After School Playdate

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A playdate with my orca boy Samuel 'Sammy' and Kraken D'ad's family ends up being more lewd than Sammy expected!

Sammy bounced up and down on the seat of the bus excitedly. The little orca had gotten permission to go to his friends' house immediately after school, so long as he obeyed all of the rules at their house. Sammy had eagerly agreed, jumping up to hug his father, the chubby ten-year-old thanking him many times before rushing out to catch the school bus

When the doors on the bus slid open, he hopped out, turning right instead of left and walking up the pathway to the house simply labeled 'Kraken.' He rang the doorbell, bouncing happily on his heels. He frowned for a moment as he listened, not hearing any footsteps from inside... instead being caught by surprise by a pair of running footsteps before he's tackled to the porch by the two Kraken brothers, D'Waggin and D'Orca.

"Hi Sammy!" the pair called, tails wagging as their friend rolled over and they all hugged. A deep chuckle was met with Sammy's gaze, the teal and white orca standing up. Kraken D'ad, father to the red and black dragon and orca sitting on either side of Sammy, stood at the bottom of the stairs, eyes still a good four feet above Sammy's head as he smiled past his glasses at the three rambunctious boys.

"Well it is certainly nice to meet you, Samuel. Funny how you managed to get here before us; good thing the boys told me you'd be over today or we might have taken extra long at the grocery store." He held up a couple bags in one hand, stuffed full of various meats and vegetables. He stepped up onto the porch, leaving Sammy to blush as his stuffed pants, and firm, rounded belly proceeded past his nose as D'ad unlocked the house.

D'Orca and D'Waggin smiled, popping up and dragging Sammy inside by his hands, one brother holding one each as they backed into the house past their father. "Welcome to our house, Sammy!" cried D'Waggin as D'Orca shucked his shirt, beginning to peel off his pants as well. "Make yourself comfortable!"

Sammy blushed and began to stammer as he watched the brothers strip down to 'comfortable,' D'Waggin not wearing a single stitch to cover his nakedness while D'Orca blushed, partially hiding his face while his groin was covered in a blue speedo. He squeaked as D'ad's muscular belly bumped him slightly further into the house. He already had his shirt off, the big orcagon stretching and letting out a soft huff as he stepped inside. "Mmmph. It's good to be home..."

Sammy watched, wide-eyed, as D'ad stepped further in, tail shimmying as he wiggled his hips to drop his pants in the middle of the living room on his way to the kitchen, the young orca catching sight of D'ad's strained green speedo.

The two brothers, having stretched and fully stripped, noticed that Sammy hadn't even unbuttoned his jeans. D'waggin nudged D'orca and they snuck up behind Sammy, D'Waggin unbuttoning his jeans as D'Orca unzipped, both of them teaming up to yank down his pants.

Sammy squeaked as his boxer briefs were exposed, his hands shooting down to try to cover the stuffed front pouch. The two brothers gaped slightly at Sammy - they hadn't thought he would be THAT big. D'Orca kneeled next to him and hefted Sammy's bulge from below, making Sammy's teal cheeks turn purple as he tried to stifle a moan. "Woah, Sammy; you're pretty big!"

D'Waggin tilted his head and gently brushed Sammy's hands aside before carefully tugging down his underwear, showing off the two large white balls and thick overhanging shaft. "Oh wow... I think you're bigger than me and Orc, even... although I bet you can't do this!" D'Waggin grinned, putting his arms behind his head with a grin as his four shafts snaked out, curling towards the two orcas. One shaft curled down into D'Orca's speedo while the other three hefted Sammy's balls and curled around his shaft.

The young teal and white orca let out another groan, the red and black joining in. Sammy had no idea what to do - it wasn't often he had anyone, even himself, touching his junk for more than getting dressed, so to have not only a pair of hands, but also a trio of shafts touching and stroking them was almost overwhelming. His shaft quickly hardened, his length pointing up at a slight angle as he tried to catch up with what was going on. He knew he would have to get undressed quickly, unless he wanted to explain to his uncle why he was covered in white - again. Sammy dropped his backpack, quickly pulling his t-shirt up over his chubby belly and tossing it atop his bag.

