The Fragrance of A Dragoness

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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Bondage, Gender Transformation and Pet play... Now this is my kink...~

Hey guys, here's a very hot transformation story in a facility that turns males into female sex toys!

I must say I got waaaaay to into this >w<

I wrote it pretty fast since I was so into it, and I hope you guys enjoy it too! I kinda just threw it together, but I think it came out nicely!

Enjoy this sexy TF and bondage story, and comment what you think! Also leave a favorite and watch if you enjoy my story! Thanks!


The dark world around him began to blur as he slowly awoke, dazed as his eyes peeked open, a deep strong pang in his head making him cringe, groaning softly to himself as he blinked. His head felt like a rock had been thrown against it, and the pain slowly grew as he awoke once again. He paused for a moment, feeling his eyes adjust to his surroundings, but as they did he blinked rapidly, confused why it was so dark around him. He realized he was laying on his side by the feeling of it since he couldn't see where he was yet in the darkness, and he raised his head to look around to try to find something that could give him any idea where he was.

He quickly found three round holes with faint light streaming through them. They were no bigger than one of his claws, but it seemed like it was the only source of light. He also began to quickly realize he was short of breath and as he reached his head up to the hole, he took in a deep clean breath of air, not realizing how much he needed it, even if it wasn't much. Derek then tried to peer through the hole with his eye and then gasped as the light hit his eye, causing him to yelp at the sudden change in light.

He then paused as he heard his yelp muffled, making him let out a snort. He then tried to open his maw and soon realized that his muzzle was being restrained by some sort of harness. He could feel a thick leather strap around his muzzle connecting to a harness around his head, horns, and neck. It only took him a few more moments for his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the room, and as he looked around he found two short chains around his ankles. His hind paws each had a brace around his ankle with a strong chain connecting them together just like his forelegs. To his mild relief, he realized that his legs had some room to move around, realizing that his legs weren't completely bound up. He could probably run away if need be, and that's all that was on his mind now.

He let out a deep muffled growl, shaking his head in confusion and anger at how he could have gotten himself stuck in this mess. Every sound he made was muffled, and it just made him feel so helpless and used. 'Whoever the fuck did this to me is going to get their ear bitten off!' He then looked down at his paws and realized that some sort of metal mitten was wrapped around each paw, leaving him clawless and harmless. He wasn't even able to breathe fire with this harness around his muzzle, leaving his tail the only real threat to anyone. 'Not like that's going to help much.'

He quickly felt a pang of fear in his heart, and his breath quickened as he pulled frantically against the chains around his legs, trying to break the strap around his muzzle by using all his strength to try and open his maw. This only made him howl into the muzzle in defeat and pain as his maw refused to budge, making his jaw sore from the act. He couldn't even stand up in the small area. He tried to use his paws to get up, but the chains prevented him from doing much on his own. His head was even hitting the roof of the cage as he tried to get up, making him realize there was nothing he could do but wait until something happened.

Even though most of him was filled with anger and fear, there was a small part of him that couldn't help but enjoy and fantasize about this in excitement. He thought about it for a moment, feeling his rod stir inside his slit in arousal at the thought. 'Wow, I've actually been captured... Forcefully chained, muzzled, and caged against my will... God, why do I find this so kinky?' He let out a frustrated huff, growling to himself in annoyance at his own arousal, knowing this was no time for that. Sure, a fantasy of being bound against his will was one thing, but for it to actually happen... He couldn't let his arousal get the best of him. 'These bastards won't get away with this...' He vowed, laying still in the cage while he waited for... something.

With nothing else to do he just closed his eyes to rest and listened to the soft thrum of noise pouring in through the three small holes. Although it was hard to distinguish much from his constant pounding heartbeat, he was able to make out soft laughter and sounds of talking from somewhere nearby. He then widened his eyes as he heard a loud hot moan from a dragon nearby, followed by the sound of slapping and growls. The slapping was constant, and it only took Derek a few moments to start blushing, feeling his tip poke from its confines as the sound of two dragons mating filled his ears. 'God, where the fuck am I?' He tried for a moment to push away the thought and feelings of arousal, but then realized it didn't really matter at the minute. It wasn't like anyone was watching him enjoy the sounds. He was all alone.

He then lifted a hind leg with a heave, the heavy chain weighing it down a bit and took a look at his lengthening cock, watching the barbed underside slip from his slit. His balls hung low and he let out a muffled moan, wanting to reach his forepaws down to play with himself before remembering they were covered with mittens. He growled again, partly frustrated at the mittens and another part angry at how he was wanting to jerk off like this, captured by dragons like this. 'I should be trying to find a way out or something... But that wouldn't help right now. I just have to wait anyways, and if they're trying to do anything sexual to me when they let me out... Then maybe it would be better to let out my arousal now so they can't take advantage of it later?' It was a twisted philosophy, but for some reason, he didn't try to fight it.

