Not Going Extinct 5

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#5 of Not Going Extinct

It had been a while since Ally had managed to get Steve to try his jaws at playing predator. So long in fact that Jenny had managed to go through another round of surrogacy. She was on break from the program, so she was getting her fill (literally) from Steve at the moment. And that worked out very nicely for her night job as a waitress at 'Bump in the Night'. After much discussion and ranting and raving about how great of a place it was, Ally managed to drag Steve and Harriet there at the gravid bunny's request. They were in for quite a night. And Steve was certainly going to be feeling the effects of it after.

This is a commission for Riddle August. Expect more in the future. These folks are fun to write about.

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"I can't believe you talked us into this." Harriet said, sitting at the small, round table with her arms crossed.

Given the size of the two she was with, she looked almost child-like in comparison. And her mood gave her an appearance that could be recognized by parents the world over as 'I'm about to start screaming because I wanted to go somewhere else'. Ally leaned back in her seat, just enjoying seeing the rabbit so grumpy. Steve's reaction was amusing as well, but for an entirely different reason. He was blushing brightly, though it was difficult to see in the low light. His eyes were darting around the room, trying not to linger too long on any one thing. He was flustered, and that always tickled the lady rex.

"You two need to loosen up. That's why we're here, to have a good time. I thought you two were into this sort of thing." Ally said.

"I like reading your books, and Steve clearly has a weakness for it as well. That doesn't mean either of us enjoys coming to strip clubs." Harriet said.

"But this is a special kind of club, remember? It's right up your and Steve's alley. Besides, your sister deserves all the support we can give her, doesn't she?" Ally asked.

The rabbit grumbled and looked away. Meanwhile, Steve fidgeted in his seat, hands clasped over his chest as he fought to find a place to look that didn't leave him looking like he was staring. Eventually, his gaze fell on his stomach. It wasn't quite as large as it normally was anymore. After all, it was hard to fit in a cab when one was too big to squeeze through the door. Jenny had helped with that.

"We can... show her support... then we can leave. Right?" the timid rex said, fighting not to stammer.

"Oh come on! I wanna watch the show! Maybe get a dance! These ladies work hard for their money and we shouldn't be stingy with the tips!" Ally said just before breaking into a cackle.

She lifted a three-clawed paw, grasping several bills. She waved them about, hoping to get the attention of one of the ladies in question. Within minutes, a very round-middled vixen strolled over and began moving in time with the loud, heavily thumping music that made everything jump in time with the beat. The fox began her seductive dance for Ally as the lady saurian began feeding her bills into the performer's waistband, one at a time.

It disappointed the brightly colored rex that they had not come on the night when the contest Jenny had described was usually held. She wanted to see tummies swell, maybe see about getting Steve one of those special thongs they wore on those nights. Still, it was a fine evening in her opinion. There were several very attractive, very pregnant women up on stage, displaying agility and grace in spite of their tummies that startled and allured. Ally had justified the patronage as 'research for her next novel', which was a thinly veiled lie. She just wanted to come and get her rocks off.

"Getting into the spirit of things, I see!" Jenny called out over the music, rather amused by Ally's enthusiasm.

"You know it!" the lady dino called back, "These two are having a little trouble getting the stick unstuck if you catch my drift!"

"That's alright! I figured Steve would be too shy to do much, and Harriet would be too much of a prude to enjoy herself!" the gravid bunny shouted.

"I am not a prude! I just don't like coming to places like this! Why is that so strange!?" the grumpy rabbit shouted, sounding more angry than just trying to be heard.

"Because you live with two T-rexes that like to screw right in front of you, and one of them gets off on producing as many eggs as he can to see how big he can get!" Jenny answered, "Now let's see, you had the house salad, Steve had the boneless wings, and Ally had the sautéed chicken breast with garlic mash and fresh vegetable medley!"

The pregnant rabbit began handing out plates of food to her customers. She had requested they be seated in her section so she could wait on them herself. She wanted to see the looks on her sister's and Steve's faces first hand. And not just from her co-workers. The timid rex and unoccupied lapine both blinked as they saw the elegant dish brought before the published author. Ally's eyes lit up and she sat up properly in her seat. The vixen who had been entertaining her had not stopped, but instead slipped into her lap, using her experience and skill to not block the dino's access to the plate.

Steve and Harriet just gawked at the plate. It was beautifully presented and the aromas wafting off of it were mouthwatering. Neither had expected a strip club to provide such elevated fare. The rotund fellow remained quiet as he stared with extraordinary envy. Had he known that was an option, he might not have selected the wings before him. Harriet was equally shocked, her stomach growling as she stared at the bright green of the vegetation, steamed to perfection, seasoned and spiced, then sautéed just ever so lightly in a fine olive oil.

"What the hell!? Is this a strip club or a Greta's Kitchen Atrocities success story!?" Harriet shouted.

Jenny laughed and nudged her sister, having declined to mention what they served the whole time she worked her second job at 'Bump in the Night'.

"Just because we provide a certain type of entertainment doesn't mean we have to serve bad buffet food and soggy chips! Try your salad! The dressing is a special recipe the chef has spent years developing!" Jenny said as loudly as she dared into her sister's ear.

As soon as it occurred to the two who had not wanted to come in the first place that Ally might not have been the only one to have something delicious to eat, they both dropped their eyes to their own orders. They were both shocked once again to find not hastily thrown together, microwaved, bottle-sauced, and unappetizing entrees, but offerings that had been crafted by a skilled chef with great care and passion. Just what was this place?

"It's... one of the best looking salad's I've ever seen." Harriet said, her voice lowered in awe.

"And my wings look like he's not just a chef but a painter too." Steve said, beginning to drool over his own plate.

The individual nuggets were crisp, perfectly fried, and were all dressed in three different sauces that had been applied by a squeeze bottle in patterns that looked more like modern art than food. The fries were held in a metal cup lined with parchment paper, and they had been sprinkled with what looked like parmesan cheese and herbs. Just who was back there, and how on earth did the two previously unwilling guests not know about the quality of food in this place?

"Our drinks are pretty fantastic too. And they're half off right now. Happy hour and what not. Pick out something that sounds good, I'll cover your first round." Jenny said, then waddled off to wait on the next table over.

The timid rex and his grumpy bunny friend had lost their unpleasant attitudes, diving into their meals without hesitation. It proved to be just as delicious as it looked. Ally was a bit slower with her own food, largely thanks to Mika, the vixen who had been bouncing and slipping this way and that in the rex lady's lap. It was impossible not to suddenly have a more open mind about the establishment now. Ally had done her research on the place. Steve and Harriet had just been pleasantly surprised. And chances were good they would be coming back.

As they dined, Jenny brought them their first round of drinks. She had been proven right once again. Harriet found new respect for the bartender when she tasted her Bloody Mary. It wasn't watered down in the slightest. In fact, it was quite strong, not losing any potency as the ice cubes melted. It was because they weren't ordinary ice. The bartender had frozen cubes of the red, spicy solution itself, so that there was nothing to dilute it. Steve had been provided a mai tai, something he'd only seen and heard about but never ordered himself. It was strong which was surprising given its short stature and bright color. Ally had an elegant glass that fizzed away, demanding it be sipped oh so slowly. It was the first time Steve had seen a champagne cocktail. He had not done much in the way of getting out before the lady rex introduced him to a more interesting world.

