss stuff that far out. We've likely got just a few more years."

"A few more years," Gary spat. "That's-"

"And then we live like kings!" Casey shouted, the veins in his neck bulging. "We get to relax while the others settle the place!"

They both fell silent again. It lasted for over a minute until the computer finally beeped.

"Well?" Gary asked, poison still in his voice.

Casey's lips were in a tight line. "We're eight years out."

Another long moment of silence hung between them. It was bad, but it certainly wasn't the worst-case scenario.

"The black hole was directly behind a star," Casey continued. "And I mean directly behind it. It wasn't our fault, or ground control's fault. It was just something we literally couldn't see."

Gary pressed his fingertips into his eyes, rubbing them. There was no point in being mad, they knew this was a possibility. They'd expected another couple months of travel to correct for the long jump, but eight years? That was maddening.

"Well I'm going to lay down," Gary sighed, turning to leave.

"I'm going to as well," Casey sighed, still staring at the tablet in front of him, his eyes unfocussed. "I'll get it calculating the jump later."

Gary left the room and Casey just sat back in his chair. It was comfortable enough, but it was too familiar. A reminder of how much more time he was going to have to spend in it. He just groaned and closed his eyes.


Four days had passed since they dropped out of hyperspace, and the drive had finally cooled off enough to jump again. There was something like a seven percent chance that it would just simply break when they opened a hyperspace window, so they didn't want to drop out unless it was absolutely necessary and wanted to make sure it was in perfect condition before jumping again.

While the moment they'd first initially dropped out of hyperspace the two of them had been on edge with each other, it wasn't really an accurate representation of how they normally got along. Casey and Gary hadn't survived seventy some years of each other's presence and only each other's presence by fighting over trivial things. On the contrary, it had been a life of constant growth, compromise, and learning. There was no room for grudges, resentment or stubbornness when they only had each other.

As the ship's computer worked through the calculations to make the next jump, the two of them were working through the path manually. It helped when they double checked each other's work, that way they were both to blame if something went wrong. It was things like that which kept their relationship working, both professionally and personally.

"I'd personally avoid this zone," Gary said, pointing to the hologram.

Casey thought about it. The computer had flagged it as probably empty, but the region had been behind the cover of a star in both the snapshot taken from home, and their current point in space. It was likely that there was nothing trajectory altering inside that zone, but they couldn't be entirely sure.

"Well, then we need to make two jumps."

"It's already going to take us eight years, but I get your point," Gary said, as Casey opened his mouth to say something. "It's if the drive fails, not the extra couple days."

Casey nodded. "I'd rather not risk it. If we do get thrown off course again, we're making a third jump anyways. The time is irrelevant, but doing three jumps...that's a one in five chance this thing blows up. And I'm pretty sure the odds of a black hole being there is quite a bit lower."

"It's not going to blow up," Gary said, rolling his eyes. "Just irreparably break."


Gary snorted. "We have a spare. But fine, I agree. Let's chance the direct route."

Casey grinned, satisfied. The computer was already doing the calculations for the jump anyways. "Well, with that out of the way then, lets get to the important questions." He spun his chair to face Gary, who was still looking at the hologram. "Which body you going to go with then?"

Gary opened his mouth slightly to speak, then set his jaw again. "I...don't know. Kind of depends on you I think."

Casey grin widened a bit. He was excited to get back out of his human form. The two of them had only changed back because they'd expected to be at their destination and needing to wake up the rest of the crew. Now, they had another eight years of very little to do outside routine checks and maintenance.

"Well," Casey said, "I won't take nanite control this time. I'll give you that to work with."

Gary considered. Nanite control was the ability to interface with the nanites in the other person's body with a very specific set of capabilities. Memories couldn't be altered at all, and perception was also largely untouchable, but they could alter mood or put the mind into a drugged-like state, and Casey had known Gary had been working on a new nanite program.

"I'll do it," Gary said, his smile looking a little suspicious. "But you pick the body first!"

Casey gave him a nod. "Doesn't matter to me, I'm already set regardless."

"Male, I take it?"

There was a twinkle in Casey's eyes. "Why don't we shake it up."

The first year or two on the ship, neither of them had wanted to really touch on the topic, but Gary had finally taken the leap twenty-six months in. Daily sex was a great pastime and never really got old, particularly when they had shapeshifting technology at their disposal. The nanites combined with a large injection of stem cells made it possible to rewrite a person's DNA and quickly switch to another body. While it had been weird at first, Gary had quickly found he'd rather enjoyed being a woman, particularly one who'd looked supernatural.

Casey had quickly followed suit, putting the majority of his spare time over the next couple years into sculpting different bodies and using the ships computer to make sure they worked biologically.

For the majority of the trip, Gary had been Gabriel--or Gabby. It'd seemed fitting at the time. She'd flitted through many bodies, but her most recent had been a bit more subdued. The two of them tried to maintain a theme, and the most recent had been after the mythical incubus and succubus. Gabby had been a curvy, red skinned woman with wings and a tail, while Casey had become a hulking brute of a man, also red skinned but sporting a much longer and thicker tail than Gabby, and a large pair of horns atop his head. His figure had made him look like a demon out of a movie--not a mindless beast, but perhaps a lord of the underworld.

