Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 4

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#11 of Zootopia fictions

Act four of Zootopia SWAT

Movie Script

Zootopia s.w.a.t.

by Dan 1966

(c) Zootopia 2016 Walt Disney Animation Studios

For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monitary gain desired, wanted not sought.


(Fade in from Black)

Scene Location: Ficus Grove, Rain forest District. Bertolt's apartment Time: Evening

Scene: We see Bertolt get out of his car and walk up to his apartment where a worried and relieved Frisco scoops him up into a hug.

Start of background Music: Track 10 from Full Metal Alchemist 1.

Bertolt: You're squeezing the pellets out of me Frisky!

Frisco: I was so worried about you. Why didn't you tell me you were at the Casino?

Bertolt: I didn't want you to worry.

Frisco: Big fail when ZNN shows you running over the building and puts your name in lights. I was scared to death....please, please just tell me what you're doing? I can handle that better than not knowing.

Scene: Frisco puts Bertolt down and they walk hand in hand to the living room.

Frisco: I made you dinner.

Bertolt: I probably won't get much sleep tonight.

Frisco: Tell me the truth? Is it really bad?

Bertolt: Yes. Which brings me to what I've been thinking about. My cousin Gerta lives in the Tri-Burroughs and she runs a nice bed and breakfast nook. There's cottages for bigger animals, lots of space to run and play. She's willing to foot a stay for you for two weeks. I want you to go.

Frisco: No.

Bertolt: Frisky? Don't make it difficult please?

Frisco: So I go and you stay here with this "thing"?

Bertolt: I'm a police officer. And I can't do my job when you're on my mind.

Frisco: But you'll be in my mind! How can you even ask me to leave you?

Bertolt: Because I care about you.

Scene: Frisco flops back on the couch and sulks.

Frisco: Any place alone without you in it sucks.

Scene: Bertolt hops onto Frisco's lap and strokes his ears.

Frisco: Oh.....cut it out? That won't work! I'm stay.......stay......ing......(purring)

Scene: Frisco rolls around on the couch as Bertolt massages his ears.

Bertolt: Shhhhhh....do it for me? Please? Just until this mess is over? I'll give you one of my special baths?

Frisco: Oh......ok.....but I still think it sucks.

Scene: Bertolt snuggles Frisco's maw.

Bertolt: Who's my kitty? Who's my big, beautiful kitty?

Frisco: sigh.......me.

Scene: Frisco hugs and snuggles Bertolt again.

End of background Music: Track 10 from Full Metal Alchemist 1.

Scene Shift

Scene Location: ZPD 1st Precinct HQ. Investigations Division Time: Evening

Scene: The room is filled with various officers who've investigated the ten victims Bogo requested in order to prove or disprove a material cause for this spreading affliction.

Scene: We see Nick's hands pinning up index cards and pictures. We then see him from the front with a mouse on his head. The mouse happens to be the original intended Judy-like character or a background character in the ZPD but was pulled from the movie to make Judy Hopps the smallest officer on the force. Detective Roxy Swissgar has a close visual look of Mrs. Brisby in Secret of Nimh but she's not that sweet. Classic hard nosed police detective.

Nick: This....is an interesting sewer soup sandwich.

Scene: Roxy hops off of Nick.

Roxy: You foxes sure have a way with words. So we got ten victims here out of now 286 total. We have a female kangaroo from the Casino who's hanging on and a Joey who's totally spotless. Out of these ten here, only one of them has a narcotic history. None of them have anything more than a traffic ticket and a trip to school detention. Different animals, different living environments yet they all got the same thing. If this is a virus? It's got brains and feet.

Scene: Roxy looks at Nick and points.

Roxy: Virus.

Nick: Hey!

Rocky: Just trying to lighten the room up there bushy butt.

Scene: Chief Bogo standing and looking at the board with Sunny and Tin Tin behind him and on both sides of him.

Chief Bogo: So it seems obvious that we can rule out a narcotic or plant like a Night Howler. Everyone take their turns looking this collage of evidence over and see if we can't brainstorm something.

Tin Tin: It has to be some sort of purpose thing? A whole building full of animals? Victims so widely separated? It's a chemical thing.

Sunny: I don't think so. Given the time and distance involved Tin Tin? We'd be talking co-ordination on a syndicate level, we'd know someone was behind this by now if the stuff was dispersed the way you need to get a contagion in the air.

Scene: Judy turns from the board.

Judy: The medical guys who went through the casino found no evidence of spray or applied residue anywhere. If had been deployed in the vent system, traces of that would have been on the protective suits we gave to Bertolt and Rick.

Scene: Judy turns back to the board.

