Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 1

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#8 of Zootopia fictions

Zootopia SWAT is a movie script where the city SWAT team must help save the city from a sinister contagion that threatens the peace.

Movie Script

Zootopia S.W.A.T.

by Dan 1966

(c) Zootopia 2016 Walt Disney Animation Studios

For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monitary gain desired, wanted not sought.


Zootopia S.W.A.T. is off the Zootopia-verse and of course is your typical SWAT style genre with officers assigned to the SWAT division of their individual skills which contribute to the fighting efficiency and tactical swiftness of the unit.

Ajax Brillo (A long horned Cape Rhino) is the leader of the team who's both calm in extreme situations but is the unit battering ram during force entries. He loves to cook and enjoys the teams weekly gathering for food and talk at Sunny's house in Tundra Town.

Raham Singh (Indian Tiger) Is an Indian martial artist and one of the strength muscles. His knowledge of medicine and body structure is handy for neutralizing opponents.

Sunny Palone (Polar Bear) One of the strength muscles. Sunny is Italian, the cousin of Tall Pauley from the .223 script, and enjoys cooking for the team at their weekly gathering.

Tin Tin Steel (Arctic Wolf) Is the team sniper and explosives expert. He enjoys Gideon Gray's pies and is a Gidion-phile when it comes to the fox's on-line food website.

Bertolt Hanz (Bear-tolt) (German hare) Bertolt is one of two who were chosen for their size, their silence and speed to get into tight places and infiltrate buildings to outflank adversaries and open up the way for the team to overwhelm objectives. There are hints through the film that Bertolt is gay with a young tiger as his love interest.

Rick Tavi (Mongoose) Rick's specialty mirrors the red eyed lighting moves of the Chuck Jones Mongoose. His claws and teeth sink into pressure points and neutralize the limbs of opponents, especially the wrists. He can also stare down and trance opponants. He was of course chosen because of his size which matches Bertolts'

Story: A mystery illness strikes Zootopia where victims convulse, grow purple splotches on their bodies and then freeze in place. Called "Pompei-Taxdermus" it soon becomes apparent that this is no illness but a bio-weapon. SWAT Zootopia forms part of the ZPD response to protect the metropolis and to find the fiend or fiends responsible for this crime before they destroy the society.


(Fade in from black)

Disney opening, Company recognition

(Fade to Black)

(Fade in from black)

Steam boat Willie animation, Disney Animation studio's recognition

(Fade to Black)

Opening sequence in black with starting credits

Audio: Police radio calls between dispatchers, Clawhouser at Precinct One and police officers in the field.

Start of background music: Apollo 440, Time is running out.

End of opening sequence in black with starting credits

(Fade in from black)

Scene Location: Downtown Zootopia Time: Day

Scene: The fade from black begins with the Camera high over the city highway with a single police car chasing after a suspect car. The camera pulls back and we see a mouse with a microphone (The voice of John Bunnell from Wildest Police Vidoes) describing the action below.

Mouse (John Bunnell): This suspect doesn't know when to quit folks, Not only was he brazen enough to rob a tofu store in broad daylight, he was bold enough to moon the two officers pursuing him while they were enjoying their morning coffee. Guess this Honey Badger thought he was "sweetening the deal" with his "glazed pressed ham" when he decided to tick off two of Zootopia's finest.

Scene Shift

Scene: We see the chase from the front of the suspect car. The Camera flashes to the face of the suspect, a Honey Badger, then flashes to Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps (both wearing sunglasses)

Nick: Dispatch! He's turning off into the city! You better clear the streets because this is going to get a little crazy!

Judy: I'm going to pound that creep for that disgusting fruit salad!

Nick: I thought you liked fruit salad?

Scene: Judy pulls her hand gun. Judy: Please don't press your luck today Nick?

Scene: The chase is of course wild through the streets as you might imagine. Nick is hanging on for dear life, Judy is possessed with nailing the suspect. The car chase ends with the Honey Badger purposely rolling his car on its' side, hopping onto it like a surf board and leaping off just before it crashes into.....

A molasses tanker truck.

Scene: The molasses spills all over the place. Nick and Judy are thrown from their car. Nick flops through the goo but Judy bounces off his back, lands on clean ground and is in hot foot pursuit of the badger.

Judy: Stop sleeping on the job Nick!

Nick: Ugh...

Scene: Nick joins the chase. We see the camera roll from behind Nick, over Judy and over and in front of the Honey Badger as they run into Zootopia Central Train station.