In that body, Casey could turn Gabby on at will. It was meant to emulate the dominant male demon and the submissive sex slave he kept, unable to resist him nor wanting to. It had been done through the nanites, a simple command from Casey and they activated all the right parts of Gabby's brain, making her seek him out to be sated. With those capabilities, the two of them found they also enjoyed roleplay as well, and outside of the hours where the lights automatically came on and demanded they do their duties, the time on the ship had been quite fun.

The only downside was the heightened safety protocol in the nanites only permitted one person to have access to the other's at once because they were the only two people awake on the ship. So if Casey was losing his 'magical' lust projection and forfeit his nanite control to Gary for the next couple years, perhaps it was time for a new body anyways.

And this time...it made him nervous, but he wanted to try being the woman in the relationship. They certainly had time. He was very used to being the dominant one, but this was certainly going to shake it up.

"How about..." Casey said slowly, "We go into this blind?"

Gary raised his eyebrows. "Really? What if the bodies don't jive together?"

Casey grinned. "Then we need to make it work."

It took a couple weeks to prepare enough stem cells for one person to transform, so there would be a small period of time where they were stuck in these bodies. They did keep enough for an emergency reversion, but that was for emergencies only--death being what they had in mind. Freak accidents occurred, and the ship needed two people running it.

Gary looked a little surprised at that response. Normally, Casey had been big on picking the bodies so they might synergize somehow. The reality was, Casey had cooked up something weird, and wanted Gary going in blind regardless.

Then, Casey got up. "Well, this thing is going to take another couple hours to verify the path before it kicks us out into hyperspace, so..." He let the last work trail off, then looked to Gary. "I'll see you in an hour or so."

Gary eyed him cautiously as Casey made his way out. "You're making me suspicious."

Casey grinned. "Good."


While it was technically the medical facility, the two of them had grown to calling it the change room, as it was the only thing they really used it for. Neither of them had ever suffered an injury so drastic that they needed to use the other medial equipment.

The computers in the room sensed him and the nanites in his body, and loaded his profile to all the screens, properly guessing what he was in the room for. On the main screen was a catalogue of bodies he'd built over the last seventy years he'd spent on the ship, setup in a giant scroll wheel. Most of them were pretty simple and had an animalistic theme, but Casey had found he'd liked having seven limbs total. On top of the regular limbs, the incubus had two wings and a tail, and the body before that had been a dog-human hybrid with a tail obviously, and an extra set of arms. It had been really useful for work around the ship and for pinning Gabby down.

The latest body though, this one was going to be a little different, and he wasn't entirely sure it was going to work. The big change had seemed to work for the rats at least--and they didn't have the ability to communicate and cooperate like humans did, so it was hopeful he would fare even better. A little nervous, Casey reached for the tube and lifted his shirt up, revealing a small port in his belly button. He avoided needles if possible, and when switching back to his human state he kept this one small change, just in case.

The tube clicked into place, and the computer prompted him to choose a body. After a moment's hesitation, he did. This was something he'd spent a good chunk of his life working off and on after all.

Warm fluid flowed down the tube into his belly button, a mix of stem cells and nanites to guide their work through his system. It would take a few moments before he started seeing the changes so he quickly pulled his clothing off, standing in the warm medical bay naked.

He knew what to expect, but he still only transformed every couple years. It was something he'd done before but wasn't necessarily very used to. Still, he'd chosen the order for the events to occur and just like planned, the fur was the thing that came first.

He didn't have any significant amount hair on his body at the moment, having not bothered to program it in when he'd reverted himself back to a human. With only a few days growth, the fur that pushed itself out through his skin quickly replaced it with a fluffy coat of thick white fur spotted with grey and black. A snow leopard's coat.

As usual, growing the fur was accompanied by an itchy feeling, but it quickly passed as it felt like his body was engulphed in a warm, fuzzy sweater. Once that was done, his jaw structure changed just a little bit, putting his face halfway between the shape of the cat and that of a human. It looked strange at first but was still highly expressive, and both he and Gabby--or Gary--had gotten used to it quite quickly. The bodies he built were still very humanlike, he just took inspiration from other animals rather than actually assuming something close to their form.

Fangs grew into his mouth and his tongue grew rougher while his eyes changed their appearance but not their sensitivity. He'd already enhanced his vision far beyond that of a cat, now they just had a slitted look. The sense of smell was something that hit him though. The room went from having a slight medial scent to it, to an overpowering medical scent, making Casey wrinkle his nose. Perhaps he'd overdone this part a little bit.

Then, while his ears were moving to the top of his head, the gender swap happened. He knew it was coming--for he'd written the script himself--but it still made his heart spike in alarm. He'd been acting casual about it with Gary but this was something he'd never done before. Unlike Gary, he'd never once taken the body of a woman.