He soon realized a faint tingly smell in the air filtering through the holes. It was exotic, like a fruity floral aroma that seemed to fill him with a feeling of arousal, causing him to let out a deep huff into his muzzle as it began to relax him more. He could tell it was affecting him, but as he got harder from the thought of all this he decided not to resist. He might as well get his mind off what was going to happen later and enjoy the kinky situation he was in while he had nothing else to do.

He then murred to himself as he remembered that his tail was free, drawing that up and around the rub the tip along the underside of his barbed rod, making a wave of pleasure tingle through his loins. He trilled in his muzzle, pressing his mittened paws against the walls in excitement. His tail then slowly curled around his length like a snake and softly stroked it, squeezing it gently as he used his tail to jerk himself off. The flowery scents didn't help as he began to moan into his muzzle, his mind now focused solely on the feelings between his hind legs. The situation he was in was so kinky that all he wanted was to let that all out, all that arousal quickly building up in him.

He curled up around himself, keeping his leg lifted as his tail pumped faster around his breeder, squeezing harder as to get himself off faster, not wanting to wait or tease himself right now. His eyelids were lowered in arousal, just feeling the chains and harness around him, realizing that whatever they were going to do with him, it would be by force, that was if he didn't give in first. He told himself he wouldn't but he knew that he would sure as hell be tempted to give in if it was anything like what he was going through now.

He then stopped his tail and moaning, hearing a voice nearby laugh. "Do you hear that moaning? Hehe, I think it's from one of those cages over there. Perhaps you should bring him out now while he's vulnerable.~"

Derek widened his eyes in horror, a deep surge of fear flowing through him as the situation he was in hit him harder. He withdrew his tail and tried to flip onto his stomach to hide his erection, cringing as he realized he was dripping at full mass from his strokes. 'Fuck! God, they're totally going to see this. Ok, just... Don't give in.' He peered through the hole in the cage, squinting as he saw a blue dragon near the cage, unable to make out much from the small hole.

It didn't take long for her to walk up to the cage and say to him, leaning down to put her maw up to the holes. "Well hello there, sweetie~ Looks like you're a little excited, are you? I think you'll have a lot more fun once you're out of this cage, don't you agree?" He then readied himself, trying to put on a fierce glare and muster up all the anger he had felt recently but surprisingly found it hard. For some reason his anger was calming, replaced by the growing arousal that threatened to overwhelm his senses.

He then was met with a rush of light as the door to the cage was unlocked and swung open, causing Derek to blink his eyes as they adjusted to the light. After only a moment the blue dragoness became visible to him, and he took in a long breath through his nose of the clean air. The dragoness was a little larger than him with snow-white chest scales, wings, and horns. Her scales were a sky blue and her eyes looked like diamonds. Her curvy hips and swaying tail seemed to entrance Derek for a moment, admiring her feminine form with a tinge of lust in his eyes. Everything about her seemed perfect, almost too perfect.

She chuckled as he admired her body, turning to the side to show off herself more, letting out a flirtatious giggle as she did. "I know, I'm quite a sight, aren't I? That's what all the new toys think when they see me."

"T-Toys?" Derek stumbled, pulling his eyes off her and then shaking his head, trying to glare back at her although part of him begged him not to. He then crawled out of the cage, realizing how tired and worn out he was, pushing himself to his feet, hearing the mitts clank against the ground, the chains around his ankle weighing down his paws. He managed to find a stable position finally though, and then wildly looked around, looking for some means of escape.

He was met with a deep growl from the dragoness and Derek looked back at her, watching as her blue eyes gave off a dark purple flare, igniting a spark of fear inside him, "Don't you even think of trying to run away. Your chained paws will only trip you, and I have hundreds of guards who will stop you and bound you even tighter if you try to run." He let out a muffled growl, lowering himself down into a pouncing position and spread his...

He then realized in surprise that his wings were bound as well to his side, a rope curling around them to keep them securely bound around him. She smiled back at him, her voice soft and peaceful despite the situation he was in. "Listen, darling. We don't want to hurt you. In fact, we want to give you pleasure beyond anything you can imagine... We want to make you a star, a dragon that others will come from across the world to see!" She slowly moved towards Derek, her eyes locking onto his as her eyes seemed to spin with purple fire. Derek tore his gaze away, knowing from his own hypnosis powers that she was trying to use some kind of spell on him.

