Love family part 2

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The Love Family

Part2 : Things get hot.

This story involves sexuality, pornography and personal feelings. This series has many elements that come from my real life, a lot of it is true. The names and species have been changed to protect the innocent. You should an adult to read this.

When my mom and sister got back we settled down into the normal routine of life again. My father seemed not to be upset at the pornography movie. He had said nothing to me about it at all. Mike was still my best friend, and my mom and sister seemed not to notice when my member would accidentally get hard. Summer was coming to a quick close. My father said "Get your stuff ready for going to the cabin on the tribal lands. We will go there in about two weeks, just us two." . He smiled at me and winked again. Then he said "I will show you some things that might interest you, and some others that will help with the kay-tal.". The word meant strong conflict, but I knew he was talking about the erections. My father seemed to be more and more preoccupied with my mom. It was normal to see them kiss, but they kissed more often than normal. He would stroke her fur more deeply and spent much time with her. When I was close to my mother some scent would arouse my penis so easily. It also seemed that they had some sort of plan to do something together that was very important. I had seen them like this before, and always something special would happen.

The weekend came up and my parents seemed lost to themselves. At a time that was earlier than normal, we had a strange order "Go to sleep, and close the doors to your room. We need some private time." This only happened when they wanted to talk in private about special plans. I was excited, so when I went to my bedroom I waited near my door listening. There was not a lot of talk. I could hear them kiss and kiss. My father said in our tongue "You are sure about this, my mate?"

My mother replied "Yes Tanal, I want this so much." . Tanal was my dads name, it meant "Strength".

My father said: " Mleka anta Nialii" ( " I love you Nialii."). Nailii was my mother and it meant "Snow" which was the same as her color.

A silence came on them, I could hear them kissing and my mother moaning softly. Then my father said "Let me put in a new movie I bought to help us to more get in the mood.".

I loved to watch movies and would often sneak to the top of the rail of the stairs and watch a new movie when they had one. Usually my parents would watch a movie before me and my sister did, so they knew if it was something we could watch. I would sneak down to see it when they did not know. I heard my father put a cube in the holographic player. The music came on, the movie had a jazz soundtrack something like the one my friend had brought over. I wanted to see this strange new movie. I could hear the music and sound coming from the living room.


"My name is Richard Hardbody, private detective. Everyone call me Tricky Dicky the private dick. I had a new case open up to me when a pretty kitty came in the door." The males voice was kind of nice the music was soft. I had to wait some more time before I could sneak down to see this new movie. When I finally got to the point of seeing the video, I could also see my parents. My mom and dad were on the futon, but had laid it down, in the bed format. My father was not just kissing my mom on the mouth. I watched him kiss my mothers breasts, taking time to lick and kiss all 6. She lay back on the futon as my fathers hands roamed her body. Suddenly the smell I had near my mother hit me strong. This caused me to get hard,fast! Was this some strange perfume? I had not noticed it before. But now the scent made me so hot. They seemed to not be watching the video much. I saw on the display a large male horse in a typical private detective's suit. He walks to a house and knocks. A female cat answers the door.

"I am Pussy Meow, how can I help you?" the cat said.

"I am Tricky Dicky, private dick and I am investigating a murder." The horse said.

Pussy: "Yes, I am sure you are. Just how private are you Dick."

Dick: "Let me just show you how private a dick can be."

I had a hard time to believe my parents were watching a movie with such a bad script. It went on like this for a little while as the horse and cat went into the house. The cat was in a workout uniform, very tight fitting. You could see her large breasts bulging the material. The two went into a workout room, she turned to him and spoke.

Pussy: "Can you help me, it is hard to get a good workout by yourself."

Dick: " I can help you get a good workout, with a little personal training."

The two went into the gym, and she bent down to pick some weights up. The camera zooms into her pubic region, the uniform making it very obvious of her female attributes. The hose comes close to the cat and hovers over her from behind. When she straightens up he grabs her from behind and kisses her. She kisses him back,and drops the weight. She bend over again to get the dumbbell, and then wiggles her ass and tail. She says "Well come down here and help me."

The male takes his shirt off showing his muscled chest. He moves over top of the cat and strokes her down her back. She rolls over and spreads her legs, then she unzips her suit. As she slides her zipper down slowly revealing her breasts , the horse takes his pants off. The shot focuses on the male horses enormous penis.

Dick: "I like to give you a workout any time."

I hear my mom giggle some, my brain focuses on them. I had not even remembered they were there. My dad was kissing my mom on her breasts and her body. He kissed lower and lower. I saw his head stop when he reached my mothers vagina. This is what had caused her to giggle. I watched my parents as my mom opened her legs wide enough for my father to get between them with his mouth. My father said: " I love you, we can stop now, it is your last chance. Your heat is driving me crazy."

Mom: "I love you, so much. I am ready for this."

My dad then started lo lick her vulva. My mom writhed on the futon as my father licked her. The scent that had come to me earlier now hit me like a ton of bricks. The scent was strong, but it did not smell like perfume. It was not sweet, it was musky and definitely female. I guessed my mom was wearing some kind of strange perfume. My cock had poked out of its sheath with the movie, but now it raged into a full erection. I looked to the video player, not fully understanding what was happening to me.