The first of the changes happened inside him as a vagina started to form, the cavern in his body appearing before the hole itself. Despite taking on the appearance of a woman, he'd avoided putting in key parts of the reproductive system, just like Gary would be ensuring his sperm was infertile as well.

By the time the cavern inside him was fully formed, his penis had shrunk to half its size and his hips had widened substantially. He felt the place between his legs split to form the entrance, and it continued up in front of him slightly where his penis was now fully gone to form her clitoris.

It made Casey apprehensive to see it go, but it was time for something new, and Casey held off touching it until the transformation was complete. There would be plenty of time for that later.

Casey's breasts--still male in structure--quickly expanded out to become between modest and large in size, capping off with a jet-black nipple that was visible even through her thick white fur. Casey touched her breasts lightly then ran a hand down between her legs, then sharply withdrew her hand. Her nipples quickly grew hard and tingled with anticipation as well, being erogenous zones for the body that she'd also defined. Men liked grabbing breasts after all, why not make it incredibly pleasurable for her while they did?

As her breasts finished growing in and completing her feminine look, the fur atop her head grew a little bit more to make it look like hair, and the tailbone behind her started to push out. It was the reason she'd chosen the snow leopard as inspiration this time. The tail that pushed out behind her was obscenely long, over five feet in length total and as thick as it was fluffy, its weight forcing her to readjust her balance slightly. It would be great for work in the areas without artificial gravity, allowing her to quickly spin around midair just by waving it about.

Outside the room, Casey heard a door close. Gary getting into the next medical bay to change his body as well. Her curiosity for what he was going to pick was pulled away when her second set of arms started to grow in. The first time it had been a tremendously disorienting experience and she'd had difficulty initially making one arm do something without the other on that side mirroring the motion. Now, many years and transformations later, it was getting back something she'd sorely missed.

As her lower hands formed at the end of the arms, she flexed each finger individually and balled them into fists before spreading them out again, making sure her fingers worked as intended. The incubus' body had been fun, and the wings interesting, but she personally thought an extra set of arms was so much better than wings, especially in a confined environment like the spaceship. Perhaps flight would be great, but it wasn't something she could try anytime soon.

Not much changed on her lower body, but certain muscle groups did tighten slightly, encouraging her to stand up on her toes. As she did so, the ball of her foot grew larger and a pad formed underneath it which would protect somewhat against sharp objects she stepped on and make walking around barefoot all the more comfortable. Her calves shrunk in length a bit and her foot elongated, giving her legs a bit of an animalistic look as she fully fell into a digitigrade stance.

Similar pads formed on all four of her hands and all her fingers, but it didn't impact her dexterity at all, and would serve as projection if she ever grabbed something rough. Claws appeared on her fingertips and then her toes--something she didn't really use but felt thematically appropriate to have--and with that the transformation was nearly complete. Except for one thing--the last and most defining event scripted into the transformation.

It had been tricky to get right and had taken thirty years of work aboard this ship, but Casey was convinced she'd just made an incredible scientific breakthrough--and she was using herself as the guinea pig. The majority of the actual work had been done by the ship's semi-sentient AI, but it had still demanded a lot of research and study to plan properly.

After a moments delay, Casey's head slid sideways on her shoulders, making room for the second nub that was growing to her head's left. The nanites were building a strong neural link down her neck that started in the very center of her brain where the left and right hemispheres of her brain shared information. In Casey's study of split-brain syndrome, she'd successfully used the ship's AI to reassemble the neural link between the two hemispheres of a virtual brain and copy that information into a nerve cord. Her theory was that if she could have a two-way link between two minds, she could functionally fuse two consciousnesses into one.

As a second head grew in, Casey held her breath. She'd taken a snapshot of her mind before engaging the transformation, so her new head would know what was going on, but would it be a copy of her in the same body that would fight her, or would it be her?

The nerve cluster grew up in the center of the nub, forming the spinal cord in conjunction with the vertebrae in her neck. The ball that would be her second skull quickly formed and Casey's second brain grew within it, giving her the strangest sensation of her life.

She was waking up, slowly becoming conscious--but she was already awake. Excitement flooded through her. She could feel it! It was working! Her second mind was trying to make sense of that excitement, but it couldn't yet. Her new brain wasn't fully formed yet, but it seemed to have developed motor control first, and unwittingly, her upper left arm shot up in excitement. That made Casey jump. Had her arm had done that on its own accord? No...she could feel the memories of her other mind leaking through--that had been its intention. _Her_intention.

Casey was suddenly conscious of being blind, except she wasn't. Her other mind could see, but through Casey's original pair of eyes. It was incredibly bizarre, and Casey realized her mouth had formed when it said: "What the Hell..."

The memory of her second brains confusion came over faster this time, hardly a second but just enough time to startle her first brain again. The neural link wasn't fully formed yet it seemed.

Shortly after her mouth was done, her second pair of eyes filled in empty sockets and then connected the nerves to her second brain. The double vision she experienced was strange only for a moment, and it really emphasized just how bad the delay in the link was. She saw in one mind, and then was treated to a delayed view of what had just occurred as her other brain registered it. And this happened both ways.

