The Horrors of Stonebury: Epilogue

Story by fredwirtz on SoFurry

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#14 of Stonebury Chronicles

The town is destroyed, but what of the Richards family?

This is part of a longer commission written by Joshiah Or check out the author's patreon at

Part 1

Stonebury wasn't a large city. It wasn't the kind of concrete jungle that was riddled with the hustle and bustle of a fast paced world; it would have been the perfect place to settle down and retire, if it wasn't a breeding ground for monsters...

...And since being discovered, it was nothing more than a smoldering crater, over a thousand miles from the place that Steven Richards was being examined.

"This place is boring."

"I know."

"I miss mom."

"I know."

"Those guys won't stop taking pictures of me, and it's weirding me out."

"I k-

Tabitha huffed and interrupted her father. "Is that really all that you have to say, after what happened? You've been lying to the entire family for years, Stonebury is gone , and our lives are completely ruined! How are we ever supposed to go back to a normal society after all of this?"

"We aren't."

Steven was having trouble showing any real emotion to his daughter. What he'd done in the heat of the moment was physically enjoyable, but the mental wound was starting to scar, and he was struggling to look his daughter in the eye, much less give her anything more than a pair of words as a response.

"So that's it?" she continued to verbally bludgeon him. "We're just stuck out here on some boring farm, further in the middle of nowhere than we've ever been, while Mom and Clyde get experimented on, God only knows where?"

"Your mother and Clyde are being monitored at a research facility. It would seem that we've all come under the same form of corruption, and if there's a way to reverse it, their bodies might hold the seems they were even further along in the transformation than you were when they were discovered."

Leaning over the old, splintered posts of a wooden fence at the edge of the property, Steven Richards daydreamed, his mind forlorn at the possibility of ever getting to settle down for a proper retirement.

"Is it true?" Tabitha asked. "Were they really knotted when the research team found them?"

The bottle of scotch that hung from Steven's palm seemed to be his only friend in a world that had turned its back on him. "Every last word of it," he confirmed, his words a bitter contrast to the sweet and soothing caramel notes on the next swig of his liquor. "_Ahhn..._was too late to stop them from being corrupted, and I was too busy trying to keep my head above water to do anything about it."

Knowing that she'd been too hard on her father, Tabitha did the best that she could to rest an open palm on his shoulder to comfort him, but she was still only a young woman, knowing little about the horrible things her father had seen and done in the name of preserving the peace.

Her touch was a good start, and the best that she could do, but she knew that it would take time immeasurable for him to get over the shock of what had happened, this time.

"Goodness only knows how many more people would have died or been transformed if not for your help, Daddy. You shouldn't beat yourself up over that."

"It's the only thing keeping me from breaking this bottle and slitting my own neck with the glass," he replied, his tone as grim as a graveyard. "I'm glad I was able to help other people, but I missed the mountains for the peaks, Tabitha. I've lost your mother, and your brother will probably never be the same. None of us will be."

Looking over the fur upon the back of her knuckles as she rubbed her father's bare shoulder, Tabitha hoped her gesture would buy time to find more words of comfort, but there were none to be had.

"I'm sorry for all of this, Tabitha. I'm sorry that I didn't send you away to college when I had a might have still had a normal life ahead of you."

Out on the edges of the farm, Steven and Tabitha were enjoying a rare moment of peace and serenity in the aftermath of a horrid tragedy. There couldn't have been a worse time for her mood to shift, but she still wasn't fully in control of her body, even with the corruption slowly fading from her mind.

"The only thing you need to be sorry for is pulling out, Daddy."

Steven blinked, and the bottle of scotch fell from his hand as he turned to look down at his daughter. "W-what...the hell did you just say to me?"

"My only regret about everything that happened is that you didn't cum inside of me, honestly. How many little girls ever get the chance to feel their father making a new baby inside of them?"

"That isn't supposed to happen, Tabitha. That's the point of a family!"

"A normal family is overrated," Tabitha argued. She knew that there was a sliver of corruption dictating her actions, but the physical need left behind by their interrupted sex was an entirely real and valid sensation, regardless of what had happened to corrupt her. "Ours can still be perfect just the way it is; we simply have to get it started."

