adventurs of the lost realms (promo)

Story by Tavom on SoFurry

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working progress im looking for some feed back on. you know the rules 18 and up peace im out.

Dawn broke joyously on the plains of Everfall slowly the creatures of the realm came to life to go about there daily lives. Slowly the sunlight creped into a little den dug into the side of a little hill. Ril yawned as the light warmed his scaly body and made it impossible for him to go back to sleep. He opened his deep golden eyes and gazed around his little den he smiled at his little home. He had dug it himself when he first came through the portal to this world maybe two or three years ago (who cared how long it had been he sure didn't) then had furnished it with the essentials any dragon would ever need a small metal bowl for his drinking water that he had hand made himself by using his fire breath to heat a piece of iron ore he had found in a cave in the woods, a bed made of hey and grasses, and his most prized possession the big shiny thing that anytime he walked in front of it would show him how he looked. Ril stretched like a cat and walked off his bed he took a little sip from his water bowl to refresh himself then walked to look in his shiny thing. The image of himself appeared showing a medium quadrupedal sized dragon with golden scales and gold eyes, his back lined with little fins, he flapped his wings to stretch them and the other dragon did the same, he swung his tail so he could see the razor sharp blade-like projection that sprouted from the tip. Ril smiled at the other dragon which smiled back and turned and slowly walked outside through the main entrance tunnel. At first Ril had to use his tail to guard his eyes against the suns bright light but as his eyes grew used to the light he could see everything from the low hill that surrounded his home to the forest that spread to the south and the mountains that bordered to the west. He stood in the entrance to his home for a second and thought about what he would do today. "I could fly over to the top of the mountains..." he mused out loud "or I could go swim in the river. Ruuuu" his tummy growled loudly calling for food. His mind made up for him he stalked out and into the forest to hunt for food.

"Whoa !!!" Sky yelled as she was flung out of the world gate and onto the soft grass of Everfall. "Austin are you ok?" she panted as she heard another thud somewhere close by. When she heard no reply she turned her head so she could look for her partner and had to suppress a scream when she saw his white furred body laying motionless in a slowly gathering pool of blood. She struggled to her feet and limped over to the other dragons limp body. Sky nuzzled his head and the injured warrior groaned " just five more minutes." sky frowned and heard the portal shoot out more travelers. Unfortunately for Sky these weren't the friendly sort as one stood up brandishing a wicked looking sword. "Austin wake up! There here we need to go! MOVE DAMIT!" she yelled as she bit his tail as hard as she could. "yeeeeow!" Austin shot up wide awake "RUN!" Sky yelped and followed Austin as he bolted into the surrounding woods. Austin ran for all he was worth which must not have been much because he could hear the beast pursuing them gaining quickly. "Sky keep running ill keep them off your trail." he said and spun around to meet there pursuers. "No Austin im not leaving you hear for them if we die we die together." sky turned and looked Austin square in the eyes " I owe you to much." she added softly and gave him a lick on the cheek. "Sky... I" one of the lead beast barreled around a tree bellowing a challenge Austin was only to happy to meet. He let out his own battle cry and inhaled then roared it out the air sparked into white flames that collided with the beast mid step and sent it flying back into a group of its comrades. The beasts screamed and howled in pain as the white flames spread and engulfed the group but as they fell trying in vain to extinguish the flames even more of the beast came flooding into the clearing waving all manner of weaponry. Austin launched himself onto the nearest biting and tearing at it with both claw and tooth alike while Sky took to the air with a flap of her wings and used her flame breath to attack the monsters. She weaved as a spear came within inches of her neck and Austin rammed the beast full force with his horns goring it then with a flick of his neck sent it flying then with a swish of his tail he logged his tail blade in another's neck. "MORE!" the white warrior dragon shouted in full bloodlust and charged into anther group of enemies just as Sky's purple flames erupted into the group. Austin veered just in time to avoid getting burned but a cloud of searing of derbies flew up into his face blinding him just long enough for a particularly large beast to shoulder charge him into a tree. The impact knocked the wind from his body and he landed with a dull thud he felt weak it was as if he watched the battle in slow motion. Sky was like a blue goddess of death shooting purple flames at one group as she launched herself into another only to escape and repeat the process. Then one of the monsters threw a silver net over her and drug her to the ground Austin wanted to scream he wanted to help he wanted to do everything he could for her but he was so tiered. He noticed absently that she was screaming something at him but a boot blocked her from his field of vision before he could decipher what she was saying .

Austin followed the boot all the way to its source with his eyes until he was looking up into the huge monster who had bashed him into the trees eyes. It smiled down at him showing sharp yellowed tusks "beg for my mercy dragon scum and I will make her death quick." it growled in a primitive form of dracon and pointed at Sky who was surrounded by a number of the horrible beast she was rendered helpless by the silver in the net. Somewhere far off he could here her wonderfully warm voice raised by stress yelling at him "No Austin don't!" Austin smiled lazily up at the monster the blood from the wound on his back leg was pooling again and it felt so warm around his body. "fuck you." he said then giggled as his eyes closed.