The sensation was so bizarre and alien it made her nauseous, but with each passing moment it seemed to lessen, until after about twenty seconds, it was entirely gone.

Casey found herself leaning against a table, waiting for the nausea to pass when she realized just how her mind was working. How her minds were working.

They were definitely asynchronous, yet sharing information. She looked to her left with her new head and closed her eyes on her right. She could see what her left head saw in her right mind, and when she used her right mind to move her tail in front of her left's vision, the difference between when she started it moving and when she saw it move was completely imperceptible. The information sharing between her brains was functionally instantaneous.

A wide toothy grin split across both faces, and Casey turned to face herself. It was definitely strange looking at herself like this both ways, but it didn't overwhelm her either. One mind could focus on something with the other only being passively aware while it in turn worked on something else. It _was_incredibly strange, but she had the mental faculties to handle it. But still, to be sure, she quickly trotted over to the computer to run through the tests she'd written for herself.

It involved doing math questions with both minds at once, closing one pair of eyes and speaking the words from the other head, having only a single eye open and writing the name of the object she saw, then speaking it out loud, and performing a series to dexterity checks to ensure each mind could command and different parts of her body simultaneously.

Having written, sung, spoke, done math, jumped, flipped and generally everything she could think of to verify her mental faculties were intact, Casey left the room satisfied all the hemispheres of her brains were all properly connected.

It felt so good to have four arms again. Reaching for the doorknob with her lower right hand gave her a little rush. It had been so frustrating needing to have one hand available when she only had two. Halfway through the door Casey hesitated. She wasn't wearing any clothes. A single head looked back and saw them sitting on the floor in the change room, so she quickly doubled back and scooped them up, still pleased she could hold them in her upper arms and open the door with a lower hand.

It was the little conveniences.

She passed the change room Gary was occupying and made her way back to her quarters, a rather spacious room near the bridge of the ship. It had been one of the stipulations if she were to stay awake for the length of the journey--she wanted a decently sized living space.

With all her clothing packed away again, Casey hopped onto her bed and laid back, relaxing in her new body. Having two consciousnesses that were disjointed but still one person was incredible. After that initial change, she didn't feel that her minds had been working against each other in the slightest and had only enhanced her mental capacity.

I've probably just done something revolutionary, she thought idly, trying not to think about how this was going to impact civilization. Perhaps it had already been done on Earth? They were too far for communication, and the nanite technology had been new when they left. It was probably done there already, and better.

Still. The colony wasn't going to get that information for years and years. There would be a giant data laser beamed at the planet periodically, sharing information between the worlds, but real time communication between the worlds was something that was never going to happen.

How long was it going to take Gary to finish transforming? Casey was itching to try out her new body with him, and curious what form he'd chosen.

That thought gave her pause. Well, not the thought itself, but the fact both the thought of sex with Gary and the communication means between worlds had occurred to her at the same time. Her minds had wandered in different directions, yet were both aware of the other's thoughts. That made her grin again. This was working better than she'd ever hoped.

The second mind that was thinking about Gary was also nervous, which bled into her first. The emotions overlapped and dragged her thoughts to the pressing thing that had been largely superseded by the acquisition of an extra head.

_I am a woman now,_Casey thought again. It would have seemed surreal if she weren't having the same thought between two heads. Still, the temptation to touch herself was there. Her lower right hand found its way between her legs, but she hesitated. Should her first sexual experience be actual sex? Or should Casey give her body a bit of a trail run first?

Her body told her now, but her minds knew her first time as a woman would be so much more memorable if she waited.

So wait she did.

Her first indication that Gary had completed his transformation was movement down the hall from her sleeping quarters. About twenty minutes had passed leaving Casey alone with her thoughts as she took a moment to reflect on what her accomplishment would mean for the future, and what possibilities it opened up before they actually landed on the new world.

The sound that came from down the hall wasn't footsteps however, but rustling. The seed of an idea lodged itself in her mind and she considered the possibility. Was that why it had taken Gary so long? Had he needed to learn to move around again?

She deftly got to her feet, the pads on their bottoms dampening her footsteps like she was wearing soft slippers, and made her way towards the doorway. Her ears were incredibly sensitive and had heard the movement long before Gary had rounded the corner, but she peaked out her doorway with only a single head anyways.

She passed thirty seconds patiently before Gary turned the corner in exactly the body she'd expected him to have.

He'd turned himself into a naga.

Instead of a pair of legs where they should be, his body morphed from human to that of a giant serpent at his hips, thick as his hips for probably thirty feet in length, and tapering off for the final ten, making him close to forty feet in length total. He was positively monstrous! He must weigh over a thousand pounds! The other notable feature his body had were his arms--all six of them. Seemed he couldn't just her have more limbs than he did. That made a smile creep onto her face.

Casey's eyes widened as he rounded the corner and when he saw her head poking out the doorway, and the expression on her face, his own split into a grin.

"And here you had me convinced that I was going to be the benign one," he said through a wide smile, rising to about ten feet in height to show off the versatility of his serpentine body. "And you just...settled for a snow leopard?"