Scene: The camera flies to a close up of Judy as she's replaced her handgun with a combination taser and dart gun. She tries to fire a tranquilizer dart but nails a poor alligator. She bounces off his head as he flops onto the floor.

Judy: I'm sorry!

Nick: That's a dock out of your pay Carrots!

Judy: Call for back up!

Nick: Clawhauser! We need backup at the train station now! Get off the Gazelle videos!

Clawhouser: It's a busy morning. Right now you're on your own Nick!

Scene: Nick and Judy chase the Honey Badger through the station, down an escalator and onto a platform where the Honey Badger runs into a car and jumps up to hit the "DOOR LOCK" switch. Judy slides to a stop and waves to the conductor....

End of background music: Apollo 440, Time is running out.

Judy: Don't let this train leave!

Scene: Judy turns to look at the suspect and he pulls a pair of cans from his jacket.

Honey Badger: (Voice of Gilbert Gottfried) You better back off pig!

Judy: Hey?! Bunny.....creep.....bun...neeeee? Ears? Tail? Feet?

Honey Badger: Who cares you stupid flat foot! I got bombs here! I got bombs and I'll do this whole car! I'll waste them all unless I get what I want!

Scene: Nick comes walking up behind Judy. He's dripping with molasses and has things stuck all over him.

Nick: Shall I call or will you?

Judy: It's his funeral.

Nick: Clauhowser? Please send SWAT?

Main opening text and music flourish begins

Music: Classic SWAT beat from the 1975 television series up-gunned to modern techno.

Scene: The camera follows the SWAT truck (an ode to the 1975 equipment van) through the city interspersed with inside views of each character getting ready to do their job. The truck arrives at the station where the characters leap out and the camera follows their progress through the station to where Nick and Judy are holding up after pulling back from the train car where the Honey Badger is held up.

End of main opening text and music flourish begins

Scene: We see SWAT stacked in a line behind their commander, Ajax Brillo, going up a flight of stairs. Brillo is behind Nick Wilde who is behind Judy Hopps.

Ajax: (Voiced by Patrick Warburton...Joe Swanson on Family Guy as well as Cronk from Emperors New Groove) What's the sitrep?

Judy: The suspect's a Honey Badger. He's taken a train car with over 2 million hostages.

Scene: Alax looks questioning.

Nick: That's over 2 million insects.

Ajex: Explain to me how he was able to take an insect car with his size?

Nick: He didn't. The insects rented a "cattle mover" to hold their election year convention.

Ajax: Splendid.

Scene: Ajax turns back to his team.

Ajax: Plan 33....bertolt....Rick....top entry. Tin Tin....punching glove. Raham...Catcher's Mitt. Sunny....distraction.

Scene: Ajax holds up his hand then brings it down to a fist.

Ajax: Execute.

Scene: We see the SWAT stack double back up the stairs. Ajax holds his hand to Nick.

Ajax: Give me a horn.

Nick: You already have one.

Ajax: Don't make me spank you fox? Scene: Nick hands Alax a bull horn with a smile.

Scene: We see the SWAT team getting into position interspersed with Ajax talking with the Honey Badger.

Ajax: Hey Honey Badger? This is the Commander of Zootopia SWAT. Now I don't know what got in your fruit loops this morning...then again being fruity is a thing with you Honey Badgers to begin with. Now I'm going to ask you nicely to come out with your hands up so we don't have to go through the trouble of force-ably muzzling your dumb snoot.

Honey Badger: You come anywhere near this car man and I will do the whole thing! I swear i'll raid bomb all these insects man!

Ajax: You do that and you won't like the spanking we'll give you pal. I haven't had breakfast yet so I'm extra cranky this morning. I'd rather not resort to having to clean up after you mess yourself from a serious tail kicking.

Scene: The team is in position with Bertolt and Rick on top of the car. All Zootopia train cars have an emergency police access hatch. Raham is on the other side of the car standing with his hands behind his back. Sunny has entered the train from the front and is making his way to the end access door of the suspect car. Tin Tin is armed with a rifle but we don't see what kind. We see the suspect through Tin Tin's sniper scope.

Ajax: I'll give you one more warning Pal...surrender now.

Honey Badger: Screw you!

Ajax: Give me status guys?

Scene: We see Tin Tin flip the safety off his rifle.

Tin Tin: (Voice of Mario Cantone) ready.

Scene: We see Raham flex his arms, fingers and neck.

Raham: ready.

