Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 3

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#10 of Zootopia fictions

Act 3 of SWAT

Movie Script

Zootopia s.w.a.t.

by Dan 1966

(c) Zootopia 2016 Walt Disney Animation Studios

For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monitary gain desired, wanted not sought.


(Fade in from black)

Scene Location: The Mystic Spring Oasis, Sahara Square

Scene: Nick Wilde and JudyHopps park their cruiser and walk towards the door as they pick through the file folder on patient number 10, Micky Lynx. Lynx is a High School junior who frequented Mystic Springs in the mornings before school after being up early to "shred board" across the street at the skate board park because it was less frequented and cooler than the daytime. The bop tail Lynx is dark gray with light gray spots with a red hair tuft. He is also earth conscious, preferring to drink water from cannabis bio-degrade bottles.

Nick: So he "solidified" in the sauna...this thing is just giving me the serious nerves Carrots, I mean....we don't know how you catch it, you won't know anyone's infected until "wham" every surface could be a potential death trap.

Judy: Are you trying to make me thump my foot?

Nick: Well your nose is twitching, that's a win.

Scene: Nick and Judy walk into the lobby.

Start background music "Moroccan temple"

Judy: Good morning Yax.

Yax: (voiced by Tommy Chong) Hey...hey....if it ain't my favorite customers heh, heh, heh...don't think you came too early man because at the moment? We're wide open schedule wise since this "thing" happened you know? But...Oh! While I'm at it? How was your gland cleansing Nick?

Nick: Yax! Exnay? Er er er....

Scene: Nick points to Judy as he face begs Yax to be quiet.

Yax: Well if she needs one man, I can sure schedule it?

Nick: Thanks Yax....thanks very much....my day? now turns to super suck.

Judy: Gland cleansing?

Yax: Oh yeah man...all natural processes...we get deep inside there...

Nick: Yax! We're on official business please? Do you mind?

Judy: So that's why you've been less uptight lately. Feeling loose in your caboose Nick?

Nick: Thanks Yax....see what you started?

Yax: No problem man, glad you're a satisfied customer.

Judy: The reason why we're here is Micky Lynx.

Yax: Yeah....totally tragic man like instant mortality set in stone. All of us here are so bummed over it. Micky's a good kid, never any trouble, total earth warrior and health centered. Why him right?

Nick: You see Yax, we got tasked to investigate the circumstances and try to rule out anything material like food or drugs or bad plants.

Yax: Well I'll tell you right now man...Micky was no hard doper, I know that for a fact. I shredded boards with him and his dad since he was a toddler. No way he was involved with any stupid smack.

Judy: Could you run through the whole time he was here to when he....

Yax: Solidified?

Judy: Please understand....this is hard on everyone.

Yax: I know man...I flow with you.

Scene: Yax takes Judy and Nick on a walk recounting exactly what Micky did to when he became solid...

Yax: Now he came in at 5am, he never changed that at all. He always goes to the skate park cross the way at three and shreds for two hours because it's almost deserted and it's way cooler in the morning than the day. He came up to the desk, got his usual key for the sauna room he liked. Shot the snot with me for five minutes. He came in here, did stretches till 5:40 and then he got into the sauna. I heard him screaming at 6:05 exactly man and by the time I ran from the front desk to the sauna room? Micky was stoned man and I mean stoned.

Scene: Nick and Judy cock their heads.

Yax: I mean he was a freaky statuary man.

Judy: Was there anything wrong with him at all when he first came in?

Yax: Nah....nothing at all....perfectly healthy man, the kid is the poster child around here of health consciousness you know?

Nick: Did he mention eating before he got here? Was he eating anything when he came in? Did he have any drinks on him?

Yax: Well yeah...he had a bottle of water with him but I don't think you're going to get anything at all now.

Judy: He threw it in the trash and the trash is gone?

Yax: Oh the trash is still here man but the bottle by now is a lump of pulp. See, Micky drank water only from cannabis bottles, the one's that quickly degrade and compost? By now man...there's nothing left of the bottle see?

Nick: Where's the trash can?

Yax: Next to the sauna room. Hey....Micky's things are still here dudes and I know you can't see em less you have a warrant you know? We know our rights here. But since you two are good customers and I've never been given a cause to think you're not honest? I'll let you check his stuff out only if I can watch it.

Judy: We agree.

Scene: Close up of Nick and Judy dawning rubber gloves. Nick picks through the pulled out trash bag while Judy rifles through Micky's stuff with Yax.

Scene: Nick pulls his hand up with goo flowing off of it.

Nick: He wasn't kidding about the bottle Carrots.