Ril had been stalking a forest rabbit when he and his prey heard all the commotion. The rabbit bolted into its hole before Ril could pounce on it leaving him staring in the direction of the noise. A breeze rustled through the forest and nuzzled gently ageist his snout he inhaled it like the scent of a long lost friend and it told him the stories of the surrounding forest . blood, something burning, dragons, and something new his mind registered he worried for a second weather he should investigate or just go hunt in a different part of the forest but his curiosity got the best of him and he ran off in the direction of the scent. As he came closer and the scent got stronger he crouched down and crawled up next to a tree so he could see into the clearing. What he saw amazed him two other dragons battling wave after wave of some sort of strange bipedal monsters. One dragon a white male with strange markings all over his body fought like a demon throwing himself into the fray with reckless abandon while the other a sky blue female with dark black wing filaments flew and rained down purple fiery death from above. To Ril it looked like the two warriors would win against the odds then he had to suppress a scream of horror as the male was smashed ageists a tree while when the female turned to help him she was snared in a silver net. "Austin!" Ril heard her cry in anguish as the beast now stood over the warrior there was an exchange of words that he could not hear then the beast raised his sword point down high above its head.

Ril had seen enough he stood up and launched himself into the air his gold wings stretched wide. He flew up to a good height then turned, folded his wings and dived back down letting out his bronze colored flames first onto the beasts holding the net containing the female who once the net went slack burst from it and jumped onto the nearest beast disemboweling it with her claws. Ril flared his wings to slow himself before he hit the ground and glided onto the face of the biggest beast just as he turned to see what the screaming was about the white dragon at his feet completely forgotten. Ril screamed curses and words he had never thought he new as he gored the monster that he clung to. He had never fought a day in his life and his body felt hot and angry the only thing that mattered to him them was ripping the animal to shreds. Even when the monster dropped he still scratched bit clawed and roared at the dead body until the female dragon pulled him off his grizzly prize. "that's enough you got him." the girl said even as Ril growled at her in frustration she moved next to the other warrior "help me please he's hurt and we better get out of here before those things come back." she begged and Ril moved so the white dragon was in between them. "we can go back to my den I have some medical supplies there." he said as the started off in the direction of Ril's home. As they left rill looked back at the clearing the ground was littered with body and blood the beast having fled when he killed there leader apparently did not believe in retrieving there dead and somewhere far off he could hear the screams of the wounded.

By the time they managed to finally hobbled to Ril's hillside den the sun was setting plunging Everfall into darkness. It seemed like forever until they managed to find the entrance to the den mainly because Ril's body still hummed with adrenaline making it hard for him to remember where was but luckily the found it. Trying to get in was some what of a hassle as Austin was still unconscious and all three of them could not squeeze through the tiny tunnel the managed it by sky going in first dragging Austin by his collar and Ril pushing him from behind "set him on my bed." Ril said as he stuck some moss in his mouth and started to chew. Sky was quick to obey picking Austin up and standing on her hind legs an awkward task for a young dragon and set her friend o the straw bed as soon as she was down to all fours again Ril shoved moss into her mouth "chew." he commanded and she did but not without protest. "ugh! What is this crap it taste awful." she managed through the mouth full. "Talmoss. Now be quite I need to concentrate ." Ril said over his shoulder as he mixed a few herbs he had stored in a corner of his den. Sky watched the golden dragon warily she was not quite sure if she trusted him or not especially beings she did not even know his name yet "im Ril by the way." he called over his shoulder. Sky was glad the other dragons back was turned so he could not see her surprise "oh um ... im Sky and the white dragon over there is Austin." she said "thanks for helping us I thought for sure I was going to loose him." she padded over to the bed and lay next to the warrior but kept her head up so she could see Ril. "he's going to make it right?" she asked worriedly and licked the wounded dragon behind his ear to her surprise Austin let out a little groan. "its ok im here." she whispered tenderly in his ear then looked up as Ril approached carrying a little bowl. He set the bowl down and scooped some of the contents into his paw " hold him down this is going to burn but it will have him good as new in the morning." the golden dragon mumbled absently as he focused on applying the slave. Sky was quick to do as ordered laying her body across Austin's to restrain him wow he's warm she thought as her chest pressed against his and strong she watched as the muscles in his arms flexed unconsciously in his sleep I wonder what it would be like having him hold me in those arms or pin me down while he...whoa back up. she shook her head to clear it this was Austin she was thinking about her life long friend how could she think these things of him hell he would probably laugh at her if she voiced a want for him to do something like that with her.

"MMMM!!!" Austin's jaw clenched around the primitive gag made of moss as he screamed in pain ripping Sky away from her thoughts. "hold him dame it!" Ril shouted at her as he narrowly ducked Austin's dagger like tail blade. Sky thanked the gods Ril had gagged the warrior as she worked herself into a position that allowed her to wrap her tail along Austin's who knows what kind of foul things would be coming of that mouth. she thought. Little did she know as the make shift gag started to glow white that she would soon find out. She watched as Austin's bright white eyes snapped open and narrow as the warrior twisted his head to the side and unleashed his flame breath incinerating the gag and scorching the earthen wall on the other side of the room. "Mother fucking ass rapping whore that shit burns!" he shouted as he nearly threw Sky off of himself in an attempt to roll onto his paws she held firm though and forced him back onto his back. Sky shifted herself so she was straddling Austin's torso with her hind legs and sat on his chest. The new position forced Austin's tail to curl in at a bad angel and he wiggled underneath the dragoness to try and free his tail. "stay" she growled in his face hoping he would at least obey for the sake of there friendship if intimidation did not cut it.