An Evening In

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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WARNING The following fic, despite its seemingly innocent outlook, is in fact an artistically structured description of lewd body parts and graphic sexual conduct between beings of a furry, animalistic nature with excessively disproportionate anatomies. Anyone who still labours under the impression that any creature with fur is meant to be playful and cute and would never do anything to corrupt their fragile little minds is advised to please tune into Discovery or Animal Planet more often and better educate yourself on the true nature of wildlife before reading this. There shall be rutting and mating within so away all those who are squeamish! NOTES Not really much to say about this one. Basically I was just perusing the Yiffstar art forums and noticed a thread about macros and hyper furs. That combined with a little further research on known furry artists who deal in such kinks got the more perverted gears in my head turning and thus I decided to have a go at incorporating them into a story. This fic and all the contents within, as most will pretty much already have guessed, are copyright Klesk Vadrigaar 2006. Kudos and many thanks to Ebon Jackal for taking the time to proof read and review this. Your assistance is always appreciated my good canine! My e-mail address as always is [email protected] . Please drop me your thoughts on what you're about to read, even if it's just to say you thought it was utter shite and want to castrate me for besmirching this site with such immature drivel. As long as your criticisms concern the content of my work then I'm happy to hear them. Okay, begging parts done now. Let's begin.... An Evening In Written by Klesk Vadrigaar 7:43 p.m.? Dear heavens, is it really that late already? I blink and rub furiously at my burning eyes while I take another look at my computer screen clock. Yep, just as it said before: 17 minutes before the 20th hour of this day begins, 17 minutes before the TV stations turn over into the first hour of prime time programming, 17 minutes before Pamela gets back from her evening shift. 17 minutes before I officially go off the clock and I'm still only about half-way through this damn site's construction! I suck in a deep breath to overcome the initial shock and tell myself not to get worked up into a frenzy. Just take a moment to check what I've already done. Directory drives? Uploaded and ready. Client's database? Transferred in full with nothing lost. Required site photos, borders, links and other aesthetic decorations? Still mothballed but accounted for. See, you've gotten all the crucial stuff finished. Site might look a bit Spartan but it'll be ready for use by the end of the week. What's left is really just window dressing, they'll allow an extension for that. Breathing a sigh of relief, I lean back into my chair and run my tired paws through the thick, matted locks of my blue head fur. Gonna have to piss them off by haggling for extra time to get the thing completed but I'll deliver what they ask for when they need it. Another last minute victory for Keith, the most disorganised freelance web designer around! Shaking my head at my self-chiding (something I seem to be doing quite a lot of lately) I stretch my arms out so I can lean my paws on the chair's armrests while I think back to when I took on this job. Yeah sure they said it might be a bit much for one guy to handle but honestly, who could possibly have thought that a flipping lonely hearts site would take so long to get finished? Well, then again they do have about 2,000 subscribers and are rated among the top 3 in this community so I guess I should've had some inkling. Serves me right for not doing all the homework. I groan again and lean forward to open up another document, a checklist I keep of ways to better improve myself and my ability to do my job. So far it only contains about three points of interest: - Start going to gym on a regular basis. - Find a better apartment in a more cooperative neighbourhood. - Get married and settle down. I accomplished all of those some time ago. And now that I think about it, it's probably a good time for me to add a fourth one to that list: namely take more time each day to look around at your situation and remember what you've now got to show for your efforts. Might help you develop a little more of a positive outlook on yourself. Hmm, on second thought probably should add a fifth one: Buy yourself a chair that's more suited to your size. Using Pamela's is just causing undue problems with the constant need for adjustments and how you can't reach the keyboard while reclining in it. I make the two additions and then tell the computer to print the document. After sitting here for hours on end it's high time I took a break and this will give me the perfect excuse to go into the kitchen and get a nice, refreshing... Shit! Oooph! Okay, better highlight and underline that last part about buying a smaller chair. At least so I can use the lower level alcove in this desk. That is why it's there after all. Groaning again, I pick myself up from where I've fallen onto the floor. I guess I should be thankful that I'm big enough so that I'm only a few feet off the ground when seated. A normal morph would probably have been killed falling off my wife's chair but for a 25 foot wolf like me the worst I have to suffer is another blow to my self esteem and maybe a bruise or two in the parts of me that are bigger and softer than the rest. Dusting my pants down (and checking that said parts are okay) I grab the checklist out of the printer and head out of the den, taking my previously stated advice and pausing to look around the interiors of the foyer before I enter the kitchen. Our apartment, by the standards of society isn't anything particularly special. Probably would only qualify as 'comfortable' at best, but it's of a decently large size (even more so in my case) with furnishings that perfectly suit a couple with an exceptionally large height difference. Add to that a reasonably affordable rent and possibly some of the nicest neighbours around and it's a pretty sweet deal. Certainly enough to force at least a small smile out of me as I push open the door to the kitchen and head over to grab the step ladder mounted on a railing over the cupboards and slide it to the fridge. (I generally have no problem getting stuff from under the counter tops but anything on or above them is another matter) After climbing up to grab one of the magnets on the door, I secure the checklist in a place where it's on eye level for me and step back so I can view it for a moment. - Start going to gym on a regular basis. - Find a better apartment in a more cooperative neighbourhood. - Get married and settle down. Just three little things, typed up in size 12, Times New Roman. And God what an impact they can make on a guy's life. Feeling a little jaunt down memory lane approaching (which given how I'm currently feeling might actually do me some good), I prise open the fridge door and get out a beer before going back to staring at the list. To think, not so long ago I was a teenager at risk of succumbing to all the trappings and small time sins that morphs of my stature are told to be wary of. There's quite a number of us out there, the 'in-betweens' as we're so eloquently termed. Too big to enter the fold of standard morphs yet too small to qualify as macros. While generally both sides do their best to accept us, it has to be said that the standard furs are more wary. And, though it pains me to admit it, with good reason. Flick on the news any week and I guarantee you at some point if there's not a report of some teenage yobs who've caused a ruckus trying their paws at the whole Godzilla thing of wrecking total urban destruction (usually though only in the abandoned districts where the buildings are due to be demolished anyways) then there'll be one about one of us who's been involved in an 'accident' with a normal fur (hey, it's not like we can be expected to look at the ground all the time). Nobody really knows what possesses us to go crazy. Maybe frustration at being one of those who doesn't quite fit into either society, maybe a high from the power of being taller and stronger than the normal ones. Whatever the reason, it doesn't sit too well with our smaller brethren. Granted they've always been as distrustful of us as they have towards anything else that's different to them (smaller bodies, narrower mindsets it seems) but things like rogue giants turning their cities into rubble on a daily basis really goes a way towards cementing opinions. As a result, those of us that don't want to opt for either hiding in the woods or getting sent to one of the sectioned territories for 'problem morphs' generally try sticking with the full sized macros. It was my attempt to try and do the above that lead me to Trevor. My parents had initially moved to an area just outside the domain of normal sized morphs, something about wanting to expose their kit to a more 'sensible' mindset of society. I don't know if they were simply misinformed or just being unbelievably short sighted but as you can guess this didn't make for a very nice growing up experience. From the start it was clear the majority of the population near where we lived were never going to accept me. Sure they did take care to keep me forewarned about the terrible things that my larger brethren did in their neck of the land, and make sure I knew how lucky I was to be among the smaller kind that were civilised and well intentioned, but most of the time both were usually just done for the pleasure of putting me down. To add to that, those of my kind that I did meet hanging around in the more urban parts generally laboured under the belief that the normal morphs were just a bunch of prejudicial bastards and anyone who didn't want to join them in their enactments of retribution on them for making our lives hell was obviously not fit to be a friend of theirs. As a result I basically began segueing into a self destructive course of action that grew worse with each passing day. Receiving prejudice from both sides and basically being made to feel like a total outcast is never easy for anyone. But to someone like me, who hates being alone and in all honesty has never been that confident of himself, it was like a continuous wound to the heart. One which, thanks to the escalating divides between societies, just kept getting bigger and bloodier as the years wore on. Frankly I find it amazing even today that I didn't attempt suicide at some point. Anything to get myself out of the way and to where I wouldn't bother anyone with my pointless presence (see, there I go again). It was a dark period all around but thankfully I didn't do anything as stupid as I fantasised about. I instead just started scouring for a means to either move or find someone to help me deal with my anguish. Thinking over it now, it's actually kind of ironic that I'm recalling this after spending the day working on a lonely hearts site, for it was perusing through the lonely hearts section of a local newspaper that I came across an ad asking for a roommate. It did admittedly sound a bit suspicious at first glance (the guy who'd posted it stated that he was looking for someone who had "problems that need fixing") but it was going for a heck of a lot less than what was on offer near where I was and it said it was located in a different city away from normal morphs so who was I to complain? As decisions go, it was the first right one I think I'd made in almost a decade. Trevor was, and still is, one of the most decent and understanding guys you could hope to meet, never judging by their size and always there for those whom he considers friends. The fact that he's also 65 feet of rippling alligator muscle does help somewhat too. Things between us at first were, to be honest, rather awkward. After having been exposed to the ostracizing attitudes of normal morphs for so long I was half expecting macros would treat me among the same lines. After all if we 'in-betweens' are vicious then it stands to reason that creatures with even more height and strength would be even more so. Plus it's not like those unfortunate back packers and campers who often get reported in the obituaries eat themselves after all. Trevor, however, was firm in putting those fears to rest. He showed me that while there are the occasional titans who prefers a more feral way of behaviour it's not an accurate reflection of macros in general and as time moved on, I found myself amazingly beginning to feel more at home with both him and the others in the community. Despite their towering heights and bodily proportions that would make one wet themselves with fear, there is, quite incredibly, something about just being among giants that makes you feel comfortable with them after a while. As the years went on, it was this growing comfort that eventually lead to the friendship between me and Trevor growing deeper, to the point where we essentially stopped being just roommates and became live in lovers. Yes, I suppose to many the idea of anyone my size trying to get intimate and sexual with a being that's over twice my height and more than seven times my mass may sound rather impractical if not downright impossible to imagine. But then, the process is greatly added by the fact that, much like our full sized friends, we 'in-betweens' are designed rather...'differently' to the standards. I am forced to take the can away from my lips as a chuckle brews up inside me and I feel my tail begin to wag. Looking down over the front of my jeans, I gently rub over my crotch and the inside of my left leg, feeling that inner sense of special thanks when my paw senses how much the denim is strained over the contents in each area and I am reminded just how much I've got packed in there. Remember those 'bodily differences' I mentioned? Well it seems that just as it applies to macros, it applies even more so to us. I honestly have no idea whether it's just a quirk of our genetics, or whether one of the creators up in the heavens just really felt sorry for us but what we smaller giants lack in size, we more than make up for in genital endowments. Most males around my height are usually gifted with penises that can get as long as 12 to 13 feet (I've even seen some that even make it to 15) while females are as delightfully top heavy as their larger sisters, and can usually take close the same sized cocks as they can too (assuming such organs aren't already part of their own anatomy). I myself am around 12.5 feet long when fully erect with a girth of just over 3 feet, a feature that's complimented very nicely by my testicles which reach near to my knees and are each big enough for me to produce quite a few gallons with each ejaculation (impressive I'm sure, but unfortunately that's not even close to the record for my kind). Call it a freakish twist of nature, for most of us it's the greatest redeeming grace for being stuck as ones who can't conform either to the worlds of giants or little people. It's certainly what helped make my later times with Trevor all that much more special. Even now as I think back to over the nights we were together I can't help but shudder as I recall what it was like. Sex truly is a unique experience when you're small enough that each part of your lover's body is like its own independent area of wonder and pleasure, yet big enough in the right areas so that you always have the reassurance that he can shaft you safely without harm and, if so desired, you can do the same to him. It would always start with hugging. I don't know if it's because I have fur and he has scales (which, let me tell you, are two textures that go amazingly well together) but Trevor always liked to embrace me first and just hold me like a parent would with a child that's in need of comfort. Usually this would then lead to kissing, which in itself was quite an experience having a snout big enough to fit my whole torso in press itself against my muzzle while a massive tongue would help stroke and comfort mine. After a while of this I'd usually be feeling both relaxed in body and hard in cock so things would continue. He'd lie down and I'd spend up to an hour clambering around his form, skritching and licking at all his sensitive areas. His stomach was always my favourite area as the bulging scaly abs and obliques provided both a great amount of support and a nice ribbed surface of hills and valleys that always felt heavenly when I'd lay my shaft down on top and either rub myself against the scaly texture or let him crunch his muscles around me and provide a nice tight fit for me to thrust against. Most of the time I usually liked to keep crawling and doing this act of rubbing myself against him until I'd coated the whole of his gorgeous front in pre and we'd both licked him clean. From then it'd usually go two ways: either I'd make my way up to his head and he'd use that wonderfully long snout of his to tend to my arousal, or more usually I'd turn around and focus my attention on his. Like most macros, Trevor has an endowment that's roughly equal to just over half his entire body length when fully erect. And to a smaller one such as myself that's a sight that's pretty hard to beat in terms of beauty (so far, Pam's the only one that's managed). On most nights the two of us could easily spend in excess of two hours showing our adoration on that thing, him licking and suckling on the head while I'd hug and slobber over the base, diverting every so often to skritch at and shower equal love on his immense balls. This as you can imagine got pretty messy after a while but to me that merely made the experience more enjoyable. Precum, be it from a reptile or a mammal, is a wonderfully warm and soothing substance when it flows down your fur, and once the flood had started I'd generally be inclined to put double the effort into making Trev feel good, enjoying all the streams of flowing liquid that would spurt and heat my body until he would finally pick me up and place me on the base of his tail, wanting for me to make use of my own impressive shaft to finally bring the situation to an earth shattering climax. Damn! I'm gonna rip my jeans apart if I keep this up. I'm also gonna drink myself into a stupor if I don't put the beer away and get back to work. Checking my watch, I sigh and take one last sip before placing the can back in the fridge. Considering it's a brand meant for full size titans the potency is enough that I can generally get floored with very little amounts if I don't watch myself (plus the cans are too big for me to finish on my own anyway). Turning to head back into the den, however, I still find myself thinking over my first few months with Trevor, and my cock shows how happy it's finding the memories with another pulse against the confines of its tight denim prison. At first I admit that our relationship began somewhat as an act on my behalf to just keep Trevor pleased, but pretty soon it got to be serious when that gator started taking steps to help me turn my life around. And I guess if anyone were to ask me now, I'd say I probably love him as much as I do my wife. Actually looking back on it, I can't help but wonder if that wily reptile planned for things to happen that way. Certainly would help to explain what he meant when he mentioned he was looking for a roommate "with problems that need fixing". Six months after moving in, Trevor finally got me to tell about why I'd been so eager to answer his ad, which in turn lead to a discussion about how I needed to try rebuilding myself now that I was no longer in the problem ridden world of the standards. He suggested I have a think and write down some goals that I'd like to accomplish in my life time, and thus I produced the very same document that I just finished admiring. Everything from then on in, passed by like a dream. In fact I'd almost be willing to bet it was a dream if the poignant reminders of reality weren't so abundant everywhere I look around my apartment. I joined a gym Trevor recommended and began an extensive weight lifting programme, something which seems pretty much like a mandatory requirement among macros (well you don't honestly think they're born with those Adonis like bodies do you?) and for me, a perfect way to regain some degree of my confidence. It wasn't exactly the most steady of regimes but the results were definitely worth all the pain, as well as the occasional injury (my fault entirely). It also was what in turn lead me to hir. Yes, as if to further the suspicion about Trevor's intentions, he recommended to me the very same gym that the 55 foot feline goddess I am now humbly privileged to call my mate was a personal trainer at. As I clamber back up the side of said mate's chair and sit down to resume with working on the website I can't help but look down at my arms and flex as I continue with my recollection. To say the first few times working out were difficult would be an understatement of the grossest calibre. As if the switch to an environment where you're suddenly one of the