
Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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Fun + Games = Mayhem

A giant panda woman in a red and gold Kung Fu uniform with a dragon motif walks into a gymnasium as a purple bunny girl with pink hair in a leopard printed leotard and baby blue leg warmers with matching cuffs is doing aerobics. The door to the dojo/combat simulator is closed which gives the panda pause. A monkey is also meditating in a nearby hot tub who wolves to the panda.

"Hi, Seer," The panda woman says, "Who's in the dojo? I'd ask Kaleidoscope but she's in her own little world right now."

"Believe it of not, Dragon Fist," Seer says with a smirk, "Demolition is in there. He put a DVD in the reader and punched up some training program..." The two look at each other, "Come to think of it, I'm curious," his eyes go blank for a minute then he gives Dragon Fist a weird look, "Tanku? You're the Sentinels's Martial Artist, have you heard of"

"He's picking up, tanku?" Dragon Fist asks incredulously, "It's a pretty new martial art, Seer, it was developed by a tosa strong dog hero in Tokyo and has spread informally since then."

"A 'tank' martial art?" Seer asks.

"Essentially," Dragon Fist answers," Honestly, it's kind of disturbing, I'm the Martial Artist, Demolition is our big tough and strong bear. But if he's gonna lean a martial art, tanku will suit him well."

"Excuse me,: a four foot five inch bovine of indeterminate gender in black and wearing goggles as eyewear asks, "Is Demolition here? I'm supposed to be meeting him today and I'm late."

"Hold on, Ezra," Kaleidoscope says before knocking on the door to the dojo and asking: "Hey, Demolition! Are you decent? Ezra Moo is here to see you!"

"Suspend program!" Demolition's voice comes through the door before the black furred grizzly with red hair and gray eyes comes out in a pair of red shorts and sleeveless tank top to match. The shirt says "Eisen Kreiger" with an iron cross in its center. "I was waiting for you to postpone or cancel today, you're usually very prompt."

"Yes, Dahling, I know, please forgive me," Ezra says and then notices the attire, "A hold over from your days as a villain?"

"Hold...oh, the shirt!" Demolition says when he realizes what Ezra was talking about, "Yeah, I did some training with the old Nazi," everyone looks at him, "Physical training," there is a collective sigh of relief exhaled, "But I could never bring myself to chuck the gym wear."

"It suits you actually," Ezra states, "Red and Black have always been your colors. It's just now you're a hero and not a villain. But your e-mail said something about a new look and a name change? Dahling, you are Demolition, the wrecking ball of Justice. But to fair I will entertain your idea for a new code name."

"Thank you," Demolition says, "I want to get away from to my past, my old code name brings back bad memories for folks. I was thinking of renaming myself: Tank Monster."

"Actually;" Ezra says after a moment to ponder his suggestion, "That would work; you are big; strong; and fairly hard to hurt. Yes, it will be a challenge and I love a challenge. Something paramilitary perhaps. Do you have any religious affiliations?"

"I'm a neo-pagan actually," Tank admits which gets around if approving nods. "I kind of like the Teutonic pantheon."

"You are, at leas in part, German?" Ezra to which Tank just nods, "I see, they share much with the Norse but ever since the Nazis much of that has become suspect. They were beasts but their fashion sense was superb. A pity really such wonderful looking uniforms now universally tainted by the evil of those that wore them. But I have some ideas. Do you like urban camouflage?"

Kaleidoscope and Dragon Fist giggles as one.

"Yes, I do," Tank says as he sighs and shakes his head. "One of my employers was into paramilitary gear. I have a whole wardrobe of camouflage."

"Were you ever a Mercenary of Mayhem?" Seer asks point blank. "They served Guerilla Master as terrorists for hire."

"That was the employer!" Demolition states, "Thumperdoom had a fling with him once. I was one of the faceless during that period."

Kaleidoscope turns all black, white and gray.

"They were related," Dragon Fist answers to Ezra's unasked question.

"I'm bringing up your measurements now," Ezra says while playing around with a PDA. "Yes, that will be most helpful. Come see me in a couple of days. I'll make you an appointment."

With that Ezra scurries off happily, ecstatic at the prospect for what can be done. War Horse into the gymnasium as Tank goes back to the dojo followed by Dragon Fist. The horse is dressed in jeans and a Sentinels of Freedom t-shirt but not very happy.

"Before you to whatever you were doing, Demolition," War Horse says in an annoyed tone. "A word please?"

"What's wrong, Jack?" Seer asks. "You don't approve of O'Connor changing a few things and fully becoming a hero?"

"His probation..." War Horse growls.