Wishing that he could pick up the clumps of alcohol laden dirt around his feet and chew them until he passed out, Steven cast his gaze to the ground and shook his head slowly. "Tabitha, I...I can't hear this. That's not the kind of thing my little girl would ever say to me."

Brushing her open palm down the side of her father's thick, broad arm, Tabitha rested it upon the back of his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "I'm not your little girl anymore, know that. I'm a grown woman with real needs, and thanks to the spell that was cast upon me, there's only one man in the world who can satisfy them. Do you still have the sheath?"

"I d-do," Steven trembled over his words, knowing that his own mind wasn't entirely purified yet. His better judgment was telling him that it wasn't too late to run for the barn and avoid this conversation for the rest of his natural born life, but the argument of a bright, pinkish-red tip emerging from the warmth of his sheath carried more weight, and immediately caught Tabitha's attention. "But that doesn't mean you should go through with this."

"There's no one here to judge you, Daddy. You can admit that you're getting hard at the sight of my can tell me that you want me to go through with this."

Under their constant supervision, Steven wasn't allowed to wear any clothing at all, and Tabitha was only able to keep on a medical gown for her modesty to be preserved from the other agents. It wasn't stopping people from staring at her and trying to imagine what was under the fabric, and her body wasn't hiding anything from her father, as her nipples perked right up to the delicate, thin fabric and drew his attention downward.

"Anything I'm feeling right now is just a side effect of the spells that were used on us," Steven tried to reason his way through the encounter. "If we just wait a few more days and finish the treatment, all of this will subside, and once the hangover passes, we can get started on therapy, and pretending that none of this ever happened."

Tapping her chin with obviously insincere thought, Tabitha gripped the small ribbon that held her gown together between two digits and pulled it loose. She lifted her arms up over her head, and the garment fell into the field, immediately collecting some dirt stains on contact.

"Better idea," she murmured, as she lowered her hands down to her shoulders. She crossed her arms over her breasts as open palms smoothed over her swollen nipples, and continued pressing and teasing each row of the extra buds that she'd acquired over the last few months. "We accept that this is what our lives are going to be like from now on, I bend over, and you pump my pussy full of your cum...sound like a deal?"

Even as he looked the other way and tried to ignore the brief striptease, Tabitha's words forced her father's cock to jump out from his sheath and drip precum down to the dirt. "We c-can't do that, Tabitha. We're not past that point of no return yet, but if I impregnate my own daughter, t-then...then what the hell is left for me to fight for?!"

"Your pups, once they're born," she claimed. However much corruption was left in her mind didn't actually matter: Tabitha made up her mind to take the place of her own mother at her father's side long before she'd started transforming. She was a perfect blend of the qualities that made her an attractive human in the first place, and the canine qualities of a feral, yet intelligent werewolf, and the strain of canine instinct that was now a permanent part of her father was having trouble ignoring something about her. "How about we get to making them? My heat will only last for so long, but it'll be a lot easier to deal with if my daddy will bend me over and fuck me..."

Her words came from a place of estrus, and Steven nearly choked on his words as he tried to repeat hers. " Heat?! That's...that's not possible," he tried to claim, but already, Tabitha was kneeling down and leaning right past her father's hip, brushing her cheek along it and rubbing her way into his crotch. She could smell the deliciously powerful aroma of her manhood in ways that she never could before, and if she wasn't aroused already, she was downright intoxicated from a single breath of the scent. "My little girl can't have needs like that!"

A brief lick upon the tip of his drooling cock silenced the patriarch, and Tabitha looked up at her father with a literally wolfish grin. "Not your little girl anymore, dad. I'm your bitch, and I have needs."

Her smirk was alluring enough by itself, but Tabitha took after her father, and never did something halfway if it was worth doing at all. A long, flat tongue that was more canine than human emerged from her growing muzzle, and the bobbing, drizzling tip of his member came to find a new home on the flat of her wet muscle, before she sealed her lips around it and began to bob her head. Steven was immediately grateful for the posts of the fence as he fell forward and gripped onto them, trying to resist the overload of sensations his own daughter provided, but there was only so much that he could do to fight against the long, full slurps of her tongue against the underside of his shaft.