Scene: We see Sunny in a train car at the end door flexing his mouth and growling.

Sunny: (The voice of Ray Laolla) Oh so ready.

Scene: We see Bertolt holding onto the emergency access D ring on the roof of the train car.

Bertolt: Ready

Scene: We see Rick's eyes turn glowing red. His arms spread out and his long claws snap out from his fingers.

Rick: Ready

Scene: We see the camera zoom quickly onto Ajax's eyes.

Ajax: Take him.

Scene: The end door of the train car is popped open by Sunny and he lets out a loud angry roar that distracts the Honey Badger just enough for Rick who drips like lightening through the opened emergency access. He grips the badgers wrists and his long claws pierce the wrist and cut off the nerves of the Honey Badgers hands so he can't set off the Raid Bombs. We see Tin Tin fire his rifle and a rubber slug crashes through one window, hit's the Honey Badger in the stomach as Rick swings himself up to avoid getting hit and grabs the Raid bomb cans from the Honey Badger's hands. The Honey Badger is launched out of the rail car, through a window and into the hands of Raham where Raham hits the pressure points and turns the Honey Badger....

Into a crazy and contorted frozen statue.

Scene: Sunny walks into the train car as over two million insects erupt into cheers and flock to and upon their heroes. Bertolt comes down by a rappelling line

Sunny: Scene is secure.

Scene: Ajax is walking down a flight of stairs to the platform where the Honey Badger is neutralized.

Ajax: And that....is how we roll.

Scene: Judy and Nick look at the frozen Honey Badger.

Nick: How are we supposed to get that in our cruiser?

Scene: Raham raises a finger, touches the Honey Badger and he looks like he liquefies on the platform. The tiger then pulls a big syringe and sucks the Honey Badger into it. He hands the syringe to Judy.

Raham: Before you push him out? Just say the words "Thos par Lotin" (Tho Par Loteen) and he'll be his normal cranky self.

Honey Badger: I'll sue all of you for police brutality.

Nick: If we don't use you in a mixed drink first......stupid.

Scene: Sunny comes walking up and talks to Nick and Judy.

Sunny: You two are still coming up to my house for dinner?

Judy: If we don't run into an overtime situation, you bet we will. I'm looking forward to trying your fried mixed veggie casserole.

Ajax: We do this once a week. Helps to promote the creative juices and tighten teamwork.

Tin Tin: Adds to his girth and lightens our wallets.

Scene: Ajax scoops up Tin Tin and noogies him like crazy.

Ajax: We'll see you two tonight.

(Fade to Black)

(Fade in from black)

Start background music: FT Freedom "Everybody Dance now!" re-written to an African animal theme as "Everybody flock now!"

Scene Location: Sahara Square, Luxor Beach Time: Evening

Scene: The Camera is above the brightly muli-colored night life of Sahara Square and flies down slowly to the facade of a nightclub on Luxor Beach called "TEE SEAS" it flies through the doors, over the reveling animals inside and up to the stage where a female Giraffe and a black panther stand in front and a group of black panthers are behind them.

Note: The team symbol of the Carolina Panthers is above stage and behind the performers.

Scene: The characters perform the song in a choreographic motion of dance as the camera flies up to the stage, flies over the top of the band, rotates and then flies from the band to the owner of TEE SEAS.

Cameo appearance: Hanna Barbera's Top "T.C." Cat and his New York Alley gang....Chu Chu, Brain, Benny Ball, Fancy-Fancy and Spook.

Scene: Top Cat is walking through the customers smoozing and making contact while dancing to the music.

Top Cat: Welcome.....having fun?.....nice mane there king of beasts, who's your groomer? Benny! We need more cactus juice.

Benny Ball: You got it T.C.

Scene: Top Cat walks up to a table and snatches Fancy-Fancy by his cat collar...

Top Cat: Fancy? Less trying to pick up the customers and more hosting please?

Fancy: I was just seeing to her needs Chief.

Top Cat: Then get your eyes fixed Superman because you're performing illegal breast reduction surgery dig me?

Scene: Top Cat passes by Chu Chu "Chooch" who is working the main bar where several customers are sitting and drinking or enjoying small food plates. Among them is a pair of lions wearing college Letterman jackets. One of them is slowly rubbing the back of the other who looks obviously distressed. Chooch notices...

Chu Chu: Hey there lion...you ok?

Lion 1: I'm just feeling a little run down dude.

Lion 2: He's been acting like this for a few minutes now.