smaller morphsons instead of the bigger (and those around you are mostly huge lumbering sculptures of muscle) wasn't hard enough on me, the thought of having to work my then decidedly scrawny build while the titaness of my dreams struts hir stuff, checking for anyone who might need a helping paw practically made me want to run and hide away in shame. Possibly I think the only real thing that enabled me to keep coming back regularly (on the days when Trevor wasn't nice enough to pick me up and drag me there) was the knowledge that a girl of Pamela's calibre couldn't possibly want anything to do with a puny little lupine who's barely half hir height. At least, that's what I assumed was the case. thoughts are momentarily interrupted as I look over the requested colour scheme for the site. I know they said they wanted the theme to be romantic yet placid but is cerulean on pink really a tasteful way to express that? I open up a paint box programme and begin tinkering with several other shades while my mind slips back to musing on when Pam and I were at last formerly introduced. To this day I can only guess what caused hir to focus hir attention on me when there were a half dozen other full sized and perfectly suitable macros making use of the mats. Maybe shi was drawn to the sight of a little 'in-between' trying to measure up to the same standards as the other occupants. Maybe shi found it encouraging how I was soaked with sweat and seemed to be on the verge of collapse yet kept pushing myself to go further and do better. Maybe it was because back then I had absolutely no idea how to do push ups properly. Still not all that good at them even today. Whatever the reason, I can only recall struggling to lift the 200 or so kilos I had stacked on my back, only to slip and find myself falling face first into the clutch of two strong paws rather than the floor. As they gently laid me down and lifted the weights off I could only bury my face into the foam of the mat and pray to the heavens that the one who'd just witnessed me make an utter ass of myself wasn't who I feared it was. I think I kept praying like that for a full five minutes before my ears were assaulted by what I can only describe as the sweetest sound imaginable asking if I was okay, and then reluctantly lifting my head up to behold a gigantic pair of feline feet and legs, both covered in golden fur and bulging with incredible amounts of chiselled muscle that enticed my eyes to move (much against my mind's commands) up along their length to behold the hips and upper body of, Hold on, did the elevator just ding outside? I stop what I'm doing and lean over to listen more intently. Yep, there's the expected rumbling of heavy foot steps, each sounding like a miniature earthquake followed by the sound of a key turning in the lock to our front door. Pamela's home. "Keith? I'm back, sweetie." Shi calls out, accentuating hir words with a slam of the door and the titanic THUMP! of hir gym bag being dropped in the hallway. Dear God! Even with all the time that's passed since we first met my body still tingles with excitement at the sound of hir voice. Even though shi's only been gone for at the most six hours it still seems like too long and to hear hir now just suddenly makes the evening seem all that much more cheery. "Had a busy day?" I ask shakily, knowing that it's a perfectly normal thing to say to someone who's just returned from work yet still unable to believe that I'm saying it to the one I'm married to. "Aside from having to administer first aid to Lucy after shi fell off the treadmill for the third time? No, it was pretty average." Shi replies, sounding decidedly relieved yet I can't help noting there's a sprinkling of disappointment to hir tones. "Again? I thought shi'd have learned hir lesson after last week." I state, looking towards the entrance to the den as shi steps in, swigging from a water bottle that looks big enough to fill a pond. Dear God, again. There shi is, standing there looking like shi does every time shi comes back from hir evening work out, and yet I still can't help but feel my throat running dry with awe. Everywhere I look hir golden fur is shimmering and matted with sweat, plastered to her body and looking ready to burst with trying to contain the swelling and flawlessly developed muscle underneath. From hir thick, sinuous arms to hir tight six pack abs and obliques, and then down to hir bulging calves, everything's shown off in perfect detail, confined only by the indicative curves of hir femininity and pulsing with the signs of being put through a gruelling but thorough bout of exercise. While I'm all too well aware that macros take great pride in building their bodies up to the optimum attainable peak, Pam's the only one I've seen thus far that knows how to both get everything huge and perfectly proportioned to hir body frame. As is typical of hir preferences, shi's wearing a green tank top that looks to be stretched past critical mass over the mountains of hir breasts, barely managing as it is to stay positioned over the tops while the huge tan furred swells remain happily on display underneath and around the sides. As shi then moves over to sit on the couch I can also make out the line of ragged holes down the middle of the fabric where it's started to tear from trying to contain hir chest (having no real inhibitions to speak of, Pam has always enjoyed the impending feeling that hir clothes may give at any second while shi's out in public). "That's just what I keep trying to tell hir. But despite the continuous indications that shi's pursuing a lost cause it seems shi simply won't stop trying until shi either inflicts a life threatening injury on hirself, or the laws of physics suddenly undergo a revamp and begin to work in hir favour." My wife shakes hir head in sadness and takes another swig of water while I sneak a look at hir shorts. Unlike the top, they're made of a special type of spandex designed to expand around excessively large endowments (that after all is not an area you'd want to have exposed while around heavy weights or running belts) but even so they're still pretty tightly stretched over the monstrous bulge between hir legs. Christ, I can't tell if shi's wearing a strap or the rush of adrenaline from working out has brought about an onset of arousal but I swear that thing seems even bigger than normal. And of course looking at it just makes my own considerably well sized collection of organs in that region step up their campaign to be released from the confines of their container so they can properly show their appreciation. Quickly I drop my paws into my lap and try to keep everything quiet down there, or at least redirect it down a path that won't result in outright total destruction of my lower garments. When this meets with a perhaps lesser degree of success than I'd like, I frantically try to come up with something that may provide a bit of incentive for my cock to cool its heels for a while. Of all things, this in turn causes my mind to come back to the same question I've been asking myself ever since that fateful first meeting: out of all the perfectly respectable (and far more sensibly sized) males around, why the hell did shi choose me? I mean, like I said before, I'm hardly what you'd call special. Barely waist high when stood next to hir, no real special features aside perhaps from a generously proportioned love handle, nothing in terms of social status that would make me stand out in the community, pretty much just zip. Don't get me wrong, not a day goes by when I don't thank the heavens for giving me such a great bout of luck, but still, one can't help but wonder as to the motivations behind it. "I gotta admit I've really had to contemplate the possibility that this may be the first one that gets away from me." Huh? I turn back to my wife, making sure to look at hir face this time instead of hir physical charms, and am shocked to see how hir pretty, feline features seem to genuinely be upset about something. Setting hir water bottle on the coffee table shi curls hir tail into hir lap and proceeds to start picking at the hairs on the end, a nervous habit shi's been trying to break hirself of for some time but still does on the occasions when something's really bothering hir badly. "What's wrong, Pamela?" I ask with worry while I slide off the chair (taking care to look down and ensure I land on my feet this time) and walk over to rub hir leg. Shi still feels pretty slick with sweat but it's doing wonders for accentuating the normal scent of hir body and for a moment I start to feel light headed. Except that in the next moment Pam looks down at me with those soft blue eyes of hirs that make me go weak at the knees and takes another deep breath, causing me to instantly snap back to attention as I hear an audible series of pops and creaks as more of hir top is ripped apart by the expansion of hir chest. "I just don't know what to do about it. I mean I gotta admire hir determination and focus in the matter but there's still no denying the fact that shi simply just doesn't have the right build for track racing and is just hurting hirself by trying. Increasingly so with the weight training regime shi so feverently insists upon pursuing." I swallow and give a sort of half nod as I look up to see Pam pull the elastic band out of hir hair and shake it loose before flopping limply back onto the couch, bringing another short series of rips and tears as hir breasts are again forced against the fabric that's hopelessly struggling to keep them in. By now my ears are folded back and I'm kicking myself sore with internal self loathing. I mean my wife is obviously very bothered about this issue with hir client, and all I can do is keep staring at hir chest pondering how much longer that top can survive the merciless barrage from the two massive orbs obviously demanding release. "Um...didn't you say you already explain to hir about this?" I struggle to get out. Yeah, well thought out, Keith. Like that's really going to help matters right now. "I gave hir the whole slides and sheet lecture, showing how shi can't be both Miss Muscle Horse and Miss Speed Freak. It's either one or the other but shi still remains unconvinced." Shi sighs again and leans forward to rest hir head against hir paw, thereby making my problem of where to focus my attention even harder as the light from the ceiling catches on the deep valley of cleavage visible through the holes in hir top and adds a complimentary shadow to the shapely nipple pressing against the fabric on the far side, showing off its state of perkiness and the perfect circular shape of the areola around it. Looking at this I suddenly hear a much closer sounding creak and try to quickly lower my hands down to my crotch but it's too late. My paw pads sting as they're struck by the force of my fly button finally deciding it's no use trying to keep my jeans closed and flying off to find some less strenuous form of employment. Seconds later this is followed by the zipper underneath resolving that it's just causing me undue pain in its present state and breaking apart to release some of the pressure. Feeling my cheeks redden with shame (thankfully their natural dark blue colour helps hide this) I move my fingers down to try and muffle the sounds, praying with every fibre of my being that my pants aren't going to explode at that moment as I tear my eyes away to try and prioritise my thoughts. Pam doesn't seem to have noticed my aversion but I still feel like an utter wretch. A gorgeous cat is pouring out hir problems to me in hopes of finding a sympathetic ear so what do I do? Leer and get hard. "Why is shi so desperate for big muscles if shi wants to be a runner?" I ask as I move over and grab a cushion to help heave myself onto the couch (it actually has a small stairway fitted to the side for such a task but my method provides better exercise). Pam's lips noticeably tense as I sit down next to hir, meaning I've hit upon the true root of the problem. "Shi says shi wants to be more like me and the other personal trainers. Hard and huge so shi'll look more imposing towards guys and give them a reason to think twice before trying to make a move on hir." Pam's gaze falls to hir bicep and shi flexes, watching as the veins bulge around a muscle that even males of hir stature would be envious of. "Shi just doesn't understand that more bulk means more weight, which in turn means less aerodynamics and less speed." Shi turns to look at me and I'm tempted to temporarily forget about my self rebuking if it means I can divert more effort to getting lost in those soulful eyes of hirs. "If shi honestly wants to be a track race star shi should think about toning down and going for your type of build." I blink at the compliment. Not so much because I feel like I don't deserve it but because it's delivered so unexpectedly. Feeling my cheeks redden again I look down the front of my shirt and trepidly raise a paw to feel over what's underneath. While Trevor may have been the one who started me on the road to self improvement, Pam, without a doubt, was the one who helped lead me to the finish. After our first encounter shi offered to be my personal trainer (how I managed to accept without fainting dead away from the shock still surprises me to this day) and it was under hir careful guidance that I experienced my true transformation. Far from the scrawny teen that was just pretty much just lean meat and badly conditioned fur hanging off a skeleton, I've now become quite a lithe, well muscled little adult. Still nowhere in the same league as the larger wolves around these parts but at least I can walk past a mirror and be glad of what's reflected back at me, even if Pam does worry from time to time over how I seem to have such little fat content. "You...really think I've got the shape for track running?" I ask hesitantly. It's a stupid sounding question but I can't come up with any other reply. "Definitely more so than what Lucy's got at the moment." Shi answers with a brightening grin. I watch as shi lowers hir arm and murr at the feel of huge soft fingers first tousling though my long mane of head fur then moving it aside to massage the nape of my blue furred neck. "You could perhaps do with a few more meals but yeah, you've definitely got it where it's needed." Shi chuckles and I'm forced to follow along with hir. Hir laughter often does wonders to ease my worries. Murring a little more loudly I lean back into the feel of my kitten's paw, letting the warmth of hir skin and hir scent put my chiding mind in a better state of ease. Pam takes the message and moves down to scratch over my back, extending hir claws so they lightly graze across the ridges of my spine, poking and prodding at all the areas that have become tensed up from sitting at the computer all day so they start to unwind a little. When shi then moves up to massage my neck again I feel a hard smoothness slide itself across my shoulder blade and have to smile a bit wider as I turn around to catch the sparkle of the gold ring around hir third finger. While it was actually designed to be an arm bracelet, given the length and width of my wife's fingers it still proved to be a perfect fit (plus getting a smaller duplicate made for myself proved to be far less of a hassle than buying separate rings). Regardless of whatever its original function may have been, the message it sends now is exactly what it should be: Pam is mine and I'm hirs. At times I may still have difficulty believing it but that's the case till death do us part. "God listen to me, jabbering endlessly on about my problems and I haven't even thought to ask how your day's been." I crane my neck to meet hir eyes and shake my head to let hir know it's okay. Sensing the traces of sweat on hir paw are still helping to bring more of hir scent to my nose I feel an urge to look for a more readily available source where I can fill each breath with my wife's smell and naturally my eyes lock onto hir crotch. Again the need for self berating begins to stir within me, but now with the massage and hir attention focused wholly on me I feel my body go into auto pilot and gently lower itself down onto the vast, firm expanse of hir thigh while my face rests itself on the black spandex clad mountain of hir maleness. "That bad, huh?" Pam asks, now with a refreshingly lighter and more humorous tone to hir voice as shi rubs my back. I stall for another moment so I can take a deep breath. The smell is thick and heavy, pungent sweat mixed with strong male musk and light female fragrance. It's a combination I fast become drunk on as I roll over and gaze again into the limpid pools of her eyes. "Nah, just tiring. Damn site's proving to be harder than a MasterMind Sodoku puzzle, and as far as I'm concerned the company behind it has absolutely no taste for aesthetics whatsoever." Pam smirks and I feel as though I'm in the middle of a relaxingly mild earthquake as shi snickers. "Awww, my poor little web designer, blighted forever by those nasty corporate big wigs." Shi moves hir paw down and starts stroking my stomach. "You'll still get it finished in time though, right?" My gaze falls away as a thought resurfaces. "Barely, as usual. No thanks to my poor planning." Pam's stroking stops as shi cocks hir head. "What do you mean?" Feeling my cheeks get hot with shame again I roll over and press my face into hir abs. "I don't know. Just it seems like every time I get a commission I always manage to finish it only by the skin of my teeth. I always expect it to be a quick and easy job and it always turns out to take far longer than I anticipated." Feeling the golden fur lightly tickling my nose I press my face further into the six pack of hir stomach and sigh. God, shi feels like a rock wrapped in soft, fluffy pillows and blankets; furriness and firmness in one golden package. Instantly I am reminded of why, like Trevor, hir stomach is one of my favourite parts of hir anatomy for sleeping (Since we moved in I don't think I've ever actually used the bed. My wife's body is far more comfortable). And as I nuzzle in further I again feel that prick in my mind, asking just what the hell did I do to really deserve hir? "I'm such a disorganised slob, why do I never learn?" I mutter without thinking, regretting the choice of words almost instantly but knowing they're the only way to describe how I'm feeling right at the moment. Suddenly I feel a pair of claws pinch the back of my shirt and pull me up into a sitting position on hir scrotum. Yelping slightly at the tug I look up and am met with a now sterner stare as Pam cups my chin with hir paw. "Come on now Keith, you that isn't true. You're still getting started out in this field and you need some time to adjust. It'll come to you eventually just like everything else in your life has. Don't beat yourself up over it." Withering under the gaze (which I'd imagine would be a pretty natural reaction for anyone when being stared down by a giant cat) I lean forward and look sullenly at where hir stomach disappears into the waist band of hir shorts. "But that's just it, why does everything come so easily to me? Why suddenly after all the years of being discriminated against and exiled is everything now suddenly going right for me?" I know in my heart of hearts it's not something one should really bother questioning, but try as I might the doubt and fear still gnaws at me. Unlike before, however, it's not allowed to take possession of me and work me over into a suicidal state of mind as it did when I was a teen. With another cup under my head, my beloved giantess brings me up and I am forced to gasp as the huge sheet of hir kitty tongue drapes itself over my face. "Because at your core you're a wonderful morphson, and that's what wonderful morphsons deserve." Shi says softly while continuing to lick me. Having not had a whole lot of contact with other felines in my life I don't know if shi's a special case, but my wife's tongue has the strangest texture to it. Kind of rough and a little abrasive but always very warm and wet. It makes me shiver from the weird feeling whenever it's against my fur, an odd combination of foreignness and comfort. It can be a major turn for me on if shi does it properly and just a nice act of trust and intimateness if not. Right now, it's the former of the two and I'm instantly reminded that I currently have a rapidly hardening pole lower down that's not going to stand for imprisonment much longer and will stage a vicious break out if not granted bail. "Pam...mmph...Pamela...please." My voice drifts in and out as I try to get away from the wet assault long enough to speak. Unfortunately, my actions merely culminate in me leaning forward and feeling something first clip then snap against my nose before I am suddenly over come again with Pam's intoxicating scent and feel my muzzle being sandwiched between two supple walls of warm flesh. Of course. Shi's leaning forward in order to lick me so the next thing past hir head's inevitably going to be hir chest, and right now I've got my face resting against what I can only describe as the place that makes me feel safest and most