"Has already been served!" A voice yells behind as a hippo in a disco era leisure suit steps in. "Thwarting Mad Lab Rat and Bull Stock was the final act. I saw Ezra practically skipping with joy. What's the new code name gonna be, son?"

"Tank Monster, sir, and thanks for the DVD," Tanks says to Hippo Daddy-O with great respect. "Tanku is my style of fighting."

"We're very similar, you and I, Tank," Hippo Daddy-O says with a smile. "Powers and attitude, I've actually made money on that disc. But I also believe in its instructions. Tanku helps keep me in the game with my own moves.

"the style caters to your abilities," Dragon Fist says as she wraps herself around Tank as Kaleidoscope glares t her. "All that exercise getting you hot and sweaty..."

"All for me," Kaleidoscope coos as she slides between Tank's legs to kiss his groin.

"Dragon Fist; Kaleidoscope behave yourselves," War Horse growls, "Changing your code name is serious business."

"For many it is," Seer says, "Zapper Zoom-Boom just really worked for you didn't it?"

"ZAPPER SOOM-BOOM!?!" Tank Monster, Dragon Fist and Kaleidoscope yell as one as Hippo Daddy-O smirks and War Horse glowers at Seer.

"Were you high?" Kaleidoscope asks with a giggle.

"Or under age regression therapy?" Dragon Fist asks on the verge of a giggle fit.

War Horse storms off as Tank Monster goes back to the dojo with both heroines in tow; much to the amusement of the hippo and the monkey. Hippo Daddy-O changes into an old style pair of swim trunks and gets into the hot tub with Seer and turns on the TV just above it; tuning into the channel that broadcasts the inner goings on of the dojo where they see a scenario in progress in which Tank Monster needs to use specific moves to bring down the monsters. Seer smirks as Kaleidoscope behind the bear once she realizes what's going on.

Furless aliens in power suits and employing human skeleton robots are invading the city and only a powerful super hero can save the day. Tank Monster starts with a stomp that flips a man hole cover to his paw that he tosses it at an armored human flying above him. War Horse is actually watching them in secret and winces as the heavy metal disc slams into the figure hard enough to wreck his armor and destroy the opponent's ability to fly.

The horse ups the challenge rating a little to kind of punish the bear as more robots appear along with a tank. What he forgot to add into his equation was the fact that Dragon Fist and Kaleidoscope are with him. Kaleidoscope uses her abilities to blind some of the solders with white light. Dragon Fists takes on some of the additional soldiers, using her agility and focused chi abilities to great effect.

Robot dogs try to swarm Tank Monster only to get scooped up and thrown at their handlers. The robots explode as they hit their controllers as Tank Monster runs up to the tank. He opens up with a hammer shot that staves in the front of the tank in one blow.

He manages to tear off the turret on top in a display of pure might. Next he picks up the tank and throws it into a platoon of war bots. Next he picks up the tank and throws it into a platoon of warbots. Then he goes tearing into the survivors; slamming into them at full force.

Attempts to grapple Tank Monster succeed but this is not a good thing for his opponents as her manages to win the contest of control followed up with a flight to ruin courtesy of Demolition air lines. Dragon Fist smirks as she has been on the receiving end of that particular maneuver and she knows how nasty it can be. The human opponents learn from the mistake of grappling the bear sooner than the robots who just keep throwing themselves at him.

Eventually the sounds system kicks in starting with Disturb's "Indestructible" which proves rather appropriate as the robots try hard as they can but can't even know Tank Monster down as he tears through them as if they were toys. The saucers start getting higher in altitude to start their strafing runs when Dragon Fist gets and idea. She runs up to Tank Monster and whispers in his ear; eliciting a grin from him that draws a glare from Kaleidoscope.

Tank Monster grabs Dragon Fist to toss her in such a way that he is groping her in the execution of the maneuver. Kaleidoscope's eyes go wide at this and she is distracted enough that a saucer can line up a really good shot; good enough to knock her out. Any elation the triad's detractors may have at this costly flub is mitigating by the fact that Tank Monster gets even with another sewer cover discus attack.

Dragon Fist assaults the windows of the saucer she's been tossed onto and starts to break in with strikes utilizing her focused chi. Other saucers try to shoot her but end up hitting the ship she was working on. This part of the artificial intelligence never learns from its mistake and keeps up the same cartoon logic until there is only one saucer in the sky.

Shell, the team's resident turtle genius finds his boyfriend gnashing his teeth as he waits for his tampering to blast the breeders into next week. War Horse is very angry and frustrated that no matter how much he raises the difficulty Dragon Fist and Tank Monster fight so well as a unit that it just gives them a more intense workout. Alphonse "Shell" Tesla hugs John "War Horse" Carnegie from behind which alerts the latter to the prence of the former.