He growled loudly, slamming his tail onto the ground in anger, which made her chuckle a bit. "Ah, I see. That's very interesting, you seem to know exactly what I'm trying to do and yet you can resist it." She then paused, walking in front of Derek in the empty white room, not looking at him while she spoke. She then raised her tail, making Derek tilt his head away for a second, knowing she was trying to win him over. His eyes couldn't look away though as she exposed her dripping ice blue lips of her pussy and blue ass to his view, her tail lifted as she spoke. "Every male soon finds himself lost in the pleasure that our facility provides and I promise that if you just relax and do as I say that you will find this much more enjoyable."

She then lowered her tail and walked back around Derek, admiring his body as she added, giving him a sly look, "Besides, I can tell you're enjoying this from the little tool between those legs of yours.~" Derek instantly blushed, trying to press his hind legs together to hide it from her view but of course, it did nothing. She just looked back into Derek's eyes and grabbed something from the top of the cage.

Through all this the scent in the air seemed to keep his anger at bay, putting him into a state of relaxation and arousal that seemed to control him much more than he wanted to admit. This became much more apparent as she brought out a pink collar and held it up to Derek's eyes. Her eyes began to spin again, and he found himself wanting to get lost in it, his rod dripping as he already began to give in, being so close to his orgasm back in the box making him more eager to give in to his desires.

She then showed him the letters on the heart-shaped pendant hanging on the end of it, and he let out a muffled moan as he read the words. 'Good Girl. Shit... Why the hell do I like this so much?' His brain screamed at his body to fight it, but he responded instead by throwing his neck back and letting her wrap the leather collar around his neck. He then watched as she brought a small metal key up to the collar, pressing it into a lock on the side, locking it firmly in place around the scales on my neck. I then let out a muffled cry as she then opened her mouth, and with a growl of her own, she dropped the key inside, swallowing it down her throat as she glared back at him, letting out a soft moan. "You won't be needing this anymore once we're done here. Now, follow me."

She then attached a chain to the loop on the collar next to the pendant, pulling him along with her as he followed beside her. She kept swaying her hips and taking short glances back at Derek to keep him in the trance, making his cock drip more as he realized how defenseless he was. She added, lifting her head and looking towards the door in front of them, "That's it, you'll make a good pet and toy for all the other males. Not like you have much of a choice in the state you're in." She then gave his leash a rough tug, making Derek fall over on his face. He blushed in humiliation, lowering his tail between his legs as he recovered himself, his cheeks flaming up as she led him through the door.

The room they were in before was metal and blank other than his cage, but as he entered this next room he was met with the most unexpected scene. The room he was covered in white tiles on the floor, walls, and roof. A large table for a dragon lay in the middle of the room, and a dark grey box lay in the corner. His heart for some reason jumped as he gazed at the light blue and hot pink floral designs all along the walls. They were like vines covering everything in the room, giving off the look of some sort of female-only laboratory. He even noticed a basket of feminine lingerie on one of the counters.

Derek looked up at the blue dragoness who looked around at the room with a devious smile. "Welcome, honey, to the feminization chamber. This is where males like you enter, and only females leave." She paused for a moment, letting this sink into Derek's mind as he gazed at the room in fear and arousal.

'No... There's no way she could mean that I... That she could...' His cock throbbed in excitement and he followed her as she led him to the table. There was a little sign on the base of the table, inscribed in the metal. She smiled and read it aloud, "Females only. That means you, darling.~" She pulled on the chain around his neck and then unhooked it from the loop as she saw Derek willingly giving in to the thought of what she was proposing. He'd always dreamt of things like this, being bound and transformed into a female but he never imagined it happening.

She added, making him let out a muffled moan as her tail curled around his hind leg for a moment, rubbing the tip along the underside of his sensitive and needy shaft. "It's not like you have much of a choice anyway. You're just our toy now, so do as I say and maybe I'll give you some pleasure at the end of it. Only if you're a good girl, that is.~"

Derek hesitated for a moment after he climbed onto the table, feeling the last of his fear in the back of his mind trying to break through and stop him. She noticed this though and then pressed a button on the side of the tail with her tail, causing Derek to gasp as a tight clasp wrapped around each of his paws, holding him down onto the table against his will. He then cried as he felt her wrap a rope tightly around his tail, stretching the rope to wrap the end around a hook in the roof, leaving his tail raised as she exposed him completely to her view.