comfortable. While I sadly can't really make use of my wife's breasts for sleeping (they're too big to function as pillows and are amazingly effective at suffocating you if you slip and become sandwiched between them) I nonetheless hold them in very special regard. Their excessively large size (if I remember correctly, the last time I asked shi said they're equivalent to about a 50 MM cup) is apparently part of the motivation behind why Pam takes exercise and fitness so seriously. Even though macros in general are blessed with super strong spines and back muscles in order to compensate for the extra weight up front, Pam's nonetheless taken exceptional care over the years to make sure the rest of hir body is fit and strong enough to compliment the size of hir endowments, and as far as I'm concerned it's a good match up. Hir breasts provide the prefect amount of enticing, pliable comfort to contrast against hir rock hard muscles and hir muscles offer all the strength and support necessary to compliment hir breasts. "Mmmph, I so love feeling you there." Shi coos while wrapping hir arms around me and hugging tightly. "And believe me you have every right to be there." I know by now any attempts to protest will be useless so I merely just murr again and bring my paws up under the straps of hir top to massage over the exposed swells of tan furred mammary there, pressing and kneading the flesh as best I can while trying to ignore the increasingly painful sensation in my groin as my jeans start to split along the seams. "I know you think you're not worthy of being my mate but you have to look further that just physical parameters in this. You took a huge step coming here, away from the relative safety of the standards where you at least had the assurance of being of the dominant variety which everyone had to respect. And ever since then you've made so many efforts to change and improve yourself it's simply just awe inspiring. Both to me and to everyone else." I murr again as I feel hir lips kiss my hair and my neck. "And as for why I agreed to be part of your life? Well just think back to what I said on the night you proposed to me if you're looking for the answer to that." I carefully, and rather reluctantly, pull myself free of the confines of hir breasts while I think back to the occasion in question. Given the sheer bizarreness of that night it's never strayed far from my mind anyway. A long while after Pam and I had finally made the shift from social associates to full on couple, the occupants of an apartment in a nearby building vacated their residency and thus two of hir clients who lived there did us the favour of reserving it for us. Pam in turn showed hir thanks by arranging for a little housewarming party to get to know the other neighbours and thus we found ourselves one night playing host and hostess to all manner of different types of morphs and creatures. To say Pam and I made an impression would be an understatement. Indeed I scarcely think anyone in the entire building will ever forget the antics that occurred that night. Recounting it now, I really should have expected that such an event would inevitably change from innocent social gathering to all out wild orgy. The alcohol was flowing freely, more than a fair number were dressed in provocative wear, we'd chosen a rather serene but romantic selection for background music and anyway just having a bunch of giant, hyper endowed morphs in a confined space is asking for things to get kinky. It was at some point as I was bringing out the tenth cases of wine and beer that Pam suddenly burst into the kitchen, looking rather flushed and choked up about something as shi whipped around and slammed the door shut. Shi had in fact been looking like that for sometime since the party had gotten started but now shi was hunched over and looking ready to burst into tears. Concerned that playing hostess was perhaps getting to be a bit too stressful I quickly stood to ask if all was okay, only for hir to turn around and reveal a massive hard on leading all the way up from hir crotch and poking out of hir shirt collar to partially obscure hir face. When I asked what the hell was going on, shi replied that while I was busy getting more refreshments, Ezria, the dragoness that lives next door to us (and who possibly may have had just a bit too much to drink) had decided things needed a bit of spicing up and was currently getting ready to give everyone a lap dance on the floor of the den. Instinctively I asked what should we do to try and stop hir, upon which Pam practically floored me with the bombshell of saying that Ezria had requested that shi join hir and shi'd just come in to give me a heads up that things were about to get very steamy. Staggered as I was by this, I nonetheless followed out to watch as my then lusted after girlfriend and now loving wife, proceeded to head out and give everyone a literal eye popping extravaganza. Having seen a few strip shows during my teen years I'm well aware that such a thing is usually at least quasi co-ordinated so that the stripping partially takes place in harmony with the flow of the music. Not so with macros. For them it's something that's far more feral. And, if I may honestly say, a lot more beautiful. Pam and Ezria started first with a little circling, twisting and moving their bodies around to the music in a fashion that, while very provocative, was done with an amazing amount of gracefulness while they made little biting motions with their maws and sized each other up like predators hungry for meat. Ezria made the first move by grabbing Pam's paw and twirling hir around into an embrace. The two made eye contact and shared a quick kiss to let each other know they intended no actual harm to each other before Ezria grabbed a handful of Pam's shirt and let hir break away from the embrace, causing a sleeve and part of the garment's front to be torn off so one of Pam's breasts now swung exposed. The provocative circling began again and on the next big crescendo, Ezria leapt at Pam, only for hir to catch the dragoness underneath hir buttocks and hold hir aloft. As the current song ended and the next one began my mate started to slowly twirl the two of them around, moving like a ballerina would with hir partner as Ezria carefully held hir arms aloft to help maintain balance and smiled coyly down at the feline. This continued for about two minutes until the song's rhythm began to speed up again, whereupon Pam promptly grabbed the front of Ezria's tight pants with hir teeth and proceeded to tear it clean away, letting the dragoness's gigantic scaled balls and sheath swing free as shi let hir drop to the ground and step away to begin circling again. The next song to start up was of the slow, salsa variety and both girls took the opportunity to make use of their claws. With each click of castanets they took turns to let the other lead, making sure to dig deep into the fabric of each other's shirts and shred them as much as they could while they twirled and fell into each other's arms. By the time it was finally over, both were looking exceptionally euphoric as they felt over their now liberated breasts and Pam showed hir thanks by using hir tail to stroke Ezria's now exposed penis to full erection before leaning in to kiss it. This continued for another five or six songs, each time one of the girls taking it in turn to help tear off another part of the other's clothing while they serenaded to the soft rhythm of the tunes. From the sidelines I could do pretty much nothing except keep moving around to try and find a vantage point where I could watch the action without worrying about getting stamped on by the other macro morphs who'd decided that what Pam and Ezria were suggesting sounded like a pretty logical course of action in terms of keeping the party going and had thus engaged in their own manner of frantic clothes ripping and the unleashing of breasts, pussies and cocks. Fortunately, as I found myself getting unavoidably caught up in the midst of the flurry, a pair of strong, tawny furred arms leaned in to scoop me out of harm's way and I found myself face to face with a quite exuberant looking hyena herm who introduced hirself as Makena, Ezria's wife. It turned out that the reason the dragoness was acting so smitten with my girlfriend was because shi and Makena were the aforementioned clients of hirs who'd reserved this place for us. It was meant as a gesture of thanks for the fact that the two of them had in fact met up because one was scheduled right after the other on Pamela's time table (as if the suspicious coincidences weren't numerous enough already, I later found out that it was none other than Trevor who'd suggested they go in the first place). While it probably wasn't done intentionally, Ezria had always been extremely grateful towards Pam for helping hir to discover Makena and thus when there came chance to get hir to move into the same apartment complex they lived in, it just seemed like the perfect opportunity. Both so shi could really show hir thanks as well as establish some more permanent bonds between them. After bringing me up to date, Makena then did me the favour of fording through the sea of writhing bodies to reunite the two of us with our loved ones. Both were now lying among the shredded remains of their clothes, panting, holding each other tightly, cocks now at full erection and sandwiched together between their bodies while their tails wrapped together and their eyes expressed each other's eternal gratitude for the experience. Seeing us approaching however, Ezria rolled off and held hir arms out for Makena to come and take hir while Pam picked me up for much the same reason. Things progressed as one would expect from there on (I try my best not to recall too much in detail because my pants feel uncomfortable enough as it is), pheromones flared, lovers were chosen and pretty much everyone got as stuffed, licked and sucked on as they wanted to be. It in fact didn't really get weird until the point when Pam and I were nearing our own respective apexes for the second time in the centre of it all. From somewhere across the room we heard someone call for a brief pause and then shout out about how since the two of us had been considerate enough to lend our apartment out for what was turning out to be the best ever party for most present, then it was only right that everyone show how appreciative they all were for our efforts. In what seemed to be the blink of an eye we suddenly found God can only fathom how many massive cocks aimed at us, all pulsing and throbbing like mad with the desire to go off before their respective owners gave them that final all unleashing stroke and let flow their creamy tides. I have to admit, being suddenly hit by a tidal wave of cum is quite possibly one of the most disturbing and arousing things you can ever hope to experience. While the initial impact of having sperm flow into your every orifice and soak you to the bone can be rather frightening, it's offset by the warmth and the knowledge that morphs think highly enough of you to want to make the gesture. I swear Pam and I almost broke a few windows with the octaves of our orgasmic screaming as we became one huge, slimy white mess. For a couple moments after that we both pretty much just laid there and dripped, letting ourselves rest while everyone applauded and gave their welcomes. After a moment or two of this, however, I picked up on what sounded like sobs and looked up to see that Pam had hir paws over hir eyes and was crying. Naturally I quickly asked everyone to be silent and crawled up my wife's body to see what was the matter, but upon embracing hir neck and ask what was wrong, Pam merely wiped the tears and splattered cum out of hir eyes and quietly said it was nothing serious, just that shi'd never felt so respected or special as shi did right then at that moment. Initially I was of course rather shocked. As one could imagine, the prospect that an insanely beautiful cat with lusciously titanic breasts, a thick beefy build and a perfectly sized cock to match could be thought of as anything other than special, if not outright heavenly, seemed almost impossible to contemplate. Heck, if there was anyone in the room at that moment that didn't deserve to be thought of as special it would had to have been me. I after all was the smallest and puniest one present. Pam must've picked up on my bewilderment, however, as shi then dropped the second bombshell of the night on me. Something which even now I kick myself for not thinking of: namely that while shi may seem to be incredible to me, by macro standards shi actually was always seen to be a tad below average. Sure, when a little 'in-between' such as myself, or perhaps even one of the smaller standards sees a full sized macro we naturally think each one is a sight to behold. It never once crosses our tiny minds that just as we have differing views of morphs that are our own height, so a normal macro may see another normal macro as nothing particularly wondrous. I'd spent all my time with Pam thinking that shi was like no other, but as I sat up and actually got a good look at the other occupants around the room that night I found, much to my astonishment, that shi was correct in hir statements. As I later learned, over 50% of the entire macro population, both male and female, are in fact hermaphrodites, and despite being able to comfortably support four SUVs and two 18 wheelers on them with plenty of room to spare for smaller cars, Pam's breasts aren't actually considered to be all that impressive of a size compared to what those that break the 70 - 80 foot mark carry around. Ditto for hir cock length and ball size. Add to this the fact that at 55 feet shi's about 6 feet smaller than average macro height, and it suddenly became a lot clearer as to why shi perhaps thought less of hirself than I was initially tempted to assume. As the two of us laid there, me trying to console my sobbing goddess while spooge dripped from our every inch, I finally began to contemplate that, contrary to my previous beliefs, maybe our paths through life weren't all that different after all. I was always the fifth wheel of my neighbourhood, too big to do anything but frighten the smaller morphs, cause havoc, injure people and disrupt the balance of their society. And Pam? Pam must have had to grow up with the continuous degrading problem of being seen as a runt. Always just shy of the mark required to be considered as a normal giant. How that must have ruined hir attempts to find friends and love interests, knowing that shi'd never be able to match what hir larger sisters had to offer. Even now as I can feel my wife's beefy arms against my back and hir soft breasts against my face it's still no wonder that shi's so fixated about building up hirself to optimum perfection. If shi stood no chance of finding companionship then at least having a body that was healthy and strong would ensure shi'd have the means to make it on hir own in the world. But that night, that night changed everything. With me and Pam being openly welcomed into a new chapter of our lives, one in which we would live together as lovers and not just friends, shi realised that shi'd finally found both the respect and affection shi'd wanted. Shi had me, shi'd made a good impression on the neighbours, and as far as shi was concerned things couldn't get any better. And frankly it was that statement alone that I accredit for giving me the guts to say what I said next. As I sat up and took a moment to gaze over the feline I adore, eyes stinging and nose clogged from all the cum caked on my face yet not caring about either in the slightest, I suggested that perhaps there was a way to make things a little more perfect. When shi looked up through the haze of hir tears and asked what that might be, I meekly replied that the two of us could get married since, like Ezria and Makena, we're obviously an excellent match for each other. I think I brought the room to complete silence for a full two minutes with that statement before Pam grabbed my head, looked into my eyes and, seeing that I truly meant it, promptly began sobbing hir heart out all over again as shi hugged me like a mother would with a long lost child, saying how shi'd never loved anyone as much as shi did me and that of course shi'd marry me, shi'd marry me in a heartbeat. The rest kind of just fades into nothingness after that. I quickly recall something about how the orgy quickly turned into a hug-a-thon as several of the femmes clambered forward to congratulate us on our surprise engagement and then I decide to stop with the reminiscing. I know at least part of the answer why I'm now the spouse of this beautiful giantess that's embracing me so tenderly in hir arms, just as much as I know part of the reason why I need to stop doubting everything about me and what's happened to me. "So, finally find what you were looking for?" I hear hir ask. "Sorry?" I look up to see my kitty beaming softly down at me as hir fingers stroke through my head fur and over my back before moving out to play with my wagging tail. "You were daydreaming for quite a while there. I thought you might be doing what I advised and searching your memories." Shi smirks and drags hir tongue across my face. "Not that I'm complaining about the lack of conversation mind you. I'm perfectly happy to just sit and hold you while you think things over." I close my eyes and feel my cheeks redden again as I lay my head back on hir warm breasts, letting the tan fur tickle my nose while the vast fields of flesh yield enough to provide ample support. "Well, I admit I didn't find all that I needed to find." I muse quietly while my arms stretch out to embrace what they can of hir chest and press it together so my nose gets trapped in the fragrant cleavage. "But I was reminded of something that's just as important." "And what's that?" My wife chuckles, giving my muzzle a nice massage as hir tits quake and force hir top to split open a little more. Taking another moment to let hir scent ease my soul, I pull myself free and show hir how content I am as I smile up at hir. "I've remembered that no matter what, I love you." Pam looks down at me for another second or so and then closes hir eyes as hir cheeks redden, a sign I've touched hir heart with my statement. "I love you too my little wolf. Now and forever more." Shi leans down so hir face is close to mine, but this time hir tongue does not appear. Merely shi smiles and waits patiently as I get the message and reach up to cup hir cheeks. Slowly we close the last inch of distance between us, the warm breath from our mouths gently fanning over our faces until at last our lips make contact and we kiss. It doesn't feel like the world's exploding, or the heavens are shattering or anything like that but it's something I treasure all the same. Just like the many times I kissed Trevor, or when the two of us would hug or stroke each other, it's a gesture to confirm that the affection we feel is mutual. That even though we are of vastly different heights and vastly different body proportions, Pam's want and desire for me is as real as the want and desire I have for hir, and neither will diminish for eons if not forever. And just as our lips and tongues work to convey this message, Pam's paws begin a trek down my body to show that shi has just as much admiration for my physical form as I do for hirs, gently moving up underneath my shirt to stroke over my blue furred pecs and abs before moving down to finally give a proper greeting to that which lays between my legs. Which in turn leads to a somewhat awkward moment when shi attempts to undo my jeans, only to find the button missing and the zipper broken. Breaking the kiss shi looks down at where hir paw is and gasps, a move which hir tank top doesn't take very well as the expansion of hir chest causes another one of the strands in between to finally snap. "Goodness, have long have you been like this?" Shi asks upon seeing my cock is now visible through the burst seams as it continues to shred my left pant leg in its never ending desire for freedom. Rubbing my nose I give hir a brief look of embarrassment before folding my ears back and whimpering at the feel of my shaft throbbing and tearing the denim even further. "Jesus, Keith take those off before you hurt yourself!" Pam exclaims before extending one of hir claws and using it to cut through what remains of the crotch area before slitting the rest of the seams apart so that I can finally pull the restricting garments off my legs. Collapsing onto the cushion of hir own scrotum, I do nothing but whimper in relief as I kick the shredded jeans to the floor and look down to see my shaft happily making use of its newfound freedom to spring up into the properly erect state. Deep red and snaked with veins, it extends its eager, tree trunk like body out of the sheath, moving up the length of my torso until the bulging head is at last perfectly on line with my muzzle as if waiting for me to make my apologies for not granting its release earlier. Panting and murring at the feel of hot flesh just inches from my lips, I lean to press my nose