Judy: It's not food.....water?.....damn this is crazy.

Scene: Roxy hops on Judy's shoulder and studies the board as Judy walks.

Start background music: "Meeting request" from "Emperor"

Roxy: Hold on? What's.....Canobian paste?

Nick: That? We found a tin can of that stuff in the gym bag of our assigned subject. Our friend Jax at the Mystic Spring Oasis said it's a magic cure all thing. Sounds like Snake Oil Salesman pitch to me.

Roxy: Look at this though? This one victim? Canobian Paste found on person. And this one? Canobian Paste applied to sooth inflamed tail fluke. And this one? Canobian Paste found on person. And this one? Canobian Paste collected evidence. That's six out of ten victims found with Canobian Paste. Want to guess we go back to these other four and find the same thing?

Tin Tin: Holy Kibble Bits....Alex Boar's right again!

Bogo: What did I tell you about your stupid little conspiracies?

Scene: Tin Tin stomps up to the board.

Tin Tin: You know he may be a big blow hard boar there Chief but sometimes Alex nails it spot on! He said from the start that this had nothing to do with a virus or a crazy street drug. This thing is manufactured! And that's the culprit!

Nick: Tin Tin...people have been using Canobian Paste for years.

Tin Tin: No duh...which is why "this" is manufactured. Someone has deliberately altered the Canobian Paste. We should check it out to be sure and they need to pull it off the shelves and order a recall of what's out there. Hmph....Alex Boar's not so crazy after all.....is he?

Scene: Everyone looks at Bogo.

Bogo: I'll call the mayor and doctor Beckworth. At least put the option up for them to consider it.

Tin Tin: Consider it? There's nothing to consider Chief!

Bogo: We still have processes to obey Officer Tin Tin...they separate us from a prehistoric zoo...just sit and be patient.

Scene: Sunny walks up and slaps Tin Tin on the shoulder.

Sunny: Hi Patient. Let's grab some dinner at the food court.

Scene: Tin Tin and Sunny walk to the food court.

Tin Tin: You know who makes Canobian Paste?

Sunny: Dunno. I never used the stuff.

Tin Tin: Terence Upperton.

Sunny: Get out of here.

Tin Tin: No joke man. It was the first thing he ever came up with before Paw-a-Zon. Why do you think he spent all that money on a campaign to get it legalized for medical use? Big bucks, it's a billion dollar a year business for him.

Sunny: So what are you getting at?

Tin Tin: I dunno....just saying. Just putting information out for people to chew on. It's up to people to do their own research and prove Alex Boar right or wrong, though he's been pretty spot on so far.

Scene: Sunny and Tin Tin get food at the food court and sit down.

Sunny: You're saying Terrence Upperton spiked his own wonder drug?

Tin Tin: I didn't say that. Like the chief said...we have to follow procedures.

Sunny: I'm starting to think you don't wear foil hats at all.

Tin Tin: They suck for trying to score a date....trust me.

End background music: "Meeting request" from "Emperor" Scene Shift

Scene Location: A make shift medical lab on the Paw-a-Zon campus Time: Evening

Scene: Terrence Upperton walks into the lab where Doctor Beckworth and his staff are working. Kanga and her son Roo are in separated rooms with large glass windows being attended too by suit protected nurses. Upperton looks through Kanga's window watching her "phase" in an out of being solidified at different intervals punctuated by noticeable sweating and delirium

Upperton: Is there anything you can do to ease her suffering Doctor?

Beckworth: At the moment? No. As cruel as I may sound? We dare not tamper with her condition as it is now. We don't know if that won't kill her.

Scene: Upperton moves to look at Roo.

Upperton: And the child is perfectly fine?

Beckworth: So far...not a single sign. He finally ate some salad and took some water. We drew blood and fluids from him first, his mother however has been difficult.

Scene: Nurse tries to get a sample from Kanga and her needle breaks.

Beckworth: We searched the Joey's fluids and blood for anything unusual and found this...

Scene: Beckworth leads Upperton to a microscope where Upperton sees something in the sample slide.

Upperton: My.....word.

Beckworth: Sir? Meet Mister Pompei-Taxdernus.

Upperton: My word....is it safe?

Beckworth: The slide is sealed. No danger. Actually? There's no danger even with the slide not sealed because....once Mister "Pee-tax" here matures? That's it.

Upperton: That's it what?

Beckworth: That's all. "Pee-tax" doesn't replicate. It doesn't spread. It doesn't jump. That's it. It enters the host, causes the affliction and then....nothing.

Upperton: That's impossible. Even I have a basic knowledge of microbial biology Doctor and that concept defies biological laws to say nothing of common sense.

