Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 51: There Are No Happy Endings (Conclusion)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#51 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Alex was paired with Poa, another minion of the synoptic. Together the two combed the forests of World Five for stragglers converting all they encountered. During their time together, Alex realized that he liked transforming non-believers into Others. That was until his master announced that they were headed to a refugee colony deep in the forest to harvest even more minions, a colony he was quite familiar with....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 51: There Are No Happy Endings (Conclusion)

Day N/A (Nothing matters anymore, I belong to the synoptic)

I realized with increasing clarity that today was going to be a very bad day for myself and my family. Which was very similar to that alternate life, alternate reality thing I had experienced during my downtime. There Lady Ursa, Boris and myself were also screwed. Very screwed.

Ready to go little man? The harpy asked.

"Master please don't do this." I pleaded. "I will do anything, serve you now, serve you forever, faithfully and loyally for the rest of my life!"

You are already are doing that little slave. The white rabbit interjected.

(Thank you Poa!)

Since your awakening you have challenged us. Our decisions, our motives and questioned our actions at every juncture, every turn. We have wondered why. We realized that you miss your loved ones. The entity said to me. We will reunite you with them.

Then they will join us. The harpy cackled.

Yes we will bring them unification. The white rabbit echoed.

Little human will no longer act out because he misses them. The harpy added.

That was not the reunion I wanted.

Afterward master will help Demona find creator? The harpy asked.

We will in time. But for now you will remain in service to us.

Yes master. The creature said humbly as she approached me and the white rabbit.

Demona was very feral looking. It had to be the talons and brown plumage. It was like her demeanor was saying I live by my own code.

"You are going to carry us?" I asked uneasily.

_Afraid boy? _


Demona will not drop you. We want to be there for your family's reunion and awakening.

"For the record I only act out because my awakening was forced and not of my own free will." I responded.

But now little man is starting to like being ONE of the awakened even enjoying it.

I didn't respond to the harpy's observation as Poa and myself glommed on to each of her talons. The she monster made sure we had a good grip before flapping her arms which were attached to her wings and ascending toward the sky.

The view from above was magnificent and even more personable than traveling in the prototype and a bit slower with no climate control. We headed south into the forest on that cold winter afternoon. The sky was still red and there was still snow covering the ground.

As we flew southward toward the lost city, I tried to link my mind with the harpy in an effort to get through to her. I was hoping to convince her not to follow the master's plan. Like with Raier, it was really difficult.

I did discern that she like Rumble was an escaped lab experiment, but somehow had come into service of the entity instead of living in the forest.

I wondered what I would do when we arrived at the lost city, how could I warn my family that they were in extreme danger? My mistress of course had been rejected by ONE the day of the fall. But I knew Corbin, Corey, Rumble, Shakara, Rhinox, Barq and little Addy would not.

We were near where the western maze exited to the forest when the master had Demona land.

We will proceed from here. The entity said to the three of us.

Where is here master? Poa asked. _ _

Not too far from our destination. Was our response.

Hope ride was not too bumpy little man. The harpy said standing right next to a very familiar entrance. I purposely tried clearing my mind, thinking of literally nothing so there wouldn't be anything for any being to read in my thoughts.

"Actually, not- very smooth flight." I said nervously. "I was curious as to how we minions traveled without technology." I said trying not to show my uneasiness.

(DAMN. The trap door leading to the western maze. It is right there! Oh no!)

Poa walked a few paces south standing next to Demona.

This way. The entity said as the little white rabbit turned westward into the forest. We followed. I behind her and the harpy behind me.


We walked for about a mile to the west north west eventually finding the stream that was the primary water supply for the lost city. This is also where Corbin and I met the Intendants goons!

_This is the source of your colony's drinking water little slave. We can see it in your thoughts. _

"Yes master it is."

We are close then. Demona added.

Yes very close. The white rabbit echoed. We see foot and paw prints. It must be from patrols.

We proceeded a little more westward until we came upon a clearing and a small apple farm with a familiar two story farmhouse with a barn and fields abutting the forest.

We saw about ten refugees of all shapes, sizes and species working. Some were managing the apple trees, others were working inside the barn, there was a group of women in a storage shed working all were under watch by four guards dressed in black masks, black shirt, grey pants, boots with primitive weapons. The Intendant's goons had changed up their look.

(What is going on? This isn't the lost city it is the Grand Kingdom! Why did we come here?)

Little man came from here? The harpy said as we observed the refugee camp/colony.

There is a lot of misery and suffering here of unbelievable measure. The white rabbit observed. This is your home?

"Master I don't want to be here." I countered side-stepping the rabbit's question.