Scene: Chu Chu pours a bowl of water.

Chu Chu: Come on pal...lap up a little water.

Scene: Lion 1 laps some water but her gets worse. He gets up from the stool he's on and stumbles backwards to crash onto the floor.

Lion 2: Chuck? Chuck, can you hear me? Come on Chuck.

Scene: We see Chu Chu pick up a phone as animals flock around the fallen lion.

End background music: FT Freedom "Everybody Dance now!" re-written to an African animal theme as "Everybody flock now!"

(Fade from scene to next scene)

Scene Shift

Scene Location: The home of SWAT team member Sunny Palone the Polar Bear in Tundra Town

Time: Evening

begin background music: NSYNC "Bye Bye Bye"

Scene: Begins in Sunny's kitchen with him, Ajax and their wives chopping and preparing food. Everyone else is in the big dining room and the adjoining living room talking and watching as the team's Indian tiger is using Nick Wilde as his personal prop as he demonstrates his manipulation of pressure points.

Raham: Now.....are you sure you feel alright Nick?

Scene: Nick is in obvious bliss. Open maw, hanging tongue, happy face.

Nick: Haaaaaaa......aaaaaaaa.....

Scene: Raham pokes Nick a few more times and the fox stretches out and shivers his whole body to the tail tip.

Nick: You? Have got to teach me that!

Raham: No way...I don't want to be responsible for mistakes. You have to be licensed to use these techniques.

Judy: I definitely have to hire you as my chiropractor.

Scene: Judy turns to Bertolt the German Hare.

Judy: So....have you two been able to find an apartment closer to the precinct yet?

Note: Bertolt is gay with a lover, though not made obvious enough. His interest is a young tiger named Frisco Masi.

Bertolt: No. Even with Frisco's job we can't come close to match the monthly rent for even a small one. It's like ever since "Hoof-a-zon" and "Wag-Tails" set up business, every apartment and house went up in cost.

Judy: I know...my rent's gone up twice this year because the land lady wants to make improvements to cater to the "jet setters" who don't want to stay in the industrial zone.

Nick: Price of progress there Carrots. Even you once said no one should be shackled down because in Zootopia? The sky is the limit....like my salary which is why I have to find a place now. Because why? Because my rent's gone up too.

Judy: Wait a minute? Who was making 200 bucks a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year since he was 12? What happened to all that money Nick?

Nick: It's called "The economy" Carrots. Foxes don't survive well on ramen and water.

Background music change to "Surfin Craze" by the Beach Boys.

Scene: Tin Tin (The white arctic wolf) shows up and dances into the living room with a big pie box in his hands.

Tin Tin: Heaven......has arrived!

Scene: Tin Tin puts the pie on the coffee table. He stands over it sniffing it like crazy.

Tin Tin: Oh.......my......gawd....the seas have parted, the clouds have opened and a miracle has blessed this house.

Scene: Sonny enters the living room with food in his hands.

Sunny: Oh great...let the symphonic orgasm begin.

Tin Tin: No respect I'm telling you. We're talking about a masterpiece here! A delectable gawd who's crust I am not worthy to carve upon.

Rick: We forgot to warn everyone. Tin Tin's a Gideon Gray-phile. He's a certified stalker the authorities have banned twenty miles from Bunnytown.

Tin Tin: You have no appreciation for fine art. No one, absolutely no one cooks food in a pie like Gideon Gray. This? This is a feast. Got it off his website. I'm telling you I fell in love with these masterpieces from day one. If they could kiss? I'd marry them....I swear.

Scene: Nick leans into Judy.

Nick: There's always been rumors that snipers were a little left of center.

Judy: So you like Gideon Gray's pies?

Tin Tin: Like...isn't the word girlfriend. I have the word but I can't use it in polite company.

Judy: I grew up with Gideon.

Tin Tin: Oh.....my.....gawd....stories....you gotta share stories...how did he become such a "dela-cat-tesic davinchi"? You have to tell me the whole life story!

Scene: Ajax snatches Tin Tin by the scruff, holds him off the floor and hands him a plate with a piece of pie on it.

Ajax: We have business to discuss Tin Tin. Do you need a room?

Tin Tin: That would be nice.

Scene Shift

Scene Location: Zootopia General Hospital

Background Music: "Desperate flight music" from Robocop 1 where officer Murphy was being wheeled into the Trauma Room after being shot.

Generalized Scene description: Most of the hospital scene here mirrors the same scene in the Robocop movie. It's quick and chaotic with dramatic tension among and between the characters.