D'Wagging and D'Orca smiled as Sammy undressed, D'Orca standing up shakily and pulling Sammy in close, kissing his cheek and wrapping his arms around the other orca. He ground his double-wrapped bulges against Sammy's hip, huffing as his blue speedo slowly stretched around his four shafts. His lengths soon followed suit with D'Waggin's, sliding up out of the speedo. Two of them slid up to bump lightly against Sammy and D'waggin's muzzles, while the other two snuck around behind the dragon and orca.

Sammy's eyes had drifted closed at the pleasure he felt, turning his head and kissing D'Orca lustfully before he opened his mouth to accept the shaft bumping against it. He was so deep in lust that he almost missed the gasp of pleasure from D'Waggin as he was penetrated... but there was no way he could miss the shaft pressing in under his own tail. D'Waggin and D'Orca had to catch Sammy as his legs gave out from under him, the pleasure making them weak.

The brothers laughed, shafts sliding back around their groins as they gently held their friend. D'Waggin gently pulled him towards the center of the living room carpet, which was nice and soft underfoot. "Too much? Here, come lay down..." D'orca gently guided Sammy to lay on his back on the carpet, the red and black orca laying next to him. Sammy's shaft was leaking heavily, pre tracing over his chest and shoulders before D'orca caught the head up in his muzzle, teasing the uncut length with tongue and mouth.

Sammy could feel the prehensile lengths of the two squirming around again, stroking over him. One each curled up to his muzzle, which he accepted eagerly, while another pair fought over his tailhole, each one sliding in and out a couple times before being pushed aside by the other. He could feel one shaft from both curling around his shaft and balls before snaking off to the other - based off the twin gasps, the brothers had penetrated each other once again.

It didn't take long for all the teasing to bring Sammy to orgasm. Two shafts in his rear, two in his muzzle, and two teasing his balls and shaft made his length jump as he gasped, cum shooting into D'orca's muzzle for a moment before he pulled away, the rest firing across the floor as Sammy whined and kicked. D'Waggin and D'Orca weren't long behind, the two young Kraken's covering the three cubs in mixed cum.

After a couple minutes of simply basking in the afterglow, Sammy sat up, rubbing his eyes to clear them of cum. He held out his arms and pulled a face, wiggling free of the entwined shafts to stand up. "Ewwww... U-um, guys? Where's your shower?"

The two Kraken brother's sat up slowly, grins still on their muzzles. D'Orca blinked and cleared his eyes with one hand. "Huh? Oh, shower? Uhhh..." He looked to D'Waggin, tilting his head. "Dad's shower is the only one big enough, right?"

D'Waggin blinked, then nodded while Sammy looked between the two, his shaft finally starting to go soft, pointing towards his feet instead of the brothers. "Big enough for what?"

D'Waggin stood up and took one of Sammy's hands, gently pulling him as D'Orca came up behind and pushed him gently. "For all of us to shower, silly! You don't want cum drying on you, believe me. Orc did once, and he was miserable when he went to take a shower before bed." The black and red orca shivered from behind Sammy, remembering how long it took to get himself cleaned.

The two brothers drew Sammy into the basement, the wide steps carpeted, Sammy giggling as the fibers tickled and gripped at his feet. When they got to the bottom of the stairs, D'Waggin opened the door onto a large bedroom. Opposite the door was a large, round California King-sized four-poster bed. The sheets and the curtains were various shades of purple, as was most of the room. The walls were a royal purple, and as they turned to the right, Sammy caught sight of a closet off to the side of the bed. Before he was pulled into the next room, he could have SWORN he saw what looked like leather straps... and were those boots with metal?

Sammy was jolted out of his thoughts on the leather gear and villains outfit he had unwittingly seen by a sudden switch from soft carpet to slightly chilly bathroom tile. He looked forward and gasped as he took a half step down. D'Waggin and D'Orca stopped moving Sammy, letting him stand just inside the large shower area. There were heads on the three walls, and the floor was inset almost a foot into the ground. As he looked around, he noticed multiple drains and a couple shower hoses on either side of the entrance door.