"Al? When did you get her?" Jack asks his lover.

"Just a few minutes ago, honey, what's the matter?" Al says as he knows it's just the two of them right her; right now.

"I'm starting to reconsider agreeing to take on, Demolition, "War Horse answers honestly. "He's getting ready to change his costume and code name as well as being a bit of a distraction."

"Would you prefer that Kaleidoscope and Dragon Fist become lesbians?" Shell asks in a mocking fashion. "I've see what he's going through, trust me, love, this is a good thing. His old code name has too much baggage. We don't want him as an enemy when we know he can be a hero and what he can accomplish as our ally."

"Do you really think I'm making too much out of this?" War Horse asks and gets a nuzzling and a grope from Shell in response.

War Horse and Shell kiss passionately as they fondle each other before leaving for their shared quarters. Hippo Daddy-O and Seer watch Tank Monster clean house to he heavy metal melody of Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It!" which amuses both tremendously. The smirking is a little wider on Hippo Daddy-O's face as "Kung Fu Fighting" comes up next in the song rotation which causes Seer to face palm.

"No dancing in the hot tub, please," Seer grumbles teasingly, "I know how much you like this song."

"Spoil sport," Hippo Daddy-O grumbles back as Tank Monster does a tornado kick to take out almost a platoon of robot soldiers. "Whoa! That's a new move for this style."

"Didn't you sponsor an international tourney to crown the grand master of this style?" Seer asks to which Hippo Daddy-O just smiles. "Has Demolition; I'm sorry Tank Monster been invited?"

"Truth be told," Hippo Daddy-O explains, "I was coming over to personally invite him to participate and with moves like that, if he ain't crowned grand poobah of our little club he's gonna earn a lot respect by getting close. Heck, I have respect for him and I'm just watching him."

"It is impressive to say the least," Seer concedes. "I'm even more glad he's a hero pulling down a salary instead of a villain. When and where are you holding the event?"

"Right now, it's going to be in Cornyville in Mushroom MacLeod's area," Hippo Daddy-O states, "I figured that would be the most appropriate since they got a pro wrestling ring there."

"That would work..." Seer says incredulously. "When is the event? Soon I hope."

"Soon enough," Hippo Daddy-O responds coyly. "I'm still waiting for a few folks to get in touch with me. I also need to talk to both Mike and Ezra to make the tourney the official change in code name."

"If he wins the tourney it will make his change in nomenclature that much more prominent," Seer says before wincing at a human getting stomped in the groin. "I don't need to do divination to tell he has the skill to go far." Seer's eyes go white for a second. "He'll be, no, I can't say other than one of the matches will be you versus him."

"I'll get my tail handed to me," Hippo Daddy-O says as he watches the monitor, "I'm still a playah in the game but I'm too old to go toe to toe with that boy." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I can't even cheat! Every dirty trick I might pull he's already seen! Yeah, I'm gonna lose if I fight him. Even if he pulls back he'll outlast me."

In the dojo Tank Monster gets entangled and suspended by the last two drones and waits for the program to de-rezz when Dragon Fist finds him. There are still opponents to track down and destroy but the daxiong mao decides she needs a yiff break. She walks up to Tank Monster and puts her paws into his groin.

She pulls down his shorts and massages his member to play which draws a smirk from him as he struggles mentally with whether or not to expend the effort to free himself. Dragon Fist takes Tank Monster's member into her mouth as she kneels before him to do a little bit of abject devotion to his cock and balls to get him firm enough to penetrate her folds. When he is hard enough she strips nude in order to rube his hardening phallus tip against her clit and the lips of her labia.

As she teases his cock with her pussy she draws his head to bosom and moans when he licks at her tits. The scent of her heat gets him even more randy as his shaft hardens much to her satisfaction. Panda pussy impales itself on grizzly cock easily with her walls kneading his shaft as she wraps her legs around his waist.

Tank Monster suckles at Dragon Fist's tits as she clenches and unclenches her inner muscles around the invited intruder of his member. She knows his knot is forming but she doesn't care. Dragon Fist has her big bad bear beau all to herself with Kaleidoscope and unable to interfere she's going to enjoy the moment for all its worth.

But even as Dragon Fist mentally savors the situation, Kaleidoscope stirs. Karen "Kaleidoscope" Hasenpfeffer's first vision as she awakens is the join sexual meditation of Yuri "Dragon Fist" Chan and Michael "Demolition/Tank Monster" O'Connor and she glowers at the bears. She tries not to be a greedy bunny but in her mind Jamira "Rainbow Serpent" Ghandie is no substitute for his stiff shaft between her legs.

