Zootopia movie script: SWAT final act

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#15 of Zootopia fictions

The final act of Zootopia SWAT

Movie Script

Zootopia s.w.a.t.

by Dan 1966

(c) Zootopia 2016 Walt Disney Animation Studios

For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monitary gain desired, wanted not sought.

Final Act

Scene Location: Zootopia City Hall Time: Midnight

Scene: A single car drives up too the front of City Hall and stops. Clawhauser and a Hyena get out of the driver and passenger side, pull the stiff body of Pempton Bell from the back seat and set him down on the stairs.

Hyena 1 to Clawhauser: Back away.

Scene: The Hyena pulls out a syringe and sprays a liquid into Pempton's mouth. After a minute....Pempton revives and sits shaking his head.

Pempton: Where? What happened?

Hyena 1: Welcome boss....or shall I call you Mister Mayor or Mister President?

Scene: Pempton stands up.

Pempton: The fools? Did they?

Hyena 1: Oh they tried....and failed. We managed to find this one because he had the presence of mind to grab a gas mask and lock himself up in the basement of police headquarters. He escaped becoming a mindless drone.

Scene: Pempton stands before Clawhauser.

Pempton: What's your name cat?

Clawhauser: Benjamin Clawhauser.......sir.

Pempton: Well.....Benjamin Clawhauser.....guess you have a choice.

Scene: Pempton pulls out a magnum pistol from his co-horts shoulder harness.

Pempton: Serve me? Or die?......choose?

Clawhauser: You forgot the third choice.

Pempton: And what might that be?

Scene: A pistol barrel points at Pempton's head and when he tries to shoot the magnum....it's empty.

Hyena 1: You surrender? Or you die. It's called a hustle sweetheart.

Scene: Laser dots cover Pempton's head and chest and the members of SWAT emerge from the shadows along with Chief Bogo, Nick and the Mayor. Judy Hopps pulls off her Hyena mask and rips the pistol from Pempton's hand.

Judy: Obviously? You're screwed pal.

Chief Bogo: We have all your co-horts Pempton. We dismantled your bomb. We raided the last of your labs. Game.....set.....match.

Pempton: How did you manage to disarm the bomb? So many triggers. So many ways to go wrong. I at least deserve to know how you did it?

Rick: Actually? You did it to yourself. Who ever builds a bomb powered by a stupid wall outlet?

Bertolt: Not only was the plug pulled from the socket which rendered the bomb worthless? The electronic mother board you put into the thing couldn't handle the electrical requirements. It burned out its circuit breakers which rendered your bomb a big harmless paperweight. I guess you proved that Hyenas can indeed be incredibly smart and absolutely stupid at the same time.

Scene: Pempton makes a quick jump at Clawhauser, rips the 38 hand gun from his waist and puts it to his head.

Pempton: Am I dumb now? I swear I'll spread this cat's brains all over the damn concrete! Back off!

Ajax: You won't walk out of here Bell. We won't let you.

Pempton: And you'll watch your fat friend here spill out like a dropped bottle of soda pop! Now I want a chopper flown in here and I want it now or so help me I will waste this fat, disgusting ball of fur! Do it!

Scene: Clawhauser turns his head.

Clawhauser: What did you call me?

Pempton: I called you a big, fat, disgusting blob of cat feces you stupid idiot!

Clawhauser: Oh......I just needed some clarification.

Scene: Benjamin swiftly rolls out of the hold, avoids the bullet fired from the pistol and swipes his claws over Pempton's cheek before kicking him away and stripping him of the gun.

Clawhauser: This fat, disgusting blob of cat feces is still a cheetah you dumb stupid drooling desert sand chewing mutt!

Scene: Pempton starts to scratch his face.....then he keeps scratching.....soon he's scratching all over the place in furious frustration.

Scene: Nick walks up to Clawhauser.

Nick: What did you just do to him?

Clawhauser: Introduced him to cat scratch fever. Enjoy it there funny buns....it kinda last for months.

Scene: Clawhauser turns around and waves his hand.

Clawhauser: Somebody get this pile of trash and take him to the dump? I'm tired of doing paperwork for the day.

Scene: Judy and Bertolt walk up to Clawhauser.

Judy: Ben? I never knew you had that in you?

Bertolt: He studies Gazelle of course.

Clawhauser: Officer Hopps? I may be a little big? But I'm the department dancing champion for five years running.