The first round was enjoyed while the dancers continued to entice. Their round, firm tummies glistened in the stage lights, oiled and begging to be rubbed. Ally eventually let Mika get back to entertaining others, then had another round of drinks brought in from the bar. She saw how it had loosened up the two she had dragged along with her, expecting it might have the desired effect of making them actually have a good time. And it worked. By the time the second round was finished, neither rabbit nor egg-filled rex felt any need to hide their interest for what was happening around them. Any doubt they had as to the success of the place was quickly dashed.

Before too long, Ally had managed to get both of the converts to agree to enjoy a dance. While that was being arranged, Jenny returned, seeing how her sister had managed to relax--which was to say she was somewhat tipsy--and thought she might introduce one of her coworkers, a friend from the club as well as the soulless, crushing, corporate overlord they both happened to be employed at. It might be the only chance she had to do so while any of them were still clear-headed enough to remember it.

"Hey, you guys doin' okay over here?" Jenny asked.

"We're doing just fine. They loved the food and the drinks. I think I might be able to get them to come back." Ally said, looking over at Steve and Harriet.

They weren't blackout drunk, but they were certainly a good distance from sober. They were embraced, arms over shoulders, like a pair of drunken sailors in the middle of slurring out an old sea shanty. It was quite a trick, given the height difference, but they managed to pull it off.

"Yeah, they sure look like they're having a blast. I think we might have to cut them off. I didn't know Steve was such a lightweight." Jenny said.

"Looks like it. From what he's said about his life before meeting me, he didn't have much money to spend on going out. I'm glad this worked out." Ally said.

"Yeah. Me too. Oh, by the way, I have a friend who's been wanting to meet you ever since I told her who I was living with now. This is Maddy," Jenny stepped to one side and reached out with an arm towards a very gravid red panda who was blushing quite profusely, "She's a new surrogate. This is her second run. Ever since I got her a part time gig here, she's been getting into the whole culture. I pointed her at your books and she just ate them up."

The short lady bit her lower lip as she looked up at the tall, brightly colored dinosaur. The toothy smile that greeted her made her tremble a little. She wasn't used to being around someone like Ally, and it made her nervous. Her fan-girling wasn't to be denied though. She took a breath and stepped a little closer, holding her paws close over her chest.

"H-hello Miss Saurez. It's... it's a pleasure to meet you." Maddy said.

"Nice to meet you, Maddy. Second run as a surrogate, huh? You doin' okay? You look like you might be havin' a little trouble gettin' around, short, cute little thing like you with a belly that big." Ally said, eyeing the great dome the red panda was carrying.

"It... takes some getting used to. I wasn't this big on my first run. I think it's really great, writing about the things you write about. I started back with your third book. That guy who got turned into a girl so he could hide from the bullies in the girl's locker room. He got found out by the girl he had a crush on and they ended up together. It was really sweet. It helped me feel less awkward about my situation." Maddy said.

"Your situation?" Ally asked.

"Maddy here used to be a guy. When she signed up for the surrogacy program, it changed her more than she expected it to. She's been having trouble getting used to it mentally. It's why I turned her on to your books." Jenny said.

"Oh, I see! Well for what it's worth, you make a really cute girl. A regular heartbreaker." Ally said, then offered the red panda a wink.

Maddy blushed, then looked over at Steve and Harriet. They were being entertained by a tall, very gravid cow lady who showed no sign of discomfort or hesitation to leap from boy to girl and back. She didn't seem to mind at all who her client was, so long as she was able to keep them happy and keep the tips flowing.

"It looks like Elsie's found her victims for the night." Maddy said.

"Victims?" Ally asked.

"Yeah, victims," Jenny snickered, "She likes to pick one or two people and focus on them especially hard. She's a sucker for cases like Steve and Harriet, people who weren't expecting to have a good time when they came in. You'd better make sure they've got enough bills to stuff in her waistband."

"Oh I got them covered. And it looks like they're really getting into it now." Ally said.

Elsie was doing a marvelous job keeping the two former skeptics enticed, swaying, spinning, and even pressing her tummy against them. Steve shivered as he was forced to bump his lap-filling stomach against the cow's, triggering something he had been hoping to keep under control. He groaned and arched his back, spreading his legs while he clutched at his gut. The familiar, troubling, enticing, addictive sensation he had come to long for and quietly fear was bubbling up inside him. A surge of heat rushed up through his belly from underneath as he felt the twitching in his pants. At least he hadn't made a mess on the seat. Already he could feel it percolating deep under his hide, threatening to make him swell.

Steve was going to be too big to fit in the cab back home if he wasn't careful.

Ally was surprised how little it took to get Steve too tipsy to care about how awkward he felt. Harriet had been surprising as well, but in the other direction. For someone so short, she certainly could handle her liquor. The three patrons and the waitress who had invited them stumbled in through the front door, Ally supporting Steve and Jenny supporting Harriet. The two more prudish ones were having a difficult time standing properly. The lady rex and the gravid rabbit meanwhile were just fine. Ally had taken it easy on her intake, and Jenny made it a rule not to drink at all while on duty, even when she wasn't actually pregnant.

"I'd say that was a pretty successful visit you three had." the sober bunny said.

"Yeah, I'd say so. Looking forward to visiting when that contest you mentioned is going on. That sounds like a blast." Ally said.

"Contest? What contest? I don't wanna hafta drink any more. It makes me-hic!" Harriet said, slurring her words just before she hiccupped.

"Don't you worry, you don't have to drink anything else." Jenny said, easing her sister onto the couch once they had made it into the living room.

Ally helped Steve into a similar position next to the drunk rabbit. He had grown considerably since they left. From what calculations could be made, he had added at least three batches to his middle. He was now swollen enough that he could almost stand up straight and his belly would touch the ground. It wasn't his biggest, but he was certainly eager to try for more. He squirmed where he sat, rubbing his stomach. The act sent chills up his spine as he struggled to find what tender spot would set him off like he was so used to doing.

His paws were joined by a second pair as Ally leaned in to press against his grand, round gut. She chuckled and pressed her lips to his ever so gently, opting to be tender rather than aggressive. He was drunk and she didn't feel right taking advantage of him in such a state. Though it was remarkably tempting, and he'd probably end up enjoying the memory of it, if there was to be one to be enjoyed. At least he'd enjoy the result, that much she knew for sure.

"You look like you're having a tough time there, honey. Maybe you should take it easy for the time being. You really did a number on some of the dancers and the other guests at the club. I don't think they were expecting to see a boy, let alone a T-rex, grow so big right in front of them." Ally said, trying to keep her voice low for the benefit of the two inebriated friends.

"You accidentally shoved one of the dancers off your lap when you grew," Jenny chuckled, "I wish I could have gotten that on camera. It was priceless."

