The Zodiac: Chapter 1: Unknown Aid

Story by Razukai on SoFurry

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#1 of Ancient Stuff

 The Zodiac: Chapter 1: An Unknown Ai...

[The Zodiac: Chapter 1: An Unknown Aid](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 2: Strange Feelings and a New Relationship](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 3: Confessions](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 4: Home](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 5: Rise of the Dragon](%5C)

This is my first story... period. So I hope you all like it and comment on it so I can improve :D. All characters represented in this story are made up and if they resemble characters from another story it is purely a coincidence. And now for the boring stuff that becomes rather tedious after a few stories. Warning: This story contains themes that may not be suitable for those of you under 18. If you are offended (why are u here??) by anything or you are under the age of 18, it is highly recommended that you press the lovely little <-- back arrow located in they upper left corner of your browser. Enjoy! ^^

The Zodiac

Chapter 1: An Unknown Aid

By Razukai

Here I am sitting in 4th period Spanish class, the last period of the day. Our teacher Mr. Vasquez was sitting behind our desk and had assigned us busy work. At first glance you might have thought that our class was diligent and hard working but if you said that to any of us, we would laugh right there in your face. Anyways about half of the class was working, as for me I was 'working' but I was bored to tears. The other half of the class was rather...annoying and in my opinion, stupid. And sadly for me, I sit right in the middle of them.

Our class was small only 12 people in it. Out of those 12, seven of them were the annoying ones. One of them named Dylan sat right in front of me. He was the most annoying of them all and it seemed that no one liked him but it turns of that a lot of the kids did as if it were a huge inside joke. On this particular day his attitude stretched my patience to be thinner than air itself. He loved to make fun of others and lately started to annoy me to extremes. While I was doing my work...sorta, he turned around and asked me "Are you gonna get some this weekend?" he asked me with a somewhat serious face. I looked at him for a moment and returned to 'working'. It seemed like a question that deserved an answer, at least that's what another kid named Kevin thought. At my ignoring of his friend, he got up creating as much noise as he could in the process, and threw all my work on the floor. A bit shocked at all the sudden motion, I looked up and asked "Can I help you?" he glared at me and said "I didn't hear the answer to Dylan's question." Everyone in the group knew I hadn't said a word but they were all staring at me, especially when I said "Maybe you should go to the doctor and get your ears checked..." The whole group snickered except Kevin. Quite annoyed when everyone laughed at him he said "That's it!" and took a wide swing, trying to aim for my face.

Having unusually quick reflexes, I jumped out at the seat fast enough to avoid the blow, but when I got up I was unaware of all the papers on the group and the next thing I knew I was tumbling backward and hit my head against the file cabinet in the back of the room. Still a bit dazed I heard everyone laughing at me. By this time the teacher was looking up and told everyone to quiet down and get back to work. I picked up my papers off the ground and sat back down.

As I sat back down in my seat I noticed that Kevin,Dylan and another kid named Marcus were all glaring at me. I returned the gaze with the same intensity until I saw Kevin's mouth say "We aren't done, we will see you after school." After that I began to wonder and thought to myself 'Am I supposed to be scared?' I shrugged it off and waited for the bell to ring.

At my small stature of 5'4" and 130lb, 16 year old male in my junior year of high school, I probably should have been scared of kids that had about 4 inches on me but none of them were anything to really be scared of. Out of the three Kevin is probably the one to look out for since he was the co- captain of the football team at my school. The other two kids were on the soccer team. As for myself I worked out on my own at home for some time but my body wasn't anything spectacular... at least not to me.

Soon the bell rung and I was the last one to walk out of the class. As I was walking in the hallway on my way to the bus, something pulled the handle of my backpack and dragged me into the boy's bathroom. I slid back all the way bumping my head a bit harder than I would have preferred on the wall since the floor was wet with... 'Ewwwww... ouch. My head...' Before I had any more thoughts about the... cleanliness of the bathroom, I found the air knocked out of my lungs as I was punched in the gut by the football player. I recovered fast though as I noticed another blur aiming towards my face and I leaned a bit to the side to let the punch hit Dylan who was holding me down. With a sharp crack I heard the fist come in contact with the jawbone followed by a loud yell. Taking advantage of his loosened grip and bolted out knowing that I wouldn't be able to take on all 3 of them at once.

Running down the hallway I could tell that Dylan had recovered fast enough and that Marcus was gaining fast on me. I took a quick left and then smacked into a brick wall... at least that was what I thought it was until I saw that it was Fumari, one of the very few furs at my school. He was also one of the few openly gay kids in the school, but because he was huge standing at 6'7" and 250 lbs no one bothered him about it.

Fumari was a wolf with slate grey fur while his muzzle was white and the tips of his ears were black. He also had the piercing blue eyes that seemed to be able to look straight through you. He also had the build of a pro wrestler although he wasn't on the least not that I knew.

Gaining back my composure I stammered out to the wolf "Sorry I-...." The color of my shirt was tugged back on hard. I whirled around quickly to see a fist going straight to my nose. Suddenly feeling a huge chill through my body I recoiled at the contact and held my nose. My eyes lost focus and before they could regain their focus I felt another punch connect with my jaw. I screamed out in pain as I realized how hard he actually punched me.

Fumari still standing there watching finally snapped to his senses and sparked to action. He gave a nasty snarl showing his fangs which stopped the three boys in their track. He punched the one who first tried something which happened to be the stupid one, Dylan and left him on the ground knocked out probably still feeling the pain Kevin had done earlier. Now it was Kevin's turn as he faced toward the big wolf. They stood there for a second as Kevin looked down at Dylan and then contorted his face to a snarl saying "Get the fuck outta my way you faggot." Fumari was not offended by the word because he knew it was true but he wasn't going to stand their and take it from some human. Fumari growled and struck fast at Kevin's shoulder, dislocating it. With both of his friends down Marcus looked at his fallen friends and helped Kevin to his feet and they both carried Dylan away.

At this time I had managed to maintain consciousness but at the sight of the three leaving I smiled and blacked out...but jusr before I thought my body registered itself being moved but what it was eluded my mind.

I know this chapter was very slow, but dont worry i will have the next chapter out soon hopefully tomorow. But anyways comment since this is my first story :D i would like to hear about my writing.