There was a hint of disbelief mixed with disappointment in his voice. But that was because he only saw one of her two heads. Her head still on the other side of the doorway grinned, but it quickly spread to the one looking at him. Then she spoke, but not from the head he could see.

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily say I'm benign."

Confusion flitted across Gary's face as he heard her speak but didn't see her mouth move, and it was replaced with outright shock when she stepped out of the doorway.

Her own grin widened as she strutted towards him, catwalking in a way she hoped was sexy, and letting her long fluffy tail flow behind her elegantly.

"A pet project I've been working on for the past couple years," she said, speaking from both mouths in unison to create an interesting stereo effect with her voice. "The last..."

"...fifty?" her left head cut off the sentence started by her right, and she wanted to squeal in delight at the expression on Gary's face. He was absolutely floored. It had been so worth keeping this project secret from him for all these years.

"I-" Gary stammered the word a couple times, but a sentence refused to form from it. "How?" he finally managed.

Casey smiled sweetly. "It's very technical," she said with a tone as equally obnoxious as her expression. "I just figured the best way to find out would be for you to..."

"To see it for myself." Gary said slowly. He had actually gone pale from the encounter and was having trouble focusing on which of her heads to look at, his gaze constantly bouncing between them.

Casey looked up at him through a couple of nervous smiles. "It's not crazy repulsive, I hope?"

Finally Gary's awe and nervousness broken. "Casey!" he said, tone exasperated. "I have the lower body of a snake! I'm in no place whatsoever to-"

She reached up and gently put a hand over his mouth, both heads grinning again. "Shh," she whispered, one of her lower hands taking one of his. She led him back into the her sleeping quarters and hoped the message was clear.

"I'm...well I guess I'm a little nervous," Casey said awkwardly after a moments silence. "It's hard to change my mental state, you know?"

Gary nodded. "I'm sure you remember me having the same issue," he said with a sly grin. "So I came up with a solution."

Casey raised an eyebrow, but before she even realized what he was doing, Gary's eyes started to glow.

The moment her eyes saw that glow in his, the nanites detected the signal and got to work in her minds. Immediately, it was like she'd fallen into something like a drunken stupor. Her mental faculties dulled and she was suddenly only living in the moment, the context of what had happened seconds before not really mattering to her anymore. The nanites mulled her brain so she didn't think too much, and left her open to suggestion--as long it was something she didn't actively dislike doing. The state was a delicate one, and something too jarring could pull her out of it.

It was hypnosis.

Gary grinned when he saw the look pass over Casey's faces. The look of someone a little zoned out, passively listening to what he said.

"You do want to have sex, right?" he asked. It was important to after all, because she wouldn't feel compelled to lie to him in this state.

Casey however, nodded absentmindedly, with a bit of buried energy within.

Wow, Gary thought, she actually is excited if it's bleeding through.

"Here," he said soothingly, coiling himself up into a giant mat of scales. Despite the serpent's body, he was still a mammal and wasn't cold blooded, making his scales warm to the touch.

Casey climbed onto his scales--and body--without a second thought, rolling over on her back and presenting herself to him, but with legs still crossed and arms curled over her chest. Timid. That would vanish quickly. The hypnosis couldn't force people to go against their will, but it certainly shredded inhibitions and the moment she was pleasured, this little snow leopard would be spreading her legs and screaming for more.

Casey, in her degraded mental state, didn't really care that she was under his influence. She was aware that she was, but she'd put the nanites in her body after all and given control to him, why should she care he was using it? That logic was enough to keep any moral questions at bay--and the fact was she trusted him with that power made it all the more effective on her. Still, her legs and tail threaded together into a mass of fur as she looked up at him, waiting for him to do something.

Suddenly the naga was overtop of her, gently taking her lower right hand in one of his and guiding it down her pelvis and between her legs. His serpentine lower body let his human half seemingly hover in the air overtop of her, one hand guiding hers and the others gently running fingers through her fur over her hips and up her belly.

"You've done it before," the naga cooed, "just not on yourself..." He made sure the third and fourth finger on her hand found the folds and sank into them, then pulled them out again. Strangely, she resisted. That made Gary grin. With that, she was completely under his thumb.

Casey unfolded like a rose petal. Her legs uncrossed and her tail twitched involuntarily as her two fingers worked between her legs, and the pair of arms that had been covering her breasts found their way over her head and running through her hair in no time. Gary found himself a little unsure what to do with his own hands. He had six of them after all, and it wasn't something he'd been completely used to. Casey had loved the extra limbs, but Gary found even four arms to be a little much sometimes.

But he'd had an idea of what kind of body she was going to take, and had taken six hands so that he could pin all her limbs later. For now, he settled on running his fingers through her fur, a combination of petting a cat and giving her a massage.

He took her fourth arm--her lower left--from where it was lying limp beside her and held her hand in his, but despite the gentle gesture, he wanted to get this kitty riled up even further while he still had the chance. Safety protocols didn't give him a huge amount of hypnosis without some downtime in between sessions. More than enough time for her to disable the effect mentally if need be.

