Mythical Tales Chapter 1: Castle Attacked

Story by Toru Kawauso on SoFurry

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#1 of Mythical Tales

My opponent stands there, panting slightly. He swings his mace at my head, I raise my left arm to catch it on my shield. BOOM! 'That didn't sound right' I thought to myself. I counter attack with a right slash at his ribs, he counters with his shield. BOOM! 'Something doesn't feel right..'. I step forward and snap my left arm to smack him with my shield it connects with his mail covered chest. BOOM! 'That sounds like...' Dust flies up my nose. 'Aaa-CH' BOOM! 'What the?' I bolt upright and realise it's smoke not dust as the distant shouts and cannon fire reach my ears. I run to the window and see the city ablaze; I scan the wall and see huge chunks missing as if they had been kicked down by a monster. "Shit, shit, shit" I mutter as I pull on some pants, I grab my bow, dagger and quiver off the wall. 'I've got to find my lord' I think as I run out of my room and down the hall. I glance out the windows as I rush past and note that the situation is looking grim. The tall cannon towers that defend the proud city are nearly all gone and what was left of the garrison is retreating to the citadel. I burst into my lord's room.

"My Lord?!" I yell upon seeing him still asleep, I try again "My Lord?!" a little louder. Seeing him still in his slumber I yelled once more "MY LORD GET UP! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" I enter the room and cross to the other side and grab his longbow, quiver and dagger, spinning around I go to hand him his weapons and 'How is this possible? He's still asleep! God damn, the easiest person to in the world to assassinate and I have to guard him.' I walk over to the bed. Throwing the weapons onto the bed, I grab his shoulders and shout "STEB! WAKE! UP!" shaking him from his slumber

"Mmm?" He moans still half asleep "Bris? What's going on? Why are you shouting?"

"We. Are. Under. Attack" I stated, clearly frustrated

"What?! By Who?" he exclaims as the vale of sleep lifts from him hearing the din of battle for the first time.

"I don't know..." I whispered, trying to get my thoughts in order, "I just know there's a lot of them and they're already through the walls... or what little is left of them" I hand him a pair of pants and his belt

"Well" He stated using his 'Lord' voice, "first we must get to the men, we must drive them back" Sheathing his dagger and grabbing his longbow I drag him out to the hallway and to a window.

"Look" I instructed pointing at the city below, "they are already in the city, and almost at the citadel. It's too late to push them back. They must have nearly a thousand men, if we're lucky we have two hundred. We must get you out of the city! I know a way follow me" Climbing down a set of stairs we barely made it to the bottom when a solid ball of iron death demolished the window and surrounding wall we were just at. We exchanged a look that said 'let's get out of here'.

"My Lord, Steb we have to hurry" looking out the nearest window only to see the enemy bringing a battering ram up to the citadel doors "We don't have much time!"

Racing to the bottom of the stairs getting to the second floor when we heard the door splinter and break open. "You may get to spill some of their blood yet!" a gruff voice yelled.

"Excellent!" another shouts in reply. Drawing our bows and notching an arrow each. We take the stairs two at a time. Arriving at the main hall and get our first look at the attackers.

"The Dutch?!" Steb exclaims in confusion upon seeing the red and white patterns, that is typical of the Dutch, on the attackers tunics. He takes aim at a group of 15, trying to flank our men, drawing his the bow to full and fires before I realise what he was doing.

"NO! We must remain hidden" I shout but too late, he already notched and fired another arrow. "Crap" and I begin firing. 'This guy is going to be the death of me!' Most of the Danes were only lightly armoured in a hauberk each and armed only with a large buckler and a medium arming sword each but there was the occasional Dane in plate armour. The group that we had fired at turned and was now running toward us. They began falling in groups of twos and threes until we ran out of arrows and there's only three attackers left.

"My lord we must go now"

"No we can still-"

"Die! If we stay we will die"

He growls "Fine lead the way"

I lead Steb and the three remaining attackers down a corridor 'they must be elites to not have fled after twelve of them were killed.' After running down several corridors I stop and throw my bow further down the corridor

"That's far enough" I turn and draw my dagger and to my right, Steb does the same. Our pursuers are tired after the chase. The hallway is narrow, barely enough room for the Danes to stand in a line. The ones on the left and right are armoured with a simple chain hauberk and coif, the one in the middle is armoured in plate armour and a barbute helm. 'He might be tough' The youngest looking Dane on the left darts forward and thrusts his sword at me in a clumsy attempt to finish it quickly. Sidestepping to the left I quickly jab my dagger under his shoulder. Pulling it out to stab my knife into his throat when he throws his head back to yowl with pain. I jump back as he collapses with a gurgle. The other two glanced at each other clearly reconsidering their options. At the same time I signalled to Steb that we had to hurry because the sounds of battle from the main hall had ceased. Steb made a feint attack towards the Dane on the right. The Dane raises his shield to block the attack while the Dane on the left jumps forward to intercept. He makes a slash at where Stebs head would have been. Meeting only air, he stumbles. I jump forward and stab him in the eye, his helm had no visor and so was the one weak spot. Quick and simple. He dies silently and twitching slightly. The last Dane drops his sword in surrender and runs back down the hall. I pick up two of the fallen arming swords and two bucklers and hand one of each to Steb "Come on we've got to go before more show"

"As I remember, YOU were leading" he said rather accusingly

We make it to the kitchen without further incident. We cut through the kitchen and go down to the wine cellar. "I thought you said there was a way out?" Steb exclaims as I pull one of the candle holders down and grab a torch from the wall.

"Come on"

"So how soon do you think my father will send an army?" Steb asks as the wall slams back into place

"The king? I dunno, he's far to the south fighting so it could be weeks, or months who knows"

"So what will we do?"

"Get to another citadel and raise an army"

"And if we can't?"

"Then we'll be a pain in their asses" We continue through the tunnel till we reach the end. After checking to make sure there were no enemy soldiers around we run west to the forest and the closest citadel.