Dragon Fist picks up on Kaleidoscope's awakening and mentally changes the scenery and especially activates the privacy protocols which disappoints Jamal "Hippo Daddy-O" Jaxon who was starting to get a good boner from the show but William "Seer" Lee is semi relieved. The scenery changes to a cave behind a waterfall in which candles float in the water, tiki torches burn and stone tiki gods hold braziers in their carved clutches. For his part, Tank Monster still busy with Dragon Fist's bosom to notice but Kaleidoscope just strips herself and swims in, determined to get a session with the bear even if she as to KO the panda to get some.

Both bears have their eyes closed as they meditate together in a sexual manner. Tank Monster ejaculates inside of Dragon Fist before Kaleidoscope can get to them which makes them smile as one as the bunny concentrates on creating a light blast to knock off the panda from her perch. Yuri sighs in contentment as Karen gets ready to blast her.

Dragon Fist smirks and gets off of Tank Monster before Kaleidoscope can get to loose her blast; knowing full well that Michael needs to reload before he can go again. Karen then pounce Mike; suckling his salty dick to get the last few drops of semen so she can get him hard again.

Tank Monster is not about to engage in water sports with Kaleidoscope even is she is willing. As a kind of compromise, Michael eats out Karen and allows her to suckle his sack as he urinates into a tube. Kaleidoscope washes off Tank Monster's tool before she goes back to performing fellatio on him

. Once he has satisfied both females sexually Tank Monster gets dressed in shorts only as Kaleidoscope wraps herself around his torso and refuses to leave to have a brief talk with Hippo Daddy-O about a vague event he has planned for the near future. Hippo Daddy-O smirks as he knows the bunny is going to be clinging to him until she passes out from pleasure. Tank Monster agrees to compete of course and both Kaleidoscope and Dragon Fist want tickets, which Hippo Daddy-O promises to provide once everything is set up.

A few days later a black van drives into an exclusive and private parking garage of a high rise on the outskirts of Anarchy City. The automated security identifies all although Demolition is recognized as a super villain which causes klaxons to go off only to cut off by an apologetic Ezra Moo. Kaleidoscope giggles in the back as Dragon Fist just smirks and rolls her eyes.

"Thank you for coming so promptly, dahling," Ezra says as shi greets hir guests, then shi looks at Demolition. "Before you leave dahling, I'm going to need your help recalibrating the security system. I will be deleting Demolition and re-entering you as Tank Monster. But are we ready?" A round of nods and agreeable noises comes from the group. "Excellent, just follow me, dahlings, it is always my pleasure to design costumes for super heroes and villains, modern deities all rally."

The group takes and elevator to the top of the garage where wheeled security drones chase each other in a continual race. Also racing around are scale models of various signature land vehicles used by villains and heroes. They traverse a bridge over the racing vehicles of which Ezra notes their passing with a mixture of pride and awe, to a platform that leads to a sky bridge to the skyscraper across the street.

Ezra's penthouse home and show case is a kind of museum of statuary, art and holography dedicated to the costumes of superheroes and villains. Small scale and full scale models from the Mystery Man vigilantes out of the 1920s all the way to today are represented. Kaleidoscope has a near break down when they pass a trio of statues representing Lady Thumperdoom, the bunny girl mad scientist, Demolition and Fenryx, who is now a bounty hunter with his own reality show.

Full scale mock-ups of the Sentinels of Freedom throughout the ages are here as well. Hippo Daddy-O sees himself with a full Afro before he lost it to a pyromaniac and almost lost his life as well. Kaleidoscope and Dragon Fist note that Tank Monster is not here yet and ask about it.

"I'm actually glad you're changing costumes, dahling," Ezra states while looking at Tank Monster. "It will make your inclusion into the Sentinels that much better for my museum. But I want sure it fits and works with your body before I make a mock up."

The grizzly enters a private area and comes with a different costume. Urban camouflage colors of black, white and gray are the order of the day on his pants and shirt. On the shirt is a black diamond with a red lightning bolt-spear emblem with studded black fingerless gauntlets that punk martial artists wear and black combat boots. Around his neck is a studded collar and over his eyes are tinted goggles.

"I don't remember including the accessories," Ezra muses, "But I must say they work."

"Wait a sec," Karen grumbles, "These look like Lady Thumperdoom's handiwork."

"I did see her emblem on the box," Mike says, "Along with a note," he hands it off to Kaleidoscope; "You know here style as well as I do."