into my cock, smelling and lovingly teasing with my nuzzling before wrapping my arms around the girth and hugging it against my body like it's a cherished friend that I've finally run into again after a long stint away. Even though I have both seen and caressed it many times before, the feel of my lupine penis against my being is so wonderful I almost cry. Hot and smooth with an exquisite musk wafting off in plentiful waves and a steady pulse of the veins to show it's getting a good, healthy blood supply, it's what I'm thankful for above all else. As I gaze down at it being held devotedly in my arms while thinking about how I was keeping it so unfairly trapped in my jeans, I waste no time in starting up a steady process of licking and smothering the willing head with affectionate kisses, wanting nothing more than show it how sorry I am for keeping it confined like that. My cock, however, is a good and understanding sport about these sort of things and quickly does what it can to prove I should not be so concerned. As I deliver a quick lick over the gaping cum slit it throbs under the feel of my tongue to show how content it is with simply being free and then spurts a small amount of pre over my lips to let me know all is forgiven. Smiling, I lick the pre off and kiss it again to show my thanks while one paw moves down to pat the wide expansion of my balls, feeling them churn with equal happiness while I curl my legs around them and then hear Pam's beautiful laughter radiate down from above. "No matter how often I see you do that, I still think it's the cutest thing in the world." Shi says while smiling kindly. Caught a little off guard by this, I immediately feel my face growing hot again as I hug my shaft and rub my cheek against the flesh, murring as the feeling transfers simultaneously through my fur and down along the nerves to spread out through the whole of my groin. While I may still respect and adore the values inherent to femmes, there is simply no denying the fact that I love cocks. Big, fat, flared, knotted, tapered or prehensile they just feel so good to me whenever I hold them in my paws, cuddle them against my fur, lick, kiss or even sleeping with them in my arms (hey they make great snuggle toys). I can't help admiring their shapes or their colours, nor will I ever refuse the offer of having one being stuck in my mouth or my tail hole. In fact now that I think about it, it seems only right that the one I'd choose to pledge myself to would be a herm. Combined of both male and female in one beautiful body, they above all else would give me everything my heart desires. And right now, it is this thinking that suddenly makes me want to show said herm that I'm sitting on just how grateful I am for being allowed to be part of hir life. "I...I've been rather cruel, keeping it sealed away like that. I just want to show that I'm sorry and it's still wanted." I say weakly, imagining that by now my face must look like a freshly picked beetroot with how much I'm blushing. However, my embarrassment is shown to be unnecessary as Pam leans down and kisses me softly on the lips while gently extending hir paw to rub alongside my own on the tender flesh. "You know you don't have to wear clothes if it's too uncomfortable. I'm perfectly fine with you walking around naked." I look up and have to laugh at that. If it's a day where shi doesn't have to go anywhere, Pamela hirself is quite fond of walking around nude. "And anyway, you should know by now that this pretty thing has always been wanted. By me even more so than you." I watch as shi then looks at the throbbing mass and gives it a kiss of hir own which makes me sigh happily. "Though based on its display of eagerness just then, I expect that it must be feeling exceptionally pent up today." My kitten meows playfully at me as shi moves down into the circle of my legs to grip and caress my ball sac, feeling how hard the spheres inside are from not seeing much action. "So I'd best take care of that then shouldn't I?" I offer up no protest but merely get up off hir maleness and then slide off the couch so shi can bring hir feet up and recline fully. After helping me to climb back up onto hir stomach shi then flashes me a knowing grin before grabbing hir tank top and pulling it off hir torso. It's all I can do to stop myself from cumming right then and there as hir giant and incredibly beautiful tits dance their way out of the confining fabric, bouncing and wobbling happily with the feel of their release as Pam tosses the top on the floor and wraps them up in hir arms so shi can bury hir face in them. "Mmmph, ooh that always feels soooo good." Shi purrs heavily while nuzzling and licking at hir orbs. Much as I have a fondness for cocks, Pam has always loved breasts and never hesitates to lavish exceptional attention upon hirs during our intimate moments together. As shi cranes hir neck up so shi can get a nice big nipple in hir mouth and suckle I pull off my own shirt and then move to lie down on my front, grinning from ear to ear while I rest my head on my arms. Nothing makes me happy as much as seeing my wife happy, and right now being able to feel hir purrs radiating down through hir body as shi gleefully pleasures hir endowments is enough to make my tail start to ache from all the feverent wagging. "So I take it you're giving the top a stay of execution then?" I ask with a chuckle. Normally if a garment has become as damaged as what's lying on the floor next to us, Pam likes to employ a little party trick of hirs where shi does a lot of excessive chest flexing and just lets hir breasts tear it the rest of the way into shreds. "Nah, based on how valiantly it tried to do its job it deserves to go out in full view of the public." Shi says, peering over the tops of hir mammaries to smile at me before licking hir lips when shi sees I'm now naked with my eager penis clearly visible underneath, sandwiched between hir body and mine. "Alright, now if you'll just turn around and hold on tight, I'll take care of the rest." I nod and get up to turn the other way so I'm now facing hir groin. Taking a moment to grab some handfuls of hir belly fur, I watch as hir paws come into view to hook into the waist band of hir shorts and then peel them off like a second skin. Contrary to what I first presumed there is no strap or cup underneath the spandex. Instead I am merely met with the picturesque sight of what I can only describe as the most stunning sheath and balls I've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. Both covered in the same shade of tan fur as the rest of hir front they have always been a source of utmost pride for my wife. Even though I've often thought my own set of genitals surpassed impressive in their size and thickness they pale in comparison to what Pam has between hir legs. While standing up straight, hir testicles cover everything from hir hips down below hir knees and each has a circumference that's roughly about eight times the size of the wrecking balls used by standard morphs in demolition. Combined together they form the perfect complimentary package to the sheath above, which is currently wide open and looking almost painfully full. Peering inside I can make out the shape of the jet black cock head starting to make its way out and feel a need to lick my own lips as I crawl forward and nuzzle against it. "Still think it looks as good as always?" Pam asks, stifling another purr as hir cock twitches from the feel of my nose nuzzling its housing and emerges further into the world. " be honest I think it, like the rest of you, just gets better every time I see it." From behind I hear another deeply touched purr emanate out and thus move forward still so I can fully bury my face in hir tight sac. Now with the spandex no longer covering it I get a properly strong haze of hir scent and to be honest it's more intoxicating than any type of beer or spirits. Male and female blend harmoniously together in the aroma that rises up from the huge shapely globes under my head. It infiltrates my nostrils and delights me to the core while the soft yet tightly stretched sac flesh bends just enough to support my head comfortably. While Pam's stomach may be a great place for slumbering, the one part of hir that I love making use of more than any other is hir genitals. Given hir cock is longer than I am tall, and has a girth that makes it comparable to the width of a single bed, it provides an excellently warm and firm place for me to stretch my body out while hir balls make wonderful pillows for me to snuggle against. With my mind gradually losing cohesive sense of the world from the intoxicating smell, my tongue makes the decision to start off on its own and immediately slips out to drag itself across the still damp fur. Saltiness and bitterness quickly attack my taste buds but I don't care. That's how they're meant to taste and I can't get enough of it. Stretching my arms out, I do my best to reach around to the bottom half of the sac (I can reach it, but just barely) so I can skritch over the more sensitive flesh there while my teeth come out to nip and tease at what's lying on top. I feel something distinctly more slick brush against my fingers as I do this and remember that there's also a wanting, and by now probably quite wet slit waiting for attention underneath but I tell myself to wait on that. We've got the whole rest of the evening so let's concentrate on one body part at a time. Slowly and carefully I begin to rake over the scrotum, feeling the matted fur brush its way through my fingers as my claws trace over the ridges of the flesh. As one would expect, Pam's sac is extremely heavy but then I'm a lot stronger than I used to be so it's not too excruciating of an effort for me to lift it up to allow my teeth and tongue to reach more of the area further down. Holy gracious am I feeling high right now! Everywhere I move, everywhere I lick, and everywhere I breathe I can sense my wife. Hir smell, hir taste, hir texture, please God don't let me faint away from this! I break briefly from my activities and lift my head up to suck in a huge gasp of normal air, just enough to ensure I don't lose consciousness and then I'm diving right back down again, sniffing, skritching, biting, and licking everywhere I can find in my quest to bring the one I love to the apex of pleasure. Then suddenly I become aware of a new hotness by my side. Something long and massive that's forcing its way along and I pause again to look over and just confirm for myself that it is what I'm hoping it is. Oh God, yes! My actions have finally proven to Pam's cock that it's urgently needed outside and now it's moving to reveal itself in all of its splendour. Mile after mile of giant, midnight black flesh extracts itself from the tan furred sheath and follows what's come before it to reach full erection. Even though by now it's already traversed almost two thirds of the way up Pam's stomach there's still plenty more to come. Shi is after all a full sized macro and hir cock is of the same proportions as held by hir brethren so I've still got more to do. Taking a moment to kiss what's right next to me and let it know that I'll be providing more aid, I move back and lightly bite down on a large patch of flesh which I then carefully lift up so I can suck on it as a thirsty morph might do with a damp cloth. I know as long as I don't bite down too hard then there's no risk of my teeth accidentally piercing the skin, and with it stretched even more than it already is the sensitivity will be increased so it'll be feeling double the stimulation from my sucking. I manage to get about four or five big throaty sucks in before I feel the body under me shake and a deep growl of pleasure echo out from high above. "Oh Keith, oooh that's wonderful." Pam gasps as I turn to look behind me. Shi's propped hir head on a pillow and is currently eyeing the huge black serpent that's now started to arc over hir breasts with increasing hunger as hir claws dig into the flesh of said endowments. "See, this is why I need you more than anyone else. No one my size could ever be that affectionate or creative when handling my body." I blush and fold my ears back again. Yeah it's a touching compliment but I can't help feeling a tad self conscious when I try to answer back and realise I've got a big wad of hir sac flesh in my mouth. "I...just can't help it. You have really nice, tasty balls." I say after carefully letting go and licking my lips to enjoy the flavour. The mass under me quakes with another soft purr. "I think that description applies to both of us." Shi says before I feel a paw again fondle my own light blue furred sac, delicately lifting it each of the globes up in turn so their size and weight can be admired before the other paw joins it to give the whole thing a nice squeeze. "Which is why I've now decided to instigate a new policy around the house: from now on if we're not having guests over or there's no immediate need for either of us to leave the building then all clothes stay in the closet." I feel my blush increase till it's like my face is on fire. While it's certainly a bizarre rule I know for a fact it's one I'm going to enjoy biding by, and underneath my cock throbs to show its joy at the prospect of no longer being so hindered all the time. "Great, then maybe your wardrobe will be able to last for longer than a month before needing to be replenished." I say and then murr as a huge playful swat is delivered to my bottom. "Oh come on, I have a perfectly sufficient supply of stuff that actually fits me properly. And anyway, given the relatively marginal dent it makes in our income, are you really going to be so mean as to deny your mate hir one little addiction?" I sigh and look around to regard hir beaming face. Truth be told, due to the above reason I actually have little say in the matter under question, but right now I'm sure Pam's playing along because shi's just glad to see me joking around. "You're absolutely terrible." I retort while stretching my foot paws back to skritch along the underside of hir breasts. "Yep, and damn proud of it." Shi replies back before hir eyes focus back on the giant shaft that's now crossed the breadth of hir tits and is now mere inches away from reaching hir face. "But let's leave that for later. Right now, I just want to enjoy sharing this time with you." Hir paws move over me to wrap around the base of hir penis and give it a few good strokes to coax what remains out. Rolling over onto my back I can't help but smirk as shi gives the black head a warm smile and then giggles as it drips a few small drops of pre onto hir nose. "Hey there girl, glad to see you." Shi murrs softly before leaning up to press hir lips against the flesh and give it a long, passionate kiss. My grin increases as I watch my wife welcome and tend to hir pole like I've done with mine. Just like the rest of hir body, hir cock is nothing short of beautiful. Arching majestically a few inches over hir body, wanting so terribly and yet holding itself back from making contact with the soft fur underneath, it pulses and throbs its huge form in elation, showing it's as happy to be among us in this moment of togetherness as we are to have its company. Pam widens hir mouth as much as shi can to let the head slip in and then moves a few more inches down, letting hirself be slobbered up and get a nice big gulp of hir taste before shi lets off and smiles at me. "Come up here my love; let's let them get fully reacquainted with each other." I avert my gaze and have to laugh at the statement. "I thought only guys were supposed to think of their penises like that." Pam does the same and then thinks the statement over. "Well, I'm part guy. Might as well at least make an attempt at adapting to some of the customs." Shi ponders a bit more and then shakes hir head. "But nah, you've got a point. That just doesn't sound right coming from me." I smile to let hir know it's still okay and shi pulls hir breasts apart to show the inviting valley between them. Murring softly at the feel of tan fur and hard muscles rubbing against my skin, I move forward and neatly slot my lupine shaft in to the space like a key into a lock. Pam carefully guides hir own down to rest on top and we both murr in harmony as the mammaries are pushed together again, sandwiching both our endowments in their warm, soothing confines. "Ahhhh, yeah. This is how it should be. Both together." Shi rolls hir breasts around the two massive shafts in between, and suddenly looks rather touched as the two heads peek out from the towering mounds of flesh. "Awww, that's kind of pretty." "What is?" I enquire, getting up on my knees so I can see over the tops of hir tits. "The pre from mine is running down and mixing with the pre from yours. None of it is moving down the sides, they're both merging together into one stream." I have to cock my head in confusion but then shi leans in and delivers a long, adoring lick to both of them. "I mean it's just the way your red one looks so perfect together with my black one, they taste almost the same, smell pretty similar to each other," Shi gazes up and I find myself met with a deeply loving look held within hir tender blue orbs. "It kind of serves as a nice reminder that we're a good match. From the moment you saw me you wanted me to be a part of your life." Shi leans down to stare at our pulsing shafts and tenderly licks them again. "And after a while I realised that I really wanted you to be a part of mine." Again our eyes meet and I am literally left breathless. Not just at the fact that my wife is actually comparing our penises to our marriage, but because I realise it so perfectly sums up what the bond between us is based on. Throughout our respective existences the one thing we've yearned above all else is to feel wanted by someone. To know that there's a morph who desires us more than anything else and that we desire them in return. Me because I was too big to fit in, and hir because shi was too small to be noticed. We both need that security and we willingly give it to each other with every day. And then of course from that want springs the second and third layer of our desires. I needed someone who can help keep me in check and show me how to rebuild myself, shi needed someone who was willing to pander to hir inherent macro desire to be dominant but also ensure shi never goes too far. Staggered beyond belief by hearing the ties that will forever keep us bound to each other summed up so simply and so erotically, I open my mouth to try and say something, anything that'll show Pam what a realisation shi's brought to my mind. But by then my wife has gone back to tending to our needy cocks and I am able to do nothing besides lean into one of hir breasts and murr aloud my contentment. Hir tongue may feel nice against my fur, but against the skin of my penis it's like nothing short of what can only be offered by heaven. Long rough swipes graze and tease at the two bells of sensitive flesh, sending along a delightful current back to the two sets of balls underneath that makes them speed their churning up into a frenzy and results in my wife just purring louder with contentment as more pre spurts onto hir tongue and muzzle which shi is quick to lap up. As I moan more loudly and press my body into the round swell of hir breast, I feel Pam momentarily halt and then feel hir eyes on me again, prompting to gaze up over the rising hill of mammary and see hir smile gently at me before hir hips buck forward and my cock is suddenly hit by a second assault of rubbery cat barbs. Dozens of the thick, spine like protrusions scrape their way over my pillar, bringing about a second wave of scintillating electricity that, combined with the resumption of tongue action, causes me to almost howl with glee before I embrace Pam's breast as best I can and start to hump hir as well. It takes a few minutes to get the rhythm down right (not that either of us don't appreciate the practice) but eventually we have it timed so that as Pam thrusts forward, I pull back and then the process is reversed. This gives both our shafts a double dose of being rubbed against each other and feverently licked at by Pam's rough kitty tongue. It's enough to make them both flow pre like two mighty rivers while the two of us let our heads fall back and cry our respective approval of the other's efforts. "Nnngg....oh Pamela....oh that's so g-goood." I stumble out before burying my head in the inviting mass of tan fur I'm clinging to for dear life so my own tongue can be put to use. "Ahhh....Keith....oh Keith, I" Shi breaks off momentarily as I thrust a little further forward than before and my cock pushes itself up against hir lips. Briefly extracting my head from the confines of hir breast, I watch as my darling kitten looks down at the colossal red shaft sliding its way in and out of the warm, comfy enclave shared between it and the black one above and then opens hir jaws wide so that on the next thrust it goes into the even warmer confines of hir mouth. Almost instantly I am hit by a tittering wave of purring as Pam closes the orifice around my pole and begins to suck greedily on it like an infant