"The manager came over to ask if you and Harriet were alright. I had half a mind to ask him about getting you a job there, Steve. You'd fit in a lot better than you might think," Ally said, groping softly at her boyfriend's belly, "Of course, we'd have to look into getting you a pair of fake tits, either something you can just put on, or you can talk to the guy I bought mine from."

The bloated boy rex squirmed in his seat, shivering and panting as the lady's verbal teasing was joined with the teasing along his belly. He pushed his hips forward, wanting her to go further, wanting to feel that rush and the swell that came after. Three wasn't enough. He wanted more.

"I... I couldn't... work there. I'd... scare everyone." Steve said weakly.

He had managed to follow at least a portion of his good sense and cut himself off after he realized he was tipsy. Harriet had gone much further than him, but she wasn't too terribly far gone. The cab trip home had been an interesting experience for her, sandwiched between Steve's belly and Ally's chest and stomach. She couldn't help but feel strangely comforted by it and fell asleep. She had only just woken up as they brought her inside. Her head was staring to clear, at least as much as it could given the quantity of alcohol she had consumed.

"You weren't scaring anyone. After the first bump, the other dancers wanted to come investigate. You'd fit in pretty well there," Harriet said, no longer slurring her speech quite so badly, "Hey, sis... how much do you make there? I'm curious."

"I make enough to know that I'd be a fool to give it up. I didn't make quite as much tonight as I usually do since you three were there and I waited on you, but that was expected. On a regular night, I can clear four hundred without breaking a sweat. On an especially good night, I can hit six," Jenny said, leaning in to nudge her sister with an elbow, "Why? Are you thinking about joining the team?"

The idea delighted the more open-minded sister to no end. The thought that Harriet might actually consider it was enough to leave her plotting what she might wear to an interview.

"I'm just curious! I've not been workin' for a while and I could use the money. And I'm not interested in going corporate like you did." Harriet said.

"Hey, no pressure. You just let me know if you start thinking serious about it. The job pairs really well with the whole surrogacy program. If that floats your boat, I could get you in on that too." Jenny said.

"So I'd have three near-constantly pregnant roommates instead of just one or two?" Ally asked.

"You make it sound like that's a bad thing." Jenny replied with a smirk.

"Bad nothing, I think that'd be adorable. And I bet I could squeeze a story out of it. Just think about it, a whole little commune of pregnant ladies, then suddenly, there's a boy in their midst! I'll bet that's bound to stir up some trouble! And some interesting feelings!" Ally cried, laughing heartily.

"Well, whatever the case, I've been glad to be able to work at the club whenever I want, thanks to Steve being so generous with his eggs. A couple more weeks and I'll be able to let these out and get started on the next litter. I'm pushin' for four this time!" the bunny said, smiling as she gave her own round belly a pat.

She had been carrying at least three dozen, and she had been tempted to see if she could get a few more. The bigger bumps tended to get better tips. After the next round of surrogacy, she would see about trying to go larger with Steve. He certainly didn't mind helping. And after witnessing the last three times he'd given Jenny what she needed to keep working at the club, Harriet had harbored greater curiosity for the experience.

Steve had needed the outlet. He was still having difficulty laying eggs on his own without the assistance of someone to 'catch' them. Thankfully, Jenny was more than willing to assist. But when she was carrying for an expecting couple, or a few couples, she wasn't able to offer that assistance. And since she was already full and not looking to empty herself, he was feeling his usual, squirmy self. Already he had grown past the point of being able to contend with it and being able keep himself in check, thanks to all the stimulation from the night's fun.

"Maybe... it's a bad idea... me working there," Steve said as he moaned, "I don't think... I'd be able to control myself."

"It'd give you reason to spend time around so many lovely bellies. And I saw some really great ones while we were there. I might have to invite one or two of those girls to have dinner with us some time. Or just order them next time I go," Ally said, teasing her boyfriend again, "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Seeing your girlfriend mount another pregnant girl, showing you what I do to you, but with them so you can watch."

Steve squeezed his eyes shut and his cheeks flushed brightly. He couldn't help but let his imagination run wild as the thought occurred to him. He squirmed harder in his seat, mashing his paws into his belly, desperate for another release. Harriet managed to sit herself up, then lean over against the rex's gut, mashing her cheek against it as she rubbed idly. She found him rather comfortable to snuggle up against. His tummy was quite soothing, inside and out.

"Don't let her get you riled up too much. You know how you get. And I'm too tired to try and dodge a giant belly threatening to squish me." Harriet said.

"I... I can't... help myself!" Steve cried, tipping his head back as he groaned.

There came the familiar rush he had come to treasure. It warmed him from below, spreading up through his tummy just before he fell limp on the couch, breathing out a long, passionate sigh. There wasn't much to the whole experience, just the sensations that ripped through him. His length twitched away in his shorts, but he never made a mess. That was one benefit to the curious nature of his physiology. It meant he didn't have to worry about his laundry nearly as much.

"Aww, did my little brood mother just pop again? That makes four in one night. Better watch out or you'll start chaining." Ally said, running her claws over his stomach.

Clearly she was interested in seeing if she could get him started down that road. His belly had gotten so sensitive that he was very near that critical point. Soon, just rubbing his stomach would be enough to make him go off again, making him grow more, which would make it that much more likely he would start the cycle all over again. Since he was already so tired and drunk enough to show it, he probably wouldn't be able to stay awake for much of it. She wouldn't get but two, maybe three more eruptions from him if she kept teasing.

But then it took a turn she hadn't expected.

"I want more!" Steve cried, sounding half moan, half complaint.

"You went and got him started again," Jenny said with a snicker, "You two lovebirds have fun. I'm gonna to go take a shower. I still smell like booze. I can't believe he made me spill a whole tray of drinks all down my front."

"You do that. I'll be here taking care of my sweet little egg factory," Ally said, leaning back in to give Steve a kiss on the nose, "You just tell me when to stop rubbing, okay honey?"

"No! Don't rub! I want you to do it!" Steve shouted, huffing softly as he felt his lust beginning to take over, forcing him to growl, "Bend me over and make me scream!"

Ally stood up and took a step back. She had not heard him say something like that before. It wasn't unwelcome, but it was a rather sharp surprise. Had she really pushed him far enough during their time together that his 'Rexian' nature was starting to show? And was he turning into a power bottom? If that was the case, then she might well have found the man she wanted to marry. Then again, weddings were overrated in her opinion. Still, there was the matter of making sure he wasn't just talking big.

"Are you sure? I mean, if you really want me to, I could flip you over and just ruin you right here, right now, in front of Harriet." the lady rex crossed her arms as she spoke, studying her companion carefully should he respond right away.

The tipsy rabbit managed to get herself up onto her paws, thinking she was going to need to relocate to let the two do what they were surely about to get into. She didn't want to end up crushed under a pair of horny dinos. Then again, the idea of what Jenny had done with Steve carried a certain allure with it, and she was just drunk enough to not immediately push it away without hestitation.

"Here, lemme get over to the other couch." Harriet said.