"It's her style?" Kaleidoscope questions, "But she's dead!" Tank Monster gives her a look. "She hasn't done much to reclaim her things. Is she just now coming back?"

" I don't know," Tank Monster answers honestly, "But even if she is, I'm not going back to her. I'm not going back to that life."

"I got some of her affects at an estate sale," Ezra muses, "But they have already been put on display. Although super villains like putting in surprises..."

"You wove some of her methods into the suit," Tank Monster observes, "The costume feels especially protective."

"Yes, dahling, suits like yours need to stop most kinds of damage," Ezra states. "And now they're machine washable."

"That's a handy new feature," Dragon Fist remarks, "Ultra convenient for us. You redid mine recently and it's been holding up."

"Yours was the first, dahling," Ezra admits, "It's held up so well I've included it in most every suit since. There are exceptions of course. Glitter Guy changes suits so often it's simply not worth it, dahling."

"Tell me about it," Kaleidoscope groans, "The ram is so flamboyant he's either in denial or out of his gourd."

"A little of both actually," Ezra relates, "You know about his obsession with mirrors?"

"I keep waiting for them to be used in his act and powers," Karen jokes, "He uses them for everything else. His apartment has them all over the place."

"Didn't he buy a house of mirrors?" Michael asks factiously, "Or did he turn it down because it had funny mirrors?"

"Oh, he bought it," Karen returns, "He'll never admit it publicly but those distortion mirrors are even more fascinating to him that normal ones. I found out and it ended up killing our relationship."

"Couldn't resist chiding him about it, could you?" Yuri asks jokingly.

Kaleidoscope rolls her eyes with a silly smirk that causes every one to laugh.

"By the way, Tank," Jamal says, "I'm having a little tourney in a few days to see who is the best of us who subscribe to tanku. Would you like to enter into the fray? We can make it your debut as Tank Monster."

"Sounds like a plan, actually," Tank Monster accedes. "The martial art is actually pretty easy for me to perpetuate."

"I know I'd rather not face you in single combat since you started up that hobby," Dragon Fist says as she presses herself against him. "Although I find it interest you're using as your symbol an emblem that was used by anti-tank units of the past."

"I know, ironic isn't it?" Tank Monster says with a smirk as he kisses her cheek and the turns to Hippo Daddy-O, "Where is this shindig gonna be held?"

"I'm talking to the folks at Cornyville to have the event in the Octagon," Hippo Daddy-O states. "But it's weird; the only folks that are available to talk to me are the animatronics mascots my buddy made years ago."

In an underground bunker a robotic centaur looking like a suit of armor welded onto an all-terrain vehicle with a gattling gun as its right arm meets with a man sized ear of corn attached to a pair of hands and feet with a "face" of darkened kernels. The anthropomorphic ear of corn kind of looks like a turn of the century politician and is obviously afraid of the mechanized knight but it is here to speak with him about what is going on. The knight is annoyed at the visit but it needs the corn for the time being as far as its own programming reasons.

"So, Mayor Maize," the knight states in inquiry, "what brings you before me this time?'

"Begging your indulgence, Mecha-Knight," Mayor Maize says timidly, "But Hippo Daddy-O is setting up a tournament on our grounds."

"An interesting development to say the least," Mecha-Knight says as it strokes the chin portion of its helmet. "Has Mushroom MacLeod prepared the Octagon to receive them?"

"He has," Mayor Maize says, "all is in readiness."

"Very well," Mecha-Knight says, "Alert me when it begins, Dismissed."

Mayor Maize rushes out of the chamber as fast as it can as a stalk of broccoli dressed like a rapper waits for the Mayor outside the chamber.

"Yo, yo, Mayor!" Bro Coli calls after his boss, "What up? Is tin terror on board?"

"Yes, Bro Coli," Mayor Maize says with a smirk to then looks to see if they are being observed in any way. "But truth be told? He scares me. You and me and the Sheriff were created to entertain young people and teach them. He was made to fight and possibly conquer."

"You're thinking of cluing in the Sentinels ain'tcha?" Bro Coli asks. "He'd have yo banks cleaned, man! But yo right; he's bad for us. How do we get the word out?"

"You know why Mushy's been so busy, right?" Mayor Maize asks to which Bro Coli just nods so Mayor Maize can continue. "He's interested in it. If his presence could be glimpsed..."

"Gotcha!" Bro Coli says. "We gonna let Mushy know?"

"I already do, Bro," Mushroom MacLeod, a military general looks mushroom says before saluting Mayor Maize. "How did your meeting go, sir?"