It was a losing battle long before it started, but Steven was determined to go down swinging, while his little girl went down on him.

"It's not t-too late," he grimaced and tried to look away, but he was tired of fighting against his own instincts, and tired of resisting the pleasure that was being offered to him at every turn. "We can still put a stop to this, Tabitha. We c-can...put all of this behind us!"

Warm, cozy paws wrapped around the base of his flesh as it was eagerly tasted, and for a moment, Tabitha hesitated and pulled her muzzle from the tip. "Or, we can accept that I'm a bitch in heat, and you can pin me down in the mud and fuck my brains out. That would be my choice."

There was no chance for Steven to protest; his jaw dropped, but it wasn't to speak, when his daughter licked her lips, held the base of his cock steady, and jammed as much of it as she could past her tongue, right into the back of her mouth. The corrupted agent could feel the transformed tip of his length pressing against her throat, but the tickle didn't cause her to gag or cough: she just giggled from it and kept leaning further forward, until her nose was pressed to the base of her own fist.

She eagerly moved her digits away, and as Steven stood upright and released the fence posts, he looked down between his arms to see his daughter's face literally buried into his crotch, her muzzle pressed up against the front of his hips, and her eyes cast up toward him with a sparkle of innocence that defied everything she'd recently become.

There was a final moment of clarity in Steven's mind, as he tried to reason with what the agency would have to say about what he'd done. He wondered if he would be exiled for his actions, or worse, and he couldn't fathom how he was going to provide for his family if he didn't have a job.

Those were all real world concerns, and Steven was as far away from them as he could be, mentally. That instant of rationality was nothing more than a blip in his memories, and Steven was already gripping the side of his daughter's muzzle and holding it still so he could pump his hips into her face.

"Just because you're a needy little bitch doesn't mean you get to push your father around," he scolded her in the heat of the moment and pulled his cock free, allowing errant strands of saliva to cast off from her lips and spill to the ground. The dangling strands fell into her tits and left a mild glisten upon her cleavage, and an already panting, needy wolfess looked that much more desperate than she did in the minutes before. "If I'm gonna knock you up, I'm gonna do it on my terms."

Nearing the point of her transformation where words became a struggle, Tabitha tilted her head to one side, and in a moment of adorable juxtaposition, her ears flopped along with her.

"Get on all fours, Tabitha...and make sure Daddy can see where it hurts. He's gonna make it all feel better."

Abandoning all of his reason, all of his ethics, and all of his hope, Steven watched eagerly as his daughter spun around and continued to pant with need. The teasing that led up to the moment had her body on edge, and she twitched in place as her tail lifted and wagged from side to side, knowing it would entice him to fall to his own knees.

Tabitha struggled under the weight of her father, but she held true and allowed her heat to dictate her every action. Her folds were parted wide with their need, and her father's tip settled between them, as he still had the human intelligence to line himself up before her started pounding away, but the canine instinct that took over in the moments that followed ensured Tabitha would be satisfied before the sun set on their family.

"Whine for me, you little bitch."

A long, deep thrust buried Steven inside of his daughter's passage and a canine whimper, pathetic and weak, escaped her lips as she panted faster than ever before. Her tongue was starting to dangle over the side of her muzzle, and she tried to gaze back at her father with deep affection in her eyes, but she felt him biting down upon the back of her neck, and her gaze shot forward as she yelped in surprise.

This is just what you wanted, Tabitha. Am I a good enough father for you, now?

The unresolved issues between the pair would likely be buried under a whole new set of problems, but in the moment, neither father nor daughter could find the care to worry about what they were doing wrong. There was no society to judge them, and the agency had seen far worse things in their time.

This was on the tame end of their spectrum, and Steven desperately needed to blow off some steam, given all of the events that brought him to that moment.

"Rnnnf... rrrrf!" A pair of deep, canine growls escaped from Steven's muzzle as he found his transformation continued, and in fact expedited when he was committing a foul act. He would already have been mistaken for a werewolf if he were seen out in the wild, but it was only getting worse with each passing moment, and each time he thrusted forth, the signs of his humanity were buried further under patches of fur, pads upon paws, and claws that were once mere nails.

