A Calm Sip (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#110 of Short Stories

The captain wakes up to something happening on his ship.

~ Captain DeCaro blinked awake slowly to stare out of his bunk as he felt the rhythmic rocking of his ship dropping out of its faster than light travel. A pained glance to the clock indicated it was about halfway through third shift, and a skeleton crew would be manning the stations. In the manner of a habit he kept privately, his beak clacked softly while he considered his options.

~ The macaw somewhat rolled out of his bunk and to his feet, tapping his personal console out of its own sleeping mode with one hand while grabbing pajamas out of his laundry hamper with the other. Once he could see that there were no alerts or messages queued for him and the dispenser was properly whirring away at his request for tea, he stepped into and pulled on the wrinkled pants.

~ Joseph Leox DeCaro reclined into his comfortable chair, the primary luxury he kept aboard, and delicately sipped at the tea with only an occasional glance over to the console to confirm a lack of changes on the display. When he found the mug of tea more empty than stale, on account of the age of the powder, the macaw pulled the bunk's sheet down to the floor and hoisted himself back up for a return to his slumber.