Beckworth: Yet...there it is Mister Upperton in back and white. It's like this....this....thing comes from nothing. If there's any bio-engineering involved in it...I'm at a loss to figure that out.

Scene: Upperton and Beckworth gaze at the microscope

Beckworth: Have you heard what Alex Boar's been saying on his network?

Upperton: Oh....yes....that I created this catastrophe, that this is some weapons experiment gone horribly wrong, that my desire to put animals in orbit is just a cover story for me to "farm space" for bacteria so I can create cancer and make money off the treatments....yes....I've heard every vile and disgusting thing that big fat pig has said about me and it bothers me very little. In fact I did just that... yes....I altered my first famous product into a bio-weapon which is working rather nicely wouldn't you say? And very soon every animal in Zootopia with be a brainless heard beast following after my every whim and desire. Are I not quite the wicked little Coyote?

Scene: Upperton opens up his suit jacket and shirt to show off his tee-shirt....


Beckworth: The way you said all that just now? Is making me want to leave a marking trail on my way out the door.

Upperton: Oh......come on now Doctor Teddy Bear, I would never do such a damned thing! Especially to an innocent little child who's suffering the trauma of losing his parents to this....

Scene: Suddenly....Roo falls off his bed and starts thrashing around and kicking the room he's in to pieces.


Scene: An orderly (A puma) runs in and gets kick slammed into a wall. Roo continues to trash the room until he finally freezes in mid-jump and falls to the floor frozen.

Scene: Doctor Beckworth slams his paws against the glass....

Beckworth: NO!.....DAMN IT!

Scene: Beckworth turns around. Get every video tape together, I want to know exactly what he was fed over the past few hours, how much water he had, juice, bathroom breaks, the whole smack!

Upperton: What is it?

Beckworth: I'm going to prove the "Comes from nothing" theory wrong.

Scene: Beckworth checks the microscope slide.

Beckworth: Good....the sample isn't frozen....at least not yet, there's still time and if we get lucky? Hope.

(Fade to Black)

(Fade in from black)

Scene Shift

Scene Location: Nick Wilde's apartment Time: Late night.

Scene: Nick Wilde walks through the door, grabs a hand controller, turns on the lights and the stereo while Judy drops the cruiser keys in the bowl by the door then walks to the kitchen.

Start Background music: "Eboshi Goshen" from Princess Mononoke

Judy: Coffee Nick?

Nick: Might as well try to stay awake. I doubt we'll get any sleep.

Judy: Nice choice of music. I thought you'd be blasting something hard?

Nick: I set the stereo for "think" music. When I used to hustle, I'd turn off all the lights, play this track and brainstorm for hours.

Judy: And the result was a skunk butt rug for Mister Big, not one of your best inventions.

Nick: It sure got us results.

Scene: Nick takes a cup of coffee from Judy.

Nick: You look stressed out...I can tell by your nose Carrots.

Judy: Looking at all those poor animals at the casino...what if this is a virus Nick? Something in the Canobian Paste when they processed it? That would mean it's in the production equipment which means it got there by some way. We all mulled over this thing for hours...no one thinks it's something deliberate.

Scene: Nick flicks off the lights.

Judy: Why did you do that?

Nick: Because what you just said? Makes no sense. Is this a biological thing? Yeah...but you know what I really think? This is a hustle. It has all the marks of a hustle and it's damn smart, ingeniously sneaky and downright crafty which for a fox who hustled for years? Makes me super jealous and super envious to have a chance to meet the hustler so I can bask in his or her wisdom....before I billy club them senseless.

Judy: So what's your hypothesis there super sleuth?

Nick: That? Is going to take some "cooking" to gel up my cute little cotton tailed snuggle dove. But I'll tell you what I think already? It's not the Canobian Paste. But still....we have to follow protocol to rule it out officially.

Judy: You have a follow up plan...don't you?

Nick: No.....you do....Lieutenant soon to be field grade Detective Captain Hopps. Just give me time in this chair with this wonderful Asian music to come up with it...I mean....for "you" to come up with it. By the way? Have you called your parents yet?

Judy: No....I don't want them to panic.

Nick: Carrots? Call them. Call them....or I will call them.

Scene: Judy pulls out her smart phone and calls her parents in BunnyBurrough. Both of them are in bed.

Bonny: Judy? (gasp) Stu? Stu?....Judy's on the phone!

Stu: Judy? Is everything alright? Are you staying safe? Are you wearing a chemical suit?! She's not wearing any protection. Judy! You come home right now!

Judy: (To Nick) I told you they would panic. Oh....now they got everyone in the house up!

Scene: Bunnies are crowding the phone begging Judy to come home. She's getting upset as Nick walks up to grab the phone.