Knowing what she'd probably done to her breasts, Gary took her upper two hands in his own and put them over her nipples, and watched gleefully as her hand-paws immediately clamped down upon them, massaging and squeezing her nipples joyfully. Erogenous zones indeed.

Casey found herself swimming in pure delight. When Gary had guided her hand between her legs and sank it in, she'd felt a spike of pure pleasure, and muffled annoyance when he'd tried to pull it out! And her breasts! They were so soft and squishy, and felt so good to touch! It wasn't even her nipples anymore, pert and hard beneath her fur, but her entire chest that was radiating pleasure at this point.

Gary's hand tugged at her lower right again, pulling her fingers out from inside her. Again? Why was he doing-

The answer came when his tongue plunged in. Right! It was serpentine now. Casey squirmed as it flicked up inside her, far longer than a human's with thin dexterous forks that could act independently from each other. That tongue found her g-spot immediately and tickled it, sending a wave of pleasure up her torso.

A sober Casey would have known she was far more sensitive than a normal woman, but that was lost on a hazy mind stranded in a sea of pleasure. All she could focus on at the moment was the way he seemed to be sucking her clitoris and tonguefucking her at the same time. Fortunately, she had two heads to work with, and the one that wasn't completely absorbed in what Gary was doing between her legs kept her upper hands working her breasts and playing with her nipples.

It didn't take long for Gary to drive her to orgasm, and once he did her legs squeezed together around his head so he was momentarily trapped. He wriggled out and looked bemused, that long tongue of his still hanging about a foot out of his mouth, each fork as thick as his pinky and an index finger in length. It slipped back into his mouth and he grinned.

Casey was staring at him with her mouths open, panting from the experience and wanting more.

"I got an idea," Gary said lightly, his voice music to her ears in this state. "While I work on you down there..." He put a hand on a cheek of each of her faces and tilted them towards each other. "Why don't you two have some fun up here?"

Casey was staring into her own eyes and it took a moment for her to realize was Gary meant. Then, if she'd been engrossed in her body before, now the immersion was complete. Her heads locked mouths and kissed deeply, perfectly in sync as her minds experienced both sides of the same thing. Her lower hands took over kneading her breasts, while her upper hands cupped her opposite cheeks as she made out with herself. It was ridiculous, but in her current mental state, not only didn't she care, but she also didn't even notice. This was pure, hot, intimacy.

Gary's hands were on her hips and his tongue between her legs again, and somehow her tail ended up wrapping around his neck, not really holding him with much force and instead feeling like a fuzzy scarf. She kept kissing herself deeply while bucking her hips, trying to get more of that tongue inside her.

When the second orgasm crashed over her and Gary withdrew his tongue, he pulled Casey from her self-cestuous make out session by wrapping the tip of his serpentine body around her waist. With his body so long, it hardly seemed like any part of him at all was wrapping around her, but in moments her entire torso below her breasts was encased in muscle and scales and lifting her off bed of his coils she'd been lying on. The sudden lift into the air brought her back to reality--or as close to it as she could get in her hypnotized state--and glanced eagerly into his glowing eyes.

With his upper hands held out to his side in a weirdly regal way, the first of his middle hands was unwrapping her tail from around his neck and the other was holding a magnificent penis sprouting from where his human half turned snake. His lower arms kind of hung awkwardly at his side, which almost made her giggle. He didn't know what to do with them.

"Ready for the main course?" he grinned.

Casey squirmed, her legs reaching out to him trying to wrap around his body, then bumping her footpaws into those unoccupied lower hands so he would grab them. She needed it, she needed him. The look was in her eyes.

With Casey as wet and ready as she was, the fur between her legs sleek and shiny, Gary brought her groin to his and plunged in without any warning. Casey had been oddly silent during the session up until this point, but that moment was when it ended. Years of grunts and degrees of stoicism fell to the wayside and two simultaneous moans burst from her lips, filling the room in an almost musical fashion. His tongue had been dexterous and delightful, but the girth of his cock was absolutely wonderful. It filled her in a way it seemed nothing else would or could, making her throw her heads back in a pleasure that bordered on ecstasy.

And then he started thrusting, each push into her better than the last. Time seemed to blend together in those moments for her. Two of his hands were on her hips, their grip powerful and firm, his second set running through her belly fur, and his upper hands had taken over massaging her breasts, squeezing them gently with a rhythmic pattern that seemed to work perfectly for her, each time he pinched a nipple it sending a jolt of pleasure radiating out through her torso. It wasn't supposed to work like that, but it did with this body.

He had Casey laying on her back on a bed of his scales as he fucked her roughly, and had used his control over where she lay to lift her hips up into the air to give him a better angle into her, hoping he was hitting that sweet spot inside. It certainly seemed like it, but it was had to tell with the kitty hypnotized. He didn't have his tail wrapped around her anymore, and was letting her writhe with joy on his own body. It was strange yet pleasing to feel her on top of his coils, yet to be looking down at her at the same time. Getting used to this long body of his was going to take some time. Whether the periodic orgasms that washed over her originated from breasts or vagina, he could tell all the same because she contracted around his cock for a moment and shuddered in delight, before loosening up again and trying to make him keep thrusting.

