The Birth of Hyperion Academy: Chapter 2

Story by Taylertots on SoFurry

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Parker continues his tour of the college with the help of his friend Nick. Along the way he discovers just how things work around here and meets a few more friends.

If you like this, please stay tuned as it will get CRAZY later! you ain't seen nothing yet.

The Birth of Hyperion Academy

Chapter 2

The sloppy, arrhythmic cacophony that marked the ongoing orgy at the quad had long since faded into the background, mixed with the late summer ambience of chirping birds, croaking cicadas, and club music. Parker's new friend Nick stretched his furry white-and-brown mottled arms upward. He lingered for a moment before placing his hands behind his head and sending his elbows wide. He sent his gaze skyward, closed his eyes, and took a deep inhale of the fresh summer air. Parker continued to glance around the campus grounds, his head unwittingly and comfortably nestled into Nick's armpit.

"You smell that?"

Nick exhaled smooth and long, his body rejuvenated.

"Smell what?" Parker looked up and over towards Nick and took a deep breath of his own, only to be suddenly hit with overpowering St. Bernard musk emanating from the pit that his nose just bumped into. After a couple seconds he stopped and looked up at Nick in a confused mixture of annoyance and arousal.

"The--oh." Nick laughed. "I didn't even notice you were right there." A wicked grin flashed across his face as he reached down and slightly twisted Parker's head inward. His snout ran flush with Nick's pit fur.

"Me, if that's what you're into!"

He held Parker by his golden scruff long enough to force him to breathe in pure scent. When he let go, Parker pushed away into the open air and panted rapidly to wash the intense musk away from his lungs.

"No...I'm...not..." He gasped between words.

Nick shrugged. "Whatever you say. I'm cool with it. Anyway! That's not what I meant. I just meant the air around us. There's so much to it this time of year. Smell for yourself."

Parker regained his breath and lifted his nose to the sky. It twitched as he breathed in deeply.

His mind was awash with a world of smells. His sharp canine nose picked apart the mixture of dozens upon dozens of scents, some distant, some close by. Nick's musky odor still dominated the landscape, but as he paid more attention he could still faintly sense the orgy behind him, and just in front, a dense, stale scent. Latent notes of passersby filled in the background.

He opened his eyes and saw Nick pointing towards an old-looking building with a trio of Greek letters ornately carved above the front door. Pale, foamy, dark-yellow liquid spilled out under the door and dripped onto the front steps. Muffled jeers could be heard coming from inside.

"That's Alpha Beta Omega.

"They really know how to party. I spent a couple years there, you know. Maybe I'll take you there sometime! You look like an Omega to me." He winked and kept pulling Parker along.

"The only problem is that they don't allow alcohol. Weird, I know."

Nick led Parker down the row of Greek houses. There was a distinct scent to each of the houses, and one or two frat boys or sorority girls marking their territory around their building. A half-dozen bitches sat in a circle, dangling their feet into the fountain in the plaza. They gossiped and made small talk, casually pissing into the water with no interruption in their conversation. Scattered around the open campus were couples, trios, and small groups all knotted together and marking each other.

He quickly strolled down the pathway, Parker following close behind. As they walked past the numerous residences and Greek houses, different scents whizzed past like street lights. The pavement gradually gave way to a footpath and the row of luxurious old-money houses came to a stop at a brick wall. An archway stood above the two dogs, labelled "GOLDEN PARK". Beyond the gate, the pavement gave way to a footpath between evenly planted rows of lush trees and wooden benches every few dozen feet.

Parker stopped to look at a sign nearby.


Nick nudged his shoulder.

"Guess that's your cue!"

Parker gulped. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're a sub, right? So, you're supposed to get on all fours."

"...yeah. Sub..." Parker trailed off before getting on all fours, looking like an everyday feral dog. Nick clamped a collar around his neck and tugged the leash. "Don't worry," he assured his pet. "It's not far."

As Parker effectively crawled on the footpath, he passed by other pairs and small groups. Some other pups like him turned their snouts and sniffed his butt curiously before being pulled away by whoever was holding their leash. He turned red with embarrassment.