Nick: Excuse me?! Can you all stop it! You're making her upset and she doesn't need this right now.

Stu: Who are you?

Nick: Who am I? Who am I?

Scene: Nick turns to Judy.

Nick: You haven't told them about me?

Judy: It's.....a touchy thing with my father....

Nick: Well I don't care if it tickles your father...

Scene: Nick turns to the phone.

Nick: Sir? I am Officer Nick Wilde of the ZPD and your daughter is my partner. My capable...bright....sly as a fox....energetic as a high voltage battery partner. My life is in her hands Sir and trust me? This little display of yours? Is quite frankly.....insulting. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Scene: Judy jumps up.

Judy: NICK!

Nick: Sometimes carrots? You have to speak the truth.

Stu: Now you.....you.....you listen here you scruffy mange ridden.....

Bonny: Stu! Don't make it worse....

Nick: Sir....Mam....right now....this city needs your daughter. I need your daughter because right now the only person I believe who's more capable than anyone to keep this city and myself from absolutely falling to pieces? Is your daughter. She doesn't need your fear....right now? She needs to hear two things...one that you love her with all your heart and two...that she'd better not back down because right now.....we need her a whole hell of a lot.

Scene: Nick hands Judy the phone.

Bonny: Judy? We're so sorry.

Stu: We're just worried to death about you Jude-dude...but...I guess your partners not really so mangy after all...

Scene: Nick stands by smiling.

Stu: I just want you to know princess that we all love you and....you keep that close to your heart and do what you know how...

Bonny: Honey? You tell that partner of yours that he better take care of our Judy ok? You bring that city back to what it should be. We know you can do it honey and we're all with you 100 percent.

Scene: All the bunnies on the phone shout we love you Judy. Judy clicks off the phone and sobs. She turns to Nick.

Judy: You are a piece of work.

Nick: I have my moments.

Scene: Judy walks up to Nick and hugs him tight.

Nick: Gee.....how did you know I liked to cuddle up in rabbit fur?

(Scene fade to black)

(Fade in from Black)

Scene Location: Ficus Grove, Rain forest District. Bertolt's apartment Time: Late night

Scene: We see a happy Frisco sitting in a very thick sudsy bath giggling, purring and kicking his legs until Bertolt pops up in a diving mask and snorkel holding a pair of clippers in his hands.

Bertolt: Is it just me or did your claws get thicker?

Frisco: I couldn't stop tickling.

Scene: Bertolt climbs up behind Frisco's back and takes a scrub brush to his neck.

Frisco: I like that (purring) you are such an expert.

Bertolt: Would you also like it if I said we should apply for domestic partnership?

Frisco: Are you serious? Please tell me you're serious?

Bertolt: No....I'm clowning around. Well?....what do you think?

Scene: Frisco turns around, scoops up Bertolt and nuzzles him.

Frisco: You just made me the happiest cat in all Zootopia! Woe....What would the Department think?

Bertolt: Clawhouser would want a wedding.

Frisco: And you don't?

Bertolt: We don't have to be so "big deal" about it. I mean....our relationship is just between us, why make a big production? And don't get me wrong ok? I just don't think we need to make a huge deal.

Frisco: Well I want us to make the day special for both of us. We'll talk about it when I come back. Give you some time to think it over. I think it would be nice to invite Clawhouser as our best cat. With a partnership we could probably afford to be closer to headquarters and my job...big-oh win win. I say.....yes! I'm proud and happy to be your....uh? what would that make me though?

Bertolt: A gay tiger in a tutu.

Frisco: Don't make me maul you?!

Scene: Bertolt gives Frisco a head kiss, a snuggle and continues to scrub him.

Scene Location: Downtown, the studio and offices of INFO WARTS. Time: Late night

Scene: We see a female skunk browsing her smart phone at the night office desk when a call comes in.

Skunk: INFO WARTS night desk, this is Emmy, how may I help you?

Scene: The sound of someone talking over the phone.

Skunk: Yes.

Scene: The sound of someone talking over the phone.

Skunk: Yes.

Scene: The sound of someone talking over the phone.

Skunk: Do you have another source or sources to back this up?

Scene: The sound of someone talking over the phone.

Skunk: Good.....good.....I will inform Mister Boar when he comes in at 5am and we'll see if it can be aired during the morning program. And your name?

Scene: The sound of someone talking over the phone.

Skunk: Mister Tin Tin Steel? And you are a? A wolf. Good.....good....thank you for this information. You have a good night too. Yes....I'll be sure to tell Mister Boar. You're a great citizen Mister Steel....good night.

Scene: The skunk hangs up the phone.

(Fade to black)

End of Act 4