Judy: We'll take the whole bag then.

Scene: Judy pulls a puck shaped metal tin out of Micky's bag.

Judy: What's this stuff?

Yax: Oh...that's Canobian paste, kind of a mix of Cannabis and natural oils for soothing joint pain and protecting cuts and wounds, works great. If you need it for evidence, I understand man.

Judy: We'll bring it back here once we have a sample from it.

Scene: Judy notices Yax is down-casted and upset.

Judy: Yax? I'm so sorry....

Yax: It was awful man...he was all like bowed up, showin teeth and hard as a rock you know? But man could he resonate freakish I'm tellin you.

Nick: Resonate?

Yax: Oh yeah....tap his head and it sounded like a deep base drum man. The tail sounded like a symbol. The stomach sounded like a Mexican wind pipe. Dude, I could symphony off his whole body....gee....that was bummer inappropriate of me. Dudes? You gotta fix this thing quick...even my flies have gone in hiding. Slike the end of days big time you know?

Judy: We're not giving up that easy....trust us. Just sit tight and hopefully I'll get to watch Nick getting his glands clean?

Scene: Judy giggles.

Nick: Do you know how much I want to "partner-cide" you right now?

End background music "Moroccan temple"

Scene Shift

Scene Location: TEE SEAS Night Club, Sahara Square

Start background music: SEAL "Love carries on."

Scene: We see "T.C." Top Cat walking around with Rick Tavi and Bertolt Hanz.

Top Cat: What is it with you cops? This is the fourth time you guys have been here asking the same questions and me and my boys give the same exact answers. I'm about ready to file a complaint against Officer Dibble from Precinct Two for entrapment. He dared to send this Finnic Fox to see if we'd card him and I almost ended up with a law suit because I denied the guy service for looking young. I swear those little guys have a good racket going with the city Civil Rights division.

Bertolt: We're only interested with the Lion who passed out here last night and if you noticed anything about him at all that was out of the ordinary. Was he with anyone?

Top Cat: My bartender was closer to him than I was....Chooch?

Scene: Chu Chu comes walking up.

Rick: We're here investigating the Lion who passed out in front of your bar last night. Did you see anything out of the ordinary before he became sick? Was he with anyone?

Chu Chu: He looked normal when he first sat at the bar. He was with a college buddy. I noticed he looked terrible before he keeled over....sweating water like a water fall, just looked awful then he fell off the stool.

Bertolt: Have you seen these guys often?

Chu Chu: His buddy comes here often. In fact? He's still here. We put him up in one of our pass out rooms because he was too upset to risk letting him drive home.

Scene: Rick and Bertolt look at each other.

End background music: SEAL "Love carries on."

Scene: Rick and Bertolt enter the small "drunk tank" room to find the other lion laying on the bed with his left arm hanging down with a prescription bottle split on the floor.

Bertolt: Damn.....

Scene: Rick hops onto the "OD" lion as Bertolt calls it in.

Bertolt: Dispatch! Send EMT and a back up to TEE SEAS club on Luxor Beach, we have a CODE CASE FOUR! REPEAT! CODE CASE FOUR!

Scene: Bertolt bounds off the floor and onto the bed where Rick is listening for a pulse....

Rick: He's still alive....mustn't have been that long!

Scene: Bertolt jumps off the bed to the bottle...

Bertolt: Tranks!

Scene: Chu Chu, Spook and Brain are at the door to the room.

Rick: You three get in here and roll him on his side now!

Scene: The three cats bound the bed and struggle to turn the Lion onto his side as Bertolt jumps back up onto the bed. Rick pulls the Lion's maw open...

Rick: It's not worth you throwing your life away man! Bert! Reach in and grab the "punching bag"! Hurry up! We gotta make him vomit!

Scene: Bert stuffs his hand down the Lion's mouth, snatches his "punching bag" and forces the lion to vomit. We don't see it.

Scene: Rick reacts in a cringe.

Rick: Oops....forgot the evidence bag.

Scene: We see Bertolt's wet arm, finger and hand push into Rick's snoot.

Bertolt: You laugh and I'll taze you.

Shift time forward

Scene: Outside TEE SEAS Bertolt and Rick are standing by a police cruiser watching the Lion being taken out when a mountain lion police officer walks up.

Dibble: Officer Jim Dibble, 2nd Precinct. Fast work you guys though certainly not without rewards huh?

Bertolt: Are you the same Dibble the owner complains about?

