The end of the Humans

Story by Hunter_Kaufman on SoFurry

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Fire, explosions...war. For a number of years, humans have been selling, slavering, killing anthros just because they were different. Then, about 10 years ago, the up rise began. An anthro leader arose and took hold of a small country. Very soon, an army was assembled and took full and total control of the country. All humans forced to retreat to neighboring countries. For years, anthros looked for a peaceful relationship between humans and their kind. But, every...single...human, made up there mind and now, it is war. One species will rise into global while the other, will fall and suffer non-existence. The war was reaching its end. Human population lowered to the point that only North America was populated by them. While the anthro population grew in the other areas of the world. The military was preparing a strike surrounding the humans. One group attacking from Russia, into Alaska and sweeping into Canada. Another attacking the Northeastern part of Canada and advancing toward Maine. Another two groups advancing from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Then the last group coming in from the south such as Mexico, Cuba, etc. Thus surrounding the humans, making them cornered.

"It is the solution to world piece." Said the General in a load and proud voice.

They were all in the boat, heading towards the beach of California, in the mess hall, waiting for the chiefs to finish cooking the food. One of the solders, an otter, turns to look around and then back at the others at the table.

" long have we been here?" He asks

Another solder sitting across from him looks at her watch.

"About 10 minutes," She says "Hey, Johnen, you should go back there and show them how to cook food on time."

She turns to the fox sitting next to her. He smiles at her then turns to the others.

"Maybe I should"

The general looks at everyone, then speaks up.

"How come she is the only one with her watch on?" He says pointing at the squirrel with his fork.

"Relax" says the lizard sitting next to the general "we are in the mess hall, besides, we have about a week till we attack California."

The general stared at the lizard with his lemur eyes, then looked back at the others.

"Well, when the shit goes flying, make sure you're all properly suited, alright? I don't want your squad leader contacting me due to your mishaps."

The rest shake there head and get up to go get food.

"Yea, yea, we got it, head this about 1000 times."

The general shakes his head, gets up, and walks toward the food.



One week later, the whole crew was in the infantry boats. About to board the beach of California. The squad leader speaks up.

"Before we land I need to tell you all something."

The others look up.

"Way, WAY, back, at around the 1940s, the humans did something similar like this to their own kind..."

The others chuckle.

"A similar invasion on a beach back in France. So, here's my bet, that we can beat their record for storming a beach. Alright?!"

The solders cheer.

"Hell yea!" "WHOO!!" "LETS DO THIS!"

The leader, a lion, smiled. He looks up at the beach.

"Here we go. Lets show these furless idiots how it is done!"

The lizard up front looked at his watch, took the time and then tightened his grip on his weapon and looked at the beach.

"Lets go, Lets go, Lets..."

The ramp fell down,