Sammy was only looking around for a minute before the brothers looked over from one of the shower heads and shouted for him to join them. He wandered over, noticing some unusual white stains almost up to the level of the shower handles that the two were using to adjust the temperature of the water.

He was dragged out of his wonderings as he spluttered, a spray of water striking him in the face. When he was able to look, D'Waggin was grinning widely, the head of the nearby shower in his hands, now aiming it at D'Orca who squealed and tried to fend it off. Sammy grabbed one of the other shower heads and sprayed D'Waggin, who had his sprayer stolen by D'Orca as the two orcas hosed the young dragon down.

Eventually, the three boys managed to get clean, the process extended slightly when D'Waggin and D'Orca paused in soaping each other up to share a more-than-brotherly kiss, Sammy staring and trying to fight down another erection. The three of them groped each other to hardness as they dried off, all giggling and scrambling upstairs as they heard D'ad call down that dinner was ready. Sammy had begun to soften again as he climbed the stairs a bit slower, his hefty erection dragging his hips from side to side as he tried to jog.

Upon getting back upstairs, he noticed the mess that he had helped make on the floor was being cleaned by what looked like an industrial-sized wet vac. When he turned into the kitchen, his first sight was of a long tail attached to a wide, black bottom. When the elder Kraken turned around, Sammy could easily see his four long shafts pushing out the front of the light green apron he was wearing. "Ah, good, you didn't get lost." He chuckled and nudged his glasses back into place. "Go ahead and take a seat at the table; I'll be bringing the food out momentarily."

It took a moment for Sammy to stop staring - he was coming to the realization he would be spending a lot of time with at least a semi, if not a full-out erection coming to this house. He blushed, turning away and hopping over to the table. There were four chairs, and of course, D'Waggin and D'Orca left him a seat in the middle, the two brothers scooting in to press shoulder to shoulder with their friend. After a moment, he even felt both their hands bump into each other against the base of his shaft, making him squeak and blush as the two glared at each other. They had a silent argument before D'Orca's hand slowly began to stroke up and down Sammy's long length, fingers teasing the inside of his foreskin. The other's hand drifted down, stroking over and rolling his big white balls between his chubby thighs.

Sammy, for his part, could only slap his paws over his muzzle to stifle another moan as the two brothers cheered at seeing their now-naked father walk over, four pizza boxes stacked atop his four shafts, his hands occupied with a couple two-liters of soda. Sammy watched in awe as he put down the four sodas, his shafts shifting to gently deposit the pizzas on the table as well. "Well dig in, boys. I bet you're hungry after wrestling." He winked at Sammy, making the young orca's head go entirely purple and pink.

As dinner began in earnest, the two brothers kept one hand each on Sammy the entire time. After getting a couple slices of pizza in, he squeaked as he felt something press against the head of his shaft, forcing D'Orca's hand halfway down as he felt his shaft being stroked. It felt like D'Orca's shaft... but bigger... Sammy's head snapped over to Kraken, who was scrolling through something on a big tablet while eating. He quickly looked down as another presence pressed up under his balls, the two forcing the brothers to swap to rubbing over Sammy's belly. He saw two big, black, hooded lengths curling against his junk, the leaking red head peeking out from under one of them easily giving away the culprit. He looked up to D'ad once more, the big orcagon meeting his eyes with a sly smirk before returning to his tablet and pizza.

When he looked around to twin moans from the boys, he saw that their four shafts had twisted around the other two lengths that had pressed against their torsos, all three cubs teased by the larger man.

When Sammy felt he could handle no more pizza, he sat back and put his hands on the shaft curled around his own, gently stroking over it. He rubbed D'ad's pre over his white length and the black, fingers hesitantly teasing under D'ad's large foreskin. When his fingers accidentally prodded at the leaking slit, he heard a soft grunt. He heard D'ad panting softly and he grinned, fingers tracing around the outside of the head under the foreskin before his thumbs pressed into his slit again.

Dad smacked an open hand on the table, all four shafts squeezing and spurting a shot of pre. "Mmph. Are you boys all done? Lets... lets go to my room..." His four shafts quickly released the boys as he stood, his four shafts standing straight out, leading the way out of the room as his thick tail softly slapped on the floor. The two boys looked at each other past Sammy, grinning as they hopped out of their chairs and followed the trail of pre. Sammy snickered and followed after, playfully groping at D'Orca and D'Waggin's butts, turning their walk downstairs into a minor groping tussle.