Dibble: "T.C."? Yeah....I break his tail all the time. Don't let the sob stories fool you, I've busted him for more code violations and short skirts than college football. Rigged slot machines, illegal bingo gambling, book making. With "T.C." it's a hundred percent eyes on or he'll wiggle a one percent and make the stink smell sweet...I'm telling you.

Rick: We got some of what we were tasked to look for so since the OD falls within 2nd Precincts jurisdiction, you can process the evidence we gathered from the room.

Scene: We see Bertolt pass Dibble an evidence bag. What you would have to see by catching it is an item sitting at the bottom corner and pressed out against the plastic bag.

Dibble: Anything for you guys to get out of excessive work. You First Prinkees are all alike.

Rick: We're not "Prinkees".....we're SWAT.

Dibble: Much worse.

Scene: Rick and Bertolt walk back to their cruiser.

Bertold: What drinks did the bartender say he served those lions?

Rick: One got two "Muddy Water Holes" the other got a "Pride full of fun Jin number Seven." Why?

Bertold: Just a thought....

Scene: Bertold walks back to the club with Rick in tow.

Scene Shift

Scene location: Orchid Drive in Canal District

Scene: Orchard Drive in the Canal District isn't a row of traditional homes. A long causeway with places to park vehicles, Orchard Drive is home to whales, Orca pods and Seals...all of which have their own separate places or pens. The President of the home owners association is a Walrus named "Chappy"whom Ajax and Raham come to meet at the start of the causeway.

Ajax: You're Mister Chappy I assume?

Chappy: Yup....all me and then some. He's not far.

Scene: Chappy leads Ajax and Raham to where Victim 3 is. He is a beached Sperm Whale. For now his condition protects him.

Chappy: Took the wife and children all their strength to put him up here. Who knows what would have happened if he ended up on the bottom.

Scene: Ajax runs a hand along the whale's side.

Ajax: Is the wife available?

Scene: Chappy points to where the Whale's wife is floating.

Ajax: Mam...I'm very sorry. I'm Officer Brillo and this is Officer Singh. We need to ask some important questions.

Chappy: I don't know if you speak whale Officer. I can interpret for you if you'd like?

Ajax: Sure.

Scene: Chappy dives into the water and bobs on the surface.

Chappy: Ask away.

Ajax: What does she know of her husbands activities in the past 24 hours? Every detail helps.

Scene: We see Chappy dive and float upside down with the female whale soon joining him in a back and forth whale language conversation. He comes back to the surface and translates for Ajax and Raham.

Chappy: She said there was nothing un-usual at all about him. He works at the Blue Gull boat yards rolling hulls so they can be cleaned and re-painted. He came home last night complaining of some muscle discomfort in the tail so a pair of Seals came over and gave him a rub and ointment treatment. He was fine until seven in the morning when it happened. He got sick and they barely got him beached before he.....froze.

Ajax: What kind of ointment was it?

Chappy: I don't know myself but it was the Barnam Brothers who put it on. If they didn't stay home, they're probably out on explosives duty at a construction site just Northwest of here.

Ajax: Do you have a phone number I could reach them at?

Scene: Ajax turns to Raham.

Ajax: Since his mouth is stuck wide open, why don't you go pick around the gums and teeth for anything? Left over food particles, debris. I'll call these Barnam Brothers and see what they can tell me about this ointment they used.

Chappy: Here's the number and the pen number for you.

Ajax: Thank you.

Scene: Just then, Ajax's phone goes off. It's Clawhouser. Ajax listens, looks at Raham, listens more and hangs up.

Raham: What's up?

Ajax: Things just got serious. They just closed off the Palladium Egg Casino in Sahara Square. Mass casualties.

Scene Shift

Scene location: The Palladium Egg Casino, Sahara Square.

Start background music: Main Title, Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Scene: The camera is flying above Sahara Square. We can see the lights of emergency vehicles down below around the perimeter of the "egg shaped" casino building. Then a small police helicopter rises into the picture in front of the camera with Sunny and Tin Tin riding the landing skids. The helicopter stops in a hover over a roof and Sunny and Tin Tin jump off. They start setting up a large sniper rifle which is a big net throwing gun as the helicopter lifts up and to the left out of camera view.

Tin Tin: Base Plate....High Tower is up and hot. Is the building sealed?

Judy: (as Base Plate) Copy High Tower. Someone inside was smart enough to hit the anti-intrusion system and drop the door shields. That doesn't mean we don't have anyone inside right now who might get desperate.

Sunny: How many we talking about Lieutenant?

Judy: Trying to find out now.

Nick: I can't see through the ground floor windows. Should be a law against dark tint. Being color perception lacking doesn't help matters at all.