What started as a passionate and forceful exchange between the two was reduced to nothing more than two brainless canines, fucking each other as hard as they could for the purpose of a mutually shared orgasm. There was a human sense of desire in Tabitha's whine as she held still for her father and allowed him to bury his cock as deep as it would reach, and for his part, Steven still had some sense of what he was doing being a forbidden act.

Each time the thought crossed his mind, a fresh throb passed through the shaft of his manhood, and radiated within Tabitha's clenching, eager walls.

Too's too late now! Were the last thoughts he had, as his balls were clenched up tightly in his sack, slapping harshly against the peak of his own daughter's sex. A knot that was denied to her before _finally_pressed against her labia and began spreading them apart, and a series of short, powerful thrusts left her to nearly collapse under her father's weight.

The force of each consecutive thrust grew, until her sensitive ears caught the sound of a wet, slippery schlip , and her body was given all that it could handle, as an impressively voluminous load of cum spilled across her vaginal passage and gushed down into her womb.

When the guards came to investigate the sound of wolves howling at the edge of the property, they didn't stumble upon Steven and Tabitha, but a pair of werewolves in heat, breeding for the second time that afternoon and kneeling in pool of their own spilled juices...

Part 2

While his father and sister fell that much further into corruption, Clyde Richards was sitting in a small room, locked away and looking at his hands with a sense of utter disbelief.

They were human again, and after seeing his digits morph into thick, heavy paws, Clyde wasn't sure that he'd ever be able to see himself without fur ever again. It was soothing to be back in his own body, but there was something hollow and crippling about coming so close to feeling inhuman strength and ability, only to have it snatched away from him in the blink of an eye.

Rational thought reminded Clyde that he should be counting his blessings: the explosion that leveled Stonebury almost swallowed him along with it, and at the end of the day, the cost of being transformed into a werewolf was being forced to have sex with his own mother. Cured of the corrupting force that once ran through his veins, the thought was repulsive, and how he was ever going to confront her again was one of many questions running through the mind of the young man. His thoughts were a train without brakes on a rickety track, and it left him completely exhausted; he hadn't slept in days.

"Looks like all of those experiments are paying off. It seems that we're getting close to being able to utilize the ritual oil in the same way that Schafer was," a scientist was commenting to his colleague, sitting in a room down the hall from Clyde's holding cell. "But where she wasn't able to turn people back when once they were corrupted, we're almost at a point where we can transform people back and forth at will."

There was no shortage of paranoia around the thinly veiled facility that the Richards family was being kept at. Despite their decades of operation, the agency was still rather novice in their ability to handle the energy that was provided by the summoning rituals needed to bring forth the "Dark Mother," and though they'd been able to capture some of that same force, experimenting with it so rapidly was putting the entire place at a state of unrest.

"If what you're saying is true, then we'll be able to repair all of these broken lives...maybe even give these folks new homes, and a new start."

"You'd think that was the plan, but..."

A closed circuit screen revealed the completely healed Clyde, and with the push of a button, the scientists were speaking to him on an intercom.

"Clyde! How are you feeling today?"

It wasn't easy for the young man to respond with anything, save for glaring at the spot in the ceiling that he assumed the camera was hidden. "That's a pretty stupid question, isn't it?"

Given the way that his entire reality was shattered only days before, Clyde was understandably bitter at both of his parents, but his father especially. He was trying to turn his blame on the agency itself for making Steven take such a terrible risk, and to put his family in the line of fire seemed utterly reckless, as well, but somewhere in the back of his mind, Clyde still hadn't absolved his father of blame.

"Chipper as ever, I see. Is there anything that we can do to make you feel more comfortable?"

"I sincerely doubt that."

Feeling sorry for the boy, but having orders to follow all the same, the scientist hovered his fingers over another button on a large, colorful control panel. "Would you like to see your mother, perhaps? You haven't seen her since the blast, after all."