kit would with a bottle of milk. Flashing me a wink shi leans forward to let more of the thick pillar enter the safe interiors while hir tongue assumes the role of host and begins to swab and bathe the organ to make it feel welcome. By now my vision is starting to fog from the rapidly strengthening grip of pleasure. Rather than my face it is now my groin that is exhibiting the signs of being too hot, constantly bombarded as it is with feelings of utter ecstasy being sent back along the red length extending out from it which is causing the contents of the spheres underneath (or to be more accurate they're partly resting behind me on my calves) to positively boil with anticipation and want of release. Blinking rapidly, I continue to try to watch what's happening through the blur and the haze of sexual bliss. What's happening now may feel damn good, but so too does watching the action playing out before me. With each successive thrust I watch my cock vanish into the full, pursed lips of my mate, lips that are visibly vibrating with all the purring going on behind them while the veins between them pulse and flutter as if to give thanks for the hospitality inside. From hir cheeks to the tip of hir golden furred brow I can see nothing but happiness etched over Pam's face, hir eyes hypnotically following the repetitive movements of the shaft and closing every so often as the head of hir own cock presses itself to various points on hir face, leaving little wet kisses of affection to show even if it isn't getting to sample the privilege of hir tongue it's still grateful to have its red playmate to rub against in the vast, snug cocoon created by hir breasts. And as I watch this, despite the incredible heat radiating out from everywhere, I sense a soothing coolness settling down somewhere in the depths of my being. Not so much a cooling of passion but of anxiety. As my mate lays out hir beauty for me to behold, showing how my addition only makes it that much more breathtaking, I feel my previously held worries start to slip, losing their footing in the forefront of my mind to fall back into the recesses of my subconscious where they can't haunt me. No longer do I find myself wondering about how worthy I am to be Pam's spouse, or whether I deserve the change of fortune in my existence. Instead all that matters now is one simple truth: it's what the reality of the situation is, and the reason it's that way is because we both want and need it to be that way. Much like Trevor before hir, Pam's desire for me isn't born of lust or want of power over one smaller than hir. It's because in me shi sees a way to contribute something to the flow of the world in return for the rewards it would yield. Shi built me up, moved in with me and accepted my proposal of wedded bliss because shi knew by doing so shi would gain the one thing shi needs most: a being who trusts hir, respects hir, and above all loves hir. And as this realisation buries itself in the centre of my heart so it can take root, I know now that what I need to do is prove to hir that hir expectations were correct, and that yes I do love hir. Dear God do I love this woman! With an altogether more mighty plough, I attempt to drive my cock as far as I can into hir muzzle as is possible with hir breasts in the way. Since shi obviously wants it so much then that's exactly what I'll give hir. Pam initially gives a surprised 'eep!' which then turns into a muffled gag as hir mouth is suddenly filled all the way to the back of hir throat with my shaft. Gradually, however, as I remain still and shi gets used to the added amount, the surprise gives way to contended glee and shi immediately starts sucking with renewed vigour while hir paws carefully extract hir own cock from the valley of hir orbs and let it return to its original position of bobbing along overhead while shi devotes full attention to my own throbbing endowment. For a moment I am concerned that I may have been a bit hasty in my actions, trying to place added emphasis on my own needs over hirs but Pam, ever the considerate little kitten, is quick to look up and gives me another reassuring wink before a large drop of pre lands just above hir eyebrow. Blinking, I look up myself at the jet black penis that remains standing proud and see there's still a strong flow of pre running down its length. Which in turn is dripping all over the face of its owner and has now started hir purring again. Groaning at the relentless vibrations to my already heavily stimulated organ, I feel my knot has already formed and know I'm not going to last much longer. Hence I decide I have to do something so Pam at least still gets some pleasure of hir own out of this and naturally my eyes drift back to the massive rise of breast in front of me. Stretching my arms out as wide as they'll go, I curl them again around the expanse of the orb and hug tight. I can only make it to about half way across but that's still sufficient for what I'm planning to do. Trying my best to not let my thrusts get distracted by the feel of supple, softly furred skin against my body, I raise my head up and focus up the rising swell above me. To the black, wanting tab that awaits attention at the top. Pam's breasts literally are like mountains. So tall and so beautifully they stand whenever shi lies down, with each offering up equal temptation to have their sensitive, pliable slopes ascended so that one may reach and lay claim to the thick but yielding nipple that lies at the summit. Neither is of unattainable height and both promise a safe, comfortable location where one may rest and forget the troubles of their day. It is with this thought in mind that I raise my head above the nipple, seeing how ripe and swollen it already is from Pam's earlier ministrations yet still offering up more for the one who wishes to gain it. Another wave of ecstasy crashes over me as I lick my lips and then proceed to let my maw sink down over the alluring flesh. Just as I'm sure my cock must taste to hir right now, so Pam's nipple tastes truly divine to me and I waste no time in commencing with my own sucking. Using a combination of my paws and my tongue I begin to milk the tit, tightening and massaging the firm flesh while I gently coax the protrusion at the end. The dark, fruit like mass begins to ripen as I suck, filling my mouth perfectly and bringing more purrs and moans of joy from its owner as shi continues with hir own sucking. Hoping it'll prove to be enough I continue with my treatment, trying my best to get some of the areola in as well while I keep the nib under a steady alteration of suction and relaxation. Between my legs I feel my balls swell with liquid, sensing as though they might burst if not allowed to let at least my first load flow free here pretty soon but I pursue on with the task at paw regardless. However badly I may want to cum, I will not stop until I know for certain that my wife will be able to share in the fire works. Ack! Wait...what's that? Oh please don't let that be..... I nervously look around and feel myself do some extra hard sucking on the nipple as I gasp in surprise. Behind me, Pam's tail has made its way over from beside hir legs and is now slinking towards me like a snake that's just sighted dinner. With a heavy swallow, I look back at Pam and try my best to shake my head but shi appears to be oblivious, too wrapped up with the warm feel of slick pre on hir face and hot, tasty cock in hir mouth. Tensing and knowing what's about to happen, I take my mouth off hir nipple and attempt to get hir attention verbally. Unfortunately all my actions do is enable me to yelp unhindered as that silky length completes its journey to the intended target and begins to rub itself against my unprotected balls. "Aggghhh....Pam....Pam, don't! It's too's...." But my protests have come too late. Like the spark needed to trigger off a chemical reaction, my wife's tail applies the last endurable amount of stimulation and I find myself experiencing an almost total implosion inside my body as all is lost to the wonderful whirlpool of climax. Howling in notes that are practically werewolvian, I collapse into the wanting cushion of Pam's breast as my balls overflow and the first torrent is sent on its way to the outside world. Like a balloon on a tank of helium, Pam's cheeks swell outward as what little space there is left in hir mouth is suddenly flooded with the first few spurts of what will definitely be a huge surge of spooge. Quickly shi swallows what shi can before pulling my shaft free and watching in amazement as it proceeds to spew my hot fluids everywhere like a fire hose in euphoric bliss. "Mmmph...oh Keith!....mmmph...oh wow!!" Hir still open muzzle is quickly filled to the brim again, causing hir to close hir eyes and swallow a second load while shi begins to rub at the spurting head, coaxing everything it can give out of it and purring with excited glee as it paints both the pillow and the whole of hir face white. For Lord only knows how long (time does seem to slow when you're at the apex of pleasure) I lie there and let myself be squeezed to a pulp by the strong but caring hand of orgasm while Pam drinks hir fill of my cum and then lets the rest splash all over hir face and the tops of hir breasts. Eventually however, my first supply is depleted and the torrents upon torrents of thick lupine seed eventually end. As Pam helps lick and suckle every last drop before sliding the head back in hir mouth to clean it, I merely remain motionless, content to let my body come off my climax of its own accord while my heart warms me with the reassurance of knowing that what's transpired did so as an act of purest affection between two individuals, who love and trust each other till the end of their respective times. "My God, Keith. That's...that's just so incredible." I raise my head and smile warmly as I take in the sight of my wife wiping some eyeholes in hir slimy mask. Even with all the gallons of spooge covering hir, hir beauty still shines through, and the knowledge that I can even say that just further helps to replenish my self esteem. "Thank you, my darling wife. I...I really needed that." Pam pauses to lick hir paws clean while letting me momentarily again sink fathoms deep into those limpid blue pools of hir eyes before shi leans forward and I find myself locked in another loving kiss, this time with the added reward of being able to smell and taste my seed in the process. "No, thank you Keith. For just being here and letting me do as I please with you. You have no idea how special you make me feel." I murr softly in response as the interior of my muzzle is stroked and soothed by a powerful kitty tongue while the exterior get a nice, warm coating of my own sperm. From head to toe I feel nothing but calmness. Calmness from the after glow of my orgasm, calmness from the actions of my wife, and most importantly calmness from knowing that even during the times when I doubt my worth, I always have someone who'll be there to reassure me. Eventually my tongue starts to get frisky from wanting to have a taste of my fluids and I duly break the kiss to let it lap at the cum all around my wife's chin which causes hir to giggle. "Keith, ooh you don't have to do that. I'll take care of it." Shi says, to which I respond by placing both hands on hir cheeks and rubbing the layer of slime in. "Just give me a minute here. This actually tastes pretty good." I say as I move up to lick some off hir nose. "I should hope so, that's one of the reasons I insisted that you change your diet after all." Shi responds while resting hir head on the spoogey pillow again and then giving the lupine cock that still lies between hir breasts a thank you kiss for the literal shower of affection. I spend a few more moments licking some of the mess off hir breasts and then finally extract my penis fully from the valley in between. Turning to let myself flop back onto hir stomach I can only murr again in delight at the feel of hard abs and soft fur against my back while my rear is treated to the additional comfort of getting to rest on my ball sac, pulled as it was behind me before hand. For a while after we're content to just lie there in silence, Pam letting my sperm cool on hir face while shi moves my shaft aside to stroke over the muscles of my own stomach, and me staring at hir own still rock hard erection towering above me, pondering if I should try getting hir off now or maybe climb up on top of that thing and catch a quick nap so I'll have more energy to do so later. Based on how much it's still streaming I'm sure having a soft wolf resting on it would provide ample incentive for it to maintain its state of arousal. "Keith?" I hear hir say softly. "I know, my love. I just need a few moments to rest and then I'll tend to you." I say, smiling back at hir while I reach above me to stroke at the base of that mighty black serpent. Which in turn earns me a bit of a surprise when Pam's paw immediately shoots forward and pulls mine away from its activities. "Whoa, whoa, not yet, Keith!" Shi says with more insistence as shi sits up. Confused I look again at the miles of midnight flesh that are all currently throbbing like made and adding a layer of clear glaze to the cum on my wife's face as they wait with increasing want for their time to let loose with all the wonderful gallons of liquid contained in the globes at their base. "But...but you still haven't had a chance to cum." I protest, sitting up as my wife does the same and presses one of hir massive fingers to my lips. "Shhh, I will, I will. Trust me Keith, we'll both have many chances to achieve satisfaction before this night is out." The finger lifts so its partners can comb through my mane of head fur while hir tail strokes my back. "But right now, after all that's happened today the area beneath you is starting to feel a tad empty. Did you have a chance to have dinner before I got home?" From hir look I know shi'd prefer if I answered yes (it'd show I've now settled into a more regular course of meals) and thus I can't help feeling a deep sense of shame as I look away. " too caught up in designing the site." Half expecting a disappointed look, I shudder as Pam rolls hir eyes but it turns out to be a premature reaction as shi leans in to kiss me again. "It's alright; I understand you've got a deadline to keep." Shi moves hir legs down and I duly climb off hir so shi can sit up. "But nonetheless, you've built up a good amount of bulk on that body, and if you want to keep it that way then you're going to have to eat a bit more frequently." Shi stands and stretches, prompting me to swallow heavily as hir fur stretches and ripples from all the huge amounts of muscle shi has while my shaft twitches with renewed interest at the sight. "Go ahead and rest for a while if you want. I'll go make us dinner and call you in when it's ready." Shi walks with typical feline grace over to the den's entrance, making me swallow yet again as hir breasts bounce harmoniously and somewhat comically with the 27 foot erection jutting out from hir loins while the spheres underneath are alternately lifted and lowered by the movements of hir legs. Looking down at my own 12 and a half foot endowment I grunt as I feel my knot is still fully formed, which means I'm also probably going to be hard for quite a while to come. Rolling onto my side and pulling Pam's pillow down so I can rest my head on it, I reach down to give my refilling balls a pat and then bury my face into the cum soaked fabric, letting myself drift off with the scent of me and my beloved kitten mixing harmoniously in my nostrils as the sounds of burners being turned on and pans being set down echo from outside. I doze for about forty minutes or so until the ensuing sounds of food being cooked stop and I am roused back to wakefulness by the smells of grilled meat and steamed vegetables. "Keith, dinner's ready." Pam coos softly from outside. Yawning and feeling my mouth has gone dry, I smack my lips and try to induce some moisture into my mouth before sitting up and... Ack! Dammit! Macro furniture, Keith, macro furniture! Higher off the ground than normal. Fortunately the couch cushions aren't set at the same level as Pam's chair so I end up just plopping a little harder than I'd like on my rump and feel my balls bounce about a bit in their sack from the impact (thank God my skin's the thickest there to make for some much needed padding). Standing up and giving everything a visual check, I see my shaft is still steel hard with the knot at full form. Just have to grin and bear that for now. Stretching to pop a few of my own joints I walk out of the den and into the kitchen to see Pam setting two giant plates on the table, each containing a steak that looks big enough to equal a twenty strong herd surrounded by heaping piles of vegetables, potatoes and boiled eggs. "Typical high protein and carb type meal?" I ask as the smells do their job of awakening the hunger pangs in me. "I think we're both going to need the energy." Shi says, flashing me a knowing smile as shi turns and goes over to get something from the fridge. I have to laugh. Currently my wife is wearing only a white cooking apron that's currently trying to avoid being torn off hir body by the combined force of both hir breasts and hir still erect shaft. As shi then emerges from the fridge and gives me a full frontal view I see that not only is the fabric so tightly stretched over that magnificent pillar that I can make every fine detail of the veins covering its body, but the bulbous head and half of the first foot are poking out of the top and tucked against my wife's cheek, leaving an unmistakable patch of wetness on the fur. "I didn't know what you felt like so go ahead and grab whatever you want to drink." Shi says casually, not even noticing when hir cheek fur grazes against the ebony head as shi turns to look back at the table and causes it to spurt more pre. I shake my head in good humour and go to get something for myself out of the fridge. Yip! Whoa, forgot about the cold. Not the friendliest thing to expose your penis with while it's still standing to attention. Gasping, I carefully tuck my paws underneath and bring the meaty tool up against my chest so I can reach in and grab a can of soda without putting it in any further danger. Kicking the fridge door shut, I turn to face the table, imagining I must look quite ridiculous with my cock wrapped in one arm and a can in the other. Except of course I then see Pam's is currently leaning over the table to lay out napkins and silverware and all thoughts of humiliation are forgotten as I get a look of the one part of hir anatomy I've so far been rather neglectful of. Christ how long has hir slit been like that? The swollen lips and, heck, the whole inside of hir legs are sopping wet with juice! Has shi been like that the whole time we were pleasuring each other? Letting my shaft go, I crack the soda can open and quickly take a big gulp to help steady my nerves. Even if I now feel a bad for leaving that part unattended I tell myself there'll be plenty of time after dinner to make amends. No need to get worked up over it. "Right, go ahead and have a seat. I just need to lay down some towels." My wife stands straight again and reaches behind to undo the ties of hir apron, causing the garment to give a quiet creak of relief and hirself to murr openly in pleasure as hir cock falls through the now loose fabric to stand out at its normal curve of erection. "Just bear with me, girl. You'll be taken care of soon." Shi soothes gently, one paw reaching under to tenderly caress the black flesh which causes hir cock to throb and leak some more pre to show it understands. Pam smiles and collects the thin liquid in hir paw so shi can lick it up while grabbing some towels from the rack next to the sink and turning back. "Pam, wait. Just stop for a minute." My kitty does so, looking down at me quizzically as I place my soda on the floor and stare back with a very appreciative tone to my eyes. "What is it, Keith?" I clasp my paws together and continue to gaze. "I just want to admire you for a moment. You're beautiful to me, you know." And shi is. Even with hir facial fur still matted and damp from where shi's washed the cum off, and that ridiculously monstrous shaft standing up and coating itself in its own fluids there's no denying that my wife makes me want to swoon. With the soft, ambient lights of the kitchen bathing hir golden furred body everything is both highlighted and shadowed just as it should be. Hir tousled amber hair draping down over behind hir shoulders, nose and whiskers twitching playfully, black nipples standing proudly out on their perfect blimp sized breasts that sag only slightly because of their weight, stomach showing off its chiselled six pack abs which only go to accentuate the fat swell of the balls hanging comfortably over the top halves of hir legs underneath. I honestly am left breathless as I do my best to get a picture perfect memory of the view. "You mean right now I'm more beautiful than I normally am?" Shi asks, half in play, half in actually wanting to know. "Considering how you're lit right at this