But this place is prevalent in your thoughts. You have very strong emotions for this place little slave.

(Well it is for another reason.)

So many souls!! Minds just waiting to be touched and awakened!! Demona coo-ed.

That chakat tied to the tree out front of the property. She is a sacrifice? Poa asked.

"Don't ask questions to which you already know the answer." I said chastising the white rabbit. "It is how our leader the Intendant punishes disobedience."

_ And those that oppose his rule. We have observed his forces in our territories. They are scraggly** , unkempt and need discipline but will make fine additions to our collective.**_ The master said to the three of us.

_Master how do we proceed? A direct assault would prove ineffectual, those outside would alert those inside. _ The little white rabbit said.

A stealth assault would seem to be in order then a gradual awakening. By the time any of them realized what was going on it would be too late. Demona suggested.

We will wait for our opportunity. The entity interjected.




The three of asked one after the other. I was even intrigued by this.

_ We have a spy on the inside. Someone who has offered all to us for a price. _

And so we chose an appropriate hiding place under a pile of leaves about a half mile from the property and waited.

We watched patrol after patrol go by including the occasional runner who was chased down and then dragged kicking and screaming back to the compound.

How does it feel to be back home? Nice yes? The harpy whispered to me.

(This isn't my home!)

"Surreal. Very surreal." I said as observed three of the Intendant's goons.

Afternoon gave way to evening and we waited. Evening then gave way to night.


Yes we know little slave, the night creatures roaming about. The synoptic said to me.

Are you afraid of me little man? Demona asked reading my thoughts.

The awakening begins now. The entity said through the three of us.

Poa, Demona and myself emerged from the pile of leaves and made our way to the large tree at the end of the property the one the chakat was tied to. He was cute, with tan fur with stripes, stubby tail and pleasant looking face. A youthful face- despite his tears.

"Who is there?" He shouted.

We are travelers from afar. Poa said.

"No your not. That look on your faces. You are part of that horde plaguing the land!" He said.

We are of the ONE. Demona said stepping forward from the shadows.

"We see that you are in extreme duress." I said stepping forward.

"Me?" The prisoner denied.

You have been crying. The little rabbit observed

You have also made a puddle. The harpy said looking down.

"I guess. The Intendant said I was a burden to him. I am a slow worker, not very intelligent and I don't contribute to the colony. I am to be disposed of for the greater good."

We see that you have been spanked, kicked, beaten. The synoptic said looking over his flank. And defiled.

"That is because the Intendant hates beastials. I may not be that bright, but I know when I am being used. Caden acts like he tolerates beastials but he works us twice as hard as any of the humans saying that he is trying to create a better world. But it is for humans only. It will be the reverse of what came before- beastials will eventually become second class citizens when all is said and done.

We are creating a better world as well. The little rabbit said to the chakat.

A world for humans, beastials and other creatures. The harpy said.

"No! Don't!" The chakat shouted.

Do not be afraid child. We will show you. The synoptic said through me. I placed my hand on the beastial's forehead. This is our aim, our goal.

"Wow." He said.

I assume the master was showing him the vision of the crystal city I had seen the day of my awakening.

"You speak the truth."

There is a price to be paid for this to become reality; much work must be done.

"Wow!" The chakat said. "Please take me away from here."

I watched as his fur bristled as he became a believer. Another Other for the master.

Demona removed his binds.

We will remain here master and acquire any creatures that happen by. He said calmly.

_It is time. _ Poa said walking toward the front door of the farmhouse.

_Yes it is time. _ The harpy said ushering me to her talons. With that she took flight to the side of the farmhouse the second floor where I discovered that the hole the prototype had made into Mr. Thorn's room weeks before had not been repaired.

The synoptic planned a two prong attack using Poa, Demona and myself. The she rabbit would walk through the front door of the Grand Kingdom while we would enter from the side. Since it was nighttime we also had the element of surprise.

"Yes, very nice." Mr. Thorn said looking at some very short red shorts that his adolescent sex toy was wearing. "That outfit complements your leash and collar. I may let you wear it... on occasion."

The near naked lion boy blushed as his master ran his hand down his flank.

"Magnificent! Now let's see what you look like in the fundoshi." The man with the worn face, wrinkles, grey hair and a scar on his left cheek said.

It was beyond obvious that Mr. Thorn had been taking very good care of the boy, he was clean, his fur had been brushed and was a nice color too. Not a scratch, blemish or mark over his entire body.

The two looked at Demona and myself as we entered the bedroom from the hole in the wall. Demona started to make her way toward the pair.

We are sorry about the wall, but in a moment that will no longer matter. The harpy said reaching toward the lion.