On some level, Clyde was sure that his mother had perished in the collapse, and for the sake of her poor, corrupted soul, he was quietly hoping that she had. Such a thought left him sick to his stomach, but he knew that she was suffering in her heart of hearts, and wondered if it might be easier to be freed from her curse, rather than having to face it head on.

"I didn't think I'd ever get to see her again. I'd like that very much," Clyde responded, his voice still devoid of proper emotion. He didn't want to let anyone see his inner workings anymore, feeling so confused and betrayed by the patriarch of his family. "When can I?"

The button was pressed, and one of the walls of his room began lifting up into the ceiling. Thick as it was, Clyde never would have been able to hear that his mother was in the room next to him, but she was standing right there on the other side, still coated with fur and rippling with all of the extra muscle that a werewolf was known to have.

They never even bothered to cure her? What the hell are these guys planning?

Hoping to feel relief, but instead feeling a wash of regret, Clyde failed to look his mother in the eyes. He cast his gaze to the floor, silently wondering if she would ever know the joy of being in her own body once more.

"You'll notice that Clyde is completely cured," the first scientist mentioned to his partner, making sure to take his finger off of the intercom. "And yet, his mother is still the perfect image of a werewolf...but she isn't going after him, like you'd expect her to."

"I'm sure that isn't a coincidence, but I'm guessing that it isn't a matter of Tandy coming to her senses, either."

"She has come to her senses, but she hasn't come back to her own body. We've been able to find inconsistencies in the ritual oil that can be exploited, so that we can draw out the physical benefits of a lupine body without the mind of the user being compromised. In as much, we can enhance our agents at will, but keep them from turning into hormonally charged fucking machines."

"That's such a _professional_sounding description of what they are."

"I'm being paid to run experiments on a family unit that was just spending every waking afternoon sleeping with itself, Gene. I'm not going to lose sleep over being crass about the way that I describe it."

"Fair enough, but what's the goal here? What's the chief trying to accomplish?"

"The goal, ultimately, is to create agents that are gifted with the strength and vitality of werewolves, but aren't subjected to the primal whims that typically come along with the body. We need to create a strain of this oil that can effectively transform an agent, but help them to resist the corrupting influence that comes along with it."

"It seems that we accomplished that with Tandy."

"We've been able to salvage her mind, but every physical body is different. We might never be able to turn her back into a human form, but we need to check how susceptible her current state is to the ritual oil that was used on her originally."

A frown was already spreading over Gene's face. "We're...not really going to do this, are we?"

"Orders are orders, Gene."

With the wall between them literally lifted, but an ethereal wall remaining all the same, Clyde couldn't find the words to greet his mother. He was surprised that she hadn't already tackled him to the floor, but even if she had, he wouldn't have fought back. He knew that her strength was far greater than his own in her current state, and having lived through the sin of their incest, he'd be willing to help her out once more, if the situation called for it.

The canine sense of desire wasn't just overwhelming: It was downright painful.

"It seems that your mother isn't quite done with you yet, Clyde. Why don't you two rekindle the old fires and remedy that fact?"

Clyde was sharp enough to see that his mother was in control, and sternly, he shook his head. "I won't do it. I won't do that ever again."

"Thank you, Clyde."

Despite being warped by the effects of her canine form, Tandy's voice still carried the heart of who she really was, and finally, Clyde allowed a smile to cross his lips at the familiar and encouraging voice of his mother.

"I'm afraid that we must ask you to mate with your mother again, Clyde. We need to run a few more tests to make sure that you are fully cured, so that we can move on to curing Tandy."

Clyde crossed one arm over the other and immediately turned his tiny smile back into a scowl. "I will not do it. I don't know what the hell you want with us anymore, but you were able to cure me, so hurry up and cure my mom so we can get the fuck out of here and get back to our lives!"

"There are currently no plans to allow you, your mother, or any other part of your family unit to return to the outside world," The scientist confirmed. "However, if you plan to remain insubordinate to our requests, I am sure that there are other ways that we can persuade you."

Tiles in the ceiling flipped sideways, and from behind their cover, a series of nozzles emerged and sprayed down upon Tandy and Clyde, coating them with a thin mist of the same ritual oil that made them cross the incestuous line in the first place.