"Aw, don't worry, Park, that's just how it is here. You don't need to be embarrassed, just enjoy it! Mind if I sit down for a few minutes?"

Nick already planted his firm butt down on the nearest bench before he could answer. Parker sat obediently next to him under a nearby tree, not sure what to do. The space around him seemed to darken as his nose caught a quick whiff of an overwhelming scent. He glanced up, only to be met with the spread-out hindquarters of another pup that had his leg lifted over him. Without any fanfare, his new friend unleashed a torrent of puppy piss all over his face.

Parker sputtered and spat it out, shaking his body in an effort to wick off his now damp fur.

"Sorry! Sorry!" the sub's handler, a short, waifish saluki quickly apologized to Nick. "I'm so sorry, I didn't even notice he was there!" She turned towards her pet and began to admonish him. "King, that was bad of you! Bad!"

Nick turned to her and gave her a genuine smile. "No, no, it's fine! Don't worry about it! Parker doesn't mind that kind of thing at all. Do you, boy?"

Parker shook his head in an effort to get the last few droplets of piss out of his ears.

"See? No need to scold him. He's just trying to make a new friend! Speaking of which, I haven't seen you in forever! Felicia, how are you?"

"Good! Looking forward to later today. Can't wait to catch up with everyone. Is he coming with?"

"Maybe. I've got an idea, but you've got to keep it hush hush for now."

She tied her leash to the arm of the bench, and then leaned in to where Nick could whisper quietly.

Parker turned towards King.

"Hey, man, what th--"

He was cut off by the feeling of a stiff member sliding into his maw. King lifted up on his haunches and mounted Parker's face, humping aimlessly.

Parker felt the slimy red rocket graze his cheeks as he turned his maw to the side. No way he would take this. Not in public. Not like this.

Nick glanced down and tapped Felicia's shoulder. He pointed to the pets.

"Look, he's playing hard to get!"

"Oh, that's so cute!" Felicia giggled. "Now what was this about an initiation?"

"Shh, not so loud!"

The wet sound of doggy dick slapping his cheeks made it hard for him to hear anything else from the nearby conversation.


After a handful of rapid-fire thrusts King finally lined up with his target. His pointy-tipped cock pierced Parker's resistant maw, prying open his throat in one smooth, slick motion. His nose scrunched up as the tip of his snout pressed into a knot that obscured his vision entirely. King's cock forced itself down just to the entrance of Parker's throat.

Parker mentally kicked himself for ever thinking his new start would be any different.

Several minutes passed with no sign of King letting up. He heard a faint giggle above him every once in a while, never letting him forget the swarming campus tour processions moving by him. The scuttling paws of anxious freshmen were all he could see, most of his vision being obscured by sheathfur.

Parker resigned himself to waiting out his playmate when he heard a loud finger snap. Within moments, another furry weight pressed into his backside.

Nick craned his neck over the back of the bench to see the source.

Behind a doberman mounting Parker's ass stood another firmly gripping its leash. Nick stood up and opened his arms wide.

"Well if it isn't my old roommate Landon! How the hell have you been keeping, man?"

Parker let out a shrill yipe as Landon's sub hilted his unaware ass with ease.

Landon glanced up to meet Nick's warm, inviting gaze.

"Been good. Busy."

"What you been up to?"

"This, and that."

"Looks like you finally whipped him into shape, huh?"


With a quick pull, the leashed doberman turned his forepaws inward and gripped Parker's haunches. He immediately started fucking him at the same rapid pace as the dog in Parker's throat.

All Parker heard were the feral growls, pants, and grunts of the two big breeds on top of him. Their slobber dribbled onto his back. After the hot searing sensation subsided from the sudden assfucking, they all settled into a regular rhythm that gave Parker's mind space to wander.

Just what was he getting himself into? He wanted to meet friends, sure, and it seemed like this was just how things were here. Surely he would get a chance to speak up soon. Just a little longer. He handled way worse than this back home. This was nothing.

Thoughts raced through his mind as quickly as he was getting humped from both ends.

"Hey! Park!"

Nick's voice boomed from above like a message from a higher being.

"I'm just going to go for a quick walk with these two here. Got some catching up to do. These two told me they trained their boys to edge as long as they need to, so don't worry about that. We'll be back in a little while."