End background music: Main Title, Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Scene: Bertolt and Rick come running up in their SWAT gear.

Rick: Get us on the roof and we'll find a way.....then again,I forgot this doesn't have a roof.

Bertolt: It's got vents. We just have to pick one and blow the cover off.

Judy: No one's going in there without protective suits and masks.

Bertolt: Anyone from the inside try calling out?

Judy: Last call out was.....fifteen minutes ago.

Rick: Get us a pair of suits.

Scene: Judy grabs her shoulder mic.

Judy: Storekeeper? I need protective suits for a bunny and a ferret.

Scene: Rick gives Judy stink eye.

Judy: Oh come on Rick...you certainly are cute so give it a rest?

Scene: Bertolt backs off a little and calls his boyfriend on his smart phone.

Bertolt: Hi. Are you ok?

Scene: We see Frisco Masi back at Bertolt's apartment throwing a huge yarn ball in the air with his paws.

Frisco: Yeah...just doing what you suggested. Smacking the old yarn ball around, watching the news. Did you hear about the Palladium Casino yet?

Scene: Bertolt is throwing on his chemical protection suit

Bertolt: Yes....Just calling to see if you're ok. I'll see you tonight, have an idea I think you'll enjoy. Snugs?

Frisco: Snugs.

Scene: Bertolt walks to a helicopter with Rick.

Rick: Didn't want to worry him huh?

Bertolt: Didn't want him to know I'm absolutely twitching right now.

Start background music: "Palace guard challenge" from "Emperor"

Scene: The helicopter takes off. We see it rising from the ground to the sky from above. It passes by the camera which rolls to follow it as it goes by. Both Bertolt and Rick are armed with darting rifles.

Scene: The helicopter stops in a hover at the top of the egg. Both Rick and Bertolt rappel to the side of the building and run on their tethers to an air vent cover. They secure a tarp cover above the vent with suction cups and then tether themselves to the building with their own suction cups. Bertolt signals the helicopter and it moves off as Rick and Bertolt prepare explosive charges. They then roll down the tarp, Bertolt pulls a detonator and they blow the cover...

Scene: Judy on the street below.

Bertolt: Cover's blown....we're inside the vent system.

Judy: Copy.

Scene: Bertolt and Rick begin making their way through the vents as Rick goes "Mogo mode" (Mongoose Mode) with his eyes turning all red which gives him superior night vision.

Bertolt: That always gives me the willies.

Rick: As long as you're not a snake, you're cool.

Scene: Tin Tin and Sunny on a roof overlooking the Palladium.

Tin Tin: Bert? I don't have a clear sight picture so if I need to shoot? Be clear of the window.

Bertolt: Are you getting any movements on your rifle sensor?

Tin Tin: Nothing so far.

Scene: Bertolt and Rick rappel down a vertical vent shaft. Swing onto a horizontal shaft and sweep down the length until they come to a metal vent cover and look through it....

Rick: We're over one of the suites...pulling the vent cover off to take a picture.

Scene: Bertolt looks like he's trying to avoid something obscene as he takes the picture.

Bertolt: That? Is just all kinds of disturbing. And......send.

Scene: Judy gets the picture and turns her head and cringes....

Judy: Oh my carrot nubs my eyes are burnt.

Scene: Nick takes a look.

Nick: Big deal. A bunch of polar bears in a naked Knights of Polar-umbus "Frat fight frolic" they do it all the time, It's a secret initiation ritual that you don't dare show outside of polar bear-dom because it would scare the snot out of....is that Kevin? Look at how's he's eyeing this other guy? Oh my gawd this.....this is prime blackmail bate"

Judy: Nick! Do you mind?!

Scene: The picture has a bunch of frozen in place polar bears fighting over a stuffed seal. Judy pushes Nick back and calls Bertolt and Rick.

Judy: Any more?

Rick: We've passed multiple rooms now....same result.

Scene: Bertolt and Rick pass over one cover then double back to look down...

Bertolt: Base plate? We have a "shiver"

Scene: Judy reacts...

Judy: You have someone alive?

Rick: It's a kangaroo and her Joey. Can't tell the condition of the child but the mother is really pouring sweat.

Scene: Tin Tin and Sunny on a roof.

Tin Tin: Give me an estimation guys if you're within my field of view.

Rick: Fifteenth floor, sweep six from the left.

Tin Tin: Yup....got the signature. She's putting off a lot of heat.

Scene: Rick and Bertolt look at each other.

Scene: Bertolt and Rick remove the vent screen and slowly rappel down to the floor of the bathroom.