No not him or the boy. They betrayed their kind to us. The master said.

"Say what?!"

Yes little slave there was a traitor in your colony. Its fate was sealed from the start.

Emergency! Emergency! Intruders! To arms!! To arms!! We heard someone scream in the hallway outside Mr. Thorn's room.

"So the day of reckoning is here." The goon said cuddling his sex toy.

You will remain here. The synoptic ordered Mr. Thorn and the lion boy.

Demona opened the bedroom door and watched as some of the Intendant's goons left their rooms to run down the stairs to the front of the house to find out what was going on.

Carefully Demona and I left Mr. Thorn's room and went through each of the bedrooms on the second floor looking for candidates. We found a few guards sleeping through the commotion. We took our time touching each. Obediently they leapt to their feet to go downstairs to assist... the synoptic.

From there we entered the infirmary where we saw a amphibian and a fossa tied to two chairs. They looked like hell, they had been abused, punched, kicked and beaten.

(So this is what became of Corey and Rumble's enemies.)

"Wha, what is going on?" Ida asked hearing the commotion.

_ An invasion- something Otherworldly._ The entity said.

Hello father. Demona said addressing Claudius. _ _

"Experiment 21!" The fish guy said.

I am called Demona. I have come for you. The harpy took her time sitting down on the his lap, reaching her arms around him and kissing him on the cheek.

"Claudius!" Ida screamed.

We see that you have strong feelings toward that one little slave. We shall turn her to.

(Not the feelings you are thinking master. She is an enemy.)

But in keeping up appearances. I decided to play it up.

"Master please! Don't!" I said acting.

(But please make me.)

You will little slave.

I reached out my hand to just shy of the fossa's nose.

"Don't please!" She pleaded struggling in her bonds.

The master made me sit on her lap and hug the terrified she beast. Which I did with glee.

(Welcome to the family Ida.)

I held her tight as her fur bristled and the entity rushed through her body claiming the fossa for its own.

This had to be the weirdest siege I have ever seen, not an ounce of blood was spilled because the Grand Kingdom had been betrayed from within.

I had taken great joy in eliminating two enemies as well, a few less things for Corey and Rumble to worry about.

"Shouldn't we help Poa?" I asked concerned. "There are certainly a lot of goons downstairs."

She is holding her own little man. Demona said to me. We need to take care of the king of this castle.

(I almost forgot.)

The master sent Claudius and Ida to front of the farm house to help Poa claim the compound. While the harpy and I were sent to the back of the home.

Now for your leader little slave.

(Hey, don't let me stop you.)

Where would we find him master? Demona asked.

The study you would meet there on a regular basis.

"Yes master."

We ignored the chaos in the front of the farmhouse a little longer while we searched the study. It had a desk and a nice view of the backyard but no Caden.

We thought he should be here. We did not see him elsewhere. The synoptic said.


*bump\ **_ _*

Demona looked at me and then went to the corner of the study. That bump, bump, bump- it was louder there.

Master! behind this wall. The she creature said.



My hands started combing the shelves looking for a lever, a switch. I suspected a secret room behind the bookcases. It wasn't until I pulled on a book whose title said 'Invitation' that the bookcase moved two inches to the side. There was a secret room- a bedroom. Inside was the Intendant oblivious to the noise happening beyond his walls because he and a lady friend were making some noise of their own.

"Oh Caden!" A freckled redhead said leaning in on him. The human female was stark naked and had him pinned to the bed. Her arms planted next to his torso- her weight fully planted on his groin and her legs and feet were bent at such and angle that they were touching her behind.

"Life's pleasures are best shared my dear." The Intendant said to his lady of the night. He was laying on his back hands covering his eyes and enjoying himself very, very much.

"Well this is compromising." I whispered.



Demona looked at me and I at her.

_We will now relieve your leader from his position. _

"You are going to kill him?" I asked.


I was expecting the synoptic to finish him off in a manner similar to the High Evolutionary. It wasn't quite like that.

I felt my body slide the bookcase a little more to the right. Then I crawled inside, across the floor to the foot of the bed.

"What do you think? Am I doing it good?" The redhead bimbo said smiling.

"Oh... more than good." The Intendant moaned.

The synoptic made me watch- and wait until just the moment.

"GYAHH!!!!" Caden shouted as he came hard. I found my hands groping and fondling the female's ass as she received his offering.

"On Caden that feels simply wonderful!!! URK!!!"

As the Intendant's sanity returned he found his lady of the night moaning and moaning and moaning- her skin crawling as she did.

"I wasn't that good was I?" He asked.

No it is me love. I have changed.

"Tonya? What do you mean?"

We have awakened.

"Tonya, you are not making any sense." The Intendant said.