The wet sounds of pre- and saliva-slicked cocks plunging into his holes took over his senses once more as he saw Nick's, Felicia's, and what he assumed to be Landon's paws walk away from his limited field of view.

He sighed and resigned himself to his fate.


"King! Parker's gotta go now! Let's go, finish up!"

Felicia's voice called out crystal clear as Parker snapped to attention, not even realizing he had zoned out on doggy cock. She walked towards the dog in his throat and gave it a firm swat on the rump.

King's humps suddenly stopped. Parker felt strong, slow pressure on his face. He felt his jaw unhinging against his will, pushed to its limit as it somehow morphed around King's softball of a knot. As Parker's mouth inched its way past thick middle, he was very quickly met with a face full of sweaty sheathfur. A hard slap of dog nuts to his throat confirmed that King had hilted him.

King's cock rippled. His low-hanging balls tightened and pulsed, pumping cum into Parker's throat. All Parker could do was swallow. His loud gulps massaged the dalmatian's shaft, teasing even more cum out.

As King's load flowed deposited directly into Parker's tummy, the doberman mounting him from behind plugged his knot in too, leaving Parker locked between two huge, red, knotted doggy dicks and filling him from both ends.

He felt his belly and abdomen swelling from inside from the sheer volume, but he couldn't look down to see if it actually showed on the outside. Parker could breathe, but just barely, the thick knot plugging his throat with a nearly airtight seal.

After several more minutes of cum pumping, The two dongs deflated enough to uncork themselves from Parker's body. Rivers of watery cum followed, dampening the cool grass underneath.

With the wet, frantic humps subsided, he could finally hear the three owners talking amongst themselves.

"Good start?"

"Yeah, it was nice to see you again. Looking forward to tonight!"

"Yeah. Seeya."

Nick's contemporaries pulled on their respective leashes and departed.

"Hope you had a good time with your new friends! Bet you can't wait to see 'em again!"

Parker forced a convincing smile to meet Nick's cheeky grin. Nick tugged at Parker's leash as well, pulling him towards the other end of the park. Other feral-acting subs periodically crawled their way over to mark this fresh face. Parker couldn't even smell his own body any more.

Just past the campus green, Parker got back onto his hind legs. they stopped at a tall, modern glass building that stood juxtaposed to the older architecture surrounding it. Nick opened the door and held it for Parker, and they both walked inside.

Instantly the scentscape changed. No longer did it smell like ten thousand different kinds of marks. That faded into the background as the door closed behind them. It was replaced with the smells of dozens of different food options. The biggest lines were at the place that sold the classic high calorie campus fare like burgers, burritos, falafel, pizza, and calzones with dipping sauce on the side. A handful of healthy food options were sparsely populated with bunnies, goats, and other herbivores.

Parker's nose twitched and scanned the room from left to right. The food smells gave way to the pissy smells of the barely concealed bathroom. Parker's nose short circuited with the combinations, unable to tell which belonged to whom.


The word hung draped over a waist-high door on a white banner, yellowed with experience. Just past, anthros of all kinds kneeled in rows along the walls, leashed to glistening chrome pipes.

Nick turned to Parker with another trademark smirk.

"I'm kind of feeling like I gotta go again, how about you?"

"Well, actu--"

"Great! It's just over here. Follow me.

Parker sighed once more and got up.

Nick deftly unlocked the half door and it squeaked as it flew open. He held it from the other side and made a gentlemanly gesture with his arm towards an empty stall on the other end of the room.

He smiled.

"Subs first."

The ambience of the food court marked by indiscernible conversation, shuffling plastic trays, and crinkling napkins quieted down into the background as Parker entered. Instead he heard trickling all around him punctuated by squeaking faucets and the clacking of footclaws on the white tile floor. A smattering of coloured tiles arranged into a Golden G encircled by a complementary black broke the pattern. He looked straight down. He dared not purposefully glance at the dozen or so urinals currently in use.

"Come on. On your knees. You know the drill." Nick smirked.