Why do I have her like this?

The thought washed over him suddenly. He'd hypnotized her to make her lose her male inhibitions, but now it felt like he was stealing her first female sexual experience from her. How much of this would she remember? A little apprehensive about that, Gary dialed the hypnosis back until it was gone.

To Casey, her heads cleared and it somehow made it even better. In that newfound clarity, she realized what he'd done and how he'd done it, and remembered everything from that past twenty minutes. With that knowledge in mind, she abruptly sat up as he thrust inside her and grabbed him by the shoulders with all four of her arms. He jumped in surprise, but didn't have much time to react when she pulled him into a deep kiss with her right head, while her left breathed huskily in his ear.

"Don't stop that yet you animal," she whispered hoarsely in his ear. "We aren't done yet."

As she said that, she managed to get her legs unwrapped from around him and pulled the naga onto his own bed of coils, suddenly on top of him. With core control Casey didn't know she had, she worked her hips over his in a flowing manner, angling the cock up into her in the perfect way he'd been trying to do over the past few minutes. It hit that spot again and again, sending waves through her.

She moaned from both heads liberally, an act that wasn't entirely deliberate from her, and would have been uncharacteristic of her in the past. Gary's lower hands had grabbed her ass, his middle two buried in the fur on her ribs, and upper two gripping her biceps tightly. He'd seemed to have lost focus himself!

He's going to cum, her left head registered, but doesn't want to. Not yet.

Casey backed off, leaving his cock up inside her, but no longer clenching it in her fervor or really moving on top of him. Gary seemed to relax slightly, but now that it was still inside her and she was still, she could feel the member twitching. It took all of Casey's willpower not to clamp down that instant and fuck him so hard he had no choice but to cum inside her.

Relax girl¸_floated through her right head. _Savor it, and get more out of your first time before its done.

To distract herself, she started to do something she'd spent the last couple decades hoping she'd get the chance to try. It was all fine and great that she had two heads that worked together, but what if they didn't get along? They always would of course--but it didn't need to look that way.

Casey's left head went in to kiss Gary this time, but her right head nudged it aside at the last moment and locked lips with him instead. He didn't seem to notice the little interaction, but then she leaned her left near his ear and spoke in a whisper.

"You've been giving right all the attention, what about me?" Her voice was hushed but it was right in his ear, and he heard he clear as day.

The naga jumped at that statement, taken back and broke of the kiss with her right head, turning to look at her left. Casey hoped she had a pouty look in her eyes, and by his reaction she probably did, Gary looking like he'd seen a particularly cute kitten in distress, but not danger. But before he could say anything, one of her right hand firmly grabbed him by the chin and tilted his gaze back towards her right.

"I wasn't done with you bud," she said sternly, pressing her lips to his again.

The sudden dissonance between her two heads made him pull back, looking at her both worried and confused.

Right, she thought with both minds. Don't seed too much doubt.

"Relax, it's the same girl," Casey said, speaking her voices in unison before her left took over. "Just different..."

"Aspects," her right finished strongly.

He looked a little upset at the little stunt. "Don't scare me like that! I thought it was the hypnosis interacting weirdly with..."

"Sorry..." her left head murmured submissively, while her right spoke over herself. "I figured I'd keep it interesting," she said with a grin, and a lot more authority.

His eyes darted between her two faces again, evidently unsure what to make of it all. As he did that, Casey had started working her hips over his again, her left head looking up, her mouth open and eyes unfocused with pleasure. But her right head maintained strong eye contact with him, not completely giving into the sensation she was experiencing.

In that little act, Casey discovered that this was even better than she imagined. She could be in control of the situation and guide the pace of thing while still surrendering herself entirely to the sensations washing over her. Jokingly, Casey nudged her left head using her right.

"Leftie is a little spaced out," she giggled, running her handpaws over his chest and up to his neck, leaning over to kiss him again. With her left head spaced out and enjoying the ride, and her right focused on what was in front of her, Casey missed what was coming from behind.

Gary had brought the tip of his serpentine tail around and with sudden movement, it wrapped itself two or three times around her hips and waist. It made Casey jump at the sudden feeling of something wrapping around her, then it tightened around her so she couldn't get herself off of him. When he moved after that, there was so much power behind him that she may as well have been a kitten in his hands. One moment she was sitting on top of him, the next he'd grabbed her legs and arms with his six hands, and flipped Casey around onto her back again.

Because she'd put her two minds into different mental states, they both had a different reaction. "Yes!" her left cried, and with it, she drove her hips up into his again, trying to make him start thrusting into her again. Her right head, which kind of liked being in control of the situation she had decided, simply yelped.

He had her on a decline, the serpent wrapped around her midsection and the hands grasping her legs holding her in position. Gary thrusted a few times, but then leaned over so he was looking into her right head's eyes and those alone. The sudden, predatory grin he had made her a little nervous.

