kiss of the dragon part 2

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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After a few mouths of nothing David said this to the press, the person doing this was Ron the rat who died at his own home testing the antidote, if he had succeed he would have sold it to us at a large price but he killed him self in the end testing too much and died from poisoning and he is dead, other then that the kids are all ok they were only in a comer to witch they have awoken and they are all ok, no more questions please, David went back inside the police station where jolly and James now back but still walking on cruces but getting better all the time, they took every thing off the evidence board and put it in a white box with the red words of solved on it and put it away in the solved place, the board was too put in this box seeing as it played a major part in the case, and life went back as it should no more kissing's or bad kids just the odd one but they where soon caught and punished by the mums and dads. The car chases where the same, D.U.I's where the same lights out or wrong plates where the same or just the odd one of drugs but James found it and the people where charged and jailed for a couple of mouths seeing as they only had a small amount on them so life was fine or was it, remember the dragoness that David found after the kiss? She was ok but in a deep comer and at David's home but one day she awoke.

David had had a long hard day and was looking for a good rest on his chair and to just chill out, but when he got home and opened the door his house was a mess, then he herd a noise, he still had his gun but went for the pepper spray, guns kill the spray just hurts he came in and shouted police stay where you are! Then he herd the noise come from the bedroom he ran over to the door slowly opened it and then was hit over the head by a lamp, David fell to the floor but soon got up first rule in cops if hit in a house or any where, get up or the person will do more damage, David got up and looked in the corner, there with the remains of the lamp was the dragoness, she was frightened and when David went over to her, she tried to run but she was cornered, David got on his knees and spoke softly hay, hay it all right what's your name? She just cried and said nothing David picked her up and carried her into the kitchen that was also in a mess and placed her on the chair then grabbed a mop and bucket there was food over the floor broken cups and plates and lots of other stuff, in the main time the girl was looking on and hiding every time David looked at her, David sat by her and said the same word but add a bit more hay, it's ok your screed you must have been hungry so you looked for food, but this place was new to you so you went mad, please tell me your name. The dragoness looked up and then weakly said my name is dragononite the 1st, I have been in that curse for 5000 years and you sir set me free, she fell on the floor she was still very week from escaping the curse he called over the dragon from the museum and he said, it can't be she was the first queen of Egypt before Cleopatra and so the curse must have kept her beautiful for all the years and she was looking for the right person to free her that person must have been you David, David looked on she was fine but weak and very thin and not a lot on her so he make up some soup and coffee for the dragon and he talked though the night on the story of the dragoness's past life. He said, this would be great for the museum they could learn about the past and all the object's they had no idea for she could say what they are, no! David said suddenly, think about it you've get the real dragononite the 1st what happens? People will come to see her she'd just be another show piece; sorry but for now we keep her a secret, the dragon from the museum left and said ok on keeping her a secret.

That night the dragoness awoke to a noise she had not herd before she wondered into the room where the noise was coming from and saw a very strange light but it was nice and she watched some more, it was nice the pictures on the box where moving but there was no one at the back with puppets or anything it was just strange then David walked into the room, what is this strange device for these moving pictures? She asked, that's telly vision it a thing we watch to make us laugh and to cry and to sell us stuff, she looked on and was amazed at the new would she had come too, does it stay on all the night? No at about 12:00 1:00 ish it closes down, she then noticed something in David's lap, what is this? She picked up a crisp and felt it, it felt strange, that's food you eat it, she placed it in her mouth and eat it then she swooned at the taste, this is good what is it called sir? Oh it's called a crisp you get a packet and eat it, it fuels you and you always want another one but don't eat too many other wise you get a fat tummy, and please, call me David, Sheriff David. They talked the night away about all the new things in the would like the fridge and the Hoover and other things but the one things was the time the date was April the 4th she was nearly 5001 years old but she looked like about 23-24 then David looked at the time, oh that late huh? Well it's been nice talking to you but I've got work in the morning so good night, erm where am I going to sleep? She asked erm on my bed if you like, yes please, she got on the bed and fell fast asleep.

In the morning David was awoken to the noise coming from the kitchen he got up and went into the kitchen, where the dragoness had made breakfast, oh sorry did I wake you? Yorn, no but I didn't know you could cook? Neither did I but I can after a while, David looked on the floor it was messy but she had made food and she was eating ok. David tucked into the breakfast and got dressed for work, what do you do all day? Erm chase bad guys and look after this town, oh can I come? Erm no sorry but erm if you want you can clean oh and read and if they get boring you can watch telly. David showed the dragoness how to work the telly and the washing machine and the Hoover and he kissed her, bye I'll be back at about 6:00 ish, he left and closed the door the dragoness sat down on the bed and looked around the bedroom was a mess and she'd made it back in Egypt she'd have salves to clean this mess up but that was bad now so she got to work her dragoness's nose could smell witch cloths were clean and witch were dirty.