He took slow steps towards the stall on the far left. Unable to keep his curiosity at bay, he glanced to his right. A bunny boy was chained by the throat a chrome pipe behind him where his mouth yawned wide open and waited. His short, white fur was dyed pale yellow. The drain between his knees loudly slurped up the dregs of piss that dripped from his hips and circled it.

Parker's gaze veered upward as he reached the last stall on the left. He turned to face it. Empty. Automatically his eyes drifted to its neighbour, though, as a fine specimen of a grey-white wolf's ass obscured all but the rounded ears of a freshman's head. The goat's throat, at least what could be seen underneath the wolf's balls, bulged out. The bumps of throat flesh disappeared into his stomach with a steady rhythmic gulp.

Parker swallowed reflexively and walked forward.

He turned around. Nick was already behind him with paw on his cock and he was grinning ear to ear. Parker knelt the moment their eyes met.

"Good boy."

A golden trickle landed on his golden forehead and his ears flattened. Before it even flowed over his nose its scent began to take over what was left of his own after the markings that he'd already endured.

At least it was familiar, he told himself. He wasn't smelling like a complete stranger, at least. Besides, Nick seemed popular. Maybe it would end up being a good thing for other students to pick up on, and he'd make some friends more easily.

Yeah. This wasn't so bad. He could put up with it. At least it wasn't Jax. At least Nick's smelled fresh and not like he held it in all day...

The smallest inkling of a smile crawled over Parker's face. Yeah. It would be fine. Parker's ears perked up, and he looked up at Nick, now aiming for his chest.

"Wow, looks like someone's finally getting into it!"

Nick grunted quietly, flexing his abdomen to speed up the flow. His pale yellow stream flowed down and split into two as it dribbled down either side of Parker's twitching, half unsheathed cock and dripped onto the tile.

It took a solid minute for the stream to even begin to slow. Even then, Nick grabbed his cock and swayed it left to right, making sure to cover every square inch of Parker's body.

All of the flowing fluids made Parker notice the pressure building in his own bladder. He figured he might as well take care of it, and relaxed his muscles. A trickle of his own arced out of his chubby cock and landed right into drain with perfect aim.

His flow was brought up to full speed Just as Nick shook off the last few dribbles of piss off his own cock. Nick stepped forward a bit and smeared the dregs onto Parker's face.

Parker couldn't believe how turned on he was getting by this. It was nothing like Jax. He loved the way things were going. The way Nick flopped his cock onto his snout, the way it intensified the scent he was picking up from his own fur, his own feeling of intense relief as he let go fully and pissed hard into the drain from where he was kneeling. Taking the hint, he opened his maw, and Nick pushed himself inside.

He tasted good. Parker suckled gently as Nick humped forward slowly, using the extra features of his personal puppy urinal.

It felt like time passed slower for those moments. Parker closed his eyes and lost himself in the sensations for once. Less focused on his position, he found he was getting so turned on by being able to piss freely in this situation. Maybe he was a bit jealous?

"Hey, this isn't your personal time, bud! All the others are taken, so you better be finishing up real quick! Other people gotta go, too! Don't hog the urinals!"

Nick slipped his cock out of Parker's mouth and shook a final few dribbles of piss onto his face.

As Nick shook off the last few dribbles of piss off his cock, he stepped forward a touch and smeared the dregs on Parker's face.

"Sorry! Sorry. I'm just finishing up right now. You can go ahead."

He stepped back and walked towards the sink to wash his hands.

"I'll be over at the tables, just follow your nose!"

He winked once more before leaving Parker alone.

There was a twinge of betrayal in Parker's gut. That hurt. He thought Nick would be much more protective than that. What was with him? Didn't he care? Didn't he like him? In a flash he missed Jax who at least cared enough to fight off anyone who tried to mark his "territory"...

A trio of horses smirked menacingly at each other.

"Never seen him before. What's with the worried look?"

"Doesn't he know how it is around here?"

"Who cares? Let's just unload and get outta here. I'm starvin'."

They crowded around Parker. The middle one laughed before whipping out his floppy horsecock. The others quickly followed suit with theirs, all about the same size, a foot and a half, maybe two feet long at most. Hard to tell from this angle, inches from his face, but he could only imagine their length when they were hard.

"Sorry, kid, the rest are taken."

