A wonderful Life- Spyro's continued story- ch.1

Story by Appeloosa on SoFurry

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The ideas for Spyro are not originally mine. However the plot for this story has come from my own mind

*If you are uncomfortable with inapropriate text, such as sex and ect. then please turn back NOW!!!!*

A purple dragon flew over the horizen. She was headed for a cave on the hillside. When she saw the entrance, she quickly drew in her wings and glided gently to a stop in the mouth of the cave. She heard her mother bustling about inside. Oh no, not again, the dragoness thought to herself. She always freaks out when I'm not home before sunset. Without making a sound the, the dragoness delicately tiptoed into the cave, heading toward her own room. Suddenly, her mother whipped around, staring her down with her piercing blue eyes. "Where have you been! You KNOW you're supposed to be back before sunset, Silver." Silver tried to think of a suitable lie for where she had been, but when she met her mom's blue eyes she found that it was impossible. Silver thought about when her mom took her to the lake for the very first time to play with her friends. She and her mom had looked into the lake, to notice that they had identical colored eyes. "Out," Silver simply replied.

"OUT," her mother screamed, "You tell me right now where've you been for the last 3 hours."

"Now, Cynder, don't be to hard on our daughter." Another voice said. Silver turned to see her father walking toward them, from where he sat before in the corner of the room.

"But Spyro-", her mother was cut off as her mate interupted her. "Shh", he said calmly, before turning to his daughter. "Now tell us where you were."

"I'm sorry," Silver answered meekly. She quickly put on the face that she wore around her dad so she could get what she wanted. All of a sudden she felt more comfortable to tell a lie. "I've been hanging out with Fern." Silver replied. Well, that wasn't really a lie. I did hang out with Fern.

"Ok then," her father replied. "Just make sure, from now on to check in before too long," he said before trotting away. Silver sighed with relief. She hadn't expected to get off the hook so easily.

The next morning Silver got up early. She told her mom she was going to Fern's house and swiftly left the cave. She met Fern half way to her house. "Hi." Fern greeted Silver with a little nod.

"Sooo, whatcha wanna do today," Silver asked Fern.

"Follow me," Fern replied before turning away and lifting up into the sky. Silver followed her without question. She was used to how Fern often ran into trouble. Most of the time, Silver would be the one to bail her out. After awhile Silver realized that they were following a male dragon. He was heading toward the lake. Silver flapped her wings and flew up to glide next to Fern. "Why are we following him, Fern?" Silver asked.

"Look closer."

Confused Silver squinted her eyes to see that the dragon they were following was Fire. "Oh great! Do we have to be following the dragon you have a crush on?" Silver asked heaving a sigh. Fire is the most annoying excuse for a dragon I have ever seen. He thinks he is sooo great! What does Fern see in him?Silver thought.

Fire was one year older than Fern and Silver. All of a sudden Silver realized that her birthday was in 2 days. She was still a young dragoness. Not to young to move out, but too young to have a family. But she was happy ,all the same, that she was closer to leaving home with her parents. Finally, Fire dipped down to the earth and landed on the bank of the river. Fern and Silver quickly dived into the bushes just seconds before Fire turned around. He was staring at the bushes right where Silver and Fern were hiding. Silver was starting to feel as if he knew that they were there, and her heart plumped when she heard him call their names. Fern frowned and walked out of the bushes, with Silver following right behind. Fire stood over them with a look of anger plastered all over his face. "Why were you following me?" he asked.

None of the dragonesses answered and Silver became even more embarresed. "Whatever, just leave." Fire spat back. Silver caught his eye, and thought she saw some of the anger fade from his eyes. More confused then ever Silver turned and began to rise into the air, behind Fern, when she heard Fire call her name. Silver flicked her tail at him to tell him that she had heard and went to talk to Fern. "Fern i have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right there." Silver said quickly before rushing into the bushes where Fire sat waiting.

"What do you want?" Silver spat at Fire. It's enough that I have to see him everyday, I have to talk face to face to him too. Silver though angrily. She just wanted to get it over with. Fire looked deep into Silver's eyes with a pleading desperation. "Please can you meet me here tommorow. We need to talk."

"Why can't you just tell me now." Silver found herself wanting to know more and more what it was that he wanted to tell her. Something about the look in his eyes made it seem that much more important.

"I don't have that much time to explain. Just please come tonight."

"ok. I'll try." Silver found herself meaning every word that came out of her mouth. Fire nodded and flew off. As soon as Silver saw him fly away she knew she had made a mistake of saying she would sneak out. First of all, how would she get past her parents. Second, she would be betraying her trust to her best friend. After all she knew that Fern liked him. _Oh well... It's too late to turn back now. _