By scent alone, Tandy knew what substance was matting down her fur, and Clyde could remember the slick, buttery feeling of the liquid traveling over his skin when it first touched meet with the sensation a second time left his stomach twisted up in knots, given the inevitable outcome.

"I don't know why they're doing this to us, Mom...I'm so sorry for what's gonna happen next..."

Tandy's muzzle drooped in a frown as she watched her son fall downtrodden. She knew that the mood wouldn't last once they fell under the renewed effects of the ritual oil, but for a brief moment, she was allowed to actually be a mother again, and console her child.

"You can try to resist it, Clyde. We can both do everything in our power to fight against it."

Clyde shook his head, and kept his gaze aimed to the ground as his mother stepped forward and embraced him. Their nude bodies shared common warmth, and Clyde's visible, shaking anger subsided as she squeezed him close, relieving his stress and setting his mind at a temporary ease.

"But we know it won't work. We're already fighting a losing battle."

"Does it make things any better if we at least say that we tried?"

Clyde shrugged. "I don't know. I guess that makes it a little less wrong, by us."

"Then say that you tried, Clyde."

"I...I did. I know that I did, every time. I tried as long and as hard as I could, but every single time, the oil got the better of me, and I...f-fucked my own mom."

"You did," Tandy took a brief stroll down memory lane with her offspring, as the embrace gradually became less of a source of comfort, and turned to a source of forbidden arousal. The warm, soft skin upon her son's cheek provided a subtle thrill for Tandy, as he nuzzled into her cleavage and made himself comfortable upon her bosom. "And your mother enjoyed every minute of it, baby."

Those words forced Clyde's eyes wide open, and though he wished it, he knew his ears weren't deceiving him. His mother was closer to a corrupted state by virtue of her physical form, and already, her body was starting to come alive with uncontrollable need; it was only the last vestiges of her motherly instincts that kept her paws from roaming too much lower on her son's naked body.

He felt the very last of her will crumbling in the form of a sudden and powerful clench upon his rump; Tandy wasn't afraid to get a pawful of her son's youthful, toned flesh when the ritual oil was dictating her actions.

"If it made you happy-

" Very happy," Tandy interrupted.

"Then I g-guess it couldn't have been all that bad?"

Clyde didn't need the added motivation, but Tandy wasn't doing it just for his benefit. Her paws were mere extensions of the fire of lust that burned through her every nerve, and the other cheek of his rump was quickly gripped up and squeezed, as if she thought she could literally juice his flesh.

There was another part of his body that she would happily milk, and she knew that her son's resistance was crumbling when she felt the tip of his manhood tap once against her soaking folds, and then a second time. It continued to twitch with his rapidly quickening pulse, and each time, it pressed harder into her womanhood, until she felt the constant and steady warmth of his firm, stiff cock settled in against her nether lips.

"It wasn't bad at all, my son. It was what our bodies wanted us to do," Tandy claimed. Her words were poisoned by the ritual oil, but she couldn't resist the influence of the corrupting mess any longer, and clearly, her offspring was giving in just as easily. "And your body is making it very clear that you'd like to give mommy another go..."

So much for trying to stop ourselves, Clyde thought. He didn't even bother declaring his actions; their lovemaking was a forgone conclusion, and given the powerful lust his mother imparted on him, Clyde knew he would slide in with utter ease.

His cock parted her labia delicately, and as they stood in close to each other, their bodies became as close as they could physically be, joined by their most forbidden regions. Silky, luscious juices spilled down over a pulsing, thick shaft, and precum was offered inside of her, sharing in a union that they simply couldn't fight off any longer.

"There's no one else for me," Clyde finally spoke once more, allowing his hips to push out a few easy, grinding thrusts before his voice became the focus again. "If I can spend the rest of my days fucking you, I don't need anyone else, mother..."

When she was cured, Tandy would have been repulsed by those words, and even more so by the act that was going on between their legs.

Corrupted once more and overrun with the lustful heat of a canine body, Tandy kept a tight grip on her son's backside and pulled him down to the floor with her, forcing her son to sit between her thighs in a deep, fulfilling missionary pose.