moment? Yes, you look exceptionally radiant." Pamela doesn't respond, almost tears hir head away from me but I can just catch the onset of a deep, bashful blush. Most other macros of hir stature I guess wouldn't think to pay hir such a compliment without trying to use it as an advance to getting themselves into hir. "Speaking of which that reminds me, Ezria called earlier this afternoon. Shi wants to know if you'd like to stop by for another photoshoot some time later this week." I say as I pick up my soda again and climb up onto my chair. Pam places a towel on the cushion of hir chair and then spreads the others out around on the floor as shi thinks. "Mmmm, just as long as shi doesn't have another dominatrix outfit for me to model. I still get panic attacks just thinking of what it was like wearing that last one." Shi grimaces. I cut a piece of meat off while trying to look hurt. "Awww, but you looked so authoritative and sexy in that corset." "Yeah, and I felt like my ribcage was going to collapse inward at any moment." Pam humphs as shi sits down and begins to attack hir own meal. "Save that type of stuff for an ermine, or some species that's naturally thin. I'll stick to gear that can actually give if it's too tight." We both chuckle. After that epic house warming party, Ezria and Makena have both become great friends of ours and since Ezria works in photography they regularly have us over for these little practice shoots or some other such informal get together. Dinner is a quick but relaxed event. Given how hungry both of us actually feel we are (and what we're planning for afterwards) the food disappears rapidly while we talk over various aspects of our days. Or, perhaps to be a bit more accurate, Pam does most of the talking. I mainly just chew and try not to gape at hir breasts which are making up for what little sag they have by resting on the table as shi eats, a task which isn't made any easier by the warm sensation of flesh that rubs against my cock every couple of seconds. No doubt my wife is taking advantage of the close quarters to let our relative endowments get friendly with each other again. "So anyway, after I finally tell this bull to please put the barbell back before he either decapitates himself or his arms explode and dirty the whole weights area, who should drop in of all morphs but Trevor." "Did he?" I ask, knowing this is something that should demand my whole attention, yet unable to give it so since there's a big smooth proboscis currently nuzzling into my balls and getting them all wet with pre. "Yep, seems there might have another morph taking up residence on his floor and he's also finally found someone new to share his place with. Both should be moving in at the start of next week." "Guy is so utterly lucky." I murmur, wondering for the first time if I'm actually just one of who knows how many morphs he's been 'helping'. "Considering what happened after you moved in with him, I believe he deserves it." Pam says with a grin. Underneath I feel the protusion leave my balls, only to then be manoeuvred so the slit on its head is pressed against the one on my own. "He also asked how you've been doing lately." Pam continues, spearing some potatoes along with the steak on hir fork and eating them as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening. "Did you tell him I'm doing absolutely fine and couldn't possibly wish for anything more?" I say, shuddering at the feeling against my sensitive flesh yet unable to suppress a funny sort of smile as I try to picture the image under the table. Given Pam's cum slit is wide open and leaking pre, and mine is the same due to the previous attention there's a rather delightful little suction resulting from the two orfices sealing themselves together. As weird as it sounds, it really does feel like our penises are kissing each other. "Or that he still holds a very special place in my heart?" I add, wanting to see what reaction it provokes as I stare down at the table surface. Even if it's a bizarre way to describe it, I have to admit that there is a certain degree of cuteness to visulaising our two shafts sharing the same kind of loving gesture as Pam and I do each time we see each other. "I made sure he was told everything, but he said he didn't want to risk coming between us." Pam props hir head on a paw and sighs. "Kind of a shame though. Given how it's thanks to him that we're together I certainly wouldn't take offense to you two playing catch up sometime." All thoughts of what our nether regions are getting up to promptly vanish from my mind as I stare wide eyed at my wife, catching the inferred meaning and unable to believe it's true. "What?" Pam returns my expression and takes hir head off hir arm. "Well, would it bother you if Ezria and I were to get intimate with each other?" I contemplate for a moment, not quite seeing the correlation. "I guess as long as Makena was okay with it then, no. I mean you two were about three seconds away from getting it on during our first night here and I didn't feel jealous about it. Shi's a dear friend of ours and I trust hir as much as she trusts us." Pam swallows what's in hir mouth and smiles warmly. "Well, as far as I'm concerned the same would go for Trevor then." Shi resumes with cutting off another bite of meat while I turn the possibility over. Even though I won't deny that the prospect of getting to see that gator again gets my heart pounding like a jackhammer, do I really want to be in a situation where there's the ever present temptation to ask if the reason all this happened to me was because he intended for it to happen to me? Not that I would complain in the slightest but still, the mind can't help but wonder why. It infact keeps wondering all the way through till I eat the last of my steak (Pam always insists I finish everything) and put down my utensils to lean back and wipe my mouth. "Ooogh, that was a lot." I say, groaning at the way I now feel like a teddy bear that's been stuffed a little too fully. "Well, it's a lot more than what you normally eat when I'm not around I'll bet." Pam smirks before reaching over and grabbing my plate. "Trust me, by tomorrow you'll feel fine and have more than enough room for breakfast. Which I will make sure is substantial enough for both of us." Another groan escapes my lips but I know shi's got the right idea. I'm doing no service to my new self if I don't feed it properly. "Do you need any help with the dishes?" I ask as I slide back and very carefully descend to the floor. "No, I'll be fine. What you could really do to help out is go run us a bath. I still haven't had a chance to get cleaned from when I came back from the gym and I'd hate to think I'm starting to smell ripe." I look up and smile as my wife places the dishes in the sink, having to keep hir body turned sideways so hir shaft doesn't get in the way of hir reaching the taps. "You smell just fine to me." I say, punctuating my statement by walking over and burying my face in hir tummy. While granted shi is starting to go a bit sour there's still enough of hir natural scent to compensate and so I take a big sniff of hir abs. Pam mewls slightly as I nuzzle the muscles, after which I feel a huge paw come down to cup my head and massage my scalp. "You're too kind to me sometimes, Keith." Shi purrs while I look up and smile my affection back at hir. "Go get the bath filled. I'll be in shortly." I move out of the kitchen and head down towards the bathroom, all the while unable to keep from stealing quick glances at my wolfhood as it bobs happily out in front me like a guide dog leading its master home. Seeing as my knot started to deflate at some point in the last couple of minutes I can only assume this extended state of perkiness is due to the previous under the table liaison and my balls having now replenished their supplies. Entering the bathroom I make my way over to our tub (although given it's meant for macros it's more like a swimming pool to me) and climb up the three step side ladder to reach the taps. We in fact just had it enlarged and fitted with a new Jacuzzi function so I'm looking forward to giving everything a try out as I close the drain then start turning spigots and testing the water until I've gotten everything at just the right temperature. As I wait for it to fill, I sit on the side of the tub and allow myself to continue pondering what Pam mentioned about Trevor. Like I said, I would think of myself as nothing short of eternally indebted to him if he was instrumental in helping me go through this amazing metamorphosis, yet try as I might I can't stop pondering on the all important question of why? Why take morphs in and let them get emotionally attached to you if your overall intention is to pair them off with someone else? (I'm assuming what he did with Ezira and Makena was done for similar reasons) Why bother taking in morphs and trying to change them at all? What's he trying to accomplish here? Or what does he think he's trying to accomplish here? Questions, questions, questions. None particularly worth worrying about, given how the overall effect on me has been positive but still pricking at my conscience all the same. Eventually, however, I notice the bath is getting full and shut off the taps before climbing in using the second small ladder mounted on the side. I sigh heavily in thanks as the hot water surrounds my body, helping to undo any knots of stress that have formed over the day and put me in a more relaxed state of mind. Pushing off towards the middle I start doing a bit of doggy paddling while I wait for Pam to enter, immersing myself every few minutes to help give my fur an even soaking and enjoying the feel of the latent heat on my exposed tool until at last the door swings open and my beloved cat giantess walks in. "My, my, is that ever a welcome sight. A nice hot bath and my mate both waiting for me at the end of a long day." Shi smirks as I swim over to the side and prop my arms up on the lip of the tub. "Well, all that's left for you to do is get in then." I offer. Pam looks about ready to do so, but then for an instant hir gaze rises above to focus on the metal bar mounted in the door frame and I know there's something else that has to be done first. "Just a minute." Shi says before turning to grab the bar and do some chin ups. Because of hir inherent love of exercise, my wife is always on the look out for any opportunity to help 'top up' as shi puts it and as one would expect this of course entails that shi generally can't walk through a door without feeling an urge to do some reps or stretches. It's an admirable trait but unfortunately it isn't generally all that good for a door frame to have a huge, heavy cat hanging off them every day and so, to avoid unnecessarily huge repair bills, I opted to have chin up bars fitted to every door in the apartment. It's about the only time since we've been together I think that I've had the last word over my wife in any matter. "Hold on Keith....ngghh....just a few more...gyahh." Pam pants as shi pulls hir sinuous frame up again and again. As always, I'm left to just stare in amazement as hir arms bulge and hir fur tightens to form an almost perfect outline of the masses upon masses of straining and flexing muscle underneath, prompting me to momentarily fear that it's going to go the same way as hir shirts from trying to keep everything inside hir body. But eventually the work out passes without event and Pam drops back to the floor, causing another small earthquake as shi pants and flexes hir massive biceps. "Oh yeah! Damn, there is nothing like an all natural high." "Just as addictive but at least it's leagal?" I ask in good humour. My wife looks over at me and nods before catching sight of hirself in a mirror situated on the opposite wall. "Well, yeah that's one of the reasons. But lately it's also been to try and make sure this thing doesn't get out of control." Shi runs hir paws down the swell of hir large but sculpted rear and 'hmmms' in worry. "Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I swear this seems to have gained a bit in size during the last few months." I lean over the side to get a look at where shi's feeling. Frankly hir ass looks just as gorgeous to me as it always does but then I happen to have a liking towards exaggerated derrieres. "From where I am, it hardly looks any less perfect than normal." Pam breaks from hir in-depth examination and gives me a look of again being deeply touched. "Well, thanks for your support." "Hey, I mean it. You take good care of that thing so I highly doubt it's going to betray your trust by growing out of proportion." I smile up at hir. "And even if it did, you'd have a few months or so to beat it back into submission before it looked like you were smuggling the Hidenburg." At that, Pam's face dissolves into an expression of feigning hurt. "And you say I'm terrible?" Shi exclaims while grabbing some more towels and laying them on the floor (given how messy macros can get during sex it makes cleaning up afterwards so much easier) before climbing into the tub. I am briefly sent tumbling and tossing about by the waves as shi sinks into the water and quickly begin swimming against their current to ensure I don't get drawn too far away from my mate. Fortunately, having experienced this kind of problem before, shi reaches out to nab my hand and pull me back to hir. Once ensuring I'm okay, shi then lets hir arms drape over the sides and just purrs with contentment as shi lays hir head back on an inflatable pillow I got for hir and rests hir back on the downward slant of the tub's far side. "Oh God, have I been in need of this today." Shi murmurs as I swim over to where the jacuzzi controls are and switch them on. The entire bath quickly becomes a swirling tempid mass of bubbles as I plop myself down on one of the shelfs cut into the bath's upper sides and lean back to join Pam in letting our bodies be first soothed and relaxed before rejuvenated in preparation for the rest of the night. Moments tick by unnoticed as I smile and again gaze upon the scenic beauty of my kitten through the bubbly haze of the water. As it gets pushed to and fro by the force of the jets hir fur ruffles lightly over hir form, revealing first bulges and then valleys on hir stomach while further up it raises itself erect and then flops back down again like rings of island natives paying worship to the black nipples that stand idol like above the tides on their soft, golden hills, all the while watched by their black serpent guardian that stands ever vigilant in the waves far away. Eventually however, like many islands in real life are rumoured to do, their time of sanctity is brought to an end and they sink beneath the depths as Pam sits up and then leans forward to dunk the top of hir head in the water and get it soaked before surfacing to reach for a bottle of shampoo. "How would you like to do this then?" I ask as shi spurts a generous amount out and then works on lathering up hir hair. "Same as last time I think. You work on me, and I'll work on you." Shi grins before leaning back and letting hir head be submerged to wash out the shampoo. I smile and take advantage of the brief reappearance of hir heavenly orbs before grabbing the fur conditioner, soap and sponges and swimming over to hir. Placing my feet on the top of hir stomach I'm elevated enough to keep my torso out of the water and thus once shi's risen again I start soaping up hir arms while shi splashes my damp mane to get it fully wet again and starts working in shampoo. "I'm so glad you finally decided to stop getting this cut regularly. You look much better with long hair." Shi comments as I make my way up to hir shoulders and start soaping the tops of hir chest. "Well, if nothing else it does save a bit of time and hassle." I say, trying not to murr too loudly at the feel of my mate's fingers massaging the lather into my shoulder length locks. "Though I can't help but wonder what a good eventual length to maintain it at is." Pam pauses for a moment to pull a thick, sudsy lock up from the others and examine it for a moment. "A few more inches should be fine. Though I have seen wolves that look quite sexy with waist length locks." I contemplate the idea and then have to shake my head. "No, that would just be too....anime-like for me." Pam sighs and again feigns looking hurt, but by that point I've now moved on to properly soaping up hir breasts and shi's unable to maintain the look for very long. With careful, thorough scrubs I again make my way over the mountains of accommodating mammaries, gently working the soap and conditioner into each inch of fur and loving how supple the terrain feels as I do so. Cleaning the morph you love is generally a fun task, but when the aforementioned individual is not only a giant but also possessed of mind-blowing huge endowments it becomes a whole new game to indulge in. For a while a part of me wishes this would never end I work on my mate's breasts, murring at the feel of them pressed against my body for the second time that day and sighing when my wife giggles at my touch which causes them to bob slowly and tranquilly with the movement. Eventually I reach the summit again and scrub at the black nipple, taking extra care with my paws as I lather and rub the suds all over the hardening ebony flesh. While it certainly looked perky enough from a distance I now am amazed to find it's still yet to reach full erection. It's definitely enough to make me blink a few times as I carefully bring the sponge around the tip and rub it slowly which causes Pam to churr as shi squirms. "Oooh, oh that feels so nice." Shi looks up and smiles. "You've really learnt how to handle them well. Firm during sex and then delicate during cleaning." Another comment made in complete ernestness, and again one that makes my face turn purple with the blush trying to show through my blue fur. "I've...had a very good teacher to show me how." I say softly as I lean down to soap over the bottom of the breast I'm currently working on. Most of our first nights together were spent with Pam helping to show me ways in which I could compensate for our relative height differences while pleasuring hir. Shi'd demonstrate how shi liked being handled, and we'd then help develop a technique where my own attributes and dimensions could be used to my advantage. It was certainly one of the most unique parts of our relationship but Pam proved hirself to be a very patient tutor, and shi often says I showed an encouraging streak of ingenuity during those nights. "Well that teacher must have been glad to have such a star pupil." My wife says playfully before I move over to finish scrubbing the other breast and shi resumes purring quietly. With the same type of gentle care, I again ascend the tan furred mountain, highlighting its smooth, flawless slopes with a covering of white suds and pausing to replenish my supply when I run out. Eventually I again stand looking at the nipple I was suckling on so very recently, noticing that it bears the slightly raised shape indictative of stimulation and looks ready to have the treatment repeated. With another sudder of arousal and a twitch of my penis (currently biding it's time in the water around the outside of my kitten's chest) I bring the sponge down and give it as good a scrubbing at it's twin, paying particular to the bottom part to ease any tense nerves until at last my job is complete and I let go to allow myself to tumble back into the water and let the shampoo be washed out of my hair. "Ooph, well that certainly was a nice job." I hear my beloved kitten say before shi submerges along with me to let hir breasts be washed clean of the soap and then elevates hirself up enough so that hir stomach is now above the waves with me lying on top of it. "Now how about you give your bed a good cleaning and then we'll proceed to the back areas?" I snicker and shake my head fur out of my face as I sit up. Even though shi jokes about it I know that deep down Pam's actually quite touched that I find hir appealing enough to sleep on. Pausing to get another sponge and lather them both up, I set to work like a deck hand on a ship. One paw is assigned to each ab and in tandem I start them scrubbing hard and thorough over the fur. Thanks to the rock hard muscle underneath I've a nicely firm, smooth surface to work with this time and make excellent progress down hir front while above, Pam gathers more soap and begins to enact a similar action on my back. Soon a little race is under way with each of us seeing who can get whom lathered up the fastest. Pam works studiously with hir fingers to get the entireity of my back sudsy while I keep my head down and focus on making sure not a single square inch of the chiselled stomach under me is left untouched. It's a fair contest and for while it appears as though we might finish neck and neck. But as always the actual area that needs to be covered in both our cases eventually proves to be the deciding factor. As Pam adds the finishing touches to my tail, I am still left with a third of hir last two abs and thus must admit defeat as my paws bear down for the final few scrubs. "Damn kitty, you're pretty