A three-clawed hand shot out and gripped the bunny by the shoulder. It wasn't rough or forceful. It didn't even hurt. It did however stop the lady in her tracks. She turned her head to look back at the dull brown rex staring down at her, his eyes pleading for her not to go.

"Wait, stop... Harriet... Jenny's too full to take anymore. I... I need someone... to help me. Please." Steve said through gasps for air.

"You're just gonna make more anyway. And I'm not Jenny." Harriet replied.

"I... I need help. I can't... do it... alone!" Steve begged.

"Better get while the gettin's good, honey. He just might drag you under him and do it to you anyway." Ally said with a snicker, moving to slip in beside the bloated fellow, all too eager to give him the 'more' he was aching for.

Harriet's eyes fluttered for a moment as she processed all that had been said. She was still not clearheaded enough to think straight, and it was getting harder to say no. The idea didn't seem all that crazy at that exact moment. She thought for a brief moment, recalling how much Jenny had enjoyed being spread and stuffed. Her belly was almost constantly round anymore, and she was certainly enjoying it. It had been a very long while since last Harriet had slept with anyone. Maybe it was time to break that streak. And who better to do it with than her best friend?

"Fine! God, I can't stand it when he uses the puppy-dog eyes on me!" Harriet shouted, moving to press back in against the big, creaking tummy, already beginning to slowly surge outward with the latest clutch he was growing.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, honey. You're both drunk." Ally said.

The bunny frowned up at the brightly-colored lady looking down at her in concern. It was touching, but that sentiment wasn't registering with her at the moment. Instead, Harriet took it as a challenge.

"Are you saying I can't do it? That Jenny's better at it than me?" the bunny asked, sounding offended.

"Well, she's at least more open to the idea." Ally replied, her lips slowly pulling into a grin.

This was going to happen, and she was going to get to see it first hand. If she weren't already so turned on by Steve's sudden display of enthusiasm, she might have felt pride in the rabbit's change of heart. Tonight was just full of surprises apparently.

"I'm plenty open!" Harriet shouted, "Steve! How does this work!? How do I get at it under all this!?"

The bunny mashed in against the rex's gut, trying to heft it up out of the way. She was clearly interested in what lay below, but she wasn't thinking entirely straight. Problem solving wasn't her forte right at that moment. There was a part of her that knew this was something she might regret, but there was a louder part of her screaming for her to outdo her sister. And Steve was in no condition to try and fight it.

The tawny fellow leaned forward, standing up on his paws. His belly sagged heavily, making it appear as though he were trying to block the rabbit's attempts. The act briefly stole his breath away and he clutched his stomach. For an instant, he paused there, wanting to just rub himself to climax again, but he couldn't ignore the lapine pressing against his side, trying to figure out how to join in. After a moment of acclimating, Steve reached over and took hold of Harriet. It wasn't his usual, timid, gentle manner, but more an urgent, needy act. He moved to shove the rabbit under his gut, helping her get to what she sought.

Ally, too keen to see where this might go to stop it, slipped around behind her boyfriend. She reached her paws past his hips and wiggled them in under his belly, finding the snap and zipper to his shorts. They had been undone long ago, but she was aiming for something they had not yet allowed free. With careful, practiced fingers, the lady rex delved into the garment and found the warm, smooth flesh of Steve's already engorged spire. He gasped and shivered the moment he felt her make contact. His legs parted and a pair of smaller paws began trying to tug the article of clothing down.

It didn't take much work. Even with the rex's giant middle, the shorts came free with surprising ease. His boxers followed suit, exposing the very item the two ladies were eager to get at. Once it was out in the open, Harriet began trying to figure out how best to get into position. She had seen Jenny go about it, but her mind was too fuzzy to recall details. Luckily, Steve was there to help. He leaned back against Ally, then hoisted his gut up as high as he could. When the lady saw what he was doing, she joined in, aiding her fellow dino in his efforts. The great egg-filled dome was lifted, its contents clacking softly under Steve's hide. It then fell on the sofa, taking the weight off his spine, but pinning him in a precarious position. He wouldn't be able to move until everything was done.

That suited him just fine. He had no plans to be anywhere and he simply wanted to be given the relief that eluded him. And it was not to elude him for too much longer. As soon as his groin was no longer pinned and hidden under his stomach, Harriet scurried in closer, finding she would have an easier time solving this equation. Ally meanwhile withdrew her arms and stepped back just far enough to begin casting off her own clothing. It wasn't just her pants, the dark, shiny leather hugging tight to the curve of her hips, but the underlying material. She wore a pair of frilly, lacy, black panties she had ordered special just for herself. After all, a garment meant to be worn by a lady wanting to maintain her femininity while so generously endowed wasn't something one could just run and pick up at the mall.

For a fleeting moment, Ally considered that was something that ought to change. It might be a fun little lark to run a lingerie shop for boys and girls like her. The thought was quickly pushed out of her mind as she unbuttoned her shirt. It strained against her bust, having been purchased two sizes too small on purpose for that very effect. She exhaled happily as soon as the pressure on her chest was relieved. It wasn't enough to make her uncomfortable, but it did allow for a pleasant sensation of freedom. The bra that had been hidden underneath matched her panties, completing a rather alluring image that she deeply enjoyed unleashing on unsuspecting lovers. Steve's first reaction to it had been one she relished with enormous zeal.

The lady then leaned forward once again, resting her chin on her boyfriend's shoulder as she whispered to him, even tracing her paws up his sides until she was running her fingers through the fluffy, downy plumage of his chest.

"So how do want it? Rough? ...or savage?" Ally asked, her voice low and husky.

The words sent a tingle down Steve's neck, making him tip his head back and to the side, pressing against the lady's muzzle as he let his mind conjure all sorts of erotic thoughts. Just how rough was 'rough'? And just how savage was 'savage'? He could only guess how far she would go, and found his imaginings to be far too enticing. His breath came in short pants, already desperately in need. His tail swished off to one side just before he pressed his hips back against the other rex, able to feel the delicious bulge of her panties mash against his exposed rump. His voice came in a strained, drawn out groan when he answered.

"The second one... Go nuts." he said.

"You got it honey." Ally said just as huskily.

She slammed her hips forward against her lover's form, forcing him forward. She was still bound by the lace and elastic of her custom underwear, but it would not remain that way for long. Below, Harriet had turned herself about, trying to do a hand stand in order to achieve what she was after. It was terribly awkward, but she didn't care. She was going to out perform Jenny if it killed her. And if she ended up liking it, then all the better. Her legs parted as she turned them up over her head, trying to find the thin frame that somehow handled such a monstrous load as the belly looming above her. She found the rex's hips and began trying to pull herself back against him, pushing herself up towards him. Steve's paws gripped those legs as soon as he felt them trying to cling to him. He knew she was too short to reach properly, so he helped her.