After a hard day of work David came home he opened up the door to find the house clean and like more newer looking it looked like he'd just moved in but then he herd the humming of the girl, oh your back she kissed him on the check, what have you done to my place? Cleaned it hope you like it, I love it thank you, your welcome oh and were out of books to read, what?! Yeah your kids books were easy and then I found your sexual books very hot stuff in them, but enough about me what about you day? Well I, are you wearing my cloths? Well I couldn't find any female clothes so I borrowed yours, ok but about your name it's going to have to be something shorter like way shorter if you're going to be coming out side with me but only to the museum.

They sat down and looked though names but none of them where any good, how about jade? No that stone is from Japan, ruby? No it won't match my eyes, Stephanie like your eyes sapphire and Stephanie, I like that so my name here will be Stephanie I like it.

So it was diced the new name was Stephanie and she loved it. after another long day of work David came home to find the house still clean and also his computer on, he looked over at it, it was on a web site for poetry David didn't remember signing up for this, he looked on and if he did write poetry then he was very good at it, then Stephanie came in, oh sorry David that's my work your new thing flashed and I read it and then I found this site and now I have somewhere to write my poetry sorry, that cool just tell me if you want that though it may have a virus on it but that's very good I like it, oh there was something ringing today as well that red thing over there it rang a couple of times today, that a telephone its a thing used for talking to people, David did a quick answer message check no one important other then his dragon friend who had made a break though in science come over as quick as possible.

David went over there with Stephanie and they were taken to the lab, where they meet the dragon, ah David there you are oh your dragonship, erm what's his problem? He knows you are the real dragoness the 1st, oh right, anyway I have done it I've made a time machine! but also I have made it so only you can go forward or backwards but never return, so you could like send young dragoness the first here, please call me Stephanie, oh thank you your dragoness and erm take her back to her time but erm no joy riding, still shorting out the odd kinks, erm, he went back to work on the machine, Stephanie if this machine works we could send you home before the curse takes over you we've stopped it, but I like it here, yes but this place has loads of new things that one day you will use wrongly and possible kill you, oh I never thought of that.

Back home Stephanie was on the bed looking out of the window and watching the planes go by then David came into the room, hay you ok Stephanie? Yes but David, herm, what was the dragon on about yu gi oh, I herd him spack of this, that name sounds like something I used to play with but it got locked away, yeah it was but someone brought it out in card from, oh, may I see? David rummaged around in his wardrobe for the tin he had, ah found it! here, he handed it to Stephanie and she looked, oh wow I know these cards I had that one and that one, she placed the cards that she had on the bed, wow this bring back memories, then David looked at her, Stephanie if that machine works then I could send you back to your own time, but I would never be able to see you again, Stephanie looked at the cards and then looked at David, you mean I would never see you again? yes you would but you might see me in your dreams, she cried a little but looked around her all the new stuff and yet she did miss the easy life before all this before all the new stuff and in this would she couldn't go out side because people may know her, alright I'll go but I want one thing before I go David, yes what that? To sleep with you by me I've seen you, you get up and sleep on the spare bed, please David just for one night? David said ok and that night they sleeped together and David loved it feeling another person next to you and she also liked it having a bed with someone to share it with seeing as it was a double bed.

in the morning David got up and looked she was gone but she had left a note David woke up and read it, dear David thank you for not telling the would about me and for last night, I have gone to the museum and back to my own time by the time you are reading this I will be gone, I'm sorry but I did kiss you good bye and I'll miss you. David looked up she was gone he went down to the museum and at 8:35 she was teleported back to her own place in time, David took the day off work he was depressed losing her and not saying anything just saying ok to sleep with her, after this the work was the same but then one day he found in a skip a old painting it was being lobbed out of a old posh house, David looked at it, it was very old 17th centre David got it out and looked it was her the dragoness she had been painted and she looked lovely David took the painting home and set it up on a easel and set to work restoring it.

days went by mouths went by and David returned every night and after having some coffee set back to work on the painting it was now looking a lot better then before David had looked after paintings before he joined the police and this would be his master peace it was covered in dust and some very nasty older paint this was on the frame thankfully not on the picture witch David then found was hiding something a message or in this case a pack it read dragononite the 1st painted 1767 taken from the trip we went on to Egypt, David counted to restore the picture but at work he was falling behind on paper work and his car chases where looking very bad one time he even crashed into another cop car so he was told to take a holiday and he knew just where to go, Egypt.