Nier Automata: Over and Over Part 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#1 of Other Video Game Fanfics

9S and 2B are two members of YoRHa, designed to fight the machine lifeform menace that threatens the Earth. The two of them have been working together for a little bit, developing their bond as partners, but something bothers 9S deep down. There's something that he thinks he might be forgetting, and 2B knows it and fears it.

EXTREME SPOILERS AHEAD. Play the game first, dammit. It's beautiful

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You're just thinking about how much you want to **** 2B, aren't you?"

9S shot up, gasping as the nightmare flooded out of his memory, leaving him in the room given to him and 2B by the resistance. Rubbing his head, he ponders the feelings that flashed through his mind. The words he's looking for, the urgent message that was coming to him, could he actually remember this time? Each time, these dreams come, they only bring more questions. They only increase his curiosity

"Psychological scans showing abnormal cognative patterns" The monotone voice of Pod 153 snaps 9S from his waking stupor. "Proposal: Run a diagnostic before resuming duties for the day."

"Yeah, yeah..." 9S sighs, pushing himself up from the bed. "Hey, 2B?" He asks, stepping on to the other side of their little room. There, his partner lay down, but curiously, she was face down on the bed, her arms wrapped tightly around her pillow. It wasn't how most YoRHa units rested. He stands there, staring down at the curve of her body. The clean look of her skin, exposed by the slit of her skirt. She always came out of battle looking so clean and pristine. How did she do it?

"Observation: Unit 2B requires more time to recharge after battle. Proposal: Unit 9S should find some activity to prepare for today's mission."

"Uh... right." He says. Let's see... what to do...

Time passes and 2B is still not up. 9S lays upon his bed, staring up at the ceiling. "I'm going to look over some data. Something didn't look right the other day when I was on the server...

"Hm... that's strange. The dates on the Council's inception doesn't seem to match up with my records. I wonder why that is-"

"9S..." The voice comes softly, but loud enough to get 9S to jump up to attention. "2B! I was just-"

"Did you perform the scheduled backup of our systems?"

"Ah, no, sorry. I guess I sorta forgot. There's something that's been nagging at me here. I'd better go ahead and make that backup, now, though. Don't want to forget anything, you know? And-"

"Pod, scan the area."

"Affirmative," says Pod 045, and it zips past 2B and out the doorway, leaving just her, 9S, and Pod 153 alone.

"2B, why did you..."

"9S..." 2B says with a sour note upon her voice. She moves her hands up, grabbing her YoRHa visor. Gently, she pulls it away from her face, before letting the fabric dangle in her clenched fist. With a deep breath, she opens her eyes. They are beautiful, yet sad. "Send your Pod away..."

9S stands there with his mouth agape. No YoRHa unit, especially active units, should remove their visors, and yet, despite her insubordinate action, the male android finds himself waving his Pod away. "Follow 045..." he says, mechanically, not even listening to its affirmation as it flies out of the room.

2B looms over the 9S her gloved fingers brushing up along his cheeks. She smiles down at him with a meek look, a sort of loneliness that makes a pang in 9S's black box. He doesn't know why, but he doesn't care anymore, when 2B brings her lips up against his, and the two find themselves locked in their kiss, he can't help but gasp.

2B pulls away from 9S, staring into his visor, past his visor. He fumbles a moment, pulling the cloth off, looking to her with confusion, scanning over her for some reason as to why she's asking this.

"I wasn't sleeping," she said. "I saw you... heard you, the whole time you were in your bed."

9S's face goes blood red at the thought. "U... uh, 2B, when I... I didn't mean to... I just."

"Emotions are prohibited," 2B says as she stands by the door. "But some of us models have had modifications done to us to allow for a less emotional, more physical connection. You never told me you made that modification."

"Ah, well, I guess I just got bored one day. After..."

"After meeting me?" she asks, pushing the door open. "That's fine... I got a modification for you, too."

"Say what?"

"The roof across the street. Meet me there. It's time, 9S."

The door slams shut as 2B left, carrying her weapons and everything. 9S stammers. "H-hey, wait for me. We can go together." He picks up his own blade and rushes out the door, forgetting all about the server backup.

The wind whips around them as the sun beats down heavily upon the day-lit world. On either side of the broken roof, 2B and 9S stand, grasping their weapons in hand.

"You know," 2B says, "this place used to be where humans would meet each other. It was a special place, and this should be a special time for us, as well."

"2B, I don't understand, I-"

2B rushes forward at 9S, and the scanner model deflects her blade, sending her stumbling off to the side. The rush he feels as combat is joined makes him realize immediately. "O... oh wow..."

2B pants, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. It is not bloodlust or hate the fuels her battle, but the fever that all android's feel as they clash. She spins around, her second blade materializing. 9S, distracted by her glance, gasps as the blade cuts through his coat, destroying the buttons and letting the fabric flap in the wind. Frustrated, he throws the jacket off and rushes forward towards 2B himself.

Hey, did you know that android battle fever is actually quite similar to the human emotion of "love"?

2B dodges out of the way, but 9S takes a different approach to combat than his partner. Hacking into her systems, he finds that subroutine that manages the battle fever. As he breaks through each of the barriers, 2B stumbles against his sword slashes, until finally, his sword slashes at the tie of her skirt, making it flutter off in the wind.

2B stumbles back, panting heavily as the fever wells up in her, flushing her cheeks and making her clutch her chest.

9S stares at her legs, and he admires those thighs.

2B rushes in, delivering a swift kick to the smaller android's chest. 9S falls upon the ground, staring up at the woman above him, who presses her toe against his chest.

Good work, 9S," 2B says. "I'm far too flustered to be at peak efficiency. I cannot continue this combat until this is relieved.."

He blinks and shakes his head. "So, does that mean I win."

2B's gloved finger moves down along her 2booty, then traces her outfit down between her legs. She pulls the white fabric aside, revealing to 9S the wonderful pink flesh beneath, and the womanhood that she hinted at earlier. "You tell me."