One by one, the stallions started pissing at full strength. This close to him, and with so much force, the streams splashed off his snout, ran down his neck, and got everywhere.

After about a minute, the second started. After another, the third. For a little while, all three were marking him together with their arms around each others' shoulders. It seemed to be a bonding moment for the three of them.

"Thank god for free refills, am I right?!"

The horses laughed. They didn't seem to care they were getting it all over themselves too. It seemed to make them more eager as they aimed their cocks in different directions and started covering as much of his body as possible.

He closed his eyes and waited for it to be over with. Judging by the feel of their harsh, powerful streams on his face, chest, and cock, this was going to take a while.

As strong as their own scents were, Nick's wasn't completely washed off, even as the minutes slowly ticked by and the streams of horse piss slowed to a gentle trickle before tapering off completely. They each gave one last squeeze, and with a final squirt, capped off what was, between the three of them and Nick, a solid five minutes of piss streaming down his face, mouth, chest, and cock.

The horses high fived and left, not even stopping by the sink or turning back to look at how they left the dog kneeling in the stall.

Parker was positively dripping from head to toe. Piss had been cascading over his body so long he felt like something was missing once it was all over. He looked around to make sure nobody else was lining up to use him, and then stood up, walked over to the sink, and washed up after shaking his body all over to dry off. It wouldn't do to leave the bathroom dripping wet.

He stepped out of the bathroom, finally, and gave himself a quick whiff. Thankfully underneath the strong horse scent there was a faint memory of Nick. He followed it down to the booth where Nick was waiting. Two other unfamiliar faces were there with him and they seemed deeply involved in their conversation.

As he made his way over, he noticed some sideways glances from a handful of furs passing by. His face turned red. He must have too many scents on him to even track at this point!

He kept thinking to himself as he slowly approached the booth.

"What should I say to Nick? He just left me there! That wasn't fair! I didn't think things would be this open! He better not try something like that again or else I'm gonna--"

"Parker! Over here!"

Nick waved him down, interrupting his thoughts.

"I already got your food. Hope you don't mind. Remember Felicia and Landon from earlier? I ran into them again and they asked if they could sit with us. That alright, I hope?"

"Yeah that's...fine..."

Guess the conversation would have to wait for another time.

They chowed down without much fanfare. It was the first time Parker had eaten since arriving at the school, so he was absolutely starving. He scarfed down his meal like a feral.

"You know, Parker, I uhh, I have something to ask."

Parker still leaned over his tray as he looked up at Nick with marinara sauce dripping from his maw. Nick smiled at him.

"You seem like a great kid so far. In fact, I really like you! And there's something I've been keeping from you until now. Now feels like a good time to tell you."

Parker sat up straight and dabbed his mouth with a napkin.

"I'm actually the President of the student council here. Felicia and Landon are the VPs, and my two closest friends. Since it's the start of a brand new school year, and such a monumental occasion for the history of the school, we want to bring in some fresh blood to bounce some ideas off of for our big celebration. After we're done eating, we're heading to the student council offices to hold our first meeting of the year and hammer out the details. I'd be really honored if you could come along and...well, it'd just be great to have a fresh perspective, especially for someone who embodies the school spirit so much!"

Parker tilted his head curiously.


"Yeah! I mean look at you! You're a Golden, and you sure as hell seem to like everything golden." Nick winked.

"It's important to get involved in school life as soon as possible, you know. Why don't you come along? We have snacks and drinks, I'm sure it'll be a good time."

The three seniors smiled expectantly.

By this point, Parker was getting a little bit tired of Nick, but what was one more event? He didn't want to waste his first week of school just sitting in his dorm.

"Okay, sure! I'll come with."

"Awesomesauce! You won't regret it. Finish up and let's go."

They all quickly gobbled up the rest of their meals and chugged the last of their drinks.

"Parker, you mind grabbing the trays? We'll wait up at the entrance."

The four of them stood up and left the booth, and the three seniors soon made their way towards the nearby door leading outside.

Doing a double take, Parker suddenly found himself alone. He quickly scrambled to trash the scraps and neatly place the trays on the stack above the bins. He chased after them as soon as he was done.