Only moments had occurred, yet when I looked at the screen, both actors were nude now. The cat was laying on a bench, her vulva clearly in view. I saw the stallion move to the cat. Now a close up as the horses penis entered the females pussy. My mind was going in all ways at once. All of the scents and actions making me part of the action. I was not sure exactly where the images, my parents and myself began or ended. Everything blurred into one. My attention was drawn to the holographic characters, because of the sound they were making. The male horse had already put his huge penis inside of the cat's vagina. The male was over top of her, she had her legs spread wide in a "V". You could clearly see his cock driving in and out of her. She was just screaming "YES!", over and over again. My mom spoke: "Come on my love, they will be done long before we break our tie."

Dad: "Yes my mate, besides I will want to do this again before we sleep."

Mom; "Yes, and in the morning also."

Pussy "Fuck me!"

Dick only grunted at each thrust.

I saw my fathers penis, hard and wet. I looked down and saw mine dripping from the ordeal. I watched as my mother lay on her back and spread her legs open enough for my father. My mom did not put her legs up in the air like the video, but she formed like an "M". Each foot lay to the side, her knees up close to her body. I saw her swollen vulva for only a second before my fathers body overshadowed her. I watched my parents as my father kissed my mother, and then he closed the gap between them. As my father pushed in I heard my mother sigh slightly.

Mom: "Oh my lover!"

As I watched my parents I noted my dad started to drive his hips up and down. As my parents passion deepened, so did the action on the screen. The cat was now just meowing strongly. The Hose was saying "I am going to cum!".

Cat : " I want to see you cum, and taste it."

Horse: " Yes, I will cum on your fur."

The horse was fucking the cat very quickly in short fast strokes. I heard from my parents a wet squishy kind of sound. The stallion all of a sudden pulled his penis out of the cats vagina and started to spray large amounts of white sperm all over the females body. I heard my mom yelp a little, as my father pushed himself all the way to my mom. I watched as the stallion kept pumping enormous amounts of seed onto the cats body. You could only see his penis now, and she was zoomed in a larger then life.

Dad: "Cum shower time.".

Mom: "I can't see it from here."

I watched as my dad cradled my mom in his arms, and rolled on to his back. This put my mom on top, so she could watch. She used a quick rocking motion while on top. My dads cock seemed to just disappear into my mother, his sheath and testicles the only thing I could see. His balls were wet from my mothers juices. The video still showed the cat being sprayed with cum. The amount shown seemed impossible. Her entire front was now covered with a semitransparent white coat of sperm. More came every minute, seemingly in and endless cycle of hard spurts. My mom was riding on top of my father, slowly moving up and down on his member. Each time she wold go up I noticed that her vagina stretched as if something large was inside, and could not get out. My mother let our a small yip of joy, and my father grabbed her and writhed underneath her. As this happened, the deluge of sperm stopped on the video. The cat lay on the bench still, rubbing what seemed to be a gallons of sperm all over her body.

Mom: "Oh yes Tanal!"

My dad just sighed, and closed his eyes. The two of them not seeming to want to move from this position. My mom no longer was rocking on top of my dad. My dad sat up a little and just embraced my mother, kissing her gently. I looked as I saw the stallion with his member deflating, and smiling like my parents were.

My mind came back to reality. I saw a good amount of clear fluid had leaked down my very hard cock. It had saturated my sheath, dripped down my balls, and onto the floor. My fur was soaking wet form the fluid. I had to pee again. My penis was so hard, it hurt. I quietly made my way to the bathroom upstairs. I tried and tried to urinate. The pain of my erection making it too difficult. The pain of the pressure of my kidneys driving me insane. Finally, when the urge to urinate overcame the erection, a spray came out under high pressure. As it came out more and more, the hard-on went down. As my cock deflated the pee came out more and more. I went so much and so hard I had to clean the bathroom . Afterwards, I went to the stairs. My parents had gone, and the set was off. I noticed a wet spot on the floor where I stood. I cleaned this up also and went to bed. I heard my parents in their room making noise. I was so tired I did not care.

At night I my dreams drifted into a frenzy. My mom, dad, a cat and horse all together! It was hard to tell where one stopped and the other began. I was in the middle, mating and being mated. The horse was spurting a river of cum, the cat was underneath me. My parents would be there with me, kissing each other and me. All of a sudden I felt an explosion from my loins. I woke to something hot spurting from me. A wave of pleasure came over me. The white sticky fluid making a mess of my sheets. I felt myself spurting again and again. As I looked I saw the mess, seeing what had happened. I put my hand down to the large puddle of cum. I took a small amount and smelled it. The smell was of myself, but very heavy musky. There was also a sweet scent. I tasted the fluid. It did not taste bad. The sweetness and strong taste was on my tongue. It was hard to tell what it tasted like, other than I knew it was of myself. I got up and got a towel. I tried to get it up, but it just made a mess. I tried some water, this did a good job, but did not completely clean it up. I was so exhausted, I just did the best I could and fell asleep immediately.

The sun was up when I awoke to my mom calling: "Come down and get your breakfast. And change the sheets on you bed today."

Fortune had smiled on me. I got the sheets off of the bed, rolled the hard dried spot where my cum had been, and ran downstairs. I took the sheets and out them in the washing machine. I started the wash, and came to the table. My mom looked at me and smiled. She said "Well, I guess you are really growing up, doing your own laundry!"

She came over and gave me a kiss. She then said "Well, I need to go shopping, so I will leave you to take care of things."

The day had started so well, my luck was running wild. I wanted to see more of this movie form last night. I knew I could not if my parents were home. But fortune was smiling on me today......

to be continued.......