The bloated dino reached further down along his friend's sides and gripped her at the waist. He pulled her up towards him and directed himself in. He didn't realize she had taken the time to undress herself, but she had. Her unclothed form presented him with contact against a luxuriously soft pelt, one he had not anticipated enjoying quite so much. It was identical to Jenny's, but knowing that it was Harriet somehow made it that much more pleasing. He only wished he could see her as she was pressed into. The bunny's petals yielded with little resistance. The smooth, tapered spire offered little reason for her to complain or take issue. But as Steve plunged deeper and deeper, the girth of his manhood became something for her to marvel at.

Harriet had slept with her share of lovers before. It was one reason why she jumped at the chance to best her sister so quickly, being more comfortable with the idea than she had been before her first time. And in those past exploits, she had experienced a variety of shapes and sizes, though none from someone as tall as Steve or Ally. She was entering a whole new realm. A soft lump pushed out from her trim tummy, shifting in time with the rex's movements. She shuddered and clenched around the sleek invader, suddenly beginning to wonder why she had waited so long to do this. She didn't know how he measured up against others of his kind, but she was finding him a very remarkable challenge to fit into her, and she hungered for him to carry on.

With paws on waist, holding the rabbit where she was, and her arms no longer able to reach the floor, she was completely at Steve's mercy. She couldn't offer any of her own strength to contribute. Until she looked up and saw the edge of the couch. Immediately, the bunny shot out her arms and mashed her paws into the cushion that was compressed mightily by the weight of the rex's belly. She got her fingers in under the heavy dome, locked her arms, and pushed, shoving back against her friend. It resulted in both rabbit and rex crying out as one was hilted completely in the other. A good start.

Ally meanwhile had been taking her time in getting ready. She wanted to let the two get settled into place before she joined in. She could see the bunny's little legs wrapped around Steve's waist, her toes splaying as she no doubt received a stretch unlike anything she had ever attempted before. The very idea that she had finally managed to get the two of them to get down to it thrilled her to no end. And it brought a strong throb to the flesh trapped under her panties. The brightly colored rex shoved a single finger into the elastic band of her underwear, running her thumb along the lace that covered it, then dragged it downward. It wasn't meant as an act to shove the whole garment down and send it to her ankles. It was only just far enough to let her own burgeoning mast spring forth so that she might plant it where it belonged.

Steve wasn't paying close enough attention. He was too busy basking in the sensation of having finally found someone he could begin depositing his eggs in. He was just on the verge of beginning the process, relaxing and focusing, just before he felt Ally press back against him from behind. It wasn't a gentle action either. She had shoved herself forward with a loud growl, slamming her hips into his, sinking her shaft deep under his tail. Just as Harriet had been made to gasp and stretch, so too had he. And the jostling had pushed him forward against the bunny trapped under him. The lady rex pressed her muzzle against her lover's cheek, lips curled, teeth bared, her breath rushing hot against his hide.

"You better hang on to your little bunny friend. It's about to get nasty, just like you want it." Ally practically snarled into his ear.

Steve's eyes rolled back in his head and he let his jaw hang slack. He didn't need to do anything at this point other than let his body do what it would. The relaxation he was aiming for earlier had disappeared, but he was finding it again, even as the rex lady behind him began to pump. She was indeed pushing for vicious. There wasn't anything gentle about it. She was slamming home rough and fast. It made Steve wince each time she jabbed in under his tail. The rocking forced him to do the same to Harriet, his own shaft unable to do anything but ravage the poor lapine's petals. She cried out, squeezing tightly on the edge of the couch cushion as her own eyes glazed over.

Harriet would never admit it, but she was enjoying the animalistic aggression. So many of her past encounters had been of the "I don't want to hurt the tiny, little bunny" sort and that had left her frustrated. Now, she was skipping the pretense and going straight for the gusto. She felt the familiar sensation of the fleshy intruder withdraw, then force itself back in with strength she had not prepared for. Her arms were already beginning to wobble under the strain. Her passage clenched and squeezed, soaking the sleek, pink thing as it moved within her. The moisture only made its job that much easier, helping her best friend stuff her so utterly.

Ally hissed and gnashed her teeth, letting her dominant, predatory side show. She swung forward and pounded the supple cheeks before her with frightening power. She was indeed a credit to her species. And Steve was taking the brunt of it. It sent his mind back to the dreams he had once had back before he met the lady currently destroying him. He recalled the first dream where he was the one to be mounted. Now he was getting to live out that fantasy, though it was less a primitive jungle and more modern comfort. It was still his mate's territory, which she was sure to be able to defend. A strange thought occurred to him in that moment. Her territory could refer to the house he had come to think of as home, but it could also refer to him, or specifically the tight, spasming ring of muscle below that she had spread so wide.

He was her territory. He belonged to her. She was claiming him in the way their kind claimed each other. The heat of her forceful intrusion burned with the same passion that he had imagined. It was painful, but he reveled in that discomfort. And in that moment of ecstasy, he found his calm again. His body began to relax once more, preparing to do exactly what he had intended to. A sensation of pressure and expansion gripped him very low in his tummy. One of his eggs had begun to descend. With little additional effort on his part, he let it continue on. The wet slapping of thigh on thigh, groin on rump, carried on, making him jerk and jostle about as his shaft swelled. The bulge grew at the very base of his length, forcing its way into the waiting petals of the rabbit below.

A new cry sounded as Harriet was made to stretch further than she had already. This was what Jenny had been so enamored with. She twisted one way, then the other, trying to force her poor, abused nethers down over the new swell so they could carry on. With a wet, breath-stealing pop, Steve managed to sink the lump into her. From there, each lustful forward thrust pushed it deeper. The bunny's grip saw that lump refuse to escape her tunnel, milking it from Steve's length little by little. It continued on until she could feel it hasten towards the end of his shaft. When it reached the final stretch of the dino's length, there wasn't a pause or a moment to rest. It simply burst forth, escape the gravid rex with no cause to stand on ceremony. It landed in Harriet's womb with a splash of milky-white ooze, the bloated dino's seed acting as a sort of lubricant.

The first egg had been laid. And before either Steve or Harriet could attempt to catch their breath, another began to descend, stretching the bunny open once more. The poor dull-brown rex had been made to lay the first egg, then move immediately on to the next without having a moment to bask in the afterglow. Ally reached forward and groped at the swollen boy's belly, hissing in his ear as she bucked fiercely into him.

"Make sure you make her swell real good! You'd better get this gut of yours down to a manageable size, because after I'm through with you, you're gonna be too big to move!" she snarled.

Steve's breath caught in his throat as she spoke to him. His head canted over to one side, exposing his neck to the lady pulverizing him. Ally took the invitation and clamped down on him to assert her dominance. Her teeth grazed against his hide, not sinking in enough to draw blood, but he would certainly have a visible mark there for a few days. The instant he felt her bite down in ownership, Steve was gone. His mind shut down, leaving him unable to think or reason. He simply bucked forward, depositing his second egg into the bunny, forcing her belly to stretch that much more.