"As we might expect, my friend," Mayor Maize says as they approach a tomb for a goat with technical overtures. "We have much to discuss."

"Gadget Goat's tomb!" Mushroom MacLeod shouts reverently. "Our creator...he made us Mascot 'Bots to entertain and teach the young ones of Anarchy City. It is an honor to accommodate his friend Hippo Daddy-O."

"All us Mascot-Bots of Cornyville are his legacy," Bro Coli agrees with compassion as all three behold the urn of their master's ashes. "We owe it to him to thwart Mecha-Knight's plans. Has Hippo Daddy-O given you a list of participants, Mushy?"

"Yeah, Bro," Mushy responds. "Didn't Demolition recently become a good guy?"

"Yes, he did," Mayor Maize says. "Is he coming?"

"Possibly," Mushroom MacLeod says. "If any one can do what needs to be done it's him. All respect to Hippo Daddy-O but he's getting too old."

"Agreed," Mayor Maize says, "I'll be doing my greeting duties for the day I'm sure. But how to subtlety give him the message?"

A long black recreational vehicle drives into a large parking lot with a huge sign saying "Welcome to Cornyville" followed by a red, white and blue sport Utility vehicle, a New Jersey Devils Jeep, a Honda Element and a PT Cruiser. It is dusk and news crews are stationed at the parking lot entrance to the amusement park. Walter Wingnut, USAF Colonel Retired is standing at the ready looking the elder states duck he thinks he is.

"This Walter Wingnut, roving reporter for WAKO, channel 13, Anarchy City here at Corneyville amusement park where members of the Sentinels of Freedom have just arrived in full battle regalia except for ex-super villain, Demolition, unless the black bear in urban camouflage is Demolition in a new costume," "Wally" Wingnut says (also known as Waldorf, Waldork, etc. but never to his face) as he waddles up to the black RV disgorging Dragon Fist, Tank Monster and Kaleidoscope, while Ariel "Goalie" Hextall and Stretcher Truth get out of the jeep, Seer and Rainbow Serpent get out the Honda, Hippo Daddy-O gets out of his cruiser and the SUV releases Shell and War Horse with all heroes in their costumes. "Excuse me, mister grizzly would you mind identifying yourself to most of America and the world?"

"My new code name is Tank Monster, Mister Wingnut," Tank Monster says respectfully with a female on each arm. "My past is the past."

"Archive footage can tell a different story, Mister Monster but I get what you're saying," Walter Wingnut says with a nod and then to the camera, "And there you have it dear viewers. Demolition is officially dead and new hero, the Tank Monster is born. May he find his true calling as a protector rather than a destroyer?"

Walter goes to interview everyone in the Sentinels and Hippo Daddy-O too as the company walk into the pack. Mayor Maize greets them strangely with a vague reference to knights in combat that all three take to mean something but exactly what they don't know. Already in the park waiting for them is a pink furred female grizzly with a five year old purple cub in tow.

"What's that grizzly bitch, Pink Power doing here?" Dragon Fist growls as Pink Power comes over to them, half dragging the boy cub behind her.

"I'm going to get War Horse," Kaleidoscope announces and leaves before Pink Power gets close.

"Come long, Duncan!" Pink Power growls at her son, "We finally have the opportunity to catch up with your father."

"Yes, Momma," Duncan O'Connor says half-heartedly.

"I actually..." Tank Monster says in speculation as he watches them approach, "He looks old enough..."

"Did you take her while you worked for Lady Thumperdoom?" Dragon Fist asks, "I know she tried to join us and failed, then pulled a stunt that back fired on her."

"Lady Thumperdoom had me rape her for her amusement," Tank Monster explains, "We had sex after that until she was freed by an attack by the Injustice Society of America. She and Mad Lab Rat were having a feud." Then to Pink Power, "Hi, Agatha, long time no see."

"At first I thought that was a good thing," Agatha "Pink Power" Adams growls, "Then I discovered the 'present' you gave me."

"Did you try and get in touch with me?" Tank Monster counters, "I would have supported you."

"That would have been really ironic wouldn't it?" Pink Power grouses, "But I also had my parents to help me out."

"And after he became a Sentinel?" Dragon Fist inquires with a glare.

"I was busy trying to make ends meet," Pink Power admits, "I was barely getting by on doing public appearances and keeping thuggery out of the Jewelry Box. Then I entered this tourney..."

"It's alright," Tank Monster says and offers: "Maybe we can start over? Properly this time?"

"I think I'd like that, actually," Pink Power says as Dragon Fist silently fumes, "I know you won't run from this."