Cameo: Kanga and Roo from Winnie the Poo.

Rick: Oh these are so dangerous when they're upset.

Bertolt: Make....no.....drastic moves. If we puncture our suits? We're screwed.

Scene: Bertolt and Rick make it too the floor.

Bertolt: Madam? We're police officers. I am Bertolt and this is Rick.

Scene: Bertolt looks at Rick.

Bertolt: Would you mind turning those eyes off? That is a little creepy?

Scene: Rick turns his eyes off.

Bertolt: Madam? We want to help you and the child. We know you're very scared, we are here to help you....please understand? May we look at your child?

Scene: Kanga goes nuts. She comes at Bertolt and Rick. She throws Bertolt into a wall and swats Rick with her tail into a toilet bowl!

Scene: Judy is hearing the confrontation in her radio.

Judy: High Tower! Shoot! Do you have a shot!

Scene: Tin Tin and Sunny on a roof trying to track Kanga

Tin Tin: Damn it they're big quick rats!

Sunny: Marsupial

Tin Tin: Thanks for the lesson in evolution Einshrewstein!

Scene: Bertolt is jumping around and dodging the panic'd Kanga when she slams him into a wall and threatens to bite him in her maddened state.

Bertolt: SHOOT NOW!

Scene: Tin Tin fires his rifle. The net pack flies through the air, crashes through the window, wraps Kanga up in a net and skids her to a stop next to Roo who doesn't appear infected.

Roo: Ma ma?

Scene: Bertolt runs past Rick as he falls out of the toilet.

Rick: Clogged and overflowing.....wonderful.

Scene: Bertolt comes up to Roo and soothes him as he starts crying...

Bertolt: Shhhhh.....shhhh.....shhhh...you're going to be alright little one. You're Mommy will be alright...

Rick: Base plate? We need an air litter, two protective suits and an isolation ambulance on station like yesterday.

Scene time shift

Scene: Rick, Bertolt, Sunny and Tin Tin are back on the ground flocking with Judy and Nick as she hands control of the scene to Chief Bogo...

Chief Bogo: How many in total Hopps.

Judy: 162 Sir. Not counting the two on their way to the hospital.

Chief Bogo: Then this thing has now reached epidemic stage.

Tin Tin: Gotta climb off the ground a little to escape the kitty litter tsunami.

Chief Bogo: Do you have a problem mister?

Tin Tin: Oh no Chief....no problem. Just find it a little curious that we have Miss oversized mouse and her kid perfectly fine while their father and husband is down on a pool table drink as a skunk stuck in the pose of a silly Kung Fu Panda. Nothing abnormal about that little piece of information which is so different from the other 161 freak show exhibits in there right now.

Chief Bogo: Officer.....and you know that when I say "officer" and not your name it's because you've spun me up so far beyond the "P" word that the next word is going to be brought to your tail personally by me and the letter "O". So I suggest you refrain from spreading any more of these stupid little conspiracy stories if you have any value left in your badge because I'll take it without question....and if you prefer to fight me for it?

Scene: Tin Tin cringes

Chief Bogo: I didn't think so.

Scene: Bogo backs off.

Chief Bogo: To be charitable Tin Tin....once again your aim was spot on and you saved your brother officer. Exceptional work as always. Don't compromise your continued good performance please because we can not afford to lose you.

Scene: Bogo walks off leaving Tin Tin cocking his head questioningly.

Tin Tin: Did I just get brain raped?

Sunny: You've always been brain raped.

Scene: Tin Tin leaps on Sunny and a tussle ensues. Meanwhile....Bertolt and Rick walk with their ready bags over their backs...

Rick: You alright?

Bertolt: I can't get the image of big feet in my face out of my head.

Scene: Bertolt looks like he's about to fall apart.

Rick: Come here?

Bertolt: I'm fine.

Rick: You're not going home to Frisco an insufferable mess...when you bunnies get all emotion crazy, you end up dragging everyone with you. Come here and get a "Gooseeee"?

Scene: Bertolt hugs Rick for a while.

Rick: See? Told you it doesn't bother me one bit.

Scene: They break apart.

Bertolt: Ugh......thanks.....I needed that.....whewwwww.....I'm glad you know just where to touch a bunny when we're so upset. You know if your girl friend saw that? She'd rip you apart.

Rick: She doesn't have to work with you all day....nor swim in nasty toilets, sheesh even with the suit off I can still smell the stench.

Bertolt: That? Is your musk.

Rick: (sniffs) Oh yeah....any way? Enjoy the break....though probably short lived at best.

(Scene fade to Black)

End of Act 3