The three remained locked in place, moisture drooling from each of them, matting down fur and coating hide in a brilliant sheen as they rocked about. Harriet's stomach continued to swell as she was given her first clutch of eggs to carry. One by one they popped into her belly. Steve had entered a sort of trance-like state, unable to stop. His middle shrank oh so slowly, growing lighter and lighter each time he felt one of his precious orbs leave his protection to enter the care of his dear friend, adding to her waistline. Ally reached down past her boyfriend's gut to grope at the rabbit's. It had grown considerably, sagging down under her, even forcing her breasts upward somewhat. It satisfied the lady rex.

She would fill her lover, give him the seed necessary to replace the eggs he was losing. And it would swell him just as he always longed for. She wouldn't stop until he was sated, which would only be after her lust was slaked. The pounding of the boy dino continued uninterrupted, all in service to make him bigger, and to make his rabbit friend bigger as well. Lactic acid began to bite and sting the lady's legs, but she ignored it, thinking of the moment as a marathon rather than a sprint. Her shaft twitched about, threatening to explode. Ally had no reason to refrain. She allowed it to come. A thick burst gushed forth, flowing up into Steve's bowels. He arched his back as he felt the fountain of seed restore some of his lost girth. His belly expanded, even as he dropped the latest egg into Harriet's waiting uterus.

The deposited orbs clacked and bounced about within the rabbit, making her groan and shudder. Her body was quickly turning angry at her. She was being put through what amounted to a very intense workout, but she could not yield. She didn't want to say stop. She wouldn't be the first to give in. Steve or Ally would give out first. The smell of sex filled her nose, barely registering with her in her dazed state of mind. She could smell hints of Steve's release seeping out of her. It had coated his length and worked its way back up and out, beginning to mat down her fur right along with her own nectar. She had hit climax several times already, each one a small, quick burst that had begun to chain together. She wasn't sure if she could survive long enough. But she had to. She had to surpass Jenny.

"More! Don't stop!" Harriet shouted, trying to flex her legs and hold fast to the dino laying his precious clutch in her.

Steve gushed with each egg he provided, having lost count. His whole body ached as he was made to give and take all at once. He could feel the generous, copious flood of his lover sloshing about in his middle, driving him onward even further. Ally's first climax had been relatively brief compared to what he had come to know from her. The second had come in relatively short order, and it had been grander. A third was coming, he knew it. And it would be the flood to end all floods. He was certain he wouldn't be able to move after this.

Ally snarled louder as she humped, bucking with all her might until she slammed home one last time and released her grip on the poor fellow's throat. She threw her head back then loosed a roar that could be heard throughout the entire house. No doubt Jenny heard it over the noise of the shower. She was going to be sad she missed out on such entertainment. Just as Steve had suspected, the third orgasm was the one to truly finish him. What felt like entire liters of hot, viscous ooze swelled his abdomen. It felt as if someone had pressed a fire hose up under his tail. Within only a few moments, he was once again as large as he had been before he began filling Harriet.

The brown-feathered rex tilted his own head back and added his roar to Ally's chorus. His length spasmed about with tremendous strain, dropping the last egg he could manage to squeeze into the tightly stuffed belly of his best friend. She was out of breath and dazed, but that firm shove tipped her over her own edge. Harriet screamed as her body was racked with likely the most intense climax of her life. She twitched and trembled, feeling the weight of her belly pulling down on her. She was massive, far larger than Jenny. But she couldn't even think about that. Her thighs screamed at her for rest, soaked almost to the knee with honey.

Slowly, the trio found reason to release their tension. Ally was the first to retreat. She jerked herself free of Steve's anus, licking her lips as her lungs seared, demanding more air. She reached down to grip her still stiff length and gently try to corral it back in her panties. When the act had been accomplished, that paw moved to grip at one of her boyfriend's cheeks, squeezing the muscular mound. She found him still very tense. He had managed clench hard and close himself to keep from leaking any of her precious seed from the reservoir that was his belly.

"Mmm, you held up pretty good in that. I'm impressed." Ally said.

"I... I asked for it..." Steve panted.

"Not you, honey. I knew you could take it. You're a T-rex after all. I'm talkin' to your new little bunny girlfriend down there." the lady leaned over to one side to peer under the still great, gravid swell she had helped grow.

Harriet was out of breath and unable to speak, drooling from the corner of her mouth. Her paws had a death grip on the cushion she had been using as an anchor. If she had been given claws, she likely would have torn holes in it. Thankfully, it was unharmed.

"Is... is she... alright?" Steve wheezed.

"Only one way to find out. Better let go of her and try to ease off her nice and slow. I'll catch." Ally said.

The bright-feathered dino moved around her boyfriend to lay paws on the exhausted rabbit. Steve did as he was instructed, going slowly as he withdrew. With a long, drawn out, sloppy-sounding noise, he dragged his tender spire from the bunny's petals. He was sure she would be mad at him for being so rough. He dropped down onto the sofa and let his entire body go limp, paws resting on his still expansive stomach. Ally collected Harriet and sat her down next to the 'brood mother' who had just filled her.

"Look at you two. You're a pair, you are!" Ally said and laughed.

"I... don't think... I've ever... felt so tired... in my life," Harriet finally said, then groaned as she groped at her vast, taut belly, "Or so full!"

"I'm sorry," Steve said weakly, "I just... couldn't stop... myself."

"Sorry... nothing," the bunny shot back, "You... loved it. And I did... ask for it. God... I don't think... I could fit anymore... in there."

"Probably not. That's a hell of a load you've got," Ally said, taking her own seat to sandwich the lapine between the two dinos and press a palm against that furry tummy, "If Jenny had three dozen, this has to be five dozen, maybe six."

Harriet whimpered and leaned in against Ally, kicking up one of her legs to press one of her feet-paws against Steve's gut. The act wasn't to push away but to help massage his middle. Now she could see why he was so keen to rub it. Hers was screaming for attention, demanding that all paws within range offer appreciation.

"Is it... bad... that I want... more?" she asked.

Ally simply snickered and leaned down, offering the exhausted and still intoxicated bunny a slow, gentle, tender kiss. It wasn't just Steve who had gained a new girlfriend. Ally intended on making sure all three members of her little tribe would be well taken care of. And there wouldn't be any question who they belonged to.

"Hey!" shouted a loud, needle-like voice, "Wake up!"

Steve groaned, wincing as the sting in his head punished him for the rapid jerk as he was startled back to consciousness. The rabbit next to him was similarly uncomfortable, lifting a paw to rub her head as she complained at the source. Neither could see who it was, but they had a pretty good idea.

"Don't talk so loud, Ally. My head's killing me." Harriet replied.

"I'll bet it is," the brightly colored lady rex said with a toothy grin, "You two ended up a little more hammered than you planned. And then you did something I didn't think would happen anytime soon. I'd say it's about time it did."

The dusty brown fellow sat himself up properly, looking down at his stomach. It was back to being an immobile monster that promised to keep him right where he was. The rabbit was similarly rounded out, though she was likely able to move. It would be a difficult mobility, but possible. Harriet looked at her heavy middle and tipped her head back to slouch on the sofa, groaning again in embarrassment.

"We did do that, didn't we?" the bunny asked in a long, unpleasant noise.