Scene: An emergency flight helicopter lands on the roof where Charlie the sick lion is transferred to a gurney and wheeled into the emergency room where the lead doctor enters dramatically through a door.

Doctor Beckworth: Brown Bear (voiced by George Clooney) with his head nurse a white tailed deer doe (George Clooney's wife) What's his situation?

EMT Attendant: Passed out at a bar in Sahara Square. High fever, profuse sweating, fast pulse, eyes fixed and severely dilated.

Doctor Beckworth: What about these purple spots?

EMT Attendant: (Hippo) They started to show up during transport.

Doctor Beckworth: Charlie? Charlie look at me? Nurse...I want a blood draw, throat culture, get an IV started with saline fluids at once, he's draining water like crazy here...Charlie?!

Scene: Charlie begins to convulse violently on the table.

Doctor Beckworth: Hold him down! Charlie?! Stop it Charlie!

Scene: We see Charlie throw animals away from him. He tears off his clothes. Growls and roars as he reverts to his four legged form and then he just freezes in place as if he were the staircase end of a city library. All the animals in the room recover themselves.

Doctor Beckworth: Oh......my.....gawd.....

Scene: Beckworth scrambles to Charlie and checks him. He even knocks on him like a door and the lion is as stiff as a board.

EMT attendant: Doc? Is he?

Doctor Beckworth: No...I have a very faint heartbeat. Nurse? Try to get a blood draw please?

Scene: The White Tail Doe tries to get the draw but breaks the needle on Charlie's leg.

Head Nurse: He.....he feels like stone. Even the fur has no give Doctor.

Scene: Doctor Beckworth stands up when an ardvark pops through the emergency room door.

Ardvark: Doctor! We have another emergency case inbound from Little Rodentia! Same condition with purple spots!

Doctor Beckworth: Nurse? We'd better prepare to call the mayor. This sounds like it's going to be a long night.

Scene: We see Beckworth and the nurse leave dramatically but the ardvark stops him...

Ardvark: Doctor? What about this patient?

Doctor Beckworth: Do what we can for him and set him up in the main hospital conference hall. I have a feeling he's going to have company very soon.

Scene: The scene ends with the camera focusing on the petrified face of Charlie.

(Scene fade to black)

(Scene fade from black)

Scene Location: The home of SWAT team member Sunny Palone the Polar Bear in Tundra Town

Time: Late nightclub

Scene: Nick and Judy are leaving Sunny's after the evening. They say good bye to Sunny and his wife Mandi.

Background Music: "The Porch" from Dante's Peak

Judy: Thanks you two. This was such a great time.

Mandi: You two better not be strangers.

Nick: I might take up residence on your porch! Then again? I'd freeze to death.

Judy: Come on Nick.

Judy and Nick: Bye

Sunny and Mandi: Bye...drive safe ok?.....see you after tomorrow...I got the day off.

Scene: Nick and Judy walk alone to Nick's car.

Nick: Those SWAT guys can party and you know Tin Tin was right? This pie is fantastic! And you told me Gideon Gray was a bully when you were kids?

Judy: Time changes people. Don't think I wasn't shocked when I saw Gideon when I came home after making it through the academy. I just wish....I just wish some things....would change with time.

Author's note: The relationship between Nick and Judy is hard because they're different species. Nick does not want the relationship to come to the obvious point where they would have sex because of the possible consequences. This is sort of my slap in the face to Brazilian artist William Borba's on line comic book "I will survive." Where Judy wants an abortion because she and Nick had careless sex.

Nick: Judy? Please....I don't want to start a fight.

Judy: I'm not trying to start a fight. I'm just trying to....oh....you know.....

Nick: Judy....

Scene: Nick gets on his knees in the snow.

Nick: Carrots? I love you....you know I love you...your parents....know that I love you which is why it's busting me up in side that I can't show it more than I can but I will not endanger the relationship we have together.

Scene: Nick rubs Judy's face.

Nick: You....are everything to me....everything.....which is why I would never, ever put you in a situation that could hurt you or worse.

Scene: Nick rubs Judy's hand on his cheek and we see tears flowing. Judy hugs him.

Judy: You are so good Nick Wilde...

Nick: You're such a terrible liar.

Scene: Nick picks up Judy and tenderly kisses her.

Nick: No one said you could get pregnant over kisses and coffee now did they?

Scene: Nick carries Judy to his car.

(fade to black. Fade out of background music)

End of Act 1