"Tank, I need to talk to you," War Horse says and then sees Pink Power, "I'm interrupting something?"

"Yes and no," Tank Monster answers honestly, "How much room is in the roster still?"

"You'll have to retake the tests," War Horse warns, "But you have slightly different powers than Tank so we can squeeze you in."

"We can move out of gramps's place?" Duncan asks.

"More than likely," Pink Power says to her son, "Your mother has learned from her experiences."

"And even if not," Tank Monster says, "I'll make room for you when you visit. Both of you."

"Hey, Duncan, how would you like to watch the fights from our box?" War Horse offers which takes everyone by surprise. Then on their private channel to Tank Monster: "We got trouble, Tank; a wayward creation of mine is apparently running the show here. Watch out for trouble, Mecha-Knight hates all organic life."

"You created a psychotic robot war machine that wants to kill all organic life forms in order to start a new world order of machine rule?" Tank Monster asks mockingly, "And you give me shit over some of the things I've done?"

"OK! You've made your point!" War Horse snarls. "I get enough of this from Shell. I don't need more!"

"Settle down, man," Tank Monster says, "Just remember this when you come at me for some of the things I've done."

"I know," War Horse stats, "Trust me, we'll do our best to keep him safe once we reach the Octagon."

"Yuri," Tank Monster says to Dragon Fist, "Take Duncan up to the team's box when we get there, please," then he turns to Duncan, "What do you like to eat, son?"

"Chick and chips, poppa," Duncan says as his mother gives a guilty grin.

"There's a [email protected]'s in the park," Hippo Daddy-O says and then looks at Pink Power, "And somebody has been doing promo work for them. We'll make sure he has plenty."

It is hours before the tournament begins so Michael takes his son on a tour of the park itself. Cornyville is an amusement park with a general farm theme to it to honor the "Garden State" of New Jersey or at least that's what Gadget Goat originally intended. Gadget Goat was a firm believer that learning should be fun and entertaining; he maintained this mind set until the day he died that if you made children want to learn then maybe this will lead to better and more informed citizens and thus less inclined to crime.

Every area in Cornyville was intended to teach young people as well as entertain them so the lessons took root. First up is Bro Coli's Notation Plantation which teaches the wonders of music and poetry to those that visit. Duncan sees a lima bean dressed up as a spy and his father says that the character is James Bean, a spy for Mushroom MacLeod.

Initially that was true but Mecha-Knight subverted his programming and now the spy reports to him. James Bean notes that War Horse has arrived and informs Mecha-Knight of this fact. Mecha-Knight is unaware that his creator is aware of his presence and orders James Bean to kill War Horse.

Professor Potato's Mines of History is next and presents the children with an opportunity to find the Jewels of the Past. Historical figure become holograms to tell all about their lives and how they contributed to history. Bad seeds like Hitler are also present to frighten kinds with their misdeeds.

Critics have blasted Gadget Goat for presenting such leering reminders of the dark side of history's villains in such a fashion, but Gadget Gear maintained that to learn from the past you have to really understand it. Scenes of horror are gleefully shown by the evil people as their "crowning achievements." Of which they are so proud. Duncan hides behind his father in fear as Michael reflects on his own misdeeds.

Pink Power gets a hug from Tank Monster as he regrets what he inflicted upon her. For her part she had long forgiven him but the fact he shows such remorse moves her to tears as she comforts him. Kaleidoscope is confused but Dragon Fist can guess what is happening and her admiration for him deepens as a result.

James Bean tosses daggers at War Horse that his armor deflects but the animatronics agent of Mecha-Knight is not seen even as War Horse scans for him. Piano wire strung across the area where the mine car goes at break neck speeds and disguised as cobwebs does claim a few victims, Agatha and Duncan among them, but not their intended target. Mushroom MacLeod finds out instantly and decides to arrange things so Tank Monster gets the drop on James Bean by "accident".

Tank Monster is brutally efficient at destroying James Bean, slamming it with his fist until every last diode is smashed. For Mecha-Knight this is an inconvenience at best but for Tank Monster it is a vent of his frustrations and anger. None of his colleagues helps or interferes. While he has avenged the deaths of his son and his son's mother, Tank Monster is not through grieving for Agatha, Duncan and himself for he lost a chance to make up for some of the evil that he has done.

Mecha-Knight is annoyed at the destruction of his spy but holds no hard feelings. James Bean was destroyed in retaliation and did not reveal for whom he was working for. Thus Mecha-Knight maintains that his presence is hidden from the heroes.