"You sure did! I'm proud'a you two!" Ally said.

Steve screwed his face up in pain once again and cupped a paw to his skull.

"Please... not so loud. I feel like my head is about to crack open." he said.

"Sorry. I've got some coffee brewing. You two have been out for a while. It's almost noon." Ally replied.

"I might want to go back to sleep, let the hangover pass." Harriet said.

"Sorry, can't do that. We've got too much to do today. I need you two awake and sober," Ally said, "I'm gonna work on a new story and I need to interview the both of you."

"Interview us? Why interview us? It's not a biography is it?" Steve asked, shifting his hips to try and find a slightly more comfortable posture.

"Oh please, do you really think a lady who's known for writing smut is gonna suddenly make the jump to a hard hitting, tell-all biography about a couple who only just managed to shag for the first time after knowing each other for what, five... ten years?" the tall lady crossed her arms against her chest, drawing the eyes of both suffering roommates up to her.

It was then they spotted the rather bulbous swell Ally was sporting. It shifted and squirmed gently just before an unhappy grumble came from under her skin. A paw-shaped bulge formed along the generally round swell, then disappeared back into the slightly misshapen dome.

"Do you have to be so loud? I was having a really nice dream." Jenny said.

Ally chuckled and lowered her gaze to her stomach, giving it a gentle pat of appreciation.

"Sorry 'bout that sweetie. Go back to sleep. I'll let you out in a little while." she replied.

"You ate Jenny again? Isn't that a little dangerous when she's so round? I hope you two don't do anything like that while she's an acting surrogate." Harriet said.

"Nah, she's perfectly fine. And it's no different when she's going through surrogacy than when she's carrying Steve's eggs. You two passed out before she got out of the shower and wanted the details of what happened. So I told her. She got all hot and bothered and wanted to climb in. So I happily obliged. It's always nice to go to bed on a full, wiggling stomach." Ally explained.

"Horny rabbit." Harriet grumbled.

"Look who's talking!" Ally laughed, "You finally let your boyfriend bone you and you end up even bigger than her, and -she's- the horny rabbit, sure."

"Ugh, I can't believe I did that." Harriet said, covering her eyes with her paws.

Steve turned to look down at the bunny next to him. He couldn't help but appreciate the swell of her tummy, how it filled her lap so completely, how her fur wrapped around the clutch he had given her. It stirred something inside him and brought a muted sense of satisfaction bubbling up from deep within.

"Was it really that bad?" he asked, not intending to sound as hurt as he did.

Harriet tore her paws away and looked up at her taller, much more swollen friend. Her expression was one of panic. She hadn't intended it to be an insult.

"What!? No! No, it wasn't bad! It was... It was good. Just... I'm usually more in control. Even when I get buzzed, I'm able to conduct myself better than that. I took advantage of you," Harriet said, lowering her gaze as she let her ears droop in shame, "You were in need and I took advantage of you."

"Interesting. It's usually the other way around, the boy taking advantage of the girl. Seriously though, I don't think there was any real pressure one way or another. You both wanted it, and you went for it. In fact, as I recall, Harriet, you were obsessed with out-doing Jenny here." Ally said, giving her stretched stomach a gentle, affectionate stroke.

She wasn't about to upset the groggy bunny inside it. She was enjoying being Jenny's bed, and had missed it more than she realized. Jenny had been missing it too, apparently. Steve returned his gaze to his own belly, taking note of the fact that it was big enough to reach the ground. Had the coffee table been in its usual spot, he would have pushed it over. Thankfully, it had been relocated for just such an incident.

"It's all still pretty fuzzy, but I do remember us doing... you know... the deed. And it was... pretty great." the shy, heavily pregnant boy said.

"Yeah, it was," Harriet replied in admission, "I just don't want it to affect our friendship. I've known you for so long, I don't want one night of drunken misjudgment to ruin things."

"I don't think it was a misjudgment." Steve said quietly, bringing his paws together in front of his chest.

That prompted the bunny to look back up at him. He was blushing profusely, his big, copper eyes locked on the grand swell attached to him. The rabbit chewed idly on her lip as she let the events of the previous night process and come into greater relief in her mind. The images were still fuzzy, as was her memory of the things that were said. But the feelings, the sensations, the memory of what she had experienced, those were all still quite powerful, and remarkably clear.

Harriet scooted herself a little closer to the big, bashful rex. She lifted a paw and rest it against the side of his tummy, the other remaining comfortably on top of her own middle. It did feel rather nice, being stuffed so full. And that was what muddled her thoughts so much. Jenny had been working so hard to entice her into trying exactly this for so long, but Harriet had declined, thinking it couldn't possibly be that pleasant. But it was. Far more than she had anticipated.

"Maybe that's putting it too harshly," she said, "I remember enjoying it while it was happening. In fact, I remember it being one of the absolute most intense experiences I've ever been through. I just wish that maybe it hadn't been brought on by having drunk too much."

"Well whatever brought it on, I'm glad it happened. Maybe now you two will be a little more loose around each other." Ally said.

"Anything's bound to be loose after how far I got stretched." Harriet said with a bit of a mutter, intending it as a joke.

Steve blushed powerfully and put on a sheepish grin, staring down at his stomach. The only person who had made use of him as a male was the rabbit currently occupying Ally's stomach. Not even the rex lady had allowed him the honor of topping her. And now, he'd been with Harriet was well. And he had measured up well against her previous lovers. That afforded him a degree of pride.

"I hope... that it wasn't... too much." he said quietly.

"Let me put it this way," the bloated bunny said, "I get why Jenny gets so cranky when she hits the full mark. Once you're on, you kind of don't want off."

"Good thing you don't have a 'must be this tall to ride' limit." Ally said with a snicker, reaching over to give her boyfriend a slap on the shoulder.

"Well, as much as either of us might have enjoyed it, I'm sure it was only a one time only thing. I doubt Harriet is interested in getting loaded up with another clutch of eggs anytime soon." Steve said.

"I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss that out of hand." the rabbit said, reclining against the back of the sofa.

She was still slightly out of breath. After all, she'd gone well past the 'safe' point with how many eggs she was carrying. And she simply could not stop rubbing her stomach. It felt far too marvelous to quit. Ally picked up on that and said nothing. She did however smile broadly down at the rabbit.

"What?" Steve asked, turning to peer down at his friend in surprise.

"I said I'm not ruling it out. It's probably gonna be a while before I think about it again. I still gotta get these out of me after all. But if every time is like last night... maybe it's not such a bad idea." Harriet said.

"Hey Stevie, I think she likes it!" Ally laughed, "Hell, all you gotta do is convince me to bend over and let you fill me up and you'll have three ladies in your little harem!"

"What!? Harem, what!?" Steve blurted out loudly, then winced as his head throbbed all over again.

Harriet's eyes welled up at the thought as well. She hadn't considered the notion before, but it wasn't far off the mark. Though it struck her that perhaps it was less Steve's harem and more Ally's. She was kind of the alpha of the group.

