A Castforms unfortunate balls placement

Story by TheDragonMage on SoFurry

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#5 of Stories

Probably the shortest thing I wrote, with the good ol word being "catch'um"

This castform might as well have been the child of a punching bag and a air conditioner with how he can still flout with his oversized balls seeing that they are the size of barrels that manage to get pummeled everyday, you see female castform Pokemon have their breasts at least stay close and forward to their bodies while male castforms balls stay away from them and are basically floating ballsacks to abuse, but at least their balls are small but this castform if found would have been mistaken for a breeders Pokemon already owned with how big his balls are and how swollen they end up getting from his day going around from place to place, at the start of the day gets woken up by a probably female Pokemon using some sort of punch move on his balls or low kick if he couldn't find a tree to rest in with his giant balls hanging off the side of the branch and didn't end up unconscious from getting too many low blows to the balls, then he runs away trying to clutch his sack but a castforms balls are always out of reach so it's important to find a mate to gently cluch them for the male, but then he goes to find some food on a nearby tree or bush and more female Pokemon hit him in the sack but this time end up grabbing and squeezing his large male danglers or try a use their mouth using the move crunch as he gets away sack very injured and eats the food he can manage to hold while heading to some form of sea or lake to sooth his dinged bells and about till midday it goes fine then the water types wake up and use a water attack to his testicles typically water gun or hydro pump and running away to spend the reast of the day finding a mate and a resting spot witch ends up with more groin punches, balls being kicked, testicles being squeezed, his Berry's being chomped on, before either passing out from all the pain or resting In a tree to sleep the pain away before the cycle starting all over again with more ballbusting but this time he actually found a mate that somewhat cares for his barrel sized balls, only kicking and punching them with more ballbusting and at least cradling his swollen sack soon hoping to finally cum and make his wounded balls a little smaller.