Pink Power's death also gives Tank Monster added incentive to win the tournament as Mushroom MacLeod tries to think of how and why this could have happened. Mecha-Knight destroys Mushroom MacLeod before he has a chance to act on his suspicions, a death that will not be discovered until much later.

To the heroes this was a random act of violence rather than an assassination attempt. War Horse takes does the razor wire while an angry Tank Monster moves on. Mushroom MacLeod's bunker is all about the physical sciences presented through war games.

Michael O'Connor is on the verge of tears when he learns his son had the same tastes in dipping sauces that he does. All it really does is slap him in the face and kick him in the groin as to what times he could have had with his son hat now he will never have. Hippo Daddy-O makes arrangements for the fights as Tank Monster goes to work on a few things before his first fight.

A randomizer picks opponents for each round of the tourney until there are an odd number left. Much to the dread of Hippo Daddy-O the first match of the evening is him versus Tank Monster. Unfortunately for all involved, the match is short and to the point as Tank Monster is in a very bad place throughout the tourney and gives Hippo Daddy-O no chance to win.

After the bout, Tank Monster apologizes profusely to Hippo Daddy-O. Jamal Jaxon actually has no hard feelings. Tank Monster is in no mood for show boating; the death of his son killed that desire in him.

The first round of the tourney is much the same way. Twenty powerful heroes and villains compete of which half were eliminated. Power Czar, the ultimate communist gorilla of Russia crushed Tommy Tanaka of Japan who created the martial art in the firsts place.

Power Czar tries to taunt Tank Monster as a lesser practitioner for having such tragedies sway his judgment. Tank Monster's response is to wish Power Czar good luck in future bouts while harboring resentment against the communist champion. Sumorai, a panda sumo wrestler with samurai trappings is Tank Monster's next opponent, much to Tank Monster's dismay.

Sumorai is a cousin of Dragon Fist who is not sure who to root for as she watches. The two are actually well matched but Tank Monster probes to be more skilled than Sumorai. Unlike earlier in his career, Tank Monster is more compassionate to those e defeats which earns him Sumorai's respect.

The final five in the tourney are Tank Monster, Power Czar, Atlas Gator (an old colleague of Tank Monster's when he was still Demolition), John Bull (British hero who is not happy with seeing Tank Monster and Atlas Gator on the loose) and Eisen Krieger, the Nazi rottie that was a mentor two of the other combatants

In the final round the format changes from a straight one on one fight to a kind of Royal Rumble free for all. John Bull and Power Czar just glare at each other while Tank Monster, Atlas Gator and Eisen Krieger have a semi gentile conversation swapping story back and forth. Of course Eisen Krieger taught Tank and Gator to begin with so there is some common ground between them.

Eisen Krieger is just doing this to keep his name in play on the world's stage although he is disappointed in Tank Monster for having gone over to the other side. Atlas Gator is not as imposing as Eisen Krieger but he has been talking with Tank Monster about switching sides on the side. When the bell rings to start the final round John Bull and Power Czar are at each other's throats as Tank Monster and Atlas Gator team up against their old teacher.

Dirty tricks are the bread and butter of many super villains and Eisen Krieger is no exception. Atlas Gator gets his neck snapped by Eisen Krieger but while the trick fooled Gator it didn't fool Tank. The old man never saw it coming as Tank Monster broke Eisen Krieger's spine in nine places which would have crippled him if a cyanide suicide pump didn't activate to kill the villain lest he fell into enemy hands; an old bit of Nazi super tech that comes into play.

Power Czar is about to kill John Bull when Tank Monster intervenes. Angry at being robbed of another kill the communist gorilla unleashes his full fury on the bear. Tank Monster uses the posts to almost break Power Czar's back before delivering the final knock out blow.

The crowd goes nuts as Tank Monster is hailed as the best of the best but when a child brings him his trophy, he almost breaks into tears. It takes all his will power to get through the ceremonies that follow. For weeks afterward he mourns the death of his son; shunning Karen in favor of Yuri.

Dragon Fist is not a true bear but she is close enough for Tank Monster to tolerate her presence. Yuri comforts her friend as best she can, but she can only do so much. Eventually she feels sick in the morning for no apparent reason.

A trip to the doctor reveals the cause of her sickness which actually frightens her. Michael O'Connor has already lost one child and now she finds out she is carrying another that he has sired. The question of whether or not to carry the baby to term is easy to answer, but how to inform the father is another matter.

Tank Monster researches hybrids of a grizzly and a panda when Dragon Fist gathers up the courage to tell him of what is going with her body. Kaleidoscope is livid about it but keeps it to herself when she finds out with either of them telling her. Karen also becomes depressed since it would be very difficult for her to conceive a child by Mike.