a tail of magic and mystery chapter fourteen

Story by twobunny on SoFurry

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#14 of a tail of magic and mystery

Chapter fourteen

We land and drive to the back of the store and show Janice the store, introduce her to the kids, Especially Michael. Then we determine when her next ovulation is. It is in three days. Then we ask the important questions.

"So, What do you want, a boy, a girl, one of each, a pair of boys or girls. What is your choice?"

"Well, I don't know, what would you recommend?"

"I would recommend one of each, with completely different DNA parentage."

"Will this procedure be permanent?"

"Shucks, no. This spell is one time only. After you have the kid, you can have sex and bear human children, as many as you want."

"Okay, I want a boy and a girl."

Alice shows her the house and the birthing room that she used and even shown Janice the other birth video. Then Alice shows Janice one of two berthing options, a private bedroom inside the main house or the guest house. She chooses the private bedroom. Then she asks what is for dinner, she is starving.

Alice says, "It is about lunch time, what would you like to have?"

"Go ahead with what you were planning for lunch, you don't have to change it for me."

"That is good to here, we were having Tofu surprise. But for you we can make something different. How about the house special stir-fry."

"What is in the house special?"

"Chicken, pork, beef, seafood, several Chinese vegetables and some secret spices. Are you allergic to anything."

"Nothing I can think of. Except some antibiotics."

"Oops, the baby is waking up from her nap and needs to go to the bathroom."

"How do you know that?"

"I cast a magic spell right after she was born that tells me when she needs food, or need to go potty. And she never have needed a diaper since. And when she is old enough, we begin schooling by casting a spell to give her access to all Earth's knowledge."

"Will you do that to my children?"

"Do you want that to happen to your children?"

"What are the benefits?"

"Well, Jessica, When she was two, she was doing Daddy's taxes and got back as much money as she could get and she even helped with the audit that came after words. And we never had to buy diapers."

"I'm sold."

They place Angela on the potty and she goes. After words the contents are flushed.

Three days later, Janice comes into the office to have the procedure done. First the egg is split in half and modified into the furry form, which is watched to make sure it multiplies. Then a second spell to prevent any possible complications such as compatibility issues.

Two weeks later, Janice says that she has missed her period and we confirm it with a pregnancy test. A week later we announce it to the world.

When I make an announcement, I can make an announcement. I get together all the news agencies together at the business meeting room at a local hotel.

"You all are probably wondering why I have called you here. I am here to announce the second and third of the second generation of hybrids and they aren't being carried by one of my children. This is Janice Goodrich and she is carrying twins, a male and female. Janice came to me and asked to carry one of my hybrids as one of her own children. I agreed and she moved out here and is under our care. Janice do you have anything to say."

Janice comes up to the podium and says, "I thought long and hard before coming to this decision and I think I have made a good one. Any questions?"

"How long did you take to make this decision?"

"It took me over a year to make the decision, then after getting a physical and mental evaluation I was approved."

From the back of the room comes, "THIS ISN'T RIGHT!! Hybrid are against god."

"Come forward and face me."

This man in his middle age comes forward.

"Why do you believe that?"

"They were created in a way God unintended."

"How do you know what God wants?"

"By interpreting his holy books."

I get in close and announce, "So my power and what I do with them, given to me by a higher power, would you call it a miracle, a blessing, or heresy?"

" "

"I thought so, This man has been reading his scriptures wrong, No where does it say that god is against what I am doing and to tell the truth, I didn't create the first hybrid, God allowed her into creation to keep me company."

The man flees in terror and the news conference continues.

Time passes and morning sickness comes into play, Alice goes and gets items for Janice. Like stuff to make fresh bread from the grocery store and ice cream and yogurt products from local providers. (Using a cooler that keeps items at the perfect temperature. Very good when the temperature is above 90 degrees.) I look at Janice and Alice and they are eating a quart of cookie dough ice cream and Janice looks like she had been crying.

Alice looks up and says, "Janice has a problem."

"What is it?"

"Well, I called my parents and announced that I was helping you bring hybrids into the world and they disowned me. They told me I was not worthy of being their child."

"I can believe that, there have been people that actively hated my children and I have gone through steps to not allow it to happen."

"Give me an example."

"Once when Alice was five, there was a restaurant that would not serve us, saying she was a distraction to other customers."

"And what did you do about it?"

I cast a spell that would allow employees and management in but kept customers out. Within a week, I was being served with Alice. And Alice got me off on the resulting lawsuit, claiming Discrimination of race. And having my powers as a top secret at the time, it wasn't easy."

I get a courier come in from Washington, A summons from Congress. It seems that they want to ask some questions.

I arrive in Washington, D.C. and check into the hotel with Janice and Jessica and try to overcome jet lag. Traveling across six time zones can be tiring. Two days later and the hearing takes place with the science, magic and technology sub-committee

We are sworn in and the questions begin.