"That means you've been a good little boy, haven't you?" Tandy asked, allowing one paw to slide down from Clyde's rump and tickle along the toned, smooth flesh of his thigh, until she finally found the hanging, heavy orbs within his sack. "Have you been saving all of this tasty cum for mommy?"

Clyde wanted to be offended by the mere idea of finishing inside of his own parent. The last bastions of his upright, moral code were being torn down in rapid fashion, however, and his hips reflected his mental state as he leaned further into his own mother, using the new position to plummet his cock deeper and deeper inside of her welcoming, moistened cunt.

He might regret it all later on, but in the heat of the building moment, Clyde was fully under the spell of the ritual oil...and he was starting to take the reins, much to Tandy's chagrin.

"Saving it for a moment just like this," Clyde admitted, uncaring of the cameras that he knew were recording the act from multiple angles. "Just so I c-could pump my mother's pussy f-full of my pups..."

The early stages of a transformation were settling in to Clyde's flesh once more. With each thrust thereafter, the hair upon his arms and legs grew thicker, and tufts popped up across his back and chest. His lips and nose continued stretching out from his face, taking the shape of a muzzle once more, but he didn't waste any time marveling at the change, the way that he did the first time around.

The transformation was little more than an afterthought to the mission at hand: impregnating a heated bitch.

"W-wait, Clyde! You can't do that!" Tandy was suddenly protesting through hurried, desperate gasps, but her caution did nothing to slow Clyde, who only drove his hips harder and forced his length deeper as his mother's face twisted up with concern. "It...t-they might actually take , this time! It isn't safe!"

Even at the edge of permanent corruption, Tandy had the wherewithal to prevent a pregnancy from taking hold, knowing that the pups would literally be bred by incestuous ways.

That wasn't anywhere near enough to stop Clyde, who wrapped his arms around her mother's thighs, rolled her hips back, and pinned her body down against itself as he continued to pound away at her haunches.

"Should've thought of that before you f-fucked your own son, shouldn't you?"

Canine orbs narrowed with concern, and Tandy folded her ears back to her head as she watched helplessly, feeling the return of the inhuman strength that her son once had. Fighting back against him would become meaningless, and the sheer thrill of being forced to carry the forbidden pups of her own son should have disgusted her...

...Instead, it pushed her right over the edge of a budding orgasm, flowering it into a full, mind-blowing climax.

"Now I know I felt that," Clyde taunted his mother, able to feel each deep, clenching squeeze of her inner walls around his cock. "I knew you w-wanted it...mommy's such a little slut."

Balls that were swollen with the backup of a week of chastity slapped hard against Tandy's backside over and over again, until she felt a brief pause in his thrusts.

Deep inside of her womanhood, cum burst from the tip of her son's cock, flooding her womb within seconds. The warmth was delicious, and she felt the look of concern fading from her muzzle as she gave in fully to being bred.

She threw her head back and bucked her hips against her child, hoping to spur him on to even more deep, brutal thrusts, not wanting to river of pleasure to run dry before she had her fill.

"T-that's it...that's the way, baby! Show your mommy how a real man f-fucks his mate!" Tandy turned her words to praise for the forbidden act, and held on as she felt Clyde's body driving into her once more. Her backside was sore from the sheer pounding of his thighs, but she'd take the delightful, subtle pain in exchange for the orgasm, finding it so great that her vision blurred, and her mind went fuzzy as she just tried to keep up. "Put me in m-my place, my son! Yes! Yes! I'm your l-little slut to breed!"

Tandy knew that she couldn't possibly stop Clyde from crossing the most forbidden line, and the literal icing on the cake began spilling back out of her parted, stretched folds as Clyde's member became too slick with his own cum to stay in place. Erratic pumps from the hip made his length spring out, and while a small puddle of his seed gathered on the floor, oozing out of her sex, the tip of his hybrid member gushed thin, messy ropes of his yield upon her fur, soaking her tummy and chest with the same mess that coated her inner walls.

There was no time for her to dwell on how much she might regret this later...when she knew how much she was enjoying it, then and there.