Running Of The Balls

Story by TheDragonMage on SoFurry

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#13 of Stories

fun fact? Doge N Balls was the title I wrote first and with all stereotypes the fist in a series is underwelming compaired the the second.

It was the next sports event in town of BallsDoge and as tradition one lucky (and unlucky) man was chosen for the event as the wizard prepared himself to start the event and how this event first started was simple.

One day a extremely drunken man started to enrage the townsfolk and was streaking through the Town square all the people chased him in large circles until the wizard was disturbed by the uproar and went to investigate on top his tower and found a nude male streaking and being chased by a crowd of angry people, but the wizard found this quite amusing, then he had increased the man's balls to Ludacris size In hopes that the crowd would catch up with him and end the enjoyment a little but to his surprise they couldn't and started magicly making obstacles for his hyper sized balls to Doge and he continued to succeed, the wizard enjoying the sight started magicly making blunt objects for the mob to throw at him and he continued to Doge effectively and after some time his hyper nuts got hit slightly a few times and magicly started making little small shields to help protect his large and heavy sack, after about another two hours the crowd caught up the women started beating on the man's huge sack and hyper balls as the men held their balls in sympathy and thus a new sport was made.

As for now if the runner can keep going for three hours his sack wouldn't get beaten and got to keep the size of his lovely orbs,if the runner lost and got his balls beaten he can still keep them if they survive the ordeal, as the current runner comes into the center nude and packing some big gonads he got into position as did the busty women behind him, the wizard was ready, the crowd watching, the women ready to hit some hyper gonads, the the runner scared for his balls lives and ready to win and pray his huge bull balls survive, hopefully his lack of agility won't be hindering to him or his balls livelihood.

As the wizard counted down, three, two, one, and begin, off to a quick start for the runner away from the ballbusting women behind him and the obstacles kicked in magic Pole's rising from the ground in large number he swiftly dodged the ones that came up but when he started getting cocky about it.


Right into both of his hyper testicles but he had to keep going and not let the nausea let him lose already and stay focused after about one hour of running the weapons and shields part began, and some changes were made seeing how none of the blunt weapons actually landed with a lot of force so instead the shields were for magical blunt objects coming at the nutsacks of the runner instead, As our runner quickly grabbed the two shields and tried his best to protect his lovely orbs some of the women in the mob side we're practicing this part of the course and landed some weak hammer, club, large spoons, and any blunt objects you can think of landed with little but nauseating force on his large orbs making his stomach churn a bit as some clubs heading straight for his balls he missed the first one landing a blow on his left nut and the final two blunt objects hitting squarely in his right bollocks and he wants to fall over and cradle his aching gonads he can't or much worse will happen, and as another hour passed it was time for the third part of the course that was always random as to what it was, this time it was shoes for the mob that slightly boosted their speed to kick his groin danglers and most kick ended up missing, the final two minutes left until freedom from this ordeal until.


One solid football kick right into his bollocks and thus the fate he tried to avoid with his huge gonads, it hurt like an expert kickboxer or a deer slamming both hooves into his ballsack, or even a Warhammer slamming down onto his huge balls, the pain of that kick made him blackout, the wizard seeing this gave the man a dream to try and ease the pain and make him wake up faster, but did not know it was a nightmare as the man dreamed of getting his balls kicked and used the a speed bag, as the fate he tried hard to avoid with repeated kick and punch into his large bollocks all their was until he woke up,

TWACK, CRUNCH, PUNT, DING DONG, into his balls and when he woke up, he seikaly got up bow legged from the ordeal and slowly.went too his house to put his balls on a large piece of ice but not before stepping on a trap. Not triggered by the course and had one final hit to his goolies, THUD an one long bar shot between his legs catching both big hyper bull nuts and fell to the ground, after some time got back up to go home as his balls ached from walking for a long time ending our story of the current runner.