When they stepped into D'Ad's room, they found the older orcagon laying back on the bed. His balls were settled atop his thick tail and between his spread legs, his shafts arranged around himself. One stretched up his chest, curled around one arm with fingers teasing at the slit. Two were curled around each-other, laying atop his balls and down his tail, while his last was angled up like a charmed snake, aimed at the doorway.

The two boys threw themselves onto the bed, quickly crawling into the embrace of the shafts, their four shafts snaking up and around one shaft each as he held under their rears, lifting the two mostly by the strength of his shafts alone. He beckoned to Sammy with one finger, his other to shafts stretching down his legs. Sammy walked over, blushing deeply, looking up to see all three sets of eyes on him, each bright and encouraging.

He crawled up along D'ad's tail, his shaft leaving a trail of pre up the length. His foreskin dragged back as he moved, the normally pink head slightly red from the teasing over dinner.

One of D'ad's shafts curled around behind and under Sammy, lifting him into the air, the head rubbing underneath his white balls. The other length pressed against his chest, Sammy wrapping his arms around it, stroking at it, his tongue gently curling against the head, even dipping into the slit as every shaft, all thirteen, leaked over the bed.

D'ad rumbled as the three boys played over his shafts; he was very happy D'Orca and D'Waggin had found someone their age to hang out with. It was even better that he didn't make an excuse to leave after everyone had gotten 'comfortable.' His thoughts drifted away as his slit was played with, the big orcagon leaning back and huffing softly, rubbing his chest and holding his head with his other hand.

He was so distracted with teasing the teal orca that he missed both of his sons snaking two of their shafts up. What he didn't miss was the sudden backing up of his shafts as they were plugged by his sons, their own prehensile lengths thrusting in and out, making all three moan. Sammy looked back and forth, frowning for a moment before he looked down again with a grin. He pulled his hips back, gently tugging at D'Ad's listless shaft... before pushing his length into the red slit, stretching it.

D'ad's head flopped back, white stars popping before his eyes as he was stretched by a shaft almost as big as all four from either of his sons put together. He looked back up and smiled wide at the brave young orca blushing up at him. He rewarded him by gently thrusting with his own shaft, his one free shaft becoming a veritable waterfall of pre as his other lengths were all backed up. All of his lengths began to thrust, working over the lengths of the cubs.

The two brothers felt their rears spread by their father's fingers, both wet with pre from the teasing he had given himself before they had arrived. Both of them groaned and, as if sharing one mind as they usually did, began to move their two free shafts. Each one slid a shaft over, once again pressing up into Sammy's pliable tailhole, while the other to slid up D'ad's chest to press against his lips. He eagerly slurped on both shafts, caught up in the pleasure from the three boys thrusting into and stroking over his shafts.

The small orgy continued like that for a while, but finally Sammy was at his limit and he moaned, clenching around D'Waggin and D'Orca as his hefty white balls pulled up. He came heavily into Kraken's shaft, leaning over it and squeezing his arms around it. D'waggin and D'Orca followed soon after, spraying cum into their dad's muzzle, his two shafts, and Sammy's tailhole.

The best, however, was definitely saved for last, the big orcagon holding out his orgasm until the three of them had finished theirs. As they finished, his shafts began to thrust harder, his hands pulling the three in close to his chest as he shouted. His shafts all began to spray, the boys shafts pushed out of his own as he washed all four of them in his cum, covering the bed in the cum from all four.

After another shower in which all four just barely managed to avoid making ANOTHER mess, Kraken looked at the time and said it was time for him to take Sammy home. All three boys clunk to each other under their towels, whining, but he would hear none of it, playfully smacking all three on the rear to send them upstairs to get dressed for the drive to Sammy's house.

All three boys got dressed with much groping, leaving Sammy hard, with his shaft pointing up into his shirt. The two boys were stretching their speedos and jeans as they all climbed into the car, and D'ad had to curl his shafts around his hips to disguise how hard he was as he pushed down on the pedal, car pulling out of the driveway.