"Can you tell us why you are here?"

Jessica says, "Would it have to do with the fact that Janice here is pregnant with the second generation of hybrids."

"Right on the first, can you explain yourself?"

I begin.

"First you have to understand some facts. There are a group of people out there that call themselves furries. They role play themselves on the Internet as part animal, part human. Like the hybrids I currently care for. I received a message from one of these furries saying that my hybrids would be a hit at one of the many fur conventions that take place in one of many countries around the world."

"You are saying that there are people that want to become like your hybrids."

"Yes, sir. And there is more. Once there, I got a request to transform one of these people into their Fursonas as they call it. I cast the spell that lasted for twenty four hours and transformed that person into their part animal form."

"Go on."

After I created my magic shop and medical center, I was approached by miss Janice Goodrich who is sitting next to me, she came to me and asked for a hybrid child. After having Jessica give her a through physical and mental evaluation, which she passed, I cured her of any minor imperfections. A family history of diabetes, a weak heart, and a couple of cavities in her teeth."

"We have a few questions about the young lady."

"Go ahead, Ma'am."

"Why would you want to have a Hybrid child."



"I am carrying twins. A boy and a girl."

"Good for you, but why?"

"I have been a furry ever since I have been on the Internet and that has been for the last five years. I went to the convention last year and saw my first hybrid, Jessica. For the next year, I considered having a hybrid child or permanently changing myself. After hearing of what happen to her at the hotel."

"What happened at the hotel?"

"We were required to pay a pet deposit, until I threaten to close the hotel to all."

"Well after hearing that, I made my decision to have the child, hoping that it would have some magic power to protect itself. I wasn't expecting to leave my job, my apartment and my family."

"Are you holding this woman against her will?"

"No, she is allowed to leave her room, make phone calls to anywhere in the world and even visit Honolulu. Although she need some one to drive and protect her since she can not be imbued with magic because of her age."

"What about the new children?"

"I will test them after they are born, but I have a feeling that they might have some magic ability.

"How did you create the new hybrids?"

"By altering one of Janice's natural egg cells, Splitting it into two eggs and altering the genetic material to resemble one like my hybrids."

After the shock dies down, the questioning continues.

"What would you do if we were to limit hybrids by law?"

"Then get used to walking to work and a court case based on the endangered species act."

One day, I get a message from one of my employees, a young lady named Melissa, she needs a raise, because her ex-boyfriend has defaulted on his child support payments and she is unable to send her child to day care. I get Alice and Angela into the office and ask if she wants to run a day care. She agrees, and two other employees also bring their young children into the office. We provide this service at no cost to employees and patients with young non sick children.

Did you have a day when you are between a rock and a hard place. Today is just one of those days. I get a group of Cuban refugees that live in Miami come into the shop. I get pleas from the Cubans that fled about things that are happening. Including things that happen to those that have been returned. I make a call to the US state Department and get the straight poop.

"It is hard to tell what is up with that country. We have been getting reports of atrocities on those who speak out against the government, especially when those who are affected come to the US."

I get government approval to visit. I take Jessica with me and what I see is horrible, I visit a prison covertly and see bad conditions and political prisoners by the hundreds. (I tap the minds of prisoners to find out their crime.) There are no civil liberties, police can arrest you without charge. And the people, the vast majority want a change and yet they don't want to change because of threats. So I use my magic (With Jessica's help) to influence the minds of those in power. First, I get the current leader to commit suicide and I get the national assembly to put in a leader that is for the people, drop the communism thing and begin negotiations with the United States to end the current embargo. By the time I leave Cuba, everything is good to go and within a year, Americans can freely travel to there.

After returning home, a courier arrives with another summons to Congress. This time it is the foreign relations subcommittee.

I bring Jessica as my council as I never cast the knowledge spell on myself.

The questions come quickly.

"Did you have anything to do with the overthrow of the Cuban government."

Jessica whispers into my ear and I reply, "With all due interests of the parties involved, I will have to plead the fifth amendment, my answer would be incriminating to myself."

"Can you tell us what happened in Cuba?"

"We landed in Cuba and found a hotel, from there I cast a spell to determine what is going on. I found out that the people were unhappy with the government yet they were unwilling to do anything about it."

"And did you have anything to do with the suicide of the current leadership and the placement of a viable Democracy."

More whispers, "I will have to plead the fifth amendment."

"So that is a yes. Do you know that we have a policy of not assassinating world leaders."

"How do you know I wasn't working for the Cuban peoples?"

"And how much did the Cuban people pay?"

"I did it pro-bona."

"You are saying that you took action against a oppressive government and was paid nothing for it."

"I am saying that if I did, I might have done it and I did it willing and at a loss."