She wasn't nervous for long however, because the hypnosis that flowed from his eyes to hers dulled her mind again and washed away any anxiety. But only her right mind.

"I wonder if I can subdue only one?" he mused, looking deeply into her eyes, fully entrapping that mind. "And not the other?"

"You can," her left whispered, eyes squeezed shut, not wanting to lose agency over herself. Deep down it didn't bother her, but she was still committed to the act.

"That's good!" Gary said playfully, one of his hands scratching Casey beneath her chin, instinctively making her look up so he had better access.

She still kept her eyes squeezed shut, even though she knew while looking up she couldn't see his. She could see him looking at her through her other pair of eyes and her hypnotized mind. It was sluggish to respond, and so blatantly open to suggestion it made her wonder why this kind of technology was authorized in the first place.

Casey pushed that thought away. It was opt-in.

Instead, she took on of his hands in hers and moved it to her breast, still sensitive and turned on.

"Let's finish this," she said softly. Left didn't speak with much authority or vigor. Left was shy.

Regardless of how she said it, Gary was more than happy to comply. Like before, she let the feeling flow over her, getting lost in the sensations her new body provided. Gary was thrusting hard and vigorously, something that didn't necessarily feel the best for her, but still did the job considering he'd more than pleased her up to this point. Now, he was focused on himself. Casey lay back and let him do his thing, riding it out and enjoying herself while it lasted.

At least she was until the hypnosis stopped. They both felt it, the hard time limit reached by the software that caused the nanites to stop the effect cold. Her right head snapped out of her drunken stupor, and while she'd been enjoying herself, the mindset that brain was in had different ideas.

I could make this so much better.

"Quit jackhammering!" her right head chided him. "It doesn't need to be so violent!"

That gave Gary a little bit of pause when he realized that he was being unnecessarily rough. But when he slowed down and lost some of his vigor, now her left was a little discontented. Left liked it rough. Left liked being helpless beneath him. It pleased something inside her physical touch could not.

"No, don't worry about it," she said, internally squealing in delight at his torn look. "Do what you-"

Right cut left off. "No, it's better if we do it like this!"

To demonstrate, right Casey wrapped her legs around him and gripped his arms, working with his thrusts to make it all the better for him. At the end of every slow thrust he made, she squeezed down, matching her rhythm to his.

"Isn't that good?" she cooed, right eyes looking at him seductively. "Grace over power?"

When his eyes darted from her right head to her left, she gave a tiny shake of her head from the submissive personality. He definitely saw, and her right head 'noticed', and looked left sharply.

"Stop it!" Casey said with her right, tone curt. "We are not a toy for him to just ravage and throw out!"

Left didn't back down this time though, and instead leaned forward to Gary until her eyes were inches from his. "Why not? What if I want to be...ravaged?"

Her right head's expression darkened and she bared her teeth slightly when she looked left, revealing her fangs in a manner that could not be mistaken for a smile. The conflicted expression that had passed over Gary's face might not have been the best part about having sex, but it was certainly going to be the most memorable from the day. It took all of Casey's willpower to keep straight faces. That said, Gary took it in stride. At this point he seemed to realize that she was roleplaying a little bit, even if it was so convincing it stressed him out.

"Ladies, please..." he said soothingly, reaching out a hand to gently touch her right head's chin and angled her gaze back towards him. "Focus on the prize here, there's more than enough for both of you."

Neither of Casey's heads could keep from grinning. She couldn't keep it up forever.

"I _am_just jerking your chain," her heads said in conjunction, and rode his hips a couple more times with as much grace as she could to prove the point. "You don't need to worry..."

Gary grinned as well and rolled his eyes in false exasperation, but also looked a little relieved at her response.

Aww, he actually was_worried,_ she realized. Well it is my first day in the body. Who knows what could happen.

Done with the act for now, she grasped him by the arms and leaned back, pulling him down to the decline position he'd had her on before, which he then flattened out. That let Casey get him pressed up right against her body. Closeness. She wanted closeness. The unspoken message between them that it was time to finish, his hands ran through her fur and hers over his back, completely hugging each other as two of them approached climax again.

It hit the ever so sensitive Casey first, making her hips buck violently and kegels clamp down on Gary, causing him to finish as well. He came inside her, a lively burst of fluid that pulsed several times, filling her up and leaking out between her legs where he was buried inside.

It didn't bother her--the body wasn't capable to gestation anyways and had the side effect of not having periods to deal with either. Just pleasurable points and a place for Gary to put his thing.

He caught her off guard slightly when he kissed her strongly--but on the left head, not the right, which she had been keeping in front of his face intentionally.

Still, she melted into it and used her right to lick his hair affectionately like a cat would. His own long tongue slipped into her mouth and they lingered for a few more moments before he withdrew slightly. Casey made sure her right head was purring.

All the while he leaned into the grooming her right head was giving him, he didn't break eye contract with the one gazing deep into his eyes.

"That yin and yang thing was incredible," he said softly, wonder in his expression.

Finally, her right head stepped back into character and grinned at him, her more dominating and aggressive personality back. "You have seven years of it boy. And I'm only going to get better..."