fast when you want to be." I state as I reach my goal and sit up to take a breather. From above, Pam looks down over hir soapy stomach and mrowls in understanding at me. "Well, when one pays as much attention to their work as you do then I think it's no contest who can really hold their head up high." Shi soothes before grinning playfully. "Besides, you've still earned the compensatory prize." "And what's that?" I ask. Pam gestures behind me and I turn around to behold hir still magnificently erect shaft, and more importantly the all too tempting mass of a tan furred sac sitting in the water between hir legs. "I think they all could do with a brief scrub over before we go any further." Sighing my contended agreement, I lie back down again and then roll over so my front half is now lying exposed as I reach above to grasp the base of that beautiful cat cock and then slide my paws inside its sheath to clean out the area in there. "Mmmmph, so nice to play with someone who's a good sport about these kinds of things." Pam purrs softly before grabbing more soap and another sponge to get to work on my chest and groin. The bathroom falls silent save for the occasional soft moan or purr as we proceed to clean each other's more treasured areas. Pam takes exceptional pleasure in running hir sponge over my toned chest and stomach, making sure shi goes over the muscles at least two to three times before continuing down to tend to my own gloriously stiff pole while I stare intently at what I'm doing in hir sheath. Even if my muscles are no where near as sculpted or as huge as hirs, they nonetheless serve as a poignant source of pride for my wife. Shi helped me build them, shi developed their size till they could be deemed good enough by hir standards, they're a perfect example of how dedicated shi is towards bodily improvement. Thinking about this and having to moan a bit more loudly as Pam wraps hir sponge around my cock and then gives the head another passionate kiss before sudsing it up, I look above me and do another quick scrub all around the massive girth of hir own maleness before pulling my paws out and soaping up the next foot or so of wonderfully hard and willing flesh. Pam moans hirself when I do this and leans up to give the jet black head another kiss which causes it to throb and continue with its constant flow of pre, happy that we've not forgotten about it and showing that it's willing to wait till needed. Glad to see this is so, I wait until Pam is finished tending to me and then roll over again so I can get at those beautiful globes. My kitten's paws soon join me and reach underneath to gently lift hir scrotum up out of the water so it's more easily reachable, thereby making me blink again in amazement at the reminder shi's so well endowed that even with both paws it's still an effort to lift hir balls up. "You're absolutely incredible, Pamela." I sigh before leaning to soap up the mountainous amount of tan furred flesh. "As you, my love. As are you." Pam churrs from behind. Though I am a bit reluctant to do so I make quick work of cleaning my kitten's balls. Even if shi isn't having difficulty keeping that part elevated and holding all that weight in hir paws, then hir cock must definitely be starting to hurt from standing to attention for so long without release. With a sigh of relief, I toss the sponges aside soon after and then get up to dive into the water again, receiving a delightful suction into the warm, bubble filled depths of the tub as my wife submerges hirself to let the soap be washed out. Knowing what's coming next, I swim up once clean and heave myself out of the tub so I'm not tossed about again by the waves as Pam turns over and rises to the surface back first. "Last part then?" I ask as shi shakes the long curtain of wet hair and turns to smile at me through a gap in hir locks. "You know it. Just please try to be quick, you got me feeling exceptionally excited with that last bit of scrubbing." I look at the mighty cathood underneath hir, still stretching all the way from crotch to muzzle and have to swallow. "Is it hurting you? Being hard all this time?" Pam pulls hir hair to one side and offers up a more reassuringly toned smile. "I'll be fine. I've had erections last longer than this before." The smile fades to look a bit needier. "But I don't to mean to insinuate that it's healthy to keep myself hanging like this of course." I nod and jump back in the bath to retrieve one of my sponges before swimming over to clamber up onto hir and get to work. Pam's back is a big area to cover but thanks again to hir dedication to fitness I've managed to figure out a method to speed the process up. Like I stated before, shi's so buff that hir fur is moulded to show the exact shape of hir muscle layout underneath so it simply becomes a matter of dividing hir back up into sections and then prioritising them based on how large they are. I start first with the large triangular area that leads on from hir shoulder region and comes to a point just above hir waist (if my knowledge on anatomy serves me correctly, this is called the Triangle of auscultation). Once that's done I'm in the correct place to move over and tackle the two large Latissimus dorsi folds on either side and then proceed down to the diamond shaped muscle (Lumbar aponeurosis) that covers the base of hir spine. After that's done it's a simple matter of moving briefly up to scrub the deltoid muscles in hir shoulders and then the small collection that lies just underneath (I unfortunately can never remember what those are called). With hir back finished I slide off into the bubbly water again and swim up behind Pam, pausing to search for hir tail along the way and give it a playful tug as I come up to the part of hir anatomy that shi was previously fussing over. Up close hir rear looks just as perfect and as appetising as it did from afar, two round masses of golden furred exquisiteness, coming together to form a solid but pliable enclosure around the cute starfish of hir tail hole. It's certainly enough to make my cock throb again with the want to bury itself between those luscious buns and cause me to stop in my travels momentarily to look down. Like the foremast of a tall galleon the deep red pillar of flesh extends out in front of me, veins pulsing with renewed energy and knot now completely deflated which means I'm again running on two full tanks. Amazing, aroused to knotted and back to aroused and I didn't get soft at all. Pam's right, I am incredible! Feeling a sense of being quite impressed with myself bubbling up, I get on to another step carved in the tub wall behind Pam (the tub itself is unfortunately just a little too deep for me to stand up without having the parts I plan to make use of submerged) and gently reach down to wrap both paws around the huge trunk and bring it up so I can hug it again against my chest. "Mmm, I'm so proud of you." I whisper softly, nuzzling my nose against the flesh and giving it a loving kiss which makes it throb and coat my mouth with pre again to show its thanks. "You're not the only one." I hear my wife purr, prompting me to look up and blush upon seeing shi's turned to smile at me again. Trying to think of a response, I am then caught off guard as the length of hir huge tail then extracts itself from the water, giving me a good shower from its dripping fur and making sure to rub against my penis as it flips over to splash fluid all over hir back and get rid of the soap. Feeling the wet fur on my sensitive shaft my eyes snap shut and I rumble deeply as little pin pricks of electricity fire off all throughout my groin. Looking up at the now completely exposed area of Pam's anus, and the tempting starfish that lies at the centre, I decided I've cleaned enough of hir body for now and promptly drop the sponge so I can place both paws on hir cheeks. Like the rest of hir body they possess that enticing blend of hardness and softness and I am instantly imbued with the burning desire to bury my face between them like I did hir breasts. Knowing, however, that a little build up is necessary here, I get as much of the anal swells as I can in my paws and skritch through them while I lean in to lick at first one then the other, dragging my tongue through the fur and enjoying how Pam's ass always has its own unique flavour. Not better, not worse than the other parts of hir body, just different. Murring and lapping up as much as I can, I allow my teeth to come down from the cover of my lips and lightly bite into the flesh, not enough to draw blood, just to make my wife yelp and then gasp softly at the feel as I move to another area and bite again. "You wolves just never change. The instant there's something soft and chewable anywhere within 100 feet of you guys you just have to try taking a chomp." I move to peer around the vast swell of hir booty and smile when I see shi's now holding hir own cock in hir arm and licking the pre off the head feverently. "If it tastes as good as this does, can you really blame us?" I say before biting hir other ass cheek. Pam groans and gasps again as I push hir cheeks apart and then set in on letting my tongue get aquainted with hir tail hole. "Ooohhh, fair point." Shi says softly before moaning as I lap at the puckered flesh and then press the pointed tip of my mouth meat against the centre, forcing it to part and let me in. "Ah dammit. Keith please, oooh don't stop." My kitten mumurs, hir paw moving hir cock to one side so shi can rub hir breast and nipple against it while licking. Wanting nothing more than fulfil Pam's wishes, I push my tongue in deeper and wriggle it about to scrape against the nicely washed interiors. Due to the size difference between us, I don't have as much difficulty instering stuff into my wife's rear as a normal sized macro would do, and as a double bonus that means I can make it easier for hir to relax by letting my tongue sweep over all hir pleasurable spots first and then letting my fingers open hir up once shi's relaxed. Due to all that we've already done tonight it doesn't take long for me to get my whole tongue in there and after a few more minutes I am able to get about two fingers in along with it to start thrusting. This causes Pam to squirm around even more. Hir tail rises to a higher erect state and shi starts growling like the bigger, more predatory species of feline do while squeezing and digging hir claws into the vast masses of hir breasts. "Oh God." Shi cries as I add two more fingers from my other paw and start to thrust a bit harder. "And to think I actually scoffed at this when someone first suggested it." Indeed, despite hir normally uninhibited nature, Pam was initially rather wary of anal play. It was in fact only after shi had a chance to view a few movies centred on that type of fetish and then got to see how much Ezria and Makena enjoyed doing it to each other that I was finally able to convince hir to give it a try. Course after I did, shi steadily became rather addicted and now likes to indulge in it as often as possible whenever we have sex. Not that I particularly mind, given hir natural feline tendencies shi's always keen to keep those types of areas as clean as possible and thus I've far less need to worry about hygiene with hir than with other species. It's certainly something I offer up thanks for as I gently pry the tight ring of muscle open further and lean in to continue licking. Pam meows complacently as my tongue probes deeper and deeper into hir depths and I am pleased when the convulsing passage inside begins to relax from its attempts to squeeze the aforementioned organ off. Letting my tongue do a little swirling motion inside to ensure I get every inch, I remove one paw from my mate's anus and move it down to brush against the previously neglected (and thus now very much at the forefront of my priorites) stretch of hir vaginal slit. For a moment I am forced to stop in my fellatio when I finally touch the thick lips and find they're not only sopping wet but also as hot as an inferno. "Dear me, Pam. You're like a radiator down here." I exclaim after withdrawing my tongue so I can move down to have a physical look. Both of the outer petals are so slick I can practically see myself in the amount of light reflecting off their wet surfaces, and a quick parting to have a look inside reveals hir labia and inner folds are dripping with enough juice to create a wading pool. "It's getting to be that time again." My wife says with a soft moan, paws gently moving hir now equally soaked cock over in between hir breasts again so shi can lavish more attention on it. "Oh right. Damn." I mutter upon realising the possible connotations. "Do you think you'll try going at it without the pill this time?" Pam is silent for a moment as shi thinks about the prospect. Eventually shi shakes hir head and leans in to rub the head of hir cock with hir nose. "No, I want some more time to just be with you alone first." Shi looks behind to offer me an adoring smile. "Though to be honest, I don't think anything would make me happier than to have a little cluster of kits with you at some point." I blink at the statement, not so much out of surprise but out of shock that Pam honestly considers me to be adequate parent material. " really think I'd make a good father?" I ask hesitantly as I gently insert a paw into the depths of hir needy snatch and push in until I'm up to my elbow. "Nnng.....Keith, believe me.'d make a far better daddy than some of the other males around this community." Pamela assures, growling and twitching hir tail as I twist about and skritch at hir wet treasure, making sure to get a decent amount of juice in my fur while I lean to lap up some more that's leaking from the outer folds. While hir ass has its own unique taste, Pam's pussy has a flavour that harbours more towards a more feminine heavy version of hir balls. As I lick and slurp away at the puffy but oh so delightfully moist flesh, I can every so often taste a hint of maleness hidden cleverly amongst the oozing sweetness of femminity. It's enough to bring a warm glow of contentment to both my heart and my stomach as I swallow the juice and think about how perfectly suited both I and my mate are for each other. Hir for catering to both my needs for male and female gratification and me for being someone shi's actually proud to call hir husband and who's open to any needs shi might hold. Carefully extracting my arm from hir treasure, I stand again and turn my attention back to the now open tail hole sitting waiting above. Forming my fingers into the duck bill like shape I was taught how to do, I press them against the opened pucker and gradually start applying more pressure. Thanks to the lubrication provided by the juice and the large size of the hole, they slip in fairly easily and I am soon curling them into a now buried fist as Pam gasps and moans with more fervour. "Oh God! Ahhh...that's good." Shi says while one paw moves to grip the sides of the tub a bit harder. "Please....ooh, keep going." I pull on my fist and watch as my mate squirms and tightens the grip hir anus has on me. "Alright then, I just need to do one thing first." I say before leaning down to guide my own cock towards hir waiting slit and thrust it in. "Ah....umph...oh Keith!" Shi says before throwing hir head down and burying it in the inviting confines offered by hir breasts and shaft as I hilt myself and then withdraw while repeating the action in reverse with my fist. While it's unfortunately impossible for me to stretch or fill Pam completely like I'd imagine a macro with larger endowments might be able to, my cock is nevertheless of sufficient size and girth that there is still a way for me to bring as much pleasure to hir as shi does to me. Essentially what I do is alternate between lowering and raising my hips with each successive thrust so that my cock goes in at a different angle each time and rubs against a different one of hir ergoneous zones. It takes a bit of practice but if I do it right I can have my beloved feline screaming and clawing as much in sexual euphoria as I'd imagine any of my larger brethren could (and let me tell you, there's no greater high for a male than to know he can satisfy a creature that's larger than him in every way imaginable). Gently angling myself down, I murr loudly to myself as the bulbous head on my cock rubs against the rough texture of Pam's g-spot and then proceeds deeper into hir body before I withdraw it again and send it to give an equally sensitive spot on the right side of hir walls the same type of adoring treatment. Both movements cause hir walls to clamp further and further onto my immense pole, passing on the feelings of their owner that shi loves what its doing and wants nothing more than for it to stay and continue. As Pam accentuates this with a deep throaty growl from up ahead I decide to execute the second part of my plan and withdraw both my fist and my penis from their respective orifices so I can change position and lean over my mate's massive and exceptionally shapely rear. "K-Keith? Why did you stop?" Pam asks, turning to show a face that's now spattered all over the nose and muzzle with pre while more leaks from hir black shaft onto the tops of hir breasts. "I just thought you might appreciate having both holes shown an equal amount of attention." I say, digging my claws into the flesh of hir cheeks which causes hir to purr contentedly. "Oh Keith," Shi gets out before losing hir voice to another growl from me pressing my now lubed up wolfhood against hir sphincter which then widens to let it sink fathoms in. "Ahhh Geeyyaawwwd!" Shi moans as foot after foot of pulsing red flesh is fed into hir rectum. A move which forces quite a moan out of myself as the walls inside immediately constrict like snakes around the new, far larger intrusion which makes my cock throb and leak as a reponse to having all of its sensitive areas pressed tightly against. Briefly reaching down to rub and soothe at my balls, feeling they're quite full again as they hang between my knees, I lean myself over and pull out to commence with the anal section of our sexual play. It provides a bit more gratification since the hole being used is smaller and thus both of us can just let ourselves enjoy the sensations without the need to continually concentrate on hitting certain special points (course that said, there's nothing that will ever truly beat the fulfilment of bringing pleasure to Pam's wet and oh so willing treasure). As such we're both soon moving on auto pilot, me gritting my teeth and feeling my cock tense and infuse my groin with bliss as it readies for a second mass release while the giant golden furred cat in front of me yowls and writhes hir massve frame, no doubt feeling the same type of pleasure from hir set of immense male genitals. Water is sent splashing over the sides of the tub as our movements become more aggressive and soon the bottles of shampoo and conditioner are knocked down to join it by the continual swinging and thrashing of Pam's giant tail. "Ooooh...fuck's sake....such enthusiasm....ngghh....such eargerness....eeeiyARRRGGHH!...Oh Keith,....mmmpphhughh...don't care how small you still feel like heaven to me!" Pam cries, flicking hir tongue out to catch all the pre hir kittyhood is spewing. Unlike before it's not just little spurts or drops but great big whopping wads of clear, runny fluid that are coming out of the head. Each flowing and soaking my wife's face which just makes it glow more brightly with exhilaration as shi pumps hir cock between hir giant orbs and mewls at the combined feeling produced while I keep pounding hir ass. Back on my end I hear hir words and moans and have to shut my eyes tighter as they hit their mark upon my already quivering body, helping to further break down and destroy my self doubts from before. Even if I may be prone at times to humouring thoughts of how inadequate or ill equipped I may be to serve as the loving spouse of a macro, it's not enough to stand up to how I'm feeling now. Now able to feel my balls slap and splash heavily against hir slit and my shaft sink fathoms deep into hir tight rectal tunnel I can hold no doubts about myself. Pam is under me (or I guess to be more accurate, in front of me) growling and crying in euphoric bliss, and the only way that would be possible is if I were doing something right. Something that makes hir enjoy being intimate with me and letting me take control of hir. Something that gives hir reason to actually relish being screwed by me and sucking me off. Something that makes hir want to love me more than anyone else. "Christ, Keeeeith....oh I'm so close!" And it is that thinking as I feel my knot start to form again that makes me finally decide I can't let this session end with us in our current positions. Not when Pam's looking down at the sides of the tub and my view is being taken up by hir back and hir rear (not that the latter is any strain on the eyes). With a reluctant sigh, I slow my thrusts and carefully pull myself free of my kitten's bottom, bringing first the inevitable burning sensation from my shaft being denied orgasm and then a follow up gasp of surprise from Pam as shi