You and I have become ONE. The redheaded female said passing the crawling skin phenomenon to her partner as they were possessed.

(That was the end for the Intendant; there was no way out of that- he was inside his lover when she became an Other. Like a venereal disease- she just passed her possession on to him.)

Soon both had that familiar peaceful goofy stare.

We left the new vessels for the entity to return to the front of the house where the white rabbit had kept the Intendant's forces busy- she deftly dodged every sword thrust, knife attack, mace strike and arrow sent her way while their weapon's owners were turned by those we had turned.

We arrived just in time to see her walk through the line of fire like some action movie bad ass while goons in the background were running after and attacking each other.

(Wow she is something.)

_Well done little rabbit we are most pleased. _ The master said complimenting her.

Thank you master, the siege is nearing completion. Poa said.

Yes their leader has fallen only one more task remains.... Demona said.



"Hey what is going on out there?!" One of the refugees shouted pounding on the cellar door. "Guards!!"

Yes? Mr. Long said opening the door ajar to stare at a disheveled man in a hood with tan pants.

"What in the Sam Hill is all that commotion going on up there?" The man asked.

Mr. Long looked at Mr. Taylor then the refugee making the inquiry.

There has been an incident. Mr. Taylor replied cryptically.

"What type of incident?" The refugee on the other side of the cellar door demanded.

"Yeah what type of incident?" Somebody in the crowd behind him about thirty strong demanded to know.

There has been a change in leadership. Mr. Long said opening the cellar door a little wider.

"You masked goons going to elaborate or what?" Someone else in the crowd demanded.

_ The previous leader was a prejudiced megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur. He maintained his power through control, threats, intimidation and manipulation._ Mr. Taylor said.

Yes he has been replaced by a new leader, ONE who will not diminish followers because they are first or second class citizens. This new leader, our new leader is striving for a better future where there isn't any bias, resentment, hatred, animosity or greed. Where all are ONE working for a perfect future. Mr. Long said.

"Gee that is a pretty speech, Caden gave one like it before we became his prisoners." Another in the crowd said.

"Yeah there is always a trade off, a cost. What is it?"

_ _ Just your free will. Mr. Taylor said removing his mask.

And you bodies. Mr. Long said removing his.

The thirty refugees who were housed in the cellar looked at the goofy peaceful stares of the Intendants former goons.

"They have become Others!" A woman screamed.

"Like the things that took over the city?" A pheasant screamed as Mr. Long, Mr. Taylor, Poa, Demona, myself and the rest of the possessed rushed into the cellar to convert the remaining non-believers.

Screams and cries radiated through the house that night as the synoptic increased its fellowship, wiped out the Intendant and his followers and supposedly put me in my place by assimilating my former colony- or so it thought.

The synoptic rewarded Poa and Demona for their actions. Like the Forward sisters, the harpy had a special request some time alone in Caden's chambers with me.

Yes this is quite delightful. The she creature said as she pinned me to the bed and lowered herself on to my shaft. Quite nice indeed. The master was quite pleased with the results little man.

"Yes I guess it was." I said feeling her vulva smack my scrotum.

No more feeling sad and lonely. Your family is now ONE with us forever and always. Demona said to me.

"I know I personally converted Joy, that despondent crazy woman who was separated from her husband during the cataclysm."

Yes they are together now. But you are still preoccupied.

"Demona I joined the fray in the cellar- I touched, poked, grabbed, prodded, rubbed as many body parts as I could to convert our screaming, crying captive audience to our side." I said solemnly.

Yes, yes so what is wrong with that? The harpy said sliding down on my shaft and looking me right in the face.

"I lost myself; I enjoyed every single moment of it and I would do it again and again and again. I love creating Others. The pain and anguish of my victims at their moment of possession, the crawling skin, the bristling fur and the emergence of that peaceful gaze. Simply wonderful."

We knew that you would come around little man. The harpy said kissing me.

I don't know what happened that evening. I was sure my master was going to wipe out the lost city converting my loved ones into Others. Our minds were linked so how did it get it so wrong?

In a strange way though I am thankful it did happen- despite the collateral damage. I inadvertently settled some scores I had with the Intendant and his thugs as well as Claudius and Ida while being an accessory to the entire event.

The Grand Kingdom was eradicated that night. The lone survivor was Mr. Thorn and his lion boy who agreed to let the synoptic use the farm as a auxiliary base. But more importantly I realized something about myself that I didn't want to admit. I was slipping away, my honor, integrity my very soul was moving toward the dark one and its goals of conquest; I longed to find the next straggler and turn them willingly or unwillingly into an Other.

To Be Continued....