He blushed heavily as he felt her breath on his external balls, her hot breath sending shivers down his spines. He then felt her press her nose up to his balls, taking in a deep whiff of his musk before also using her paw to rub along the underside of his engorged member. He could feel a few drops of pre drip down onto the palm of her paw and he leaned over into a breeding position, looking around the walls as he thought about what she was about to do to him. She spoke as well, voicing his wildest fantasies as she used her forepaw to rub at his exposed genitals. "That's a good girl, accepting your place already. You're so eager, aren't you? You just want to get rid of these filthy male bits so that you can become a beautiful horny sexy dragoness with a dripping cunt." She then withdrew her paw making him whine, watching as she then walked over to the grey box in the corner of the room.

He watched as she lifted her tail again, revealing her dragoness pussy to his view. She added, looking over her wing at him as she glared sexually into his eyes, "You see this pussy? You're about to have one just like mine. You're going to have males that just want to get under your tail so that they can breed you hard rough and fil you with their eggs. They'll just want to breed you, but that won't happen unless if I use this..." He then watched as she unlatched the box, and instantly felt a rush of sexual energy as the box was opened, revealing an array of purple and pink flowers from the case. This was the source of the aroma he'd been smelling this whole time that had overwhelmed his senses, but now being so close to the flower... It made him close his eyes, reaching towards the flower, needing more of that addicting and arousing smell.

She watched him, picking up and purple-pink flower and bringing it closer to Derek. "This, my love, is the smell you've been likely picking up since you first arrive here. These are rare plants that only bloom in the spring when all dragoness's are in heat. They give off a strong sensual aroma that, if you are a male, will make you want to spill your seed in something. But then again, if you're a female this will put into heat, making you literally beg to be bred and pleasured by anyone and anything no matter what it takes." She brought it closer, making Derek watch as the beautiful flower drew closer to his nose. "We have found that these special flowers also have the special power to change a male dragon into a dragoness when smelled at the center. The small pink seed pods enter your nose and instantly begin to bloom and change your genetic make-up by entering your bloodstream, causing any male to become a willing dragoness in heat."

"And you know what?" She then brought the flower inches from his snout, causing him to let out a loud moan into his maw as he felt his cock surge with heat and energy, sending pleasure through every part of him. "You're about to smell it. Your next breath will turn you into the needy slutty female you've always wanted to be. Here, you'll be used as a dragoness, used as a cum dump that males can pay for. They will take advantage of you and use you however you want. After all, you aren't really anything anymore. Just a pet and toy for males and you love that thought, don't you?" She curled her tail around his neck, pulling him closer to the flower. "Now, give up those vile male tendencies and become the slut you've always wanted to be.~"

Derek could feel the flower against his nose, and with a moan he took in a large deep breath, letting his body completely submit as he breathed in the nectar of the flower. After another large breath, she took the flower away and then uncurled her tail from his neck, watching him with a smile as she circled the table slowly. "Now, look at all the patterns and drawing along the walls. This is a breeding facility for males, and you're going to be just another toy for them to use. Embrace your femininity."

Derek then looked around slowly as he felt the sexual energy rush through his body, focusing specifically on the pleasure coursing through his crotch. Designs of flowers covered the wall, and he just now noticed that a few drawings covered the walls. They were drawings of females being bred and mated by males. Words began to appear in his mind as he closed his eyes, feeling his body take a more feminine form. 'Submissive. Beautiful. Delicate. Willing. Toy. Pet. Lingerie. Female...' The words kept going, but his mind soon became overwhelmed as he felt a paw on his cock again.

He had a hard time hearing as the changes coursed through him, but he was still able to hear her words as she spoke to him. "There we go! Look at your cock, dripping as it slowly shrinks down into your slit. And these balls..." She rubs her muzzle against the sack making Derek moan as he feels the feeling of her hot breath against them disappear. "A female doesn't need balls or a cock. She just needs a pussy, that way she can milk sperm from another male." He then threw his head back as the pleasure in his groin intensified, causing his legs to quiver as the feelings of his male bits between his legs began to fade, replaced by something else. He then soon felt her paw rubbing as a soft spot beneath his ass, making him widen his eyes in shock as he realized his balls were now gone. It then truly hit him as she ran her paw along his groin where his throbbing cock used to be, rubbing a digit against Derek's clit.

He squirmed against her touch, completely exposed to her touch as she pressed her maw up to his slit, letting her long warm tongue ran up between Derek's newly formed pussy. He felt a rush of pleasure through him and moaned to himself as he realized what she had done to him now. She then pulled her maw from his cunt and walked up to his face again, chuckling to herself as she did. "Does that feel good? My tongue between the lips of your cunt? That's what a female feels because that's what you are now. Look between your legs if you don't believe me."