Scene: Clawhauser walks up to the car, turns on the radio which is playing the Beatles "I'll be back." He walks up to Judy and offers a hand.

Clawhauser: My lady? If the good Fox here will permit me? A sample?

Judy: I would be delighted Sir.

Scene: Judy and Clawhauser dance over the concrete as Nick and the SWAT members watch, smile, clap and chuckle.

(Scene fade to Black)

(Scene fade in from black)

Scene Location: Union reception for Bertolt and Frisco Time: Weeks later

Scene: Bertolt, Frisco and Clawhauser pose for pictures with a congratulations banner behind them. After the pictures friends and members of SWAT come up to congratulate them and give gifts. Judy and Nick walk up and Judy gives them her gift.

Judy: This is for you both when you get to Bunnyburrough. All your groceries paid in full for your stay.

Scene: Bertolt and Frisco kiss Judy. Nick walks up to her afterwards.

Nick: And this? Is for you.

Scene: Nick opens a ring case with a pair of ZPD Captain's bars.

Judy: You're......serious?

Scene: Judy looks at Chief Bogo and Ajax.

Bogo: Get those on before I dock your pay for being out of uniform Hopps.

Scene: Judy looks at Nick.

Nick: Oh no....I don't pin...I tend to miss....

Scene: Nick gestures to Judy's parents.

Bonny: Oh Bun Bun we are so proud of you....

Stu: That's my little girl.

Judy: But....Mom.....Dad.....I didn't do....

Nick: There she goes again! Modest as always. The model example to all of us of selfless mammalian love for her fellow animals. Mom? Dad? After you.

Scene: Bonny and Stu pin on Judy's Captain bars as Nick walks out of the reception room.

Judy: Mom? Dad? Give me a moment?

Scene: Judy runs after Nick and stops him....

Judy: Ugh! Why do you keep doing this! Nick Wilde....you always dodge all the credit you ever deserve, you even go out of your way to toss everything on me now I demand to know why Nick!

Nick: Because....Carrots.....I'm a fox. I'm sly, shifty, cunning, deceptive, untrustworthy, prone to plotting nothing good save when it benefits myself and... and.....how else to make sure that a future nest egg is properly padded with financial benefits than to make sure my partner rises as quickly as possible to an attainable rank which will allow us to move into a large house well suited to support the pitter patter.....

Judy: NICK!

Scene: Nick is silent for a moment. He then pulls out another ring case and pops it open....

Nick: Judy Hopps? Will you be my wife?

Judy: More silly tricks Nick? Really?

Nick: Judy? Shut up.....yes or no....and there's no third option.

Scene: Judy's lips and nose quiver.

Nick: Oh you bunnies....always so.....

Scene: Judy jumps into Nicks arms and kisses him.

Nick: Mmmmm....this hustle I'm going to seriously enjoy.

Scene: Ajax is standing to the side with his arms crossed.

Ajax: Captain Hopps? Officer Wilde? Since Bertolt will be taking a long vacation? We have an opening in SWAT that needs filling. Would you both be interested?

Nick: Yes....yes we would.

Scene: Ajax gets a call on his cell phone.

Ajax to phone: What's the situation? Now? Well we're kind of? That serious? Roll the van!

Ajax to Nick and Judy: Business....you two coming?

Nick: There's so many ways that could sound so wrong.

Judy: Shut up and move Nick!

Start of background music: Opening soft roll Cymbal to the SWAT soundtrack.

Scene: Ajax runs into the reception room...

Ajax: Sorry to break up the party but we have a maniac who's barricaded himself in the tree producing produce plant in the Rain Forrest district. We gotta roll now!

Scene: Everyone starts for the door, even Bertolt who gets stopped by Rick.

Rick: You don't have to go buddy. Have fun on your vacation.

Scene: Bertolt looks up at Frisco.

Frisco: Get em tiger.

Scene: Bertolt smiles and pats his chest while pointing at Frisco.

Bertolt: My tiger, My tiger....

Scene: We see the SWAT truck racing through the streets with the camera rolling around it.

Scene: We see the team crashing through windows, a transom and a door. They come upon the offending animal and it turns out to be Scratch from Ice Age hugging his Acorn.

Scene: Scratch screams!

(Abrupt to black)

(Abrupt end of background music: Opening soft roll Cymbal to the SWAT soundtrack.)

Begin closing Music: Hard play of the Rhythm Heritage SWAT theme

Closing scenes

Closing credit rolls

the end