"If you think I'm gonna dress all skimpy and offer myself to whichever of you needs a hole to fill, you're absolutely crazy." the rabbit said, being careful not to raise her voice lest she suffer what Steve had.

"Oh relax, I'm only joking. Sort of," Ally said, "Remember, I want to interview you both for a story I wanna write. I may have... kind of... put you both in a harem-type situation in my head. Or at least characters like you."

The two egg-heavy friends sitting on the couch just stared up at the author. She crossed her arms and frowned down at the two of them, expecting some sort of reaction or comment that might be less than favorable.

"You're putting us in a story-" Steve began.

"And in that story, we're in a harem?" Harriet completed.

"What!? I'm a writer! It's what I do! You're not the first friends I've used for inspiration. You're all living with me, so consider it fair trade." Ally said.

The rex lady's belly came alive again, squirming visibly as Jenny pushed out against the slick, rubbery wall separating her from the outside world. Her voice was less groggy than before, meaning she hadn't fallen back asleep, but instead she had slowly sobered further.

"Am I in your story? Can I be in the harem too? I promise I'll let you do as much research on me as you need. Or want." she said.

Ally looked down at her stomach and cupped both her paws against it, cradling it as if it were her unborn child.

"You can be whatever you want in my stories. At least you can appreciate the concept of artistic reference." the dino lady said.

"We didn't say we didn't like the idea," Harriet said, "We're just surprised."

"Yeah... I mean... I figured I was pretty dull. I don't know why anyone would want to write about me." Steve added.

Ally lifted her gaze and dipped her nose, peering at the two over her glasses.

"Really? Pretty dull? Honey, you're a male T-rex who's colored like a female and you can spontaneously brood a clutch of eggs when you masturbate. And you can inject them into whoever you have sex with. On top of that, you are adorable and shy, making you prime fodder for girls of all sorts... as well as guys... to fantasize about you. I just provide the proper context for them to do so in a way that doesn't entirely lead back to the real you. And Harriet... you're his best friend who finally, after years of knowing him, managed to get him to enjoy a night of fun. And you got a belly full of eggs for your trouble. You're a match made in romance literary heaven!" the lady dino said.

Steve and Harriet turned and looked at one another bashfully once more, finding they had indeed been ignoring the fact that they were pretty compatible, personality-wise. Maybe there was something worth exploring. If nothing else, it might make for an interesting read when Ally finished with it.

"I guess... maybe you're right." Harriet said.

"Damn right I am!" Ally said, lifting her chin authoritatively, "Now, does Jenny need to ask her boss about getting you a job at the club? Because right now, you look like you'd fit in perfectly. How good a dancer are you?"

Harriet's ears immediately stood erect and turned bright red as she blushed, and hard. Before she could say anything, Jenny was turning over in Ally's belly once again.

"Hey, yeah! I saw what you looked like while you were passed out with Steve! You'd pull in a buttload of tips!" the hiding rabbit called out.

"And I'll bet Steve would do pretty good too, though he'd have to keep his 'production' under control a little better." Ally said, already beginning conspire with her midnight snack to embarrass--or at least find employment for--her two friends.

"Yeah, except on the last night of the month. He'd win that preggy-bank prize for sure!" Jenny shouted, cackling like mad.

"Guys," Steve said timidly, "I... I don't think... It's not a good idea. I'd probably scare the customers."

"You weren't scaring them last night. In fact, you drew quite a bit of attention once you loosened up. You were practically the star of the show. Three ladies came to dance with you once you had a little booze in you." Ally said, grinning like mad.

"I dunno. I'm... I'm not very graceful." Steve said, his nose pointed down, his eyes wide, and his cheeks rosy.

"Sounds like it's worth exploring," Harriet said with a sigh of resignation, "I need a job, and I've got the belly for it. I might as well ask about an interview or something. I used to work at a strip club back just out of high school."

Ally blinked, not having expected that.

"You did!? When were you gonna tell me this!?" the rex lady cried in dismay.

"It's not something I'm entirely proud of. I needed extra money to afford going to city college. Which was a bit of a waste since I ended up dropping out anyway. But... I've got the experience, and I've got a source to keep me looking like I'm about to have a litter." Harriet said, reaching over to pat Steve's tummy.

"Hey, sis!" Jenny called out, pushing her face out against Ally's gut, making it show through the lady's hide, "If you want, I could hook you up with the surrogacy program! I bet you'd find it more enjoyable than you think! And it goes well with the club's needs!"

Ally shivered and pressed a paw against Jenny's face, pushing her back down into herself, hiding her in the swell of her middle.

"I dunno, Jenny." Harriet replied.

Thwarted by Ally's efforts to keep her contained, the hidden bunny began struggling harder, pushing this way and that until the lady rex put on a look of shock. A lump began pushing its way up her neck, right up until she was forced to open her mouth. There, poking out of the back of her throat, was Jenny's head, damp but no worse for the wear.

"C'mon! It's a non-invasive procedure, it takes like fifteen minutes, and it's a nice bonus on top of working at 'Bump in the Night'! Plus I bet you and Maddie would get along great! Hell, Maddie would probably get along with all of us! We should invite her over for dinner sometime." Jenny said.

The inconvenienced rex clapped her jaws shut and swallowed hard, pushing Jenny back down into her stomach. The rabbit landed with a bounce, feeling rather undignified in the process. Ally took a breath and squeezed her belly in her paws.

"Naughty thing, trying to sneak your way back up and out before I'm done with you," the dino said, "You heard her, she's not sure. Let her think on it."

"Yeah, I'll think about it. But for now, I think it'd probably be a better idea to bow out. After all, while you're busy being a surrogate, I'm the only one who's free to help Steve with his eggs." Harriet said, moving to lean against the vast dome she had managed to steal from last night.

The tawny fellow tensed up at the contact, but slowly relaxed and awkwardly dropped a paw down to cup against the bunny's taut, firm stomach. Harriet took hold of his wrist and guided it to a good spot for him to rub and closed her eyes, finding it a rather comfortable place to be.

"Fine, that's a fair point. But if you change your mind, you let me know. I can get you hooked up." Jenny said.

"Alright little Miss Rent-a-Mom, you've made your pitch. Let's leave the two lovebirds be for a while," Ally said as she looked down to her wobbling, fussing abdomen, then up to the two on the couch, "The coffee's probably done by now. I'll go get you two a cup. I'm gonna start lunch for Jenny and me. You two might feel hungry in a bit so let me know if you want something."

"Lunch and coffee sound good." Steve said, feeling more at ease with Harriet leaning against him as the seconds ticked by.

"Yeah, I'm game." the tired bunny said, content to lean against the vast, neighboring belly while rubbing her own.

Ally just turned and left them to snuggle, thinking about how to work all of this into her harem story. And how she intended to punish Jenny for being so presumptuous as to try and climb back up her throat without asking. Devious little bunnies didn't escape her stomach unless she let them. Making her eat lunch in there sounded like a fine solution. And it would give her plenty of stimulation when she sat down to write that afternoon.

There was a lot to put into her notes, and she still had to interview the happy couple.

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