Derek did so, looking between his hind legs and realizing that despite his heightened arousal his cock was nowhere to be found. Instead, he only felt a hot wet sensation between his legs and he moaned into his maw, the harness keeping him quiet. She added, looking into his eyes as hers began to spin again like a whirlpool. "You are now a full-fledged female. A dragoness who will serve her betters. You are in heat and needy. Also, I don't think Derek is a female name... Let give you a new one. One more fitting of your new position as a dragoness.~"

He moaned at her words, tensing up his pussy walls, wanting nothing more than a male to mount him. The blue dragoness then finished, staring into his eyes deeply as she gave him a new name, "Your name is Stella and you are a girl. You're a good horny girl who wants a big dominant male to mate her and breed her with his eggs. Aren't you, Stella?"

Stella nodded her head, moaning into her muzzle as she looked herself over, noticing her feminine curves and long sexy legs. She didn't have a cock anymore, she was a female. The blue dragoness then grabbed something from behind Stella, listening as she pulled something out from a drawer. It wasn't long before she felt the blue dragoness press something against her slit, and Stella moaned out in arousal as she told her, "Now, let's give you your first good breeding as a dragoness. This is a dildo, and this machine is going to fuck you like a real male. Then, once he's filled you and finished you you'll then be put into your own personal cell where you'll be used as a toy for any males to use for the rest of your days. Now, let's get you filled with some eggs.~"

Stella than arched her back as she felt the barbed tip of the penis press roughly up against her cunt, and she looked back and widened her eyes as a machine hung down from the roof with a large red dildo hanging from it, angling at her pussy so that it could breed her. Stella let out a muffled moan and pressed back against the toy, feeling it's thick length push deeper into her vent, clenching her walls around his cock in pleasure. She'd been wanting to cum for so long, and now she had the chance to release.

She eagerly moaned and humped back at the dildo, whining as it slowly pushed in inch by inch. She then began to realize how big this thing was as she looked back and realized it was only half inside her, already making her legs weak at taking in such a large cock. She shuddered in pleasure nonetheless, pressing back as the dildo pressed into her pussy. She then closed her eyes, imagining a horny dominant male over her, forcing her down as he rammed his cock into her vent, using her as a sex toy for his pleasure. 'That's what they're going to use me as after this. A sex toy for males to pay for... A pet~' She shivered in arousal at this, feeling her own climax already rise higher at all these thoughts, and the blue dragoness growled in arousal as she noticed.

"Aw, are you already about to cum girl? Doesn't it feel great to be bred, to have a big hard cock deep inside your wet cunt walls, dripping in arousal? If you want to cum, then fine. Let's get you filled with so much semen that your belly is going to bulge with them."

She then used a dial on some remote to speed up the dildo and within second Stella began moaning and shivering in pleasure as she felt her legs wanting to give out at the rough breeding. The cock slammed into her crotch roughly over and over, making wet squelches and slaps fill her ears as she got closer and closer to climax. She pulled against her restraints in excitement, realizing that she was about to cum as a female, bound and turned into a female by a strange facility. She was now completely a sex toy, and she moaned at the thought as the dildo made one last slam, pressing it's huge knot up into her vent, pushing inside with a plop! She clenched hard on it with a feminine cry of pleasure, snapping the tie around her muzzle as she finally opened her maw again in a blissful cry of release as her walls convulsed around the cock, riding out her orgasm and stroking the length within her.

Within second spurts of hot dragon cream shot inside her, filling her with a warm wet sensation inside her nether regions. The huge knot kept them locked together, preventing her from spilling any drips of his fertile seed from her hot cunt. She continued to involuntarily massage and milk his cock of every last seed, feeling waves after waves or his cream fill her. She soon began to feel heavy as his cream started filling her belly, looking down at it as it grew, watching as she literally filled her to the brim with his semen. Stella's legs collapsed, exhausted from her endeavor, keeping the cock locked inside her as she closed her eyes with her tongue out, riding out the dildo's climax.

Everything else around her began to fade away as she drifted off in pleasure, her eyes closed and her mind dulling as the huge length inside her continued to fill her up. The blue dragoness looked pleased and then brought in another dragon through a door on the side of the room. Stella couldn't make out their words though as she was too tired, and she soon found herself completely focused on the sperm in her cunt, most certainly impregnating her with her own clutch of dragon eggs. Even those feelings faded away though as she drifted off to sleep. 'There's no more Derek. He was a male. I am Stella, a horny slutty dragoness.' And with these thoughts in her mind, she drifted off.