detects the wonderful intrusion into hir has been withdrawn. "Wh-What?" Shi stops hir fellatio to turn and regard me again. "Keith, why did you...?" Grimacing from the pain of my cock all but demanding to be allowed to spew its creamy fluids again, just as it demanded release from my jeans earlier on, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Pam please, I need you to roll over. I just....I need to see your face. I love you too much to just stare at your backside when I come." I say weakly as my kitten raises hir head and then mewls at my words. "Oh my darling little wolf." Shi says softly in the same type of heartfelt, deeply touched tones as shi did when I told hir how beautiful I thought hir balls and sheath looked. Pam knows most canines and lupines are very preferable about mating doggy-style so I can imagine that to hear one say they'd rather go against eons of instinctual conditioning if it means they can behold hir beauty during the moment of climax must really show hit home how highly I think of hir. "Okay then, get out of the water for a moment." I do so and watch as shi then creates another mini-tempest of waves while sitting up and then moving around so hir head is now leaning against the corner of the walls next to the taps and shi can prop hir leg over the side of the tub to allow unhindered access to hir pussy. Shooting hir a look of gratitude, I quickly make my way over to the other end of the tub and get in. Since this side is slanted rather than straight, it's much shallower and thus possible for me to wade in towards my objective rather than having to swim. I almost have to bark with glee when the water reaches my hips and my trunk like penis meets again with the texture of slick, wanting lips. Wasting no time, I grab ahold of my beloved cat's thighs and murr in very audible tones as hir treasure again grants me passage to sink in up to the hilt. "Thank you, my beloved. Thank you so much." I whimper as I look up from our union to see what has to be the best sight of the day. Stretched out in the water like some mammoth but perfectly sculpted idol of worship, my wife looks about as relaxed and adoring as can be imagined. Limpid blue eyes beaming softly over a muzzle that's fixed in a warm, loving smile, which in turn is graced by the jet black head of hir giant but obedient penis resting against it. For the moment it looks perfectly at home with its body in the safe and snug confines of hir magnificent mountain-like breasts which shi's cradling with such utter devotion, yet I can still see the tell tale desperate throb that shows it wants - more than anything else at the moment - to finally show its appreciation of all the care and attention we've lavished upon it by showering us with it's contents. "I think she needs you right now." I say, smiling as I lean down to place my paws on top of the colossal girth leading into the sheath and stroke it. Pamela purrs softly at the touch and then lets hir gaze drift down to the now thoroughly soaked head, still streaming like a river and promising that there's something even better in stock if shi's willing to look for it. "Well then, I'm all hers. For as long as she requires my services." Pam purrs softly before opening hir maw and letting the head slip inside. Chuckling softly as the expression of incredible relief that seeps across hir face, I let go of hir legs and lean forward as shi moves hir hips in to allow more and more of the mighty black serpent to fill hir muzzle to the brim. Tears begin to seep out of hir eyes as shi then seals hir lips over the train like body and twists hir head this way and than, letting hirself get another nice big taste of the flavour before hir paws move to the sides of hir breasts to push them together as much as is possible and shi proceeds to start sucking hirself off properly. As always, it concerns me how far apart hir jaws are being forced around that unimaginably thick shaft and its rubbery barbs but shi doesn't seem to find it painful. If anything shi looks even more content at the reminder that shi's a really big kitty in every possible sense of the term. Following the miles and miles of black flesh down and watching how they're all throbbing and pulsing with the utter happiness of finally being tended to, my vision at last fixates upon the bobbing hill of Pam's scrotum and I know I'd best follow hir lead. Placing my paws again on the tight tan coloured fur, I begin to help massage the enormous globes inside while I draw myself out and recommence with my thrusting, feeling an added stab of ecstasy every time my knot slips past the folds. Even if it's unfortunate that I'm not quite big enough to properly tie with my wife via this hole (unless of course shi flexes extra tight to try and keep me in there) it's compensated for by the fact that my knot provides double the stimulation, both to hir and to me every time it passes through hir sex. Beneath me my balls kick up a real flurry in the water as they swing back and forth from the motion, slapping, splashing and just creating a lot of nice feelings as I speed up my pace. Though there is still a constant flow of yowls, moans and muffled purrs our love making continues primarily in silence. Pam's busy tending to the needs of hir cock and I'm content to just lie on hir sac and smother it with my affection as I pleasure its feminine counterpart underneath. As I feel the soft tan fur rock back and forth under me from the facial fucking above, I gradually start timing my thrusts so that as it rolls back towards me I take myself out of my mate, and then once it's rocked back to help thrust more of that gorgeous black shaft into hir eager mouth I in turn thrust my own no less attractive red shaft into hir wet depths. For both of us I doubt the moment could get any better. My wife has lots of hot, and no doubt very tasty cock in hir mouth (having sucked on both hirs and my own I'm all to well aware that we both have been gifted with equally delectable flavours) and I'm currently inside the most gatefully slick passage imagineable. A passage that shows me how much it's enjoying my delightful intrusions by soaking my fur with more of its honey like fluids every time I push myself up against another tender spot within its walls. After a time I decide to try and take things up another notch by letting my face enact some treatment along with my paws on the ball sac in front of me. Making use of my tongue, lips, teeth and nose I start up a little sequence where by with one thrust I kiss the fur, then on the next I bite at it, then after that I nuzzle it, then lick it, then kiss it again and so on. As the two of us continue to mate I gradually make my way around that wonderful mass of flesh, covering as many inches as I can with nips, licks, kisses and the like. All of this causes my spouse to start writhing more aggressively and let out some strangled moans as shi sucks on the pillar in hir mouth and rubs at its body with hir mammaries, which I further down take as encouragement and thus start being a bit more aggressive. As I feel the familiar boiling sensation start up in my balls, I begin making a little suction action with my lips every time I kiss Pam's balls and then follow it up with a stronger bite and a longer lick (sadly there's really no way you can make a nuzzle seem more aggressive). When it seems even this isn't enough to bring on the true flood of climax from either of us I decide to go even further and begin using my claws to rake through the fur and skin on the sides, stretching my arms as far as they'll go in order to get them far enough around Pam's testicles so that I can push them together and squeeze much like my wife is doing with hir breasts. Right now I'm so hard it hurts, and I feel my balls could almost boil the water they're submerged in based on how hot they're getting in preparation for release. Pausing momentarily in my actions I look up to see Pam now has hir eyes closed with more tears streaming down hir cheeks as pre and drool flow in great rivers from hir mouth down the length of hir shaft and over the mammoth interiors of hir breasts. God, shi looks so happy I could almost cry along with hir, and indeed my eyes start to feel rather burny as if I'm about to start releasing tears of my own as I go back to trying to finish my work. The only thing I want is for both of us to climax together, to share our pleasure and the fluids from our bodies much like we have our hearts and our love. And then, after another tense few moments of hard pistoning and sucking have passed, it seems I'm on the verge of getting my wish. As I push my now on the verge of exploding penis up against Pam's g-spot, I feel the distinct sensation of motion beneath my paws, of balls pulling up in preparation to shoot their contents out through the organic cannon above them while pleasure grips and wrings out the body to which they're attached. Hoping I've got the timing right, I pulls myself out for the last time and then thust in as deeply as I can, reaching forward and grabbing a huge mouthful of tan fur as my second orgasm of the night hits me with all the force of a brick speed train. Blood pounds in my ears, in my brain, and just about in every other major part of my body as the life feels as though it's almost literally being sucked out of me along with the mass torrents of cum that are shooting out to fill up the vaginal depths I'm in. Letting my grip on the fur relax enough to allow another ear piercing howl of pleasure rip though my throat, I almost miss the feel of Pam's body tensing up beneath me, which in turn leads to a bit of a surprise when every square inch of my body beneath my waist is suddenly soaked with vaginal fluids and the shaft base in front of me gives its final all releasing pulse. Out of the corner of my eye I watch as Pam's cheeks again inflate like a balloon and shi is forced to pull hir cock out of hir mouth to growl and scream out hir own climax. Gallon after gallon of thick creamy cat semen flows out of the black shaft, blasting hir face, hir chest, hir hair and all of the walls behind hir as shi writhes and thrashes about in the tub. "AHHHHGGGHHHH! OH YEEESSS! PLEEEEAAAASSSSE! OOOHGHHH GIVE IT ALL TO MEEEEEEE!" She screams without pause, mashing hir breasts as much as shi can against hir tensing shaft while shi aggressively nabs the spewing head in hir mouth and takes another huge drink of musky goodness. From far below I can do nothing but just watch the spectacle, too caught up as I am in the grip of my own peak and getting splashed by the overflow of spooge from shooting more than my wife's treasure can hold to move. And to be honest, as Pam again swallows and lets hir muzzle loosen so hir cock can spray another mask all over hir face, just watching isn't all that bad. Caught up in the midst of orgasm my wife has taken on a whole new level of stunning. Every muscle on hir gigantic body is tensed and swelling to bursting capacity, hir tail is thrashing like a giant snake, breasts are heaving even with hir paws trying to keep them in place, balls are pulled up and showing off their perfect spherical shape, mouth is open, tongue hanging out, it's beauty in the most dirty, nasty and sexiest way possible. For how much longer we both remain there and coat each other in sperm I honestly can't say. It feels like forever and God I wish it was forever. But eventually the storm ends and we both descend from the stars back down to Earth, returning to our bodies tired, sweaty, panting and totally on top of the world. As the soothing feel of after glow begins to set in, I pulls myself free from my wife and carefully clamber back onto hir body, using hir abs as a little step ladder until shi wipes the cum from hir eyes and then looks down to see me approaching hir. "K-Keith....(pant)....that....that was...(pant)....just..." Shi tries to think of how to finish hir statement but I can clearly see that adjectives are failing hir. Instead as shi picks me up and brings up to where our faces are on the same level I merely give hir the most sincere smile I can, telling hir I understand completely what shi's trying to say, and that I feel the same way about it tenfold. "Oh honey," Shi says tearfully before our muzzles move for each other and we're kissing again. To most it would probably seem like an awkward image with the spooge from hir face dripping onto mine, and hir still quivering cock pushed up just underneath our muzzles but for me it's one of the most perfect moments in my life. Here, in a world where I'm loved and accepted rather than ostracised, having just shared another treasured experience with the woman I love, nothing could possibly provide a better finish than a kiss with my gorgeous, hyper endowed macro of a wife. "This definitely has to be the best way to spend an evening in." Shi says after we've parted and cuddled up with each other. Resting my arms and head on the tops of hir breast, I merely murr in response as I get myself comfortable on the seat provided by hir muscular arms. Noticing there's still some spooge leaking out of the feline shaft that's now resting by my side, I lean over and gently lick the head clean which causes it to twitch against the tip of my own shaft as if happy to see that even after it's given up all its cream to us we're still glad to have it around and let it spend some time with its red playmate. "It's certainly more fun than just settling down in front of the TV for a couple of hours." I reply before feeling some more spooge drip onto my face where I'm nuzzling against Pam's neck and sighing in disappointment. "Kind of a shame that we went to all that trouble to get clean just to dirty ourselves again." Pam chuckles through hir mask of semen at that and I murr again as the motion triggers off another relaxing little quake of hir mountainous tits. "Awww, don't worry about it. We've already got enough shampoo and cleanser worked into our fur so a quick re-rinse should make up for it." Shi helps me get onto the side of the tub and then quickly dives back into the remaining amount of water to clean off hir face and chest. "Besides, now I've got the smell of both you and me mixed together in my fur, which if nothing else should provide a nice fragrance while I'm at work tomorrow." I smile and murr again at the compliment as Pam picks up one of the sponges and gives my front a quick clean over before reaching over to first shut off the Jacuzzi system and then open the drain to let the water and generous amounts of spooge be drained away. "Come on now, I'd like to spend a while just relaxing with you while we wait to recharge and then decide what we should do next with the evening." "Even if by letting ourselves recharge we're most likely going to need to come back in here to get cleaned up again at some point?" I say with a smile as I climb back down the tub's three step ladder while Pam grabs some more towels and sits down on the sopping wet ones that are already littering the floor. "Keith, bathing with you is always a pleasure. And seeing as how we've been rather remiss about it lately I think having to do it twice in one night should help to make up for it." I roll my eyes and walk over to sit down in hir lap, noticing that much like my own should do in a little while, Pam's colossal shaft has at last started to soften and retreat back to its sheath to rest. "Although, now that you've mentioned it, I think it'd be kind of nice later on to watch one of the porno channels on cable like we did last week. We could make fun of all the crappy dialogue and then play with each other when the actual action starts up." I blink and look up in time to see a towel that one could easily pitch up and use as a circus tent come flying down onto me. Lifting it off myself and then using it to dry my fur I blink again and look at my feline titan while shi wraps hir hair up. "Wait, you mean you actually enjoyed doing that? I thought you were just bored." Pam rubs hir towel down over one breast (thereby giving me another small shock when I see it barely covers the immense mammary) and then moves over to dry hir arms while shrugging. "Well, as always I'm up for anything where we can laugh and joke around together." Shi withdraws the towel and flexes, watching with satisfaction as hir fur is stretched to bursting point over the monstrous bicep while the veins bulge and curl their possessive grip around it. "And to be honest, even if they're terrible at acting, some of the girls in that "Workout Fantasy" series are pretty hot." I rub over the last few strands of my mane and have to smile again as I watch my wife admire hir impressive physique. "I don't suppose there's any chance I could persuade you to stick this up my own tail hole while we're watching is there?" I say while giving a soft caress to the length of hir penis that's still out in the open. "You more than welcome to do so, you know." In response looks down at me and compares the size of my body to hir endowment before shaking hir head. "Keith, you know how much I worry about injuring you whenever you suggest that." Shi helps me to stand up and then wraps hir arms around to pull me into a tender embrace. "And even if as you say you let Trevor do that to you before, I'd like to get some definite proof that my girth and my barbs aren't going to cause any serious damage before I try it. You're my precious loving wolf and I'd be devastated if I let anything bad happen to you." I try to look hurt as she nuzzles me with that huge nose of hirs but it's a futile attempt. Being in hir arms again with hir breasts against my chest and hir breath warming my face just feels too damn good for me to possibly hold any type of grudge. "Mmm, you know it's funny, on my way back from the gym I ran into that squirrel guy that lives on the second floor." "Oh geez, is he still trying to pick you up even after what you did last time?" I ask in disbelief as I look up from where I'm nuzzling against hir fur. "Not quite. He said he had something to ask me and he wanted a totally honest answer. When I hesitantly agreed he said he wanted to know just why, with all the hundreds of other strong, handsome males available in this territory did I choose to get married to a little 'in-between' lupine like you?" I grimace somewhat at the query and Pam nods in agreement. "I know, it was a stupid question but the strange thing is right after he asked it I came up with an answer. No pausing or needing to deliberate, the response just became instantly clear to me." Feeling a sense of hesitancy overcome myself, I slowly cock my head and stare up into my kitty's soft blue eyes. "What did you tell him?" "I told him that I turned down the chance to spend my life with a male of my own size and type for one simple reason." Hir fingers come up to stroke through my hair. "And that reason is because none of the other males in macro territory are you." I blink again and suddenly feel tears pricking at my eyes as the full effect of the words impact upon me. Just one simple sentence it may have been, but the meaning behind it is so powerful and heart touching that I feel myself wilt from the force. Looking up again, my vision growing hazy from the film of tears, I fight to maintain control of my tongue as I open my muzzle. Even though I've already said it before I have to tell Pam that I love hir again. Just get the statement out before I completely break down so that shi knows the truth and beauty of hir words to me are fully understood and will be repaid in full for every year we're together on this world. But before I can even get a single syllable out, Pam's leaned down and sealed hir lips against mine again so our tongues can reach out and play with each other. Just as well probably, because as I realise in that instant there's no need to say what the two of us already know in our hearts. * * * I love the way you look tonight With your hair hangin' down on your shoulders And I love the way you dance your slow sweet tango The way you wanna do everything but talk And how you stare at me with those undress-me eyes Your breath on my body makes me warm inside 1- Let's make out, let's do something amazing Let's do something that's all the way 'Cuz I've never touched somebody Like the way I touch your body Now I never want to let your body go Let's make a night, to remember From January, to December Let's make love, to excite us A memory, to ignite us Let's make honey, baby, soft and tender Let's make sugar, darlin', sweet surrender Let's make a night, to remember, all life long I love the way you move tonight Beads of sweat drippin' down your skin Me lying here, and you lyin' there Our shadows on the wall and our hands everywhere (repeat 1) I think about ya all the time Can't you see you drive me outta my mind Well, I'm never holdin' back again Yeah, I never want this night to end Cuz I've never touched somebody Like the way I touch your body Now I never want to let your body go (repeat 1) Bryan Adams - Let's Make A Night To Remember * * *


  • * * And there it is. My first ever macro, and my first ever hyper story. I only hope I did sufficient justice to both, and for the record I will try to do a few more of these when I next get the chance.